Index: P-S

Pages 332-347

Register of the Freemen of the City of York: Vol. 1, 1272-1558. Originally published by Andrews & Co, Durham, 1897.

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Pa, Pay, Joh. 85, 135; Tho. 62; Will. 19, 75

Pacok, Pakok, Pakoke, Paykok, Greg. 266, 267; Joh. 126, 136, 164, 199; Marg. 24; Ric. 101 Rob. 215, 252, 255, 267; Tho. 82, 125, 129, 272; Will. 182, 217, 238

Pachet, Will. 120

Page, Paige, Joh. 14, 84, 153; Sim. 3; Will. 22, 136, 273; Nic. f. Will. 40

Pagett, Will. 202

Pak, Tho. 130

Palacer, Palleser, Palysar, Rob. 268; Tho. 269; Will. 234

Palaser alias Bryg, Hen. 122

Palden, Palldene, Ric. de, 65; Will. 198

Palee, Paily, Joh. 101, 187; Rob. 99; Will. 184

Palmer, Joh. 46, 63, 195; Ric. 112, 120; Rob. 14, 42; Rog. 46, 178; Tho. 87, 164, 184; Will. 61, 68, 89, 125

Palmer, Will. le, 9

Palmes, Brian, 221

Palyngton, Joh. de, 77; Joh. 112

Pane, Joh. 121

Panell, Panall, Pannall, Paynell, Paynhill, Gilb. 9; Joh. de, 85; Joh. 30; Nic. 179; Ric. de, 12, 37; Ric. 112, 140; Rob. 118; Will. 64, 125, 179

Panett, Paner, Jac. 269; Tho. 113, 269

Pannyerman, Ric. 188

Pape, Jac. 258; Joh. 18, 88, 132; Rob. 46; Tho. 181, 225, 253; Will. 120

Papedey, Papedy, Joh. 120, 188; Tho. 188

Parant, Paraunt, Parent, Joh. 75, 116; Nic. 79, 98; Tho. 48

parcheminer, parchemyner, Ric. le, 24;

Rob. le, 6; Tho. le, 30; Will, le, 17

Paris, Parise, Parys, Joh. de, 2; Ric. de,

37; Rob. de, 5, 29; Rog. de, 28; Sim. de, 29; Tho. de, 83; Will. de, 55, 91

Paris, Joh. le paternoster de, 7

Park, Parke, Joh. del, 98; Joh. 174, 263; Osw. 256; Ric. de, 173; Ric. 160; Rob. del, 80; Rob. 186; Rog. 180; Tho. 126; Will. 131

Parker, Parkour, Parkor, Parcour, Joh. 195; Tho. 212, 223, 224, 241, 249, 261; Walt. 116; Will. 55, 91, 115, 131, 133, 185

parker, Tho. le, 42

Parkyn, Milo, 230; Rob. 239; Tho. 249

Parkynson, Perkynson, Joh. 177, 186

Parles, Nic. 41

Parlyngton, Ric. de, 86

Parnyng, Joh. 71

Parr, Parre, Par, Gylb. 271; Ric. 171; Tho. de, 47; Will. de, 167

Parrot, Parot, Rob. 202; Tho. 182

Parsay, Ad. 36, 52. See Percy

Partenoy, Walt. de, 46

Parysche, Paryssh, Parysshe, Joh. de, 71; Ric. 224; Rob. de, 70; Rob. 226; Step. de, 65; Will. de, 70; Will. 163

Pase, Tho. 125

Paslow, Paselewe, Passelewe, Alicia, 132; Joh. 93, 167; Rob. 87, 234; Tho. 141, 152

Passard, Pet. 114

Paston, Joh. de, 74; Will. de, 77

Pate, Tho. 122, 222; Will. 220. See Payt

Patefyn, Paytfyn, Joh. 101; Tho. 22. See Paydefyn

Patenson, Patanson, Patynson, Ad. 166; Edw. 192, 235; Joh. 204, 218; Tho. 235

Paterdale, Patredale, Edm. de, 83; Hen. de, 38; Rob. 115

paternoster, Joh. le, 7

Pathelaybrig, Will. de, 53

Pathorn, Joh. de, 60, 69; Rob. de, 42, 53; Joh. f. Rob. de, 58

Paton, Patan, Paten, Joh. 136, 141, 174, 183; Ric. 99; Rob. 91, 92, 100; Will. 166

Patrik, Paterik, Partrik, Pertryk, Joh. 61, 168, 190, 201, 224; Tho. 208; Xpof. 219

Patrington, Patrigton, Patryngton, Joh. 132, 133; Rad. 69; Rob. de, 48, 115 Tho. de, 92; Will. de, 64, 65, 92

Patterson, Pat., 262

Paty, Joh. 11

Paunton, Will. de, 23

Paver, Tho. 161

pavilloner, Joh. le, 21

Pavy, Joh. 189

Paw, Rob. 55

Pawell, Rog. de, 69

Pawfrayman, Hen. 267

Pawis, Sim. 5

Pawlyn, Paulyn, Joh. 116, 119, 152, 198, 267; Rob. 180, 186, 225; Will. 151, 225

Pawson, Will. 195

Pay, see Pa

Payable, Joh. 161

Paydefyn, Will. 81. See Patefyn

Payfote, Will. 107

Paykkall, Tho. de, 88

Payn, Payne, Joh. 12, 18, 22; Tho. 49; Will. 22; Joh. f. Hen. 31

Paynell, Paynhill, see Panell

Paynesewyk, Joh. de, 72

Paynesthorp, Tho. de, 82

Paynot, Paynott, Tho. 240; Will. 55, 166, 240

Paynter, Payntour, Paintour, Hen. 78; Joh. 210; Nic. 260; Ric. 217; Sim. 149; Walt. 79; Will. 179, 217; Xpof. 159, 213, 265

payntour, Alex. le, 45

Paysegude, Joh. 133

Payt, Joh. 54. See Pate

Pe, Hug. serv. Hug. 6

Peas, Peese, Ric. 264, 275

Pechee, Tho. 59

Pedefere, Pidefer, Joh. 38; Nic. 27; Pat. 27; Rob. f. Will. 36

Peerte, Peirt, Joh. 73; Rob. 204

Peete, Rob. 268

Peek, Peke, Joh. 108; Rad. 251; Rog. del, 92; Will. del, 21, 82; Will. 130

Peget, Rob. 159

Peghan, Peghen, Joh. 199, 238, 259; Will. 238, 259

Peirson, Peyrson, see Person

Peisce, Joh. 177

Peker, Will. 47

Peket, Pekett, Ed. 245; Tho. 130

Pekman, Will. 9

Pelham, Rog. de, 19

pelliparius, Will. 3

Pelly, Pely, Rob. 197; Tho. 153

Penaunt, Rog. 11

Penbrigge, Ric. 141

Pendelton, Rob. de, 83

Penkerton, Joh. de, 91

Pennok, Rob. 106; Tho. 198; Will. 237

Pennyman, Joh. 193; Tho. 216

Pennyngton, Penyngton, Will. 230, 254, 263

Penpewgh, Penpewth, Joh. 217; Tho. 213

Penreth, Hen. de, 66; Joh. de, 44, 59, 62, 79, 86; Joh. 113, 118, 144, 149, 197; Rob. de, 11; Rob. 168, 170, 195; Tho. de, 16, 78; Will. 148, 195

Penton, Galf. 110, 169; Geo. 146; Joh. 169

Pentreth, Rob. de, 94

Pentriche, Alex. de, 31; Will. de, 42

Pentyth, Rob. 134

Peny, Peni, Joh. 29, 59; Ric. 133; Step. 10; Tho. 146

Penylton, Ad. de, 101; Ad. 149; Tho. 149

Penythorn, Nic. 197

Peper, Pepir, Hen. 211; Joh. 156, 199; Rad. 199; Ric. 169; Rob. 251; Will. 109, 191

Pepercorn, Joh. 162; Rob. 130; Will. 115

Percy, Percay, Peircy, Perecay, Persay, Car. 270; Hen. 274; Joh. de, 60, 74; Joh. 90, 109; Rob. de, 33; Rob. 240, 274; Will. 97, 147

Percyvall, Tho. 122

Peremaker, Joh. 107

Pereman, Perman, Will. 86, 141

Pereson, Peresson, Brian, 278; Edm. 211; Joh. 112, 117, 164, 209, 252, 264, 267, 272; Rob. 211; Tho. 164, 170, 208, 209; Tho. 170; Will. 208, 209, 210, 211, 251, 264, 266. See Pierson and Person

Pereson alias Epworth, Will. 221

Perfay, Tho. 120

Pergaley, Tho. 244

Perkyn, Joh. 157

Perkynson, see Parkynson

Perot, Pet. 178

Persay, see Percy

Person, Persone, Peirson, Peyrson, Joh. 110, 218; Mar. 244; Rob. 244; Tho. 227, 248; Will. 235, 247. See Pereson and Pierson

Person alias Williamson, Geo. 220

Personcosyn, Will. 142

Pert, Perte, Joh. 157; Rob. 141, 160, 222; Will. 114

Pertht, Joh. de, 18

Pertryk, see Patrik

Pesson, Ric. 3

pestour, Will. f. Greg. le, 16

Petchee, Tho. 81

Petegrew, Joh. 210

Peterburgh, Joh. de, 71; Will. de, 41

Peterson, Jac. 152

Petipase, Joh. 182

Petour, Rob. 68

Petouse, Will. 214

Petreton, Walt. de, 104

Petty, Pety, Petye, Pete, Joh. 112 n., 129, 191, 213, 231; Rad. 163, 181; Rob. 202, 203, 208, 220, 234; Sim. 136; Tho. 241, 267

Petyclerk, Joh. 102, 112

Petyte, Pet. 75, 81

Pewell, Ric. 243; Tho. 234, 243; Will. 215, 234, 243

Peys, Alv. 201

Pheliskyrk, Phyllyskyrk, Joh. 233, 246. See Felicekirk

Philip, Philipp, Phelipp, Phylip, Alicia, 215; Gilb. 222; Jac. 185, 229; Joh. 85, 88, 149, 176, 215; Will. 229

Philippot, Filipott, Joh. 135; Rob. 154

Philipson, Philopson, Hen. 200; Jac. 232; Will. 232

Picher, Pycher, Pytcher, Joh. 179, 205; Xpof. 270

Pierot, Ric. 99

Pierson, Piereson, Pieresson, Hen. 125; Joh. 192; Mart. 138; Nic. 176, 194, 195; Rob. 86, 133, 185; Tho. 183, 195, 202; Will. 147, 180, 188. See also Pereson and Person

Pigot, Pygott, Ran. 48; Ric. 253; Will. 142, 201

Pikall, Pikkall, Rob. 156; Wilf. 258; Will. 156. See Pykall

Pikard, Picard, Pykard, Ad. 24; Bern. 170; Joh. 21, 43; Will. 171, 207; Xpof. 207

Pikering, Pikeryng, Pekeryng, Pykering, Agnes de, 40; Al. de, 14, 32; Clem. de, 19; Dav. de, 18; Galf. de, 4; Hen. 181; Hug. de, 49, 88; Jac. de, 1; Joh. de, 91; Joh. 97, 203, 213, 236, 238; Ric. 207; Rob. de, 58, 63, 67, 85; Rob. 114, 145; Tho. de, 3, 7, 36; Tho. 236, 269; Will. 115, 179

