London. |
A. 13401. Acquittance for the present year, viz. 1267, by Sinicius,
clerk of the pope's camera, and papal nuncio, to the prior and convent of
Holy Trinity, London, for his procuration of 7s. granted him by the pope.
London, Monday after St. Martin in Winter, in the said year. |
Camb. |
A. 13402. Counterpart indenture, 13 February, 32 Henry VIII, being
an assignment, in consideration of 30l. and 5l. rent, by Symeon Sampson,
of Benefyld, co. Berks, gentleman, to William Chamber, of Royston, co.
Herts, gentleman, of the lease of a messuage lands and reversion, as in
A. 12628; with covenant to deliver up the lease 'eftsonez as the said
William Chamber shall obteyne of the said Deane and Chanonz a graunte
of a newe lease to hym made of the premyssez and that the seyd Symeon
shall be alwey agreable for the obteynyng of the seyd newe lease.' English.
Signed per me Ric'm Chamber. Seal. |
Kent. |
A. 13403. Deed poll by Thomas, marquess of Dorset, reciting that
the king had granted him the lordship or manor of Whitewyke, and all the
land, &c. in Whitewyke, Swanyngton, Whityngton, Donyngton, Hokelscote,
Neuton Unthanke, Bocherdeston Roteby and Markefelde, co. Leicester,
late belonging to William, viscount Beamont, and the advowson of the
church of Markefelde, in the said county, the king's park of Bardon
excepted, in exchange for the manors of Lee, Bankers, and Shroffolde and
the advowson of the church of Lee, co. Kent, he enfeoffs the king, of the
said manors and advowson in Kent, a messuage, garden and 6a. meadow
in Lee, late John Mathewe's only excepted, as from Michaelmas last.
28 March, 3 Henry VIII. Signed, Thomas Dorssett. Seal broken, a unicorn
in front of a sun in splendour.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment on the dorse of the close roll. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13404. Counterpart indenture, 4 March, 11 Henry VIII, between
Sir William Fitz William, knight, 'tresorer of howshold of the most
reverend father in God Thomas lord cardynall legate a latere of the popes
holynes archebysshopp of Yorke prymat of Englond and chaunceller of
the same,' and Sir Richard Rokeby, knight. 'comtroller of houshold of the
said reverend father,' of the one part, and William Lytton, of London,
'gentilman,' of the other, being an assignment by Lytton to them, to the
said archbishop's use, of a lease made to him, 1 February, 2 Henry VIII,
by John, the abbot, the prior and the convent of the monastery of 'Seint
Petres of Westminster,' 'from the fest of Cristmas then last,' for twenty-
four and a quarter years, at a rent to them, 'and to the celerrar of the seid
monastory,' of 50s. 8d. yearly, of 'five tenementes with ther gardens
adjoynyng in the strete called the Kinges strete in the town of Westminster;
consideration, 50l. in hand. Signed per me, Wyll'm Lytton.
Memorandum endorsed that Sir William Fitzwilliam, within named,
redelivered to Thomas Henege, 'squyer,' 4 marks sterling in gold'
12 March, 11 Henry VIII, to the use of 'my lord Cardinalles grace,' which
53s. 4d. is part of the 50l. within written and in full of payment for all
rents herein due the 25 March in the said year, 'and from that day forthe
to take the rentes of the hole;' also endorsed: Vacat. |
Warw. |
A. 13405. Copy on paper of an indenture, 29 September, 23
Henry VII, whereby Anne Wittilbury, widow, late the wife of Robert
Wittilbury, esquire, Thomas Mountagu and Edward Vyllers, gentlemen,
co-executors of Robert's will, ratify and confirm to Elizabeth Catisby,'
widow, late the wife of George Catisby, esquire, and executrix of his will,
a bargain and sale, 26 October, 19 Henry VII, by the said Robert and
Anne in consideration of 80 marks to the said George, of the manor and
advowson of Stretton upon Fosse, with provision for the payment of 20l.,
balance of the purchase money due. English. |
Middx. |
A. 13406. Indenture, 18 May, 23 Henry VIII, being an assignment
by John Russell of the town of Westminster, carpenter, in consideration
of 20l. paid him by John, abbot of Westminster, and by Thomas Crumwell,
of London, gentleman, to the said Thomas, to the king's use, of a demise,
25 September, 16 Henry VIII, by the said abbot, the prior and convent of
Westminster, to him for forty years from Michaelmas then next, at 3s. 4d.
rent, of a tenement and garden 'percell of a mease or grete tenement
called the Bell,' 'in the Kinges strete of the towne of Westminster.'
English. Seal, a boar's head couped. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13407. Counterpart indenture, 24 March, witnessing that
'William Blaknall, Hewgh Morland, and William Hachet, maysters and
wardens of the Fraternyte of our lady Seynt Mary Vyrgyn kept within
the paryssh chyrche of Seynt Margaretes of the towne of Westminster
of the oon parte hathe lett to ferme the Inne Hostry called the Rose set on
the west syde of the Kynges strete ther at Westminster aforseyd', 'unto
William Tull of Westminster aforseyd tyler on the tother parte', from Lady
Day, 9 Henry VII, for fifty years, at 4l. rent; he shall 'kepe it wyndtyght
and watertyght', &c. English.
Endorsed: Vacat. |
Middx. |
A. 13408. Indenture of demise, 4 May, 1620, by Richard Gibson, of
the city of Westminster, co. Middlesex, gentleman, to Richard Wylmott, of
the same, blacksmith, in consideration of 20l., of a tenement 'within the
Newe Pallace of Westminster', called 'the Eagle and Childe', in Wylmott's
occupation; to hold from Lady Day last for twenty-one years, at 16l. rent,
&c. English. Signed. Richard Gibson. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
[Linc.] |
A. 13409. Articles of agreement made at Kynsbur', 11 March, 3
Henry VIII, between Mr John Brasebrig, esquire of the one part, and
Robert, prior of the monastery of St. Kateryne without Lyncoln of the
other part, 'for enclosers comen and fyshynges clamed used and made
by the seid Prior off late days.' Fishing is mentioned in 'the ryver of
Wythom; they or their counsell shall, at 'lamas next at Lyncoln,' produce
old men of the country as witnesses, &c. English. Signed By me Joh'
Brasbrig; by me Robert the prior off Saynt Kateryns. Paper.
Endorsed: Bracebrigge. |
Wilts. |
A. 13410. Indenture of fine, in the octave of St. John the Baptist,
[11] Edward II, between Walter de Eskudemor, querent, and Nicholas
Malemayns, deforciant, and afterwards on the morrow of . . . . .,
12 Edward II, after the death of the said Walter between Peter son and
heir of the said Walter and the said Nicholas, of ten messuages, 108a. land
6a. meadow, pasture for eight oxen, two bulls, eight cows, twenty-five
pigs, two hundred sheep, 13s. 4d. rent and the rent of eight cartloads of
firewood (busce), in Wermenystre and Bussbopestrowe; acknowledged to be
the right of Walter as of Nicholas' gift, for which, Walter grants them
to Nicholas for life, at the rent of a rose at Midsummer, with reversion to
Walter and his heirs. |
Dorset. Wilts. |
A. 13411. Indenture of fine (circa Edward III, . . . . . . .
. . the said Hugh and Edmund have granted . . . . . . . to
the heirs of the body of the said William and Elizabeth, with remainder in
default to Thomas son of Simon de Remmesbyry and Margaret, daughter
of William . . . . ., knight, and the heirs of their bodies, with
remainder in default to the right heirs of the said Elizabeth. Fragment. |
[Linc.] |
A. 13412. To all faithful of Christ, &c. William son of Gilbert de
Brakenberg, greeting. Know that I am bound, for money lent (ex causa
mutui) to Master Ralph de Wykham in 70l., which I spent in pleas against
the abbot of Park Louth (de Parco Lude) and Herbert de Salfletby; to be
paid to him or the bearer, 35l. at Michaelmas, 1272, and 35l. at Christmas
following, in the church of St. Herfredus of Louth. Dated at Lincoln, in
the month of January, 1272. Witnesses:—Sir Richard, prior of Ormesby,
Andrew, canon of Ormesby, Master Robert, rector of the church of
Fulestou, John, the clerk of Elkinton. Two seals, with, written opposite
them respectively, on the dorse, Sigillum Willelmi de Brakenber, and Sigillum
Prioris de Ormesby. |
[Suff.] |
A. 13413. Willelmus frater H. Regis Angl'. Thome Murdac et
Willelmo Escorceueile et ministris eorum de Hintlesham, salutem. Precipio
vobis quod dimittatis catalla sanctimonialium de Wica penitus quieta et
permittatis eas bene et in pace tenere sicut melius et liberius tenuerunt dum
manerium in mea dominica manu tenui. Et nisi feceritis, Galfridus Tresgoz
dapifer meus faciat. Ne amplius in clamore audiam. Teste Willelmo filio
Radulfi. Apud Meldonam. |
Chester. |
A. 13414. Indenture of apprenticeship, 8 November, 1599, of Richard
Daniell, of Deresbury, to John Daniell, of the same, esquire, for seven years.
Signed Rychard Danyell. |
London |
A. 13415. Indenture of apprenticeship of John Smert, son of Thomas
Smert, late of Mildenhale, co. Suffolk, to Walter Smert, citizen and skinner
(pellipario) of London, from All Hallows next for thirteen years. London,
26 October, 18 Edward IV.
Endorsed:—'Cordwanerstrete ijs. vjd.'; also 'Intratur in Papiro cum
litera J de introitibus apprentic' tempore Willelmi Philipp Camerar'
videlicet xvj die Novembris,' 18 Edward IV. |
Middx. |
A. 13416. Indenture tripartite, being the counterpart of a feoffment
by Richard Plokyngdon, William Veysy and William Pokelyngton, to
Philip Malpas, citizen and draper (pannar') of London, Thomas Bryan,
'gentilman,' John Fereby, yeoman of the crown (raletto de corona), and
Robert Wilkynson, citizen and 'irmonger' of London, of all the land, &c.
in Istylworth, Chesewyk, Heston and Northwode, which were Master John
Somerseth's, the great messuage in the parish of Istylworth wherein the
said Master John lately dwelt, a tenement called 'Sandons' and a tenement
called 'Clementes' exepted; to hold to them, their heirs and assigns for
ever, upon the following conditions, viz. that they shall pay yearly, in the
undermentioned chapel, during twelve years next, to a chaplain who shall
celebrate divine service in a chapel at 'Braynford brigge' in the parish of
Istylworth lately built by the said John Somerseth for his own soul and
the soul of the said Richard Plokyngdon for ever, 10 marks by quarterly
payments, and to a clerk who shall minister there 4 marks yearly during
the said term, also to five poor persons who shall pray for the said souls
7½d. a week payable monthly in the same chapel, and every second year at
Christmas a suitable robe to each and to them and the clerk two cartloads
of fuel to be delivered at the houses there ordered for them, and two loads
to the chaplain to be carried and cut at his expense; they shall keep the
said chapel and houses in repair; and if within the said term they shall
cause all the said land, &c. to be amortized to the maintenance of the said
chaplain, clerk and poor, the present indenture and seisin had thereon
shall stand, with right to the said Richard, William and William to re-enter
in default; vacancies of chaplain, clerk, or poor, to be filled within a
month. Richard and the others have put their seals to one part, and
Philip and the others to the other two parts. Witnesses:—Thomas Frowyk
and Thomas Porthaleyn, esquires, William York and others (named).
