Corrigenda to volumes I-VII

Pages 283-285

A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 8, Warminster, Westbury and Whorwellsdown Hundreds. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1965.

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Vol. I (1), page 165g, line 14 from end, for '1920' read '1900'
Vol. II, page 12, line 6 from end, for 'The estate . . . in Durnford.' read 'The name of the estate survives in Avon Farm in Stratford-sub-Castle.'
" " 60, line 1, for 'Standen in Chute' read 'North Standen (in Hungerford, Berks.)'
" " 92, line 3 from end, for 'Durnford' read 'Straford-sub-Castle'
" " 110, note 52, for 'Standen in Chute' read 'North Standen (in Hungerford, Berks.)'
" " 124, delete note 77
" " 139b, lines 23-24, for '[Standen in Chute]' read '[North Standen (in Hungerford, Berks.)]'
" " 214, line 53, for 'Standen in Chute' read 'North Standen (in Hungerford, Berks.)'
" " 230, s.v. Standen, for 'Standen (Standone) in Chute' read 'Standen, North (Standone) in Hungerford (Berks.)'
" " 234, s.v. Avon, in Bremhill, after 'Avon' insert '(Aven)' and delete '124 n,'
" " 234, s.v. Avon, in Christian Malford, delete whole entry
" " 237, s.v. Durnford, before '13' insert '12,' and delete 'Avon Farm, 12, 92;'
" " 242, s.v. Salisbury, earl(s) of, delete '124 n,'
" " 242, s.v. Salisbury, Edward of, delete '124 n,'
" " 242, s.v. Standen, for 'Standen, in Chute' read 'Standen, North, in Hungerford (Berks.)'
" " 243, s.v. Stratford-sub-Castle, after '180' add '; Avon Farm, 12, 92'
Vol. III, page 43, line 19, for 'Ashton' read 'Langford'
" " 219b, line 16 from end, for 'King John' read 'Henry III'
" " 232b, line 4 from end, for 'Charlbury' read 'Chalbury'
" " 233a, line 4, for 'Durnford' read 'Stratford-sub-Castle'
" " 250a, line 17, after 'Barford,' insert 'Biddesden,'
" " 274, note 32, for 'vii' read 'xii'
" " 287b, line 3 from end, for 'William' read 'Thomas'
" " 291b, line 20 from end, for " 'Muleford' " read 'Milford'
" " 331b, line 21 from end, for 'FitzAnger' read 'FitzAuger'
" " 334a, lines 4-6, for 'In April . . . Byrte.' read 'In February 1543 the site was granted to John Pye, of Chippenham, and Robert Were or Browne, the elder, of Marlborough.'
" " 334, note 13, for 'xx(1), p. 299' read 'xviii(1), p. 132'
" " 344b, line 29, for 'debilies' read 'debiles'
" " 394b, 'The Priory of Corsham', last 2 lines, for 'by Queen Joan, . . . Cambridge.7' read 'by Queen Joan; it was given by Henry VI to King's College, Cambridge, but Edward IV gave it to Syon Abbey.7'
" " 394, note 7, after '149' add; Cal. Pat. 1461-7, 56-57, 177, 238; Rot. Parl. v. 456; Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i. 426.'
" " 400, s.v. Ashton, Steeple, delete '43,'
" " 400, s.v. Avon, in Durnford, for 'Durnford' read 'Stratford-sub-Castle'
" " 401, s.v. Biddesden, in Chute, after '246,' insert '250,'
" " 402, s.v. Browne, after 'Rob., 177;' insert '(or Were), Rob., 334;'
" " 403, s.v. Byrte, delete '334,'
" " 403, between 'Chafyn-Grove' and 'Chalfield, Great' insert 'Chalbury (Dors.), 236'
" " 404, s.v. Charlbury, delete whole entry
" " 404, s.v. Chippenham, after '290' insert ', 334;'
" " 407, s.v. Edward IV, after '323' add ', 394'
" " 407, s.v. FitzAnger, delete whole entry
" " 407, s.v. FitzAucher, before 'Ric.' insert '(FitzAuger), Hen., 331;'
" " 410, s.v. Henry III, after '168,' insert '219,'
" " 411, s.v. John, King, delete '219,'
" " 412, s.v. Langford, Steeple, after '41,' insert '43,'
" " 414, s.v. Milford, after '203,' insert '291'
" " 414, s.v. 'Muleford', delete whole entry
" " 416, s.v. Penne, Wm., for 'Wm.' read 'Thos.'
" " 416, s.v. Pollard, delete '334,'
" " 417, s.v. Pye, before 'Thos.' insert 'John, 334;'
" " 420, between 'Synet' and 'Sypherwest' insert 'Syon (Mdx.), abbey, 394'
" " 422, s.v. Were, add'; (or Browne), Rob., 334'
Vol. IV, page ix, for 'Canals . . . By C. HADFIELD' read 'Canals . . . By E. C. R. HADFIELD, C.M.G.'
" " xiii, last line, for 'Sandall' read 'Sandell'
" " 12, note 53, for '(in Chute)' read '(in Hungerford, Berks.)'
