N'hamp. |
A. 13301. Bond by William Catesby, of Ashbie Legers, knight, to
Edward Hasellrige, of Cottesbroke, gentleman, in 400l. conditioned for the
payment of 200l. 30 September next. 5 October, 17 [Elizabeth]. Signed
Wyllyam Catysby. |
Cornw. |
A. 13302. Counterpart of demise, 7 September, 2 Elizabeth, by
John Reskymer, esquire, to 'Mathew John, Luke his soone and William
Faby soone of Mychell Faby,' for the term of their lives in survivorship,
of his messuage, &c. in Tregudyn within his manor of Reskymer Meneake,
at 20s. rent, at the four terms of the year in the hundred of Kerryer most
usual, a capon at Easter and a capon at 'Chrysmas' and a 'best catell' for
'heryot or farlyve,' doing suit to his courts held within the said manor of
Reskymer Meneake; attorneys to deliver seisin, Thomas Chynowit and
Reynolde Heyme. English. |
Cornw |
A. 13303. Bond by Thomas Trethurff, gentleman, to John Reskymer,
of Mirden, esquire, and to John Reskymer alias Greber, bastard son of the
said John Reskymer of Mirden, in 500l., at Michaelmas next, conditioned
as follows:—Whereas by certain writings indented of even date between
the said John Reskymer, of Mirthen, esquire, and John Tretherffe, of
Tretherff, esquire, of the one part and John Trevanyon, of Key, esquire,
the said Thomas Trethurff, and one Thomas Retyn, gentleman, it is
among other things covenanted that the said John Reskymer and John
Trethurff 'shold' before Christmas next levy a fine to the said John,
Thomas and Thomas of the 'manneres domynyons and lordshippes of
Trethurff, Petygrew, Broungolowe, Penlene, Trewynyon, Hellogan and
Bodryvyowe, and of a messuage, forty cottages, eight water-mills, forty
gardens, 3,000a. land, 100a. meadow, 500a. pasture, 200a. wood, 500a.
furse and heath, and 200a. moor, with fishings and common of pasture for
all manner of beasts, and 10l. rent, in Trethurffe, Petygrew, Browngolow,
Penlene, Trewynyon, Hellogan, Bodryvyowe and elsewhere in the county
of Cornwall, and that the said John, Thomas and Thomas should stand
seised of the said 'manors, landes and tenementes' to the use of the
said John Trethurffe for his life, without impeachment of waste, and
after his decease should stand seised of 'certyn manneres, landes and
tenementes,' 'parcell of the premysses to thuse of Elyzabeth wiff to the
said John Trethurff duryng her liff naturall,' and after the decease of the
said John and Elizabeth, should stand seised of all the said 'maners,
domynyons, landes and tenementes' to the use of the said Thomas Trethurff
'and of theires malys of his body,' and in default to the use of the above-
named John Reskymer alias Grebar 'and of theires malys of his body,' and
in default to the use of William Reskymer alias Grebar 'another base son
of the above wretyn John Reskymer of Mirthen and of theires malys' of
his body, and in default to the use of the right heirs of the said John
Reskymer of Mirthen for ever; 'yf the above bounden Thomas Trethurff
nor his heirs malys,' after the said fine levied, do not suffer to be done any
act by fine recovery feoffment, &c. whereby the remainders of all the
manors, &c. comprised in the above writings indented, or any parcel
thereof, 'except only the maners of Tretherff, Brongolow and Petygrew
with ther apurtenaunces parcell of the premisses myght be discontynued but
suffred to remayn acordyng to the true meanyng of the said wretynges
endentyd that then this present obligation to be voide,' &c. 1 March,
4 Elizabeth. Witness' name endorsed, Thomas Enys. |
A. 13304. Bond by Richard Fermer, of London, merchant of the
staple of Calais, to Richard Verney, esquire, Thomas Brokesby and William
Saunders, in 220 marks at the Purification next, conditioned for his
observance of covenants in indentures between them, 15 October, 20
Henry VIII, concerning the 'receite of thissuez revenuez and proffettes of
certen maners londes and tenementes' to be paid yearly for the performance
of the last will of Thomas Lucy, knight, deceased. 20 October, 20 Henry
VIII. Signed per me Rychard Fermer. Seal. |
York, [W.R.] |
A. 13305. Indenture of award by George Mountfurthe, esquire,
Ambrose Pudsey, gentleman, and John Stephenson, yeoman, as to the title
in dispute between Marmaduke Readmayne of Thorneton, co. York, esquire,
and 'Fraunces Readmayne of the Overlond,' in the said county, to 'one
capitall messuage with thappurtenaunces called Overlond,' in Fraunces'
occupation, and to a messuage or tenement, of 6s. 8d. rent, lying within
the lordship of Thorneton, now in John Wyldman's occupation; viz. that
the said Fraunces, and Margaret his wife, shall enjoy the premises for the
term of their lives in survivorship, without disturbance of the said
Marmaduke, except a 'close called Apletrebarr, one watter corne mylne'
and 'certayn arrable lande medowe and pasture in Thorneton aforesaide
of the yearlie rent of ten shillinges and clamed to be houlden of the quenes
majestye by custome of tenaunte reight,' all of which the said Marmaduke
shall enjoy without disturbance of the said Fraunces or Margaret, and
immediately upon their decease he shall enjoy the said capital messuage,
and the said messuage or tenement; Fraunces shall deliver to Marmaduke,
'at Thorneton Hall in the saide countie of Yorke' all deeds, &c. concerning
the said capital messuage, &c.; in consideration whereof Marmaduke shall
pay to such persons as the said Fraunces shall by his last will appoint 20l.
within a year after the decease of Fraunces and Margaret, at or within the
parish church of Thorneton aforesaid, and shall pay 10l. to Fraunces, as
follows, viz. 40s. yearly on the feast of St. 'Lowrence next, and so on
yearly till all be paid,' and further shall pay the said Fraunces and Margaret
for the term of their lives in survivorship 13s. 4d. yearly at his dwelling
house in Thorneton aforesaid, by half-yearly payments at 'Penticost and
St. Mertyn the bushope in wynter.' 25 November, 23 Elizabeth. English.
Signed George Mountforte, Ambros Pudseye, John Stephenson by mark.
Endorsed:— 'Sealed and delyvered unto the within namyd Marmaduk
Readmayne in the presens of us Rychard Cholmeley Rauf Bussye John
Cansfeilde' &c. |
A. 13306. General release by John Stone, citizen and h . . . .,
to William Catesby of [Le]geris Assheby, co. Northampton. 2 July, 13
Elizabeth, 1571. English. Signed by me Jhon Stone. |
Devon. |
A. 13307. Release by John Axe to John Sidenham, esquire, and
John Sydenham, the younger, of his right in land, &c. in Axhayes, in the
parish of 'Honiton ysclyste.' Witnesses:—Edmund Wynter and Nicholas
Blewet, gentleman, Robert Temple. 20 July, 35 Henry VIII. |
[Camb.] |
A. 13308. Feoffment by Robert Holder, of Barton, co. Cambridge,
yeoman, William Geep of Orrewell and John Upholder, of Barton aforesaid,
to John Smyth, of Barton, and Margery, his wife, Richard Wolf, of Cam-
bridge, Alexander Smyth and Thomas Smyth, . . . . co. Herts, of a
tenement and croft in [Barton] abutting on 'le Chirchelane,' between land
of Henry Aylmer and a tenement called 'Londons, late Robert Fan[ne]s,'
which they had by the feoffment of William Bukenham . . . ., by
charter dated at Barton 4 February, . . . .; to hold to the use of the
said John . . . .; attorney to deliver seisin, John Thirleby.
17 January, . . . . Henry VIII. A fragment.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13309. Release by William Bury and William Baker to Richard
Hoo of their right in all the lands, &c. late of John Pomfrett, son and heir
of John Pomfrett late of Skerneng, deceased. 30 March, 25 Henry VIII.
Signed per me Willelmum Bury. Seals. |
N hamp. |
A. 13310. Bond by George Hely of Northampton town, 'yoman,'
and John Barwyk, of the same, 'chaundeler,' to Richard Catesby, knight,
sheriff of the county of Northampton, in 15l., to wit, George in 10l. and
John in 5l., conditioned for the safe keeping of the king's gaol of the castle
of Northampton and of the prisoners therein, by Thomas Ingram, of
Northampton, 'yoman,' and for his saving Sir Richard harmless of all
escapes, &c. 20 January, 3 Edward VI. Signed John Barwyke, and by
mark. Seals. See A. 13279. |
Norf |
A. 13311. (1) Counterpart of demise, 30 September, 21 Elizabeth, by
Sir Edward Clere, of Blickling, knight, to Thomas Damet, of Greate Yer-
mouthe, 'marchant,' and Ann his wife, in consideration of their surrender
of a lease which they had from him, by the description of Edward Clere,
esquire, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of the rectory and par-
sonage of Freethorpe, of 50a. 1r. 'lande and pasture' in Ormesbye, as in
the schedule annexed, sporting right and timber reserved, from Lady Day
next for eighty years, if the said Thomas and Anne, or either of them, shall
so long live, paying to him or his 'bailife of the manor of Ormesbye' for
the said 50a. 1r., 1d. 'of yearly rente or fearm,' 'in exchaunge for the
same lease of the rectorie'; covenant to repair 'fallgates,' &c.
