Liber albus I: Fols. 121-40

Pages 158-178

Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells: Volume 1. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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Fols. 121–40

Inspeximus and assent by the dean and chapter of Wells, dated in full chapter. Wednesday after Michaelmas 1296, to an agreement concerning the metes and bounds of their lands upon Menedep hill made between William bishop of Bath and Wells and Joan de Vynova lady of Chyweton on Sunday after the Nativity of the Virgin 1295, in presence of Master Peter de Insula canon of Wells official of the bishopric and Andrew de Grymstede steward on the bishop's part, Sir Henry de Somery her steward and Walter Tonere of her household (commensalis) on the lady's part with full powers; namely from a place called Sourappledorestok to Seluerputte, thence to the gallows which serve for the [liberty] (in text liberati) both of the bishop and of the lady; from Sourappledorestok westward to Fayrewell, thence to Boefolde, Nigheberewes, Stondenestones, Greteholeweberewes, Scholdeputtes, and Oldedyche by the croft of Ralph de la Pole of Pridie, saving to the bishop and his men common of pasture on either side as of old time; witnessed by Sir Geoffrey de Stawell, Sir Richard de Enmebergh, Sir Richard de Rypariis, Sir Bartholomew Peytevyn knights, William de Welington, Henry de Ponte canons of Wells, John de Fraxino of Stonyeston, Adam Canon, Richard de Kynemersdon.
R.I. f. 121.

Master W. de Winton, received iii kal. June 1298, Robert de Avebiry, and William de Inmer', because they have not an agreeable voice, to be diligent and know the psalter and other things belonging to the service of the church within a year under the statutory penalty.

Injunction the same day to Sir John Male, Richard de Chepmaneslade, [Maurice de . . . ], Robert de Chidingfold, Gilbert de Welewe, Master John de Congresbyri, Richard de Mora, to know their psalter and service within a year, because they have not a pleasing voice.
R.I. f. 121d. The name in [ ] erased.

Memorandum that xvii kal. January 1298 was installed Master William de Molendinis archdeacon and canon of Wells by proxy.
R.I. f. 121d

Memorandum that on Monday the morrow of Pentecost 1298, it was resolved by the dean and chapter that William de Bathonia vicar in the church of Wells receive no stipend or allowance but 2 marks until 12l. 5s. in which he was condemned by them be paid towards the fabric of the church.
R.I. f. 122.

Memorandum that the same day the farm of Stock'gomer was granted to the dean, and the farm of Lydiard to Sir Henry de Ponte; the prebend of Wyvelescumb sold to Master H. Heese for 20 marks; and the next farm vacant of about the value of Lideyard granted to W. the succentor. (Signed) P. de Insula.
R.I. f. 122.

Memorandum that xvii kal. January 1298 was installed Master William de Molendino archdeacon of Tanton per magistrum Arnaldum de mag'ro Rius procuratorem suum.

Memorandum that xiv kal. December 1297, the prebend of Master William de Saredene was conferred upon Master John de Bestan.

4 non. June 1299, Master Anthony de Bradeney was installed in the prebend of Eston.

Thursday in the week of Pentecost the same year, Master John de Lacy was installed in the prebend of Corsley.

Saturday before the Nativity of St. John Baptist, Theobald de Grandissono was installed in the bursal prebend which was of Master John de Lacy, by Sir Robert de Cumberwell his proctor.

St. Lucy 1299, Master Th[omas] de Cobbeham was installed in the prebend called Wedmore secunda, by Master Walter de Hunstane his proctor.

The day following, Richard de Tydulside his vicar was deprived by sentence for manifest faults.

Sunday after the Circumcision 1299, Master Peter de Dene was installed in the prebend of Cuddewrthe by proxy.

1300, Master William de Molendino was installed in the archdeaconry of Tanton and personally sworn.

1301, viii kal. October, Sir John de Godele was installed by proxy in the prebend of J. de Metingham.

The same year, ix kal. November, Hugolinus son of Sir Francis de Iteranna was installed in the prebend of Cumpton by collation of Boniface VIII.
R.I. f. 122.

Inspeximus and assent by John de Godeleye dean of Wells and the chapter, dated iii kal. August 1306, to a charter of Walter bishop of Bath and Wells appropriating to the master, brethren and sisters of the hospital of St. John Bristol and their successors one portion of the church of Bacwell of their patronage, by consent of Sir Thomas atte Wynch of Bristol rector thereof and the chapters of Bath and Wells, saving due maintenance for the vicar, to be presented by the said master and brethren; dated Wells, vi kal. August 1306.
R.I. f. 122d

Inspeximus and confirmation by John de Godelegh dean of Wells and the chapter, dated Thursday before the Nativity of St. John Baptist I Edward II, of a grant made by the said dean to Richard de Rodenye and Lucy his wife and the heirs of their bodies, of a messuage and three fardels of land and meadow in the town of Merke, at Merkham and Rodenye, which William de Rodenye held of him and his predecessors, to hold of the dean and his successors in severalty at a yearly rent of 5s. 11 1/2d. in free socage doing fealty, and every heir at the first fealty after the death of his ancestor shall double the rent of one year for his relief or herior, and if under age his next kinsfolk shall have the custody to his use, with warranty; witnessed by Baldwin de Contevile. John de Hamptone, Philip le Ireys, Nicholas de Modeslegh, John Manschup, John Perys, Roger de Welyngtone.

Headed 'Confirmacio de Rodenye in Wedmorlond apud Merkeham.'
R.I. f. 123.

Inspeximus and confirmation by John de Godelegh dean of Wells and the chapter, dated Thursday before St. John Baptist I Edward II, of a grant made by Walter de Haselschagh bishop of Bath and Wells to Richard de Rodenye for his good service, of the beadelry of Winterstoke, so that he may appoint any substitute to perform summonses, attachments, distraints and executions, and all precepts of the bishop's courts and exchequer within the hundred of Wynterstoke, to hold to the said Richard and the heirs of his body of the bishop and his successors, with warranty; dated Kyng', Wednesday before the Nativity of St. John Baptist I Edward II, and witnessed by Sir Thomas de Gornay, Sir John de Button, Sir John de Bello Campo knights, John de Hamptone, Philip le Ireys, Baldwin de Contevile, John Howel, Adam le Hundredman de Jattone.
R.I. f. 123d

Memorandum that on Thursday next [the Sunday] on which is sung salus populi 1308, the chapter granted that J. de Godele the dean be counted as resident all the time he was in London before Christmas upon the business of the church of Wells, and when next in London upon the like business.
R.I. f. 124.

