Public Education: Schools

Pages 501-548

A History of the County of Warwick: Volume 7, the City of Birmingham. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1964.

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In this section


Sources of information are cited in form of bracketed figures which refer to the correspondingly numbered entries in the list at the end of this section (see pp. 546 sqq.), or, in a few cases, in brackets in the text itself. Private and special schools are not included here. The history of the elementary schools maintained by the governors of King Edward's School is described separately (see pp. 549–55), except that where they developed into grammar schools their later history is to be found in this section. Where the numbers of pupils are not available, the extent of accommodation has been given. Average attendance figures from 1869 on relate to the school year, which often ran from the middle of one calendar year to the middle of the next. The date given here is always that of the second year. Thus, a.a. 1907: 543 means that the average attendance for July 1906– July 1907 was 543. Average attendance figures for years before 1869 are not always reliable and should be taken as a rough, and possibly rather exaggerated, estimate.

A.a. Average attendance.
Accom. Accommodation, accommodation for, accommodate, accommodating.
B Boys, Boys.
Bd. Board.
Birm. Birmingham.
Cath. Catholic.
C.B.C. County Borough Council.
C.C. County Council.
C. of E. Church of England.
Cttee. Committee.
Cty. County.
Dept. Department.
Ed. Education.
G Girls, Girls'.
H.M. Commissioner Her (or His) Majesty's Commissioner.
H.M.I. Her (or His) Majesty's Inspector.
I Infants, Infants'.
J Junior, Juniors.
JB Junior Boys.
JG Junior Girls.
JI Juniors and Infants (i.e. boys and girls up to Abbreviations c. 11 yrs. old in one dept.).
JM Junior Mixed (i.e. boys and girls c. 7–11 years old in one dept.).
L.E.A. Local Education Authority.
M Mixed (i.e. boys and girls together in one dept.).
MI Mixed and Infants (i.e. boys and girls of all ages together in one dept.).
M. of Ed. Ministry of Education.
Nat. National.
N.o.b. Numbers (of pupils) on books.
P.E.S. Public Elementary School.
R.C. Roman Catholic.
S Senior.
SB Senior Boys.
Sch. School.
SG Senior Girls.
SM Senior Mixed (i.e. senior boys and girls together in one dept.).
Soc. Society.
U.D.C. Urban District Council.

THE ABBEY R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sutton Road.(27) Erdington R.C. Sch. There was a R.C. school at Erdington in 1845. It was 'much too small' and was held in one room. The rent was paid by 'private benevolence'. Fees 1d., or free. N.o.b. 55 B, 45 G. (34) Apparently built 1842 as a school chapel (40) (see p. 409). Received state grants from 1850, when the school was held in one room under the chapel. Taught by a mistress. H.M.I. reported building excellent. A.a. 1869: 78.(1) I dept. enlarged 1894. School by now in 2 depts. By 1906 whole building was used by school.(21) A.a. 1899: 208.(1) New I buildings, accom. 200, opened 1910.(22) From 1914 this dept. included JG.(1) Reorganized c. 1932 for 270 M, 180 I.(21) A.a. 1938: 380.(1) Enlarged 1940. Accom. in huts provided 1948. Divided 1949 into primary (JI) and modern schs. (for modern part, see next sch.). Primary school became an aided school 1950. Accom. in parochial huts provided 1951. Permanent classrooms added 1952. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms.(28) The sch. was conducted for a year or two c. 1856 by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul, c. 1865– 70 by Sisters of Mercy. From 1893 the G and I schs., from 1932 the primary sch., were conducted by Dominican nuns (see pp. 403, 404, 405).

THE ABBEY R.C. MODERN SCHOOL, Sutton Road.(27) Erdington R.C. Modern Sch. became a separate (special agreement) school 1949, as a M sch. Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 450.(27)

ACOCK'S GREEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Westley Road.(27) Acock's Green Council Sch. opened 1909 by Worcs. C.C. Accom. 1,198 B, G, I. Reorganized 1932 for SM, JM.(21) SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls (28) (see next sch.).

ACOCK'S GREEN COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Westley Road.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). N.o.b. 1961: 390.(27)

ADA STREET SCHOOLS. See St. Andrew's Cty. Primary Sch. and St. Andrew's Boys' Modern Sch.

THE ADDERLEY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Arden Road, Saltley.(27) Arden Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1897 by Aston Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 362 G, I.(24) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) B added 1882 or 1883. Enlarged 1884.(24) New B block (accom. 250) added 1887–8. Enlarged 1904. B dept. closed 1932, and sch. reorganized for JI. Sch. transferred 1943 to St. Saviour's Rd. buildings. Part of main buildings used by Admiralty 1943–7, all taken into use since 1947.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)


ALBERT ROAD HIGHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. See Aston Higher Elementary Council Schs.

ALDERLEA COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Shard End. Opened 1954 as M sch. Reorganized 1956 for B on opening of Longmeadow Girls' Cty. Modern Sch., q.v.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 700.(27)



ALEXANDER ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Acock's Green. Opened 1930 in Baptist schoolroom. Accom. 280 JI. Closed 1933 on opening of Yardley Rd. Council Sch.(21) Building used from 1949 by Cottesbrooke Cty. Primary Sch., q.v.(28)

ALFRED STREET BOARD SCHOOL, Aston. Aston National Sch. (sometimes called Aston Infants' National Sch.) opened 1855 or 1856. B only by 1882. Reorganized 1882 for G and I only. Transferred to Aston Sch. Bd. as Alfred St. Bd. Sch. Became B dept. of Aston Lane Bd. Sch. 1886 and used as part of that sch. until 1921 (see Aston Hall Cty. Primary Sch.). Building used 1922–39 by Vicarage Rd. Council Sch.(21) and from 1953 by Manor Park Cty. Primary Sch.(28)

ALLCOCK STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Allcock St. Bd. Sch. opened 1875 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,035 B, G, I.(1) All fees 1d.(22) The first kindergarten teacher employed by Birm. Sch. Bd. was appointed 1877 and gave demonstration lessons here and at Smith St. Bd. Sch.(23) Building altered 1877, 1898. Reorganized 1931, 1933 for JM, I. I dept. closed 1936.(21) Numbers fell steadily.(1) Closed 1939. Building used from 1947 by St. Anne's R.C. Sch. and St. Michael's R.C. Secondary Modern Sch.(21)

ALL SAINTS' BRANCH SCHOOL. See All Saints' Nineveh Infants' Sch.

ALL SAINTS' C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, All Saints' Street, Lodge Road.(27) All Saints' Sunday Sch. was being carried on by 1837,(29) but in 1842 it still had no building. All Saints' Sch. (i.e. National day sch.) opened 1844 in a new building (38) adjoining churchyard. Accom. 616 in 3 rooms (B, G, I).(1) Fees 2d.–3d.(30) Received annual grants from 1848. H.M.I. reported 1845–9 buildings good but teaching and equipment poor, and 1853 that there was no playground. I sch. apparently 'reopened' 1854. New certificated master appointed 1855: there had been an uncertificated master helped by his wife.(22) By 1899 in 2 depts (M, I).(1) Bd. of Ed. condemned buildings 1925. New block added, parochial hall taken into use 1932, and sch. reorganized 1933 for JM, I. Depts. united 1938. By 1949 main building once more unsatisfactory and many classes held in parochial hall. Further temporary accom. in St. Simon's Mission Hall provided 1951.(21) Became a controlled sch. 1950. Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, hall.(28) Amelia Alston, by will proved 1870, left £500 for benefit of sch. Part of stock sold 1884, 1891, 1906 for repairs.(21)


ALL SAINTS' NINEVEH INFANTS' SCHOOL, Park Road, Hockley.(37) Opened 1830 as Nineveh Infants' Sch.(35) apparently under inspiration of Birm. Inf. Sch. Soc. and with mistress trained in its Islington sch. but not managed or controlled by the Soc.(39) N.o.b. 1833: 90 B, G. Supported by subscriptions and fees.(3) Presumably identical with Gibb Heath Charity Sch. (though this was said to have been established 1837) which had 55 B, 15 G under 1 teacher in 1837; average time spent in the sch. was 11/6 yr.(36) All Saints' Nineveh Infants' (Church) Sch. had 67 I present in 1841.(29) In 1846 said to be in union with Nat. Soc. There was 1 schoolroom, 1 mistress, n.o.b. 83 I.(30) Fees 1874: 2d.–6d.(11) Closed 1886.(23)

ALL SAINTS' (PROTESTANT OR NATIONAL) SCHOOL, Heath Street. See St. Cuthbert's Sch., Heath St.

ALL SAINTS' SCHOOL, Winson Street. See St. Cuthbert's Sch., Winson St.

ALMA STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aston. (27) Alma St. Bd. Sch. opened 1878, by Aston Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,023 B, G, I.(24) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Enlarged 1888, 1898. Manual training centre provided 1902. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized 1931, 1933 for JM, I. JM dept. closed 1938 and children transferred to Gower St. Council Sch. while I from Gower St. transferred here. Closed 1941. Lower floor of one block used until 1951 as civic restaurant, upper for 4 classes from Burlington St. Council Sch. Single-story block used as day nursery and handicraft centre. JM dept. of Gower St. Council Sch. also housed here until 1945. Main building reopened c. 1952 as temporary cty. primary sch.(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ALSTON ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Bordesley Green.(27) Alston Rd. Council Sch. I dept. opened 1926 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 400. Blocks opened 1927 for 800 B, G. Altered and reorganized 1931–2 for SB (in former B block), JM (in G block), and I. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 17 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ALSTON ROAD BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Bordesley Green.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). N.o.b. 1961: 410.


ALUM ROCK ROAD (WESLEYAN HALL) TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1905(1) by Birm. C.B.C. in Wesleyan hall. Accom. 202 M. Closed 1909 on opening of Leigh Rd. Council Sch. Reopened 1910. Bd. of Ed. considered it unsatisfactory but agreed to recognize it until opening of Sladefield Rd. Council Sch. Recognition extended until opening of Cherrywood Rd. Council Sch. (1912) and then of Nansen Rd. Council Sch. Generally overcrowded,(21) with a.a. 235 at highest, in 1911.(1) Reorganized 1921 for G. Recognition finally withdrawn and sch. closed 1923. Building converted into a practical instruction centre.(21)

THE ANGLESEY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aston. (27) Anglesey St. Bd. Sch. opened 1894 by Aston Sch. Bd. Accom 406 I, though used until 1898 for G and I.(21) Practical instruction centres built on site 1916–19. Reorganized 1933 for JI.(28) Accom. in Friends' Hall, Farm St., provided 1952.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)


ANN STREET GIRLS' SCHOOL. See Girls' Lancasterian Sch., Ann St.

ANN STREET (INFANT) SCHOOL. See Birmingham Infant Central Sch.

ANTHONY ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Saltley.(27) Alum Rock Rd. Council Sch. opened 1901 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,110 M, I, in classes of 50, instead of 60 as then usual. By 1915 said to be the most overcrowded sch. in Birm. Nansen Rd. Council Sch. was intended to remedy this.(21) Reorganized 1931 for JM, I. Numbers fell steadily(1) and depts. united 1939. I dept. damaged by enemy action 1940. Repaired by 1949.(21) Accom. in St. Mary's and St. John's vestry provided 1953. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 17 classrooms, annexe, hall.(28)

ARCHBISHOP ILSLEY R.C. SCHOOL, Victoria Road, Acock's Green. Opened 1957 as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 520.(27)

ARCHBISHOP MASTERSON R.C. BOYS' SCHOOL, Coleys Lane, West Heath. Opened 1960.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 390.(27)

ARCHBISHOP MASTERSON R.C. GIRLS' SCHOOL, Willets Road, West Heath. Opened 1958.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 480.(27)

ARCHBISHOP WILLIAMS R.C. SCHOOL, Tile Cross, Marston Green. Opened 1956 as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 600.

ARDEN ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. See The Adderley Cty. Primary Sch.


ASTON. In 1739 there was at the end of the vicarage barn at Aston a small dwelling house and stable formerly erected for a school and belonging to the vicar (B.R.L. 413674: Terrier of Aston vicarage).

ASTON COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. See Holte Grammar/ Commercial Sch.

ASTON HALL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aston. (27) Aston Lane Bd. Sch. opened 1886 by Aston Sch. Bd., G and I depts. with B dept. in former Alfred St. Bd. Sch., q.v., which now became part of this sch.(22) Total accom. 1,008.(1) Fees 1d.– 2d.(22) New B dept. opened 1890 on Aston Lane site, accom. 300. Alfred St. building altered and used for new JM dept. JM dept. closed 1921, and Alfred St. buildings no longer used by this sch. Reorganized 1930 for SB, JM, I. Name changed 1935 to Aston Hall Rd. Council Sch. JM and I depts. united c. 1937.(21) SB dept. closed 1944 and used by civic restaurant until 1953, when used by Upper Thomas St. Cty. Modern Sch. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961:9 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)


ASTON HIGHER ELEMENTARY COUNCIL SCHOOL FOR BOYS; ASTON HIGHER ELEMENTARY COUNCIL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Whitehead Road, Aston. Aston Higher Elementary Bd. Schs. opened 1900 by Aston Sch. Bd. Accom. 500. Fees 6d. Originally planned as part of Albert Rd. (Higher Grade) Bd. Sch. and sometimes called Albert Rd. Higher Elementary Sch. No new pupils admitted after 1913 and both schs. closed as higher elementary schs. 1915. Buildings continued to be used by Aston Commercial Sch.,(21) q.v.


ASTON LANE COUNCIL SCHOOL. See Aston Hall Cty. Primary Sch.

ASTON MANOR HIGHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. See Aston Higher Elementary Council Schs.

ASTON VILLA (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1876, accom. 256. Majority of children 'very ignorant', and attendance for some time most irregular. Fees 1d.–3d.(24) Apparently closed c. 1880,(1) but see Villa St. Bd. Sch.

AUDLEY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Audley Road, Yardley.(27) Audley Rd. Council Sch. opened 1933 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 192 JI. Another hut and permanent JI block, accom. 432, opened 1934: huts used for SM. SM block, accom. 400, opened 1935 and huts used by JI. JI dept. divided 1936, I remaining in huts. Community Hall of Glebe Farm estate used from 1936. SM dept. closed 1941 and buildings used for Civil Defence (and see next sch.).(21) War damage repaired 1953. Glebe Farm Baptist Church used from 1953 by JM. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

AUDLEY COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Audley Rd. Cty. Modern Sch. reopened 1947 (see preceding sch.) in buildings used during war by Civil Defence. War damage repaired 1948. Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 400 M.(27)

AUDLEY ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY AND MODERN SCHOOLS. See Audley Cty. Primary Sch. and Audley Cty. Modern Sch.

BALSALL HEATH ROAD BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1876 by King's Norton Sch. Bd. in Congregational Church Sunday School. It and Knutsford St. Bd. Sch. were the first schs. opened by the Bd.(25) Accom. 108 G, 108 I.(21) Closed c. 1878,(1) probably on opening of Mary St. Bd. Sch.(21)

BARD STREET BOARD SCHOOL, Greet. Opened 1890 by Yardley Sch. Bd. in rented premises accom. 159 B. Fees 3d. Closed 1892 on opening of Greet Bd. Sch.(22).

BARFORD ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Rotton Park.(27) Barford Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1887 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,180 in 4 depts.: B, G, M, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) By 1899 in 2 depts. (M, I).(1) Reorganized 1932 for SB, I. Building damaged by enemy action 1940. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Reorganized 1960 for JI. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28)

BARFORD ROAD BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Rotton Park.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) N.o.b. 1961: 285.(27)

BARTLEY GREEN CHARITY SCHOOL. In 1832 the trustees of Northfield Charity Sch. (see St. Lawrence's (Northfield) C. of E. Sch.) paid £3 a year to a mistress to teach a few children at Bartley Green. Six G were taught free and there were also some paying pupils.(6) Still apparently in existence 1841: probably closed on opening of Bartley Green National Sch. c. 1844.(38) There is no record, however, of the participation of the National Sch. in the Northfield charity.

BARTLEY GREEN C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL. Bartley Green National Sch. opened 1840, as a Sunday sch. only.(38) A.a. 1845 20 B, 25 G.(1) There was one mistress in 1846.(30) H.M.I. reported 1847–53 that it was a poor sch. taught by an untrained teacher on the old dame sch. system. It was treated as a preparatory sch. for Northfield.(1) Site enlarged and sch. rebuilt 1871, and reopened 1872, receiving annual grant from then on. Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Accom. by 1880: 165.(1) New I sch., accom. 98, opened 1884 on site on north of church. 1899 in 2 depts. (M, I). Reorganized 1931 for JI. Reorganized for I only 1951.(21) Closed 1954 on opening of St. Michael's C. of E. Primary Sch., Bartley Green, q.v.(28)

BARTLEY GREEN COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Adams Hill, Bartley Green. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 650.(27)

BARTLEY GREEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Woodgate.(27) Bartley Green Council Sch. opened 1914 by Birm. C.B.C. in new buildings, accom. 160 M. Woodgate Council Sch. closed on its opening. Reorganized 1931 for SM. Site enlarged 1937. Reorganized 1951 for JM. Accom. provided 1952 at Woodgate Methodist Schoolrooms.(21) Closed 1953 and children transferred to Woodgate Cty. Primary Sch.(28)

BARTLEY GREEN GIRLS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Opened 1954 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 567.(28)

THE BEECHES COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Great Barr.(27) Beeches Rd. Council Sch. opened 1935 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 288 JI.(1) More huts provided and permanent timber buildings (accom. 320 SM) opened 1937. Permanent I and JM blocks (accom. 720) opened 1938 and sch. reorganized for SM, JM, I. Huts still used by JM and I. SM dept. closed 1940. Children transferred to Aldridge Rd. Council Sch. and buildings used for Civil Defence and later by the primary sch. until SM dept. reopened 1951 as a separate sch. (see next sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 27 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

THE BEECHES COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Great Barr. Beeches Rd. Cty. Modern Sch. reopened 1951 (see preceding sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

BEECHES ROAD SCHOOLS. See The Beeches Cty. Primary Sch. and The Beeches Cty. Modern Sch.

