Pages 395-407
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells: Volume 1. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.
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Fols. 172–200
Appropriation by Ralph bishop of Bath and Wells, with consent of both chapters, to the prior and monks of Henton of the Carthusian order, (upon their petition, shewing that their lands are hilly and stony, the Tents of water mills wherein consists the greater part of their substance are small, and heavy pensions which they are bound to pay exceed the value of what they retain, wherefore they are compelled to bind their monastery to corrodies and a load of debt,) of the parish church of Henton Monachorum, now vacant, the patronage whereof has been granted them by Master William de Luteltone precentor of Wells, by consent of King Edward, saving a yearly pension of 6s. 8d. to the fabric of the church of Wells and another of 40d. to the archdeacon of Wells in recompense for the fruits thereof during vacancies, payable at Michaelmas in the church of Wells, saving also a portion for a vicar, to be presented by the precentor of Wells, namely all the small tithes with the altarage, 4l. a year payable quarterly by the priory, two loads of wood for fuel or 3s. and one load of straw at Christmas, the chaplain's manse by the church with a piece of ground as wide as that of the rectory manse, to be built upon within 6 months by the priory, the vicar supporting all charges ordinary and extraordinary except the tenth or other contribution assessed upon the church; the priory shall also rebuild the chancel within a year, and, find books and ornaments; the precentor of Wells shall nominate two fit persons, and present to the vicarage one of them chosen by the priory as often as there is a vacancy: reserving the rights and dignity of the bishop and the churches of Bath and Wells, and his jurisdiction as ordinary. In triplicate: one copy to remain with the treasurer of Wells, one in the treasury of Bath, the third with the priory. Dated the chapel of the bishop's manor of Wyvelescombe, 11 December 1344.
Attested by Stephen Trippe clerk of the diocese of Bath and Wells notary public; John de Rysingdone rector of Jevele, William de Bere advocate of the bishop's consistory, and John de Bathonia clerk being also present.
R.III. ff. 172–3.
Inspeximus and exemplification by Panthaleon de Bredis de Utino doctor of decrees chaplain of the pope and auditor general of the papal camera, of a bull of Pope Boniface IX dated in his 12th year, signed by Anthony de Teramo and Bertholdus (not here set out in full; see f. 164d., above p. 392), and of a paper roll bound with white threads and sealed with a signet of red wax, being an extract from the register of papal letters of the same date made by Anthony bishop of Albenga registrar of papal letters (not fully set out), both exhibited by William Swan bachelor of laws and papal abbreviator, an erasure and insertion in the 13th line of the bull aforesaid being approved in due form by John cardinal bishop of Ostia the vice chancellor and John Basyre doctor of decrees the corrector of papal letters. Dated Florence, 24 February 1420 in the 3rd year of Pope Martin V; and attested by Hermann Spaen called Craembusch de Werdena clerk of the diocese of Cologne notary of the camera, in the presence also of Anthony Petri de Personir of Rome notary of the same.
R.III. f. 173d.
Gift and bond upon oath by John prior of Worspryng of the order of St. Victor and the convent to John de Axebrugge subdean of Wells, of a rent of 20s. payable yearly in the great church of Wells within the quinzaine of All Saints and Easter, and after his death to the dean and chapter, provided that it be delivered to a vicar there at the appointment of the subdean to celebrate daily at the altar of St. Mary Magdalene for the soul of the said John and his benefactors, subjecting themselves and their successors to ecclesiastical censure for default by sentence of excommunication upon the prior and cellarer or otherwise, and to distraint by the sheriff of Sumerset and Dorset, taking ½ mark of their goods for
every such distraint: in consideration whereof the said subdean John has given them 30 marks to buy lands and a rent for ever. Sealed by the priory, and at their instance by Walter bishop of Bath and Wells. Dated xi kal. August 1266.
R.III. f. 174d.