Memorandum that in 1362 a dispute arose between John Lombard canon of Wells rector and prebendary of the prebend of Estharpetre plaintiff, and John Deverose lord of Estharpetre, John Hardewyke and Jordan Crey his tenants defendants, touching a parcel of wood in Bokele wood, and a road 24 feet in breadth from the highway to Wells from Estharpetre through an enclosure called Mareyslond held by Hardewyk and then through another called Sprottyslond held by Crey to the boundary stones between Sprottislond and a piece of the rector's land lying between the said stones and Tynacres; also touching common of pasture in Sprottislond and Mareislond, all which plaintiff claimed as the right of his church and prebend. By mediation of friends, with consent of the parties, on the feast of St. John and St. Paul that year a view was taken by Simon Wydecomb, John Shephurde, John Dodemede, William Randolf, Henry Pound aged 80, Jordan Pound, John Loryng, John Fryclerk, Henry Webbe, and Walter Hayward, who found on oath that plaintiff's predecessors held the wood etc. time out of mind until Thomas Gorneye lord of Estharpetre by Alan Boneton his tenant there caused the said lands to be enclosed. Agreement that plaintiff should hold the same, as Richard Thysteldene and Lawrence Weston former prebendaries did in the time of Thomas Gorney, Thomas ap Adam and other ancestors of the lords of Estharpetre.
R.I. f. 124.

1295. Whereas a dispute between William de Bathonia and Jordan de Watteneya vicars in the church of Wells was brought before Walter dean of Wells and the chapter touching two tallies, one of 12l. 5s. the other of 4l., which the said W. said he had delivered to the said Jordan of the tithe of the prebends granted by the dean and chapter to the fabric of the church of Wells, the said Jordan on oath denied the first but acknowledged the other, wherefore he was condemned to pay 4l. within a month after Easter; as to the first, the said William brought forward Philip de Odiham and Robert Burnel vicars as witnesses, who failed in the proof, and he was condemned in 12l. 5s., but at his humble petition was allowed to pay 40s. yearly, and found sureties.
R.I. f. 125.

Whereas there was a dispute between the same persons touching one mark payable to the fabric from the prebendal church of Boclande, the said Jordan answered that he paid the said W. 117s. of the money of Master W. de Luda prebendary thereof for dilapidations therein; and the said W. acknowledges the receipt of that sum, but says that Master W. de Luda gave to Master Henry de Newerk now prebendary there all the goods there at the time ofthe vacancy, but he has only words to shew, while Jordan affirms on the oath of the priesthood, and promises that within three weeks of the arrival of Master W. de Luda in England he will bring letters testifying that he made no such gift, and letters of the said Henry on the subject, or else pay the money, and is condemned in those terms.
R.I. f. 125.

Friday after St. Juliana. Whereas previously, in presence of the dean and chapter, it was ordained that the farm of Wynescumb, as soon as Master Philip de Stanton ceased to hold it, should go to the joint use of the canons resident in the church of Wells, as the manor of Northcury, and appeal was made by Master Robert de Gloucestria that nothing be done to the contrary, although the farm was granted to Master William Burnel dean of Wells, yet after, by consent of Walter dean of Wells and the chapter, it was ordained that when the said William ceased to hold the farm, it should go to the joint use of the canons resident.
R.I. f. 125d.

Ordinance in the chapter of Wells on the day of St. Perpetua and St. Felicitas 1295, assigning examiners to the undermentioned vicars, under the penalty contained in the statute of the vicars' admission, and that two should dwell together by Michaelmas under the statutory penalty.

Adam de Hereford examiner for William de Clune, William de Westbury, William de Bathonia, and John de Ivelcestria priests: to receive from each pupil of above one year's standing 2s. through the communar.

Adam de Clutton for William de Wygornia, Nicholas de Plessy, Richard Marie and John de Wittenye priests.

Philip de Odiham for John de Fordham, Robert le Mercer, Robert de Pola priests, Robert de Chillam, and Richard de Tydolfhishide.

Stephen de Surreye for John de Gungresbiry (sic), John de Sancto Edwardo, Reginald Burnel, and Richard Bake.

Robert Burnel for Richard de Mora, Benedict, and John Coterel.
R.I. f. 125d.


Memorandum that xii kal. March 1297 William de Wygornia vicar in the church of Wells, having been several times convicted of incontinence with Alice le Mazon, promised to avoid suspicious places under pain of losing his vicarage.

Nicholas de Plescy vicar, for intercourse with Cristina de Bristollia, by whom he had children, bound himself similarly.

Injunction of same date to all vicars to dwell at least two together by the feast of St. Perpetua and St. Felicitas; and to render the service due to their examiners by that term.

Ordinance of same date by the dean and chapter that the great door of the church under the belfry towards the cloister be closed day and night, asve for a procession or other necessary cause; and the two doors of the Karole on either side the choir be closed at night, but that towards the library be open from the first stroke of matins until at the third stroke the choir door be opened, and the said door be always closed by day because of the damage done by strangers tot he books of the church, and to exclude laymen from hearing the secrets of the chapter, unless opened by order of one of the canons; the choir door to be closed and locked by the sacrist after gloria patri of the first psalm while matins are said, unless for reasonable cause; the door towards the chapel of the Virgin in the cloister, because of the necessary chamber, to be opened every night while matins are said.
R.I. f. 126. (See Church, Early History, p. 325).

Thursday the vigil of St. Lawrence 1296, Master John de Lacy asserting that W. bishop of Bath and Wells had granted him the use of buildings late of Master Philip de Stanton precentor, and Sir Hugh Everard had granted him the use thereof so far as belonged to him, subject to maintenance etc., the chapter does not intend to discharge any who is bound to repair the said houses.