BELLFIELD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Vineyard Road, Northfield. Opened 1957 by Birm. C.B.C. for J and I depts. Accom. 1961: 22 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BELLS LANE TEMPORARY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, King's Heath.(27) Opened 1948 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings.(21) Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

BENACRE STREET BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1887 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in Wesleyan Sch. premises (see Bristol Rd. Wesleyan Sch.) (21) accom. 534 (1) M and I. Buildings said to be very unsatisfactory; intended as a temporary expedient pending opening of Upper Highgate St. Bd. Sch. Closed 1889.(21)


BENSON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hockley. Soho Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1888 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 962 M, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Cookery room added 1891.(21) The first class of mentally defective children to be held in a Birm. bd. sch. was opened here 1894, when it comprised 17 children.(23) Name changed 1895 to Benson Rd. Bd. Sch.(1) Accom. for 120 provided 1913–15 in Nineveh Wesleyan Chapel as part of this sch. (sometimes referred to as Benson Rd. Temporary Council Sch.). Reorganized 1930, 1931, 1933 for JM, I.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)


BIERTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Bierton Rd. Council Sch. opened 1928(1) by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 800 SM, JM. Classrooms in huts provided 1928. New JI block, accom. 576, opened 1929 and original blocks used for SB, SG.(21) SM from Church Rd. Council Sch. transferred here 1941. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 14 classrooms, hall. Closed 1959 and replaced by Blakesley Cty. Primary Sch.(28)

BIERTON BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; BIERTON GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Bierton Rd. Cty. Modern Schs. became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Names changed and accom. in Church Rd. Primary Sch. provided 1954 for B sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 450 B, 440 G.(27)

BIERTON ROAD SCHOOLS. See Bierton Cty. Primary Sch., Bierton Boys' Cty. Modern Sch. and Bierton Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

BILLESLEY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Trittiford Road.(27) Billesley Council Sch. JM dept. opened 1925 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 400. SM dept., accom. 400, opened 1926. I dept., accom. 384, opened 1928. Enlarged 1938. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 20 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BILLESLEY COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Trittiford Road.(27) Became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) N.o.b. 1961: 380.

BIRCHES GREEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Fir Tree Road, Erdington.(27) Birches Green Council Sch. opened 1929 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 576 JM. I dept. in huts opened 1932 accom. 384.(21) Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

THE BIRCHFIELD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Birchfield Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1895 by Handsworth Sch. Bd. Accom. 660 M, I. Christ Church Bd. Sch. closed on its opening. Enlarged 1898 (accom. then 1,020), 1906, 1911. Reorganized 1930 for SB, JI.(21) SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

THE BIRCHFIELD BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Birchfield Road. Birchfield Rd. Boys' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961:500.(27)

BIRCHFIELD ROAD SCHOOLS. See The Birchfield Cty. Primary Sch. and The Birchfield Boys' Cty. Modern Sch.

BIRCHFIELD C. OF E. SCHOOL. See Holy Trinity C. of E. Primary Sch., Wilson Rd., Handsworth.

BIRMINGHAM AND EDGBASTON (INDUSTRIAL) BRITISH SCHOOL, 102, Tennant Street. For G only. Called 'Industrial' from 1852.(1) Said 1838 to have been established 1816. It had 1 teacher and 73 pupils in 1837.(36) H.M.I. reported 1847, 1849 that it was pleasant and orderly though of low standard academically; the standard was still low in 1855. Received government grants from 1851. Fees said 1853 to be the lowest among inspected nonconformist schs. in Birm.(1) Closed 1873.(21) The building was sold c. 1877 and the proceeds invested for the provision of exhibitions in Birmingham schs.(16)


BIRMINGHAM FREE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, Lichfield Street (1846–50); Gem Street (1850–1902). St. Philip's Ragged Sch. opened 1846 by the Rector of St. Philip's, in a hired workshop (47) at no. 19 Lichfield St.(46) The sch. was undenominational and the committee originally included some dissenters though most of them had withdrawn by 1868. A master and his wife managed the sch. which provided a free meal 3 times a week and training in mending and making clothes and shoes as well as some ordinary teaching.(47) H.M.I. reported 1846 that general management was very good, though standard of education was necessarily low; present: 30 B, 32 G.(1) Later called St. Philip's Free Industrial Sch. Moved 1850 to new building in Gem St. (site given by governors of Grammar Sch.) and renamed Birmingham Free Industrial Sch.(47) Accom. 330 in 3 depts.: a day sch. for B and G over 7 yrs. old; industrial classes for B and G over 7, an asylum for orphaned and deserted children, accom. c. 35. All free except the asylum in which £8 a year was charged for each child.(46) The free meals which had been 'an infallible means of procuring a large and regular attendance' were given up through lack of funds 1866. By 1868 it was catering less than before for the very poorest children (see also St. Philip's Ragged Sch., Queen St.).(47) Placed under the Industrial Schools Act in 1868 (10) and later moved to Harborne.(21)

BIRMINGHAM INFANT CENTRAL SCHOOL, 48, Ann Street (60) (now Colmore Row). Opened 1826 by Birmingham Infant School Society (founded 1825) in St. Philip's boys' Sunday schoolroom. In 1826 it contained 90 pupils. Permanent building in Ann St. opened Sept. 1826. The sch. was at first taught by a man and wife who had been sent by the Soc. to Walthamstow Infant Sch. to be trained. Supported by subscriptions and fees of 2d.(35) The teaching was undenominational, though the sch. was chiefly managed, especially later, by Quakers. The upper floor was rented to the Girls' Lancasterian Sch. 1826–51.(39) A.a. 1830: 160.(35) In 1849 the cttee. of the Soc. resolved that the sch. was to resume 'exclusively its original character of a Normal and Model Establishment'. In fact, though an average of c. 6 I sch. teachers a year had been trained at the sch., it does not appear at first to have been designed as a training sch. Closed c. 1866 (39) or 1867; in 1901 the property was said to have been sold in 1867 and the proceeds of sale used to enlarge Severn St. British Sch.(52)


BIRMINGHAM NATIONAL SCHOOL, Pinfold Street. Established 1812.(43) The lease of a site on the N.W. side of Pinfold St., between Lower Temple St. and Peck Lane (Birmingham Corporation, Plans of Birm., 1718–1884, map of Birm. 1824–5), was obtained from the governors of the Grammar Sch. by the trustees, of whom the Rector of St. Martin's was secretary.(29) The rent of £15 was later remitted in exchange for permission to the governors to nominate 60 pupils.(5) While the sch. was being built 2 rooms in Temple Row were rented and a master appointed. The temporary sch. opened Aug. 1812,(43) and was visited and commended by Andrew Bell. The ground floor of the new building (one room 80 ft. by 40 ft.) was opened as a B sch. in 1813, accom. 500. The G sch., over the B, was opened 1814 under a mistress especially trained in the Nat. Soc. Central Sch. N.o.b. 1814: 450 B, 200 G.(29) The sch. hours were 9–1, 2–4 in the winter, 8–12, 2–5 rest of yr. The children attended church twice on Sundays.(43) Pupils were nominated by subscribers. In 1814 it was said that 'no works of industry' were introduced, 'the children being taken into the manufactories at an early age'. In 1817 the G sch. was said to benefit from the assiduity of the lady visitors, while the B sch. apparently suffered from the irregularity of its visitors.(29) The girls spent much time in 'plain work' which was sold;(43) they excelled in religious knowledge. In 1818 there was a drop in attendance owing to the increased demand for children's labour, and to a decision not to admit children under 7 yrs. old. A Sunday sch. for girls was opened because the girls generally left the day sch. so young. Numbers continued to fall (n.o.b. 1824: 11 B, 69 G and 41 G in Sunday sch.) until 1826 when a new master and mistress were appointed.(29) Fees 1835: 1d. (Hutton, Hist. Birm. (1835), 358). In 1837 the average time spent in the sch. was 10¼ months; n.o.b. 324, a.a. 150, with 3 teachers.(36) There is no mention of the sch., except in maps, after a probable reference to it in 1845.(29) It must have been pulled down c. 1850 in the building of New St. Station (see B.R.L. 397466, 369767, p. 5): in 1867 it was said that £500 had been 'allocated for sch. building, to each of four districts in Birmingham, being half the sum paid by the Railway for the lease of the ground, occupied by the old Central School near St. Martin's'. It was also said that probably no inspected sch. in the borough was in so low a state as the 'old central school at St. Martin's' used to be: this may have referred to St. Martin's, Inge St., q.v.(67)

BIRMINGHAM WESLEYAN SCHOOL, Cherry Street. See Cherry St. Wesleyan Sch.

BIRMINGHAM WESLEYAN SCHOOL, St. Martin's Street. See Islington Cty. Primary Sch.

BISHOP CHALLONER R.C. MODERN SCHOOL, King's Heath. Opened 1953 as a special agreement sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 400.(27)

BISHOP RYDER'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Gem Street.(27) Elementary District Sch., Gem St., established 1838. No fees. C. of E. doctrines were taught but it was apparently not attached to any church (parish formed 1841). All pupils were between 7 and 14 yrs. old. N.o.b.: 32 B, 30 G.(36, 58) New buildings 1841, accom. 450, erected with state and Nat. Soc. grants. In 1844 B and I schs. held each in 1 room of this building and G sch. (begun 1843) in room in an empty factory.(38) Fees generally 2d. There were usually about 3 teachers. H.M.I. gave excellent reports 1843–5 but in 1849 all depts. were only fair.(1) By 1860 the factory room was given up: G dept. now with I in former I schoolroom with classroom. New B sch. built 1860 on adjoining site (38) with state and Nat. Soc. aid.(1) G dept. transferred to former B room, with a new classroom added. There was also by 1863 a ragged sch., held in connexion with the church and apparently in same building. It was enlarged 1864 and 1865 with Nat. Soc. aid. H.M.I. reported before second enlargement that the accom. compatible with health was 150, but 314 were present (out of 835 in whole sch.).(38) Fees 1874: 1d.–4d. in main sch., 3d. in ragged sch. Accom. by 1880: 998.(1) Minor alterations made 1896, 1911. Additional accom. for boys in Kyrle Hall used 1914– 31, and in Staniforth Hall 1931–2. Reorganized 1932–4 for JI and alterations made 1934–5. Became an aided sch. 1951.(21) Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

In 1899 the sch. had no endowment (1) but in 1951 £71 1s. 4d. a year was received from the Charity Commissioners as well as £152 10s. a year from tenant of the former St. Mary's Sch., Bath St.(21)

BISHOP RYDER'S (BRANCH) SCHOOL, Staniforth Street. Opened 1869, (37) accom. 213 I, erected with state and Nat. Soc. aid.(1) Fees 1874: 2d.– 4d.(11) Closed 1880. Building later used as Staniforth St. Bd. Sch., q.v.(23)

BLAKE LANE TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Yardley Green Road. Opened 1910 by Birm. C.B.C. in Primitive Methodist mission hall accom. 156 M. Closed 1913 on opening of St. Benedict's Rd. Council Sch. Reopened 1917 for I. Moved 1922 to new premises built by Methodist church. Closed 1928.(21)

BLAKENHALE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Garrett's Green. Opened 1947 by Birm. C.B.C. in buildings of former Bordesley Green Sch. accom. 780 JI. Permanent buildings for JM dept. opened 1950 (21) and for I dept. 1951. Accom. 1961: 22 classrooms, 2 halls, dining hall.(28)

BLAKESLEY HALL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Yardley Green Road. Opened 1959 by Birm. C.B.C. for J and I depts. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BLESSED JOHN WALL R.C. SCHOOL, Craythorne Avenue, Handsworth Wood. Opened 1961 as a M sch. Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, practical rooms, 2 halls.(28)

BLOOMSBURY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Lingard Street.(27) Opened 24 Mar. 1873 by Birm. Sch. Bd. accom. 1,059 in 3 depts. (B, G, I). It was the first newly-built bd. sch. opened in Birm. and the total cost of site and buildings was £10,683. Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Various alterations 1875, 1878, 1897, 1908, 1910, 1921. Class of mentally defective children held in building 1898–1908. Altered 1931 and reorganized 1930, 1932 for SG, JM, I. JM and I depts. united 1938.(1) SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BLOOMSBURY GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Lingard Street.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. in former Dartmouth St. Council Sch. 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 440.(27)

BLOOMSBURY INSTITUTION DAY SCHOOL, Bloomsbury Street. The managers of this sch. applied for an annual grant in 1880. The sch. was in a building adjoining the church. N.o.b. 150 B, G. Fees 4d.–9d. No grant made because Sch. Bd. was already planning to meet the deficiency in the area.(21)

BLUE COAT SCHOOL, St. Philip's Place (1724– 1930); Somerset Road (1930). For the early history of this school see V.C.H. Warws. ii. 372 (and see also this volume pp. 8, 43, 377, and plate facing p. 378).

Many legacies and gifts were made to the sch. at various times so that by 1827 it held lands in Birmingham and Aston producing over £800 a year and over £52,000 stock.(5) Income 1872:£2,164 9s., (12) 1918: c. £7,500.(21) The sch. was opened c. July 1724 and 22 B and 10 G were admitted to be clothed, maintained and educated. Ten B and 10 G were also admitted to be clothed and educated only, but this arrangement was short-lived and soon all the pupils were completely and gratuitously maintained. Building enlarged 1749 (Dent, Making of Birm. 319), 1777, 1782,(41) 1792–4, 1830. From 1728 to 1742 there were 64 children in the sch. In 1783 there were 97 in attendance, in 1816, 158 B, G. The master taught all the children reading, writing, and arithmetic, assisted by the mistress who also taught the girls needlework and housework. From c. 1817 the National system was used 'so far as convenient'. School hours were 7–12 and 2–5 and there were c. 5 weeks holiday.(42) Average time at sch. said 1838 to be 4½ yrs.; all pupils 9–14 yrs. old. (10) In 1866 there were a headmaster, 2 assistant masters and 2 mistresses.(8) H.M. Commissioner reported it in 1869 to be 'well endowed and . . . admirably managed' although the children 'still wear a costume better suited to that date [i.e. 1724] than to the present'. He criticized it for the exclusion of dissenters and for the system of nominating pupils. N.o.b. 1869: 143 B, G.(10) Overcrowded by 1902: accom. in Steelhouse Lane and Bull St. rented. Became a recognized public elementary sch. 1920, accom. 250 M. Altered and enlarged 1922. New premises in Harborne opened 1930, accom. 240 M, and original building sold and demolished. Admission age lowered to 7, 1938.(21) Became an aided sch., and under control of Birm. Ed. Cttee. 1948. Accom. 1955: 8 classrooms and hall. Aided status relinquished 1957.(28)

Fentham's Trust. George Fentham, by will dated 1690, left £20 a year for teaching poor children of Birmingham.(5) From 1741 at least, it was used to send children, in green instead of blue clothes, to the Blue Coat Sch.(41) Nos. rose from c. 7 to 16 in 1830.(42)

St. David's or Welsh Charity. Formed 1824 by subscription to maintain children at the Blue Coat Sch. (Hutton, Hist. Birm. (1835), 359). In 1830 it maintained 7 B and 4 G.(42)

BOATMAN'S BETHEL SCHOOL, Worcester Wharf. In existence 1868.(37) N.o.b. 1869: 30 B, 73 G, nearly all under 10 yrs. old. Fees 1d.–4d. H.M. Commissioner reported it in 1869 to be attached to 'a little mission chapel' (see p. 481) which was chiefly maintained by a London soc. On 2 visits he found it 'in great disorder'. The one mistress was new but even so he considered the management hopelessly inefficient.(10) Still existing 1877, accom. 123.(21) Never received state grants.(1)


BORDESLEY GREEN BOYS' TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Bordesley Green Road. Bordesley Green Junior Tech. Sch. opened 1937 by Birm. C.B.C. for B. Name later changed (ex inf. M. of Ed.). N.o.b. 1961: 698.(28)

BORDESLEY GREEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Bordesley Green Bd. Sch. opened 1902 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,038 M, I. Reorganized 1931, 1932 for SG, JI. JI dept. closed 1941; buildings used by Civil Defence and from 1947 to 1951 by I dept. of Blakenhale Cty. Primary Sch. S dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Reopened 1950 in temporary accom. for 2 classes of I in Yardley Green Methodist Church, Blake Lane. Returned to old premises 1951 and reorganized for JI.(21) Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, hall.(28)

BORDESLEY GREEN GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL. Became a separate school 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) N.o.b. 1961: 410.(27)

BORDESLEY TRINITY C. OF E. SCHOOL. See Holy Trinity Bordesley C. of E. Primary Sch.

BOULTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Handworth.(27) Boulton Rd. Undenominational Sch. opened 1884, accom. 706 in 3 depts. (B, G, I). Fees 2d.–4d.(22) Transferred 1892 to Handsworth Sch. Bd. as Boulton Rd. Bd. Sch.,(21) and B and G depts. united.(22) Altered 1893, 1902, 1907. New I dept. opened 1915. Altered and reorganized 1930, 1931 for SB, JI. SB dept. closed 1939.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)


BOURNVILLE BOYS' TECHNICAL SCHOOL; BOURNVILLE GIRLS' GRAMMAR/TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Griffins Brook Lane, Bournville. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 580 B, 556 G.(28)

BOURNVILLE UNDENOMINATIONAL PRIMARY SCHOOL, Linden Road.(27) Bournville Undenominational Sch. opened 1904 in Ruskin Memorial Hall, accom. 278 GI. New buildings opened 1906 accom. 540 M; JI dept. remained in Ruskin Hall. New I dept. opened 1910 and sch. reorganized for M, I all in permanent buildings.(21) Reorganized for JM, I 1949. Became an aided sch. 1952. Accom. 1961: 21 classrooms, 2 halls, practical rooms.(28) (See also plate facing p. 501).

BRADFORD STREET WESLEYAN SCHOOL. In existence 1846, possibly as a private adventure sch. in the chapel premises, containing 55 I. Fees 2d. Apparently disappeared soon after: there was no sch. managed by the chapel by 1860.(33)

BRANDWOOD COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Sunderton Road, King's Heath. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 760.(27)

BRIDGE STREET CENTRAL BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1884 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in building rented to Bd. by George Dixon at nominal rent, and converted for a sch. at his expense. It was a central Standard VII sch. for the boro., accom. 400 B. Manual instruction formed large part of syllabus. Fees 3d. Closed 1898 and replaced by George Dixon Higher Grade Bd. Sch., q.v.(21)

BRISTOL ROAD (RECTE STREET) WESLEYAN SCHOOL. (1) Sometimes called Benacre St. Wesleyan Sch. There was a sch., possibly a private adventure one, of 90 I attached to the chapel 1846; fees 2d.–6d. Opened 1870 as a new sch. under a local cttee. in the Sunday-school building. Apparently always in 1 dept., under 1 or 2 masters.(33) Received annual grant from 1872. Accom. by 1880: 378, by 1887: 534.(1) Buildings apparently very unsatisfactory. Closed 1887. Buildings reopened later in year as Benacre St. Bd. Sch., q.v.(21)

BRISTOL STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Bristol St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,000 in 3 depts. (B, G, I). Fees 1d.–3d. Old Meeting St. Temporary Bd. Sch. closed on its opening.(22) Enlarged 1879, 1898. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor alterations and smaller numbers 1912 and 1925. Alterations made and sch. reorganized 1935, 1936 for JM, I. Two depts. united 1939.(21) Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BRITISH SCHOOL, Severn Street. See Severn St. Council Sch.

BROAD STREET BOARD SCHOOL. Church of the Messiah British Sch. in existence 1868.(37) Received annual grants from 1869. H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 that the education was undenominational or even secular, though it was almost entirely supported by the Unitarian congregation of the church.(10) Closed 1873 when accom. said to be 531.(21) Broad St. (Temporary) Bd. Sch. opened 1874 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in same building. All fees 1d. Closed 1878 on opening of Oozells St. Bd. Sch. which adjoined it.(23)

BROADMEADOW COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Bells Lane, King's Norton. Opened by Birm. C.B.C. J dept. 1955, I 1956. Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BROADYATES TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Yardley. Opened 1906 by Worcs. C.C. in temporary iron building, accom. 258 G, I.(21) Closed 1908 on opening of Church Rd. Council Sch., Yardley.(21)

BROMFORD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hodge Hill. Opened 1951 by Birm. C.B.C. for I. Accom. for 2 classes of JM in St. Philip and St. James's Hall and Madison Hall, Hodge Hill, used 1953–4. JM block opened 1954. Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, 2 halls, dining hall.(28)

BROOKFIELDS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Pitsford Street.(27) All Saints' District Undenominational Sch. planned 1868 and opened by 1870, with grant from Birm. Ed. Soc.(37) Fees 1874: 3d.–4d. Transferred to Birm. Sch. Bd. 1875 as Brookfields Temporary Bd. Sch., accom. 456.(21) Site enlarged and new buildings opened 1877 as Brookfields Bd. Sch.(23) Accom. 992 in 3 depts. (B, G, I).(1) Altered 1879, 1898, 1913. Reorganized 1930, 1933 for JB, JG, I. JB and JG depts. united 1938. (21) Building destroyed by enemy action 1940. I dept. closed, JM housed at Camden St. Council Sch. until 1943. Sch. rebuilt and opened 1949. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall, dining hall.(28)


BROWNMEAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Shard End.(27) Opened 1952 by Birm. C.B.C. in Castle Bromwich Methodist Church, accom. 2 classes I. (21) Accom. in former Sir Josiah Mason's Orphanage Sch. used 1953–4 for JI. Permanent buildings opened 1954. Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, hall.(28)


BURLINGTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aston. (27) Burlington St. Bd. Sch. opened 1878 by Aston Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,018 B, G, I.(24) Fees 1d.– 3d. JM dept. in detached building opened 1888, accom. 450.(22) Main building much altered 1920, JM dept. closed 1921. JM buildings became sch. for mentally defective children. Reorganized 1930 for SG, JM, I. JM and I depts. united 1937. SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). (21) Accom. in closed Alma St. Council Sch. used 1949–52. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BURLINGTON GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Aston.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 270.(27)

BURLINGTON STREET SCHOOLS. See Burlington Cty. Primary Sch. and Burlington Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

BYNG KENRICK GIRLS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Leycroft Avenue. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 527.(28)

CALSHOT COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Great Barr.(1) I dept. opened 1948, JM dept. 1951. Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

CAMDEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Spring Hill. (27) Camden St. Bd. Sch. opened 1890 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,090 M, I.(21) Fees 1d.– 3d.(22) Manual instruction centre provided 1906, cookery and laundry centre 1912. Accom. provided 1920–31 in United Methodist church, New Spring St., for 100 I and for 100 M 1928–31. Sch. reorganized 1930–2 for SG, I. Reorganized 1943 for SG, JI. SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. for 1 class in same Methodist church provided 1950. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

CAMDEN GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Spring Hill.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 330.(27)

CAMDEN STREET SCHOOLS. See Camden Cty. Primary Sch. and Camden Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

CAMDEN STREET REFORMATORY SCHOOL. In existence, for G only, under a mistress and submatron, in 1856.(59)

CANTERBURY CROSS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Handsworth. Canterbury Rd. Council Sch. opened 1907 by Handsworth U.D.C. Accom. 1,220 B, G, I.(1) Altered and reorganized 1930 for SG, JI. SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. provided 1949 in All Saints' Church Hall, Wenlock Rd., and 1952 in former Birchfield Rd. Day Nursery.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, hall.(28)

CANTERBURY CROSS GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Handsworth.(27) Canterbury Rd. Girls' County Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Accom. for 120 in huts provided 1947. Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 520.(27)

CANTERBURY ROAD SCHOOLS. See Canterbury Cross Cty. Primary Sch., Canterbury Cross Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

CAPE SCHOOL, Dudley Road, Harborne. See Harborne Wesleyan Sch. and p. 477.

CARDINAL NEWMAN R.C. SCHOOL, Poplar Avenue, Edgbaston. Opened 1959 as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 630 (Education Committee's Year Book, 1961– 2).

CARDINAL WISEMAN R.C. SCHOOL, Old Oscott Hill, Kingstanding. Opened 1955 as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 570.(27)

CARRS LANE BRITISH (OR UNDENOMINATIONAL) SCHOOL, New Meeting Street. Built 1844 with a lecture hall on the ground floor, the B sch. (accom. 250) above it, and G and I schs. behind (accom. 150 and 120).(58) Opened 1844 or 1845. Managed by a cttee. of Carrs Lane Independent Chapel.(32) Taught by at least one master and one mistress in 1865.(61) Received annual grant from 1868.(1) H.M. Commissioner reported it 1869 as a B sch. only; teaching said to be entirely undenominational. (10) Closed 1871 or 1872, (1) when accom. said to be 174.(23)

CARRS LANE CHAPEL BRANCH SCHOOLS. The cttee. which opened Carrs Lane Sch. c. 1845 was said to 'support' 5 day schs.(32) Among these were probably Bordesley St. Schs. (also apparently known as Bordesley Infant Sch. and Barn St. Independent Sch.) and Carrs Lane Town Mission Sch., Gooch St.(60, 61) These were both however defined by H.M. Commissioner in 1869 as private adventure schs. although held in public buildings. (10) Probably the other branch schs. enjoyed the same quasi-public status.

CENTRAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Suffolk Street (1897–c. 1939); Burbidge Rd. (c. 1944– 1955); Gressel Lane, Tile Cross (1957). Municipal Technical Day Sch. opened 1897 by Birm. C.B.C., for B only, in buildings described as 'nothing short of a technical palace'. Central Secondary Sch. at first formed part of the technical school but later became a separate sch. though shared same building until c. 1939. Reopened after or towards end of war in 'a former senior school' in Burbidge Rd. (ex. inf. M. of Ed.). Temporarily accommodated in Cherrywood Rd. Transferred 1957 to newly-built premises at Gressel Lane, Tile Cross. As late as 1919 it had a bias towards science and engineering. N.o.b. 1914: 284, 1937: 400 (ex inf. M. of Ed.), 1961: 565.(28) Fees £3 a year; by 1937 £12. In 1911 c. 84 per cent. pupils came from elementary schools, in 1937 'almost all'. Average leaving age 1910–13: 15½ yrs., 1953: 16–17 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

CENTRAL INFANT SCHOOL (CENTRAL SCHOOL), Ann Street (now Colmore Row). See Birmingham Infant Central Sch.

CHANCE'S RAGGED SCHOOL, Windmill Street. Established 1845, with a library, by William Chance, accom. 280.(58) In 1852 said to have been the first ragged sch. in Birm. and to have been 'for a long time' supported by Chance.(48) In 1856 it was taught by a master and his wife.(59) Still in existence 1858.(60) See also Legge St. British Sch.


CHERRY ORCHARD ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Handsworth Wood. Opened 1947 by Birm. C.B.C. accom. 300 JM. Reorganized 1948 by amalgamation of Wood Lane Temporary Cty. Primary Sch. with it: Wood Lane's accom. of 100 I (in pavilion on Handsworth Wood Playing Fields) unchanged but became part of this sch. Enlarged 1950.(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28).


CHERRY STREET WESLEYAN SCHOOL. Said in 1838 to have been established 1834,(36) and in 1846 to have been established for 'many years' as the united sch. of the E. and W. Birmingham circuits.(33) In 1838 there were 3 teachers; average time spent in the sch.: 1 yr. 7 months. Small fees were charged. The schs. were said to be in Union Passage.(36) In 1835 there was an I sch. in Cherry St. which had been established since 1830: it was probably the same one.(39) In 1846 there were 3 depts.: B, G, I. Fees 2d.–4d. Some fairly advanced subjects were taught in the B dept. but the organization of all depts. was unsatisfactory. Both the B and G dept. secured trained teachers 1847 and became more efficient.(33) H.M.I. reported 1849 that the sch. occupied 3 floors of 'a large edifice in Cherry St.' and had one small playground. B dept. was fairly good, G good, and I pleasant though little was taught.(1) Seems to have disappeared by 1860.(33)

CHERRYWOOD COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Bordesley Green. Cherrywood Rd. Council Sch. opened 1913 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 1,000 SM, JM. Prince Albert St. Temporary Bd. Sch. closed on its opening. Reorganized 1929, 1933 for SG, JI. SG dept. closed 1940. Building damaged by enemy action 1940, and sch. housed at Tilton Rd. Council Sch. becoming part of that sch. 1941. Buildings repaired 1942–51 and used by Central Grammar Sch. for Boys, q.v.(21). Reopened 1957 as a M sch. when Central Grammar Sch. transferred to newlybuilt premises at Tile Cross.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 410.(27)


CHILCOTE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Chilcote Close, Scribers Lane, Hall Green. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

CHRIST CHURCH BOARD SCHOOL, Aldridge Road. Christ Church National Sch. or Perry Barr Boys' Church Sch. may have formed part of the schs. mentioned 1847–73 as being supported by the Gough-Calthorpe family (see Perry Barr Church Schs.), though it was said 1884 to have been opened 1874. Received annual grants from 1877. Accom. 1880: 100, by 1883: 303.(1) From 1883 for I as well as B. Transferred to Handsworth Sch. Bd. 1894 as Christ Church Bd. Sch.(21) Closed 1895 on opening of Birchfield Bd. Sch.

CHRIST CHURCH INFANT (CHURCH) SCHOOL, Fleet Street. Apparently not in existence 1865,(61) but recognized by Birm. Ed. Soc. 1868–70 (37) and received annual grant from 1868. A.a. 1869: 110,(1) in 1 dept., standards I–IV only.(10) Fees 1874: 1d.– 3d.(11) Closed 1888 or 1889.(1) It stood behind no. 34 Fleet Street.(64)

CHRIST CHURCH INFANT (CHURCH) SCHOOL, Ryland Street. See St. Barnabas' Infants' Sch.

CHRIST CHURCH NATIONAL SCHOOL, Great Charles Street. See Great Charles St. C. of E. Sch.

CHRIST CHURCH NATIONAL SCHOOL, Oozells Street. Apparently not in existence 1865,(61) but recognized by Birm. Ed. Soc. 1868–70.(37) In 1869 it had 1 teacher. N.o.b. 105 B, G, mostly under 10 yrs. old. Fees 1d.–2d.(10) Received annual grant from 1873. Accom. 1873: 133.(1) Closed 1878.(23)

CHRIST CHURCH NATIONAL SCHOOL, Pinfold Street. See Great Charles St. C. of E. Sch.

CHRIST CHURCH SPARKBROOK C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Stratford Road; later Claremont Road. Opened 1867 in a private house. Transferred 1870 to a borrowed saw-mill. In 2 depts.: M, I. Fees 2d.–3d.(22) Transferred 1871 or 1872 (21) to new building, accom. 565.(29) Received annual grant from 1880. Altered 1894.(21) Fees retained until 1903.(1) B and G depts. united 1905. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in buildings 1912. Improvements made 1915. Became a controlled sch. 1949.(21) Reorganized 1948–9 for JI only. Accom. 1955: 9 classrooms, hall. Transferred 1958 to Claremont Rd. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

CHRIST CHURCH SUMMERFIELD C. OF E. SCHOOL, Coplow Street. St. John's (Ladywood) Infants' Church Sch., Icknield Port Rd. (but apparently in Coplow St.), opened 1862,(22) accom. 163 I.(21) Erected with state aid.(1) In union with Nat. Soc.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) From 1870 called St. John's C. of E. Sch., Coplow St. In 1884 referred to as St. Catharine's, Coplow St. In 1885 became Christ Church Summerfield Church Sch., Coplow St. By 1900 in 2 depts.: G and I.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Closed 1924.(21)

CHRIST THE KING R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Warren Farm Road.(27) Kingstanding R.C. Sch. opened 1936 accom. 288 JI. Designed to replace temporary accom. at Maryvale R.C. Primary Sch.(21) Became an aided sch. and name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)



CHURCH ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Yardley. Church Rd. Council Sch. opened 1909 by Worcs. C.C. Had cookery centre. Accom. 1,260 B, G, I. Altered and reorganized 1932 for SM, JM, I. Extra accom. for 80 SM, 96 JM provided in huts 1936. Nearly whole building used by Civil Defence 1939 and S, M, and JM depts. worked half-time. S dept. closed 1941 and sch. reorganized for JI. By 1946 whole building restored to sch. and depts. divided into JM and I 1947.(21) Accom. 1961: 22 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

CHURCH LANE TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Handsworth. Opened 1904 by Handsworth U.D.C. (1) in the Good Shepherd Mission Church Sunday School.(21) Closed 1906.(1)

CITY ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. City Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1895 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,040 M, I.(1) M dept. enlarged 1914. Reorganized 1932, 1935 for SG, I. S dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. for 3 classes in huts provided 1951,(21) and for 1 class in modern sch. 1954. Reorganized 1960 for JI. Accom. 1955: 6 classrooms, hall.(28)

CITY ROAD GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL. Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). N.o.b. 1961: 280.(27)

CLAY LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. See Gilbertstone (Temporary) Cty. Primary Sch.