(2) Schedule indented annexed. |
N'hamp Warw. |
A. 13312. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 3 July, 22 Henry VIII.
by Rychard Varney, esquire, and Dame Elizabeth Lucy, his wife, to
William Fermour, gentleman, of 'all the wolle wyche the seyd Richard
hathe and shall have of this present yeres growyng within the counties of
Warwick and Northampton amountyng to xij. sake lyttyll more or lyttyll
lesse and to be delyverd at Assheby Lyger,' co. Northampton, and 'att
Allescote,' co. Warwick, 'as hitt risyth goode reffes and myddell wolle and
to be weyde be the halff sacke gevyng into every drafte sufficiant lyste
in soche maner and forme as they dyd weye and delyver ther wolles the
laste yere nowe paste,' before Michaelmas next; William to pay 10 marks
6s. 8d. 'redy mony in hand at the delyvere of the same wolles,' 'for every
sacke'; they 'shall then also clerely geve and delyver on to the seyd William
iij. toddes of the seyd wolle into the forseyd bargyn over and a bove all soche
wolles that the seyd William shall paye for,' &c.; in part payment of
which 'wolles' Richard acknowledges the receipt of 50l. English. Signed
per me Will'm Fermor. Paper. Seal. |
[Devon] |
A. 13313. Appointment by the dean and chapter of Exeter of Thomas
Sotheron, treasurer, and George Carewe, archdeacon of Totness, canons
residentiary, as their proctors before the king in council and in the king's
courts. 21 April, 1537. |
Kent. |
A. 13314. Certified copy of the will, 18 September, 1512, of William
Derkynhole, of Etonbryge, co. Kent; to be buried in churchyard there; to
high altar there for tithes forgotten 20d.; to high altar of Chillingston
12d.; to high altar of Penshurst 12d.; to the high altar of Lee 12d.; 40s.
by 6s. 8d. yearly, to the repair of the church of Etonbrige; to the repair of
the churches of Chillingston and Penshurst 6s. 8d., of Lee 40d.; 'Jhon
Fuller and Jone hys wiff my dowghter shall have all Stonelake the terme
of there lyves,' if 'my son Jhon Fuller over lyve his wyffe,' he shall have
the said land for life, paying 6s. 8d. yearly to John and William Clark,
with remainder to his issue, if any 'without any tribute paying' or failing
such issue, to the said John and William and their heirs; 'a prest schall
syng for me a x yere having therefore x markes'; to the repair of the bridge
5 marks; land called 'Breches' to be sold by Jhon Fuller for performance
of will; 20s. to be distributed at his burying day and 40s. 'on my
monithday'; residue of goods to said Jhon and Jone Fuller, his executors;
Agnes Muggellwik to have 'to her mariage' 40s. and Thomas Staple to
have 'to hur maryage' . . . . . ; William Crypps, 16s.; Robert Fuller
to have my house with all my lands in Etonbrege; lands called 'Phallers'
to daughter Jone 'to geve and to sell'; 'allso I will that Jhon Fullar my
son have all my landes within the shyre of Kent duryng his lyffe and after
hys decess acording to my last will. Witnes hereof Sr Robert Peele vycar
of Westeham and Jhon Setear of Brasted.' English. At foot Facta
collacione concordat cum registro. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13315. Probate copy of the will, 8 April, 1516, 8 Henry VIII of
Thomas Hoo, of Hengham; to 'be buryd undre a marbyll ston before the
chauncell doore in the churche of Hengham aforesaid to whos highe aultare
I geve' 3s. 4d.; to the high altar of Norwich cathedral 3s. 4d.; to the
repair of the churches of Dudlington 2s., Howghton by Pykenham 12d.,
Estbradenham 2s., and Skernyng 12d.; 'to eche curat there suyng to say
dirge and masse of requiem for my sowle within xxx dayes aftre my
departing or deces viiid.'; to the clerks and ringers in the same towns 4d.;
'to the fraternyte or guylde of saynt Botolphe in Skernyng vjs. viijd. or a
cowe'; 'to the guylde of saynt Thomas in Estdereham ijs.'; 'to the
guylde of oure lady in Howghton' 12d.; 'to the guylde of Corpus Christi
in Hengham ijs.; to the 'byeng of a newe crosse of sylver or soum other
necessary ornament for the churche of Skernyng' 20s.; 'iche of my
servauntes' 3s. 4d.; 'to my nevewe John Giggis an horse ij nette and x ewis
if he be of goode and kynde demeanor to me and myn executors'; 'to iche
of his susteris a cowe or a hekfer and iijs. iiijd. in monay undre the said
condicion'; to John Wodthorp the younger a cow and 3s. 4d. in money; to
Thomas Wodthorp son of Robert the same; wife to have 'my place purchased
of Thomas Moor in Hengham with the close that I purchasid of Terell and
Denny,' for her life, with remainder to son Richard, on condition that he
pay 20l. and find surety for it, for the performance of will and payment of
debts; said son Richard to have 'my place in Skernyng' with all purchased
lands there, free and copy, 'with a certeyn plantyng in the common there
and my stall in Hoolte markett,' 'undre condicion that he shall pay yerely
to myn executoris' 'xxvjs. viijd. during the terme of x yeres next aftre
my deceas and keping a solempne durge and masse of requiem in the
churche of Skernyng onis in the yere for my sowle and frendes sowlis during
the same terme and aslong aftre as he may convenyently with his ease';
wife in like wise to keep 'for me and my frendes sowlis a dirge and masse
of requiem in the churche of Hengham, 'and if she will not so doo then she
to pay' 6s. 8d. yearly and executors 'to se the seid obite kept'; tenements
called' Whitinges' and 'Tetershalis,' close called 'Hardies,' 2½a. 'free londe
in Bredenham with the oon half of my corne and catall immediatly aftre
my deces' to be sold by executors for payment of debts and performance of
will; the other half of 'my corne and catall and all my stuff of howsehold
I geve it to my wiff to do with it as shall please hir'; 'the seid Richard shall
have soche medowes pasturis and landes as I have takyn to feerme of
thabbot and covent of Wendlyng by their covent seale if he will else I
remyt it to myn executoris'; 'item, I will have a honest secular prist to
syng for my sowle and my frendis sowlis oon yere or ij. yeris if it may be
boorne of my landes goodis and catall in the churche of Hengham
immediatly aftre my deceas'; to 'my wiff all soche waris as be myn in my
shoppis at Hengham or else where,' she paying such money as is due
therefore to any persons, 'and if she refuse so to doo,' executors to sell so
much thereof 'as shall pay all soche creditors'; feoffees of his lands shall
make estate to performance of will when thereto required by executors; 'if
it shall fortune me to die seasid or intestat in any soche landes' 'whiche
by the lawe myghte remayn or discende unto my soon Richard then I will
and commaund hym upon my blyssing to release make astate and leve
his possession and interest therof, and if he will not soo do but lett the
performans of this my will thorough his demeanor,' bequests above to him
to be void; 'if it fortune hym to dye before me or else shortly aftre me so
that my seid will and testament may not take effecte in every behalve before
his dethe,' his place in Hengham and purchased close to be sold by executors,
after wife's decease, and the money to be employed in the performance of
his will, and of 'the willis of my said wif and Richard my sonne,' and his
'howse or place' and land in Skernyng to 'remayn to myn nevewe John
Gyggis' and the heirs of his body begotten; residue to goods and lands 'I
commytte unto the disposicion of myn executoris whom I ordeyn and
constitute Jane Hoo my wiff and Richard Hoo my soon.' English.
Memorandum endorsed of probate at Norwich before the official of the
consistory court, 3 December, 1519, and of administration granted to the
executrix, the other executor renouncing. Fragment of official seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 13316. (1) Probate copy of the will, 9 May, 1538, of Thomas
Vicars, 'in the parysshe of the Trenite in Guylford'; to be buried in the
churchyard there; to 'father in lawe, Robert Rowniff, and to Johan his
wyff,' all such goods as 'my father John A Vycars dydd geve to mee att
the houre of his laste endyng'; to said father in law 'my house callydd the
lambe,' he to be sole executor and to 'see to be doone yerly oonse in the
yere an obytte for the soules of my father my mother my grandefather
and grandmother and all Christen soules. These witnes Syr John Frere
Myghell Woodyer with other moo.' English.
(2) Proved before Griffin Leyson, doctor of laws, official of the arch-
deacon of Surrey, 20 October, 1539, and administration granted to Robert
Rowniff, the executor. Dated at Sowthwerke. |
A. 13317. Discharge by William, archbishop of Canterbury, to Lady
Elizabeth Catesby, the administratrix, on receipt of an inventory exhibited
by her of the goods of Sir John White, chaplain; the estate to be administered
in accordance with the will of the deceased. Lamehith, 2 December, 1507.