" " 17, line 31, for 'Standen (in Chute)' read 'North Standen (in Hungerford, Berks.)'
" " 21, note 77, for 'DL 29' read 'S.C. 6'
" " 21, note 78, for 'DL 29' read 'S.C. 6' and for '1-29' read '1-19'
Vol. IV page 21, note 79, for 'DL 29' read 'S.C. 6'
" " 22, note 4, for '1069' read '11069'
" " 29, note 55, for 'Great Cheverell' read 'Little Cheverell'
" " 38, line 2, for 'Steeple Ashton' read 'Market Lavington'
" " 170, note 77, for 'Wilts. Times' read 'W. H. Tucker's Diary'
" " 300b, s.v. Standen, for 'Chute' read 'Hungerford'
" " 302, note 80, for 'Underditch' read 'Alderbury'
" " 309, the entry relating to Burton Hill now placed under Highworth Hundred in col. 1 should be transferred to Malmesbury Hundred in col. 2
" " 358, last column, s.v. Stockton, after '268' add '(u)' and at foot of page add new footnote '(u) In 1934 part of Fisherton de la Mere C.P. (pop. 97 in 1931) was transferred to Stockton C.P.'
" " 424, note 12, for 'In Chute.' read 'North Standen, in Hungerford (Berks.).'
" " 462, s.v. Ashton, Steeple, for 'labour services, 37-38;' read 'labour services, 37;'
" " 465, s.v. Bulkington, for 'road to, 361' read 'road to, 261'
" " 466, s.v. Cheverell, Great, delete 'tenant holdings, 29 n'
" " 466, s.v. Cheverell, Little, after 'tax., 301, 310' add '; tenant holdings, 29 n'
" " 467a, [s.v. Chute], lines 3-4, for 'Standen, South, 12 n, 17, 300, 424-5;' read 'Standen, manor of, 425;'
" " 470, s.v. Fisherton de la Mere, after 'pop., 348' insert ', 358;'
" " 473, s.v. Hungerford (Berks.), for 'Standen, North, 300, 309, 418, 423' read 'Standen, North, 17, 300, 418, 423, 424; Standen, South, 12 n, 300, 418, 423'
" " 474, s.v. Lavington, Market, after 'see Lavington, West;' insert 'labour services, 38;'
" " 478, s.v. Poulton, in Mildenhall, for 'see Poulton' read 'see Mildenhall'
" " 481, s.v. Standen, South, for see Chute' read 'see Hungerford'
Vol. V, page xix, s.v. Chancery, for 'C 193 Patent Rolls, Protectorate' read 'C 193 Crown Office, Miscellaneous Books'
" " xix, s.v. Chancery, for 'C 220 Patent Rolls, Chas. II' read 'C 220 Petty Bag Office, Books, Papers, etc., relating to Administration'
" " 15, line 8, for 'who took office some time after 1256' read 'who was in office after 1256 (and possibly before)'
" " 43, line 5 from end, for " 'Neckenvill' " read " 'Neckemull'
" " 43, note 24, for '1377-81, 50' read '1377-81, 50, where the reading is inaccurate'
" " 50, line 12 from end, for 'Aûmale' read 'Aumale'
" " 51, lines 25-26, for 'rental and survey . . . 1200 and 1212' read 'survey of church lands in Wiltshire dated c. 1210'
" " 51, line 26, for 'is' read 'was'
" " 51, line 27, delete 'bishop's'
" " 51, line 27, for 'and demonstrates' read 'which belonged to Glastonbury Abbey and later became a detached part of the abbey's hundred of South Damerham. Thus we see'
" " 59, line 3, for 'Aumâle' read 'Aumale'
" " 64, note 96, for 'Select Pleas in Manorial Courts, i (Selden Soc. 1888), 176 sqq.' read 'S.C. 2/208/1'
" " 65, line 5, for 'Aumâle' read 'Aumale'
" " 72, line 19, before 'Marlborough' insert 'Calne,'
" " 72, line 3 from end, for '47' read '48'
" " 72, note 2, delete last sentence
" " 73, line 9, for 'ten' read 'eleven'
" " 73, line 12, for '5' read '4.3'
" " 73, line 13, for '11.7' read '11.6'
" " 73, line 19, delete 'for the first' and 'and . . . 1369.'
" " 73, line 20, after 'was' insert 'almost'
" " 73, line 23, for '5.6' read '6.8'
" " 73, line 17 from end, for 'with a single sitting in 1413,' read 'except in two Parliaments,'
" " 73, line 15 from end, for 'thrice' read 'twice'
" " 73, line 7 from end, for 'up' read 'from 1295'
" " 73, line 5 from end, for '78' read '76'
" " 73, line 5 from end, for '74' read '75'
" " 73, notes 8 and 12, after 'survive' delete full point and add 'and for those for which there is a return only for New Salisbury.'