CLIFTON ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Balsall Heath.(27) Clifton Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1878 by King's Norton Sch. Bd. Accom. 868 B, G, I in 3 depts.(1) I dept. being in separate block. Fees 1d.– 3d.(22) Enlarged 1883, 1885, 1906. Handicraft centre provided 1910. Reorganized 1930–1 for SB, JM, I. Wesleyan Methodist Hall, Lime Grove, rented for physical training 1933–6, freehold acquired 1936. SB dept. closed 1939 and sch. reorganized for JM, I.(21) Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

COCKSHUT HILL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Cockshut Hill Council Sch. opened 1937 by Birm. C.B.C. in 2 huts accom. 192 JI. Permanent buildings of I dept. (accom. 384) opened 1938 and used by JI. JM block (accom. 432) opened 1939 and used by SM. SB and SG blocks opened 1941. JI dept. divided into JM, I 1943. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.). 3 new classrooms opened 1947.(21) Accom. 1955: 21 classrooms, 2 halls. I sch. closed 1957, JM sch. 1958.(28)

COCKSHUT HILL BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Yardley. Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). N.o.b. 1961: 750.(27)

COCKSHUT HILL GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see 2 preceding schs.), accom. 336 G.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 690.(27)

COLLEGE ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Moseley.(27) College Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1900 (22) by Yardley Sch. Bd. Had cookery centre. Accom. 1,130 B, G, I.(1) Enlarged 1905.(21) Hall used to accom. 80, 1932–5. Reorganized 1934 for SM, JM, I.(21) SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. 1961: 20 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

COLLEGE ROAD COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Moseley.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. 1955: 11 classrooms, practical rooms, hall.(28)

COLMERS FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Bristol Road South, Rednal.(27) Rubery Bd. Sch. opened 1883 by King's Norton Sch. Bd. Accom. 154 M, I. Rubery Temporary Bd. Sch. closed on its opening. M dept. enlarged 1899. By 1935 permanent building held only 2 classes out of 12. New JI block opened 1940, and used for M, I. Old building also used from 1941. Assembly block only of new SM dept. opened 1947. Reorganized 1946 for SM, JI. Part of new SM dept. opened 1949 and became a separate sch. (see next sch.). Name changed 1949. Organized in 2 depts.: JM, I.(21) Accom. 1961: 22 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

COLMERS FARM COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Bristol Road South, Rednal.(27) Became a separate M sch. 1949 (see preceding sch.). Buildings completed by 1950, except practical block (21) completed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 790.(27)

COLMORE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, King's Heath.(27) Colmore Rd. Council Sch. opened 1911 by King's Norton and Northfield U.D.C.(21) Accom. 1,200 B, G, I.(1) Reorganized 1930 for SG, JM, I. Practical rooms provided 1936. S dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 23 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

COLMORE GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, King's Heath.(27) Colmore Road Girls' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. 400 G. Accom. for 105 in huts provided 1948 and for 1 class in Hazelwell Methodist Schoolroom 1951.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 12 classrooms, practical rooms, hall. Closed 1959 and pupils transferred to Swanshurst Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.(28)

COLMORE ROAD SCHOOLS. See Colmore Cty. Primary Sch. and Colmore Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

CONWAY GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Sparkbrook.(27) Conway Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1900 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 1,040 M, I.(1) The building was the first in Birm. to have special staff accom.(68) Reorganized 1930, 1932 for SG, JI. Altered and reorganized 1934 for SG.(21) Accom. for 1 class in Emmanuel Church Hall, Walford Rd., 1951–4. Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 540.(27)

CONWAY ROAD SCHOOL. See Conway Girls. Cty. Modern Sch.

CORPUS CHRISTI R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Lyttleton Road, Stechford.(27) Corpus Christi R.C. Sch. opened 1934 in chapel buildings accom. 240 JI. Hall enlarged 1936.(21) Became an aided sch. 1953. Accom. 1961: 5 classrooms, hall.(28)

COTTERIDGE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Cottridge Bd. Sch. opened 1900 by King's Norton Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 615 M, I.(1) New I dept., accom. 400, opened 1911 and sch. reorganized for B, G, I. Reorganized 1931 for SG, JI. SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

COTTERIDGE GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL. Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). (21) N.o.b. 1961: 160.(27)

COTTESBROOKE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Acock's Green. Yardley Rd. Council Sch. (see also Marlborough Rd. Cty. Primary Sch.) opened 1933 (1) in huts accom. 384 JI. Alexander Rd. Temporary Council Sch. closed when it opened. Accom. for 90 in Acock's Green Baptist Church (see also Alexander Rd. Temporary Council Sch.) provided 1949.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

COURT FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Tedbury Crescent Council Sch. opened 1931 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) Accom. 432 JI. Annexe of Osborne Road Council Sch. closed on its opening. (21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

COURT OAK ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Harborne. Opened 1911 (1) by Birm. C.B.C., for I, in Primitive Methodist mission room, pending enlargement of Station Rd. Council Sch.(21) A.a. 1912: 74. Closed 1913.(1)

COVENTRY ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1918 (1) by Birm. C.B.C., for I, in Wesleyan schoolroom. Intended to relieve pressure on Jenkins St. Council Sch. in particular.(21) A.a. 1922: 78.(1) Closed 1922.(21)

COWPER STREET SCHOOL. See William Cowper Cty. Primary Sch.

CRANBOURNE ROAD SCHOOL. See Kingsthorne Cty. Primary Sch.

CROMWELL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Nechells. (27) Cromwell St. Bd. Sch. opened 1889 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,080 SM, JM, I. All fees 1d. Reorganized 1891 for M, I. Reorganized 1930 for JM, I.(21) Part of building damaged by enemy action and used as civic restaurant until 1951. Depts. united 1941. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

CROMWELL STREET SCHOOL. See Cromwell Cty. Primary Sch.

CROWLEY'S CHARITY SCHOOL. Anne Crowley, by will dated 1733, left property to maintain a sch. in which 10 poor children of Birm. should be taught to read English by a poor woman to be chosen by the trustees. She also founded a charity for the minister of the Old Meeting House. Before 1779 the schoolmistress was paid £5 a year, after that £6. In 1827 she taught 10 girls to read, sew, and knit in her own house. A Mrs. Scott gave £100 to the charity in 1804. In 1827 the dividends were spent on materials for clothes which were given to the girls.(5) In 1851 a mistress still taught the pupils in her own house.(57) Crowley's Orphanage, in Lee Crescent, Edgbaston, founded 1869, absorbed the earlier sch.

DAME ELIZABETH CADBURY COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Woodbrooke Road, Bournville. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. (28) N.o.b. 1961: 485.(27)

DARTMOUTH STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Dartmouth St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 by Birm. Sch. Bd. (22) Accom. 1,060 B, G, I.(1) All fees 1d. (22) In 1881 the Sch. Bd. made an experiment at this sch. whereby mothers might leave children at the sch. at 7 a.m. on their way to work and call for them in the evening. They were cared for out of sch. hours by the caretaker's wife. This apparently resulted in better attendance. (23) Laboratory provided 1906. Enlarged 1911. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SG, JM, I. SG dept. closed 1937.(21) JM dept. closed 1941, I dept. 1942. Became annexe of Bloomsbury Girls' Cty. Modern Sch. 1954.(28)

DARWIN STREET INFANT SCHOOL. See St. John's Darwin St. C. of E. Sch.

DELHURST COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Great Barr.(27) Opened 1948 by Birm. C.B.C. for I. Buildings completed 1949.(21) Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, hall.(28)

DENNIS ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Balsall Heath.(27) Dennis Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1896 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 660 M, 360 I.(1) Enlarged 1906, laundry centre provided 1911. Reorganized 1939 for SB, JI. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. provided for some classes in Ladypool Rd. Congregational Church 1947, in Moseley Rd. Congregational Church 1950, and in former Ladypool Rd. C. of E. Sch. 1952. (21) Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, hall.(28)

DENNIS ROAD BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Balsall Heath.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Extra accom. provided 1954 in Congregational Church, Runcorn Rd.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 400.(27)

DERITEND INFANT SCHOOL. See St. John's Deritend C. of E. Sch.

DEYKIN AVENUE COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Witton. Deykin Avenue Council Sch. opened 1906 by Warws. C.C. Accom. 430 M, I. New dept. opened 1916 and sch. reorganized for M, JI. Altered and JI dept. closed 1933.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 270.(27)

DISSENTING FEMALE CHARITY SCHOOL. See Protestant Dissenting Charity Sch.

DIXON ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) Dixon Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1879 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 977 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d. (22) Enlarged 1894, 1911. Altered and reorganized 1931 for JM, I. Depts. united 1940.(21) Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

DOLPHIN LANE SCHOOL. See The Oaklands Cty. Primary Sch.

DOMESTIC MISSION SCHOOL. See Lawrence St. Undenominational Sch. and Unitarian Domestic Mission Sch., Hurst St.

DORRINGTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Great Barr.(27) Dorrington Council Sch. opened 1940 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 376 JI. Sch. divided into 2 depts. 1947, and new JM block opened 1949, completed 1950. Accom. 1961: 22 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

DUDLEY ROAD SCHOOL. See Summerfield Cty. Primary Sch.

DULWICH ROAD SCHOOLS. See Warren Farm Cty. Primary Sch., Warren Farm Boys' Cty. Modern Sch. and Warren Farm Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

EARLS COURT ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Harborne. Opened 1930 by Birm. C.B.C. in Harborne Primitive Methodist Chapel, accom. 150 I. Closed 1931 on opening of Woodhouse Rd. Council Sch.(21)


EDGBASTON GIRLS' SCHOOL. Said in 1838 to have been established 1807, and to contain 22 G with 1 teacher. Supported by public subscription. C. of E. tenets taught, but not attached to any particular church.(36) There was a G sch. in Edgbaston in 1833, which was supported by subscriptions and fees and had 30 pupils.(3)

EDGBASTON INFANT SCHOOL, Communication Row. See Islington Infant Sch.

EDGBASTON PAROCHIAL C. OF E. SCHOOL, Ampton Road. In 1846 there was a day and Sunday sch. in the parish, which was held in 2 rented or borrowed rooms by a master and mistress, n.o.b. 6 B, 30 G.(30) A new sch. was built and opened 1847 by subscription.(58) H.M.I. reported 1849–50 that B dept. was good, and G dept., under uncertificated mistress, unsatisfactory. By 1851 the 2 depts. were united, but were separated by 1869.(10) Received annual grants from 1850.(1) Fees 1875: 2d.–6d. (11) Accom. by 1880: 207.(1) Enlarged 1892.(21) Fees charged until 1918. G dept. closed 1910. Sch. closed 1934.(1) Building used by St. James' Edgbaston C. of E. Sch. until 1940. From between 1893 and 1899 the sch. received £14 9s. 4d. a year from a legacy of William Hoddinott.(21)

EDGBASTON R.C. SCHOOL. An R.C. sch. was founded in Edgbaston c. 1725, and removed to Baddesley Clinton c. 1790 (see p. 398). It was closed in 1829 (T.B.A.S. xxxix. 11).

EDWARD STREET (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. Church of the Saviour British Sch. received annual grant from 1852. H.M.I. reported 1853 that both B and G depts. had inconvenient buildings, but that a new G building was about to be opened.(1) Generally said to be in Helena St.(37, 60, 61) H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 that education was unsectarian, though supported almost wholly by congregation. Fees 1869: 4d. to 1s. according to subjects taught; (10) 1874: 2d.–9d. (11) Transferred to Birm. Sch. Bd. 1874 (21) as Edward St. or Helena St. Bd. Sch.(23) Accom. 374 at transfer.(1) Closed 1876 (23) on opening of Nelson St. Bd. Sch.(21)

ELKINGTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, New Town Row.(27) Elkington St. Bd. Sch. opened 1874 by Birm. Sch. Bd. (22) Accom. 780 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) The first 'penny bank' in a Birm. bd. sch. started here 1876.(23) In 1889 nearly ⅓ pupils had free orders; all fees therefore reduced to 1d. Altered, practical and science rooms provided, and sch. reorganized 1931 for SB, JM, I. S dept. closed 1937: practical rooms used by neighbouring schs. and remainder used by Art and Technical Sch. from 1945. 2 depts. united 1941.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ELKINGTON STREET SCHOOL. See Elkington Cty. Primary Sch.


ELMS FARM COUNTY INFANTS' SCHOOL, Sheldon. Opened 1954 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28)

ELMS FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Dorncliffe Avenue, Kitts Green. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

ENGLISH MARTYRS R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Evelyn Road, Sparkbrook.(27) English Martyrs R.C. Sch. opened 1911. Accom. 221 M, I.(21) Building destroyed by enemy action 1940. Sch. housed in rooms at Conway Rd. Council Sch. and Yardley Wood R.C. Sch. From c. 1946 also using part of closed Montgomery St. Sch., and seniors became part of St. Michael's R.C. Modern Sch. 7 classrooms and hall in huts on original site (provided by L.E.A.) opened 1950 (Cath. Dir. Archdiocese of Birm. (1951)) and other accom. given up. Became an aided sch. 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

ERDINGTON COUNCIL SCHOOL. See Osborne Cty. Primary Sch.

ERDINGTON BRITISH SCHOOL. See Erdington (Temporary) Bd. Sch.

ERDINGTON C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, High Street.(27) Erdington National Sch. opened 1813. N.o.b. 1814: 70 B, 52 G. In 1824 the sch. was said to accom. only 25 G. It was enlarged 1824 or 1825, (29) for 120 B, 120 G in 2 rooms.(38) Income 1827 included 8s. 3d. for the girls' 'work'.(44) In 1846 there were 3 schoolrooms (B, G, I) and 3 teachers. (30) Enlarged 1851. Received annual grants from 1877. Fees 1d. (22) Depts. united 1888.(31) Fees retained until 1903. Reorganized for M, I by 1905. (1) Bd. of Ed. condemned premises 1912. Reorganized 1935 for 310 JI.(21) Became an aided sch. 1952. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

ERDINGTON GIRLS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Kingsbury Road. Erdington Council Secondary Sch. for girls (also known as Ryland Road Council Secondary Sch.) opened 1918 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary premises comprising the upper floor of Ryland Rd. Council Sch., accom. 210. Moved 1923 to new premises in Kingsbury Rd., accom. 316. Building enlarged 1932, 1954. N.o.b. 1933: 522, 1961: 746.(28) In 1938 95 per cent. of pupils came from elementary schools. Fees at first £4 a year, £12 by 1938, when 38 per cent. of pupils paid. Average leaving age 16–17 years in 1936 and 1950 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

ERDINGTON HALL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Ryland Rd. Council Sch. opened 1918 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) Accom. 400 MI. Second block, accom. 400, opened 1923 and sch. reorganized for SM, JI. Accom. for 272 provided in huts 1930–1. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

ERDINGTON HALL COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Ryland Rd. Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate M sch. 1945. (21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 250.(27)

ERDINGTON R.C. SCHOOL. See The Abbey R.C. Primary Sch. and The Abbey R.C. Modern Sch.

ERDINGTON (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. Erdington British Sch. opened 1839 or 1840 (22) in ground floor room, accom. 159, (21) erected with state aid.(1) It had an Independent chapel over it.(60) H.M.I. reported 1849 that it was a pleasant sch. but had a low standard.(1) Fees 1868: 1d.– 6d. (22) Received annual grants from 1870. Transferred to Aston Sch. Bd. 1876 as Erdington (Temporary) Bd. Sch., accom 231 M, I. Fees 1d. (24) Closed 1885 on opening of new Erdington Bd. Sch. (see Osborne Cty. Primary Sch.).(21)

FARM STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Farm St. Bd. Sch. opened 1873 (23) by Birm. Sch. Bd. accom. 1,055 B, G, I. Fees 1d.–3d. (22) Nearly ½ pupils had free orders 1889; all fees therefore reduced to 1d. Enlarged 1904. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements 1912: 3 classes were then held in I main room. Reorganized 1930 for M, I. I dept. closed 1933. Closed 1941.(21) Part used as civic restaurant 1942–53, part by Dorrington Cty. Primary Sch. 1947–9. Reopened 1949 as JI sch. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

FASHODA ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1904 by King's Norton and Northfield U.D.C. in new temporary buildings for M, I.(21) A.a. 1906: 276.(1) Closed 1911 on opening of Selly Park Council Sch.(21)

FEATHERSTONE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Opened as a cty. primary sch. 1950: previously managed by Erdington Cottage Homes, to which it was attached.(21) Accom. 1961: 3 classrooms.(28)

FENTHAM GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Fentham Rd. Council Sch. opened 1904 (22) by Warws. C.C. Accom. 390 G, JI. Fees 6d. for G, 3d. for JI. Planned by Aston Sch. Bd. Reorganized 1932–3 for SG.(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 500.(27)

FENTHAM ROAD SCHOOL. See Fentham Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

FENTHAM'S TRUST. See Blue Coat Sch.