Signed Jo. Yong. Fragments of archiepiscopal seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13318. Probate copy of the will of William Neele, 'prieste,' dated
17 July, 1531, to be buried in the chapel of our Lady, within the church
of Corpusty; to reparation of the said chapel 10s.; to Holy Trinity,
Norwich, 3s. 4d.; to the reparations of the churches of St. Andrew in
Lytyll Snoryng 10s., of Bynham juxta Cokthorp 3s. 4d. 'Item I wyll
that there be found brynnyng a lyght of wax att servyce tyme upon the
holy day befor seinte Andrew befor seinte Jamys befor our Lady and befor
seinte Nicolas in the church of Corpusty by the space of x yeres. Item I
wyll that ther be found a lyght also befor seinte Thomas of Canterbury
and kyng Herry of Wyndsouer in the church of Corpusty by the space of
x yeres; to Thomas Dey of Ludham, son of William Dey 'now dede,'
'my medow in Thyrnyng,' paying 4l. to 'myn executors,' viz. at the
Purification next after taking possession, 40s., 'at the fest of seinte Petur
advincula callyd Lammes day next after that xls.'; 4 marks 'in mony' to
Thomas Hynd of Corpusty, viz. 13s. 4d. at Michaelmas yearly till all be
paid, on condition that he 'and hys wyff schall praye for my sowle and
avoid the possession of all such londes and tenementes' 'as he dwellyth in
of myn in Corpsty and also delyver all such stuff as he hath of myn to myn
executors,' before Michaelmas next: to 'Margaret Hastyng myn neese and
to William her husbond' all houses and land in Corpsty, 'so that the
sayd Margaret have her dwellyng in whych mese that sche wyll for
the terme of hir lyff and after that to remayn to the socor of hym and
hys childern, with thys condycion that they schall cherysh and
kepe me with myn own goodes and bring my body honestly to the ground,
paying my dettes and takyng my dettes, and fulfyllyng this my testament
and last wyll'; executors, the said William and Margaret, supervisor,
Thomas Seman, vicar of Oulton, &c. Witnesses:—John Skottow of
Dallyng and others (named). English. Probate endorsed, at Norwich,
before Thomas Pellis, doctor of laws, principal official of the consistory court
of the bishop of Norwich, 16 August, 1531, and administration granted to
William Hastynges, with power reserved to Margaret. Fragments of official
seal. |
Salop. |
A. 13319. Probate copy of the will, 9 October, 1556, 3 and 4 Philip and
Mary, of John Gethyn, of the parish of Melverley, in the county of Saloppe,
and diocese of St. Asaph; to be buried within church there; to the
'mayntenaunce of Godes dyvyne servyce' there 'too torches and too
tapers'; 'to Sr Mathewe ap Howell my ghostely father' 2s. 'to pray for my
sowle and all Christen sowles'; tenement, dwelling house and barn in
Melverley, with land belonging, to Mawd verch Gruffithe 'my wedded wef,'
for the 'tyme and space that she and Edward Gethyn my son can agree,'
if son die in wife's lifetime, the premises to wife for twenty-one years from
son's death, paying the rent to the chief lord, and 6s. 8d. yearly to the
'right heyre thereof,' with remainder after the said term to the said right
heir; 'I doo protest here and before God by the waye that my sowle shall
goo unto that the parcell of land called y Kaye issa nowe in varyaunce was
of the mere right of my fathers and nowe by just title mine owne';
household stuff equally between wife and son; to son 'one yelowe mare
and a fylly'; residue equally between wife and son, son to be sole executor,
overseers, Roger Thornes and Thomas ap William Gethyn; 'Item of deabtes
owed to me upon Davyd ap John Lya of Dyveston' 6s. 8d. 'Item deabtes
upon my landes fyrste to Thomas ap David ap Yollyn' 13s. 4d., to William
Lloyde 20s., to Edward ap John 20s.; 'Item to Roger Hycken of Dyveston
I doo owe' 6s. 8d., to the same Roger 15s. at May next. Witnesses:—
Sir Mathewe ap Howell, clerk, and others (named). English. At foot Letters
of administration by Maurice Gruffithe, bachelor in decrees, vicar general and
principal official of the bishop of St. Asaph to Mawde verch Gruffithe, the
relict, during the minority of the executor. Oswestry, 26 October, 1566. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 13320. Probate before Master Henry Cole, doctor of laws
commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18 November, 1558,
of the will of Henry Long, late of Whaddon, diocese of Salisbury, with
grant of administration to Henry Long, his son, the executor. The annexed
will missing. |
A. 13321. Notarial instrument declaring that 9 July, 1585, English
style, 27 Elizabeth, the noble man (honnorable homme) Jehan de Fiennes,
native of St. Omer, seigneur of Hesecques, village in the county of St. Pol,
in Artois, being taken ill and in bed, but in possession of all his senses,
declared his will as follows:—His soul to God, by Christ his sole Saviour
and Mediator, his body to the earth at his friends' discretion; to the poor of
the church of the parish where he should die 20s.; to Pierre van Damme,
his servant, certain garments being at Flissingues; to the wife of the noble
man (d'honnorable homme) Guillaume van Dalle, captain, a native of the Low
Countries, a gold ring with a female head cut in agate; to Sara Corne, his
host's daughter, a gold ring with a jacinth in acknowledgment of her parents'
kindness during his stay with them; to Francoise de Fiennes, his daughter,
his armorial seal ring, to be kept by 'Damiselle Jacqueline de la Kethule,'
her mother, till her wedding day, or if she die unmarried, to the said
'Damiselle Jacqueline' for her own; if the said Frances die without lawful
issue, his said wife to have the said 'seigneurie' of Hesecques, for life; his
goods to be divided between his said wife and daughter according to the
custom of Flanders, begging his wife to bring his daughter up in the fear
of God and the true and pure Christian religion, according to her promise,
and not to allow her to be led astray from it by fear, terror or any other
means; his wife to be executrix (executrice) and Sieur (le dessusnomme Sr)
Guillaume van Dalle overseer (testamenteur). Done at London, in the
presence of 'Sr Jehan Baptiste Aurelio ministre et Lievin Succa,' witnesses,
and of the notary. French. Signed: Jan de Fiennes, with seal of arms; also
Jehan Baptista Aurelio tesmoyn and Je Liuin de Succa tesmoing. At foot:
Certificate of Cornelius Spirink, notary, dwelling in London, &c. |
[Suflf ] |
A. 13322. Copy on paper, headed 'I.H.S.', of the will of Thomas
Edward of Southcove, dated 27 April, 1505; soul to God, our Lady and
St. Laurance, body to be buried in the churchyard 'of the seyd seynt
Lauraunce'; to the 'hey auter of the seyd chyrche' 4s.; 'Item I wyll
have bought to the seyd chyrche a vestement of the price of xltis.'; 'Item
I wyll that the meswage that I wone in,' with lands, &c. belonging, be
sold; if either of his daughters marry, 'and her housbond abyll to beye'
it, they to have it 'with in the price of v markys,' and the other daughter
to have 5 marks to her marriage, &c.; land bought of William Kegell
of Northale in the Northfeld, to 'remayne for ever more to the use of
the sepulcur lyghte in the seyd chyrche of seynte Lauraunce as longe
as yt maye be induryd and sufferd by the laus of the chyrche and
the realme of England and yf tyme for to come yt schall happe that
the foreseyd londe schall not may by the laws of the chyrche and of the
realme of England abyd to the entent of thys my last wyll even than
yt shalbe lefull to the chyrchewardeyns of the seyd Cove to sell the
seyd lond and the mony thereof comyng be dysposyd in the seyd
chyrche as they thynk beste to please Godd'; 'a laufull pryste to
synge' in said church, for year, for soul and friends' souls; of residue
coming of sale of tenement 'be syd the prestes serv[ice] and my daughters
maryage I wyll have bought a Jewell as schall be best sen to my executours
for the [seyd] chyrche of seynt Lauranse that my sowlle may be
remembrydd'; household stuff equally between daughters Joone and Alys
with benefit of survivorship, 'also yche of them schall have a weye of
salte'; residue 'to the dysposicion of John Blomfeld of Stoven and Thomas
Blomfeld of Eston Bavent,' executors, for soul. |
[Suff.] |
A. 13323. (1) Copy on paper of the will, 21 May, 1541, of Edward
Latymer, of Freston, co. Suffolk, esquire; to be buried by wife in chancel
of Freston to high altar 6s. 8d., to repair of church 20s., the poor to be
honestly relieved on the day of his funeral; manors, &c. of Wosted,
Wolverston, Holbroke, Stuttun, Tatistun, to sons Christopher, Fraunces
and Richard, successively in tail, with remainder in default to right heirs;
all goods to son Christopher, he to stand bound to executors in 1,500l. to
pay debts and portions to children, viz. to 'dowter Cysly,' 40l. within
twelve months, to son Fraunces 40l. at twenty-four, to son Richard 100
marks at twenty-one, to daughters Mari, Margett and Justyn 40l. apiece at
twenty-one, &c.; if Christopher decline, executors to sell purchased lands,
free and copy, in Freston, Whested and Wolverston, and goods, for
performance of will, and if this suffice not, they shall take the issues of the
manor of Alton for twelve years, &c.; executors, 'my brother parson Sir
William Latimer, Mr. George Stratum, esquier, and Mr. Warner, viker
of Wested,' Mr. John Gosnold, supervisor, 40s. each. Witnesses:—'Mr.