Pikton, Pykton, Joh. 114; Tho. 122

Pikewastel, Hug. 7

Piles, Will. f. Ric. 24

Pilkyngton, Pylkyngton, Ric. de, 69; Rob. 220

Pillardyngton, Ric. de, 76

Pinchenthorp, Rob. de, 49

Piper, Pyper, Hen. 229; Joh. 200; Will. 229

Pirler, Will. 91

pistor, Godwinus, 6

Pittes, Nic. 164

Plaice, Playce, Plays, Joh. 93; Tho. 65; Rob. f. Dav. 11

Plasket, Plaskett, Dion. 245; Ric. 223, 256, 261; Rob. 245; Tho. 226, 256

Plasterer, Plaisterer, Hen. 132; Joh. 186; Pet. 93, 132

Playn, Leon. 267

Plena, Hen. de, 55

Pleslay, Will. 119

Plesyngton, Joh. de, 101; Ric. de, 101

Plewman, Pleman, Geo. 251; Hen. 259; Joh. 251, 259, 277; Will. 249, 277

Plowman, Joh. 236

Ploxholme, Joh. de, 80

Plubell, Joh. 158; Will. 111, 158

Plughwryght, Plewright, Plowright, Joh. 272; Rob. 135, 170, 177; Will. 170

Pluket, Joh. 165

Plumland, Will. de, 36

Plummer, Plumer, Plomer, Plombre, Alic. 176; Geo. 278; Joh. 46, 120, 134, 176, 213, 249, 279; Ric. 190; Tho. 175; Will. 128, 186, 209, 210, 211

plummer, Ever. le, 33; Hen. le, 6; Hug. le, 31, 35; Joh. le, 15; Nic. le, 22; Step. le, 22; Will. le, 22

Plumpton, Plompton, Plumbton, Alex. 223; Hen. 224; Joh. de, 5; Joh. 190; Ric. 229; Rob. de, 48, 63; Rob. 179, 189, 213, 229; Tho. 139; Will. de, 12, 62, 87; Will. 152

Poderyng, Rob. 107

Poklay, Joh. 264; Ric. 123

Poklington, Pokelington, Poklyngton, Pokelyngton, Ad. de, 1, 6, 7; Galf. de, 1; Gilb. de, 38, 39; Jac. de, 5; Joh. de, 44; Mic. de, 7; Pet. de, 12, 17; Ric. de, 46; Rog. de, 31; Tho. de, 27; Walt. de, 2; Will. de, 23, 65; Will. 108

Polayn, see Pullan

Pole, Polle, Ed. 131; Joh. del. 120; Joh. de la, 19; Joh. de, 71; Tho. 82, 109, 133, 196; Will. 139

Polles, Ad. del, 12; Tho. f. Joh. del, 35

Pollerd, Pollard, Polard, Hans, 119; Joh. 105, 251, 269; Tho. 180

Pollesworth, Hen. de, 45

Pollowe, Tho. de, 98. See Pullehow

Poloyne, Rob. de, 99

Polyngton, Ric. 178; Tho. 81; Will. 141, 173

Ponder, Tho. 94

Ponsonby, Rob. 103

Ponte, Ad. de, 16; Ric. de, 14, 16; Step de, 12

Pontebelli, Tho. de, 13

Ponteburgh, Ponteburgi, Pountburgi, Bart. de, 20; Joh. de, 21; Rob. de, 5, 13, 17; Will. de, 25; Will. serv. Rob. de, 20

Pontefract, Pontefracto, Pountefracto, Ad. de, 3, 8, 20, 30, 63; Al. de, 58; Alex. de, 13; Clem. de, 4; Hen. de, 24; Hug. de, 15; Joh. de, 14, 28, 81, 47, 104; Ric. de, 10, 33, 67; Rob. de, 15, 30; Rog. de, 6, 69, 71; Sim. de, 69; Tho. de, 53; Will. de, 65, 68, 76; Will. 52; Tho. le lang de, 13; Walt. f. Beat. de, 42

Poode, Rob. 191

Poole, Poule, Powle, Rad. 241; Rob. 270; Tho. 184, 248; Will. 184

Pope, Will. 261

Popelton, Popilton, Popylton, Ad. de, 14, 54; Al. de, 28; Hen. de, 19; Joh. de, 5, 15, 80, 34, 58, 63, 68, 93, 112; Phil. de, 64; Ric. de, 60; Rob. de, 5, 13, 53, 66; Rob. 112; Tho. de, 18, 37; Tho. 10; Will. de, 3, 4, 34, 35, 43, 78; Joh. f. Ric. de, 65; Joh. f. Rob. de, 78; Rob. f. Hen. de, 70

Popering, Pet. de, 40

Popiller, Rob. de, 99

Pordy, Rob. 73

Poret alias Wryght, Will. 143

Porker, Rob. 118

Portam, Will. f. Joh. ad, 11

Porter, Hen. 127; Joh. 152, 163, 171, 174, 175, 179, 200, 248; Laur. 172; Pet. 89; Rob. 244; Tho. 141; Walt. 96; Will. 122, 171; Ric. f. Joh. 59

porter, Ad. le, 17; Will. le, 18

Portjoy, Will. 165

Portyngton, Otteuell, 206, 215

Post, Gilb. 60; Ric. 211, 212; Will. 214

Postell, Postoill, Al. de, 30; Will. 38

Posthwayt, Rob. 107

Postilthwayte, Postyllthwayte, Egid. 189; Joh. de, 71; Ric. 187; Tho. 180

Pott, Ad. 22; Joh. 187

Pottell, Joh. 141

Potter, Joh. 177; Rob. 106, 253; Tho. 40; Will. 177

potter, Joh. f. Nic. le, 54

Pottes, Will. 264

Potthow, Pothowe, Pouthow, Joh. de, 64; Rob. de, 40; Rob. 127; Will. de, 84

Pouch, Walt. 7

Pouchemaker, Peterkyn, 45; Ric. 43

Poule alias Chesshire, Joh. 160

Pounseis, Joh. 159

Pounsewayd, Pounswayd, Joh. 250; Rob. 255

Powle, see Poole

Poynton, Joh. de, 18, 41, 53; Sim. de, 35

præpositi de Wistow, Tho. f. Joh. 6

Prat, Prate, Joh. 249; Will. 237

Praunce, Joh. 125

Prechet, see Prychet

Precious, Preciouse, Joh. 147; Rob. 189, 210

Preket, Prekett, Joh. 152; Rob. 184. See Prychet

Prentys, Will. 72

Prest, Ant. 261

Prestesone, Mic. 68

Prestlay, Will. de, 15

Prestman, Nic. 224; Will. 219, 221

Preston, Edw. 276; Geo. 273; Hen. de, 78, 97, 103; Hen. 112, 131, 132, 146; Joh. de, 9, 44, 56, 57, 104, 118; Joh. 109, 110, 123, 139, 161, 162, 167, 246, 268, 271; Laur. 257; Milo, 271; Rad. 248; Ric. 157; Rob. de, 4, 9, 38, 62; Rob. 138, 146, 162, 220, 255; Tho. de, 32; Tho. 113, 132; Will. de, 47; Will. 113, 114, 116, 212, 242, 270; Xpof. 212

Preston super Teese, Will. de, 81

Prestwod, Joh. 158

Prestwyk, Pet. de, 97

Price, Will. 226

Price alias Roke, Ric. 217

Pridican, Hug. 7

Prince, Prynce, Joh. 149, 230, 268; Milo, 268; Rad. 226; Will. 135

Priston, Joh. 188; Nic. de, 30; Rob. 185, 187

Pristwych, Rob. 154

Proctour, Proktour, Joh. 156; Rob. 109, 163

Prodhome, Prudholme, Joh. 3; Rob. 176

Prophet, Proffet, Joh. 126, 178; Will. 178, 206

Proshow, Ad. de, 55

Proudfote, Prowdefote, Rad. 19; Rob. 60

Provest, Ric. 165; Rob. 165

Prowde, Joh. 271

Prudholm, Rob. 176

Prychet, Prechet, Joh. 82, 116. See Preket

Prymeroll, Rob. 58

Puderson, Joh. 208

Pudsay, Puddessay, Joh. de, 61; Joh. 111, 112, 153; Rad. de, 69; Rob. de, 25; Tho. 130; Will. 153, 192; Xpof. 192

Pule, Rob. 271

Pullan, Pulayn, Puleyn, Polayn, Ant. 264; Geo. 251; Joh. 139, 230; Nic. 200, 233; Pet. 269; Rad. 174, 200, 226, 242, 255, 264; Ric. 145; Thos. 155, 233; Will. 147

Pullay, Pulley, Geo. 253; Joh. 261; Rob. 189; Will. 187, 230, 261, 263

Pullehow Pullow, Pullowe, Hen. 203; Joh. de, 43; Tho. 195. See Pollowe

Pullter, Galf. 63

pulter, Galf. le, 3; Hen. le, 16; Pet. le, 26, 29; Joh. f. Gilb. le, 10; Ric. f. Pet. le, 37

Pund, Joh. 49

Punderson, Joh. 154

Puost, Rob. 114

Purdon, Will. 199

Purves, Joh. 220

Puson, Will. 25

Pusyll, Will. 101

Pycher, see Picher

Pye, Py, Joh. 88, 207, 208; Nic. 256; Will. 149

Pygot, see Pigot

Pykall, Pykell, Pykhall, Joh. de, 91; Joh. 75; Rob. 60; Tho. de, 77, 104, 124; Will. de, 71. See Pikall

Pykard, see Pikard

Pyke, Joh. 76; Will. 54

Pykebone, Joh. 134; Rob. 145

Pykeryng, see Pikering

Pykeworth, Pykworth, Will. de, 61; Will. 121

Pykton, see Pikton

Pykyrk, Will. 58

Pylkyngton, see Pilkyngton

Pylly, Pylle, Ric. 234; Tho. 174

Pymonde, Joh. 67

Pympton, Nic. 176; Tho. 176.