Istylworth, 20 September, 2 Edward IV. |
[Notts.] |
A. 13417. Charter of Roger de Quency, earl of Winchester, constable
of Scotland, addressed generally. Whereas Philip Luvell, his cousin
(cognatus), made fine with him for 60 marks for all his right in the marriage
of the daughter and heir of Robert de Flintham, he releases the said 60
marks to the said Sir Philip, for those 60 marks which he owed Sir Philip
for the crop (blado) which he took of Sir Philip's crop at Logres in the
kingdom of Scotland. London, Friday before the Apostles Simon and
Jude, 42 Henry III. Seal of arms, chipped.
Endorsed: A reles of the wardeshep of Flintham. |
[Notts.] |
A. 13418. Bond by Margery, late the wife of Gilbert de Brunnesleye
Randal (Ranulphus) Paschayl, of Estweyt, Richard de Brunnesleye, and
Nicholas son of Ralph de Henouer, to Roger Scot, merchant of Notingham,
in a half sack of wool, clean, &c. of the wool of Brunnesleye, to be delivered
at Notingham at the feast of the Holy Trinity, 1281, for the money which
Roger has paid them, &c. Notingham, Sunday before the Conversion of
St. Paul, 1280. |
[Oxford.] [Warw.] |
A. 13419. Piece of paper, with pedigree, torn, at head, followed
by memoranda:—[Hey]co' (in margin). Henr' de quo, (i) Ricardus qui
dicebatur Capellanus [de quo] Henricus, de quo Thomas Hacok, de quo
Willelmus qui nunc, &c.
(ii) Henricus de quo Alicia qu[am] despons' Radulphus Osbarn,
Clemencia, Juliana.
(1) The said Richard gave 2a. land to the said Alice, daughter of Henry,
her heirs and assigns, with remainder in default of heirs of her body to
Clemencia and Juliana, her sisters, and their heirs, in fee simple.
(2) The said Alice afterwards gave the said 2a. to the said William son
of Thomas, and his heirs, in fee simple.
(3) The said Thomas gave 14a. land, by the name of Thomas son of
Henry Hacok, to Agnes daughter of Robert Wycham, in Great Bourton, as
follows, 'habendum et tenendum dicte Agneti ad terminun vite sue et
heredibus nostris legitime procreatis de capitalibus &c.'
(4) Feoffment by Nicholas de Say to Isabel daughter of William Pedefer
and to her children by Henry the Chaplain (pueris suis exeuntibus de Henrico
Capellano) and their heirs, and to whom they may please to assign the
same, except religious, for their service, of a half-virgate of land and a
messuage within and without the town of Sukkeberge, which Hugh de
Dodeford held, to hold of him and his heirs, in fee and heredity by 3s. rent
for all service, &c. Witnesses:—William and Osbert de Sukkeberge,
William Chatere and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 13420. (1) Feoffment by Hugh Peverel, of Edelmeton to Richard,
the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 3a. 3r. land in
Langeheg, between lands of the canons, abutting on his land there; rent
to him and his heirs, 1d. at Michaelmas and 1d. at Easter; consideration,
9 marks in gersum. Witnesses:—William de Forda and others (named).
Endorsed: . . . . . . in campo qui vocatur Langeheg.
(2) Annexed, a Jewish 'star' (Hebrew), with at the foot:—Starr' Aaron
filii Abrahe de iij acris et iij rodis terre in Langeheg emptis de Hugone
Peverel. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13421. Jewish 'star' (Hebrew), with at foot:—Istud starr' fecit
Hagin' films Magistri de London' domino Ade de Stratton de acquietancia
de Stanmere de omnibus debitis in quibus dominus S. de Cheyndut ei
tenebatur. Ita quod idem Judeus nec heredes sui nichil exigere possunt
de predicto Ada nee de heredilms suis racione terre de Stanmere de
predictis debitis. |
London. |
A. 13422. (1) Know all men that I Saer son of Henry, citizen of
London, owe to Benedict son of Crespin (Benedicto Crespini), Jew, 80l.,
to be paid him at Michaelmas, 18 Henry III; if I do not then repay, I
will give him weekly for each pound 2d. interest (ad lucrum), &c.
6 February, in the same year.
(2) Peter Clanvagg', baker of London, owes to Isac of Suwerk, 40s. to
be repaid at All Hallows in the 53rd year. Done, 22 October, in the year
of our reign 52.
(3) Ben' Crespin died in the year 35 or 36. |
[London.] |
A. 13423. Chirograph indented, being a release by Bonevie son of
Samuel Muton to Alexander de Dorsete of his right in a house in the
market of Westchep, which house was of Abraham son of Rabi (Abrahe fil'
Raby), his grandfather, which Geoffrey son of Peter, earl of Essex had,
and which Gilbert de Waleton held by the gift of Geoffrey de Maundevill,
son and heir of the same Geoffrey son of Peter, earl of Essex; for this
Alexander gave him 20 marks. Witnesses:—Serlo, the mercer, then mayor
of London, Richard Reng', Joceus Young (Juvene), then sheriffs of London,
William son of Benedict, then aldeiman of that ward, Constantine son of
Alulf, William Wite, Turebert Lorimer, Andrew the saddler (sellario), Ernulf
the saddler, William de St. Ivo (Sancto Ivone), William Fuster, Richard
Gurnard, Richard the Serjeant (servient). Jews witnesses, who are under-
written, viz. Benedict bishop of the Jews (episcopo Judeorum), Joceus
the priest (presbitero), Manser the clerk, Benedict Crespin, James his
brother, Alexander son of Leo Blund. Three lines of Hebrew at foot.
Endorsed: Star de seuda que fuit Alexandri de Dorset in foro. In
Westchepe. |
[Leic.] |
A. 13424. Feoffment by Robert Northampton, the prior and the
convent of St. John the Baptist of Launde (Landa), to William Catesby,
esquire, son of William Catesby, knight, of an annuity 26s. 8d., for his
good counsel past and to come, for life. 8 March, 22 Edward IV.
Endorsed: The fee of iiij nobulles of prior of Lawnd. |
Essex. Suffolk. |
A. 13425. [Note of fine between Richard] earl of Gloucester and
Hertford, petent, and Simon, abbot of St. Edmund's, tenant, of the manor
of Mildenhal, and of a messuage and carucate of land in Ikelingham,
acknowledged to be the right of the abbot and his church; the abbot
grants to the earl a messuage and two carucates of land in Manhall,
Cestreford, Brening and Waleden, co. Essex; he grants to the earl the
manor of Suthwald, co. Suffolk, . . . . . by service of a bezant of
gold and 2s. to the bier (feretrum) of St. Edmund; he grants to the earl a
carucate of land in Gaysleye, Nedham, Caneham and Heyham, which he
formerly held of the earl; he grants that the earl may have all pleas within
the earl's demesne manors, to wit, Clere with Stokes, Hunedene with
Stradeset, Desynnynge with Graysleye, Kenteford and Cavenham . . . . . .
. ., with lands in Lakingeheth which are of the earl's fee, and are held of
the said earl in the same town mediately or immediately (per medium vel
sine medio), saving to the said abhot all manner . . . . . . . . . , saving
to the earl . . . . . ; the earl did homage to the abbot in the same
court for the lands and tenements aforesaid. They have agreed that if
anything is to be corrected . . . . . Blind. At foot, Dies datus
est eis de capiendo cyrographo suo in crastino Purificacionis beate Marie.
Endorsed: Et Eobertus de Brywys apponit clamium suum. See
'Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey,' vol. II, pp. xxxj, 295. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13426. Grant by the dean and chapter of the free chapel royal
of St. Mary, the Virgin, and St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster,
to Nicholas Ludforth, verger (virgebajulantem) of the said chapel both in
chanting and organ-playing (tam in arte cantandi quam organa perstrependi),
of the office of verger (officium rirgebajulantis) and the office of organist
(officium organa perstrependi) for life, in accordance with the statutes, &c.,
with a salary, as verger, of 9l. 2s. 6d., payable at the end of every month,
at the rate of 6d. a day; for his livery, to wit, his cloak (toga) 13s. 4d.
yearly at Christmas; as organist, of 40s. at the four quarters usual, by
the hands of the treasurer; and distributions of obits (distributionesque
obituum) as the other vergers; when absent, with the dean's permission,
he shall find a deputy at his own expense. 30 September, 1527. At foot,
9 November, 2 Edward VI. Allowance was made to the said Nicholas
Ludforde by decree of court of the yearly sum of 12l. in full of the above,
with arrears thereof from Easter last. Signed Ry: Sakevyle, Thomas
Moyle, Wa: Mildmay.
Endorsed: Intratur coram me Hugone Losse supervisore domini regis
ibidem. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13427. Grant by John Chamber, M.D., dean of the free chapel
royal of St. Mary, the Virgin, and St. Stephen within the palace of
Westminster, with assent of the chapter, to William Pampyon one of the
clerks in the second form (in secunda forma) of the said chapel sufficiently
skilled in the art of chanting, of a clerkship (unum clericatum) for life,
with the yearly stipend of 6l. 13s. 4d. and all the other profits thereto
belonging, &c.; in case of sicknoss, &c. he shall find a deputy, &c.