Nicholas Bohune, esquier, Sr Henry Aleyn, parson,' and others (named).
Endorsed: The laste will of my brother Ed. Latymer.
(2) 'Whereas yt pleased God so to move the harte of Mr. Doctor Latymer
Deane of Peterbroughe about xij or xiij yeeres nowe last paste to make
choise of mee to be his wife,' 'not havinge any . . . . landes goodes or
chattles with me . . . . other then certen parcelles of houshoulde stuffe
beinge of verie smale value and which he accomptethe not either in his will
or inventorie as belonginge unto him but leavethe wholy unto mee. And
whereas also yt hath pleased God in this tyme of his visitation to move
him . . . . as well in consideracion of his love and good will towardes mee
as also for the contynuance of quiett and unitie between his children and
mee . . . . to putt mee unto the choice whether I will have a c marks
in redy mony' half a year after his death, 'or els stande unto his goodwill
in taking thankefully whatsoever it shall please him therin to bequeathe
unto mee, without further demaunde to be made by mee unto any of his
goodes or chattles in respecte of our coverture. I Hellen Latymer,' &c.;
she accepts what it shall please him to bestow, and releases all claim to his
other goods. 8 August, 25 Elizabeth. Signed Signum dicte Elene.
Witnesses:—Edmund Petriburg, Robert Bevill, Thomas Hoke. |
[Chester.] |
A. 13324. Abstract, on paper, of the will, 8 August [15]42, of John
Bothe, D.D., archdeacon of Herforthe; soul to God, body 'to be burid in
the Mynstre, &c.'; 'Item I bequiethe one pece of arrase of the storie of Tedes
containinge in lenthe v. yerdes and one quarter and in bredithe iiij. yerdes
one quarter one nale to Agnes Bothe beynge myne here and it to succede to
the heres of hare bodie lawfully begotten as longe as it may indure. Item to
the said Agnes one sperver of tawney satten . . . . . one standinge
cuppe parcell gilte with a vice and a cover havinge on it a falcon . . .
j. fyne carpett of v. yerdes iij. quarters lenthe and ij. yerdes and one quarter
in bredithe.' 'Item to Frances Bothe and to Barbara his wife one Flanders
chest of ij. yerdes of lenthe and iij. quarters in bredithe with somme
money and somme plate.' 'Item to Margaret Bothe my lease and hooll
interest which I have in the mannor place of Sawgthon accordinge to the
indenture of the same,' with oxen, 'milche kyne,' 'effors,' 'tuppis,' 'ij
horses viz. Lewes and Dunne,' &c. 'Item one chales parcell gilte with all
other anowrnamentes belonginge to the chapell with somme money and
somme plate.' 'Item to Roger Bothe xli. for one annuitie to be lyvet yearly
duringe his lyffe of and upon my landes in Mollington Tyrrald,' according
to the deed thereof; to two chaplains 20s. above wages; to eleven 'howshold
men servaundes' and 'ix of my mades,' a year's wages and liveries above
their dues; 'Item to the Colege of Brasin Os in Oxford my bowkes'; 'Item
to remain in Sawthon for Margaret a chest havinge in it certane napery
ware as dothe appere by a byll beinge in the same cheste savinge that Barbara
shall have a parcel therof.' At foot, George Wolfet in same hand.
Endorsed: Wm Eccleston of Lancashyr Rog' Both de Durham Thomas
. . . . . de com' Lancastr' taunsr how they can prove them selfe
execut'. See Cal. Letters and Papers, Hen. VIII, col. xvii, no. 581. |
Essex. |
A. 13325. Probate copy on paper of the will, 18 July, 1554, 1 Mary,
of John Fullame, of Chygwelle, co. Essex, yeoman; soul to 'Jesu Cryste
my only saveor and Redemer,' body to be buried in churchyard of Cheg-
well; to wife Jone 'all my leesse londe, except 'Perryfyllde' to son
Thomas; to wife 'vj kyne of the best that she can choche'; to daughter
Esbyll 10l.; to daughter Agnesse 6l. 13s. 4d., with benefit of survivorship
if either die under age or unmarried; to daughter Jone 'a kowe'; to Allys
Fryebarde 'a kowe'; residue to wife Jone and son Thomas, executors.
Witnesses:—'James Byllney, wycar of Chygwell, and William Cleypolle,
clarke of the churche with dyvers other.' English.
Proved before William Roper, bachelor in law, official of the archdeaconry
of Essex, 15 April, 1554. Dated at Loughton. |
[Berks.] |
A. 13326. Probate copy on paper of the will, 25 June, 1555, of
Symmond Bullocke of the parish of Hurst 'welle wryth'; soul to 'God, to
owre blessyde lady and vyrgyn his mother and to all the holy cumpeny of
Heyvnn,' body to be buried in churchyard of St. Nycholas in Hurst; to
mother church of Sarum 1d.; to the 'hye alter' for tithes forgotton 2d.;
to wife, Luce, all goods, and house and land for life, with remainder to 'my
heyr malle,' 'paying too my v chyldren eche of them xxs. be the space of
v yere and yf one of them doo dye the sayd xxs. schall reymeyn unto the
next of them'; to son Rychard 'all my tolles that doo beloyng to my
occupacyon; residue to wife, executrix. Witness:—'Sr John Bayle my
gostly father,' and others (named). English.
Proved before Clement Burdett, M.A., commissary of Peter Vannes, dean
of Salisbury, for his peculiar jurisdiction of Sonninge, at Wokingham,
24 October, 1556, and administration granted to the executrix. |
Notts. |
A. 13327. Will, 19 August, 1558, of Rauffe Warde, of the parish of
Elton, co. Notts, 'yemande man'; soul to God, our Lady St. Mary, &c.,
body to be buried within the church of Our Lady of Elton 'with that thyng
to be my mortuarye as the lawe wyll admytte'; to reparations of church
6s. 8d.; to daughter Elyzabeth 10l., daughter Elleyn 10l., son Hew 8l.,
son Roger 8l., daughter Joan 5l., their 'porssyons and partes' to be paid
them 'other in penye or penye worthe,' as executors think eonvenient; to
son Thomas 'ij steres of ij yeres old suche as my executours shall sett
forthe'; godchildren 4d. each; children to be ruled and ordered by executors
and supervisors till twenty-one and then to have their 'parttes aboue named,'
'whyche partes shall be for their childes parttes and porssyons'; residue to
wife 'Feyls' and son 'Jhon,' executors; 'Jhon Hussye and Robert
Howdeyn my brethern in lawe,' supervisors, to the one 'my baye geldyng,'
to the other 'a baye hors that ys stonyd.' Witnesses:—' . . . . .,
gentleman, Rauffe Layland, Wylliam Wedoson, with other moo. Sr Robert
Rousser parsonn the . . . .' English. Paper. |
Sussex. |
A. 13328. Copy on parchment, with probate annexed, of the will,
5 June, 1592, of Nicholas Delve, of 'Buxted, within the Peculiers of
Canterburye,' co. Sussex, yeoman; to be buried in churchyard there; to
poor there 20s.; to wife Joane, messuage or tenement, and barn in
Buxted, with all freehold land there, for her life, taking timber for repairs,
bringing children up till twenty-one, with remainder to son William and his
heirs; to daughter Joane 30l. at twenty-one; to daughter Elizabeth the
like; to daughter Hellen 31l. at twenty-one; to daughter Cecilie 30l. at
twenty-one, with benefit of survivorship; residue to wife, sole executrix;
Raphe Poope, gentleman, and Richard Child, overseers, 6s. 8d. apiece.
Proved, 11 November, 1592, at London, before Mr John Hone, doctor of
laws, surrogate of Mr William Lewin, doctor of laws, commissary of the
Prerogative court of Canterbury, being of the archbishop's immediate
jurisdiction, &c. Fragment of seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 13329. Copy of court roll of Radwinter Hall; at a court of
Alexander Prescott, esquire, held 2 October, 8 James, the homage present
that Arthur Coote held, to him and his heirs, by the rod, at the will of the
lord, a messuage and three parcels of land, called 'Coxwittes,' 'Slepers'
and 'Wiggens,' containing 20a., and died since the last court, and that
Daniel Coote, of full age, is his brother and heir; admission of Daniel, by
John Meade, gentleman, the steward. This and the following documents to
A. 13344, formerly tied up together as 'T.R. Misc. 28/5.' |
[Norf.] |
A. 13330. Copy of court roll of Wendlyng, held Thursday before the
Translation of St. Thomas, the Martyr, 1 Henry VIII; John, the abbot,
granted to Thomas Hoo, Joan his wife, and Richard their son, a plantation
in the common of Wendlyng, between the plantations of William Pynche-
beck and Thomas Secker, and the abbot's wood, which plantation in the
time of Richard Rolston, late abbot, was seized by authority of his court,
for certain offences done by one Edmund Pescod; to hold in fee farm, at a
rent of a cock and five hens at Christmas for all service.