(Note in margin: This is the lodging which Hillare the bishop's receiver has.)
R.I. f. 126d

Note of those present at several obits.

Obit of the dean of Salisbury:

John de Mertock
Roger de Wymborne minor [struck out, note: 'non est hic']
Roger de Wimborne major
William de Northwode, on condition of good behaviour
[note: 'recessit']

The next obit (Buton):

Philip Jaket
John de Frome
Roger de Cornubia [struck out: 'recessit']

Obit of Philip de Schales :

Edward [struck out]
John de Frome
Cornubia [note: 'non est hic']

Obit of John de Wymburn:

Welewe ['recessit']
Wymburne major

Obit of Malcolm :

Duo parvi fratres de Duddele
Wymburne major

Obit of Iterius:

Roger Scutthis ['recessit. Rages loco eius.']

Obit of Thomas de Sodinton:

John de Cuddeworth
John de Frome
William de Brug'
Philip Jaket

Obit ii kal. June 1299:

Hugh Everard [underlined: 'ob']
Alexander de Merkesburi
Thomas de Doddeleg'
John de Mertok
Roger de Wymbourne

Wellington, vi id. April 1300:

Richard de Bokenhull
Alexander de Merkesbyri
John de Tanton
William de Brug'

Obit of John Louel, xvii kal. August 1300:

John de Hembyri
R. de Rages
J. de Cuddeworth
Nicholas de Well'

Obit of Master Peter de Insula, ix kal. February 1302:

Alexander de Merk'bury
John de Codeworth
John de Wellyngton
John Scot. R.I. f. 126d.

Memorandum that on Friday after St. Denis 1309, it was granted by the chapter of Wells that J. the dean be counted as resident while hastening to the bishop elect for the business of the church, namely the pension of Burnham, etc.
R.I. f. 126d.

Grant by J. dean of Wells and the chapter to W. de Bliburgh canon of their next vacant farm, as though he had hitherto been resident in the said church. Dated in the chapter of Wells, x kal. December 1311.

Similar grant of same date, with one clause omitted.
R.I. f. 127.

Ordinance of William bishop of Bath and Wells, addressed to the prior and convent of Bryweton of the order of St. Augustine, reciting the petition of Thomas de Button bishop of Exeter, lately dean of Wells, and by consent of the chapters of Bath and Wells and of Sir Geoffrey de Lucy rector of Cilterne (Chilterne), appropriating to the convent of Bruweton (which being situate by the public street is daily crowded with poor and needy) the church of Cilterne (Chilterne) of the partonage of the said Thomas (nor by reason of his bishopric) after the death or cession of the said Geoffrey, saving a vicarage theerin at their presentation, and subject to a yearly payment of 12 marks in the cathedral of Wells to the dean and chapter or their communar at Easter and Michaelmas, 5 marks thereof to the maintenance of a chaplain to celebrate daily mass at the altar of St. Nicholas in the chapel of the Virgin in the cloister for the said Thomas and the souls of John his brother (germanus) late provost of Wells and of Nicholas formerly treasurer there, 3s. 4d. to maintain the ornaments and other necessaries for the said chantry, to which bishop Thomas during his life shall present a chaplain, and afterwards the dean shall provide for his election of the vicars of the said church, 46s. to be divided in the choir among the canons and vicars present on the morrow of St. Simon and St. Jude during the life of bishop Thomas at a celebration for him and the said John and Nicholas, and afterwards at his obit on the anniversary of his burial, 12d. yearly to the sacrist for sounding the gong, 40s. yearly to the fabric of the church of Wells, 2s. yearly to the archdeacon in recompense of his third part of the sequestrations of the church of Cilterne, and 12d. to the communar for his labour, saving the rights of the archdeacon and the bishop. Dated Woky, ii kal. May 1301.
R.I. f. 127: III. f. 127d.

Grant by W. dean of Wells and the chapter to Philip de Odiham vicar in the church of St. Andrew of the church of Suthbarewe to farm so long as he be vicar for 5 marks a year payable quarterly, grantors bearing archidiaconal and extraordinary charges, and granting the first year's farm towards building a grange and repairing the church houses. Dated in the chapter of Wells, xvii kal. April 1298.
R.I. f. 128.

Will of Lucy Lundreys, by consent of Nicholas her husband, dated Tuesday after St. Valentine 1298, desiring to be buried in the churchyard of St. Cuthbert Wells, bequeathing to the vicar 12d., the parochial chaplain 6d., two clerks 4d., to every chaplain celebrating there 2d., towards an obit for her husband and herself in the church of St. Andrew by the canons and vicars 6s. 8d., to the sacrist 4d. yearly for sounding the gong, to St. Cuthbert's one cistern, to the service of St. Mary there 12d. yearly, to the vicar 6d. yearly and the parochial chaplain 4d. yearly towards an obit for her husband and herself, towards the maintenance of a wax candle before the image of St. Mary in the church of St. Andrew by the altar of the Holy Saviour 5 sheep, to her husband a buckle of gold, and a girdle of silk woven with gold and harnessed with silver, to the fabric of Christ Church Canterbury 12d., to the image of St. Mary in the chapel behind the high altar in the church of St. Andrew a kerchief of silk value 5s., to Margery 'my sister' a supertunic and hood, to Agnes 'my daughter' a supertunic and tunic, to Clarice 'my sister' a robe, hood and girdle, to Joan 'my sister' a buckle of gold, to Agnes 'my sister' a tunic, fur gown and rochet, to Sir Robert vicar of Codecumb a cloth towel and cup of mazer with twelve heads fixed therin, to Thomas le Proest and Agnes his wife a brass pot, dish, and small cup of mazer, to Juliana daughter fo agnes wife of the said Thomas a black ox, to John 'my brother' canon of Worspring a silver spoon, to Walter my brother' a silver spoon, to Richard 'my nephew' 4 ells of russet, to John de Surreya and Robert de Dynra gold rings, to Eva 'my servant' a silver buckle and a rug with sheets, to Richard 'my nephew' and Agnes 'my cousin' rugs with sheets, to Jul'Kydenot a rug with one sheet and a hood, to Joan 'my sister' two barrells, to Agnes 'my daughter' and Clarice 'my sister' wooden utensils. to Sir Thomas de Blakedon chaplain a cloth and towel, to divide among the poor in bread for her mother's soul a silver buckle in the keeping of Walter de Cammel. The rents devised towards her obit to be levied of houses and bakehouse late of John le Spenser in Wells. The residue to be distributed for her soul by her executors, namely Nicholas her husband, Sir Walter parochial chaplain of St. Cuthbert, and Robert de Dynra.