THE FIRS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Dreghorn Road, Castle Bromwich. Opened 1956 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Divided 1960 into separate J and I depts. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

FLOODGATE STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Floodgate St. Bd. Sch. opened 1891 (22) by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,115 M, I.(21) Meriden St. Bd. Sch. closed on its opening.(22) Bathroom provided 1906. Reorganized 1931 for SM, I. Closed 1940. Buildings used by St. Michael's R.C. Sch. (from 1947 St. Michael's R.C. Modern Sch.).(21)

FOLLETT OSLER COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Ladywood.(27) Osler St. Bd. Sch. opened 1875 by Birm. C.B.C.(22) Accom. 1,044 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d. (22) Enlarged 1910 and enlarged and reconstructed 1927–9. Reorganized 1932 for SB, SG, JI. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.).(21) Accom. in Summerhill Methodist Church provided 1952. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, hall. (28)

FOLLETT OSLER BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; Follett Osler Girls' County Modern School, Ladywood. (27) Osler St. Boys' and Girls' Cty. Modern Schs. became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. for 3 B classes provided 1949 in Ladywood Methodist Church.(21) Timber classrooms erected on roof of G sch. 1953. Names changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 360 B, 340 G. (27)

FORMAN'S ROAD COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Sparkhill.(27) Forman's Rd. Council Sch. opened 1907 by Worcs. C.C. Accom. 760 B, G, I. B and G depts. united 1910.(1) Enlarged 1926. Reorganized 1932 for SM, I. Accom. In Tyseley Methodist Hall used 1935–40. I dept. closed 1937. Enlarged 1940. Accom. provided in St. Edmund's Church Hall 1951,(21) and in Tyseley Methodist Hall 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 350.(27)

FOUNDRY ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Winson Green.(27) Foundry Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1883 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,002 M, I. Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Enlarged 1894, 1908. Reorganized 1930 for JM, I. Accom. for I provided 1951 in Winson Green Congregational Church.(21) Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, 2 halls, library.(28)

FOUR DWELLINGS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Quinton.(27) Four Dwellings Council Sch. opened 1940 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 648 SM, JI. SM dept. became separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). JI divided into 2 depts. 1950.(21) Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

FOUR DWELLINGS BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Quinton. Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.), as a M sch. New G sch. built and opened 1953 (see next sch.), and this sch. used for B only.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 455.(27)

FOUR DWELLINGS GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Quinton. Opened 1953 by Birm. C.B.C. (see preceding sch.).(21) N.o.b. 1961: 640.(27)

FOX STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. See Grosvenor St. Council Sch.

FREE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. See Birmingham Free Industrial Sch.

FOX STREET (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. St. Bartholomew's National Sch. St. Bartholomew's had a Sunday sch. by 1830.(29) In 1833 the B sch. was held in a rented schoolroom and the G sch. in a public-house. A new sch. in St. Bartholomew's Sq. opened 1834, accom. 350 in 2 rooms.(38) In 1838 it had 2 teachers. Average time spent in sch. was 1¼ yr.(36) H.M.I. reported 1845–9 that it was a bad sch. in unhealthy buildings: there were 600 burials a year in the churchyard in which the sch. stood.(1) The sch. was rebuilt (38) 1851 on a new site in Fox St., accom. 391 B, G, I. There was no playground. I dept. had closed by 1869.(10) By 1874 sch. was taught in 1 dept. under a mistress, fees 2d.(11) Transferred 1874 (22) to Birm. Sch. Bd. as Fox St. (Temporary) Bd. Sch. for B, G, I.(23) Fees 1d.(22) Closed 1877 on opening of Fox St. Bd. Sch. (see Grosvenor St. Council Sch.).(23)

FREE CHRISTIAN SOCIETY SCHOOL, Fazeley Street. H.M. Commissioner included this sch., with hesitation, among public non-profit-making schs. It had been established by a member of the congregation who paid any deficiency in the mistress's salary, which otherwise came from fees of 2d.–4d. Held in chapel buildings. N.o.b. 1869: 88, nearly all under 10 yrs. old.(10) Never received annual grant.(1) See also p. 474.

GARRISON LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Garrison Lane Bd. Sch. opened 1873 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 846 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d–3d.(22) Classrooms accom. 196 added 1878,(23) 1886. Bd. of Ed. demanded improvements, including division of larger rooms, 1912. Altered and reorganized 1921 for JI. Closed 1941. Altered and reopened 1951 for I only.(21) Closed 1959.(28)

GEM STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Gem St. (Girls' Free Order) Bd. Sch. opened 1888 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in a repaired building formerly a branch elementary sch. of the Grammar Sch. accom. 312 G (see p. 544). No fees, since the sch. was designed, like Staniforth St. (Boys' Free Order) Bd. Sch., for children who were too poor and dirty for ordinary bd. schs.(21) A bath was provided. By 1889 very good results in health and appearance were reported.(23) Closed 1900 when an ordinary bd. sch.; pupils transferred chiefly to Fox St. Bd. Sch. Sch. for deaf children built on site 1900. Building altered and reopened 1901 for B who were transferred from Staniforth St. Bd. Sch. From 1911 for M. Closed 1913. Building used by sch. for deaf children.(21)

GEM STREET INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. See Birmingham Free Industrial Sch.

GEORGE ARTHUR ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1904 by Birm. C.B.C. in building behind Saltley Baptist Church, accom. 200 M. Closed 1909. Reopened 1961. Reorganized 1920 for B. Closed 1923.(21)

GEORGE DIXON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, City Road.(27) George Dixon Council Sch. opened 1906 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 600 M, I. It replaced the elementary part of George Dixon Higher Grade Sch. Reorganized 1932 for JM, I.(21) Accom. in St. Germain's Hall, City Road, provided 1949. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

GEORGE DIXON BOYS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL; GEORGE DIXON GIRLS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, City Road. George Dixon Council Secondary Schs. opened 1906 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 616 B, G. George Dixon Higher Grade Schs., Oozells St., closed when these schs. opened. Accom. for 3 B classes provided 1920 in St. Germain's Hall. G sch. building damaged 1943 by enemy action (ex inf. M. of Ed.). N.o.b. 1961: 950 B, 800 G.(27) Fees at first £3 a year; £12 by 1938. In 1907 c. 90 per cent. pupils came from elementary schs., in 1938 over 96 per cent. H.M.I. reported 1905 that few pupils in Higher Grade schs. reached the 4th year of course and all seemed subdued and lifeless. Although in 1907 he considered the sch. still barely secondary in character he reported a great improvement in liveliness after the move to new buildings. Leaving age improved: by 1910–13 average was 15½ yrs.; by 1954 under 5 per cent. B and 12 per cent. G failed to complete the 5 years' course (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

GEORGE DIXON HIGHER GRADE COUNCIL SCHOOL, Oozells Street. George Dixon Higher Grade Bd. Sch. opened 1898 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) in building, formerly Oozells St. Bd. Sch., accom. 480 B and G Replaced Bridge St. Bd. Sch. Partly a public elementary sch., and partly a science sch.(21) Closed 1906 and moved to new buildings in City Rd., where it was divided into an elementary sch. (see George Dixon Cty. Primary Sch.) and a secondary grammar sch.(21) (see previous sch.).

GIBB HEATH CHARITY SCHOOL. See All Saints' Nineveh Infants' Sch.

GILBERTSTONE (TEMPORARY) COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Clay Lane, Yardley.(27) Opened 1950 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings. Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, hall.(28)

GIRLS' DAY SCHOOL. There was a G day sch. in Birmingham in 1833 which had been established in the same year. The mistress was paid £20 a year, with rent, coals, etc. The sch. was supported by subscriptions and 1d. fees.(3)

GIRLS' LANCASTERIAN SCHOOL, Ann Street (now Colmore Row). In existence 1826, in upper room of the Birm. Infant Central Sch. in Ann St. Managed by a Ladies' Cttee., apparently independently of Birm. Inf. Sch. Soc.(39) Supported 1833 by subscriptions and 1d. fees. N.o.b. 1833: 110.(3) As New Lancasterian Sch., Ann St. (possibly in distinction from Birmingham and Edgbaston British Sch.), it was said (1838) to have been established in 1813. Average time spent in sch. was then 1 yr. 1 month.(36) The sch. moved in 1851 (39) to become part of Severn St. British Sch., q.v.(22)

GOLDEN HILLOCK COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sparkhill.(27) Golden Hillock Rd. Council Sch. opened 1910 by Worcs. C.C. Accom. 1,260 B, G, I. Science room provided 1920. Reorganized 1930 for SB, JI. Nursery class held 1942–9. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (21) (see next sch.). Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28) (For a full history of the school see B. M. Bowker, Golden Hillock Boys, 1910 to 1960).

GOLDEN HILLOCK BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Sparkhill.(27) Golden Hillock Rd. Boys' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 430.(27)

GOLDEN HIILOCK ROAD SCHOOLS. See Golden Hillock Cty. Primary Sch. and Golden Hillock Boys' Cty. Modern Sch.

GOODWIN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Jenkins Street, Small Heath.(27) Jenkins St. Bd. Sch. opened 1873,(22) by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 953 B, G, I.(21) Fees 2d.–3d.(22) I dept. enlarged 1874.(21) In 1879 this sch. and Moseley Rd. Bd. Sch. had senior divisions with special provision for higher classes.(23) Enlarged 1898 and 1906. Accom. for 150 in Salvation Army Barracks 1911–12, and in Conference Hall, Jenkins St., 1912–13, pending opening of St. Benedict's Rd. Council Sch. Bd. of Ed. demanded improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SB, I. I dept. closed 1936. Largely demolished by enemy action 1940, and sch. housed at Men's Institute, Jenkins St., until closed 1941. Practical block repaired 1949 and used by Oakley Rd. Cty. Primary Sch.(21) Remainder repaired and enlarged 1950, and sch. reopened 1953 for JI. Name changed 1955, and accom. in Small Heath Baptist Church provided. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

GOWER STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL, Lozells. Gower St. Sch. (apparently undenominational) established 1862 in temporary building. New building opened in same year. Received annual grant from 1870, when it had one teacher. Fees 3d. –6d.(22) A.a. 1871: 123.(1) By 1876 apparently included I, in separate room. Transferred to Aston Sch. Bd. 1876 as Gower St. Bd. Sch.(21) Fees 1d.–3d. Then apparently very efficient. Overcrowded 1877–8. Enlarged for 3 depts. 1878. New B block opened 1879. Total accom. 1880: 1,128.(1) Site enlarged (21) and new JM block opened 1886, accom. 256.(22) G dept. enlarged 1889.(24) Accom. 1889: 1,355. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912.(21) Reorganized 1931 for SB, JM, I.(21) I dept. closed 1938. JM block destroyed by enemy action 1940 and dept. housed in former Alma St. Sch. until 1945. It then closed and children transferred to Cowper St. Council Sch. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). JM buildings repaired 1948, 1954 and used by Gower St. Cty. Modern Sch.(21)

GOWER STREET BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Lozells.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. in part of former JM block provided 1948,(21) and more in 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 460.(27)

GRAHAM STREET INFANT SCHOOL. Connected with Mount Zion Baptist Chapel. In existence 1850 in a building (presumably the Sunday sch.) erected 1821, with 60 I in attendance.(58) There was only a Sunday sch. here in 1830 (56) and the day sch. had disappeared by 1869.(10)


GREAT BARR COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aldridge Road.(27) Aldridge Rd. Council Sch. opened 1939 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 384 JI. SB and SG depts., accom. 400 each, opened 1940. By 1941 JI dept. was overcrowded. SB and SG depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.). I transferred to Delhurst Rd. Cty. Primary Sch. 1949, and sch. used for JM only.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, hall.(28)

GREAT BARR BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; GREAT BARR GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Aldridge Road.(27) Aldridge Road Boys' and Girls' County Modern Schs. became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 24 classrooms, practical rooms, 2 halls. Amalgamated 1955 to form the Great Barr Comprehensive Sch., q.v.(28)

GREAT BARR COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL, Aldridge Road. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. Formed by amalgamation of Great Barr Boys' and Girls' Cty. Modern Schs. N.o.b. 1961: 1,661.(28)

GREAT CHARLES STREET C. OF E. SCHOOL. Christ Church National Sch., Pinfold St. Christ Church apparently had a sch. of industry in 1829 with 110 B, G in attendance. It had no building until 1837, when one was opened in Pinfold Street (59) accom. 800.(29) In 1837 it was apparently a sch. of industry for G only, with 2 teachers. Average time spent in sch. was 1¼ year. Small fees were charged.(36) In 1841 there was apparently an ordinary day sch. with 180 B, G in attendance. In 1845 there were 3 depts. (B, G, I) in the 3 stories of the sch. building and in 5 neighbouring houses. (1) In 1856 there was also a sch. of industry.(59) In 1846 the staff comprised a master, 2 mistresses and 3 assistants.(30) B dept. received annual grants from 1857 and G and I depts. from 1859. Fees 1d.–3d.(22) The sch. property was sold 1887 and part of the proceeds was used to buy a site in Great Charles St. where the sch. was rebuilt as Christ Church National Sch., Great Charles St., accom. 520. Remainder of proceeds invested in £2,041 stock.(21) Name changed 1903 to Great Charles Street C. of E. Sch. and sch. reorganized for M, I.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912.(21) Closed 1936.(1)

GREENHOLM ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Great Barr. Opened 1953 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

GREENMEADOW COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Greemeadow Road. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. for J and I depts. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

GREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Warwick Road.(27) Greet Bd. Sch. opened 1892 by Yardley Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,035 M, I.(21) The boys were transferred from Bard St. Bd. Sch., q.v.(22) Accom. in Friends' Institute, Warwick Rd. used 1904–10. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized 1932 for JM, I.(21) Depts. united 1941. Damaged by enemy action and repaired 1942, 1947. Tyseley Temporary Cty. Primary Sch. became an annexe of this sch. 1954. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls, nursery.(28)

GREET SCHOOL. See Stechford and Greet Sch.

GRENDON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Mill Pool Hill.(27) Grendon Rd. Council Sch. opened 1938 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings for JI. Accom. in Methodist Church Hall, Alcester Rd. South (21) used 1941–50. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

GRENDON ROAD SCHOOL. See Grendon Cty. Primary Sch.

GRESTONE COUNTY INFANTS' SCHOOL, Grestone Avenue, Handsworth Wood. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

GRESTONE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Grestone Avenue. Opened 1953 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Grestone (Temporary) Cty. Primary Sch. closed when it opened. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall. (28)

GRESTONE (TEMPORARY) COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Somerset Road.(27) Opened 1950 by Birm. C.B.C. in Somerset Rd. Methodist Church Hall, accom. 3 classes I. Additional accom. in church hall used from 1951.(21) Closed on opening of permanent buildings 1953: see Grestone Cty. Primary Sch.(28)

GROSVENOR STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Fox St. Bd. Sch. opened 1877 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(23) Accom. 995 B, G, I.(1) Fox St. Temporary Bd. Sch. closed on its opening.(21) Fees 1d.(22) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized 1928 for SG, JM, I. Altered 1932 and name changed. Reorganized 1932, 1934 for SG, JI. JI dept. closed 1941, SG dept. 1943.(21)

GROVE LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Grove Lane, Handsworth.(27) Grove Lane Council Sch. opened 1903 by Handsworth Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 1,010 M, I.(1) Practical rooms added 1913. Reorganized 1930 for SG, I.(21) I dept. closed 1940. SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). I dept. reopened 1951. J dept. opened 1957. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

GROVE LANE GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Handsworth.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Accom. 1955: 11 classrooms, practical rooms, hall. Closed 1957 and pupils transferred to Handsworth Wood Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.(28)

GROVE ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1909 by King's Norton and Northfield U.D.C. in temporary buildings accom. 300 M.(1) It provided for those children in the U.D. who had formerly attended Birmingham schs., since King's Norton and Northfield had refused to pay Birmingham for their education.(21) Closed 1911 (1) on opening of Colmore Rd. Council Sch.(21)

GUARDIAN ANGELS R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hurst Lane, Shard End. Opened 1955 for JI. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

GUNTER COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington. (27) Gunter Rd. Council Sch. opened 1930 (1) by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 432 JI. Huts for 3 classes added 1932. Accom. for 1 class in St. Mary's Parochial Hall, Pype Hayes,(21) used 1952–4. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

GUNTER ROAD SCHOOL. See Gunter Cty. Primary Sch.

HALL GREEN CHURCH SCHOOL. See Hall Green (Temporary) Bd. Sch.

HALL GREEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Straford Road.(27) Hall Green Bd. Sch. opened 1893 by Yardley Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 240 G, I,(1) with teacher's house.(22) Hall Green (Temporary) Bd. Sch. closed when it opened. Reorganized for M, I on closing of Hall Green Yardley Charity Sch. 1898.(21) Enlarged 1925–9 (total accom. 420).(1) Enlarged and reorganized 1930 for JM, I.(21) Accom. 1961: 17 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

HALL GREEN SCHOOL. Joseph Fox, by will dated 1721 (B.R.L. 331914, no. 881), left 20s. a year to the master of the new sch. in Hall Green. Possibly identical with Hall Green Yardley Charity Sch., q.v.