Endorsed: My father saiet the neybours grudged at this and therfor he
would not have it but gave it up agen. So Pescodd had it and now Pynch-
bek hath it but we have the frehold by the purchase of mannor of Litle
Sk[erning] of Mr. Hogon. |
[Warw.] |
A. 13331. Copy of court roll. In the court of Sir John de
Byssop[esdon], held at Lappeworth, Wednesday after Corpus Christi (post
festum consecrationis Corporis Christi), 8 Edward III. Inquisition taken by
all the freemen on their fealty and by the bondmen on oath (per omnes
liberos super fidelitatem et natiros jur') touching the age of Walter son and
heir of Walter Fremon. He was aged twenty-one at Lammas day (in festo
gule augusti) last. Thereupon came Roger Purfrey and did fealty and
acknowledged to hold freely of the lord a messuage and a half-virgate of
land in Lappeworth, acquired from the said Walter the son, paying to the
lord 8s. at the three terms usual there, doing foreign and royal service and
suit of court therefore. That inquisition was made in the presence of Sir
Thomas de Colashulle, chaplain, William de Charindon and Edmund Fyz
Wareyn, then steward of the said court, and Thomas de Cuppescot, bailiff of
the same, who have put their seals to this bill, agreeing with the roll of
court. Dated at Lappeworth the day and year above. |
[Essex.] |
A. 13332. Copy of court roll of Ocle Magna. At a court held
on the feast of St. Gregory, the Pope, 7 Henry VI, Joan late the wife of
John Sadeler surrendered a tenement and curtilage in the market place (in
foro de Ocle) called 'Wyndesores'; regrant thereof to her for life, with
remainder to Roger Gosse and Joan, his wife, her daughter, their heirs and
assigns. |
[Essex.] |
A. 13333. Copy of court roll of Ocle Magna. At a court held
Friday, the feast of St. Gregory, the Pope, 22 Henry VII, it was found by
the homage that Christopher Newton, clerk, out of court and since the last
court, surrendered by the hands of John Fryth, deputy bailiff (ric' ball'i),
in the presence of Thomas Wylcokkes, gentleman, and John Chirche,
tenants, a messuage in the market place, formerly Roger Gosse's, called
'Wyndesorys,' and a croft of customary land, late parcel of a tenement
called 'Hogge Herdes,' to the use of Eobert Blosse and his heirs; which
premises Christopher had by the surrender of John Salkyn and Katharine,
his wife, Saturday, the feast of St. Gregory, the Pope, 17 Henry VII;
admission of Blosse. |
[Essex.] |
A. 13334. Copy of court roll of Ocle Magna. At a court, Saturday,
the feast of St. Gregory, the Pope, 17 Henry VII, John Salkyn and
Katharine, his wife, surrendered a messuage in the market place, formerly
Roger Gosse's, called 'Wyndzoris,' and a croft of land late parcel of 'Hogge
Herdis,' to the use of Christopher Newton, clerk, his heirs and assigns,
subject to the payment of 7l. 6s. 8d. at certain dates. |
Warw |
A. 13335. Copy of court of roll of Bisshopyston within the parish
of Stratfford on Aven. At a court baron of Richard Catisby, esquire,
Wednesday, 30 May, 35 Henry VIII, William Parnell took of the lord a
messuage, two small closes and two virgates of arable in the common fields,
one virgate being parcel of the demesne and the other of the customary
lands there, late in the tenure of John Parnell, his father; admission of
William, Sibilla, now his wife, while sole, and Thomas his son, for their
lives in survivorship, at a rent of 20s., 9 strikes and 2 measures of corn
and the like of barley, suit of court, &c. Signed Per me Thomam Robyns
custod' cur'; Ex' per Wm Bothe.
Endorsed: Bisshoppeston. |
[Salop.] |
A. 13336. Copy of court roll of Briggenorth. John Owen and
Richard Hynstoke came before Humphrey Cotes, esquire, receiver, and
William Weldon, auditor of the lord, 20 January, 28 Henry VI, and took
of the lord a tenement, garden and dovecot, in Cantryn by Severn, &c.;
to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, from Michaelmas last for sixteen
years, at 48s. rent. Two seals. Written at the top:—Thomas Hord for the
term of twenty years from Michaelmas, 8 Edward IV. |
[Glouc] |
A. 13337. Copy of court roll of Thornbury. At a court of the
borough (burgii) held there, 9 October, 39 Edward III, before John de
Weston, steward, it was found by the whole homage that the moiety of a
burgage (burg) which Hugh Rogers held for a long time was borough
(burg) and not bond land (terra nativa), and it was seized accordingly into
the lord's hands; thereupon came Philip Stille and gave 40s. fine for
entry, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns for ever, by the rent and
service formerly due therefore, and gives for increment of rent 6d. yearly
and did fealty, paying 10s. at the feasts of St. Andrew, the Annunciation,
Midsummer and Michaelmas.
Endorsed: All these belong to the tenement bought of Alice Usher by the
church. |
[Notts.] |
A. 13338. Copy of court roll. A court held at Gunthorp, Tuesday,
the feast of St. Nicholas, 35 Edward III, at which court it was found by
inquisition, taken concerning the carriage (de gestu) of Geoffrey 'in the
lane,' the reeve, how he behaved towards his lord (qualiter se habuit ex parte
domini sui) in the office of reeveship, by twelve bondmen of the lord, &c. |
[Essex.] |
A. 13339. Copy of court roll of Radwynter. At the court of Giles
Reyneshale, esquire, and Lady Eleanor Cobham, his wife, held there,
Friday, the morrow of Michaelmas, 11 Henry VIII, the lord, present in
court in his own person, granted to John Coote, son of Richard Coote, and
to Margaret his wife, three messuages, or customary tenements, called
'Wegeyns,' 'Cokyswettes,' and 'Slepars' in Radwynter, and 3a. pasture
in a close called 'Bullis Owtfeld,' and 1a. pasture next 'Gelden Lane,'
called 'Bullis', also six closes pasture between land of Robert Mordaunte,
esquire, called 'Peryfeld,' and 'Radwynter parke,' and abutting on land of
Olmested Hall and southward on the road from Castelcampys to Hempsted,
&c., also a pasture, called 'le Launde,' within the wood of 'Radwynter
Parke,' and another pasture called 'le Scharde,' abutting, &c.; all of which
came to the hands of the lord Cobham by the forfeiture of William Hopper,
inasmuch as he alienated the same in fee, as his free tenement, to Queen's
College, Cambridge; to hold to the said John and Margaret, and the heirs
and assigns of John, by the rod, at the will of the lord, according to the
custom of the manor, by the rent and service formerly due and accustomed,
viz. 26s. 8d., &c. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 13340. Copy of court roll of Thornbury manor. At a court of
the manor held there, 11 June, 4 Henry VII, before Edmund Mountefort,
knight, steward, Thomas Pacche and Joan his wife, daughter and heir of
John Blak, came and paid 20d. fine for leave to lease to William Adams, of
Thornbury Borogh, the site of a cottage in Thornbury called 'Sadelers,' as
a easement for the passage of William's carts, for twenty years, at 2d. rent. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13341. Copy of court roll of Burnham Overey. At a court held
there, Wednesday, the feast of St. Katharine the Virgin, 20 Henry VIII,
Oliver Reymes, gentleman, surrendered a messuage, 3a. 3r. bond land (terre
native) in Burnham Overy, formerly Geoffrey Porter's, to the use of John
Gigges, gentleman, and Agnes his wife; admission of John and Agnes. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13342. Copy of court roll of Burnham St. Clement. At a court
there on the day of St. Katharine the Virgin, 17 Henry VII, the jury
present that John Porter, on his deathbed, surrendered by the hands of
John Boteler and John Kyngesman, bond tenants, in the presence of
Geoffrey Porter and Thomas Porter, likewise bond tenants, a messuage and
3a. bond land in Burnham Overey, to the use of Geoffrey Porter, his son,
to whom seisin was thereof delivered by the rod, &c. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13343. Copy of court roll of Burnham Overey. At a court held
there on the feast of St. Katharine the Virgin, 15 Henry VIII, it is
enrolled that Geoffrey Porter, out of court, surrendered by the hands of
William Thirlowe, bond tenant (native tenent'), in the presence of John Dix
and John Saunder, bond tenants, a tenement with buildings and 3a. 3r.
bond land, in Burnham aforesaid, to the use of Oliver Reymes, gentleman,
and John Thirlowe, who are admitted. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13344. Copy of court roll of Burnham Overhee. At the first
court of John, duke of Norfolk, with leet, held there, Thursday, the feast
of St. Katharine, the Virgin, 30 Henry VI, John Pully, present in court,
surrendered a messuage with 3a. bond land in Burnham Overhee, to the
use of John Portere, Agnes his wife, and their heirs; admission of John
and Agnes.