Inspeximus and assent by Robert prior of Bath and the chapter, dated iii id. June the same year (1301), to the appropriation by William bishop of Bath and Wells [of the church of Chilterne] to the prior and convent of Bryweton (for which see f. 127d.; above pp. 377, 164).
R.III. f. 178d.
Bond of Isabel Huse prioress of Kyngton and the convent for payment of 10s. yearly to the church of Wells, 5s. 10¼d. to the archdeacon of Bath in recompense for the fruits during vacancies, and 7s. 5¾d. for his procuration at his visitation, of the fruits of the church of Twyverton (to them appropriated by John bishop of Bath and Wells) reserved by John de Godeley dean of Wells and the chapter when they confirmed the appropriation thereof. Dated Kyngton, the morrow of St. Edmund Abp. 1327.
R.III. f. 179.
Bond of Nicholas abbot of Keynesham of the order of St. Augustine and the convent to the dean and chapter of Wells, for payment to them or their communar yearly at Wells on Easter day of a pension of 6s. 8d., to them reserved in recompense for the revenues during vacancies of the church of Westharpetre to the said convent appropriated by Ralph bishop of Bath and Wells, with power in default thereof to enter upon the houses and ecclesiastical soil to the said church belonging and levy the arrears of their fruits and goods thereupon. Dated the chapter of Keynesham, iii kal. May 1337.
R.III. f. 182.
Letters patent of John bishop of Bath and Wells, addressed to the dean and chapter of Wells, notifying that, by the terms of his recent appropriation of the church of Estcoker to the dean and chapter of Exeter, the vicar of that church and his successors are bound to indemnify them for their rights by a yearly pension of 13s. 4d.; and for further security every vicar thereof at his admission and institution is to be sworn to pay the same half yearly at Easter and Michaelmas. Dated Woky, 27 May 1386.
R.III. f. 182d.
Bond of William prior of Berliz and the convent to the dean and chapter of Wells in 20l. payable in the city of Wells at the Purification next. Dated the chapter house Berliz, Sunday after the translation of St. Thomas M. 10 Richard II.
Indenture made at Wells on Sunday before St. James Ap. 10 Richard II, between the dean and chapter of Wells on the one part and William prior of Berlinch and the convent on the other,
being a defeasance of the above bond, upon condition that the prior and convent pay 6s. 8d. yearly at the Purification to the dean and chapter or to their communar to indemnify them by reason of the appropriation of the church of Bradeford to the said convent.
R.III. f. 183.
Ordinance of Joscelin bishop of Bath, upon the resignation by the abbot and convent of Jumiéges the patrons and Master Simon de Sancto Petro super Dinam the rector of all their rights as well in the church of Chyuton its chapels and appurtenances as in the advowson thereof and a pension of 10 marks which the abbey used to take therefrom, with the assent of the dean and chapter of Wells, in honour of the Virgin, St. Peter and St. Andrew, for the good report of the order of Jumiéges, the extension of hospitality in the manor (sic) of Jumiéges, and the increase of the common fund of Wells, accepting the resignation of the said Simon, instituting and by the archdeacon inducting the said abbot and convent to the rectory of the said church, and appropriating to them the revenues thereof, saving a perpetual vicarage therein, to consist of the altarage and the small tithes of the mother church and chapels other than the monks' court (prime bequest and chirset excepted, which shall belong to the abbey), the houses with court and curtilage at Chyuton wherein the chaplains of Chyuton hitherto dwelt, 2 acres of meadow eastward without Aldredescumbe, houses with court and curtilages at the chapels for the dwelling of chaplains (reserving the chapel granges with their necessary surroundings to store the abbey grain and hay); the vicar to serve in person in the mother church, and by chaplains in every chapel as of old time, to be answerable to the abbey for synodals and cathedratica from all of them due and accustomed other than the archdeacon's procurations, and to pay 5 marks a year at Chyuton at Easter and Michaelmas to the abbey or the proctor thereof, the abbey to present to the vicarage: moreover the abbey shall pay 35 marks a year at Wells at Easter and Michaelmas of the revenues of the said church to the dean and chapter or their proctor to increase their common fund, and likewise 3 marks a year towards the light for the daily service of the Virgin in the church of Wells, and 3 marks a year to the archdeacon in recompense for the loss of his rights by this appropriation; the said Master Simon late the rector shall take during his life towards his maintenance of the portion hereby assigned to the church of Wells 19 marks a year, and 26 marks a year payable by the abbey; the abbey and the vicar shall be rateably answerable for the repair of the chancels, vestments and ornaments of the church and chapels, for new building and extraordinary charges: should the church of Chyuton succeed in recovering the chapel of Eston minor, now in dispute in the king's court, the vicar shall cause the same to be served by a chaplain, and the abbey by appointment of the bishop shall assign to him so much of the goods of the said chapel as will enable him to support the charges thereof. Done at Wells, xiii kal. March 1241.