5 December, 32 Henry VIII. Ecclesiastical seal. At foot, 9 November,
2 Edward VI. Allowance by decree of court of 7l., with arrears from
Easter. Signed Sakevyle Moyle, and Mildmay, as above. Endorsed as
above. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13428. The like by John Chamber, clerk, dean, &c., to John
Royston of the office of receiver and collector of rents and farms in London,
Westminster, and Lambethe, by himself or deputy, for life, with the fee of
7l. and profits, going out of the great hostel or principal tenement called
'le George' in Lumbardstrete; he is put in possession by payment of 12d.
24 August, 25 Henry VIII. Ecclesiastical seal, broken. At foot, Enrolled
in the office of Thomas Mildemaie, auditor, among the enrolments of the
same office for the year 2 Edward VI. Endorsed as above. |
Kent. |
A. 13429. Grant by John Lesse, clerk, master of the college of All
Saints of Maydeston, and the chaplains of the same, to Richard Rede,
doctor in laws, for his good counsel and other benefits to them and the
college, of 4l. annuity from their land and tenements in the borough of
Westrey (burga de Westre) in the parish of Maydeston. At foot, Allowed
with arrears for two years at Michaelmas, 2 Edward VI. Signed Ry:
Sakevyle, Thomas Moyle, Ric. Goodrick. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13430. Grant, as A. 18428, to John Hawclyfe, of the town of
Westminster, 'barbour' of the office of bailiff within the liberties of the
said chapel within the said town, for life, by himself or deputy, with the
fee of 20s. going out of the principal tenement called 'le Holme,' in the
high street (strata regia) there, in John Rede's tenure; he is put in
possession by 12d. 4 March, 37 Henry VIII. Ecclesiastical seal. At foot,
Annuity allowed with arrears from Easter, 2 Edward VI. Signed Ry:
Sakevyle. Endorsed as above. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13431. Grant, as A. 13427, to Thomas Wallys, one of the clerks
in the second form of the free chapel and master of the choristers, skilled in
the art of chanting, for life, of a clerkship, with the stipend of 6l. 13s. 4d.
and of 40s. as master of the choristers, &c. 20 November, 36 Henry VIII.
Ecclesiastical seal. At foot, Allowed in court. Ry: Sakevyle. |
York. |
A. 13432. Grant by Leonard Shaw, master of the confraternity or
gild of St. Christopher and St. George, the Martyrs, in the city of York,
and the wardens, brethren and sisters of the same, to Henry Mason, for
his good counsel and service, of the office of clerk of the gild, for life, by
himself or deputy, with the fee of 5l. and a cloak (tunica), price 6s. 8d.
yearly, with leave to distrain on their land, &c. in the said city. At York,
in the council chamber within the Gild Hall (in camera concclii infra
Guyldam Aulam), 16 July, 23 Henry VIII. Ecclesiastical seal, broken.
At foot, 4l. allowed in full with arrears from Easter, 2 Edward VI. Signed
as A. 13426. Enrolled by me John Harbert, supervisor. |
Berks. |
A. 13433. Grant by Hugh, the abbot, and the convent of Redyng,
to John Jenys, M.D. for his care of those in sickness, &c. of 4l. annuity
charged on all their land, &c. in Berkshire. 26 July, 30 Henry VIII.
Ecclesiastical seal, broken. At foot, Allowed with arrears from Michaelmas,
38 Henry VIII. Signed Ry: Sakevyle, Wa: Mildmay, Ric. Goodrich,
John Gosnold. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13434. Grant, as A. 13427, to Christopher Barton, as Subsacrist,
of 4l. 13s. 4d. annuity; he is put in possession by 4d. 22 October, 37
Henry VIII. Allowed with arrears. Signed Sakevyle, Moyle, and Mildmay.
Endorsed as A. 13426. |
Pemb. |
A. 13435. Appointment by William Wattes, the prior, and the con-
vent of St. Mary, the Virgin, of Pill (Pulla), of John Phillipps (Ph'z), of
P. . . (Pulu'), esquire, as steward of their courts, &c. within the lord-
ships of Pembroke and Haverford, and as approver (approbatorem) and
supervisor of all their lordships, &c. within the said county and lordship or
elsewhere within the diocese of St. David's; to hold the said offices to him
and his heirs for ninety-nine years, with 40s. fee charged on all their land,
&c. in the said county; proviso that during the said term that they will
not confer any title, rectory or vicarage upon any without the counsel and
assent of the said John and his heirs. 28 December, 1531, 23 Henry VIII.
Ecclesiastical seal. At foot, Fiat, &c. proviso, &c. Ry: Sakevyle, Wa:
Mildmay, John Gosnold. |
Linc. |
A. 13436. Grant by Richard, prior of the house or monastery of
St. Mary, the Virgin, of Bullyngton, of the Gilbertine order, and the
convent of the same, to John Broune, gentleman, for good counsel past
and to come, of an annuity of 26s. 4d. from their land, &c. in Wynthorpe,
for the term of his life. 23 October, 29 Henry VIII. Fragments of seal. |
[Staff.] |
A. 13437. Grart by Hector Beane, master of the gild of St. Mary,
Lichefeld, with the assent of the brethren thereof, to John Otteley,
gentleman, for counsel rendered and to be rendered, of an annuity of 20s.
charged on their land, &c. in Lichefeld; they have put him in possession
by 6d. 29 November, 37 Henry VIII. Seal. At foot, Allowed with
arrears from Easter, 2 Edward VI. Signed Ry: Sakevyle, Wa: Mildmay. |
Salop. |
A. 13438. Admission by Sir John Hussey, master or warden (magister
sive custos) of the New College or Perpetual Chantry of St. Mary Magdalen
of Battelfild next Shrewsbury (jurta Salop') and the brethren or collegers
(confratres sire collegiatores) of the same place, of Sir Roger Mosse, chaplain,
as a brother, to serve God and St. Mary Magdalen there, according to the
foundation of King Henry IV and the other founders and benefactors
thereof; also grant to him of the chamber (cameram) which Sir John
Breyn lately held and of a garden with a pond (stagno) in the College
orchard and 8 marks pension, as his stipend by virtue of the said founda-
tion for life. 24 April, 1546, 38 Henry VIII. At foot, Examined and
enrolled by Richard Cupper, surveyor there of particulars. |
[Warw.] |
A. 13439. Grant by Thomas Gardinor, master of the gild of the
Holy Trinity, St. Mary the Virgin, St. John the Baptist and St. Katharine,
the Virgin, founded in the city of Coventry, and the brethren and sisters of
the same, to Thomas Brewer and Thomas Edyn, of the office of surveyors
of repairs and works, and of the tenements and buildings of the gild, by
themselves or their deputies for life in survivorship, with the fee of 5 marks
charged on all the land, &c. of the gild in the said city; they are put
in possession by 4d. Ecclesiastical seal, broken. At foot, Allowed with
arrears from Easter, 2 Edward VI. Signed Ry: Sakevyle, Wa: Mildmay. |
Oxford. Warw. |
A. 13440. Indenture being a grant by Simon Ryley and William
Gardyner, masters and wardens of the gild of St. Mary, founded and
maintained in the parish church of Brailes, and the brethren of the same,
to John Pittes, clerk, and schoolmaster (ludimagistro) of Brailes, for good
service done them, of 8l. 20d. annuity, charged upon a hostel called
'le George,' in Thomas Wilkes' occupation, a messuage called 'Bernardes
ground' in the said William Gardyner's occupation, cottages in the
occupation of Henry Rounton, Robert Prestcote, Robert Machyn and Thomas
Mountforthe, a close and virgate of land in 'Dodfold,' in Symon Ryley's
occupation, and four cottages in the occupation of William Warde, Richard
Machyn, John Tomkyns and Richard Heycocke, all in Brailes; and upon
a messuage and virgate and a half of land, with meadow belonging, in
Weston, between land of William Sheldon, gentleman; upon the mill in
Eppwell, in the occupation of Edward Halthen and the cottage in Banbury,
in the occupation of William Welford, both in co. Oxford. 6 October,
29 Henry VIII. At foot, Examined by me Clement Throkmerton, surveyor;
also allowed. Signed Ry: Sakevyle, Thomas Moyle, Wa: Mildmay. |
Warw. |
A. 13441. Grant by Robert Shelmerdyne, clerk, chanter (cantarista)
of the chantry of Aston Birmycham, commonly called 'Erdington Chauntry,'
founded in the parish church of Aston Birmycham, to John Throkmerton,
of the Middle Temple, London, gentleman, for his good counsel, of 40s.
annuity, charged on all the land, &c. to the said chantry belonging, for
life; he is put in possession by 4d. 15 March, 36 Henry VIII. Signed
per me Robart Shelmardyn. At foot, clause of ratification by Francis
Englefeld of Englefeld, co. Berks, esquire, true and undoubted patron of
the said chantry. 20 March, 36 Henry VIII. Signed Frauncis Englefeld.
One seal remaining.
Endorsed: Allowed with arrears from Easter, 2 Edward VI; also allowed
in court, 7 November, 3 Edward VI. |
[Salop.] |
A. 13442. Grant by John Hussey, master or warden, and the
brethren of the College of St. Mary Magdalen of Battelffilde, to John
Hussey, of Medill, for good service rendered and to be rendered, of 40s.
annuity for life, with leave to distrain in default on their lordship of Aston.
26 March, 30 Henry VIII. Ecclesiastical seal, broken.
Endorsed: Enrolled by Richard Cupper, surveyor. |
York |
A. 13443. Grant by Sir Thomas Seymour, K.G. lord Seymour of
Sudeley, High Admiral of England, to Elizabeth Clyff, for good service
done 'to the late excellent Pryncesse Katheryne late Quene of England
Fraunce and Irland and late my moost deare and entyerly beloved spowse
and wyef, as also by the rewarding thereof to move the said Elyzabeth to
have in her remembraunce contynually duryng her lyef the goodnes of the
said late Quene with my good wyll and hertie affeccyon borne nott only
unto her highnes but also unto her the said Elyzabeth Clyff for the same
her servyce,' of 6l. 13s. 4d. annuity out of the manor or lordship of Nonne
Monkton, for life. 8 September, 2 Edward VI. English. Signed T.
Seymour. At foot, 'Fiat exemplificasio cum all' arreragiis,' from Michael-
mas, 2 Edward VI. Signed Ry: Sakevyle.