Probate before W. dean of Wells on St. Perpetua and St. Felicitas' day 1298 by the executors, to whom was added John de Surreya.
R.I. f. 128.

Charter of Nicholas called le Proest citizen of Wells, reciting the will of Lucy Lundreys late his wife (made with his consent) whereby she bequeathed to the church of St. Andrew and the canons and vicars therein 6s. 8d. towards an obit for the said Lucy and himself, and to the sacrist 4d. a year for sounding the gong, to be levied of houses late of John le Spenser in Wells which the said Nicholas and Lucy had jointly of the feoffment of John de Surreya, situate in the high street of Wells at the corner of the way leading to the bishop's mill, and granting in addition 4d. yearly rent of the said houses to be divided among the canons and vicars celebrating such obit. with warrenty for the whole annual rent of 7s. 4d. Sealed by grantor and by the dean. Witnesses: Thomas called le Proest 'my son,' Nicholas called Baker, John de Garcelad', Robert Buch', William de Legh, John le Marcaunt, Geoffrey de la Hok'ston.
R.I. f. 128d.

[Memorandum that by decree of the auditors of the account of the chapter of Wells, Thomas de Benhangre is to pay yearly 106s. 8d. to be retained by the dean and chapter and their communar of the stipends of his vicarage and of his yearly portion in the church of Wells, for a debt of 10l. 18s. wherein he is bound to them, until all be paid, beginning at Christmas 1300; and they immediately sequestrated the said stipends, enjoining the said Thomas on pain of deprivation not to meddle therewith. Done at the exchequer in the cloister, St. Crispin and St. Crispinianus' day 1300.]
R.I. f. 129 (cancelled).

Assent of R. [archbishop] of Canterbury to an accord between King E[dward I] and R. bishop of Bath and Wells and his chapters, upon a petition of the said bishop, stating that Savarious formerly bishop of Bath obtained from King Richard for himself and his successors a grant of the patronage of the monastery of Glastonbury, and for that conferred upon the said king and his successors the city of Bath which was the property of the bishop and his church; that difficulties had since arisen between the kings, bishops and abbots; that lately, the monastery being vacant by the death of abbot Robert, the prior and convent had demanded of the king as their patron licence to elect, and his assent after electing brother John de Tanton as abbot, to the exclusion of the bishop.
R.I. f. 129d.: compare III. f. 343d. Adam de Domerham, i. 261.

April 1275. 3 Edward [I]. Accord between R. bishop of Bath and Wells on the one part and John abbot of Glastonbury and the convent on the other, namely that whereas Robert late abbot of Glastonbury and the convent quitclaimed to Walter late bishop of Bath and Wells and his successors and to his churches of Bath and Wells the manor and advowson of Pokeleschyrch county Gloucester, the manor and advowson of Wynescumb, the manor of Blakeford with the advowson of the free chapel there, and the manor of Cranemere county Somerset (the last named quit of all suit of courts and hundreds), the advowsons of Ayschebyri county Berkesyr, Kyngton and Cristemeleford county Wiltesire, and Bocland county Dorset, and the service and homage of one knight's fee in Camelarton county Somerset with the advowson, saving the ancient yearly pensions they used to receive, namely of the church of Pokelchirch 50s., Wynescumb 1 mark, and Camelarton 1 mark; and bishop Walter (with the consent of his chapters and churches aforesaid) quitclaimed to the abbot and his successors and to their church the manors of Assebyri county Berkesyre, Baddebyri, Kyngton and Cristemeleford county Wiltesyre, Bocland county Dorset, and Mere with the advowson county Somerset (saving the advowsons of Assebyri, Kyngton, Cristemeleford and Boclonde), 11l. 5s. which his predecessors used to receive of the hundred of Wystan and Wytelegh for the sheriff's turns and aids, and the moiety of all amercements, fines etc. of the lands, fees and men of the abbey, and their men's fees and men: the said bishop R. by consent of his chapters, and the said abbot John by consent of his convent approve and affirm these quitclaims, and grant that there be a final concord thereof in the king's court within the octave of Trinity next under penalty of 5000 marks; and if the bishop should grant to the king and his heirs the lordship of the temporalities with the patronage of the said abbey (excepting the manors and advowsons aforesaid, namely Pokelechirch, Blakeford, etc.) the moiety of the said amercements etc. and certain other liberties which the bishop's predecessors used to have in the lands and fees of the abbey as mesne lords between the king and the abbot's predecessors, the abbot and convent (now consenting) shall thenceforth answer to the king and his heirs as their lords and patrons concerning all such temporalities, saving to the bishop and his successors and their churches his diocesan right and spiritual jurisdiction, and all ancient liberties which they and the abbey used to enjoy; the bishop and his successors not being bound to warrant the moiety of the said amercements etc. which the abbey had of the grant of bishop Walter. Sealed by bishop Robert, Walter prior of Bath and the convent, Edward dean of Wells and the chapter.
R.I. f. 129d. Adam de Domerham, i. 263