R.III. f. 183d.
Submission of William abbot of Jumiéges and the chapter to the ordinance of Joscelin bishop of Bath concerning the church of Chuetona with the chapels and appurtenances thereof. Dated 1241.
R.III. f. 184d.
Appropriation by Walter bishop of Bath and Wells, with the consent of both chapters, to the abbot and convent of Glastonbury, of the churches of Dultynges, Dichesgate, Budekleya and Estbrent, (whereof they are patrons,) with their chapels and appurtenances, after the decease or cession of the now rectors, provided that they be not assigned to the obedientiaries of that house or any of them, but to the payment of debts and the extension of hospitality, saving vicarages therein to be by the bishop assessed, to which the abbey shall present, also the pensions due towards certain offices in the said abbey, the rights of the bishop and the archdeacons, all charges ordinary and extraordinary, the dignity of the bishop and his churches; and in lieu of sequestrations during vacancies the abbey shall pay yearly at Easter to the communar of Wells 60s. for the three churches of Dultynges, Dichesgate and Estbrente, whereof the archdeacon shall take one third. Dated Northampton, v id. June 1266.
R.III. f. 184d.
Appropriation by Joscelin bishop of Bath of the church of Nortone by Hamedone to the abbey of St. Mary of Grestein (Gresteng'), to which it was formerly appropriated but afterwards taken away, reciting the submission of William the abbot and the convent, dated 1241, and also of Sir Silvester de Everdone parson of Nortone Gresteng', whom the abbey had presented thereto, saving a vicarage therein as formerly assessed, to which the abbey shall present; provided that the said abbey shall make provision for the said parson in 12 marks a year until he be beneficed, and pay to the chapter of Wells at Wells towards their common fund 40s. yearly, and to the archdeacon half a mark, saving also the dignity of the bishop and his churches, his jurisdiction and rights, and the procurations and synodals due to the archdeacon, to be paid by the vicar. Dated Voqui, xvi kal. March 1241.
R.III. f. 185.
Gift and assignment by Walter bishop of Bath and Wells to the dean and chapter of Wells of 10l. payable yearly at Michaelmas to the communar, during the life of William de Cherleton canon of Wells, to indemnify them for 10l. yearly, payable to the said William as above, which they gave and assigned of their manor of Northcury to discharge the said bishop. Dated Wells, Thursday after Christmas 1306.
R.III. f. 185d.