Endorsed: Polles. Portere. This nowe hath Colyns. The land is
remitted from copyholde to farm lande but quo jure thoon and thother is
doon quere and quere which iij acres iij rod this is. See note to A. 13329. |
Heref. |
A. 13345. Indenture of fine levied in the court of Francis, earl of
Shrewsbury, of his manor of Wormelowe, at a court held there, 2 April,
3 and 4 Philip and Mary, before Richard Cox, gentleman, in the place of
John Scudamor, esquire, the steward, John Abrehale, the younger, esquire,
Edward Maynston, gentleman, and James Wynston, gentleman, attorney
of John Abrehale, the elder, esquire, &c., between William Donne, of
Trecelley, and Thomas Donne, of Tredonnock, querents, and Richard
Fraunce, deforciant, of a messuage, 20a. land, 3a. meadow, 2a. pasture,
and 1a. wood, in Tretilley, within the hundred of Wormelowe, and within
the jurisdiction of this court; Eichard acknowledges the premises to be
the right of William, as those which William and Thomas have of his gift,
to them and the heirs of William, with warranty; for this William and
Thomas have given the premises to Richard and Margaret, his wife, to
them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default to Margaret's
heirs and assigns. In witness the seals of the said deputy (locumtenentis),
John, Edward, and James, are appended. One seal remaining. |
[Berks.] |
A. 13346. Indenture of fine in the octave of St. Martin, 18 Henry,VII,
and afterwards in the octave of St. Hilary, in the said year, between Richard,
bishop of Winchester, Reginald Bray, knight, Thomas Lovell, knight,
Richard Guldeford, knight, James Hobert, Richard Emson, and Thomas
Lucas, querents, and John Preston and Anne, his wife, deforciants, of the
manor and advowson of Ramenham, 30 messuages, 1,000a. land, 200a.
meadow, 1,000a. pasture, 200a. wood, 100a. moor and 10l. rent, in Ramen-
ham; warranty for themselves and the heirs of Anne, to the bishop, and
the others, and the bishop's heirs; consideration, 100l. |
[Berks.] |
A. 13347. Counterpart of the above. |
[London.] |
A. 13348. Indenture, 23 April, 1600, 42 Elizabeth, between Gerson
Willford, of London, mercer, 'deputie and assigney' of Richard Drake and
Michael Stanhop, esquires, of the one part, and James Desmetrius and
Henry Kule of Est Smythfeild, brewers, of the other part, being a licence
for them to brew in their 'brewhowse,' 'comonly called The shippe scituat
in Estsmythfeld', as in A. 12777. English. Seal. Paper. |
A. 13349. Grant by Margaret Pole, for good counsel and aid rendered
and to be rendered her, to Thomas Wolcy, clerk, king's almoner, of 100
marks annuity for life, payable at Easter and Michaelmas. 11 June,
5 Henry VIII. Signed Margret Pole. |
Norf. |
A. 13350. Indenture of bargain and sale, 20 July, 3 and 4 Philip
and Mary, by William Blackwode, of Brancaster, 'shipwrite,' to Thomas
Hoo, gentleman, of the 'moity or half part of all such land &c. 'somtyme
Thomas Esthaw of Thornham, whilest he livid,' in Brancaster; in
consideration whereof Thomas covenants to stand bound by his 'dede
obligatory' in 100 marks, of even date, 'upon condicion to be indosid,'
'concerning certeyn costs exspences and other travell to be exspendid layed
out and don by the seid Thomas,' on William's behalf. English. Signed
by mark. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed, viz. per me Thomam Baxster,
by me Frauncys Dryland, Thomas Russhworth. Paper.
This and the following documents to A. 13400 following were formerly
contained in leather bag, as 'T. R. Misc. 19/18'. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13351. Draft of a letter by Thomas Hoo:—Neybor Wace and
neybour Smith. Whereas ye undretoke to be suerties that Blackwode
shuld truly pay unto me my farm now at this Michaelmas, &c. and as it
seme he plaieth mock halliday with me, &c. Scriblid in hast this vth of
Octobre. In the margin:—xxxs. and iijs. iiijd. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13352. 'xj Decembr' Ao tercio Regine Eliz. Rec' of Thomas
Hoo a cort roll of Brancaster to hym lately deliverid by a bill of his hand
yet remayning with Mr Rob't Styrges de Anno xxvij H. sexti. By me
Henry Cantrell.' |
[Norf.] |
A. 13353. 'This bill made,' Christmas, 5 Elizabeth, 'witnessith
that I James Drilond, gentleman, brother and heire of Frances Drilond,
gentleman, discessid, have receivyd of the seid Thomas [Hoo] for the
purchase of certeyn londes and tenementes in Brancaster to hym lately
sold by the said Frances,' 5l. 'of which somme and of all other sommes
heretofore due for the premisses I acquite and discharg the seid Thomas
. . . .' Seal. Witnesses' names, William Aslak, Edward Pagrave,
endorsed. |
Norf. |
A. 13354. Attorney's draft of proceedings taken in the Queen's
Bench by Thomas Hoo, gentleman, who proffered a bill against James
Drylond, gentleman, in that the said James on the 12th of March,
2 Elizabeth, broke a close of the said Thomas at Brancastre and depastured
his beasts on the grass therein from that date to the date of the said bill,
viz, the 17th May in the said year. English. See A. 13363. |
Norf. |
A. 13355. Counterpart of indenture, 11 October, 4 and 5 Philip and
Mary, between Margaret Hubbert, of Brancaster, widow, of the one part,
and Margaret Hoo, wife of Thomas Hoo, of Burnham Overey, gentleman,
Mary Hoo and Margaret Hoo, daughters of the said Thomas and Margaret,
of the other part; 'whereas the seid Thomas Hoo hath diverse sommez of
money of the gift of diverse of the frindez of the seid Margaret his wief to
be emploied' to the profit of his said wife and daughters, the said Margaret
Hubbert, in consideration of 3l., in hand paid, by the said Thomas and
Margaret, as parcel of the sums aforesaid, hath bargained and sold to the
said Margaret Hoo, and Mary, and Margaret her daughters, their heirs and
assigns 'all those hirr meceez londez,' &c. 'somtyme Thomas Esthawez,'
in Brancaster and Burnham Depdale, &c.; in consideration whereof the
said Margaret, Mary and Margaret Hoo covenant that the said Thomas
Hoo, gentleman, shall 'enter into bonde unto oon Franceez Drilond,
gentleman, for the sure payment of xlv. li. yet remaining due and unpaied
unto the seid Francez . . . for the purchace of the premissez by the
seid Margaret Hubbert wydow bought of the seid Franceez Drilond in
such maner . . . as in a certeyne dede of feoffment indented . . . by
the seid Franceez to the seid Margaret . . . dated the teenth day of
October last . . . doth appere.' Signed M'garet Hoo and by marks.
Three seals. Witnesses' names endorsed. See A. 13395. |
Norf. |
A. 13356. Indenture of bargain and sale, 12 September, 4 and 5
Philip and Mary, by Franceez Drilond of Great Snoring, gentleman, to
Margaret Hubbert, of Brancastre, widow, in consideration of 46l. 19s. and
'nyne comb whete good and able marchant,' whereof 39s. and 'nyne comb
whete' in hand, of all those his 'mecez londez,' &c. 'somtyme Thomas
Esthaw and lately William Merler gent' conteyning xxxiij acrez' in
Brancastre and Burnham Depdale, as in a 'certen terrer or drag' thereof
appears, &c. English. Signed by me Frauncys Dryland. Witnesses at
foot, Thomas Croke, esquire, Henry Castell, gent', and others (named). |
Norf. |
A. 13357. Letter by William Pacok, 'prist,' and 'Esabell Marlar,
wedow,' to Richard Cull, touching land, as above. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13358. Letter commencing, 'Mr. Hoo I do not a lytyll marvell
what yow meane to prosecute your sute agaynst my brother Murdocke and
me.' Signed, 'Your frinde as you use hym, J. Bettes.' |
[Norf.] |
A. 13359. Jury panel in suit between Thomas Hoo and James
Drilond. Paper.
Endorsed Mr. Bromfieldes letter . . . . . . . . my dedes of
Brancaster and of Sutton. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13360. Extracts from probate registry:—(1) Francis Drylande,
whilst he lived of Great Snoringe, died intestate. 14 January, 1558,
letters of administration of his goods issued, directed to Margaret his relict.