HALL GREEN (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. Hall Green Church Sch. There was a National Sch. at Hall Green in 1833, with 30 G in attendance.(3) The sch. was said in 1877 to have been built about 46 years before and established 40 years before (i.e. 1831 and 1837) and to have been thoroughly repaired 1877. It was rented and comprised one schoolroom. It was for G, I only. Fees 1d.–2d.(22) Received annual grant from 1881. Accom. 1881: 42. Transferred to Yardley Sch. Bd. 1890 as Hall Green (Temporary) Bd. Sch. Closed 1893 on opening of Hall Green Bd. Sch.(21)

HALL GREEN YARDLEY CHARITY SCHOOL. In existence 1819, with 39 pupils.(2) Possibly identical with Hall Green School, q.v. In 1833 the master received £40 a year and a good schoolhouse etc. from the trustees of the Yardley Charity, and taught freely all children sent by them. He was allowed to take 4 paying boarders. A garden and playground were rented for the sch. by the trustees.(6) Received annual grant from 1881. A.a. 1881: 26.(1) Closed 1898 and pupils transferred to Hall Green Bd. Sch.(21) See also Yardley Charity Estates Sch.

HANDSWORTH BOYS' TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Craythorne Avenue, Handsworth Wood. Handsworth Junior Tech. Sch. opened for B by Birm. C.B.C. 1920 (ex inf. present headmaster) in premises shared with Handsworth Tech. Coll. in Goldshill Rd. Accom. for c. 150. Admission by exam. at 13½– 14 yrs. for two-yr. course preparing boys for entry into building, engineering and metal trades (City of Birm., L.E.A. (Draft) Scheme, 1920). Transferred to new buildings 1958. N.o.b. 1961: 681.(28)

HANDSWORTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Opened 1862 as a boys' 'middle sch.' by the Handsworth Bridge Trust, which by a Scheme of 1859 was to apply the proceeds of a sale of stock and an accumulation of capital to the maintenance of schs. of which this was the only one ever opened. Religious instruction was to be according to the doctrine of C. of E., with a conscience clause, but by 1886 it was in fact nearly undenominational. Provision was made in Scheme for boarders, but none was ever taken. In 1886 the buildings comprised a board room, schoolroom, and 3 classrooms, one used for chemistry lectures. There were then 8 members of staff. In 1880 fees were raised to £1 a quarter and numbers dropped to 48. The highest before then had been 150. In 1884 fees were made £1 a term and number rose to 82 in 1886. At this time the curriculum was adapted to the Oxford Local Examinations. There were few boys over 15 and none had ever gone straight to university though a few went on to the King Edward Grammar Schs. The system of free scholarships had largely failed because the sch. was outbid by the King Edward Schs. and because elementary school teachers discouraged their best pupils from leaving to take advantage of it. The pupils were chiefly drawn from families in the lower ranks of commercial and industrial management, shopkeepers, etc. By 1896 the headmaster was old and ill, fees had been raised to £6 and numbers had sunk to 51. After his retirement, and the appointment of an entirely new staff, the sch. revived. It became a pupil-teacher centre in 1906 and received grants from local authorities (ex inf. M. of Ed.). Became an aided sch. 1948.(28) By 1914 there were 7 classrooms so that 2 of the 9 classes were held in hall and laboratory. Building enlarged 1929, 1951. There were 13 members of staff in 1914, 31 in 1949. N.o.b. 1914: 216 (65 free), 1931: 488 (67 per cent. free) (ex inf. M. of Ed.), 1961: 810.(28) In 1911 c. 48 per cent. came from elementary schs., in 1931 95 per cent. Fees £3–£8; by 1925 £8 with higher rates for boys from outside Birmingham. Average leaving age 15¼ yrs. in 1914 (some pupils went on to King Edward Grammar Schs.), c. 16½ in 1948 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

HANDSWORTH INFANT SCHOOL. In 1833 an I sch. was about to be opened in Handsworth. It was in existence in 1835 and was supported by public subscriptions.(39) When St. James's applied for a building grant in 1842 there was said to be an unendowed infant sch. in Handsworth.(1)

HANDSWORTH NATIONAL SCHOOL. See St. Mary's C. of E. Primary Sch., Handsworth.

HANDSWORTH NEW ROAD BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; HANDSWORTH NEW ROAD GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL. Handsworth New Rd. Council Sch. opened 1901 by Birm. Sch. Bd. (22) Accom. 1,100 M, I. M dept. enlarged 1908. Altered and reorganized 1930 for SB, SG.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 490 B, 380 G.(27)

HANDSWORTH R.C. SCHOOL. There were a R.C. 'general' sch. and I sch., each in one room, at Handsworth in 1852. They were distinct from the Maryvale orphanage sch.(34)

HANDSWORTH TRINITY C. OF E. SCHOOL. See Holy Trinity C. of E. Primary Sch., Handsworth.

HANDSWORTH WOOD BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Church Lane, Handsworth Wood. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 340.(27)

HANDSWORTH WOOD GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Church Lane, Handsworth Wood. Opened 1957 by Birm. C.B.C.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 380.(27)


HARBORNE ENDOWED SCHOOL. See St. Peter's C. of E. Primary Sch.


HARBORNE HILL COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL. Opened 1952 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M Sch.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 870.(27)

HARBORNE LANE TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1909 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) in temporary building (21) accom. 157 J, B. Closed 1926.(1)


HARBORNE WESLEYAN SCHOOL. There was a. Wesleyan sch. in Harborne in 1846, with 75 B, G in attendance. Fees 2d. It may however have been a private adventure sch. and is possibly identifiable with Cape Sch., Dudley Rd., q.v. There was no sch. there under the management of a Wesleyan committee by 1860.(33)

THE HARRISON BARROW COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Acock's Green. Hartfield Crescent Cty. Grammar Sch. for Girls opened 1948 in buildings formerly used as G cty. modern sch. Pupils already in sch. taking modern course remained. By 1952 the whole premises were used as grammar sch. Enlarged 1952, 1955. Name changed 1954. N.o.b. 1961: 589.(28)

HARRY LUCAS COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Burbury Street. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. in premises formerly occupied by Harry Lucas Cty. Primary Sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 230.(27)

HARRY LUCAS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Burbury Street.(27) Burbury St. Bd. Sch. opened 1891 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 992 M, I.(1) Fees 1d.– 3d. (22) Manual instruction centre provided 1911. Altered and reorganized 1930, 1932 for SM, I. SM dept. closed 1941 and sch. reorganized for JI.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 15 classrooms, hall. Closed 1958 and premises occupied by Harry Lucas Cty. Modern Sch.(28)

HARTFIELD CRESCENT COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. See the Harrison Barrow Cty. Grammar Sch. for Girls.

HARTFIELD CRESCENT COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Acock's Green.(27) Hartfield Crescent Council Sch. opened 1929 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 800 SM, JI. New JI block, accom. 576, opened 1930 and sch. reorganized for SB, SG, JI. Twice damaged by enemy action 1940. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) No new pupils admitted after 1953, to enable primary sch. to be closed later. Accom. 1955: 7 classrooms, hall. Closed 1958.(28)

HARTFIELD CRESCENT COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL Acock's Green.(27) SB and SG depts. of preceding sch. became separate schs. 1945. G sch. became a grammar sch. 1948 and B sch. altered and reorganized to become a M sch.(21) Further accom. taken over gradually from Hartfield Crescent Cty. Primary Sch., q.v., from 1953.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 670.(27)

HASTINGS ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Hastings Rd. Council Sch. opened 1926, by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 400 I. New I block, accom. 400, opened 1927 and first block used for JM. Third block (accom. 440 JG) opened 1928 and first block used for SM. 5 huts provided 1930 and SM dept. divided into SB, SG. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.).(21) JG dept. reorganized 1954 for JM in former I block. I dept. transferred to huts. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls, play room.(28)

HASTINGS ROAD BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; HASTINGS ROAD GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Erdington. Became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.). N.o.b. 1961: 300 B, 300 G.(27)


HAWKESLEY FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Northfield. Opened 1954 by Birm. C.B.C. for JM, I, with nursery class. Accom. 1955: 17 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

HAWTHORN ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Perry Common Temporary Council Sch. opened 1925 by Birm. C.B.C. in former Isolation Hospital, accom. 360 JI, pending opening of Hastings Rd. Council Sch. Reorganized successively as various depts. of Hastings Rd. Sch. were opened, and eventually from 1928 used for JB only. Name changed 1935.(21) Reorganized 1954 for JI. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

HAY MILLS. In 1873 there was a sch. at Hay Mills for the children of the workmen at Webster and Horsfall's wire mills.(62) See St. Cyprian's Church Sch.

THE HEATHLANDS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Castle Bromwich.(27) Opened 1950 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Accom. in Hodge Hill Gospel Church provided 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls, canteen.(28)

HEATH MILL LANE SCHOOL, Deritend. Apparently an undenominational I sch. Received annual grant from 1871.(1) Not mentioned by H.M. Commissioner 1869.(10) A. a. 1871: 140.(1) Closed 1883 when accom. was said to be 357.(23)

HEBREW SCHOOL, St. Luke's Road.(27) Hebrew National Sch. built in Hurst St. in 1843 (1, 58) for B only. Hebrew language and literature as well as ordinary English subjects were taught by 3 masters, of whom the head received £180 a year. Fees 1s. but remitted in cases of need. Supported also by donations and subscriptions. Girls admitted 2½ days a week for instruction in Hebrew only, at 6d. a week.(53) Special provision for poor children was first made in 1852 and the sch. was moved 1856 to a new building on the corner of Singer's Hill and Ellis St. Enlarged 1859, 1862.(21) In 1867 no fees were charged, nor apparently had there been any since 1852.(22) In 3 depts.: B, under a headmaster who was a B.A., and an assistant; G under mistress and assistant; and I under mistress.(54) Received annual grant from 1867. A.a. 1869: 173.(1) Fees in 1874 1d.–6d. but 62 per cent. paid nothing.(11) Accom. by 1880: 389, by 1886: 459. In 2 depts. (M, I) by 1899.(1) New I dept. (accom. 220) on corner of Gough St. and Blucher St. opened 1901 and old I dept. became part of M dept. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. New buildings in St. Luke's Rd. opened 1932, accom. 408 MI.(21) A.a. 1938: 224.(1) Damaged by enemy action 1940; repaired by 1951.(28) Accom. in annexe provided 1949.(21) Became an aided sch. 1950. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28) See also pp. 483 sqq.


HENEAGE STREET BRITISH SCHOOL. Presumably identical with Willis St. British Sch., mentioned 1865 as having a master and mistress.(61) H.M. Commissioner reported of Heneage St. Baptist Sch. 1869 that 'after being managed for many years under an uncertified teacher, carrying it on on his own account, [it] has just been placed by its managers under the care of 2 persons who hold certificates, and is to receive inspection in the coming year. It is remarkable as being the only case in Birmingham in which the recent change of view on the part of those who have so long contended for voluntary action in schools has yet borne fruit'.(10) Received government grant from 1870. A.a. 1872: 153.(1) By 1874 in only one dept. under a mistress. Fees 2d.– 4d. (11) Closed 1876.(23)

HIGHFIELD ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Saltley.(27) Highfield Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1879 by Aston Sch. Bd. Accom. 350 G, I.(21) Fees 1d.– 3d.(22) Reorganized 1884 for B, G, I. Enlarged 1887 and new B dept., accom. 250, opened 1888. Enlarged 1898: accom. then 780 M, 522 I. Alum Rock Rd. Wesleyan Schoolroom used for 2 classes 1925– 31 to reduce number of classes held in hall. Reorganized 1931–5 for JI in M block while I block became a Special school. Closed 1941 and building used by the Special sch. whose buildings had been badly damaged by enemy action. Special sch. removed to Hallmoor Rd. 1952. Part of building repaired and reopened 1952 for JI.(21) Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

HIGH STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Harborne.(27) High St. Bd. Sch. (called until 1883 Harborne Heath Rd. Bd. Sch.).(21) M dept. opened 1881, I dept. 1882 by Harborne Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 398, with teacher's house. Replaced York St. Bd. Sch.(1) possibly on same or extended site. (21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) From 1902 for G and I only.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. I dept. closed 1912 and children transferred to Station Rd. Council Sch. G dept. altered 1913. Altered and reorganized 1931 for JM.(28) Accom. in South St. Methodist Church Hall used from 1952,(21) and in Station Rd. Sch. from 1953. Accom. 1955: 10 classrooms.(28)

HIGHGATE GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Moseley Road.(27) Upper Highgate St. Bd. Sch. opened 1888 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,116 M, I, (1) with one of first two cookery centres in Birm. bd. schs. (the other was at Summer Lane Bd. Sch.).(23) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) New cookery centre provided 1910. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SG, I. I dept. closed 1933, reopened 1937 and became part of Moseley Road Council Sch. 1938; this accom. given up 1955.(28) Became a secondary modern sch. 1945. Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 400.(27)

HIGHTER'S HEATH COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, King's Heath.(27) Highter's Heath Council Sch. opened 1930 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 192 JI. Permanent buildings, accom. 672 JM, I, opened 1931, JM block being used for SG until 1936, when SG transferred to Yardley Wood Council Sch.(21) Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

HILLSTONE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hillstone Road, Shard End. Opened 1953 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Enlarged 1953 and 1954. Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

HOBMOOR COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, South Yardley.(27) Hobmoor Rd. Council Sch. opened 1933 (1) by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 432 JI. Site and buildings enlarged 1934.(21) Enlarged 1951. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

HODGE HILL COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Bromford Road. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. N.o.b. 1961: 630 (Education Committee's Year Book, 1961–2).

HODGE HILL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Washwood Heath.(27) Stechford Rd. Council Sch. opened 1936 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) in temporary buildings accom. 96 JI. Permanent building, accom. 288 JI, opened 1937. Accom. for 192 provided 1943.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

HODGE HILL GIRLS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Bromford Road. Opened 1957 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 650.(28)

HOLLIDAY STREET WESLEYAN INFANT SCHOOL. Applied for annual grant 1877, but application refused because need for accom. in district not proved. Held in Wesleyan mission room.(21)

HOLTE GRAMMAR/COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Whithead Road. Aston Commercial Sch. opened 1915 (ex inf. M. of Ed.) by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. to replace Aston Higher Elem. Schs., q.v. Admission by exam. at 13–14 yrs. (City of Birm., L.E.A. (Draft) Scheme, 1920) to candidates who had completed standard VII or passed equivalent exam. Two-yr. course (third yr. optional) preparing pupils for entry into commercial occupations. Curriculum included bk.-keeping, Eng., French, local geog. and hist., maths., Spanish, shorthand and typing, with drawing and handicraft for B and dom. sc. for G. Fees 15s. a term but 25 per cent. of admissions were to free places.(68) Additional accom. 1939. Name changed 1960 (ex. inf. M. of Ed.). N.o.b. 1961: 661.(28)

HOLY FAMILY R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Oldknow Road.(27) Holy Family R.C. Sch. opened 1904 on ground floor of new buildings with presbytery above.(40) Accom. 386 M, G, I.(1) Reorganized 1908 for MI. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Extra classrooms on upper floor taken into use 1915, 1932.(21) Divided into 2 depts. (M, I) 1929.(28) Building destroyed by enemy action 1940. Sch. housed in Cherrywood Rd. (for a few months), St. Benedict's Rd. and Oldknow Rd. (from 1944) Council Schs.(21) S pupils transferred 1947 to St. Michael's R.C. Temporary Modern Sch., q.v. Other accom. given up 1950 on reopening of sch. for JI in temporary buildings provided by L.E.A., and in parochial hall. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

HOLY NAME R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Great Barr. Opened 1954 as an aided sch., by Birm. C.B.C. (although in fact just in Staffs.) for JI. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

HOLY SOULS R.C. SCHOOL, Acock's Green.(27) Opened 1907 (1) in ground floor of new building with chapel above (see pp. 403, 406–7), (21) accom. 103 M, I.(1) Upper floor converted and taken into use for sch. 1928. Accom. in Wilton House (adjoining sch.) used for 2 classes 1929–31, and for 1 class 1933–6. Main building enlarged 1931. Accom. in Wilton House replaced by 2 rooms in presbytery 1936.(21) Became an aided sch. 1953. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms.(28) The sch. was conducted by the nuns of Our Lady of Compassion until 1948 (see p. 403).