Inspeximus by William bishop of Bath and Wells of a gift made by Baldwin formerly lord of Thorna in almoin to the church of
St. Mary and St. John the evangelist of Legh in Devon and to the canons there, of 2 acres of land of la Wodehull, lying between land late of Simon de Lucthumbe (sic) and land late of Sampson de Radduna, with the advowson of the church of St. Margaret of Thorna. with warranty; witnessed by Sir Joel de Valletorta then sheriff of Sumerset, Henry de Chanflur, Master Henry parson of Stanton, Sir Thomas de Tetteburn, Simon de Luccumbe, John de Arundel, Robert de Wilecestria, William de Oreweye, Nicholas de Hallehey: also of a gift made by Henry prior of Legh and the convent, in the diocese of Exeter, to Master Walter de Sancto Quintino archdeacon of Taunton their neighbour, for his great services, of the 2 acres and the advowson aforesaid, which they had of Baldwin de Thorna the former patron, with warranty: and appropriation by the said bishop, with consent of the chapters of Bath and Wells, (reciting the submission to him made by the said archdeacon, the patron and rector of Thorn St. Margaret, of the said 2 acres with the advowson and rectory of the said church, dated Michaelmas 1251,) of the said land and the advowson of the said church with the revenues thereof to the parish church of Milverton, which is a prebend of Wells attached to the archdeaconry of Tanton; future archdeacons to pay every year on the day before the anniversary of the said archdeacon 20s. to the communar of Wells to be divided among the canons and clerks present at the celebration of such anniversary at the high altar, also 40s. a year by quarterly payments to be by the communar delivered towards his maintenance to a priest vicar of Wells performing daily the service for the dead with commendation, placebo and dirige for the soul of the said archdeacon and his successors, his parents, brethren and sisters, John the priest his uncle formerly treasurer of Salisbury, Joscelin the bishop's predecessor, the said bishop, his predecessors and successors, the benefactors of the churches aforesaid, and Master Henry Thesun precentor of Wells, who built the altar of the Holy Saviour whereat the said service is to be performed; such priest to be nominated every year at Michaelmas by the archdeacon of Tanton (provided that no priest serve two years in succession), or by the chapter of Wells during a vacancy or upon default, and a substitute during the year (if necessary) by the archdeacon or in his absence by the highest then present in the church of Wells: should the archdeacon fail to observe this ordinance, the chapter of Wells shall hold the land and advowson aforesaid and the revenues thereof, provided the said service be duly performed, and in case of their default the same shall revert to the prior and canons of Legh, provided that a service for the dead be performed in their church, not by one of the canons, but by a secular priest to be appointed every year by the archdeacon of Tanton, paying nevertheless as above 20s. to the communar of Wells; saving the authority, jurisdiction and dignity of the bishop and his churches. Sealed by the bishop, and his churches of Bath and Wells, also by the said archdeacon, and the said prior and canons of Legh, who have bound themselves for ever to observe this ordinance. Done February 1251.
R.III. ff. 186–7.
Grant by John Saracenus dean of Wells and the chapter to John son of Master Hugh the cook for his life of a seld in the high street of Wells which Eva daughter of Algar in. her testament left to the church of St. Andrew Wells, at a yearly rent of 2s. payable quarterly. Sealed by the grantors and by the said John. Witnesses: William Buche, Lawrence son of William, John de Wintonia, John the spenser, Adam Canun, Osbert Buche, James Drugeman.
R.III. f. 188.
Receipt by Robert de Wambergh archdeacon of Wells to the treasurer of Wells for two muniments concerning the land of Midelton by Jevelcestre, one being an indenture of bishop William de Button the second, the other of the abbot and convent of Glastonbury, with undertaking to return the same. Dated Wells, kal. September 1329.
R.III. f. 188d.
Collation and institution of Richard de Atteberg' clerk to the church of Gosebertkirk by Hugh bishop of Lincoln the patron, saving to Hugh Burgund' for life his vicarage therein, rendering to the said Richard as parson 13 marks yearly: nevertheless the croft appointed for the parsonage shall remain to the said Richard: saving also the bishop's customs, and the dignity of the church of Lincoln. Witnesses: Joscelin bishop of Bath and Glastonbury, William de Hammes precentor of Wells, Thomas de Fiskerton chaplain, Master Walter de Well', Roger de Bohnam (?) and Stephen de Cicestria canons of Lincoln, Master Adam de Clanefeld and Ralph de Warevilla canons of Wells, Master William de Line', Richard de Tinghurst, Oliver de Chedneco. Dated Dorkecestre, 3 November 9 bishop Hugh, by William de Thornaco archdeacon of Stowe.