Endorsed: Mr Standisse. Mris Cliff. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 13444. Grant by same to Alice Prykett 'in consyderacion of the
greate labors and paynes taken' by her 'abowt thexellent Princes Quene
Katheren in hur graces travell and bringing to bedd of hur graces furst
childe namyd Mary as also in hur most diligence by hur usyd in and
abowt the birthe of hur graces said litle dowghter wherin the said Alice
shewid hur self as paynefull serviceable and expert as any woman possybly
might,' of 40s. annuity 'owt of my hole lordship and mannor of Sudeley,'
for life, also 'two fee dere to be taken within my parke of Sudeley,' 'to
wytt one bucke in somer and one doo in winter, and the sight of this
my graunt by the keper of my said parke for the tyme being shalbe a
sufficient warraunt,' &c. 31 August, 2 Edward VI. English. Signed
T. Seymour. Seal.
Endorsed: Allowed in court, 7 November, 3 Edward VI. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13445. Feoffment by William Eyston, of Istelworth, to King
Edward [III], of a messuage called Worton, with a curtilage adjacent and
93a. land in the parish of Istelworth, one acre between land of John Pate
and Peter Fanelore, &c.; also of 80a. land in a place called Imbury in
the said parish, between 'Babbeworthponte' and the common heath of
Istelworth, and of the site of the water-mill lately called 'Imburymulle,'
also of 20a. meadow there in 'Northmede,' 'Guthmede,' 'Millehawes,' &c.;
9a. pasture there next the said land in Imbury, &c. 2a. wood called
'Wortongrove,' 2a. wood in a place called 'Pirygardyn,' ½a. wood next
the garden of the messuage of Worton, 2a. wood called 'Pirygrove,' and
19s. rent in the same parish; also of 50a. land, lying together, in a place
called 'Osturle,' in the parish of Eston, enclosed with hedges and ditches,
&c.; also of 10a. land, lying together in 'Lamptonfeld,' called 'Knyghtland,'
and various roods, half-acres, &c. described, at 'Horeapuldore,'
'Longechurchhull,' 'Shorteshute,' 'Heymede,' 'le Forlang,' 'Donewellfor-
lang,' 'Bromdych,' &c. and one acre meadow lying at 'Holmede' and it is
'Dolmede' among other participants; also of the reversion expectant on
the death of Thomas his brother of 3a. in the said parish of Istelworth,
and of a cottage there, expectant on the death of Robert Man. Warranty.
Witnesses, Andrew de Gyldeford, of Yellyng, and others (named). Istel-
worth, 10 March, 49 Edward [III]. Seal of arms.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll, in
March of the said year. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13446. Counterpart indenture, 18 May, 23 Henry VIII, being an
assignment by John Garlonde, of the town of Westminster, yeoman, and
'Elayn' his wife, to Thomas Crumwell, of London, gentleman, to the king's
use, in consideration of 13l. 6s. 8d. paid them by the king, by the hands of
John, abbot of Westminster, and the said Thomas, of a lease made to
them, 24 September, 16 Henry VIII, for forty years from Michaelmas
then next at 20d. rent, by the said abbot and the prior and convent of
Westminster, of 'one tenement percell of a grete mesuage called the bell set
and being in the kinges strete of the said towne of Westminster.'
English. Seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13447. Counterpart indenture, 18 May, 23 Henry VIII, being an
assignment by Guy Gascoyn of the town of Westminster, carpenter, and
'Jone' his wife, to Thomas Crumwell, of London, gentleman, to the king's
use, in consideration of 33l. 6s. 8d. paid them by the king, by the hands
of John, abbot of Westminster, and the said Thomas, of a lease made to
them, 4 September, 1524, 16 Henry VIII, for forty years from Michaelmas
then next, at 3s. 4d. rent, by the said abbot, and the prior and convent of
Westminster, of 'one tenement percell of a grete mesuage called the bell
set and being in Kingestrete in the towne of Westminster aforsaide.'
English. Seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 13448. Counterpart indenture, 18 May, 23 Henry VIII, being
an assignment by John Rede, of Westminster, 'gentilman,' to Thomas
Crumwell, 'gentilman,' to the king's use, in consideration of 66l. 13s. 4d.
and 16l. paid to 'oon Thurstan Amere of Westminster baker,' by the said
Thomas and the abbot of Westminster, as above, of a lease made by the
said abbot, prior and convent, 17 October, 1516, 8 Henry VIII, to 'Johanne
Trower of Westminster, wedow now wife unto the said John Rede,' of
three tenements with a garden adjoining, 'buylded in the kinges strete at
Westminster nigh unto the lane called Endif.' English. Seal. |
Middx. Surrey. |
A. 13449. Feoffment by Thomas Dixon, son and heir of William
Dixon, deceased, late of Westminster, 'brewer,' and brother and heir of
David Dixon, to John Gunthorp, dean of Wells, Thomas Dixon, citizen
and draper (pannario) of London, his uncle, Leonard Knyght, John
Faryndon, 'gentilmen,' and John Gybbes, citizen and merchant of London,
of all his land, &c. derived from his said father and brother, in Westminster,
co. Middlesex, and Walworth and Newynton, co. Surrey, or elsewhere in
the realm, to the use of the said Thomas, his uncle, for life, subject to the
payment to him of 20s. at Michaelmas yearly, with remainder to the said
feoffees to the use of the heirs of his body, with remainder in default to the
use of the said Thomas, his uncle, and his heirs for ever, according to the
will of the said William Dixon, his father; attorneys to deliver seisin, John
Toller and William Snawdon. 31 January, 3 Henry VII. Seal.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the Bench, roll one of charters,
&c. of Hilary Term, 3 Henry VII. |
Essex. |
A. 13450. Deed poll by John, earl of Oxford; reciting that he is
seised as of fee and right of the offices of warden and steward (custodis ac
senescalli) of the whole forest of the king of Essex, commonly called
Waltham Forest, by inheritance; to which office of warden belongs
(dinoscitur pertinere) from time beyond memory the appointment and
admission of a deputy throughout the whole forest, of a forester on horse,
and three foresters on foot, called 'yomen fosters,' in three bailiwicks of the
same forest; being desirous of fulfilling the king's pleasure, he grants that
the king for life may appoint such deputy, steward and foresters, who shall
hold such offices for the king's life, their own [lives] or during pleasure, as
shall seem good to his Majesty, with the fees accustomed; when, after the
king's death, vacancies occur, the earl and his heirs to have the appointment.
22 February, 12 Henry VIII. Signed John Oxinford. Seal.
Endorsed: 'No. ix. The Earl of Oxford's Deed of departing from the
Forest of Waltham during the King's life.' See Fifteenth Report of
Commissioners of Woods and Forests (1793) Appx No. 6. |
Bedf. |
A. 13451. Copy or draft indenture between the king and John
Cheney, of Pytchellythorn, co. Bucks, gentleman, witnessing that the king
by advice and consent of the council of the court of augmentations has
demised to the said John the rectory of the parish church of Harrold, late
to the priory of Harrold belonging, timber and the advowson of the vicarage
reserved, from Lady Day last for twenty-one years, at 10l. rent, &c. Signed
per me Tho. Pope, Joh'es Onley, Robert Sowthwell. At foot, Dated 27
April, 29 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Expedited at Grynewiche, 2 May, 29 Henry VIII. |
I. of Wight, &c |
A. 13452. Contemporary copy or draft of memorandum of agreement
between King Edward and the lady Isabel, countess of Albemarle and
Devon; the countess shall give to the earl all her inheritance, to wit both
the Isle of Wytht and all other land, &c. with advowsons, knights' fees, &c.
inherited or purchased, which she held in fee, except the manors of Seve-
hampton, Witechirche, Harewod and Tiverton, and the service of Henry
Trenchard for one knight's fee, and of Richard de Affton for one knight's
fee, which shall remain to the countess to be held of the king and his
heirs by the services due and accustomed; the countess shall cause the
king to have seisin of the said lands, the said four manors and two
knights' fees excepted; the king shall hold the said inheritance as his
own till some reasonable time to be fixed between them, and afterwards
shall grant the same, knights' fees excepted, to the countess for life by final
concord to be made in the king's court, provided however that all the tene-
ments which are held in dower of the said inheritance, when they happen,
shall remain to the king, as shall also the said knights' fees and their in-
cidents; the king shall be allowed to make his profit by sale or otherwise
of the woods which were in the Countess's hand of the said inheritance;
the countess shall do what she pleases with the said four manors, saving
the king's service; if the countess recover the manor of Navesby, which
she claims to be her right, she shall assign it to the king to the value and
exchange of the manor of Tiverton, and if it fall short shall make up the
value from other her lands; if the countess do not recover the manor of
Navesby, but recover the manor of Craft, which she likewise claims, she
small make similar exchange; if she recover neither, or be remiss in the suit
or die, she or her heirs shall make such exchange from other of the land
remaining to her; all the lands which may hereafter come to her, to wit
those which Thomas de Breaute holds or other, shall remain to the king, by
the said fine; the king shall assign the countess 1,000l. of land to be held
till the fine is levied, the assignment to be made before the countess puts
the king in seisin of the said inheritance, lands, &c.; the king shall give the
countess for her said inheritance 20,000 marks, a moiety to be paid when
he shall receive seisin, and the other moiety when the said fine shall be
levied; when the fine has been levied and the said countess has had again
her seisin of the said inheritance, lands, &c. by the said fine, then the king
shall have again the said 1,000l. of land, quit of the countess; the king
and countess have covenanted to observe all the above articles. Cf. A. 7122. |
A. 13453. Ancient copy, on two skins, of documents relating to
Furness Abbey:—
(1) Letters patent of Henry III notifying his grant by charter to the
abbot and monks of Fumes' of the homage and service of Michael le
Flemeng. Patent Roll Calendar, 1227, p. 147.
(2) Writ to the sheriff of Lancaster to enquire if the above grant be to
the king's damage. 28 February, 12 Henry III.
(3) The inquisition thereon returned by the sheriff.
Note:—The above three documents were entered in the Furness Coucher,
on folios now lost, as appears by the index prefixed. See 'The Furness
Coucher,' Chetham Soc., pp. 78, 457.
(4) Letters close of Henry III, confirming the above grant. Close Roll
Calendar, 1228, p. 38.
(5) Release by Henry son of Herveus to the monks of the advowson of
Ursewik. 'The Furness Coucher,' p. 452.