Pynchebek, Gilb. 162; Joh. de, 73; Joh. 127; Will. 97

Pynchest, Walt. 155

Pynder, Ed. 175, 189, 204, 237; Joh. 204, 265; Ric. 200, 243; Rog. 265; Tho. 210, 219; Wilf. 237, 264, 265, 268; Will. 268

Pynkerton, Joh. 138; Nic. 138

Pysall, Walt. 163

Pyshauk, Will. 71

Pyt, Joh. 173

Pytington, Pytyngton, Ric. de, 1; Tho. de, 24

Pyton, Joh. 148

Quarrom, Qwerrom, Hug. de, 9; Will. 110. See Wharrom

Queldale, Tho. de, 42. See Wheldall

Quelderik, Queldrik, Qwelldrik, Ad. de, 1; Al. de, 41; Joh. de, 12, 59; Joh. 115; Will. de, 3, 5, 34, 44. See Wheldryk

Querederay, Pet. 28

Quixlay, Quixley, Quyxlay, Qwixlay, Ad. de, 7, 22; Al. de, 8, 21; Hen. de, 7; Joh. de, 6, 69; Rob. de, 6, 47, 102; Rog. de, 38; Sym. de, 63, 78, 79, 80; Will. de, 9, 30, 47; Joh. serv. Joh. de, 10. See Whixlay

Quyltmaker, Edm. 77

Qwasshyngton, Ric. de, 49

Qwenby, Joh. de, 74. See Wheneby

Qwerldale, Joh. de, 57

Qweteley, Joh. de, 57. See Whetelay

Qwhitton, Will. de, 107. See Whitton

Qwsshynmaker, Will. 65

Raa, Rae, Ray, Hen. 217; Joh. 117; Mat. 218; Ric. 207; Rog. 76; Will. 169

Rabuk, Hen. 112

Raby, Joh. 132, 133, 137; Pat. de, 93; Ric. 166, 174; Rob. 134; Tho. 121

Radclyf, Raddeclif, Radcliff, Ratcliff, Joh. de, 62, 84; Joh. 115, 135, 185; Ric. de, 60; Ric. 236; Rob. 196, 216; Will. 196; Xpof. 175

Ragg, Nic. 11; Tho. 233; Will. 3

Raghton, Ad. de, 52, 68; Ivo de, 17; Joh. de, 80, 92; Joh. 132, 134; Rob. de, 104; Rob. 116; Will. de, 91; Will. 135

Ragnell, Joh. 112

Rahigh, Rayhygh, Cuth. 226; Tho. 187

Rainshawe, see Raynsagh

Raisebek, Rob. 11, 22; Rig. 171; Will. 182. See Raysebek

Rakes, Raykes, Joh. 119; Tho. 277

Rakshawe, Will. 185

Raleton, Joh. 238

Rames, Edw. 276

Rameshed, Hog. 76

Ramsey, Ramsay, Rammesay, Hug. de, 107; Joh. 270; Will. 198

Rand, Joh. 54, 200; Will. 152, 200

Randolf, Joh. 21, 70, 123; Rad. 89; Rog. 141; Tho. 26; Will. 22, 141

Raper, Joh. 151; Rob. 95

raper, Will. le, 40

Ras, Rase, Rayce, Rayse, Rayssh, Edw. 238; Hen. 264; Hug. de, 15; Joh. 19, 31; Leon. 243; Rad. 232, 264, 270; Ric. 42, 59; Tho. 270

Rasen, Rasyn, Rasyng, Joh. de, 10; Joh. 125, 132, 223, 235, 237, 249: Tho. 219, 249; Will. 140

Rasethorne, Joh. 121

Raskelf, Rasskelf, Raskell, Jac. 180; Joh. de, 29, 54, 80; Joh. 137; Ric. de, 14, 15; Rob. de, 3; Rog. 163; Walt. de, 63; Will. de, 27, 37

Raskhill, Tho. de, 48

Raspyn, Joh. 102

Ratcliff, see Radclyf

Ratclyf, alias Warthill, Nic. 236

Raton, Hamo. de, 4; Will. 67

Raudman, Joh. 30

Rauth, Joh. 172; Will. 89

Rauword, Sym. de, 73; Joh. f. Sim. de, 101

Raven, Joh. 32; Rog. 160

Ravendale, Hen. 137

Ravensfeld, Ad. de, 6

Ravenser, Ravenesere, Joh. de, 87; Walt. de, 27

Ravenswath, Ravensworth, Ad. de, 51; Galf. de, 66

Rawdon, Rawedon, Joh. 177, 201; Tho. 153

Rawe, Joh. del, 197; Tho. del, 195; Will. 248

Rawlyn, Raulyn, Raulyng, Joh. 167, 209; Nic. 189, 204; Ric. 178, 209; Tho. 209; Will. 172, 258

Rawlynson, Raulynson, Ric. 236; Rob. 127, 156, 225; Tho. 156, 224

Rawne, Ad. 151

Rawson, Rauson, Rob. 214; Tho. 212; Will. 159, 173, 200, 223

Ray, see Raa

Raygate, Joh. de, 93

Raykstray, Joh. 262

Raymond, Joh. 124

Raynald, Al. 103; Jac. 197; Joh. 119, 154, 163, 174, 190; Rob. 61, 190; Tho. 126

Raynald, alias Selby, Tho. 190

Raynaldson, Joh. 265; Will. 192

Rayncok, Edw. 264; Joh. 214, 264; Tho. 186

Rayne, Rayn, Joh. 190; Pet. 162; Ric. 11; Rob. 190

Rayner, Jac. 148, 240; Joh. 62, 153; Nic. 247; Rob. 192, 216; Will. 54; Xpof. 225

Rayner, alias Wright, Will. 173

Raynfford, Will. de, 77

Raynshagh, Rainshawe, Ric. 94; Rob. 229

Raynshaghagh, Joh. 110

Raynton, Al. de, 26

Raysebek, Joh. 193; Rob. de, 47; Tho. 229; see Raisebek

Rayssh, see Ras

Redburn, Joh. 221

Redeham, Joh. 239

Reder, Redder, Joh. 201; Will. 62, 116

Redesdale, Joh. de, 43

Redeshawe, Geo. 193

Redhode, Redehede, Redheyd, Redehude, Joh. 68; Pet. 241; Ric. 85, 134; Will. 49, 75, 85, 113, 254

Redinges, Redynges, Hen. de, 84; Joh. de, 26; Nic. de, 22

Redley, Redelay, Joh. de, 26, 50

Redman, Redeman, Brian, 274; Ed. 235; Rob. 114

Redness, Redeness, Redenes, Joh. de, 94; Pet. de, 2; Tho. de, 10, 12, 17; W. de, 33; Will. de, 11, 26, 48, 103; Will. f. Rog. de, 34

Redware, Joh. de, 22

Redworth, Will. 193

Redyng, Cyr. de, 78

Redyssh, Ric. 195

Reed, Reede, Rede, Red, Ed. 219; Joh. 111, 188, 198; Marg. 189; Rob. 142, 185, 206, 212, 219, 244, 245; Sim. 67 Tho. 166; Will. 120, 168, 230

Regent, Joh. 208; Nic. 208

Remyngton, Rob. 264

Render, Rendour, Joh. 69; Leon, 276

Reswyk, Joh. 174

Retforth, Rettefford, Ad. 45; Joh. de, 41; Rob. de, 86; Rog. de, 40; Will. de, 44

Reve, Joh. del, 202

Revell, Will. 148

Revetour, Will. 130

reveter, Ric. le, 15

Reynold, Joh. 243

Ribbell, Joh. de, 96

Ribstan, Rybstan, Hen. de. 43, 58; Joh. de, 97; Will. de, 30, 47, 56

Riby, Ryby, Rybi, Rob. de, 38; Will. 105, 153

Ricale, Richale, Rychall, Rykhall, Abel de, 5; Bened. de, 7; Hen. de, 19, 25; Hug. de, 2, 10, 11; Joh. de, 7, 18, 21, 24, 43, 49, 85; Ric. de, 13, 21, 69, 74, 98; Tho. de, 3, 10, 47, 85; Will. de, 6, 7, 36, 47, 91; Will. 141; Hug. serv. Rob. de, 1

Richardson, Richerdson, Rychardson, Cris. de Xpof. 237, 265; Edw. 260, 266; Geo. 247, 251; Hen. 272; Jac. 213, 236, 287; Joh. 72, 139, 153, 156, 171, 173, 194, 207, 214, 226, 229, 230, 246, 256, 257, 263, 264, 265, 277; Mart. 275; Leon. 232; Ric. 227, 229, 235, 239; Rob. 216, 237, 244, 266, 267; Rol. 229; Sim. 245; Tho. 136, 189, 252, 260, 265; Will. 165, 202, 218, 233, 239, 265, 275

Richardson, alias Inglysshe, Will. 171

Riche, Ryche, Ric. 230; Tho. 207, 257; Will. 131, 269

Richemond, Richemund, Rychemond, Ad. de, 104; Ad. 117; Eudo de, 11; Galf. de, 6, 7; Hen. de, 8, 43; Hug de, 17, 62; Jac. de, 90; Jac. 134; Joh. de, 15, 20, 44, 81; Joh. 127, 134, 150, 158; Milo de, 42; Ric. de, 14, 105; Ric. 127; Rob. de, 42, 83; Tho. de, 46; Tho. 222; Will. de, 23, 73, 74

Ridale, Rydall, Tho. de, 8, 80; Will. 133

Ridder, Rog. 171

Riddyng, Galf. 258; Joh. 113

rider, Mart. f. Joh. le, 24

Ridley, Rydley, Ryddeley, Ric. 211; Tho. 126, 134, 145, 153

Riffan, Joh. 102

Rigby, Tho. 144, 188; Will. 188

Rigg, Rigge, Rygg, Rygge, Hug. 225, 265; Rob. 277; Rol. del, 220; Tho. 265

Righton, Ryghton, Hug. 74; Joh. 238; Rob. 150; Tho. de, 107; Will. de, 42

Rigongey, Ric. 200

Rigton, Rigeton, Rygton, Ryggeton, Ad. de, 48; Hen. de, 104; Hug. de, 5; Jac. 205; Joh. de, 32; Ric. 160; Rob. de, 11; Tho. de, 46; Tho. 113; Will. de, 13, 25, 42

Riley, see Ryley

Rillesford, Mat. 144

Rillington, Ryllyngton, Joh. 116; Rob. de, 87; Tho. de, 90, 105; Will. de, 10, 91

Rimyngton, Rymyngton, Al. de, 28; Hug. de, 16; Joh. de, 34; Mat. de, 11, 20; Will. de, 27

Riplay, Rippeley, Jac. de, 25; Joh. de, 55, 75; Joh. 111, 146, 192; Phil. 202; Ric. 202; Rob. de, 9; Tho. 170; Will. de, 31; Will. 151

Riplingham, Riplyngham, Ric. 207; Rog. de, 30

Ripon, Rypon, Alex. de, 85; Arnald. de, 9; Hen. 230; Joh. de, 18, 24, 28, 32, 49, 59, 77, 94, 169; Joh. 122, 124, 135 Mat. 166; Rob. de, 10, 58, 85, 99; Rob. 110, 139; Rog. de, 31; Rog. 121; Tho. de, 16, 107; Tho. 132, 187, 198; Will. de, 6, 19, 58, 68, 70, 107, 109, 169; Will. 121, 132, 198; Rob. f. Hawis de, 23

Rischeton, Ryssheton, Andr. de, 51; Pet. de, 76; Rob. de, 37, 72

Rise, Ryse, Walt. de, 36; Will. del, 69

Rissworth, Nic. 181

Rither, Ryther, Laur. 221; Tho. 168; Will. de, 84

Riton, Ryton, Andr. de, 27; Tho. 112; Will. de, 105

Roberd, Pet. 147

Roberdes, Pet. 188

Robert, Joh. 86; Pet. 203; Ric. 260; Tho. 203

Robertes, Jac. 248; Tho. 220

Roberti, Joh. f. 50; Will. f. 57

Robertson, Dav. 183, 221; Ric. 133; Rob. 221

Robinson, Robynson, Ad. 130, 151, 164; Bart. 227; Ed. 205; Edm. 163; Hen. 206, 270; Hug. 210; Jac. 256; Joh. 73, 124, 137, 150, 156, 157, 159, 168, 174, 182, 188, 190, 192, 200, 201, 202, 203, 206, 208, 210, 211, 213, 215, 216, 218, 242, 252, 258, 259, 266, 276; Milo. 231; Nic. 130; Pet. 241, 248, 250, 252, 263; Ric. 139, 160, 168, 192, 207, 208, 217; Rob. 164, 177, 229; T. 239; Tho. 161, 181, 191, 199, 200, 210, 211, 239, 255; Walt. 176; Will. 118, 151, 170, 174, 199, 203, 208, 210, 218, 227, 238, 250, 263, 278