R.III. f. 189.
Record of proceedings in Trinity term 13 Richard [II] incipiente: roll cxix.
Somerset to wit. Nicholas Sherman parson of Norton under Hamedon was summoned to answer to the dean and chapter of Wells for 4l. arrears of a yearly rent of 40s. due to them. Plaintiffs (by John Russell their attorney) say they were seised of the said rent in right of their church, payable at Wells yearly at Michaelmas, from time out of mind until two years before the date of the writ (20 January 12 Richard II), which defendant has refused to pay; and claim damages 20l. Defendant appears (by John his attorney), and says that he found his church discharged of the said rent: and craves the aid of John Pole the patron, and of Ralph bishop of Bath and Wells the ordinary. A summons to issue to them to answer on the octave of Michaelmas.
R.III. f. 189.
Grant and acquittance by William de Cherleton canon of Wells to J. de Godelegh dean of Wells and the chapter, of all moneys by them paid to Master John de Wamberg' rector of Boclaund in the
diocese of Salisbury, in respect of a yearly pension of 10l. payable to the said William during his life by the dean and chapter, whereof he has given to the said John de Wamberg' 100s. payable yearly by the communar during his life if Master John so long live, provided that if Master John die in the life time of the said William the pension aforesaid shall thenceforth be paid wholly to the said William. Dated Wells, St. Simon and St. Jude 1322.
R.III. f. 189d.
Quitclaim by William de Maulesbergh (son of Richard de Maulesbergh) to Joscelin bishop of Bath, Master Hugh archdeacon of Tanton, William de Button subdean of Wells, and other the executors of Peter late dean of Wells, of half a virgate of land in Wells and the whole land of Merlegh, held by Peter de Cicestria late dean of Wells, and before him by Thomas de Cicestria late canon of Wells, which Margery his mother (late wife of the said Richard de Maulesbergh) used to say appertained to her and to her heirs as her frank marriage, that they may dispose thereof towards a service for the dead to be performed for ever in the church of Wells for the souls of the said bishop Joscelin, dean Peter, their predecessors and successors, and towards the obit of the said dean: also of all right of action against the said dean's will. Witnesses: Ernisius de Dunefde, William de Stratton knights, Walter the chamberlain, Philip de Wyke, Thomas de Autevilla, Roger the butler, Geoffrey de Bridiport, William Buche, Philip de Cnoll, Lawrence the reeve.
R.III. f. 190.
Bond of the master and brethren of the house of St. Mark by Bristol to the dean and chapter of Wells in a yearly pension of 40s. payable at Michaelmas in the church of Wells of the revenues of the church of Overestaweye to the said house appropriated, secured upon their goods in the town of Overstaweye. Dated in chapter, non. November 1326.
R.III. f. 100.
Fine levied at Westminster, the quinzaine of St. John Baptist 1 Edward I, between Edward dean of Wells and the chapter (by Adam Canun) plaintiffs, and brother John master of the house of St. Mark of Billiswik impedient, of 4l. 3s. 4d. rents in Pouleth and Stoklond hereby assured to the dean and chapter, in consideration of 120 marks.
R.III. f. 190d. Somerset Record Soc. vi. 234.
Memorandum that, upon an agreement between the executors of Hugh de Romenal treasurer and of J. de Hereford canon of Wells on the one part and the master and brethren of the house of St. Mark of Byleswyke on the other, whereby the said master and brethren are bound to pay yearly for ever to the dean and chapter 4l. 3s. 4d., contained in two bonds sealed by the master and brethren and by the bishop of Worcester, in consideration whereof the said executors promised to pay 120 marks, the said executors have paid
80 marks thereof on the vigil of All Saints, and are bound to pay the residue at the first levying of a fine between the parties in the king's court, the levying whereof both are to press forward at their joint cost. Dated the vigil aforesaid 1272.