(6) Memorandum of agreement, at Beumunt, Tuesday before the
Purification, 1257, between William son of Michael de Furn' and the abbot
of Furn', touching his suit to the abbot's court of Dalton. Note:—
Entered in the Coucher, on folio now lost. See 'The Furness Coucher,'
pp. 82, 457.
(7) Charters of John, as count of Mortoyn, and as king, to William de
Furn', and of Robert, abbot of Furnes', to Michael son of William Flamang,
produced in evidence by John de Kauncefeld. 'The Furness Coucher,' p. 468,
in different form.
(8) Letters by the king to the abbot of Furn' on behalf of Lawrence de
Seynt Mor for the marriage of Alina late the wife of Michael de Furneys,
Westminster, 28 April, 5 Edward [I].
(9). Memorandum that in the time of King John, Michael Flandrensis
was lord of the manor of Aldingham, to whom succeeded William,
his son and heir, who married Alyna daughter of Thomas son of
Cospatricius of Galwag', of whom he begat Michael and Daniel and
lived lord of the manor for nine years and then died; to whom
succeeded Michael, then six years old, and for one year and seventeen
weeks he remained in the king's custody, and afterwards the king gave his
wardship and marriage to Sir Henry son of Herveus; he remained in
Sir Henry's custody till his full age and married Agatha, Sir Henry's
daughter; and the same Henry, as guardian, bestowed on Daniel, brother
of the said Michael, the churches of Aldingham, St. Rumbald and Hyniton,
as patron thereof; and in the time of the said Michael, King Henry gave
to Robert, abbot of Furn', the homage and service of the said Michael and
his heirs; and Michael died in the homage of the said abbot Robert, to
whom succeeded William, then fifteen years old, and he remained in the
custody of the said abbot Robert for two and a half years; and afterwards
Agatha, his mother made fine with the abbot for his marriage and the
remainder of hie minority (residuo etatis sue) for 300 marks; and afterwards
the said abbot married the said Agatha, as his widow, to Sir Marmaduke
de Arel'; and after the death of the said William there succeeded to him
Michael, his son, then of full age, who did homage to Sir Hugh, the abbot
that now is, who upon sufficient security respited his relief; which Michael,
during the said respite, died; and there succeeded to him one Alina,
as sister and heir, who made fine for her relief for 100 marks. After
whose death the lord abbot holds the manor of Aldingham as chief lord of
the fee, to whom belongs the wardship of the manor, as of his fee till the
[full] age of John de Cancefeld, who is within age. Cf. 'The Furness
Coucher,' pp. 464, 465.
(10) Inspeximus by Henry III of charters and confirmations of Stephen,
count of Boulogne, Henry I, &c. Charter Roll Calendar, i, p. 18.
Note.—Entered in the Coucher, but now, in part, lost. See 'The Furness
Coucher,' pp. 25, 129. |
[Berks.] |
A. 13454. Copy of grant in fee farm by the abbot and convent of
Cluni to the prior and convent of Montacute of the manor of Letecombe.
Kal. July, 1261. See 'Montacute Cartulary,' Somerset Record Soc., p. 157. |
[Berks.] |
A. 13455. 'Dicitur quod qnidam Walterus dictus magister tenuit
manerium de Ledecumbe ad firmam xviij annis et tempore firme sue
vacavit tenementum quod magister Willelmus tenuit. Idem Walterus
accepit uxorem nomine Isabellam que fuit amica cujusdem sacerdotis
nomine Reginaldi qui Reginaldus genuit ex eadem Isabella filium nomine
Ricardum. Qui Ricardus post mortem predicti Walteri et Isabelle emit
a dominis predictum tenementum secundum consuetudinem manerii.
Predictus Ricardus genuit Willelmum antequam esset sacerdos ex quadam
Mabilia que fuit filia sacerdotis et predictus Ricardus emit ab abbate
Cluniacen' predictum tenementum ad opus predicti Willelmi tenendum
secundum consuetudinem manerii.' |
Cornw. Devon. |
A. 13456. Indenture, 14 February, 27 Henry VIII, between Edward
Payne, of Overshote, co. Dorset, and Richard Payne, of Apsame, co. Devon,
of the one part, and John Newington, of London, mercer, of the other;
whereas the king, 'having perfite knoledge of dyvers mynes' in counties
Devon and Cornwall, 'beinge many mynes of oure beringe and havinge
golde silver leade beringe silver in hyme irne stelle coper and brasse in
them,' by letters patent, 1 August, 14 Henry VIII, appointed Sir William
Compton, knight, 'late decessid,' the said Edward and Richard, one Thomas
Ludlowe, with divers other to the number of nineteen persons, his
commissioners with 'highe power and auctorities.' they to be his
'surveyors tryors serchers and fynners' for all mines having the said
metals in them in the said counties to hold 'the same offices and mynes
and metalles' to them and their assigns for the term of their lives in
survivorship, yilding yearly of all 'golde and silver oure as shallbe founde'
'the xijth parte treuly fyned and tried,' and such 'dieuties and custome'
on other metals as elsewhere paid in the realm, and yielding to the chief
lords of the soil or their farmers one-tenth part of the metals 'delyvered
above the grounde,' with power to search for mines, follow and dig them,
according to the custom of other mines, power to 'areaste shippes barkes
barges' and other vessels, when and where necessary 'for the cariage
of wode undrewoddes colles,' &c. for the 'separacion probacion triall and
purgacion of the seid metalles,' and 'cartes waynnes,' &c., 'behoffull for the
seid fuell,' power to 'take' 'artificers workemen and laborers,' power to make
watercourses, &c. 'in all the kinges demayne londes' 'within the said
sheres,' power to 'apointe a steward beinge sufficiently lernid in the lawe
of this realme or by his deputye to kepe courttes to here and determyne
causes' 'accordinge to the righte and equities of the kinges lawes and
custome amonge the Tynners afore tyme usid,' power to make a common
seal, &c.; now the said Edward and Richard covenant that Newington
shall be admitted before 23 April next, to the place and room of the said
Thomas Ludlowe as one of the said commissioners; that they will deliver
to him the common seal; that they shall 'cause to be broght and seene'
by his 'lerned councell' 'the very selffe commission' 'undre the kinges
said brode sealle,' to 'savegarde . . . thobteyninge' of the grants therein
contained, 'to execute the same offices' as 'any other of the seid commis-
sioners duringe the lyffe of the seid John Newington and his assignes and
the longer lyver of them'; if they fail in observance of covenants, they shall
with four days of the said 23 April make a release to him of their 'romes lien
and place' in his favour, &c. English. Signed R.H. and by me Edwarde
Payne. |
Leic. |
A. 13457. Counterpart of demise, 12 August, 38 Elizabeth, by
Gabriell Pulteney, of Mysterton, esquire, and Dorothy his wife, in con-
sideration of 50l., to John Elkynton, of Shawell, gentleman, of a close
oalled the 'Highe Feilde' with the meadow belonging 'for the provision
of haye,' called the 'Highe Feilde Meadowe,' in Mysterton, for ten years
at 120l. rent, with covenants on either side and proviso in case Gabriell's
title prove defective. English. Signed John Elkinton. Seal. |
Leic. |
A. 13458. Indenture being the defeasance of a feoffment made by
Thomas Staunton of Staunton and William Thorp of Thorp, esquires, to
Thomas Thurland, William Babyngton, esquire, Gervase Clyfton, esquire,
Thomas Lokton and Roger Hudson, of the manor of Fene Drayton next
Boresworth, which they had by the feoffment of Henry Husy, esquire; to
wit, if Thomas Thurland have quiet possession thereof from Whitsun last
for sixteen years, the manor shall revert to Staunton and Thorp at the end
of that term. 9 June, 8 Edward IV. |
Leic. |
A. 13459. Acquittance by Knyghtley and Fermor, as in A. 12963,
dated 21 April, 36 Elizabeth. |
Leic. |
A. 13460. Counterpart of demise, 8 July, 31 Elizabeth, by Gabrieil
Pulteney, of Knoll, co. Warwick, esquire, to Thomas Saxton of Lutter-
worth, 'taylor,' 'at the earnest suyte of John Saxton,' Thomas' father, 'a
little before his deathe,' of a 'cottage howse and gardein place,' late in
John's occupation, 'on the west syde of the High Streat' in Lutterworth,
from Lady Day last for twenty-one years, at 10s. rent. English. Signed
T. S. Seal.
Endorsed: 'Sealed and delivered in the presentes of John Shatteswell
and Thomas Shakspeare and others per me Thoma' Shakspeare, Be me John
Shatswell.' |
[Leic.] |
A. 13461. Letter of attorney by John Muryel of Pulteneye to
William Owyn and William Deken of the same, to deliver seisin to Adam
de Assheby of Pulteneye and Christian his wife of a messuage and virgate
of land there which he had by descent after the death of his uncle Richard.
London, Saturday, the morrow of the Purification, 21 Edward III. |
[Leic.] |
A. 13462. Indenture of demise by Sir John de Pulteneye, knight,
to John le Wrighte and Emma his wife, for the term of their lives, of a
messuage and 16a. land in Pulteneye, which he had by their gift and
feoffment, at a rent during Emma's life of 4s. 8d. at the feasts of
St. Martin and the Finding of the Holy Cross, and of 10s. after her death;
with remainder after their decease to William Dekene of Pulteneye in tail,
at 10s. rent, with reversion in default to himself and his heirs. Witnesses:—
Sir Richard de Egebaston, Sir Ralph de Stanlowe, knights, and others
(named). Pulteneye, Whitsun, 22 Edward III. |
Leic. |
A. 13463. Indenture of demise, 24 July, 37 Elizabeth, by Gabrieil
Pulteney of Misterton, esquire, to John Pulteney, of the same, gentleman,
his son, of a burgage with garden and orchard, late in Thomas Taylor's
occupation, in Lutterworthe, next the 'Swanne,' &c. with 2a. arable in the
fields of Lutterworthe and common of pasture for one horse, one cow and
one heifer, from Michaelmas next for twenty-one years, at 8d. rent.