Robson, Hug. 241, 271; Jac. 201; Joh. 191, 217, 238, 262, 266, 272; Nic. 188; Rauf, 271; Ric. 196, 224; Rol. 192; Will. 138, 218, 246, 266

Robtd, Hen. 54

Robynson, Nic. Jonson, 128

Rocelin, Rob. 52

Roche, Will. 209, 221

Rode, Joh. 130; Nic. 63; Pet. van, 105; Pet. 113

rode, Tydkynus van the, 50

Roderham, Ric. de, 36, 99; Tho. de, 33, 99; Tho. 134

Rodes, Joh. 133, 134, 173; Tho. 143; Will. 120, 130

Rodom, Rob. 116

Roese, Rob. 226

Roger, Jac. 193; Joh. 141, 178, 193, 210, 213, 231, 235; Nic. 247; Rob. 249; Tho. 188, 250, 264, 278; Will. 178, 264

Rogerlith, Joh. de, 53

Rogerson, Joh. 220, 274

Rok, Rokk, Roke, Joh. 165, 218, 271; Ric. 229; Tho. 196, 229, 271; Will. 133, 136; see Rooke

Roke, alias Price, Ric. 217

Rokeby, Rokby, Rukby, Rukeby, Rukesby, Alex. 198; Joh. de, 106; Joh. 140, 153, 169, 193; Rob. 113, 116; Tho. de, 59; Tho. 137, 169, 183; Will. de 56; Will, 125, 183

Rokesburgh, Hug. de, 30

Rokingham, Rog. de, 18

Roland, Rouland, Pet. de, 60, 153; Tho. de, 48

Roll, Tho. 189

Rollandson, Ric. 252

Rome, Elias de, 67; Hen. de, 71; Joh. de, 45; Ric. 183

Romesbothom, Thurs. 199

Romlay, Rumlay, Nic. 125; Will. de, 75, 88

Romonby, Romondby, Joh. de, 64, 83; Rad. de, 36, 53; Will. de, 31

Rongeton, Rob. f. Walt. de, 59; see Rungton

Ronkhorne, Joh. 210

Roodes, Roodez, Joh. 161; Rob. 265

Rooke, Rouke, Ruke, Joh. 116; Tho. 213; Xpof. 167. See Rok

Roper, Den. 267; Joh. 183, 250; Ric. 169, 221; Tho. 213; Will. 225, 271

Ros, Roos, Roose, Ad. 191; J. de, 40; Joh. 90, 132, 138, 185; Pet. de, 4; Rad. 99; Rob. 161, 176, 247; Tho. 127; Vinc. 279; Will. 247

Rose, Ger. 64; Joh. 33, 117, 119; Tho. 61, 74, 108, 119; Walt. 33; Will. 108, 115

Rosedofe, Joh. 159

Roseton, Rog. de, 85, 88; Tho. de, 80, 86, 91, 93; Will. de, 92

Rosington, Em. de, 41; Hen. de, 83; Joh. de, 40; Will. de, 53

Rossall, Joh. de, 93

Roston, Joh. de, 48; Joh. 163; Rog. de, 10; Will. de, 72

Rosyn, Tho. 183

Rothebiry, Joh. de, 80

Rothele, Rothelay, Joh. de, 38; Will. de, 34

Rotheram, Rob. 239; Will. 162

Rotherford, Laur. 140

Rothewell, Bened. de, 11; Hen. de, 102; Joh. de, 15, 18, 90; Hen. f. Ric. de, 8

Rotonhering, Joh. 26

Rotour, Ad. 56; Joh. 196

Rotsee, Rottesee, Pet. de, 68; Tho. de, 97; Will. de, 61

Roubirs, Galf. de, 2

Rouceby, Nic. 120

Rouclif, Ad. de, 87; Al. de, 1; Elias de, 42; Hug. de, 11; Joh. de, 77; Joh. 136, 151; Mic. de, 94; Rad. de, 4; Ric. de, 29, 49; Rob. de, 4, 48; Tho. de, 48; Tho. 120 Will. de, 50, 75; Joh. f. Eliæ de, 51, 79; Tho. f. Dav. de, 10

Roudon, Ad. de, 6

Roukeland, Tho. de, 103

Roukon, Rob. 8

Roulay, Rouley, Rowlay, Joh. 207; Will. de, 83; Will. 126

Rouleston, Joh. de, 46

Roundell, Will. 93

Route, Rute, Rog. 24; Tho. 274

Routh, Routhe, Ant. 215; Joh. de, 89; Joh. 178; Walt. 147; Will. 136, 141, 178

Routhelif, Ric. de, 7; Will. 9

Routhmell, Tho. 243

Rowle, Roull, Laur. 250; Rob. 181; Will. 262

Rownthwate, Rob. 277; Rog. 269

Roxby, Rob. de, 21

Royse, Joh. 224

Royston, Joh. 125

Rudby, Ruddeby; Ric. 139; Will. 192

Rudd, Rud, Joh. 156; Ric. 96, 156; Rob. 276; Will. 110

Ruddock, Ric. 200

Rudstan, Ruddestan, Eust. de, 8; Hen. 160; Joh. de, 51, 63, 65; Tho. de, 62; Walt. de, 46; Will. de, 63, 99; Will. 125

Rufford, Rughford, Rughforth, Joh. de, 26, 34, 49; Ric. de, 1; Rob. de, 3; Will. de, 11

Ruffyn, Ric. 17

Rughede, Will. de, 98

Rughet, Will. 256

Rukby, Rukesby, see Rokeby

Ruke, see Rooke

Rukeland, Tho. de, 58

Ruklay, Rad. 157

Rumbald, Hug. 133; Mat. 110

Rumby, Joh. de, 107; Joh. 140; Ric. 140, 158, 187; Rob. 158; Tho. 187

Rume, Will. 230

Rumlay, see Romlay

Rungton, Rungeton, Joh. 128; Will. de, 89. See Rongeton

Rus., Joh. le, 22

Russell, Ad. 4; Alex. 247; Joh. 19, 96, 104, 111, 142, 160, 171, 184, 214, 226, 232, 247; Ric. 97, 100, 112, 130, 139, 143, 184, 202; Rob. 95, 114; Tho. 98, 136, 218; Will. 21, 115, 214

Russhe, Will. 98

Rust, Joh. 38, 73

Rute, see Route

Rutter, Joh. 268; Rob. 251; Will. 232, 235

Ruyseton, Joh. 138

Ryall, Ric. 187

Rybbesford, Edw. de, 72

Ryby, see Riby

Ryce, Joh. 127

Rychard, Joh. 62

Rychardson, see Richardson

Ryche, see Riche

Rychmund, see Richemond

Rycroft, Marg. 182

Rydall, see Ridale

Rydefare, Joh. 106

Rydemar, Joh. de, 91

Rydley, see Ridley

Rye, Jac. de, 80

Ryffau, Joh. 129

Rygecock, Tho. 131

Rygge, see Rigg

Ryghton, see Righton

Rygton, see Rigton

Rykhall, see Ricale

Ryland, Ric. 179

Ryley, Rylay, Riley, Rylly, Joh. 70, 237; Rob. 243; Tho. 152, 205, 243

Ryley, alias Nicholson, Ric. 224; Will. 277

Ryllyngton, see Rillington

Rymour, Tho. 175

Rymyngton, see Rimyngton

Rynebek, Arnald. de, 60

Rynger, Tho. 82

Rypon, see Ripon

Ryponer, Tho. 270

Ryse, see Rise

Ryseley, Joh. de, 72

Rysom, Rysome, Joh. 190; Will. de, 58

Ryssheton, see Rischeton

Ryston, Will. 147

Ryther, see Rither

Ryton, see Riton

Ryvawx, Joh. de, 70

Ryve, Joh. 200; Will. 200

Ryver, Ed. del la, 219; Joh. de la, 91; Rob. de la, 116

Sadburgh, Hen. de, 45; Sim. de, 38

Saddeller, Sadeler, Sadler, Ad. 278; Eliz. 231; Ric. 252; Tho. 191, 212; Will. 203, 231; Rob. f. Hen. 69

Sadiler alias Bawd, Rob. 225

sadler, Ric. le, 31

Sadyngton, Joh. de, 83

Sage, Tho. 167; Will. 93, 95

Sagher, Tho. 109

S. Agatha, Joh. de, 20; Tho. de, 16

S. Bighes, Will. de, 22

S. Botulpho, Joh. de, 2

S. Egidii, Will. de vico, 8

S. Leonardo, Tho. de, 5

S. Nicholao, Walt. de, 14

S. Oswaldo, Ric. de, 6; Tho. de, 2

S. Truden, Joh. van, 87

Saleby, Gilb. de, 25; Joh. de, 81

Salford, Ric. 114

Salisbiri, Salesbiry, Salesbiri, Hen. de, 101; Ric. de, 94; Walt. de, 54; Will. de, 19, 26

Salkeld, Tho. de, 78

Sall, Joh. 212

Sallay, Rob. de, 13, 26, 54; Rob. 117, 164; Will. de, 100; Will. 117, 164

Salmon, Hug. 149; Tho. 136

Salter, Nic. 113

Saltmarsh, Saltmarsshe, Saltmersh, Jac. de, 80; Joh. de, 92; Tho. 195; Will. 170

Sampol, Joh. 45

Sampson, Joh. 3, 4, 7, 8, 120; Laur. 54; Tho. 61, 92, 185; Will., 66, 86

Sancton, Galf. de, 19

Sandall, Anabill, 41; Joh. 126, 192; Ric. 144, 158; Rob. de, 58; Tho. de, 59; Tho. 192; Will. 198

Sande, see Sandy

Sandehall, Will. de, 70

Sandehill, Joh. de, 65

Sandeholme, Al. de, 63

Sandes, Ed. 279

Sandford, Sandefford, Andr. de, 101; Rob. 180; Tho. 180, 181; Will. 130

Sandige, Rad. 154

Sandon, Joh. 115

Sandwyche, Joh. 236

Sandwyth, Sandwath, Ant. 239, 261; Humf. 268, 275; Rob. 272; Tho. 222; Walt. de, 21

Sandy, Sandee, Sande, Joh. 199; Tho. 209; Will. 183, 205, 209

Santon, Hen. de, 31, 45, 67; Joh. de, 13, 37, 53, 61, 66, 74, 81, 102; Joh. 138, 149, 152; Nic. de, 32; Ric. de, 32, 39, 78; Rob. de, 36; Tho. de, 53, 67, 102, 119; Tho. 116, 119, 152, 170; Will. de, 32, 42, 47, 97; Will. 116; Hen. f. Tho. de, 50

Saper, Rob. 128, 130

Sappcote, Will. 61

Sare, Joh. 61

Sarefote, Will. 4

Sargiantson, Sergyantson, Seriantson, Joh. 264; Laur. 174; Xpof. 215

Sarjaunt, see Sergeaunt

Sarle, Saryll, Rob. 118, 153. See Serle

Sartrin, Ad. del, 15; Rob. 137; Tho. de, 27

Sartyn, Nic. 168; Rob. 168

saucer, sauser, Joh. le, 26, 47; Nic. le, 16, 18; Ric. le, 22, 26; Ric. de la, 33; Warinus le, 18