(2) Francis Dryland, &c. died intestate. 14 November, 1559, letters of
administration of his goods, not administered by Margaret late his relict,
issued, directed to James Dryland, his brother. At foot:—Concordat cum
registro. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13361. 'Be yt knowyn to alle men by thys presenses that we
Wylliam Marlor and Wylliam Colmar hathe cuvienantyd and agreyd with
Rychard Culle setesyn and grossur of Lundunne for sarten londes lyng
and beyng in the fylyd of Brankaster and Debdalle accordyng to a byll
wrytyne by Sr Wylliam Pecoke vyker of Thorname and by the consynt of
Ellsabethe Marlor and selyd with her houyne hand we the foresayd
Wylliam and Wylliam shulyd bargayn by lesse or selle to the sayd Rychard
the foresayd londes . . . and so we have barganyd with the sayd
Rychard . . . to have them by lesse for iijli. by the yere or elyss
to have yt for xlli. to paye the same xlli. to the sayd Elsabethe by xli.
the yere tylle the summe of the xlli. be payd . . . and so we . . .
hath bounde eather of us in the summe of viiijli. . . . for the
perfurmans of thys bargeyn . . . at the fyst of Synt Myhell . . .
nexte cumeng yf thys cuvienantes be note full'yd and kepte on the sayd
Ellsabethes and Wylliams, parte . . . . . . . Wryten the xxj
daye of Jenyvere and the xxxv yere of Kyng Henry the VIII.
Resevyd in parte of pamentt of the same Rychard and on thes condycyons
by the handys of Wylliam Marlor and Wylliam Colmar iijli. vjs. and viijd.
Per me Wylliam Marlor (mark), par me Wylliam Colmar.' English.
Paper. |
Norf. |
A. 13362. Rough draft of proceedings in the King's Bench,
Norfolk. Hoo versus Drylond. Thomas Hoo, gentleman, complains of
James Drilond, gentleman, brother and heir of Francis Drilond, late of
Great Snoring, gentleman, on a plea that he pay him 100 marks, to wit,
because the said Francis, 10 October, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, at Skerning,
by his writing obligatory of that date acknowledged himself bound to
Thomas in that sum, payable at Christmas then next; which sum, Francis
in his lifetime, and since his death, the said James, have refused to pay. &c.
Paper. |
Norf. |
A. 13363. Rough draft of A. 13354. |
Norf. |
A. 13364. Indenture of award by John Milnar, of Thornham,
gentylman, and William Pacoke, vicar of the same, clerk, upon matters in
dispute between 'Margat Marlor of Esterfforthe,' co. Essex, widow, and
William Colmer and William Blakwode, of Branckaster, co. Norfolk,
'husbondmen,' who stand bound by their obligations, 11 October,
38 Henry VIII, to each other, in 10l., to abide the award touching the
title to certain land 'sumtyme Estawes,' to be made before the feast of
St. Andrew then next; they award (1) 'That all the landes somtyme
Thomas Estows lying in Branckaster and Debdall shall be equally devydyd
emonche the thre doughtters and eyeres of the seyd Thomas every doughtter
and here to have lyke many acares,' &c. English. Paper. One seal. |
Norf. |
A. 13365. Letter by William Pacok, 'preist,' to Richard Cull,
touching above award. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13366. Bond by Thomas Hoo, of Burnham, and John Hoo, of
Great Walsingham, gentlemen, to James Drylond, gentleman, in 20 marks,
at the feast of St. Andrew next, conditioned for the payment of 5l. at that
feast, 'in the churche of Bowe alias Bowe Churche in London at or uppon
the fount stone ther or in the place where the fount stone nowe stondythe.'
25 July, 3 Elizabeth. Not executed. Note at foot:—Md that the yere next
after this that he may have no payment, wherunto if he disagre take the
record . . . . . . . . |
Norf. |
A. 13367. Indenture of fine a month after Easter, 36 Henry VIII,
between Richard Cull, querent, and William Marlar, deforciant, of 130a.
land in Brancaster and Debdale; warranty by William; consideration, 60l. |
Norf. |
A. 13368. Bond by Thomas Hoo of Burnham Overey, gentleman, to
Francis Drilond, gentleman, in 5l. at Christmas, 1563, in the parish church
of Little Walsingham, according to a condition contained in indentures
between the said Francis and one Margaret Hubbert, of Brancaster, widow,
dated — last. —, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary. Not executed. |
Norf. |
A. 13369. The like, for the payment of 5l. at Christmas next.
12 January, 1 and 5 Philip and Mary. Memorandum endorsed that the
indentures between the said Francis and Margaret are of even date. Not
executed. |
Norf. |
A. 13370. Writ of subpœna out of the Chancery to William Blakwood.
11 February, 2 and 3 Philip and Mary.
Endorsed: Felicia Cull vidua sequitur hoc breve. |
A. 13371. Bond, as A. 13368, payable at Christmas, 1561. Not
executed. |
Norf. |
A. 13372. The like; at Christmas, 1565. Not executed. |
Norf. |
A. 13373. The like; at Christmas, 1559. Not executed. |
Norf. |
A. 13374. Indenture, 22 May, 36 Henry VIII, between Wylliam
Marler, of Thorneham, co. Norfolk, husbondman, and Richard Cull, citizen
and grocer of London, to declare uses of fine (A. 13367), viz.:—to the use
of William Marler and his heirs; or in the event of William's selling the
premises, to the use of Richard, upon payment of 40l. by yearly instal-
ments of 10l.; Richard to take the issues and profits till he has recouped
himself 10l. 'which he hath nowe lent unto the seid Wylliam,' or in the
event of sale, the 10l. advanced to be in part payment of the 40l. English.
Signed by mark. See A. 13390. |
Norf. |
A. 13375. Indenture being a feoffment by Francis Drilond of Great
Snoring, gentleman, to Margaret Hubbert, of Brancaster, widow, of all
the land in Brancaster and Burnham Depdale, which he had by the
feoffment of William Marler of Kelden, co. Essex, gentleman, by charter
dated 4 July, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary, upon condition that she, her heirs
or assigns, pay him, &c. 45l., viz. 5l. in Little Walsingham parish church,
on the high altar, between 1.0 and 3.0 p.m. at Christmas next, and so on
yearly, with right of re-entry in default. Brancaster, 10 October, 4 and 5
Philip and Mary. Signed by me Frauncys Dryland. Witnesses:—
Thomas Croke, esquire, Henry Castell, gentleman, Richard Manser. Seal.
Memorandam of livery of seisin endorsed. See A. 13399. |
Norf |
A. 13376. Indenture of bargain and sale, 4 July, 1 and 2 Philip
and Mary, by William Marlar, of Kelden, co. Essex, gentleman, to Fraunces
Dryland, of Sowth Creayke, co. Norfolk, gentleman, in consideration of
30l., of all his land, &c. containing 33a. now in his own possession and use,
in Brankestre and Depdayle, as divided and declared; he stands bound to
Francis by bond in 100 marks of even date for the performance of
covenants. English. Fragment of seal. |
Norf. |
A. 13377. Bond as A. 13368, payable at Christmas, 1564. Not
executed. |
[Norf] |
A. 13378. Bond by James Drylond, of Muchbaddowe, co. Essex,
gentleman, to Thomas Hoo, gentleman, in 40l. at St. Peter's Chains, next,
conditioned for his standing to the award of Antony Doggett, esquire, and
Robert Genyson, John Banyard, and Robert Smallepece, gentlemen, as to
the title, in dispute between them, of certain lands in Brancastre and
Burnham Debdale called 'Estawes,' late Wylliam Marler's, &c. to be
delivered before 'twelve of the clock in the fore none of' 25 July next.