HOLY TRINITY C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Camp Hill, Bordesley.(27) Bordesley (Charity) Sch.(36) or Bordesley and Deritend Sch.(29) established 1825. New building (58) erected 1831.(20) N.o.b. 1837: 190 B, G. In 1837 average time spent in sch. was 1¾ yr.; supported by subscriptions and small fees.(36) In 1841 it was said that 'the sun never shines on the lower room of the Bordesley and Deritend Schools'.(29) N.o.b. 1846: 108 B, G, in 2 schoolrooms, under a master and mistress.(30) Building sold and sch. rebuilt on new site in Trinity Terrace, Camp Hill (deed 1854). Then generally called Bordesley Trinity Sch. Probably identifiable with the unnamed sch. described by H.M. Commissioner in 1869 as 'a solitary specimen [i.e. in Birmingham] of a class of school now well-nigh extinct'. The premises were adequate and the discipline good, but the organization was oldfashioned and teaching poor.(10) Received annual grants from 1873.(1) Fees 1874: 3d.–4d.(11) B dept. transferred 1886 to Mission Hall, Miles St.(22) Total accom. then 756.(1) Fees of 4d. retained until 1903. Bd. of Ed. condemned G and I building, which was altered and repaired 1910. Mission hall given up and sch. reorganized 1931 for JI. Became a controlled sch. 1949. Accom. in mission hall provided 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 5 classrooms, hall.(28)

HOLY TRINITY C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Wilson Road, Handsworth.(27) Birchfield Church Sch., Finch Rd., opened 1869 with 1 teacher. Fees 1877: 1d.–2d.(22) Received annual grants from 1878. Accom. 1879: 224. Alterations made to an existing building in Wilson Rd., which opened 1895 as new M dept., I dept. remaining in old building. Total accom. 499. Name changed c. 1902 to Trinity C. of E. Sch., and 1913 to Holy Trinity C. of E. Sch. Old I building closed 1930 and sch. reorganized for JI. Became an aided sch. 1953.(21) Accom. 1961: 5 classrooms, hall.(28)

HOPE STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Gooch Street.(27) Hope St. Bd. Sch. opened 1880, (22) by Birm. Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 1,445 M, I. It was an experimental building, being the first one built by the Sch. Bd. on the classroom system. It had 3 stories, on each of which was a central hall surrounded by classrooms accom. 60 or 75 each. The Ed. Dept. insisted on the inclusion of the halls in the recognized accom. After 1881 they were not included: accom. 1,150.(23) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Accom. in Wycliffe Baptist Sunday School used 1925–34. Site extended 1927, 1930. Reorganized 1930 for SM, JI. Enlarged 1934. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Site extended 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, domestic science, hall.(28)

HOPE STREET COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Gooch Street.(27) Became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. for I class provided in Daniell Memorial Hall 1950.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 490.(27)

HURST STREET SCHOOL. See Unitarian Domestic Mission School, Hurst St.

HUTTON STREET BOARD SCHOOL. See Nechells Cty. Primary Sch.

ICKNIELD BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Hockley Brook.(27) Icknield St. Bd. Sch. opened 1883 (22) by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 880 M, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Standard VII classes for girls opened 1885 here and at Loxton St. Bd. Sch., because Bridge St. Standard VII Sch. (B only) had been a success; class presumably closed on opening of George Dixon Higher Grade Bd. Sch. 1898. Enlarged 1886, 1894. Reorganized 1930 for 400 SB, 192 I. I dept. closed 1940. SB became a secondary modern sch. 1945 and took over I dept. buildings 1951.(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 260.(27) (See also plate facing p. 500.)

ICKNIELD STREET SCHOOL. See Icknield Boys' Cty. Modern Sch.

ILMINGTON BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; ILMINGTON GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Weoley Castle.(27) Ilmington Rd. Council Sch. was the first Birm. sch. of permanent timber construction.(21) Opened 1934 by Birm. C.B.C. as separate schs. for B and G.(28) Accom. 720 SB, SG.(1) Shenley Fields Temporary Council Sch. closed when it opened. Enlarged 1938. Accom. provided at Weoley Castle Congregational Church 1947.(21) Names changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 480 B, 470 G.(27)

IMMANUEL. (CHURCH) SCHOOL, Holliday Street. St. Thomas's Branch Infants' Sch. opened 1850 (38) (between nos. 30 and 31 Holliday St.); (60) erected with state aid.(1) Accom. 228 I.(38) Name changed 1865 to Immanuel (Infants') Sch. Closed 1872 on opening of Immanuel Sch., Tennant St.(23)

IMMANUEL C. OF E. SCHOOL, Tennant Street. Immanuel Sch. opened 1872;(38) erected with state and Nat. Soc. aid.(1) Accom. 406 in 3 rooms, with teacher's house.(29) Immanuel Sch., Holliday St. closed when it opened.(23) Fees 1874: 1d.– 4d.(11) Enlarged 1896, 1902. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Playground extended 1917. Reorganized 1922, 1926, 1928 for JM. Numbers fell steadily (21) and sch. closed 1937.(1)

INDUSTRIAL BRITISH SCHOOL. See Birmingham and Edgbaston (Industrial) British Sch.

INDUSTRIAL FREE SCHOOL. See Birmingham Free Industrial Sch.

INFANT CENTRAL SCHOOL. See Birmingham Infant Central Sch.

INGLETON ROAD SCHOOL. See Ward End Cty. Primary Sch.

ISLINGTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Pigott Street.(27) Islington Wesleyan Sch., St. Martin's St. (see also Ruston St. Wesleyan Sch.), opened 1866,(22) in converted chapel, with help from Wesleyan Ed. Cttee.(33) In 2 rooms (M, I) with a master and mistress. Fees 2d.–6d.(22) A.a. 1869: 361.(1) Fees of 108 pupils paid by Birm. Ed. Soc. in 1869.(10) Accom. by 1880: 718.(1) Enlarged 1894.(21) Name changed c. 1903 to Birmingham Wesleyan Sch. Transferred to Birm. C.B.C. 1922 as Islington Council Sch.(1) Reorganized 1932 for JI. Building taken over 1939 by Petroleum Bd. and sch. accommodated in Islington Senior Council Sch., Pigott St. Senior sch. closed 1946, and its building then used by Islington Cty. Primary Sch.(21) Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, hall.(28)

ISLINGTON INFANT SCHOOL, Communication Row.(39) Opened 1827 by Birmingham Infant Sch. Soc., in rented building erected by Thomas Broadbent on a site given by Lord Calthorpe. A teacher's house was attached, and the sch. was taught by a mistress and an assistant. Fees 2d.–3d. Children were admitted up to 6 yrs. old and allowed to remain until 7. Teaching was undenominational as it was in the Soc.'s Central Sch. (see Birmingham Infant Central Sch.).(39) Apparently not altogether successful in 1828: n.o.b. 140. Fees reduced 1829 to 2d.; sch. was then flourishing.(35) Placed under a local cttee. 1830.(39) Attendance fell 1831–3; the heavy expenses were reduced 1833 by Soc.'s decision to pay for rent and heating only, while mistress received school pence.(35) In 1834 the mistress apparently introduced more and sectarian religious instruction; the central cttee. forbade this. In 1835 the local cttee. was apparently presided over by the Rector of St. Thomas's and the sch. was supervised by a ladies' cttee. connected with the church.(39) The sch. was closed 1836, thoroughly repaired and reopened with a new mistress. As Edgbaston Infant Sch., Communication Row, it had n.o.b. 100 B, G in 1838.(36) It continued to be a financial burden to the Soc. and they eventually closed it in 1850, though the mistress apparently carried it on afterwards as a private adventure sch.(39)

ISLINGTON SENIOR COUNCIL SCHOOL, Pigott Street. Pigott St. Temporary Council Sch. opened 1920 in premises of former Bath Row Grammar Sch., accom. 280 MI.(21) Permanent premises opened 1926 as Pigott St. Council Sch., accom. 400 SM.(1) Name changed 1928. Part of building used from 1939 by Islington Council Sch. Senior sch. closed 1946 and whole building used by primary sch.(21)

ISLINGTON WESLEYAN SCHOOL. See Ruston St. Wesleyan Sch. and Islington County Primary Sch.


JERVOISE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Weoley Castle.(27) Jervoise Rd. Council Sch. opened 1934 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 432 JM, but used as JI until I dept., accom. 338, opened 1936. Accom. for 230 in Weoley Castle Congregational Church used 1938–40. Nursery class opened in building 1942.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 nurseries, 2 halls.(28)

KING EDWARD'S CAMP HILL GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS, New Street (1883); Stratford Road (1883–1956); Vicarage Road, King's Heath (1956) Opened 1883 in New St., partly replacing Lower Middle Sch. in Meriden St. Nearly half original pupils came from Middle Sch. in New St. (see p. 554). Moved same yr. to new buildings in Stratford Rd. Enlarged 1890, 1910, 1929. In 1952 'grossly overcrowded' and given priority in governors' plans for reaccom. (T. W. Hutton, King Edw.'s Sch., Birm., 1552–1952, 193). Moved to new premises in Vicarage Rd. 1956.(28) 340 B c. 1908 (V.C.H. Warws. ii. 355), c. 500 1952 (Hutton, King Edw.'s Sch. 193). N.o.b. 1961: 600. (28)

KING EDWARD'S CAMP HILL GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Stratford Road (1881–1958); Vicarage Road, King's Heath (1958). Started in room built over B Lower Middle Sch. in Meriden St. (see p. 554). Temporarily housed at Camp Hill House, Stratford Rd., 1881 and later at The Poplars, Stratford Rd. (accom. for c. 150), until permanent buildings opened 1893 accom. 300. Some pupils transferred here from Bath Row Sch. when that closed 1915 (see below). 'Uncomfortably overcrowded' by 1952 (Hutton, King Edw.'s Sch. 203). Moved to new premises in Vicarage Rd. 1958.(28) 200 G 1903 (Hutton, K.E.'s Sch. 203), 219 c. 1908 (V.C.H. Warws. ii. 356), and over 400 by 1952 (Hutton, K.E.'s Sch. 203). N.o.b. 1961: 612.(28)

KING EDWARD'S FIVE WAYS GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Hagley Road (1883–1958); Scotland Lane, Bartley Green (1958). Opened in buildings of former Edgbaston Proprietary Sch. which had been enlarged to accom. 300. Nearly half original pupils came from Middle Sch. in New St. Also took all pupils from Bath Row Sch. (see p. 554 and below; Hutton, King Edw.'s Sch. 189, 193). Moved to new premises in Scotland Lane 1958.(28) 350 B c. 1908 (V.C.H. Warws. ii. 355), 550 1952 (Hutton, K.E.'s Sch. 191). N.o.b. 1961: 668.(28)

KING EDWARD'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS, ASTON, Frederick Road, Aston. Opened 1883 in building between Albert and Frederick Rds. housing twin B and G schs. Pupils came from Lower Middle Schs. in Edward St. and Gem St. (see p. 554). When G sch. moved to Handsworth 1911 (see below) B occupied whole sch. By 1952 governors experimenting with establishment of boarding sch. for 30 B at Longdon Hall, nr. Lichfield, at which every pupil in grammar sch. could spend 2–3 terms (Hutton, King Edw.'s Sch. 197, 199). In 1961 building of large new block on other side of Frederick Rd. planned to start 'in the near future' (ex inf. the Sec., Schs. of King Edw. the Sixth in Birm.). 150 B 1883 (Hutton, K.E.'s Sch. 197), 300 c. 1908 (V.C.H. Warws. ii. 355). N.o.b. 1961: 625.(28)

KING EDWARD'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HANDSWORTH, Rose Hill Road, Handsworth. Four grammar schs. for G set up in 1883 of which only Camp Hill Sch. (see above) survived. 80 G from Gem St. Sch. (see p. 554) went to Aston (Frederick Rd.) in 1883 and another 80 admitted after special entrance exam. Other Gem St. pupils went to Bath Row (Pigott St.) from which the B had been transferred to Camp Hill (see p. 554 and above). Summer Hill (Summer Hill Rd.) took G from Edward St. Sch. (see p. 554); c. 1908 total of 648 G in the 3 schs. (V.C.H. Warws. ii. 356). By 1909 room for B only at Aston. In 1911 G from Aston and Summer Hill (closed same yr.) moved into newlybuilt sch. at Handsworth. Bath Row closed 1915 and its pupils divided between Camp Hill and Handsworth schs. (Hutton, King Edw.'s Sch. 201). After Second World War c. 695 G accommodated in building designed for 475 (ibid. 202). By 1961 new science block and gymnasium being built and site of sch. extended by purchase of property in Hall Rd. and Hall Rd. Avenue (ex inf. the Sec., Schs. of King Edw. the Sixth in Birm.). N.o.b. 1961: 762. (28)

KING'S HEATH BOYS' TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Hollbank Road, King's Heath. Haunch Lane Boys' Tech. Sch. opened 1960 by Birm. C.B.C. Name later changed (ex inf. M. of Ed.). N.o.b. 1961: 216.(28)

KING'S HEATH COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, High Street.(27) King's Heath Bd. Sch. opened 1878 (25) by King's Norton Sch. Bd. Accom. 493 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Accom. for 298 used 1885–95 in former King's Heath National Sch. Site enlarged 1890 and new JM block, accom. 316, opened 1895. Enlarged (420 extra accom.) 1900. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1915 for B, G, I and 1928–30 for SB, JM, I. Site enlarged 1934. Closed 1939 on opening of Wheeler's Lane Council Sch. Former I block (built 1895) reopened 1949 for JI. Other block repaired and opened 1951 for JM, I dept. remaining in smaller block.(21) Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

KING'S HEATH (INFANT) NATIONAL SCHOOL, High Street. In existence 1846, when it was not in union with Nat. Soc. (first called a Nat. sch. 1870).(1) In one room with a mistress. N.o.b. 43 B, G. Supported by subscriptions and fees. The schoolroom was then not secured:(30) a trust deed of 1856 presumably referred to the same property (Digest of Endowed Charities (Worcs.), H.C. 162 (1900), lxiii). Received annual grant intermittently from 1858.(1) Enlarged c. 1870 with Nat. Soc. help.(29) Closed 1878.(25) Building used 1885–95 as JM dept. of King's Heath Bd. Sch.(21)

KING'S HEATH HOUSE TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1909 by King's Norton and Northfield U.D.C.(1) in borrowed building,(21) accom. 366 G, I. Closed 1911 (1) on opening of Colmore Rd. Council Sch.(21)

KING'S NORTON (CHURCH) SCHOOL. In 1862 there was a G sch. connected with the church in King's Norton village, as well as the endowed B sch.(38) (for an account of the grammar sch. see V.C.H. Worcs. ii. 474–5). There had only been Sunday schs. in the parish in 1846.(30) Received annual grants from 1863. From 1865 described as a National sch. but this was apparently because of confusion with Strutley St. National Sch. whose building grant was also wrongly attributed to King's Norton. A.a. 1865: 49, 1876: 83.(1) By time of closure (1875 or 1876) possibly for B as well as G. Said 1881 to have been 'handed over to the Board, December 1875'.(25) Possibly its building was used by King's Norton Village Girls' (Temporary) Bd. Sch.

KING'S NORTON BOYS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Northfield Road; King's Norton Girls'County Grammar School, Selly Oak Road. King's Norton Council Secondary Schs. built by Worcs. C.C. in Northfield Road and opened 1911 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 400 B, G. Overcrowded by 1920. New G sch. opened in Selly Oak Road 1927, accom. 500, and old building used for B only. G sch. enlarged 1949, B sch. 1954. N.o.b. 1914: 202 B (63 free), 200 G (69 free); 1935: 532 B, 579 G; 1961: 763 B, 745 G.(28) In 1937 G sch. said to have doubled nos. in last ten years. In 1930s 95 per cent. pupils came from elementary schs. Fees £4 a term at first, £12 by 1938; 76 per cent. B had free places in 1931, 65 per cent. G in 1937. Average leaving age of B just under 16 in 1937: in 1938 H.M.I. said that sch. was prevented from developing fully by tendency towards early leaving. Average leaving age of G: 16 in 1937, 16–17 in 1953 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

KING'S NORTON COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Redditch Road, King's Norton. Opened 1959 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 500.(27)

KING'S NORTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Pershore Road.(27) King's Norton Village Bd. Sch. opened 1878 (25) by King's Norton Sch. Bd. with teacher's house, (21) accom. 453 B, G. King's Norton Village Temporary Bd. Schs. closed on its opening.(1) By 1882 two depts.: M, I. Enlarged 1882. New M dept., accom. 540, opened 1902. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered 1926 and handicrafts centre opened 1926.(21) Reorganized for JI 1939. All permanent buildings used for civil defence and sch. housed at other schs. 1939–45. Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

KING'S NORTON NATIONAL SCHOOL. See King's Norton (Church) Sch.


KING'S NORTON VILLAGE BOYS' (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1876 by King's Norton Sch. Bd.(25) in the former workhouse. Fees 2d.(22) A.a. 1877: 57.(1) Closed on opening of permanent King's Norton Village Bd. Sch. 1878.(25)

KING'S NORTON VILLAGE GIRLS' (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1876 by King's Norton Sch. Bd., possibly in the building of the closed King's Norton (Church) Sch.(25). A.a. 1877: 103. (1) Closed on opening of permanent King's Norton Village Bd. Sch. 1878.(25)

KING'S RISE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Kingstanding. (27) Peckham Rd. Council Sch. opened 1931 by Birm. C.B.C., first in temporary then in new buildings, accom. 776 JM and I. JM block used by SM while JM remained in huts. King's Vale Council Sch. was treated as an annexe of SM dept. of this sch. SB and SG blocks (accom. 440 each) opened 1932. Additional accom. provided in Kingstanding Methodist Hall and the former King's Vale Council Sch. buildings. S depts. enlarged and altered 1940 and became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

KING'S RISE BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; KING'S RISE GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Kingstanding.(27) Peckham Rd. Boys' and Girls' Cty. Modern Schs. became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. provided in huts in Warren Farm Rd. 1949, and for B only in St. Luke's Church Hall 1951.(21) Names changed 1954. (28) N.o.b. 1961: 500 B, 480 G.(27)

KING'S VALE COUNCIL SCHOOL. Perry Barr Council Sch. opened 1914 by Staffs. C.C. Accom. 100 M, I. Name changed 1915 to King's Vale Council Sch. Accom. in huts provided 1930–31. Closed as separate sch. 1931 and used intermittently as an annexe to the senior depts. of Peckham Rd. Council Sch. By 1937 used also as a branch art sch.(21)

KINGSLAND COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Kingstanding.(27) Kingsland Rd. Council Sch. opened 1935 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 192 JI. Permanent buildings, accom. 816 JG, I, opened 1937 and sch. reorganized for JB, JG, I.(21) Name changed 1954. JB and JG schs. amalgamated 1957. Accom. 1961: 23 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

KINGSTANDING R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL. See Christ the King R.C. Primary Sch.