Saulley, Rog. 221

Saunder, Joh. 138; Ric. 120, 121; Will. 178

Saunderson, Sanderson, Sawnderson, Geo. 266; Hen. 229, 238; Joh. 40, 87, 140, 212; Lowr. 263; Nic. 160; Ric. 255, 273; Rob. 136; Tho. 225, 255; Will. 220, 239

Sauneby, Galf. de, 86; Galf. 160; Joh. de, 79; Will. de, 91

Saunfayle, Joh. 32

Sautre, Tho. 182

Savage, Sauvage, Savaige, Andr. 92; Galf. 83, 114; Jac. 269; Joh. 140, 197; Jurd. 15; Rad. 159; Ric. 235, 254, 255, 269; Rob. 59, 67, 80, 89, 90; Sim. 78; Will. 31, 65, 66, 139, 140, 254

Savorgate, Will. 196

Savyn, Rob. 70

Saweman, Will. 111

Sawer, Joh. 250, 268; Nic. 234; Pet. 262; Rad. 275; Ric. 165, 189, 209, 227, 257, 268; Rob. 196; Rog. 200, 219, 231; Tho. 149; Will. 160, 177, 201, 209, 217, 231, 238, 262

Sawghele, Joh. 246

Sawhell, Geo. 277; Joh. 271, 274, 277; Milo. 271; Wilf. 274; Will. 274

Sawmond, Sawmon, Joh. 113, 119, 272; Rob. 113

Sawton, Joh. 248

Saxton, Ad. de, 60; Al. de, 78; Joh. de, 77, 102, 106; Joh. 145, 153, 169, 210, 222; Ric. 153; Rob. de, 91; Rob. 109, 145; Tho. 147, 172

Say, Nic. 132

Saykyn, Tho. 42

Sayles, Tho. de, 19

Saymor, Saymore, Joh. 125; Will. 142. See Semer

Sayne, Will. 94

Sayton, see Seton

Scafe, Scayff, Skaif, Skayff, Joh. 247, 252, 276; Rob. 127, 259

Scalby, Scaleby, Skaleby, Joh. de, 38; Joh. 176; Tho. de, 43; Will. 134, 176

Scales, Jac. 155; Ric. 158; Will. de, 57

Scalton, Joh. de, 99

Scalyng, Rob. 203

Scalyngburn, Joh. de, 30; Tho. de, 30

Scameles, Sym. del, 9

Scamelston, Tho. de, 54

Scameston, Skameston, Joh. de, 68; Will. de, 82

Scarburgh, Scardeburgh, Skardeburgh, Ad. de, 33; Hen. de, 66; Joh. de, 33, 40, 46, 55; Rob. de, 46; Rob. 125; Tho. de, 24; Will. de, 23, 75

Scarf, see Skarf

Scartholf, Will. 28

Scathelok, Skadloke, Joh. 107, 192, 235; Rob. 148, 175, 192

Scauceby, Skawseby, Joh. 184, 224, 227; Ric. 276; Rob. 149, 179; Tho. de, 1; Tho. 141, 160, 179, 182, 183; Will. de, 79, 93; Will. 122, 183, 192, 227

Schadwell, Ad. de, 28; Will. de, 48

Schanne, Ric. de Brigges, dict. 25

Schaklok, Joh. 32

Scharow, Scharhow, Joh. de, 68; Ric. de, 58; Rob. de, 8. See Sharrow

Scharp, Scharpe, Joh. 53; Ric. 52; Will. 38. See Sharp

Schawes, Joh. del, 35

Scheffeld, Schefeld, Joh. de, 43, 66; Ric. de, 40; Will. de, 31. See Sheffeld

Schele, Mat. 64

Schelleslay, Joh. de, 27

Schepley, Tho. de, 47. See Shipley

Scherwynd, Joh. 50

schether, Hen. le, 9

Schetton, Joh. f. Hug. de, 50

schipwrith, Joh. le, 12

Schirburn, Ad. de, 9; Agnes de, 16; Gilb. 69; Joh. de 21, 22; Ric. de, 15, 58; Rog. de, 57; Tho. de, 17, 27, 64; Will. de, 21, 60, 69, 76. See Shirburn

Schirwod, Hen. de, 67; Walt. de, 33; Will. de, 28. See Shirwod

Schope, Joh. del, 40, 57

Schrowde, Joh. 70

Schupton, Sim. de, 46; Tho. de, 5; Walt. f. Pet. de, 16. See Shipton

Sclater, Hug. 199; Ric. 218; Rob. 204, 213, 220; Tho. 126; Will. 50, 215. See Slater

Scofell, Hug. 244

Scolay, Joh. 129

Scoles, Skoles, Skoulles, Joh. de, 108; Ric. de, 90; Ric. 267; Tho. del, 71

Scorburgh, Scoreburgh, Skoreburgh, Skoresburght, Geo. 237; Joh. 129; Rob. de, 69; Rob. 141; Tho. 135, 171; Will. de, 86, 100; Will. 171

Scoreby, Joh. 120; Will, de, 10. See Skorby

Scorour, Will. 115, 144

Scorton, see Skorton

Scotson, Skotson, Joh. 251, 274; Rob. 247, 277; Will. 277

Scott, see Skott

Scotton, Skotton, Hug. de, 6; Joh. de, 52; Maryn. de, 65; Ric. de, 5; Ric. 139, 168; Rob. de, 4, 32; Rog. de, 4, 32; Tho. de, 4, 29; Tho. 178, 191, 216; Walt. de, 6, 13, 14; Will. de, 30; Will. 148

Scoulbasset, Ed. 157

Scouthorp, Scowthorp, Joh. 246; Rad. 222, 246; Tho. 188

Scraggy, Skraggy, Ad. 55; Joh. 72, 99

Scrapetrough, Hen. f. Will. 5

Scrayngham, Screyngham, Skreyngham, Joh. de, 36; Joh. 110; Tho. de, 54; Will. f. Rob. de, 20

scrivayner, Jurd. le, 17

Scruton, Joh. 163

Scryvener, Skryvener, Joh. 233; Rob. 83

Scudik, Godeskalk, 44

Scupton, Joh. de, 3

Scurveton, Rob. 111

Scutard, Skutard, Rob. 15; Tho. 27; Will. 97, 131; Hug. f. Walt. 11

Scysson, see Sisson

Secroft, Rob. de, 55

Sectour, Joh. 87

Sedgefeld, Segefeld, Seggefeld, Joh. de, 77, 99; Joh. 128, 130; Tho. 128

Sefton, Rob. de, 101

Seger, Joh. alias Hanse, 122

Segode, Al. 14

seignour, Rob. le, 29

Seirle, Rob. 200

Seiston, Joh. 213

Sekker, Joh. 115; Ric. 278; Sim. 126; Will. 147

sekker, Joh. le, 29

Seland, Hug. de, 55

Selander, Hen. 91; Will. 81

Selbarn, Selibarn, Selybarne, Seilbarne, Syllybarn, Ad. 216; Edw. 249; Jac. 249; Joh. 59; Nic. 74, 112; Ric. 112; Tho. 205

Selby, Hug. de, 32; Joh. de, 5, 16, 54, 100; Joh. 111, 121, 147, 165; Nic. de, 4, 56; Perc. 256; Ric. de, 38; Rob. de, 10, 11, 41, 85, 86; Rog. de, 16, 66, 67, 105; Rog. 131, 165; Sim. de, 3; Tho. de, 11, 21, 38, 57, 95; Tho. 113, 147; Walt. de, 66; Will. de, 29, 51, 59, 76, 81, 84, 85; Will. 129; Joh. f. Hug. de, 20; Joh. f. Malk. de, 20; Ric. f. Rog. de, 33; Rob. f. Rog. de, 24; Tho. f. Rog. de, 52; Will. f. Joh. de, 43

Selby alias Raynald, Tho. 190

Sele, Joh. 75, 114, 119, 171; Tho. 38; Will. 25

Seleby, Joh. de, 75, 76, 77; Will. de, 68

Selelove, Joh. 117

Seler, Seller, Hen. 202; Joh. 232; Tho. del, 119; Will. del, 50; Will. of ye, 144; Will. 232

seler, seller, Phil. le, 24; Tho. le, 24, 38: Will. le, 203; Joh. f. Ric. le, 40; Ric. serv. Nig. le, 19

Sellerer, Joh. 273

Sellewod, Joh. de, 33

Sellyng, Joh. 96

Selowe, Hen. 181; Joh. 194

Semer, Semar, Semere, Hug. de, 95; Hug. 151; Joh. de, 3, 40, 59, 67; Joh. 139, 151, 198; Kath. 198; Laur. 124; Pat. de, 25; Rob. de, 77; Rob. 122, 137; Tho. de, 47; Will. de, 74; Will. 140. See Saymor

Semper, Joh. 163, 177

Semylman, Jasp. 192

Semyne, Hen. 64

Sendall, Joh. de, 30

Senehowes, Joh. de, 39

Sensen, Walt. 55

Senyngton, Will. de, 58. See Synyngton

Sergeaunt, Sergaunt, Sargeant, Sarjaunt, Hen. 41; Tho. 146, 210; Will. 97

Sergiant, alias Brigham, Joh. 234

Sergyantson, see Sargiantson

Serle, Rob. 153, 166; Tho. 153. See Sarle

Setel, Settill, Settyll, Daud de, 2; Joh. 248; Ric. de, 33

Seteryngton, Setrington, Ad. de, 37; Joh. de, 1, 10, 11, 50, 53; Joh. 62, 156; Reg. de, 52; Rob. 156; Sim. de, 53; Step. de, 23; Will. de, 11, 13, 75

Seton, Seyton, Sayton, Joh. 128; Nic. de, 16; Ric. de, 16, 38, 83, 100; Ric. 128; Rob. de, 3, 63; Rob. 128, 147; Tho. de, 87; Tho. 122; Will. de, 33, 45, 54

Sevenhowes, Sevenouse, Joh. 49; Rob. de, 39; Will. 50

Sewalle, Joh. 159

Sexhow, Hug. de, 69; Will. de, 57

Seynhous, Milo, 184

Shadforth, Ric. 269

Shadlok, Joh. 246, 250, 261

Shafton, Ad. 111; Ed. 218; Joh. 135, 198; Johan. 198; Will. 176, 218

Shagh, see Shawe

Shalcok, Tho. 143

Shalford, Shalfford, Hen. 165; Rog. de, 80

Shall, Joh. 120

Shan, Tho. 272

Share, Tho. 254

Sharp, Sharpe, Sherp, Edm. 117; Egid. 177; Joh. 77, 90, 110, 151, 174, 179, 195; Lamb. 75; Nic. 268; Ric. 124; Rob. 124, 223; Rog. 116; Tho. 142, 198, 210, 229; Will. 164, 186, 195, 204. See Scharp

Sharparowe, Sharpearowe, Sharpparrowe, Joh. 111, Tho. 166; Will. 183, 240

Sharples, Sharpils, Sharpls, Ric. de, 80; Ric. 140; Rob. 87, 139; Will. 160

Sharow, Sharrow, Joh. de, 93; Joh. 142, 157; Ric. de, 90; Ric. 142; Rob. de, 97; Rob. 142; Will. 142, 162. See Scharow