Quitclaim by R. bishop of Bath and Wells (by assent of Walter prior of Bath and the convent, E[dward] dean of Wells and the chapter) to King E[dward I] of the lordship of all lands and fees belonging to the abbey of Glastonbury, with the patronage of that monastery, which he and other bishops had by grant of earlier kings, as mesne lords between the kings and the abbot, saving to the bishop and his successors and to their churches the manor and advowson of Pokeleschirch county Gloucester, the manor of Blakeford with the advowson of the free chapel there, the manor and advowson of Wynescumb, and the manor of Cranemere county Somerset (the last named quit of suit of courts and hundreds), the fees thereto belonging, one knight's fee in Camelarton, and the advowsons of Assebyri county Bercsyre, Kyngton and Cristemeleford county Wiltesyre, and Bocland county Dorset; also of the amercements of the abbots when they fall into the king's mercy, and the moiety which the bishops used to take of all amercements, fines etc. of the lands and fees of the men of the abbey, and of their fees and men, with other liberties they used to have in the lands and fees of the abbey—all which the bishops had of the grant of earlier kings as mesne lords, so that the abbot and convent shall answer henceforth to the king and his successors as their lords and patrons (saving to the bishop and his successors the underwritten manors and advowsons), to hold to the king and his heirs, in exchange for the city of Bath, with the houses, the meadow below the city on the east between the Avon and the said city, the advowsons of the city and suburb, and certain liberties thereto belonging which the king has granted to the bishop, excepting the barton of Bath which the prior and convent of Bath hold to fee farm, and which remains to the king and his heirs; saving to the bishop and his successors and to their churches the amercements, fines etc. of the lands, fees and men of Pokelechirch county Gloucester, Wynescumb, Blakeford and Cranemere county Somerset, and of their fees said at one time to belong to the abbey, and saving their other rights, possessions and liberties granted by the kings of England. Dated April 1275.
R.I. f. 130d. (Compare R.III. f. 344). Adam de Domerham, i. 267.

Memorandum that certain writings were delivered to Edward dean of Wells to be taken to London at the mandate of the archbishop on Saturday before Michaelmas 1281, and on St. Crispin and St. Crispinianus' day the same year were put back in the treasury, namely:—

Confirmation of all goods of Bath by the prior and convent of Bath: confirmation of the goods of the church of Wells by bishop Roger: charter of King Richard touching the manor and advowson of Northcory, conferring liberties: confirmation of the manor and church of Northcory by J. bishop of Bath and Wells: charter of J. bishop of Bath conferring the manor and church of Wynescumb: confirmation of the church of St. Cuthbert Wells by J. bishop of Bath: charter of J. bishop of Bath conferring the church of Congaresbyri: charter of Robert de Barry concerning the church of Lovyngton: charter of bishop Reginald conferring the church of Lovyngton and one hide of land: confirmation of the manor and church of Wynescumb by bishop Roger: charter of William bishop of Bath touching the appropriation of Congaresbyri: confirmation of J. bishop of Bath touching the church of Modiford.
R.I. f. 131d.

Memorandum that the chapter of Wells requested dean J. to attend to the business of the chapter with the tenants of the manor of Cnappe in Michaelmas term, and that a fine be levied; and granted him that he be counted as resident while so engaged.
R.I. f. 131d

Letter of Robert de Gloucestria canon of Wells, addressed to J. dean of Wells and the chapter, presenting Sir John de Aumbresleie priest to the vicarage of Modeford, vacant by theres ignation of Sir William de Bremesgrave. Dated Hereford, 4 Sept. 1311. Sealed with the seal of the chancery of Hereford.
R.I. f. 131d.

Memorandum that xiii kal. December 1304, the farm of Lydeard was granted to Master Anthony de Bradeney canon of Wells for 30 marks payable at the usual terms.
R.I. f. 132.

Memorandum that iii kal. January 1304, the farm of Stoke Gummer was granted to Master Richard de Plumpstok canon of Wells for 40 marks payable at the usual terms.
R.I. f. 132.

Memorandum that 6 April 1305, the farm of the grange of Wells was granted to master Thomas de Cherleton archdeacon of Wells so long as he should be a canon, for 100 marks yearly payable at the usual terms.

The same day the next farm to be vacant was granted to Master Jordan de Insula.
R.I. f. 132.

Memorandum that on Tuesday before St. Barnabas 1306, a tally of 40l. paid to the king for the appropriation of the church of Burnam was deposited in a green strong box.

The same day a bond of J. de Godele dean of Wells of 233l. 6s. 8d. lent to him was placed in the same box, and an indenture touching the lease of the manor of Wynescumb to the executors of Henry Heose.
R.I. f. 132.

Memorandum that id. April 1300, the grange of Wells was granted to Master Peter de Insula archdeacon of Wells so long as he should be a canon, for 101 marks to be paid at the usual terms, whereof 10 marks are at the grace of the chapter.

The same day the church of Congresbyri was granted to Master Thomas de Cherleton so long as he should be a canon, for 70 marks payable at the usual terms.

The same day the farm of Wytechirch in Dorset was granted to Master Thomas de Lugouere so long as he should be a canon, for 30 marks payable at the usual terms.
R.I. f. 132d.

Memorandum that at the account of St. Kalixtus 1301, the farm of Modiford and Lovyngton was granted to Master Henry Huse chancellor, while he should be a canon, for 35 marks.
R.I. f. 132d.

Memorandum that on Tuesday the vigil of St. Valentine the same year the farm of Lydiard was granted to Master Peter de Avebyri archdeacon of Tanton while he should be a canon, for 35 marks; and the farm next to be vacant to Master Richard de Wynton the subdean.
R.I. f. 132d.

Memorandum that at the account of St. Kalixtus the same year the farm of Ceddre with the pension of the vicarage was granted to William de Cherleton the succentor, while he should be a canon, for 42 marks.
R.I. f. 132d.

Memorandum that xiv kal. December 1302, the farm of Stoke Gummer was granted to Master Richard de Wynton subdean of Wells, while he should be a canon, for 40 marks.
R.I. f. 132d.

Memorandum that on Maunday Thursday 1303, the next vacant farm was granted to Master Anthony de Bradenye.
R.I. f. 132d.

Memorandum that v non. March 1302, the grange of Wells was granted to Master Henry Huse dean of Wells for 100 marks a year payable at the usual terms.
R.I. f. 132d.

Also xv kal. April the year last mentioned the farm of Modiford and Lovyngton was granted to Master Robert de Glouc[estria] for 35 marks a year payable at the usual terms.
R.I. f. 132d.