English. Signed per me Gabrieil Pulteney. Seal. Witnesses' names,
Dorothy Pulteney and others, endorsed. |
Leic. |
A. 13464. Counterpart of demise, 25 August, 37 Elizabeth, by
Gabrieil Pulteney, of Misterton, esquire, to Robert Spencer, esquire, son
and heir apparent of Sir John Spencer, knight, George Shyrley, of Astwell,
co. Northampton, esquire, Thomas Spencer, of Clarden, co. Warwick,
esquire, Thomas Temple, esquire, son and heir apparent of John Temple,
of Stowe, co. Bucks, esquire, Bassell Fildinge, esquire, John Cope, esquire,
and George Cope, gentleman, of the meadows, pastures and closes in
Misterton and Pulteney and Misterton cum Pulteney, called 'Wynterfeilde,
Holbecke, Thornebrowe, the Warren the Coniger and Sharphill and the
close of pasture called the Highe Feilde in Misterton, to hold from and
after the decease of the 'Ladye Katherin Darcie nowe wief of Sir Harry
Darcye knight,' for the sixteen years then next following, at a peppercorn
rent at Michaelmas, if demanded. English. Signatures and seals of arms
of Spencer and Shirley.
Endorsed: The lease for the children. |
Leic. |
A. 13465. Indenture of demise, 22 February, 5 Elizabeth, by
Mighell Pulteney, of Mysterton, esquire, to Francis Bacon, of London,
gentleman, in consideration of 80l. of an annuity of 16l. out of the manor
or lordship of Misterton, for the lives of himself and of John, Edward and
Edmond his sons, at Francis' dwelling house in the 'precincte of the late
howse called the White Friers in Fletestrete in the suburbes of London';
proviso for voidance on payment of 80l. the last day of January next, &c.
English. Signed Mychaell Pulteney. At foot, acknowledged before me
John Gibon, master in chancery, the said day and year.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll,
26 February, 5 Elizabeth. Signed Edward Ridge. |
Lanc. |
A. 13466. Deed poll being an assignment by Adam Smythe of Man-
chester, mercer, to Samuel Tippinge of the same, gentleman, of certain
parcels of land in Orveralporde and Netheralporde, in Manchester, in the
occupation of Oswolde Mosley, the elder, containing by estimation 23½a.
and 'one roodelande,' 'and so muche more lande joyninge to the same uppon
the southend as will make upp the same foure and twentye acres of lande
one roodeland one halffe roodeland and two falles of lande,' to hold during
the residue of a term of twenty one years. 11 September, 44 Elizabeth.
English. Signed per me Adam Smythe. Seal. Witnesses' names
endorsed. |
Lanc. |
A. 13467. Indenture of demise (ad firmam dimisit), 2 November,
17 Henry VIII, by Robert Wawen, of Cumberall in the town (rilla) of
Whityngham, to William Sowrebuttes, of Wheteley within the hamlet
(villatam) of Thorneley, of the third part of a house and the sixth part of
place of land, called 'le Birkez,' between Stodeleybroke and Longerige in
Wheteley; to hold to the said William, his heirs and assigns for ever,
rendering yearly 3s. 4d. Witnesses, Robert Hoghton and Geoffrey Starkye,
gentlemen, and others (named). |
Lanc. |
A. 13468. Bond by Richard Holland, of Heaton, co. Lancaster,
esquire, Anne Millington, of Millington, co. Chester, widow, and John
Millington, her son, to Oswould Moseley, of Manchester, co. Lancaster,
draper, in 100l., conditioned for John's good behaviour, according to
covenants in indentures of even date between him and the said Oswoulde,
viz. to abide with him for nine years from 'the feast daye of St. Martyn
the bysshopp in wynter last,' 'and during the said yeares hym to serve in
the misterie and trade of a draper.' 9 August, 35 Elizabeth. Signed
Rychard Holland, Anne Myllyngtonne, John Myllyngtonne. Two seals. |
Lanc. |
A. 13469. Indenture being an assignment, 10 April, 1 Mary, by
Margarett Trafford of the Garrett, widow, to 'Rauffe' Trafford, her son, to
whom the reversion thereof belonged, of her life estate in the third part of
the 'manor howse of the Garrett,' &c. in the town or lordship of
Manchester, as by conveyance made by George Trafford, late her husband,
may appear, of the water mill called 'Garrett Mylne,' &c. and of land, &c.
in Chorleton. English. |
Lanc. |
A. 13470. Counterpart of demise, 10 October, 37 Henry VIII, by
John Danyell, of Derresbury, co. Chester, 'gentylman,' to Henry Kyrkham,
of Larebreke, co. Lancaster, husbandman, and Robert Kyrkham his son, in
consideration of 6l. 13s. 4d., of the messuage and lands in Larebreke, then
in Henry's occupation at 18s. rent; to hold for the term of their lives in
survivorship at the same rent, to be paid 'in the mancion place or dwellyng
howse of the seid John Danyell called the Halle of Derresbury in Derresbury
afforeseid,' and if the king have any 'warres' and John be 'comaundet by
the kynge's highness letters or by the chieff lorde or mayster of the seid
John Danyell' to serve in person or with any number of men, the said
Robert, or 'oon such as the seid John shall accept,' 'arrayed and weponed
for the warres,' shall 'serve the kinge's highnes . . . . . . in the
retynue of the seid John,' &c. English. |
Lanc York [W.R.] |
A. 13471. Indenture being a feoffment by Ralph Trafforde, of
Garret, co. Lancaster, esquire, to Philip Edgerton, of Olton, co. Chester,
knight, Alexander Barlowe, of Barlowe, co. Lancaster, esquire, Hugh
Travers, of Greis Inne, and Richard Humston, of his manor of Garret, in
the parish of Manchester, co. Lancaster, and all his messuages, lands, &c.
in Manchester and Chorleton in the said county, and also of all his manor
of Wykke alias Whyke in Saddilworth Frith, co. York, &c. or elsewhere
in the realm; to hold to the uses specified in indentures tripartite, 14 April,
1 Mary; attorneys to deliver seisin, Robert Holme, gentleman, and John
Bexweke, yeoman. 15 April, 1 Mary. Fragment of seal. |
Lanc. |
A. 13472. Indenture being a feoffment by Ralph Hulme, gentleman,
to George Trafford, esquire, and Margaret Hulme, his daughter, in frank
marriage, with reversion to himself if she die without surviving issue by
the said George, of two burgages in Manchester (Mamcestre), which he had
by the gift and feoffment of Robert Mason and of Ralph Prestwich, esquire,
and Ralph Mody, chaplain, respectively; attorneys to deliver seisin, John
Birches and Nicholas Orrell. 28 April, 1509. |
Lanc. |
A. 13473. Feoffment by John Wawen, of Combrall within the
town of Whittingham, 'yoman,' to Nicholas Wawen, of Wheatley
within the hamlet of Thorneley, 'yoman,' of two closes in Thorneley,
containing 7a. land, called 'le Furre House Feld' and 'le Holme,' with a
barn or house at the south end of 'le Holme' in the occupation of William
Wawen, his natural brother, at 10s. rent, with everything of his inheritance
to the said closes belonging; also of his right in the third part of a house
and the sixth part of a place of land called 'le Birkez,' lying between
'Stodley Brooke' and 'Longridge' in Wheatley, in the occupation of
Thomas Sourbuttes. 2 April, 26 Elizabeth. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin in person, 2 April, in the said
year. |
Lanc. |
A. 13474. Bargain and sale and feoffment by Robert Proctor, of
Keisden, co. York, yeoman, in consideration of 20 marks, to John Redmayn,
of Thornton, esquire, of a fourth part of the manor or capital messuage
of Wraton in Lonsdayll, and of all the land, &c. belonging; attorneys to
deliver seisin Robert Tatham, of Thornton, and Marmaduke Higshon, of
Wraton, yeomen. 31 July, 3 Edward VI. |
York. |
A. 13475. Lettor of attorney by Thomas de Trafford to Ralph de
Pilkyngton, to deliver seisin to John de Huntyngdon, warden of the
collegiate church of Manchester (Mamcestre), and Hugh del Scoles,
chaplain, of all his land in the county of York, according to his charter
indented thereof. 2 January, 13 Henry VI. |
Lanc. |
A. 13476. Release by Gabriell Hesketh son of Bartholomew Hesketh
of Rufford, co. Lancaster, esquire (armigeri), to John Danyell, son and
heir apparent of Thomas Danyell of Derresburye, co. Chester, gentleman,
of his right in the land, &c. in Larebreck, late of the inheritance of John
Danyell, deceased, father of the said Thomas. 8 July, 4 Edward VI. |
Lanc. |
A. 13477. Indenture, 16 January, 9 Henry VIII, between John
Danyell of Derresbury, co. Chester, 'squyer,' and William Hurdilton, of
Chester, 'gentilman'; witnessing that 'where afore the day of makyng
hereof an indentur of covenauntes was made between the said John on the
one partye and Sir Richard Bolde knyght on the other partye,' concerning
a bargain and sale by Danyell of his 'seignoris fraunches liberties comyns
of pastures frefermes homages fealtes and rialtes' in Sutton, Eccleston and
Raynhill, co. Lancaster; now Danyell delivers the said indenture of
covenants into William's hands, and 'doth inseale a full releashe unto
the said Sir Richard,' and grants that William shall deliver the said
indenture and release to Sir Richard 'for a fynyall bargan and full sale of
the said seignoris and all the other premysses,' to be had to the said Sir
Richard his 'heiers and assignes accordyng to the tenour and effect of a
polled dede,' which John, at Sir Richard's request, has made to 'Robert
Bolde, Thomas Johnson chapelleynes Henry Sanderson Edwarde Bernes
and William Banke thaire heieres and assignes for ever whiche dede berith
date,' 14 March, 8 Henry VIII; John further covenants to 'be redy and
forthe comyng at any tyme,' at Sir Richard's request, to further assure;
and for the performance of all this agrees to be bound to Sir Richard 'in
a obligacion of Statute Marchaunt or Statute of Staple of cc. li.' English. |
Lanc. York [W.R.] |
A. 13478. Indenture being a feoffment by George Trafford, esquire,
to Richard Bul[ke]ley, esquire, Henry Trafford, clerk, rector of the parish
church of Wylmeslawe, Master Adam Bekensall, clerk, Henry Farington,
esquire, John Caryngton, esquire, William Trafford, son of Edmund
Trafford, knight, Hugh Typpyng, rector of the parish church of 'Assheton
super Mercy banke,' and James Shalcros, merchant, of all his manors, &c.
in Manchester (Mamcestre), Chorleton, le Whyk and Sadylworthe Frythe
within the counties of Lancaster and York, or elsewhere in the realm, to
the use of his last will; attorneys to deliver seisin, Richard Kenworthey
and John Barlawe. 22 July, 17 Henry VIII. Seal. |
Lanc. |
A. 13479. Counterpart of demise by Grace Danyell, 'wido,' and
John Danyell, 'squyer,' to John Bold, 'gentilman,' and Grace, his wife, of
'one mese' and all the land Ac. 'which Henry Dugard now holdes,' in
Sutton, for the term, of their lives in survivorship, at a peppercorn rent
'in Cristynmas' for the first six years 'if it be askyd,' and thereafter, to
them and the heirs of John, 24s. rent; Grace and John are bound in 40l.