Shat., Will. 221

Shawe, Shagh, Erkyn, 229; Gaude, 189; Hen. 209, 236, 249; Joh. 150, 180, 189, 193, 202, 205, 209, 233, 245, 246, 257; Lanc. 269; Leon. 244, 249; Marm. 233; Milo, 242; Nic. 230; Pet. 253; Ric. del, 97; Ric. 180, 184, 213, 232; Rob. 172; Rog. 244, 271; Tho. 213, 236, 271; Will. 122, 175, 181, 203, 229, 244

Shay, Car. 219

Sheffeld, Joh. de, 77; Ric. 176; Rob. 113; Will. de, 77; Will. 125, 171, 176. See Scheffeld

Shelford, Will. 133

Shellay, Rob. 263

Shelyto, Shylito, Joh. 255, 267

Shene, Joh. 158; [blank] 207

Sheperd, Shypherd, Ric. 268; Tho. 259

Shepewassh, Joh. 75

Sherburn, see Shirburn

Sheresmyth, Galf. 91; Tho. 106

Sherewod, see Shirwod

Sherewon, Will. 260

Sherman, Joh. 119; Tho. 121

sherman, Sim. le, 6

Sherp, see Sharp

Sheter, Joh. 81

Shevenell, Andr. 236

Shilbotell, Shilbotyll, Joh. de, 90; Joh. 96

Shipley, Will. 108. See Schepley

Shipperden, Rad. 231

Shipton, Shupton, Jac. 242; Joh. de, 7, 99; Joh. 108, 113, 221, 275; Ric. de, 40; Ric. 170; Rob. 265; Rog. 269; Tho. de, 11, 103; Tho. 235, 269; Will. de, 105; Will. 115, 170

Shipward, Hug. 192

Shirburn, Sherburn, Shereburn, Joh. de, 36, 37, 38, 85; Joh. 120, 121, 176; Laur. 260; Rad. de, 71; Ric. de, 89; Ric. 235, 260; Rob. 276; Tho. de, 27; Tho. 236, 239, 253, 270, 276; Will. de, 32, 100; Will 138, 172, 176. See Schirburn

Shires, Rob. 178

Shirley, Shirlay, Ric. 210; Rob. 178; Tho. 156

Shirref, Shirryff, Joh. 133; Will. 141

Shirwod, Shirwode, Sherewod, Sherwod, Agnes, 154; Hen. 112; Joh. de, 81; Joh. 112, 115, 135, 151, 265; Nyc. 274; Ric. 143, 268; Tho. de, 101; Walt. 127; Will. 141, 143, 163. See Schirwod

Shirwod, alias Caterton, Ric. 123

Shirwyn, Rob. 180; Tho. 182, 194

Shoreswod, Tho. 160, 178

Short, Shorte, Joh. 89, 125; Rob. 214

Shrowde, Schrowde, Joh. 70, 127

Shupton, see Shipton

Shutelworth, Shitelworth, Shutilworth, Shotilworth, Shutiworth, Rad. 179, 222; Tho. de, 92; Tho. 222

Shutiworth, Tho. 187

Shyngwell, Joh. 183

Siggeswyk, Syggeswyk, Sygeswyke, Ad. 194; Joh. 259; Rob. 279; Step, 270. See Syggewith

Siglisdene, Sygelsdene, Joh. de, 26; Will. de, 49

Sigliston, Tho. de, 26

Sigston, Siggeston, Joh. de, 49; Ric de, 33, 69; Tho. de, 33, 47; Will. 163

Sikerswayn, Joh. 29

Silibarn, see Selbarn

Silton, Sylton, Syllton, Joh. de, 104; Joh. 119, 139, 141, 149, 214; Rog. de, 50; Rog. 141; Tho. 113; Will. 149, 214

Silvertop, Joh. 200

Silvestre, Joh. 43

Simondson, Symondson, Joh. 180; Maur. 155; Phil. 145, 180; Ric. 157; Will. 124

Singleton, see Syngelton

Sisson, Sysson, Scysson, Geo. 257; Joh. 172, 216; Rog. 264; Tho. 170, 238, 264

Skadde, Will. 94

Skadloke, see Scathlok

Skaif, see Scafe

Skardeburgh, see Scarburgh

Skakildene, Tho. de, 26

Skakilthorp, Skakelthorp, Galf. de, 4; Rob. de, 26

Skaleby, see Scalby

Skameston, see Scameston

Skarf, Scarf, Hug. 11; Joh, 80, 134; Will. 134

Skargill, Al. de, 29; Tho. 91

Skarle, Laur. de, 26

Skarr, Joh. 236; Will. 277

Skeldyng, Joh. 183; Nic. 191

Skelldynghope, Joh. de, 71

Skelles, Mic. 159

Skelton, Hen. de, 20; Joh. de, 22, 55, 70, 89, 94, 95, 96, 100; Joh. 117, 130, 136, 150, 176, 181, 231, 269; Mor. 68; Pat. de, 42; Ric. 115; Rob. de, 20, 23, 27, 30, 48; Rog. de, 29; Rol. 247; Step. de, 16; Step. 257, 269; Tho. de, 19, 64, 68, 76, 104, 105; Tho. 115, 128, 130; Will. de, 13, 29, 51, 97; Will. 149, 181, 231; Rob. f. Rad. de, 18; Tho. f. Will. f. Beat. de, 37

Skipper, Will. 156

Skipton, Skypton, Everard, de, 6; Hen. 5, 31, 38; Joh. de, 39, 55, 97; Joh. 115; Milo, 131, 238; Rob. de, 59; Rob. 214, 218; Tho. 196, 208; Will. de, 103; Will. 198, 219

Skipwith, Skipwyth. Joh. de, 57, 83, 96; Joh. 148, 158, 185, 196, 222; Pet. de, 26; Ric. 232; Rob. de, 48; Rob. 159, 198, 232; Tho. de, 29; Tho. 127, 163; Xpof. 195

Skirmer, Skyrmer, Hen, 118, 179; Joh. 117, 179; Rob. 106; Rog. 134; Tho. 121

Skirmesby, Rog. de, 2

Skirpenbek, Joh. 120, 181; Pat. de, 106; Ric. de, 62

Skirrow, Skirrowe, Skyrro, Skyrroo, Joh. 184, 209; Ric. 184; Rob. 258; Tho. 231, 259

Sklater, see Slater

Sknaresburgh, Hen. de, 30

Skofen, Hug. 272

Skofer, Ric., 65

Skoggan, Rob., 272

Skolefeld, Skofeld, Joh. 272; Ric. de 59

Skoles, see Scoles

Skorby, Skorreby, Skorbi, Ad. de, 6; Hen. de, 20, 23, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45; Joh. de, 11, 15, 23, 34, 43, 97; Marg. de, 24; N. de, 28, 29; Nic. de, 15, 23; Tho. de, 68, 97; Walt. de, 5; Will. de, 10, 66. See Scoreby

Skoreburgh, Skoresburght, see Scorburgh

Skorton, Scorton, Joh. de, 50; Ric. 151

Skot, Scot, Scott, Skotes, Galf. 11; Hen. 270; Hug. 11, 22; Joh. 23, 28, 49, 84, 96, 97, 272; Nic. 32; Pat. 3, 19; Ric. 6, 192, 262; Sym. 10, 17; Tho. 82, 84, 208, 247, 256, 261; Walt. 85; Will. 2, 4, 12, 14, 36; Joh. f. Hen. 10; Rad. f. Joh. 21

Skotson, see Scotson

Skotton, see Scotton

Skowch, Ric. 50

Skraggy, see Scraggy

Skrekyngton, Joh. de, 52

Skrevyn, Skreyven, Ric. de, 22; Ric. 10; Will. de, 12; Will. 101

Skreyngham, see Scrayngham

Skrope, Hen. le, 36, 38

Skryvener, see Scryvener

Skryvener, alias Fletcher, Joh. 253

Skutard, see Scutard

Skylyngton, Ad. de, 46

Skyn, Tho. 156

Skynner, Hen. 174; Joh. 144; Mat. 122; Sim. 115; Will. 163, 177

Skynwyn, Joh. 181

Skypen, Rob. de, 27

Skypton, see Skipton

Skypton, in Craven, Joh. de, 39

Skyrebek, Ric. de, 74

Skyren, Sym. de, 12

Skyres, Will. 102

Skyrewith, Rog. de, 34; Tho. 137

Skytbrok, Joh. de, 39

Skytteby, Joh. de, 69

Slanes, Will. 180

Slater, Slayter, Sklater, Bart. 268; Egid. 237; Hen. 195, 250; Joh. 114, 236; Oliv. 276; Rob. 235, 239; Tho. 199, 239, 258, 265, 274; Will. 236, 268, 274. See Sclater

Slaywright, Tho. 218; Will. 69

Sledmer, Slededmer, Sledmere, Joh. 103; Ric. de, 87; Rob. de, 17, 53; Will. de, 60

Slee, Joh. 166, 236; Ric. 240; Will. 236, 252

Sleford, Slefford, Sleghford, Hen. 97; Joh. de, 72; Sim. de, 87; Tho. de, 37

Slegell, Tho. 78

slegh, Joh. le, 28

Sleght, Al. 14; Joh. 41; Will. 9, 70

Slengesby, Slyngysby, Joh. de, 10, 18; Hen. 200; Nic. 111; Ric. de, 24, 84; Walt. de, 20; Will. de, 78

Slotheby, Joh. de, 85

Slothman, Tho. 204

Smalbayn, Will. 91

Smalcher, Sim. 244

Smallom, Will. 173

Smalwod, Joh. 52; Rog. 228

Smawe, Smawes, Joh. de, 75, 88; Joh. 170; Rob. de, 81; Rob. 114

Smelt, Smelte, Joh. 127, 144

Smershall, Smereshall, Smeresall, Joh. 125, 140; Laur. 118

Smert, Edw. 88; Will. 153, 185

Smerthwait, Smerthwat, Smerethwayte, Smertwhate, Cuth. 253; Joh. 267; Johan, 182; Rad. 251; Ric. 247; Rog. 261; Will. 211; Xpof. 242, 261, 267

Smeton, Rob. 155

Smeux, Joh. 99

Smethies, Rob. of the, 147

smith, smyth, Tho. le, 42; Joh. f. Galf. le, 53; Tho. f. Tho. le, 55

Smith-husen, Goddescalcus de, 44; Will. 88

Smithson, Smythson, Ed. 264; Joh. 183, 235, 267; Ric. 223, 263; Will. 175, 216; Xpof. 275

Smithton, Smethton, Smytheton, Smythton, Al. de, 37; Joh. de, 44, 79; Rob. de, 9, 28; Tho. de, 17; Will. de, 41

Smyddy, Geo. 275

Smyth, Smythe, Smith, Cris. 181; Dion. 225; Edw. 166, 192; Edwyn, 267; Galf. 253, 256; Geo. 215, 225, 273; Hen. 115, 179, 202, 213, 215, 243, 260, 268; Joh. 125, 132, 150, 151, 154, 155, 165, 167, 172, 178, 183, 192, 197, 207, 213, 218, 221, 224, 229, 236, 240, 247, 250, 252, 266, 269, 273, 274, 278; Laur. 117, 262; Lion. 187; Marc. 195; Marm. 251; Mat. 114; Nic. 113, 186; Rad. 225; Reg. 80; Ric. 206, 228, 241, 252, 260, 262; Rob. 105, 150, 165, 192, 242, 243, 256, 266; Rog. 154, 220; Rol. 196; Sim. 233; Tho. 69, 86, 88, 101, 161, 170, 172, 175, 182, 190, 193, 201, 218, 219, 224, 229, 238, 243, 252, 255, 266; Will. 98, 129, 142, 148, 156, 167, 205, 206, 221, 228, 229, 233, 239, 246, 251, 254, 262, 264, 273