Memorandum that on the morrow of St. Edmund K.M. the prebend of St. Andrew of Bydesham was granted to dean J. for 16 marks payable at the usual terms.
R.I. f. 132d.

[At the top of f. 133 is the heading: 'Register of Thomas de Retforde chancellor of Wells from Christmas 1316.' This covers, it would seem, the next 68 folios, or thereabouts.]

Proxy by the dean and chapter of Wells to Master Peter de la Burghe clerk to prosecute an appeal at the court of Rome. Dated in the chapter of Wells, iii kal. January 1316.
R.I. f. 133.

Letter of the dean and chapter of Wells to J. bishop of Bath and Wells acknowledging his letter received on Christmas day, with information that Master Ralph de Holebegh' official of the court of Canterbury had pronounced against the bishop concerning the appropriation of the church of Hampton, and condemned him in costs, and stating that, by his mandate in chapter on the feast of St. Stephen, they caused an appeal to be made from that sentence to the court of Rome. Written in the chapter of Wells, Thursday the morrow of St. Thomas M.
R.I. f. 133. Reg. Drokensford, Somerset Record Soc. i. 119.

Note of another proxy to the said Master Peter, dated in the chapter of Wells, iii kal. January 1316.

Note of a similar proxy to Master John Martel, dated in the chapter of Wells, non. January 1316.
R.I. f. 133.

Letter of the dean and chapter of Wells to J. bishop of Bath and Wells stating that by his advice they have taken upon them the burden of collecting the tenth granted by the clergy to the king for defence of the church and realm. Written in the chapter of Wells, 6 January.
R.I. f. 133. Reg. Drokensford, 121.

Letter of credence from the dean and chapter of Wells, addressed to J. bishop of Bath and Wells, in favour of Master John Martel and Master Hugh de Pencriz their brethren, whom they are sending to give him information touching certain articles in his recent mandate to them.
R.I. f. 133d.

Letter of credence from J. de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter, addressed to Master Gilbert de Middleton canon of Wells and official of the court of Canterbury, in favour of their brother Master J. Martell, praying him to consider the prejudice to their church which has arisen by the sentence of Master R. de Holebech his commissary in favour of the monastery of Bath against the bishop touching the appropriation of the church of Hampton, about which the said monastery has rejected their overtures.
R.I. f. 133d.

Inspeximus and confirmation by John de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter, dated vii id. January 1316, of a grant made by William de Cherleton canon of Wells, farmer of the church of Ceddre, to Walter his cook, of all the tenements, lands, curtilages, and meadows which Henry de Powyk his yeoman held during his life in the town of Ceddre, to hold for life of grantor and his successors and of the dean and chapter, at a rent of 2s. 6d. payable quarterly for all services saving suit of grantor's court of Ceddre; dated Wells, Wednesday the vigil of the Epiphany 1316, and witnessed by Sir John de Clyvedon, Sir Matthew de Clyvedon, Sir Richard de Rodeneye knights, John de Hampton, Philip le Yreys, Roger de Hanam, William de aula.
R.I. f. 133d.

Letter of credence from the dean and chapter of Wells, addressed to Master John de Rosse doctor of laws their brother, in favour of Master John de Middleton their proctor, requesting his counsel and aid against the prior and convent of Bath, who have craftily procured a sentence in the court of Canterbury touching the appropriation of the church of Hampton of the bishop's patronage without the consent of the said chapter, against which they have appealed to the papal see.

Note that similar letters were addressed to Peter de Dene, Master Adam de Herforde and Thomas de Cobham; and others, with a slight verbal alteration, to Master Adam Murimouth and Master Richard de Plumstok'.
R.I. f. 134.

Proxy by the dean and chapter of Wells to J. de Godelee the dean, Master John Martel and Master Hugh de Pencrizcanons, to meet William de Hampton, John de Esex and Thomas de Bathonia monks of Bath and settle a dispute between the bishop and chapter on the one part and the prior and convent of Bath on the other touching the advowson and appropriation of the church of Hampton. Dated in the chapter of Wells, xii kal. March 1316.
R.I. f. 134.

Letter of credence from the dean and chapter of Wells, addressed to Roger bishop of Salisbury, in favour of Master William de Lauton canon whom they are sending to explain their action in regard to a loan of the six years' tenth which the king has received of them and their bishop, and on the question of retaining it from the subsidy last granted, as he advised. Dated Wells, 15 March.
R.I. f. 134d.

Injuction by the chapter of Wells to the free tenants and others of the church of Congresbury to answer to John de Godelee the dean henceforth as their lord, while he holds the farm thereof. Dated in the chapter of Wells, Passion Sunday 1316.

Similar injuction of the same date for Master William de Jattone subdean, farmer of Bydesham.
R.I. f. 134d.

General proxy during absence by John de Bruetone canon of Wells to Master Nicholas de Bathonia clerk to act in all causes, etc. affecting him or any ecclesiastical benefice of his. (Seal of the archbishop of Canterbury attached to that of the said John on the middle thread). Dated Lamehuth, xii kal. April 1316.
R.I. f. 134d.

Renunciation by the dean and chapter of Wells of all appeals against the prior and convent of Bath by reason of the appropriation to them of the church of Hampton by Walter late bishop of Bath and Wells. Dated in the chapter of Wells, 9 April 1317.
R.I. f. 135.

Inspeximus and assent by John dean of Wells and the chapter, dated vi non. May the same year, to the appropriation of the church of Hampton made by Walter bishop of Bath and Wells to the prior and convent of his cathedral church of Bath, after his visitation, to take effect upon the death or cession of Roger then rector thereof, saving to himself and his successors power to provide for a vicar to be presented by the prior and convent, also the rights of the bishop, the cathedral and the archdeacon; dated Woky, kal. May 1308.
R.I. f. 135.

Grant by John bishop of Bath and Wells to Roger de Sutton of 100s. pension for life to be received yearly at Michaelmas of the bishop and his successors, binding himself and his successors for payment. Sealed by the bishop and by the dean and chapter. Dated Chywe, 8 April 10 Edward II.
R.I. f. 135d.