'for the performance hereof.' 16 April, A Henry VIII. English. |
York. [W. R.] |
A. 13480. Counterpart indenture, 10 April, 1 Mary, between Mar-
garete Trayforde of the Garrett, co. Lancaster, widow, and Rauf Trayforde,
her son; whereas she holds for life all those lands, &c. in the town or
lordship of Whikke in Sadyllworthfryth, co. Yorke, in the occupation of
Robert Whyteheade, Alexander Bredbente, Oliver Harropp, Alexander
Harropp and Richard Kenworthie, as by conveyance thereof made
by George Trayforde, late her husband, may appear; and
whereas she likewise holds for life all those lands, &c. in Wyke in the
occupation of Henry Wilde, Richard Butterworth, Rauf Whiteheade,
Alexander Whewall, James Shawe and John Whewall, the younger, the
third part of parcels of land called 'the Stryndes' and 'the Whikedge,'
'with the thirde part of the slate mynes in Whike'; the reversion of all
which belongs to Rauf and his heirs; in consideration of certain sums of
money she bargains, sells, gives, grants and surrenders all the said lands,
&c. to the said Rauf. Signed by me Raff Traffard. English. |
Lanc. |
A. 13481. Bond by Thomas Assheton, of Penketh, esquire, to Elyn
Assheton, his sister, in 40l. at All Hallows next, conditioned for his paying
her 10 marks at such days at Peter Anderton and Gilbert Assheton shall
appoint, and after the decease of Sysle Assheton his mother such sums of
money as the said Peter and Gilbert shall name. Signature and seal.
Witnesses' names endorsed. |
[Leic.] |
A. 13482. Feoffment by John Muryel, of Pulteney, to Adam de
Assheby, of the same, and Cristian, his wife, of a messuage and a virgate
of land there which came to him by descent on the death of Richard
Muryel his uncle. Witnesses:—Sir John de Pulteney, knight, and others
(named). London, Saturday, the morrow of the Purification, 1346,
21 Edward III. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 13483. Indenture of award, 27 March, 13 Elizabeth, by 'Edmunde
byshopp of Borough Seynt Peter, William Latymer, deane' of the same,
and Robert Wyngefeld, the younger, gentleman, upon matters in dispute
between Thomas Robynson, yeoman, and John Kyrby, glover, of the same.
English. |
Derby. Notts. |
A. 13484. Counterpart indenture, 21 July, 16 Henry VII, between
the king, of the one part, and Sir John Seint John, Sir Henry Willoughby,
knights, Thomas Leeke, 'squyer,' one of the executors of the testament of
Henry, late lord Grey, and Roger Johnson; 'wher the seid Henry, late
lord Grey, in his life willed and declared by his will' that the manor and
castle of Codnoore and the manors of Heinnore, Losco and Langley,
co. Derby, and the manor of Estwayte, co. Nottingham, should be sold to
the king, to the use of his son Henry, duke of York, for 1,000l.; and 'wher
the said Thomas and Roger,' at the time of lord Grey's decease, were seised
of the said castle and manors to the use of his will, 'and sithen that the
seid John and Sir Henry have opteyned the astate of the seid Thomas and
Roger' therein, the said Sir John, Sir Henry, Thomas and Roger by these
presents have bargained and sold the said castle and manors to the king,
covenanting before the 'fest of Seint Marten the Bishop in Wynter,' next
to make estate thereof, &c. and to deliver to James Hubert and Thomas
Lucas, 'a dede of feffement by the whiche John Zouche squyer enfeffed the
seid Henry Willoughby and oder personez of the seid castell,' &c. 'also a
dede of releez made of the seid castell,' &c. 'by the seid Thomas Leeke and
Roger Johnson unto the seid Sir John Seint John and Sir Henry
Willoughby,' enrolled in the 'Comyn Place' in Hilary term last, and all
other deeds concerning the premises in their keeping, and copies, &c.;
'for the whiche astate bargayne and sale the seid kyng' 'promyttith to
content and pay,' 1,000l. 'before the fest of Seint Andrewe thappostell
next.' English. Signatures and seals.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment on the dorse of the close roll. |
Bedf., &c. |
A. 13485. Counterpart indenture, 28 November, 24 Henry VII,
between the king, of the one part, and Richard, earl of Kent, of the other;
'where the saide Erle before this tyme for greate sommes of money to the
same Erle' by the king paid, hath bargained and sold to the king his
lordships and manors of Ruthyn and Dyffryncluyd and all his manors, lands
and tenements in 'Ruthyn Dyffryncluyd and the Marches of Wallis,' as
by indentures thereupon made appears, with a further agreement that
after the king had received a certain sum from the profits of the said
manors, he should pay the earl 40l. yearly for life; now nevertheless the
earl bargains and sells to the king the said rent of 40l. and all his right in
the said manors; 'and over that,' the earl bargains and sells to the king
the lordships and manors of Amptyll, Snelston, Bryngham, Tyngryth,
Podyngton, Brokebrough, Northwod and Flytewyke, in the counties of
Bedford, Buckingham and Northampton, and all other his manors, lands,
&c. in the said counties, or in the counties of Norfolk, Sussex, Essex,
Huntyngdon, Cambrige and Oxford, or elsewhere in the realm, &c. with
covenant to deliver all deeds, &c. concerning the said manors before Easter
next; to one part of these indentures the king has caused his 'pryvy seale
to be sett' and to the other the earl 'hath setto his seale of hys armys.'
Signed R. Kent. Seal of arms, perishing, quarterly I and IV barry and three
roundels in chief, II and III quarterly (1) seven mascles, three, three and one, (2)
and (3) barry and an orle of martlets, (4) a maunch. Signatures of witnesses,
viz. of Richard, bishop of Winchester, Robert Sheffeld, knight, Edmund
Dudeley, esquire, and Master Thomas Wulcy, endorsed; also memorandum
of endorsement on the close roll, in December of the said year, by William
Malhom, clerk. |
A. 13486. Bond by Kellam (Kenelmum) Hedges, of Aston by
Birmingham, co. Warwick, yeoman, to Sir William Catesbie, knight, in
30l., conditioned for his allowing, as administrator of Edward Hedges, his
brother, deceased, the said Sir William to sue the said Edward's creditors,
&c. 20 June, 30 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. |
Norf |
A. 13487. Counterpart indenture, 8 January, 30 Henry VIII,
between John Giggez, of Brunham Seynt Clement, gentleman, of
the one part, and Humfrey Deane, of Wigenhall, gentleman, of the
other; whereas by deed indented, 25 July, 27 Henry VIII, John
covenanted with Humfrey that he would assure by fine, or otherwise,
the manor of Vewterez and all other his land, &c. in Brunham
Seynt Clement, Brunham Norton, Brunham Westgate, Brunham Sutton,
Burnham Depdall, Burnham Seynt Andrew, Burnham Thorpe, Holkeham,
Wighton and Warham to Sir Roger Touneshende, knight, and other, to
the uses in the said indenture contained; and whereas John is now seised
in fee of the 'mesuages, landez,' 'closes, pightellez,' &c. 'with the libertie
of oon folde,' in Burnham Seynt Clement, Burnham Sutton and Burnham
Thorpe, 'which wer of late Walter Marssh citezin and marcer of London,' as
by deed to him thereof made, 12 December, 28 Henry VIII, appears; 'and
where further William Conengsby esquier lerned in the lawe and accounsaile
with the seid Humfrey hath devised for thassuraunce beforereherseid that
the seid John Giggez and Agnes his wief in this next Hillary Terme shall
suffer oon Humfrey Karvile esquier and Robert Touneshende esquire to
recover ageynst them,' the said manor, &c. 'by the namez of the maner of
Vewterez,' 'oon meace,' 40a. land 6a. meadow, 20a. pasture 60a. 'bruery
and heth,' and 100s. rent, in the said places; 'the seid Humfrey know-
legeth by theez presentz,' 'that the seid John did purcheace the seid
mecez,' &c. late Walter Marsh's, 'syns the tyme of making of the seid dede
indented,' &c. English. Seal. Signed by me Humfry Dene. |
Norf |
A. 13488. Indenture being a feoffment by John Gigges, of Brunham
St. Clement, gentleman, in consideration of 23s. 4d., to William Symson,
of Brunham aforesaid of a parcel of land there, which he had inter alia by
the grant of Roger Touneshende, knight, by writing indented, 12 December,
28 Henry VIII; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas. 7 May, 1 Edward VI. Signed
be me John Gygges. Seal. Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed, in
the presence of Richard and John Hoo and others. |
N'hamp. Warw. |
A. 13489. Deed poll being a grant by Richard Catesbye, of West
Haddon, co. Northampton, gentleman, in consideration of 100l. to Jane
Chamberlayne, of Shyngey, co. Cambridge, widow, of 15l. annuity out of
the manors of Lapworth, co. Warwick, and West Haddon, co. North-
ampton, for the lives of herself and Margaret Chamberlayne her daughter,
or either of them, payable at Michaelmas yearly, 'at the Tendringe House
within the Ryall exchaunge in the citie of London,' between 'one and three
of the clocke in thafter none'; she is put in possession by payment of 6d.
8 February, 14 Elizabeth, 1571. English. Signed, Rychard Cattysbey. Seal.
Endorsed: '100l. at St. Michaells Churche in Coventrye the xxth of
Octobre, 1580, between one and iij. a clock after none.' |
Worc. |
A. 13490. Counterpart of demise, 15 November, 20 Elizabeth, by
Robert Acton, of Ribisforde, esquire, to Edward Osland, 'of the pareshe of
the Rocke,' yeoman, in consideration of good service, of the tenement called
'the Portors,' and three 'lesows or pasturs,' one called 'Royolles' and the
other 'Portors,' in the parish and lordship of Ribisford, in the occupation
of William Dickynes, for nine years from date, at 40s. rent. English.