R.III. f. 191.
Mandate of Otto cardinal deacon of St. Nicholas in carcere Tulliano and papal legate to the bishop of Bath, to cite the deans, archdeacons, chapters of cathedral and other churches, abbots or abbesses, and priors or prioresses of monasteries having no abbot or abbess of his diocese to appear before him on the octave of All Saints next, prepared according to their means to render an aid to the see of Rome, only four archdeacons having appeared at Michaelmas, the date of the postponement made at the request of the deans, chapters and archdeacons summoned to his presence first at Radinges and afterwards at London, when by mediation of the said bishop and of other archbishops and bishops they answered that they were ready to give an aid, as was also done in the church of France: also with the help of the archdeacons to admonish and persuade the lesser deans, rectors and vicars of his diocese likewise to give a liberal aid, and whereas many may not be of charity so enlightened as to know how to make answer suitable to the needs of their mother church, suggesting that such aid shall be the twelfth part of this year's revenues. Dated London, non. October 14 Pope G[regory] IX.
R.III. f. 191.
Accord between Sir Nicholas son of Martin and Isabel his wife on the one part and E[dward] dean of Wells and the chapter on the other, in a plea in the king's court touching the advowson of Westlideford, whereby the dean and chapter make a grant and quitclaim thereof, saving to them the ancient pension of half a mark yearly in name of a simple benefice, payable by the rector, and their ancient jurisdiction as heretofore, in consideration of 30 marks. Sealed by the said Nicholas on behalf of himself and his wife, and by Walter the succentor and Roger provost in the church of Wells (having special power so to do) for the dean and chapter. Done at London, St. Vincent's day 1277.
R.III. f. 191d.
Insfeximus and acceptance by William de Plumpton rector of Westlideford of the terms of the above accord. Dated the conversion of St. Paul the same year.
R.III. f. 191d.
Proxy by G. de Sancto Leofardo addressed to the chapter of Wells in favour of Master Ralph de Wicham canon of Wells, for the election of a dean, as he is unable to be present on St. Martin's day. Seal of the officiality of the court of Canterbury. Dated London, iii kal. November 1284.
R.III. f. 192.
Consent by J. dean of Wells and the chapter that Joscelin bishop of Bath may dispose at his pleasure of the church of Chyuton and the chapels thereof. Dated Wells, February 1241.
R.III. f. 192.
Collation and institution by Joscelin bishop of Bath and Glastonbury of Richard de Atteber' to the parsonage of Cherleton Makerell, saving to Robert de Meysi clerk the perpetual vicarage which he has therein subject to a yearly pension of 50s. payable to the said parson and his successors, saving also the right of all who claim the patronage thereof, the customs of the bishop and his churches, and their dignity. Dated Wells, the Innocents' day 12 bishop Joscelin.
R.III. f. 192d.
Ordinance and grant of Hugh bishop of Lincoln to his successors bishops of Lincoln, that they may upon every vacancy appoint as they shall think fit concerning the church of Hameldun and the patronage thereof, a pension of 20s. of the church of St. Peter Stanford, and concerning the chapel of Branteston, unless the said Hugh in his life time shall appoint otherwise, saving the bishop's customs and the dignity of the church of Lincoln. Done at the old Temple London, xvi kal. June 23 bishop Hugh.
R.III. f. 192d.
Letters patent of King Edward [I], being a licence in mortmain to the abbot and convent of St. Peter Gloucester to give and assign the advowson of Burnham to Robert bishop of Bath and his successors, and to the said bishop to accept the same. Tested at Westminster, 27 February 14 Edward [I].
R.III. f. 193. Pat. Cal. p. 226.
Letters patent of King Henry V, being a pardon and release to the dean and chapter of Wells, granted by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal and at the request of the counties of the realm in the late parliament, for all offences against the statute of liveries of cloth and hats up to the 8 December last: also of the king's own motion a general pardon to the day aforesaid. Tested at Westminster, 29 June 3 Henry V.