Renunciation by 'the prior and convent of Bath and Wells diocese' of all actions and demands by reason of suits at law touching the appropriation of the church of Hampton between themselves and John bishop of Bath and Wells, Henry de Fulham clerk, and Master Anthony de Bradeneye, and of all damages and costs. Dated in the chapter of Bath, 10 April 10 Edward II.
R.I. f. 135d. Reg. Drokensford, Somerset Record Soc. i. 124.

Inspeximus and confirmation by John de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter, dated xix kal. September the same year, of a grant made by John bishop of Bath and Wells to Richard de Rodeneye clerk, son of Sir Richard Rodeneye knight, of a yearly pension of 10 marks of the bishop's chamber at Wells, to be received at Midsummer and Christmas, until provision be made of a prebendal benefice for him in the church of Wells, with bond for payment thereof; dated Woky, vii id. July 1319.
R.I. f. 135d.: repeated f. 144d.

Renunciation by 'the prior and convent of Bath and Wells diocese' of all actions and demands, and all damages and costs, by reason of a suit between themselves and Henry de Fulham clerk touching the appropriation of the church of Hampton. Dated in the chapter of Bath, 8 April 1317.
R.I. f. 136.

Memorandum that Master Adam de Horeletone was received in the chapter of Wells by papal mandate to the first vacant dignity in that church he should think fit to accept, and the first vacant prebend, 2 April 1317.
R.I. f. 136.

Memorandum that Master Hugh Richard was admitted a canon of Wells in chapter by papal mandate to the first vacant prebend he should think fit to accept, 14 April 1317.
R.I. f. 136.

Proxy by the subdean of Wells (in the dean's absence) and the chapter to Walter de Hull clerk to prosecute appeals in their name. Dated in the chapter of Wells, 9 April 1317.
R.I. f. 136.

Memorandum that Master Gilbert de Bruera was admitted a canon of Wells to the first vacant prebend he should think fit to accept, by papal mandate, in chapter, 5 June 1317.

Memorandum that Roger de Northburg was similarly admitted 8 June 1317.
R.I. f. 136.

Proxy by the dean and chapter of Wells to John de Bogle to act in their absence in all causes. Dated in the chapter of Wells, 15 June 1317.
R.I. f. 136d.

Memorandum that 18 June 1317, it was agreed between Master W. de Ros proctor of the Rev. Master John de Ros on the one part and J. de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter on the other, that all monitions and executions by reason of the grace of Pope Clement V lately granted to the said Master John, touching the fruits of his benefices in the church of Wells, which he receives as though in personal residence (the daily distributions excepted), be stayed until Michaelmas next, so that the said dean and chapter be not molested; and that if he will in the mean time withdraw, they undertake to have regard to him in 20l., to be paid 100s. at that date and a like sum yearly until the whole be complete. Sealed by the dean, Master Thomas de Retforde chancellor, Master Henry de Schavyngtone archdeacon of Tanton, Robert de Haselschaue provost, William de Jattone subdean, and Hugh de Pencriz succentor.
R.I. f. 136d.

Proxy by the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of St. Andrew Wells to Master John de Middelton and Master John de Hampton clerks to act for them in the court of Rome. Dated in the chapter of Wells, vi id. February 1316.
R.I. f. 137.

A second proxy to the same persons (not dated).
R.I. f. 137.

Memorandum that 9 April 1324 a declaration was made in the chapter house by the dean and chapter that, whereas it is just that one who has an emolument should have a charge, no canon or vicar shall receive any share of the fruits of a prebend vacant by the death of a canon unless he has completed his residence, or shall at least attend the church in his habit within the trental of the deceased, according to the ordinance of Robert bishop of Bath 'qui debitas exequias pro fratre mortuo digne persolvant,' by the testimony of the escheator of the church.
R.I. f. 137.

Proxy by the dean and chapter of Wells to Master John de Middelton and Master John de Hampton clerks to act in the court of Rome; dated in the chapter of Wells, ii kal. February 1316.
R.I. f. 137d.

Letter of the dean and chapter of Wells, dated xii kal. May 1316, to John bishop of Bath and Wells, in answer to the bishop's letter dated Banewell xv kal. May 1316, sent by John de Clyvendon his steward, Master Richard de Ford and Master John de Womberge his notary who were present at the parliament at Lincoln, enclosing the king's writ under his privy seal received the day before, and enjoining them to send the money granted as a loan to the king by the prelates and chapters in the said parliament to be paid to the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer at Westminster; stating that they have appointed proctors to attend the parliament now at London, and †letters addressed to the bishop shall report to the same effect as shall be done or approved by other prelates or their proctors there.†
R.I. f. 137d. The text † † appears to be corrupt.

Letter (to some person not named) by the dean and chapter of Wells, stating that the church of Congresbury has long been appropriated to them for the increase of their common fund, and they all, except Master Thomas de Haselschawe, have made an ordinance that for the future it shall remain in common, whereto their brother Master John de Bruton has given his express consent; requesting him to act for them, and to retain as counsel Master Andrew de Bruges and Master Richard de Gloucestria at a fixed salary to be paid at Christmas (when they hope to see him at Wells), and in the meantime to proceed with the defence of the cause commenced by the said Thomas against Master William de Jatton the subdean, and send them a copy of the proceedings by the bearer; promising him abundant materials.
R.I. f. 137d. Inserted at the foot of the page: to be read perhaps with the proxy to Master Nicholas de Bathonia, simillarly inserted at the foot of the opposite page.

Letter of the dean and chapter of Wells to John bishop of Ely the king's treasurer, acknowledging a writ of the king's Exchequer, tested by the said treasurer, and dated 5 September 11 Edward [II], received by Gregory Blaunk of Bordeaux at Wells 21 September, whereby they (as collectors in the bishopric of Bath and Wells of the tenth granted by the clergy) are ordered to pay to Stephen de Abindon the king's butler 100l. for the expenses of his butlery, and take his receipt, whereupon shall be made them a tally of the Exchequer, and to interpose no obstacle, lest if the said butler be so hindered in the provision of wines for the king's use (quod absit) that should deservedly be laid to their charge; and complaining that the said Gregory has shown no acquittance of the said Stephen, and no power to receive the money on his behalf, also that the writ makes no mention of J. bishop of Bath and Wells the chief collector, through whom payment ought to be made; wherefore they could not pay the money, had there been any still left to pay.
R.I. f. 138.

