Appendix: The Chapel of St Louis

Pages 202-203

The Grey Friars of London. Originally published by Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 1915.

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This document (Exchequer (K.R.) Accounts, 507/5, P.R.O.) is to be dated about 1305. Of the Chapel of St. Louis nothing else is known; but for the reason given on p. 35 above it was probably at the east end of the South aisle of the nave. It will be observed that the total of the items amounts to 36l. 17s. 9d., or tenpence less than the "summa" as given; the original is very worn, and in places difficult to decipher; the cost of lead for the window seems to have included some odd pence; perhaps, therefore, that item should read "xxvs. xd.". Mary de St. Pol, Countess of Pembroke, bequeathed to the Grey Friars in 1377 a gold chalice and image of St. Louis (Sharpe, Cal. Wills, Husting, ii., 195); but this is specified as for the high altar.

Expense facte circa capellam sancti Lodowici apud Fratres minores London.

Magistro Roberto de Eye [super expensis] tam pro mae remio quam pro factura eiusdem per certam conuencionemcum ipso. xxv marcas.
Item in plumbo empto . . . pro fenestram dicte capelle cooperiendo. xxv s. d.
Item in diuersis ferramentis prepositis a fenestris eiusdem capelle. xviij s. j d.
Item pro fenestris vitreis emptis ad eandem per diuersas vices. xlvj s. viij d.
Item fratri Nicholao de Renham pro haspis, clauis, gunsis et aliis ferramentis ad fenestras predictas et pro vno tabernaculo ad hostiam dominicis imponendam et j pertica ad manu-tergium parandum. iij s. iij d. j ob.
Item eidem pro carde ad curtinam altaris, pro vna virga ferrea ad eandem et vna virga de cupro et anulis ad eandem et aliis minutis necessariis. vj s. viij d. j ob.
Item D. — cementario pro fenestris elongandis. xiij s. iiij d.
Item A. — inplastrario pro altari et sede vbi sanctus Lodowicus ponitur faciendis. iij s. vj d.
Item pro imaginem sancti Lodowici scultanda faciendo et depictando. ix li.
Item pro . . . sancti Lodowici pingendo. iiij li. xvj s.
Item pro capella pauanda per manus Nicholai de Renham. xj s. x d.
Summa xxxvj li. xviij s. vij d. (fn. 1)


  • 1. At first vj s. ix d. was written, but afterwards struck out.