R.III. f. 193.
Inspeximus and confirmation by King Edward [I], dated Berewyk on Tweed 2 August 19 Edward [I], and witnessed by A. bishop of Durham and others named, of a gift made by John abbot of St. Peter Gloucester and the convent to Robert Burnell bishop of Bath and Wells, of the advowson of Burnham in the diocese of Bath, and of a yearly pension of 10l. which they used to receive therefrom, to hold to the said bishop and his successors of them and their successors for ever, with warranty: witnessed by Thomas bishop of St. David's, William bishop of Llandaff, Sir John de Vescy, Sir John Tregoz, Sir Robert Pagani' barons,' Sir William de Grandisono, Sir John de Sancto Laudo, Sir Robert de Panes knights.
R.III. f. 194. Charter Roll, (18).
Letters patent of King Edward [I], being a licence in mortmain, (for a fine with him made by the dean and chapter of Wells before W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield the treasurer,) to Walter bishop of Bath and Wells to give and assign 2 acres of land in Burnham with the advowson of the church to the said dean and chapter and their successors; and to the dean and chapter to accept and hold the same, and also to appropriate and hold the church of Burnham to them and to their church of St. Andrew. Tested at Winchester, 16 May 34 Edward [I].
R.III. f. 194d. Pat. Cal. p. 433.
Letters patent of King Richard [II], being a confirmation to the dean and chapter of Wells of their estate in the parish church of Pokelchirche otherwise Pokulchurche in the diocese of Worcester. Tested at Westminster, 8 February 20 Richard [II].
R.III. f. 195.
Letters patent of King Richard [II], being a licence (granted in consideration of 40l. paid by the dean and chapter of Wells) to Ralph bishop of Bath and Wells to give and assign to the said dean and chapter and their successors the advowson of Pokulchirch otherwise Poklechirch county Gloucester, held of the king in ohief, and to the dean and chapter to accept the same; and also a licence in mortmain to appropriate and hold the said church, saving to the king and his heirs the services due and accustomed, provided that the vicar be endowed with a competent portion, and that a sum of money (to be appointed by advice of the ordinary) be yearly divided among poor parishioners according to the statute of 15 Richard II. Tested at Westminster, 24 September 20 Richard [II].
R.III. f. 195.
Letters patent of King Henry VI, being a licence in mortmain tc Nicholas bishop of Bath and Wells, to give to the dean and chapter of Wells the advowson of Abbots Bokeland in the diocese of Salisbury, of his patronage in right of his bishopric, wherein a vicarage was of old time endowed; and to the dean and chapter to accept the same, and to appropriate and hold the said church, provided a sufficient' endowment for the vicarage be appointed by the diocesan, and a sum of money be yearly divided aomng poor parishioners according to the statute. Tested at Westminster, 26 November 2 Henry VI.
R. III. f. 195d. Pat. Cal. p. 168.
Letters patent of King Henry VI, being a pardon and release, granted at the request of the counties in the now parliament and by assent of the lords spiritual and temporal, to the dean and chapter of Wells for all offences against the statute of liveries of cloth and hats to 2 September 10 Henry VI; and of the king's own motion a general pardon to the day aforesaid. Tested in parliament at Westminster, 27 March 15 Henry VI.
R.III. f. 196.