23 July, 3 Elizabeth. Signed by me Jamys Drylond. Seal. |
[Norf] |
A. 13379. Commission out of Chancery to George Townsend and
William Vowell, esquires, to take the evidence of William Blackewood,
Katharine Bodhame and Thomas Warne, against whom Richard Fyncham
has exhibited his petition, they being too infirm to answer in person; to
be returned in the quinzaine of Hilary next. 6 November, 2 and 3 Philip
and Mary. |
Norf. |
A. 13380. Letter of attorney by William Blackwode, of Brancastre,
'husbondman,' to Thomas Hoo, gentleman, in a suit between him and
one Richard Fincham, gentleman, in Chancery for certain of his lands in
Brancaster late Esthaughez and of other his ancestors. 20 January,
2 Elizabeth. Mark and seal. |
Norf. |
A. 13381. Release by James Drilond, of Much Baddowe, co. Essex,
gentleman, to Thomas Hoo, gentleman, of all suits, rights, &c. concerning
land called Esthawghes in Brancastre and Burnham Depdale, as also
against one Margaret Hubbert. The feast of St. Stephen the Martyr,
6 Elizabeth. Signed by me Jamys Drylond. Seal. |
Norf. |
A. 13382. Similar release, apparently not executed, dated 24 July,
3 Elizabeth. |
Norf. |
A. 13383. Counterpart of demise, 12 March, 4 and 5 Philip and
Mary, by Thomas Hoo, of Burnham Overey, gentleman, to William
Blackwode, of Brancaster, 'shipwrite,' for six years from Michaelmas last,
if the said William so long live, at 30s. rent, of all the land &c. 'somtyme
Thomas Esthaw of Thorneham,' which he had by William's gift, bargain
and sale of 20 July last. Mark and seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
English. See A. 13400. |
Norf. |
A. 13384. Bond, as A. 13368, payable at Christmas, 1560. Not
executed. |
Norf |
A. 13385. Feoffment by William Marlar, of Kelden, co. Essex,
gentleman, to Francis Dryland, of Sowth Creayke, co. Norfolk, gentleman,
of all his land, viz. 33a. in the fields of Brankestre and Depdayle; attorney
to deliver seisin, Thomas Hooe, of Burneham Overheye, gentleman. 4
July, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Norf. |
A. 13386. Writ of pone per radium for William Blackwood to appear
at Westminster in the quinzaine of Easter, at the suit of Thomas Hoo,
gentleman, to show cause why he refuses to consent to a partition between
them of 100a. in Brancastre, whereof they are joint tenants. 2 February,
2 Elizabeth. |
Norf. |
A. 13387. Office copy of the bill exhibited in Chancery by Richard
Fyncham, gentleman, cousin and heir of John Fyncham, gentleman;
whereas certain persons unknown were seised in fee of 200a. land and
pasture in Brancastell and Depdale, 'one the west syde of Downegate or
Delgate' to the use of the said John, who bequeathed the same to John,
his younger son, and Elizabeth his wife, for their lives in survivorship with
remainder to their issue male, who were seised thereof accordingly and had
issue Thomas, who was seised thereof, 'in fee tayle in use' to him and the
heirs male of his body, till by virtue of a statute in the 37th year of the
late king, Henry VIII, for 'thextynguishement of uses,' &c., after whose
death the premises descended 'to your said orator,' as 'next heyre male of
the body of the said Thomas Fyncham'; 'So yt ys yf yt may please youre
good lordshippe,' that the evidences and writings concerning the premises
'ben casually come to the handes' of William Blackewoode, Katheryne
Bodham and Thomas Warne, whoo by couler of havynge the same' have
entered upon the premises, &c. English. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13388. Probate copy of the will of Joan late the wife of
Nicholas Esthagh, of Thornham, 16 February, 1470; to be buried in
parish church of Thornham, by her husband's tomb; to the high altar
there for tithes forgotten, 3s. 4d.; to the said church 'j. bordcloth
de dyapyr'; to every gild of Thornham, 2s.; to the gild of the Holy
Trinity of St. Margaret's Lynn (Lenn'), 6s. 8d.; to Thomas Esthagh, her
son, 3½r. land in the field of Holme on the north of the lower road; to her
son Thomas her two masers (murras) and her lesser chest (minimam
crateram), with remainder as to the larger maser and the said chest to Joan
his daughter and as the other maser to Margaret, Joan's sister; to Joan
Esthagh her goddaughter (filiole), 40s. at her marriage, to Margaret, Joan's
sister 6s. 8d. at her marriage; to John Esthagh, 6s. 8d. when of age,
with benefit of survivorship among them; if all die, Margaret Esthagh,
their mother, to have, 20s. thereof; to Thomas Carter 1a. land in the field
of Holme, two furlongs long (in longitudine duorum stadiorum); release to
said Thomas of a certain bond to her and to her brother John, and of all
his debt to her, upon condition that he shall not sell his land in Brankastre
during the life of the said John her brother, and not otherwise; her
executors to dispose of the bequest to any of her legatees dying under age;
residue to her executors, viz. John Carter, her brother and John Seman,
for her soul and her friends' souls.
Endorsed:—Proved at Thornham, 7 March, 1470, before the official of
the manors (offic' maneriorum) of the bishop of Norwich, and administration
granted to John Carter, with power reserved, &c. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13389. Probate copy of the testament of Nicholas Esthawe, of
Bishop's Thornham (Thornham Episcopi), 13 December, 1457; to be buried
in the porch of Bishop's Thornham; to the high altar there for tithes
forgotten 40s.; to the fabric, 10 marks; to every gild of Thornham 3s. 4d;
to the up-keep of the gild hall (gilde aule), 13s. 4d.; to the convent of
friars minors of Walsingham, 20s., of the friars of Burnham, 26s. 8d.,
of the Austin friars of Lynn, 26s. 8d.; to the gild of the Holy Trinity of
Lynn, 26s. 8d.; to the gild of the Holy Trinity of Soken there (de Soken
ibidem), 6s. 8d.; to every convent of friars in the county of Norfolk, 6s. 8d.;
to the fabric of the church of Brankester, 20s., of Tichewell, 13s. 4d.,
of Holme, 13s. 4d., of Hunstanton, 26s. 8d., of St. Peter of Ryngstede,
10s., of St. Andrew there, 10s., and of every other church in the hundred
of Smethdon, 6s. 8d.; to every hamlet (villat') of the same hundred,
10s., according as the town (villa) is great or small; to every household
(domicilio) in Thornham the day of his death (obitus), 12d.; to Nicholas
Hulle, 20s.; to John Gosson, 20s.; to Margaret Godfrey, 13s. 4d.; to
Katharine, widow of John Deynys, four sheep (oves) and 6s. 8d.; to Ellen
Wymark, 13s. 4d.; to Alice Carter, twenty sheep; to John Carter, the
younger, twenty sheep; to James Wrask, 6s. 8d.; to John Barker, 5 marks;
to Simon son of Thomas Esthawe, 4 marks; to every child (puero) of
Thomas Trunche, ten rams; to the child with which Margaret Est[hawe is]
pregnant, 5 marks; his executors to distribute yearly among the poor of
Thornham 13s. 4d. for ten years on the anniversary of his death; residue
to executors, for his debts, funeral and soul; executors, Thomas Esthawe,
vicar of Thornham, Joan his wife, John Carter and Thomas Barker.
Witnesses:—Sir John Dobydoo, chaplain, and others (named).
Endorsed:—This testament was proved, together with the will to the
same annexed, in the parish church of Thornham before the official of the
jurisdiction of the manors of Walter, bishop of Norwich, 13 January, 1457,
and administration of all the goods, &c. granted to the within-named
executors. |
Norf. |
A. 13390. Counterpart of A. 13374. Signed be me Rychard Cull.
Witnesses:—Thomas Hill, gentleman, William Comer. |
Norf. |
A. 13391. Bond as A. 13366, payable at St. Andrew's day, 1561.
Not executed. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13392. Feoffment by Thomas Leder, of Thornham next the Sea,
son and heir of Thomas Leder late of the same, to William Blackhode of
Brancaster, of a third part of all the land, &c. in Burnham Depdale and
Brancaster, formerly of Thomas Esthawghe of Brancaster, which third
part on the death of the said Thomas Esthawghe descended to Margaret
Grene, his grandmother, one of the daughters and heirs of the said Thomas
Esthawghe, and after the death of the said Margaret Grene descended to
the said Thomas Leder, his father, her son and heir, and after his said
father's death to him as son and heir. Brancaster, 3 July, 2 and 3 Philip
and Mary. Signed by mark.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed. |
Norf. |
A. 13393. Letter of attorney by Francis Drilond, of Great Snoring,
gentleman, to George Craford and Geoffrey Comber, to deliver seisin to
Margaret Hubbert, widow, of all his land in Brancaster and Depdale,
according to his charter indented of even date. 10 October, 4 and 5 Philip
and Mary. Seal.
Memorandam of livery of seisin endorsed. |
[Norf.] |
A. 13394. Release by Thomas Leder, of Thornham next the Sea
to William Blackhode, of Brancaster, of his right in land in Burnham
Depdale and Brancaster, which descended to him as in A. 13392. 3 July,
2 and 3 Philip and Mary. Signed by mark. Seal. Witnesses' names
endorsed. |
Norf. |
A. 13395. Counterpart of A. 13355. Signed by mark. Seal.
Witnesses' names endorsed. |
Norf. |
A. 13396. Feoffment by Margaret Hubbert, widow, dwelling in
Brancaster, to Thomas Hoo, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife, of all the
land in the fields of Brancastre and Burnham Depdale, formerly Thomas
Esthawez, which she had by the feoffment of Francis Drilond, gentleman,
by charter dated at Brancaster, 10 October, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary;
to hold to them to the uses specified in indentures between her, and the
said Margaret Hoo and Mary and Margaret, daughters of said Thomas and
Margaret, 11 October, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary. Brankaster 12 October,
4 and 5 Philip and Mary. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed. |
Norf. |
A. 13397. Feoffment by William Blackwode, of Brancastre, in part
performance of covenants in indentures between one Thomas Hoo, gentle-
man, and himself, 20 July, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary, to the said Thomas,
of a moiety of the land formerly of one Thomas Esthawe, of Thornham,
and now his by purchase or descent, in Brancastre. Brancastre, 20
February, 1 Elizabeth, 1558. Signed 'W.' Fragment of seal. |
Norf. |
A. 13398. Bond, as A. 13368, payable at Christmas, 1562. Not
executed. |
Norf. |
A. 13399. Counterpart of A. 18375. Cancelled by cuts. |
Norf. |
A. 13400. Counterpart of A. 13383. Signed Thomas Hoo. Seal.
See A. 13350. |