" " 89, line 9 from end, for 'letter' read 'letters'
" " 320, line 7 from end, after 'sold' substitute full point for comma and for 'it' read 'It'
" " 369, s.v. Aûmale, for 'Aûmale' read 'Aumale'
" " 374, s.v. Fortibus, for 'Aumâle' read 'Aumale'
" " 378, s.v. 'Neckenvill', for " 'Neckenvill', in Cannings hund., 43'" read " 'Neckemull' in Bishop's Cannings, 43
" " 379, s.v. Quidhampton, for 'Quidhampton, in Wroughton, 75, 140' read 'Quidhampton, in Fuggleston St. Peter, 75' and 'Quidhampton, in Wroughton, 140'
Vol. V, page 380, s.v. Salisbury (New), Parl. rep., for '204, 205' read '203-5'
" " 380, s.v. Salisbury hund., delete whole entry
Vol. VI, page 65b, line 26, for 'Ethelreda' read 'Etheldreda'
" " 211b, line 19 from end, for 'Nesbit' read 'Nisbet'
" " 234, s.v. Nesbit, delete whole entry
" " 234, between 'Nimeguen' and 'Normandy' insert 'Nisbet, Josiah, 211'
Vol. VII, page 9a, lines 33-34, delete 'The Kennet and Avon Canal crosses the parish south of the river.'
" " 82b, line 13, for 'Terry' read 'Terry's'
" " 84b, last line-page 85a, line 3, delete 'In the north-east ... families.87'
" " 85, delete note 87
" " 125b, last line, for 'Bridge at Beckington' read 'Bridge to Beckington'
" " 131a, line 3 from end, for 'Mary (Minshull)' read 'Mary (Chivers)'
" " 133b, lines 28 and 29, for 'Bellefield in Hilperton Road' read 'the Liberal Club in Frog Lane'
" " 133b, line 29, delete 'At Bellefield lived'
" " 133b, line 30, after 'day' insert ', lived at Bellefield in Hilperton Road.'
" " 137a, line 4 from end, for 'c. 1484' read '1488 x 1491'
" " 151, note 34, for 'Wilts. Times, 16 Feb. 1917' read 'Wilts. Cuttings, xiv, 70'
" " 152a, line 17, before 'to' insert 'lies'
" " 152a, lines 18-19, for ', originated in the purchase of 4½ acres' read'. Of this area 4½ acres were purchased'
" " 152a, lines 20-21, for 'that year' read '1884'
" " 152, note 55, for 'Wilts. Times, 9 Febr. 1917' read 'Wilts. Cuttings, xiv, 70'
" " 152, note 60, delete 'W.A.M. xliv, 482;' and after '12-13' substitute semi-colon for full point and add 'ex inf. Mr M. J. Lansdown.'
" " 155b, line 21, for '1483' read '1484'
" " 168b, line 35, for '1483' read '1484'
" " 168b, line 36, for '3d.' read '3s. 4d.' and for 'weekly' read 'quarterly'
" " 168, note 25, for 'Wilts. Times, 16 Feb. 1917' read 'Wilts. Cuttings, xiv, 70'
" " 177, line 16, for 'Highway' read 'Clyffe Pypard'
" " 178, line 20, delete 'Bupton,'
" " 179a, lines 11-10 from end, for 'late 18th-century' read 'mid-18th-century'
" " 179a, line 8 from end, after 'cornice.' insert 'At the back is a timber-framed wing with exposed beams and stone fireplaces of the 16th or early 17th century.'
" " 180a, line 1, for 'early 18th-century cottage' read 'cottage of earlier date'
" " 180a, lines 4-7, for 'Cottage, was almost . . . of ashlar, and' read 'Cottage, was largely remodelled about 1700.16a Parts of a 16th- or early-17th-century house remains, including the base of one stone chimneypiece. The front is faced with ashlar and'
" " 180a, line 10, after 'at the angles.' add 'There have been additions at the south-west corner and on the east side of the house.'
" " 180a, lines 12-13, for 'a two-storied rectangular house that was entirely rebuilt' read 'a rectangular house of two and three stories, rebuilt'
" " 187, note 20, for 'Devises' read 'Devizes'
" " 191a, lines 26 and 28, for 'Swell' read 'Snell'
" " 194a, line 4, for 'Ida W. Gandy' read 'Ida Gandy'
" " 227, s.v. Bupton, for 'Highway' read 'Clyffe Pypard'
" " 228, s.v. Bythesea, for 'Minshull' read 'Chivers'
" " 228, s.v. Chivers, before 'Ric., 185;' insert 'Mary (mar. Bythesea), 131;'
" " 231, s.v. Gandy, delete 'W.'
" " 232, s.v. Hurst fam., delete whole entry
" " 233, s.v. Lavington, West, after 'mans., 199' insert ', 200, 205;'
" " 233, between 'Littlecote' and 'Littleton Pannell' insert 'Littleton Auncells (in West Lavington), man., 200, 205'
" " 235, s.v. Minshull, delete 'Mary (mar. Bythesea), 131;'
" " 238, s.v. Snell, after 'Jane, 183' add '; John, 191; Nich., 191'
" " 238, s.v. Swell, delete whole entry
" " 239, s.v. Townsend, delete '; fam., 85'
" " 239, s.v. Trowbridge, Liberal Club, before '146' insert '133,'