Signed Edward Osland. |
Warw. |
A. 13491. Indenture of bargain and Sale, 28 May, 35 Henry VIII,
by Thomas Grene, of Tonworth, co. Warwick, yeoman, to Richard
Catesbye, of Legiers Asshebye, co. Northampton, esquire, in consideration
of 73l. 6s. 8d., of a 'mese with one cotage a tanhowse and two croftes
thereto adjoynynge in Tonworth,' 'which late were one Thomas Warren
nowe decessed,' also a close or pasture called 'Lyttyll Hawkeshawe,'
another pasture called 'Greate Hawkeshawe,' a meadow called 'the longe
medowe,' a pasture called 'Wyntertons,' a croft or pasture called 'Medo-
croftesffyld,' 'all whiche be togeder lyenge in Tonworthe,' also another
close called 'the longe crofte with a meadow called Leyghtons and another
lyttyll medowe thereto adjoynynge,' in Tonworthe. English. Seal. See
A. 13495. |
Norf. |
A. 13492. Indenture, 10 June, 1 Edward VI, between John Gygges,
of Burneham Overey, 'gentilman,' of the one part, and Thomas Hoo 'of
thinner Temple in London, gentilman,' of the other; 'wheare as before
this tyme duringe the space of fyve or six yeares last paste by thassente of
the frendes of the said Thomas Hoo and of one Anne Deane, nece of the
said John Gygges dyvers and sondrye mocyons requestes persuacyons offers
promyses compactes condyscentes and agreamentes for a maryage to be had
betwene the said Thomas and the said Anne beinge cosyn and nearest heire
of the said John Gigges, as well by wordes as by dyvers and sondrye letters
hathe been many and often tymes not onelye by the said John
Gigges, and by one Agnes his wyfe beinge grandame to the said Anne,
but also by Richard Hoo and Humfreye Deane gentilmen their fathers,
had made moved and procured whearupon an intyre love and perfytt
mynde betwene the said Thomas and Anne hath ensued to marye togeather'
. . . .; and whereas the said Thomas Hoo with others, stands seised,
Thomas to his own use 'and the said others with the said John Gygges' to the
said John's use, of the reversion of the manor of Vewters in Burneham
aforesaid, as by an estate thereof made, 14 August, 20 Henry VIII, by Sir
Roger Tuneshende, knight, to the said Thomas and others, appears; in
consideration thereof and of 'a presente contracte and affyaunce of
matrymonye betwene the said Thomas and Anne,' Thomas covenants to
marry her 'when lawfull and convenyente age of the said Anne will it
permytt,' and John covenants that he and his heirs shall from henceforth
stand seised of the said manor of Vewters to the only use of the said
Thomas and Anne and their heirs, and of all other the lands of said John
in Burneham or elsewhere, county Norfolk, upon condition that the said
marriage take place 'in facie ecdesie,' &c. and that Thomas shall pay to
Elianour and Marye Deane, Anne's sisters, 50l. apiece upon their attaining
full age and releasing their right to the said Thomas and Anne; Thomas
and Anne may enter unto the said manor at Michaelmas following the
marriage, if John be then alive, provided that before such entry Thomas
assure an annuity to John of 10l. out of the said manor for life. English.
Signed be me John Gygges. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 13493. Counterpart indenture, 27 August, 2 Henry VII, between
the king, of the one part, and Roger Buk, Roger Maskall, and twelve
others, 'of the townys of Walton and Filstow,' of the other, whereby they
covenant that when 'it shall fortune any shippe englisshe to be in the
saide townys,' they will in the presence of the king's 'custumers,
comptrollers and serchours,' 'yf thei wolbe present,' take 'suretie' of the
owner, purser, or master of every such ship to double the ship's value,
'that the maryners of the said ship shalle in the see and in the stremes of
the same kepe the peas ayenst all the kinges subgiettes and also other of
his amyte and allye and ayenst al other havyng the kinges saufconduyt';
with other covenants, to be observed during seven years next. English.
Fragments of seals. |
Surrey. |
A. 13494. Deed poll by John Lynden, 'prior of the howse of the
Holly Crosse of Reygatt,' and the convent of the same, whereas Thomas
Stydolff, esquire, has lent them 'in redy money,' 16l. 7s. 4d., for payment
thereof, they grant that for two years next the said Thomas and John his
son may retain 5l. 5s. rent due by them to the prior and convent yearly
for the manor of Westhumble in Mykelham, Dorkyng and Lethered, with
lands in Lethered and Ashted, and that for two years from Michaelmas last
the said Thomas may receive 58s. 8d. rent due from Roger at Well for the
farm of a tenement in Hedley. 10 November, 27 Henry VIII. English.
Signed per me predictum Johannem priorem, per me dominum Robertum
Ayers. Cancelled by cuts. Ecclesiastical seal. See A. 13514. Cal. Letters
and Papers, Henry VIII, Vol. IX, pp. 268-9. |
Warw. |
A. 13495. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 30 May, 35 Henry VIII,
by Richard Catesbye, of Legiers Asshebye, co. Northampton, esquire, to
Thomas Grene of Tonworthe, co. Warwick, yeoman, in consideration of
113l. 6s. 8d., of a 'mese,' three crofts adjoining, and three other crofts in
Tonworthe, to the said mese belonging, 'in the occupyenge of one
Bawdewyn Ball, a cottage, croft and little meadow adjoining in the
'occupyenge' of one William Barne, closes or pastures called 'Olde
Bettesworthe,' with a croft adjoining called 'the Hall Hethe,' a pasture
called 'Newe Bettesworthe,' a 'pasture with a medowe in the same called
Greate Fenlond,' a close called 'Littyll Fenlond,' three crofts lying
together called 'Calvesley,' with a 'medowe and a fordrove therto adjoyn-
ynge,' and a pasture called 'Lady Hethe,' all in Tonworthe; also of
2s. 2d. rent from 'certeyn lond of Richarde Fulwood gentilman,' called
'Myllardeslond,' and 6d. rent out of a little croft of land of Thomas
Yardley, in Tonworth &c. English. Seal. See A. 13491. |
Essex. |
A. 13496. Counterpart indenture, 18 July, 3 and 5 Philip and Mary,
between William Abbotte, of Hartland, co. Devon, esquire, and Margery,
his wife, daughter and heir of Sir William Denham, knight, of the one
part, and Clement Cysley and John Keyll of Estham, co. Essex, of the
other, leading the uses of a fine to be levied to the said Clement and John
of a messuage, tenement or farm called 'Gayshams Hall,' in the occupation
of Rauf Tracie in the parish of Barkyng, with lands there called 'Battell
Downe, Long Grove, Gauntes Hethe, Hors Grove, Bromefeyld, Bashe Leaze
and Pentie Grove,' whereof the said William and Margery are seised in fee,
in her right, by the name of one messuage, one toft, one garden, one
orchard, 200a. land, 100a. meadow, 100a. pasture, 50a. 'fresh marshe'
and 40a. wood in Gayshams Hall and Barking, with the tithes of grain
and hay therefrom, to wit, to the use of Margery for life, with remainder
to the use of Arthur Breame her younger son in tail, with remainder in
default to the use of her right heirs. English. Signed per me Clement
Syslay, per me John Keyl. |
Suff. |
A. 13497. Indenture, 4 May, 31 Elizabeth, leading the use of a fine
to be levied by Robert Kent, of Heringswell, yeoman, son and heir of
Robert Kent, to Robert Smyth of Tudenham, gentleman, of a messuage,
&c. and land abutting on 'a ryver comonlie called St. Athelbertes streame,'
&c. in Heringswell, late of the said Robert Kent his father and before that
of Henry Kent his grandfather, which he had sold to the said Robert
Smyth in consideration of 10l. and 4l. annuity for life, viz. to the use of
the said Robert Smyth and his heirs for ever. English. Signed by mark.
Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Worc. |
A. 13498. Bond by Edward Grevyle, of Milcote, co. Warwick,
esquire, to Thomas Lucy, esquire, in 500 marks at the Purification next,
conditioned for his standing to the award of Robert Brudenell, one of the
king's justices 'of his bench at pleez before hym to be holden,' William
Grevyle, 'another of the Kynges justices of his Comen Place,' Sir Robert
Throkmorton, knight, and Edward Belkenap, esquire, upon the title in
dispute between them to the manor of Goldycote and land in Goldicote and
Aldermarston, to be made before the Purification next, and for his suffering
the said Thomas Lucy to occupy the premises from the 31st instant till
23 July then next. 24 July, 3 Henry VIII. Signed Edward Grevyll. |
A. 13499. Deed poll being a grant by Geoffrey Scrope, clerk, lord
Scrope of Upsale, to Thomas, cardinal archbishop of York, for life, of the
stewardship of all his honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands and
tenements, in possession or reversion; of the office of master of the game
(magistri deductus ferarum) in all his forests, parks, chaces and warrens
within the realm, with power to take deer, &c. at his pleasure; of
authority over all men on his estates, &c; and, in return for many benefits,
of 20l. annuity, charged upon all his lands. 4 December, 7 Henry VIII.
Seal. |
Calais |
A. 13500. Feoffment by William Sandes, K.G., lord Sandes,
chamberlain of the king, and captain of the town and castle of Guysnes
within the marches of Calais, for a certain sum paid him on the king's
behalf, to William Powlett, knight, controller of the king's household,
Master Thomas Cromwell, master and treasurer of the king's jewels, Henry
Norice, and Thomas Henedge, gentlemen of the king's Privy Chamber, and
Robert Fouller, esquire, vice-treasurer of Calais and the marches, to the
king's use, of a tenement and site in the parish of St. Nicholas, Calais,
between 'Old Haven' Street on the east, 'Sainct Nicholas strete' on the
south, the tenement of the heirs of John Page on the west, and the
tenement late in the tenure of James Wading on the north; attorney to
deliver seisin, Robert Rolfe, recorder of Calais. Certified under the seal
of the mayoralty of Calais. 26 November, 24 Henry VIII. Signed.
Wyllia' Sandys. Seal, and official seal, chipped.
Memorandum endorsed of entry in the new green (glauco) register of
charters of the Great Hall of Calais, in the time of Thomas Tate, mayor,
24 Henry VIII. |