Letters patent of King Edward [III], tested at Westminster 20 June 23 Edward [III], being an inspeximus and confirmation (the statute of mortmain notwithstanding, in consideration that one of the chantries therein appointed is for the king, his progenitors and heirs, and of 20l. to be by the bishop paid) of an ordinance tripartite, dated Banewell, 1 June 1349, made by Ralph bishop of Bath and Wells, with consent of both chapters, concerning a vicarage in the parish church of Chyw, which at his suit and cost has been attached to the said bishop's table, (one part whereof is to remain in the treasury of Wells, another in that of Bath, and the third with the vicar for the time being,) whereby the vicar shall find two chaplains, one to aid him in his cure of the parish, the other to celebrate mass daily as heretofore in the chapel of Doundray dependent on the said church; and in the church of Chyw shall be three chaplains to celebrate daily masses at convenient hours to be by the vicar limited, one in honour of the Virgin, another for the king, his progenitors and successors, the third for the bishop, his predecessors and successors, parents and benefactors, all making special mention of the peace of the church, the king and the realm, being present every day with the vicar and chaplains aforesaid at the canonical hours, and aiding the vicar in his cure when required; and whereas there are boys called choristers serving in divine offices in the church of Wells at the hours of day and night, for whose meat and raiment no rents have been assigned, so that often by reason of indigence they must absent themselves to seek a living elsewhere, such choristers shall receive yearly 10 marks of the fruits hereinafter to the said vicarage assigned, payable quarterly in the church of Wells by the said vicar; also (in consideration of the cost of his suit aforesaid) the dean and chapter of Wells and the prior and convent of Bath shall celebrate mass yearly for the said bishop in their churches on the morrow of the Purification during his life, and after keep his obit in solemn form for ever, for which purpose the vicar shall likewise pay 5 marks to the dean and chapter and 5 marks to the convent; to support these and other charges ordinary and extraordinary which the rectors used to bear, the vicarage is endowed with the lands, meadows, tenants and tenements, woods and manse of the rectory, with the rights and appurtenances of the church, the water mill, the tithes great and small, fruits, rents, revenues and profits which the rectors took in times past (reserving to the bishop and his successors the tithes great and small of the produce of cattle and other goods arising from the bishop's demesne, also all jurisdiction to the church annexed by right, privilege, statute, custom or otherwise, and such as the rectors used to exercise), but the vicar shall not claim the advowson, collation, institution or induction to any benefice which belonged to the rector, and he shall keep the rectory manse, garden, houses and buildings in repair; a yearly pension of reserved to the bishop's table, to be paid quarterly of the fruits of the said church to the bishop and his successors, for payment whereof, and of a yearly pension of 20 marks of old accustomed to be paid to the churches of Bath and Wells, the
vicar shall be bound; and every vicar at his institution shall be sworn to observe this ordinance.
R.III. ff. 197–9.
Letters patent of King Henry IV, being a licence in mortmain to Kichard Pyttys clerk (for 5 marks by him paid in the hanaper) to give and assign to the dean and chapter of Wells and their successors a messuage, 30 acres of land, 1 acre of meadow and pasture for fourscore sheep in Depford (not held in chief) towards the anniversary of John Manston in the church of Wells for ever; and to the dean and chapter to accept and hold the same. Tested at Westminster, 4 July 4 Henry IV.
R.III. f. 199.
Letters patent of King Edward IV, being a pardon and release to William Wytham dean of Wells and the chapter, otherwise the dean and chapter of Wells, for all offences against the statute of liveries of cloth and hats to 15 April last; also a general pardon (not to include any customer, nor Humfrey Nevyll knight, Thomas Malarie knight, Robert Marchall of Culneham county Oxford esquire, Hugh Mulle of London gentleman, Gervase Clyfton of London knight, William Verdon of London scrivener, Peter House of London esquire, Morgan ap Thomas ap Gruffuth of Kermerdyn gentilman, Henry ap Thomas ap Gruffuth of the same gentilman Owen ap Gruffuth ap Nicholas of county Kermerdyn esquire, Maurice ap Owen ap Gruffuth of the same gentilman, Thomas Philipp of Rye county Gloucester yoman, nor any attainted of high treason, nor Henry VI, Margaret his wife, Edward his son, nor those with them beyond the realm, nor the rebels keeping the castle or town of Hardelaugh in North Wales, nor the accounts of certain officials). Tested at Westminster, 1 December 8 Edward IV.
R.III. f. 199d., 200.