Cecil Papers: 1548

Pages 54-58

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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235. The “Interim.”
1548, May 15. A translation of the Preface to the “Interim,” a constitution proposed by the Emperor Charles V., and ratified in the Diet at Augsburg on the 15th May 1548, as a measure to be observed during the interruption or adjournment of the Council of Trent. [The “Interim” together with the preface, of which this is a translation, is printed in the “Constitutions Imperiales,” by Goldastus, Vol. I., p. 518].
236. Mr. John Fowler to the Lord Admiral.
1548, June 26. Writes at the King's request to say that his Majesty desires the Lord Admiral, if he conveniently may, to let him have some money. His Majesty will name no sum but such as it pleases his Lordship to send him. There is no news but that the Bishop of Winchester preaches before the King on St. Peter's day at Westminster. Desires his Lordship to burn this letter. “Written in haste at St. James's, the 26th of June.”
[At the beginning of this letter is written in the King's own hand :—“1 commende me to you my Lord, and praie you to credit this writer. —Edward.”]
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 75. In extenso.]
237. Memoranda addressed to the Lord Protector by E. Wotton and others, the Commissioners in Kent.
[1548], July 18. In case the King of Arms had not gone thither their journey had been in vain, for on the first day many behaved themselves rudely to that officer. They have been enforced to give not only letters of assurance to the people that retired, but also to the poor a piece of money each for their conduct home. This they think will amount to 80l. or 100l.
They think that the King's pardon for all offences committed up to the present date should be sent to them to enable them to discharge such letters of assurance as they have given. They also ask that the proclamation for tale-bearers last made may be sent to them, together with authority to make proclamation at Maidstone and elsewhere, that all such as are disposed to serve the King at Boulogne or in Scotland may repair to them, and that they may have money to supply such persons with coats and conduct money.
They also send certain articles for his Grace's consideration which have been exhibited to them by a great number of the Commons for presentation to his Majesty.
Signed by :—E. Wotton, the Attorney-General, James Hales, G. Harper, and John Norton.
Endorsed :—“Remembrances from the Commissioners in Kent 18 July.”
238. Richard Weston to the Lord Admiral.
1548, July 19. As concerning the contents of his Lordship's letters sent to the writer by the bearer hereof, Mr. Carell and Mr. Gawde are now in the country. Howbeit at the time of his request to them to know their opinions in the said two Articles, Mr. Antony Browne of the Temple was present for the same cause, and can witness their answers made to the writer. Such lawyers as are of long continuance in study of the law, and in estimation, therefore, for their knowledge and judgment, are now out of London in their several countries, whence they will not return till next term; but meantime the writer will do his utmost to get the opinions of as many of the best sort as are in London, following his Lordship's will and pleasure touching all such as shall refuse the declaration of their opinions in the same. “Occasion so serveth that your lordship's business in London finished, I cannot till a farther knowledge of your lordship's pleasure attend upon your lordship according to my bounden duty and as I intended, for that we have very late been visited with the plague in the Temple, which yet continueth.” His Lordship's lease is not yet sealed, but when it is finished the writer, according to command, will retain it until his Lordship's return to London.—London, 19 July.
Endorsed :—1548.
1 p. [Haynes, pp. 73, 74. In extenso.]
239. The Lord Admiral to the Marquis of Dorset.
1548, Sept. 17. Whereas at the time of the Queen's death, being both amazed at his great loss and thinking that it would constrain him to break up his household, he offered to send back the Lady Jane to his Lordship, he now, finding that by God's help he will be able to continue his house without any great diminution thereof, and fearing lest his Lordship should think it unkind in him to take occasion to rid himself of the Lady Jane so soon after the Queen's death, desires to keep her till he shall next see his Lordship. The Lady, his mother, will, he doubts not, be as dear unto the Lady Jane as though she were her own daughter and for his own part he will continue her half father and more.
Endorsed :—“The Coppye of a L~re to my Lord Marquess Dorset the 17th of Sept. 1548.”
pp. [Haynes, p. 77. In extenso.]
240. The Marquis of Dorset to the Lord Admiral.
1548, Sept. 19. Acknowledges the friendly affection of his Lordship in offering his daughter an abode in his Lordship's house, for which he renders him most deserved thanks. Nevertheless, considering her tender years and her need of careful education and admonition, he begs his Lordship to commit her to the governance of her mother.—From Broodgate, the 19th of September.
Endorsed :—“My L. Marq. Dorset, the 19th of Sept. 1548.”
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 78. In extenso.]
241. Lady Frances Dorset to the Lord Admiral.
[1548], 19 Sept. Gives him most hearty thanks for his brotherly good-will in wishing to have the Lady Jane, her daughter, still in his house, but trusts nevertheless that he has such good opinion of his sister as to be willing to charge her with the care of his dear niece. Promises to be ready at all times to account to him for the ordering of her, and also to use his counsel and advice in the bestowing of her when it shall happen.—From Broodgate, the 19th of September.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 79. In extenso.]
242. The Lord Admiral to the Princess Mary.
[1548], Dec. 17. After stating that the late Queen, whose soul God hath, did often during her lifetime declare unto him, when talking of such jewels and other things as were kept from her possession by his brother, that she [the Princess Mary] knew and could well testify how and after what sort the King used to depart with things unto her, and particularly with regard to the jewels which the King delivered to her at the coming of the French Admiral. And inasmuch as it may happen that a further communication will hereafter be made for the trial of her title unto them, he begs her Grace to let him have a brief note in 3 or 4 lines of her own knowledge whether his Majesty gave her highness the said jewels or did only lend them to her till such time as the “triumphs” were finished, which some few persons do think. For her opinion he will be greatly bounden to her Grace. Has sent the bearer to wait upon her this Christmas, and to renew such lessons as he thinks she has forgotten, because at his last stay at St. James's he saw never a pair of virginals stirring in the whole house.—From Seymour, the 17th of December.