Smyth alias Watson, Tho. 216

Smythe alias de Stable, Ric. 207

Smythes, Will. 243

Smythmagh, Hen. 169

Snape, Rob. 128

Snar, Joh. 250; Ric. 254

Snard, Tho. 145

Snareston, Tho. 171

Snart, Joh. 57; Kath. 175; Will. 16

Snaudon, Snawdon, Snawedon, Joh. de, 25; Joh. 213; Rob. de, 57; Tho. de, 97; Tho. 119, 142, 145, 258; Will. 142

Snaueball, Snaweball, Ric. 187, 220; Tho. 49, 199; Will. 151

Snawe, Tho. 170

Snawsell, Snawshill, Seth. 213; Will. 125, 152, 178, 187, 213

Snaynton, Joh. 170; Rob. de, 72; Will. de, 76

Snayth, Hen. de, 1, 72; Hug. de, 6; Joh. de, 56, 58, 64, 87; Rob. de, 9; Rob. 125; Will. de, 15, 44

Snell, Joh. 131, 157; Ric. 88

Sokburn, Will. 154

Sokpath, Rob. 147

Solance, Rob. 29

Soleby, Will. de, 77

Somer, Rad. 136; Ric. 119, 173; Rob. 155

Somerby, Joh. de, 77, 97; Joh. 124

Somercotes, Tho. 157

Somerscales, Somerskales, Joh. 132, 177, 188; Ric. 179

Somersete, Tho. de, 27

Sonle, Will. de, 43

Sonnyng, Joh. 68

Sonyt, Will. 207

Sopp, Joh. 157

Sotheby, Ed. 194

Sotheron, Sotheran, Sutheron, Hen. 101; Joh. 60; Ric. 46; Rob. 276; Tho. 242; Will. de, 48

Sotheron alias Burton, Joh. 218

Sothill, Will. 93

Soulby, Souleby, Will. 120, 155

Soule, Tho. 20; Will. 81

Sounde, Alex. 116

Sourdenall, Joh. 136

Soureby, Sourby, Sowreby, Gilb. de, 46; Joh. de, 27, 31, 33, 96, 99; Joh. 159, 161; Marg. 176; Pet. de, 11; Ric. de, 62; Ric. 123; Tho. de, 78; Will. 207, 244

South, Nic. 8; Ric. 18

Southam, Galf. 121, 173; Marg. 173

Southburton, Pet. de, 51

Southwell, Suthwell, Joh. de, 101; Ric. 193; Rob. de, 95; Rob. 121, 193; Tho. 193

Southworth, Tho. 265; Will. 167

Sowdan, Joh. 69

Soweray, Sourey, Soray, Sory, Jac. 277; Joh. 236, 240; Tho. 241

Soza, Mart. 250, 253

Spacy, Guido, 242; Joh. 229; Will. 214, 242

Spaineton, Ric. 110

Spaldyng, Godmannus de, 38; Hug. de, 32; Joh. de, 67, 74, 83; Joh. 107, 134; Tho. de, 22

Spaldyngton, Joh. de, 59; Phil. de, 39; Will. de, 70

Spanyel, Rob. 80

Spark, Sparke, Sperke, Hen. 228, 235; Karol. 185; Laur. 254; Ric. 262; Rob. 274; Tho. 269; Will. 268

Sparlyng, Cris. 233; Tho. 247

Sparow, Sparrow, Hen. 70; Joh. 74, 97; Rob. 148, 222; Tho. 102; Walt. 74; Will. 118, 166

Spawton, Joh. 240

Spayn, Will. 120

specer, Joh. le, 1, 5, 8, 9, 10; Ric. le, 44; Will. f. Pet. le, 21

Speght, Speight, Hen. 218; Joh. 143; Ric. 267; Will. 267

Speller, Joh. 202; Tho. 108

Spen, Spene, Joh. del, 82; Joh. 108; Will. 62

Spence, Spense, Joh. 197; Tho. 208; Will. 167, 195, 259

Spendelove, Spendeluf, Hug. de, 86; Walt. 124

Spens, Joh. del, 81; Ret. del, 79

Spenser, Spencer, Geo. 184; Joh. 52, 131, 155, 160; 181, 184, 206, 219, 224; Laur. 253; Pet. 145; Ric. 44, 101, 113, 131, 143, 146, 162, 246; Rob. 80, 129, 144; Tho. 101, 104; Will. 91, 96, 100, 131, 146, 161, 193, 224

Spenthorn, Tho. f. Alex. 9

Spenythorn, Joh. 133, 182; Tho. 182

Sperke, see Spark

Sperri, Will. 7

Spexton, Isab. 242

Spicer, Spiser, Joh. 70, 176, 230; Ric. 224; Rob. 231; Tho. 181, 191, 230

Spilblod, Will. 43

Spilesby, Spillesby, Joh. de, 56; Rob. 187

Spinay, Galf. 11

Spiryng, Will. 70

Spiser, see Spicer

Spivay, Spyves, Galf. 11; Joh. 64, 139; Ric. 62

Spofford, Spofforth, Andr. de, 93; Isab. de, 93; Joh. 234; Johan, 122; Pet. de, 86; Ric. de, 3; Rob. de, 13, 15; Rob. 148, 179; Rog. de, 100; Tho. de, 32; Tho. 169; Will. de, 77

Spolard, Joh. 37

Sponer, Joh. 190

Sporyour, Ric. 208

Sprauston, Rad. 131

Spren, Will. 81

Spriggy, Nic. 82

Spring, Spryng, Tho. 53; Will. 50

Sprot, Sprott, Sprout, Galf. 42; Joh. 18, 116, 166

Sproxton, Joh. 161; Rad. 150; Tho. 161

Spuret, Spurett, Rob. 181; Tho. 178

Spurston, Rad. 266

Spyuk, Spyuke, Edw. 279; Joh. 177, 214, 225; Ric. 262; Will. 230, 255; Xpof. 278

Spyves, see Spivay

Squyer, Sqwyer, Joh. 195; Rob. 63

Stable, Stabill, Stabyll, Geo. 211; Joh. 136; Rob. 235; Tho. 159; Will. 251, 258

Stable alias Smythe, Ric. de, 207

Stabler, Ad. 87; Joh. 167

Staby, Joh. 144

Stafford, Staffurth, Hen. 217, 249; Joh. de, 23, 89; Joh. 141; Rog. de, 32; Silv. de, 77; Sym. 249

Stagg, Stagge, Ric. 243; Tho. 239; Will. 186

Stainton, Staynton, Ad. de, 78; Pet. de, 44; Rob. de, 14; Tho. de, 56, 62; Tho. 199; Will. de, 39, 45

Stakenbrok, Will. de, 56

Stakhous, Tho. 166

Stalker, Joh. 124

Stalleworth, Stalworthe, Trist. 100, 127

Stalyngburgh, Galf. de, 60

Stalyngburn, Joh. de, 30; Tho. de, 30

Stamford, Staumford, Staumforth, Ad. de, 39; Agnes de, 35; Galf. 255; Joh. de, 68; Joh. 249; Laur. 149; Tho. de, 29

Stamp., Joh. 205; Tho. 218

Stamper, Joh. 279; Ric. 221

Stanall alias Browdster, Tho. 164

Stanay, Joh. de, 94

Stanbery, Rob. 123; Will. 158

Stanclay, Tho. de, 52

Standeven, Standevyn, Joh. 279; Tho. 257, 258, 279

Standford, Stanford, Stauneford, Staunford, Joh. de, 15; Ric. de, 103; Rob. 110; Tho. 147

Standige, Standische, Rad. 184; Ric. 184, 223

Standrope, Stanedrop, Stayndrop, Joh de, 24; Joh. 208; Nic. de, 49; Will. 133

Stanebank, Joh. 179

Stanehous, Stanhouse, Rob. 248; Will. 186, 196, 248

Stanes, Hen. de, 47; Jac. 148; Joh. del, 50; Joh. 144, 182; Phil. de, 20; Rob. de, 40; Tho. del, 46, 69, 77; Walt. de, 17; Will. 128, 138, 144, 157

Stanesby, Ric. 249

Stanewyk, Stanwyggs, Joh. 111; Will. 127

Stanhop, Rob. de, 20

Stanlay, Staunlay, Joh. de, 44, 46; Joh. 116; Will. 130

Stanlow, Hen. de, 75

Stansall, Rad. 278

Stanton, Joh. de, 89; Joh. 236

Stapilton, Stapillton, Joh. de, 67; Rob. de, 60; Rog. de, 57; Will. de, 68

Stapper, Joh. 185

Starke, Joh. 133, 160, 210; Rog. 120, 160; Walt. 59

Starky, Will. 97

Starnetqwaite, Will. 210

Stasy, Joh. 172

Staunton, Joh. de, 92, 97

Stavelay, Stafelay, Ad. de, 12; Al. 214, 218, 229, 240; Hen. de, 90; Joh. de, 23; Joh. 114, 122; Rob. de, 40; Rog. de, 60; Tho. 223, 235, 245, 270; Will. 125, 211, 222, 245, 275

Staynbank alias Wellez, Ric. 222

Staynburn, Joh. de, 84, 105; Rob. 241, 259; Will. de, 102; Joh. f. Will. 46

Staynford, Stayneford, Hen. de, 35; Tho. de, 21; Will. de, 70

Stayngreve, Stayngref, Staingref, Joh. de, 37, 65; Rad. 17; Will. 133, 162

Staynlay, Staynley, Hen. de, 79; Joh. de, 85, 88, 104; Joh. 136, 142; Ric. de, 90; Ric. 142; Rob 134; Tho. de, 66, 95, 101; Will. de, 27, 83; Will. 23; Rob. f. Nic. de, 49

Staynow, Ric. de, 83

Staynton, see Stainton

Staynwath, Will. de, 25

Stayton, Nic. de, 11

Sted, Stede, Steyd, Hen. 165; Joh. 164, 204, 205; Rob. 151, 255; Tho. 194; Will. 204

Stedman, Will. 45

steignour, Will. le, 49

Stele, Steyll, Cris. 242; Jac. 250; Joh. 27, 51, 73, 111, 113, 251, 271; Lanc. 257; Marg. 278; Rob. 115; Sym. 65; Tho. 167, 180; Will. 121, 197. See Stiel

Stelyngton see Stilyngton

Stenyour, Hug. 162; Ric. 162

Stephenson, Stevenson, Stewenson, Ed. 236; Geo. 242, 275; Hen. 234, 261; Joh. 109, 111, 131, 137, 156, 172, 181, 182, 208, 211, 217, 220, 224, 229, 255, 263; Johan. 151; Rob. 230; Sym. 256; Tho. 182, 203, 222, 246, 263; Will. 179, 223; Xpof. 241

Stephenson alias Brereton, Humf. 245

Sterap, Hen. 148

Stere, Ric. 147; Will. 75

Steresacre, Steresacres, Joh. 145; Ric. 133; Rob. 116; Tho. 126, 148, 160; Will. 117, 160