Proxy by John de Godeslegh dean of Wells and the chapter to Master Nicholas de Bathonia clerk to act for them in all causes. Dated Wells in the chapter house, vii id. November 1319.
R.I. f. 138.

Letter of John Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter, addressed to John bishop of Bath and Wells, presenting Robert de Cotes deacon to the vicarage of the parish church of Ceddre. Dated in the chapter of Wells, xiv kal. January 1317.
R.I. f. 138d. Reg. Drokensford, Somerset Record Soc. i. 175.

Proxy by John de Orletone clerk canon of Wells to John Maile, Roger called Sell' vicar in the church of Wells, and John Lanerleye, to prosecute a grace made to him by papal authority concerning a canonry and prebend in the church of Wells, which Adam bishop of Hereford formerly canon of Wells obtained at the time of his promotion to Hereford. Sealed by the said canon and by bishop J. Dated Sugwas, 11 October 1317.
R.I. f. 138d.

Memorandum that on the morrow of St. Gregory P. 1317, it was decreed by the dean and chapter of Wells in chapter that the schoolmaster shall receive as much as a vicar when money is divided for funeral services; and if no money be divided his name shall . . . . . . . . as the names of other ministers of the church, and he shall be paid . . . . . (Defective)
R.I. f. 138d.

Inspeximus and confirmation by John de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter, dated ix kal. November 1317, of a gift made by John bishop of Bath and Wells to Master Thomas de Cherleton archdeacon of Wells of 20 acres of pasture in his manor of Hywysch by Langport; dated Hywyssch by Langport, Saturday before Midsummer 10 Edward II.
R.I. f. 139: III. f. 357d. See III. f. 365; below, p. 484.

Inspeximus and confirmation by John de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter, dated ix kal. November 1317, of a gift made by John bishop of Bath and Wells to Hugh de la Berh' (Bergh') his heirs and assigns, of 18 acres of land in his moor of Hywysch next the tenement of the said Hugh at la Bergh', to hold of the bishop and his successors at a yearly rent of 1d. at Michaelmas, in consideration whereof the said Hugh has quitclaimed his common of pasture in the bishop's moors of Hywysch, Suthmor and Northmor by Langport; witnessed by Sir John de Clyvedone, Sir Matthew de Clyvedone knights, Richard de Loueny, John le Jew, John de Gauilbrugg', Roger le Frie, John de Lambrock; and dated Kynggesbury, Tuesday after St. Barnabas 10 Edward II.
R.I. f. 139.

Inspeximus and confirmation by John de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter, dated ix kal. November 1317, of a gift made by John bishop of Bath and Wells to Thomas son and heir of Nicholas Luttogars of Hywysch, of 2 acres of land in his moor of Northmore in his manor of Hywysch by Langport lying in a gore on the east side of the said moor, to hold to the said Thomas his heirs and assigns of the bishop and his successors in severalty at a yearly rent of 1d. at Michaelmas, in consideration whereof the said Thomas has quitclaimed to the bishop and his successors his common of pasture in Suthmore and Northmore in the bishop's said manor; witnessed by Sir John de Clyvedone, Sir Matthew de Clyvedon knights, Richard de Loueny, John le Jew, John de Gauilbrugg', Roger le Frie, John de Lambrock; and dated Hywysch by Langport, Saturday before St. Barnabas 10 Edward II.
R.I. f. 139d.

Letter of the chapter of Wells testifying, in view of lying reports to the contrary, that John de Godelee the dean has kept his full terms of residence from the date of his appointment to this time, as they have found by reference to their documents. Dated in the chapter of Wells, ix kal. December 1317.
R.I. f. 139d.

Quitclaim by John de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter to Master Henry de Schavyngton archdeacon of Tanton, Robert de Heselschawe provost of the church of Wells, Hugh de Pencriz canon of Wells, Sir Richard de Rodenye and William de Heselschawe, executors of Walter de Heselschawe late bishop of Bath and Wells, of 10l. a year long since granted by bishop Walter, to be received at Michaelmas of him and his successors during the life of William de Cherleton canon of Wells, and paid by bishop Walter so long as he lived, saving their right of action against the bishop's successors when they shall think fit. Dated in the chapter of Wells, Saturday after St. Nicholas 1317.
R.I. f. 140.

Letter of the dean and chapter of Wells to John bishop of Bath and Wells acknowledging a mandate of the bishop. They do not understand that he has admitted Master Gilbert to a canonry in accordance with the grace given him by the pope, or that they ought to receive him, and desire clearer instructions. Dated in the chapter of Wells, 5 June.
R.I. f. 140.

Special proxy by the dean and chapter of Wells to Master J. Martel their fellow, to appear before W. archbishop of Canterbury and primate after the octave of Trinity and make excuse. Dated in the chapter of Wells, viii id. April 1320.
R.I. f. 140.

Appeal to the papal see, and for the protection of the court of Canterbury, by the subdean of Wells and the chapter and every of them against a sentence of suspension upon the chapter, of excommunication upon their several persons, and of interdict upon their church, threatened unless they submit within six days, on behalf of Master John de Ros canon of Wells and clerk of the household of Arnald cardinal priest of St. Prisca, by Master Bosolus deputed to execute the pope's mandate on behalf of the said Arnald's clerks, who has wrongfully ordered payment to be made to the said John of the common goods included in the daily distribution, contrary to the custom of their church, though these were expressly excepted in the grace or mandate of the late Pope Clement V, which they are ready to obey.
R.I. f. 140d.

Provocation and appeal by the subdean of Wells (in the absence of the dean) and the chapter against the action of Master Bosolus de Parma canon of Tournai, subexecutor of the chief executor of the papal mandate, on behalf of Master J. de Ros canon of Wells and member of the household (familiaris, domesticus et commensalis) of cardinal Arnald.
R.I. f. 140d.