Endorsed :—“The Coppye of a L~re to my Ladye Marye's Grace, the 17th of Decembre 1548.”
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 73. In extenso.]
243. Scotland.
1548, Dec. 20. List of the signatories to the letter “from the nobility of the realm to the bishop of Rome [Boniface XIX.] upon his request to have the determination of the debate betwixt England and Scotland to be put in his hands.” After a note of the letter from Edw. I. to the Pope in 1295, and of the Barons' letter from Lincoln in 1300, the following is added, “This was copied out of the book of notes gathered out of the King's Majesty's records for the justification of his Highness' propriety and superiority to the realm of Scotland, which book remaineth in Mr. Mason's keeping, Clerk of the Parliament, 20th Dec. 1548.”
244. Sir R. Fane to Sir J. Thynne.
1548, Dec. 30. Knowing that he has heard of the misfortune of the Earl of Huntley's escape, and being persuaded that the only version of the story is that of which the Lord Grey is author, which for divers reasons cannot sound well for himself; has, since his coming into these parts, investigated the matter to the bottom, and by letter (a copy of which is enclosed) advertised the Lord Protector how the mishap befell. Has also sent his son-in-law to make his own purgation by mouth and prays him to further his son's declaration and to help his bashfulness with some comfort.
As for the Lord Grey, although in writing to the Lord Protector he has let fall against him one word only, will now say that, “all malice and displeasure set apart, he is the man worse reported of, and hath left the country more rawly than he has yet heard of or seen.” Such men of experience as remain here fear that great mischief will ensue from his negligence.—Berwick, 30 Dec., 1548.
1 p. Encloses,
Sir R. Fane to the Lord Protector.
Details the circumstances of the escape of the Earl of Huntley, into which he has made the fullest investigation, stating that his son-in-law, as soon as the Earl incurred his suspicion, did all he possibly could to detain him at Newcastle, but was over-ruled by Lord Grey, by whom also he was charged not to show any appearance of suspicion of the Earl. Submits, therefore, that the burden of the Earl's escape ought of right to rest on the Lord Grey's shoulders, in whom also he fears that his Grace will shortly hear of as great oversight in other matters.
pp. Copy.
Modern copies of preceding.
245. Sir R. Fane to Sir J. Thynne.
[1548, Dec.]. Sends the bearer, his servant, with letters to the Lord Protector, and also the copy of one of Lord Grey's, which plainly declares his negligence in the matter of the Earl's escape. Prays him to peruse both, and if he finds anything needful to be omitted from his letter to the Protector, to permit his servant to insert it in his name.
1 p.
246. — to Sir J. Thynne.
[1548 ?]. Has, both by letter and otherwise, made known his present condition to his Grace, whose advice is, that however grievous it may be “to acknowledge a fault where, if indiferency and truth might take place, none is in deade,” he should yet submit himself entirely to the Council, not doubting but that, being more truly instructed, they will consider his estate more favourably than they now seem to do. His Grace adds further that for his part he hath submitted himself, and “though forgoon a great mater thereby, yet he seamith contented and hath his hoope and affiaunce in God.”—Unsigned and undated
(Postscript).—Has this afternoon been with my Lady Warwick, whose advice in any wise is that he should submit himself. Sir Ralph Vane's advice and that of all his friends is after the same sort. For his part begs him to follow the advice of his friends and to have no mistrust in God, “who is as great a power as heretofore he was”
¾ p.
247. The Queen-Dowager to the Lord Admiral.
[1548]. Thanks him for his letter. Supposed the Lord Protector would have used no delay with his own brother. He is not lo “unquiet” himself with any of the Protector's “unfriendly parts.” Is very sorry for the news of the Frenchmen. Desires to be informed what they will do. Her advanced pregnancy.
[Postscript].—Desires him to use his good offices with Lord Dacres for Master Hatton.
Holograph. 2 pp. [Haynes, p. 62. In extenso.]
248. The Queen-Dowager to the Lord Admiral.
[1548]. Complaining of the conduct of his brother towards her. Intends to see the King. The matter of Long's lease. “My Lord, I beseech you, send me word with speed, how I shall use myself to my new brother.”—Chelsea.
Holograph. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 61. In extenso.]
249. Council of Trent.
[1548]. “Summary of the reply of the Princes and States to the proposition of his Imperial Majesty.”
It is replied that, for the ending of religious controversies, the council begun at Trent be continued there and brought to a conclusion, and assistance be rendered to give it effect; meanwhile that his Majesty take care for the maintenance of the “Interim,” and the continuance of the ecclesiastical reformation; the rebels to be warned again by the Emperor, to desist, on pain of the severest penalties, from their rebellion, and if they refuse, to be put down by force.
The reply then touches briefly on the proposed addition to the 24 assessors of the Imperial Chamber, the restitution of ecclesiastical goods, the general contribution, &c.
Copy. Latin. 1¼ pp.
250. Staffordshire.
1548. Account of the administrators of certain lands and possessions in the county of Stafford.—2 Edw. VI.
Latin. 2 pp.
251. New College, Oxford.
[1548?]. Certain statutes of St. Mary, Oxon. (New College). In a head-note the compiler complains of the wrongful interpretations of the statutes, and of injurious dealing with the founders' kinsmen.—Undated.
122 pp.