Steresby, Hen. de, 13; Nic. de, 13

Stertford, Stertfurth, Ric. 186; Tho. 221

Steryng, Stiryng, Joh. 107; Rob. de, 93

Steton, Steveton, Stiveton, Styveton, Ad. de, 33; Joh. de, 35, 56; Rob. 197; Will. 197

Steven, Joh. 123

Stevenes, Joh. 134

Stevenson, see Stephenson

Steyll, see Stele

Steyniour, Marg. 85

Stibbyng, Will. 151

Stiel, Joh. 89, 92, 102. See Stele

Stighbayn, Tho. 39

Stile, Stille, Hen. 106; Sim. del, 87

Stilyngflet, Stillyngflete, Stivelyngflet, Styvelyngflet, Joh. de, 41, 74; Joh. 112, 146, 162; Rob. de, 5; Rob. 134; Tho. de, 15, 32; Will. f. Walt. de, 66

Stilyngton, Stelyngton, Stivelington, Joh. de, 55, 59, 81, 91, 96, 107; Joh. 117, 146; Rob. de, 36, 107; Rob. 124; Will. de, 95, 100; Will. 160

Stirbouk, Ric. 154

Stirtivaunt, Stirtavaunt, Stirtevaunt, Al. 158; Ric. 120; Tho. 107, 167

Stitenham, Stitnom, Stiknam, Stytnam, Joh. 271; Rob. 244; Rog. de, 13; Tho. de, 97; Tho. 271

Stitham, Joh. 235

Stitlay, Ric. de, 105

Stodard, Stoderd, Joh. 206, 244; Tho. 204

Stodehagh, Al. de 8

Stodelay, Stodlay, Stowdelay, Hug. de, 94; Joh. de, 39, 102; Rob. de, 88; Ric. 113; Tho. de, 91; Will. de, 86. See Studley

Stokdale, Stokdall, Stokdell, Joh. 187, 196, 211, 225, 279; Rob. 189; Tho. 198, 264; Will. 160, 177

Stoke, Stokes, Stok, Stokk, Ad. del, 65, 84; Andr. de, 14, 75; Hen. de, 35; Joh. 152, 202, 256; Laur. de, 15; Ric. 169; Rob. de, 22; Rob. 262; Tho. de, 84; Tho. 207; Walt. de, 3

Stoke Doubenay, Stok Dawbeney, Joh. de, 49; Rob. de, 54

Stokeld, Rob. de, 2; Will. de, 2

Stokeslay, Joh. de 58, 74; Joh. 163; Will. de, 47; Will. 130, 172

Stokkyng, Joh. 132, 203, 232; Kat. 232; Tho. 121

Stokton, Stoketon, Ad. de, 7, 22; Hen. 128, 157, 188; Hug. de, 93, 99; Joh. de, 11, 22, 34; Joh. 114, 116, 123, 144, 165, 166; Ric. de, 35, 44, 98; Rob. de, 5, 9, 26; Rog. 158; Tho. de, 42, 53, 96; Tho. 116; Walt. de, 46; Will. de, 16, 27, 40, 44, 49, 53, 66; Will. 116, 129. 148, 151, 158, 164, 165, 167, 180

Stokton de Tese, Joh. de, 27

Stokwith, Stokwyth, Joh. de, 91; Joh. 168, 187; Rob. de, 69; Tho. 187

Stones, Joh. 109

Stonor, Joh. de, 45

Stopford, Ric. 161

Stopper, Joh. 207

Storer, Storour, Joh. 128, 224

Storeton, Joh. 109

Storey, Story, Hen. 246, 247; Joh. 243, 271; Will. 197, 254, 255

Storme, Rob. 151, 191; Tho. 191; Will. 272

Storre, Ric. 237

Storthwaite, Storthwaythe, Ad. de, 54; Hug. de, 70; Joh. de, 4, 9, 49

Stowe, Joh. de, 103; Ric. de, 84; Ric. 117

Stower, Ric. 113

Stowes, Pat. de, 170

Stowte, Joh. 58

Stoyf, Pet. 136

Stradebruke, Joh. 154

Straker, Strakour, Stracour, Ad. 47; Mart. 267, 271; Nyc. 277; Ric. 126, 158, 277; Tho. 133; Will. 158, 275

Strakket, Will. 279

Strand, Will. 94

Strange, Straunge, Hug. 73, 150, 155; Ric. 150; Will. 193

Strangman, Walt. 36

Strangwish, Joh. 203

Stranton, Joh. de, 103; Tho. 111

Stredfrord, Rog. de, 9. See Stretforth

Strekston, Joh. de, 36

Strenlay, Edm. de, 87

Strensall, Strensal, Hen. 182; Joh. de, 47, 69, 83; Joh. 129, 164, 170, 182; Nic. de, 54; Phil. de, 10; Rob. 155; Tho. de, 6, 13, 14, 48, 49; Will. de, 5, 39, 47; Will. 137, 148

Stretforth, Will. de, 54. See Stredfrord

Stretton, Tho. de, 51; Will. de, 15

Strikland, Strykland, Galf. 123; Joh. de, 24; Tho. 118, 141; Will. 138

Stringer, Strenger, Strynger, Joh. 131, 196, 226, 227; Tho. 257; Will. 157

stringer, Tho. le, 54

Stroesburgh, Hen. de, 90

Struther, Ric. 225

Strykel, Strykill, Ric. 107; Rog. 49, 107

Stryng, Joh. 125

Stubbes, Stubes, Stubbys, Stubbez, Jac. 273; Joh. 157, 220; Nic. 190, 209, 237; Rog. 162; Rol, 277; Step. 201; Tho. 109; Will. 182, 196, 237

Stubton, Rob. de, 20

Studard, Will. 175

Studhowe, Ric. 163

Studlay, Studelay, Agnes, 155; Joh. 131; Ric. 117, 149; Rob. 124, 155; Will. 184. See Stodelay

Sturdy, Rob. 106; Tho. 265; Will. 65

Sturgon, Joh. 23

Sturgys, Joh. 59, 71

Sturmy, Joh. 85

Stut, Stutt, Ad. 25; Ric. 199

Stutfeld, Will. 212

Stutton, Joh. de, 30; Rob. 131; Joh. f. Phil. de, 71

Stutvill, Will. de, 47

Stuyte, Will. 195

Styan, Stylan, Luc. 261; Tho. 226, 261

Styddy, Tho. 279

Stylyngton alias Gayt, Will. 131

Stytelay, Tho. 115

Styttwaite, Joh. de, 56

Styvelington, see Stilyngton

Styvelyngflet, see Stilyngflet

Styward, Alex. 98; Joh. 197; Will. 111, 187

Sudbiri, Step. de, 46

Sudbroke, Rob. de, 19

Sudeby, Joh. 205

Sugden, Joh. 189; Rob. 189; Xpof. 268

Sugget, Nic. 218; Ric. 217; Will. 232

Suldever, Nic. 139

Sule, Will. 23

Summer, Ric. 206; Rob. 206

Sumpter, Joh. 277; Rob. 250, 263, 277; Will. 118

Sumpter alias Buteler, Rob. 143

Sunderlawyk, Rob. de, 13

Surdevale, Walt. 11

Sutheron, see Sotheron

Suthwell, see Southwell

Suthwyk, Joh. de, 41

Suttell, Tho. 231

Sutterhous, Sutterhus, Rob. 270; Tho. 240, 270

Sutton, Alicia de, 23; Brian. 264; Dionis. de, 97; Geo. 201, 242; Hen, de, 72, 76; Hug. de, 30; Joh. de, 36, 39, 45, 53, 62, 65, 66, 82, 86, 90, 105; Joh. 117, 136, 142, 147, 191, 224, 234; Pet. de, 3, 33, 64; Ric. de, 11, 60; Ric. 73, 126; Rob. de, 15, 16, 24, 67, 69; Rob, 111, 131, 135; Tho. de, 13, 38, 52, 58, 65, 84, 96, 100; Tho. 234, 242; Walt. de, 13, 65, 105; Will. de, 2, 3, 23, 31, 32, 43, 60, 73, 80, 101; Will. 135, 172, 182, 212

Sutton in Galtres, Joh. de, 91

Sutton super Derwent, Will. de, 35

Suyt, Will. 109

Suzan, Rog. 5

Swaffeld, Rob. de, 56

Swale, Nic. 133; Ric. 220; Will. 229

Swalldale, Swaldale, Joh.205; Will. de, 69

Swan, Swanne, Guido, 161; Hen. 192; Joh. 65, 184, 255; Rad. 184; Ric. 163; Rob. 127, 202, 247, 250; Rog. 36, 234; Sim. 144; Will. 237

Swan alias Taylbys, Rad. 245

Swanland, Rob. 107; Will. de, 33

Swater, Tho. 65

Swath, Joh. 142; Nic. 144

Swayne, Will. 164

Swerd, Swerde, Joh. 56, 65; Rob. 139; Tho. 162; Will. 162

Swetemouth, Will. 40

Swetenham, Joh. de, 88

Swetliglad, Joh. 46

Swylyngton, Joh. de, 82

Swynburn, Swynbourne, Ad. de, 91; Alex. 212, 233; Geo. 245; Hen. 238; Jac. 252; Joh. 196, 207; Rob. 233; Sym. 270; Tho. 256

Swynflet, Step. f. Galf. de, 18

Swynneshede, Rob. 179

Swynton, Joh. de, 40, 95; Joh. 111; Reg. de, 9; Ric. de, 84

Syam, Rob. 112

Sybson, Joh. 107; Tho. 198; Will. 228

Syddell, Hen. 251; Laur. 264

Syde, Will. de, 101

Syddes, Sydes, Ric. 255; Tho. 253

Sygelsdene, see Siglisdene

Syggeswyk, see Siggeswyk

Syggewith, Hug. 177

Sygrave, Joh. 182

Syk, Syke, Joh. del, 81; Tho. del, 82, 89

Sykes, Sikes, Joh. 111, 211

Sylkeston, Rob. 143

Syll, Joh. 220

Sylton, see Silton

Sylvereour, Will. 126

Sylvestre, Nic. 118

Syme, Ric. 222

Symkynson, Joh. 247

Symond, Cris. 245; Joh. 127, 184; Ric. 206; Rob. 184

Symondson, see Simondson

Symonet, Joh. 85

Symson, Symesson, Ad. 208; Ant. 261; Geo. 269; Jac. 178, 203, 254, 262; Joh. 91, 123, 129, 201, 206, 219, 230, 231; Laur. 210; Mic. 255; Pet. 167, 278; Rad. 234, 240, 246, 259, 269; Ric. 178, 183, 200, 204, 207, 214; Rob. 101, 155, 177, 196, 206, 209, 226; Rog. 250, 268; Tho. 201, 220, 230, 237, 256, 268, 279; Will. 156, 167, 174, 179, 201, 203, 204, 207, 220, 237

Symson alias Barker, Will. 157

Synderby, Joh. de, 104; Joh. 133

Syngelton, Singelton, Hug. 205, 206; Joh. de, 93; Ric. 205; Rob. de, 83; Will. 246

Synyngton, Will. de, 83; Will. 117. See Senyngton

Syresee, Reg. de, 65

Sysson, see Sisson

Syther, Joh. de, 80