KINGSTHORNE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Kingstanding.(27) Cranbourne Rd. Council Sch. opened 1931 for JI by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings. Permanent buildings opened 1931, accom. 816 JM, I.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 21 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

KNUTSFORD STREET BOARD SCHOOL, Balsall Heath. Opened 1876 by King's Norton Sch. Bd.(25) in Wesleyan chapel schoolroom, accom. 156 B.(1) With Balsall Heath Rd. Bd. Sch. it was the first sch. opened by the bd.(25) Closed probably on opening of Mary St. Bd. Sch. 1878.(21)

LADYPOOL ROAD C. OF E. SCHOOL. Sparkbrook National Sch. opened 1857 (22) in new buildings, with teacher's house, accom. 318,(21) erected with state aid.(1) Comprised schoolroom with a curtain between the B and G depts., and a classroom. Fees 3d.–4d.(22) Sometimes called St. Paul's Sch. By 1899 in 2 depts.: M, I.(1) Name changed 1905 to Ladypool Rd. C. of E. Sch. Bd. of Ed. considered premises inadequate 1912. Alterations made 1915. Reorganized 1933 for 192 JI.(21) Closed 1938.(1) Building used from 1952 as annexe to Dennis Rd. Cty. Primary Sch.(21)

LADYWOOD CHURCH SCHOOLS. See St. John's C. of E. Primary Sch., Johnstone St., and Christ Church C. of E. Sch., Coplow St.

LADYWOOD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, St. Vincent's Street, Ladywood. Opened 1961 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Accom.: 8 classrooms, hall. For a view see plate facing p. 501.

LAKEY LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hall Green.(27) Lakey Lane Council Sch. opened 1935 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 484 JI.(1) Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

LANCASTERIAN SCHOOL, Severn Street. See Severn Street Council Sch.

LANCASTERIAN GIRLS' SCHOOL, Ann St. (now Colmore Row). See Girls' Lancasterian School, Ann St.

LAWLEY STREET WESLEYAN SCHOOL. There was a B sch. in existence, with 100 B in attendance, in 1850 and also an I sch.(58) In 1852 the Wesleyan Ed. Cttee. granted £15 for its equipment. By 1860 there was no sch. here managed by a Wesleyan cttee.(33)

LAWRENCE STREET UNDENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL. Lawrence St. Unitarian Sch. had 120 children in attendance in 1850. In 1856 the Domestic Mission Chapel Sch. was for G only.(59) In 1858 it was in or adjoining the chapel building between nos. 19 and 24 Lawrence St. H.M. Commissioner called it 'undenominational' 1869. There were 2 teachers. Fees 1d.–2d. with c. 10 per cent. places free.(10) Received annual grants from 1871.(1) By 1874 in 2 depts.: M, I.(11) Closed 1880.(23) See p. 475.

LEA VILLAGE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Lea Village Council Sch. opened 1938 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings for JI. Permanent buildings opened 1939 for SM, JM. More buildings opened 1941 and sch. reorganized for 1,872 SB, SG, JM, I. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.).(21) Accom. 1955: 20 classrooms, 2 halls. I dept. closed 1958 and replaced by the Meadway Cty. Infants' Sch. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

LEA VILLAGE BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; LEA VILLAGE GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. for 195 B and G provided in huts 1948.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 570 B, 540 G.(27)

LEGGE STREET BRITISH SCHOOL. Apparently in existence 1839.(1) In 1850 there was an I sch. in Digby St. in connexion with Legge St. Independent Chapel (which was on the corner of the 2 streets), accom. 160, a.a. 60; there was also in Digby St. and in connexion with the chapel a ragged sch. established by William Chance in 1848 (see also Chance's Ragged Sch.).(58) Received annual grants from 1861.(1) In 1865 the sch. was taught by a master and mistress.(61) Closed 1871 or 1872.(1)

LEIGH COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Washwood Heath.(27) Leigh Rd. Council Sch. opened 1909 (1) by Birm. C.B.C.(21) Accom. 1,000 M, I.(1) Altered and reorganized 1931 for SB, JI. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

LEIGH BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Washwood Heath.(27) Leigh Rd. Boys' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Practical block destroyed by enemy action, reinstated 1948. Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 420.(27)

LEIGH ROAD SCHOOLS. See Leigh Cty. Primary Sch. and Leigh Boys' Cty. Modern Sch.

LEY HILL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Northfield. Opened 1954 by Birm. C.B.C. in new buildings for JI. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)




LITTLE GREEN LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) Little Green Lane Bd. Sch. opened 1878 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,313 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) One of the first 3 woodwork centres for Birm. bd. schs. opened here 1892.(23) Altered 1901. Enlarged 1903–4. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1929 for SB, JM, I. SB closed 1936. Damaged by enemy action and closed 1941. Part of building used as a Special sch. and remainder reopened 1948 for JI. More classrooms repaired 1950 and sch. divided into 2 depts.(21) Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

LONGMEADOW GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Longmeadow Crescent, Shard End. Opened 1956 by Birm. C.B.C.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 800.(27)

LORD STREET WESLEYAN SCHOOL. In existence 1850 with 100 G in attendance.(58) There was no Wesleyan sch. here under a committee by 1860 (33) and none at all, whether public or private, by 1869.(10)

LORDSWOOD BOYS' TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Hagley Road. Opened 1957 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 675.(28)

LORDSWOOD GIRLS' GRAMMAR/TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Knightlow Road. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 547.(28)


LOXTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Bloomsbury. (27) Loxton St. Bd. Sch. opened 1883 (22) by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,095 M, I.(21) Fees all 2d.(22) Standard VII classes for G opened 1885 here and at Icknield St. Bd. Sch. after Bridge St. Standard VII Sch. for B had become a success; classes presumably stopped on opening of George Dixon Higher Grade Bd. Sch. 1898. Enlarged 1903. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1930 for SB, JI. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Extra accom. provided at Co-operative Society Rooms, Gt. Francis St., 1952.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

LOXTON BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Bloomsbury.(27) Loxton St. Boys' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961:400.(27)

LOXTON STREET SCHOOLS. See Loxton Cty. Primary Sch. and Loxton Boys' Cty. Modern Sch.

LOZELLS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aston.(27) Lozells St. Bd. Sch. opened 1882 by Aston Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,015 B, G, I.(24) Fees 1d.–3d. JM block, accom. 320, opened 1886,(22) as part of new policy of Bd. First kitchen for cookery classes in an Aston bd. sch. opened here 1886.(24) JM dept. closed c. 1915 and used as B dept., old B dept. becoming I dept. Reorganized 1931 for SG, JM, I. J and I depts. united 1938. SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Subsidence in land was making part of buildings unsafe 1949; they were replaced by lighter ones. Accom. for 3 classes provided 1949 in Lozells St. Methodist Mission.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, hall.(28)

LOZELLS GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Aston.(27) Lozells St. Girls' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Accom. provided in Lozells St. Methodist Mission c. 1947, and in huts on detached site 1949, 1954. Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 370.(27)

LOZELLS STREET SCHOOLS. See Lozells Cty. Primary Sch. and Lozells Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

LYNDHURST COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Rowden Drive, Erdington. Opened 1960 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

LYNDON GREEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sheldon.(27) Opened 1952 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Further accom. built by 1953 and sch. divided into 2 depts.(21) Accom. 1955: 23 classrooms, medical and dining rooms, 2 halls.(28)

MANOR PARK COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aston. Vicarage Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1878 by Aston Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 720 G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d. New I dept., accom. 510, opened 1880 and old one used for B. Enlarged 1881. New JM dept. in separate block opened 1894,(22) accom. 311. Enlarged 1920. Former Alfred St. Bd. Sch., q.v., repaired and used 1922–32 for part of I dept. Altered and reorganized 1930 for SG, JM, I. Senior dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. provided 1952 for 4 classes in Lichfield Rd. Methodist Church,(21) and for a further class 1954. Former Alfred St. Bd. Sch. repaired and used for 3 classes from 1954. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

MANOR PARK GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Aston.(27) Vicarage Road Girls' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 440.(27)

MAPLEDENE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sheldon. (27) Opened 1950 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI, with 7 classes housed in Silvermere Rd. Cty. Modern Sch. until 1951 when new I block opened and sch. divided into 2 depts.(21) Accom. 1961: 22 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

MARLBOROUGH ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) Yardley Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1898 (22) by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,065 M, I.(1) Enlarged 1906. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SM, I. Name changed 1933 to Marlborough Rd. Council Sch. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28)

MARLBOROUGH ROAD COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Small Heath. Became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). N.o.b. 1961: 490.(27)

MARSH HILL BOYS' TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Hampton Road. Opened 1959 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 410.(28)

MARSH HILL GIRLS' TECHNICAL SCHOOL, Marsh Hill. Opened 1960 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 202.(28)

MARSH HILL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Marsh Hill Council Sch. opened 1930 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 432 JI.(1) 4 classrooms in huts added 1932. 3 classrooms in huts provided 1950.(21) Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, hall.(28)

MARY STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Balsall Heath.(27) Mary St. Bd. Sch. opened 1 Apr. 1878 (25) by King's Norton Sch. Bd. Accom. 820 B, G, I.(21) Fees all 1d.(22) It was the first permanent sch. in new buildings opened by the Bd.(25) Enlarged 1883. Altered and reorganized 1928–33 for JM, I. Damaged by enemy action 1940. Depts. united 1944. Repaired and altered 1950.(21) Accom. 1955: 17 classrooms, hall.(28)

MARYVALE R.C. SCHOOL, Great Barr.(27) Maryvale Industrial Sch. received state grants 1856– 62.(1) Presumably part of the orphanage which opened 1851 (see p. 405).(40) In 1852 the orphanage had one schoolroom.(34) There is no further mention of a sch. attached to it until an ordinary elementary sch. managed by the Sisters of Mercy, known as Maryvale R.C. Sch., received annual grants from 1882 (see p. 405). Accom. 1882: 133.(1) New I sch., accom. 85, opened 1895.(21) M and I depts. in 1889.(1) Largely attended by children from orphanage;(40) in 1923 2/3 girls from there. Altered 1915. 3 classrooms provided in R.C. club premises on site 1932, 1937, 1939.(21) Became an aided sch. 1950.(28) 2 permanent classrooms added 1953.(21) Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

THE MEADOWS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Bristol Road South, Northfield. Opened 1957 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

THE MEADWAY COUNTY INFANTS' SCHOOL, Gossey Lane, Kitts Green. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. to replace Lea Village Cty. Primary Sch. (I dept.), q.v. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28)

MERIDEN STREET BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1883 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in building belonging to governors of Grammar Sch. In one dept. Fees all 1d.(22) Said in Sch. Bd. report to be an extension (accom. 397) of Park St. Bd. Sch. which was overcrowded, (23) but treated in M. of Ed. files (21) and Ed. Dept. lists as a continuation of Park St., accom. 1,314.(1) Possibly this figure includes both buildings. Closed 1891, on opening of Floodgate St. Bd. Sch.(22)

MONTGOMERY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sparbrook.(27) Montgomery St. Bd. Sch. opened 1879 (23) by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. c. 1,000 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Enlarged 1894–8, 1913. Reorganized 1930 for JI and former I block disused until 1935 when used for 2 classes. Closed 1941. Partly repaired and used to accom. English Martyrs R.C. Primary Sch. c. 1946. Reopened 1947 for JI. Accom. for 2 classes in Stratford Rd. Baptist Sunday School provided 1948. Further accom. in building available 1949 when English Martyrs Sch. left and extensive repairs made.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 13 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

MONTGOMERY STREET SCHOOL. See Montgomery Cty. Primary Sch.

MOOR END COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Moor End Council Sch. opened 1909 by Warws. C.C. Accom. 608 M, I.(1) Reorganized 1931 for SM, JI. Accom. for 2 classes SM provided in technical sch. and for 2 classes JI in huts 1936. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Primary sch. closed 1954.

MOOR END COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Erdington. Became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). N.o.b. 1961: 410.(27)

MOOR GREEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Moor End Lane, Moseley. I dept. opened 1954, JM dept. 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. with annexe in former Selly Park Cty. Primary Sch. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

MOSELEY BOYS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Wake Green Road. Opened 1923 by Birm. C.B.C. in buildings previously used as Spring Hill College. Accom. 1927: 500. War damage repaired by 1949. Enlarged 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1937: 534 (ex inf. M. of Ed.), 1954: 670, 1961: 825.(28) In 1937 over 97 per cent. came from elementary schs. Fees £8 in 1926, £12 by 1937 but no pupils then paid full fees. Average leaving age was 16 yrs. in 1936, and just under that in 1948 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

MOSELEY C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, School Road.(27) Moseley National Sch. (in fact not in union with Nat. Soc. although always known by this name) (21) opened 1828,(21) comprising 2 schoolrooms, one over the other, and a teacher's house.(22) In 1833 there were 150 B, G in attendance; supported by 2d. fees and subscriptions.(3) N.o.b. 1846: 75 B, G; there were a master and mistress.(30). Received state grants from 1854,(1) when it was taught as a M sch. with 1d. fees.(22) Enlarged 1888, 1894.(21) 1899:3 depts. (B, G, I).(13) Altered 1902. Sch. enlarged 1917. Reorganized 1931 for M, I. Reorganized 1948 for JI only. Accom. for 90 provided 1951 in Moseley Parochial Hall.(21) Became a controlled sch. 1949. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

MOSELEY COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, College Road, Moseley. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 860.(27)

MOSELEY ROAD ART SCHOOL, Moseley Road and Lime Grove. Junior Art Dept. for B set up in Birm. Central Sch. of Art 1900 and dept. for G added 1921. In 1924 a second Junior Dept. (B) of Arts and Crafts opened in Vittoria St. These 2 depts. later amalgamated. In 1945 became known as Moseley Rd. Art Sch. and control transferred from College of Art sub-cttee. to secondary schs. sub-cttee. N.o.b. 1961: 271.(28)

MOSELEY ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Chandos Road.(27) Moseley Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1877 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 995 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) In 1878 this sch. and Jenkins St. Bd. Sch. each had a senior division with special provision for higher grades. Site extended 1894 and a deaf and dumb sch. built on part of it. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931 for JM, I, part of I accom. being in Upper Highgate St. Council Sch. Depts. united 1938.(21) Accom. provided in Friends' Institute, Moseley Rd., 1949–52 and in building on Sherbourne Rd. Sch. site from 1953. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

MOUNT ZION CHAPEL SCHOOL. See Graham St. Infant Sch.

NANSEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Saltley.(27) Nansen Rd. Council Sch. opened 1923 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) Accom. 800 SM, JM. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SG, JI. SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. for 6 classes I provided 1953 in huts. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

NANSEN GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Saltley.(27) Nansen Rd. Girls' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 470.(27)

NANSEN ROAD SCHOOLS. See Nansen Cty. Primary Sch. and Nansen Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

NATIONAL SCHOOL, Pinfold Street. See Birmingham National Sch.

NECHELLS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Eliot Street.(27) Hutton St. Bd. Sch. opened 1879 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(23) Accom. 1,062 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Name changed c. 1897 to Nechells Bd. Sch. Enlarged 1898, 1925. Altered and reorganized 1930 for SM, JM, I. S dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. in Presbyterian Church, Longacre, provided 1954. Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

NECHELLS COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Eliot Street.(27) Became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Alterations 1949.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 370.(27)

NECHELLS PARK COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Charles Arthur Street.(27) Charles Arthur St. Council Sch. opened 1911 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 600 M, I. Nechells Park Rd. Temporary Council Sch. closed on its opening. Science centre provided 1913.(1) Reorganized 1930 for SM.(21) Became a secondary modern sch. 1945. Name changed 1954. (28) N.o.b. 1961: 310.(27)

NECHELLS PARK ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1904 by Birm. C.B.C. in Wesleyan Sunday sch.(27) for 250 M. Closed 1911 on opening of Charles Arthur St. Council Sch. Reopened 1917 for I.(1) Bd. of Ed. considered premises very unsatisfactory. Closed 1925 on enlargement of Nechells Council Sch.(21)

NELSON STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Parade.(27) Nelson St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 800 B, G, I. Edward St. Bd. Sch. closed when it opened.(21) Fees 1d.– 3d.(22) Enlarged 1882. In 1889 nearly ⅓ children had free orders and there was difficulty in collecting some fees; all fees therefore reduced to 1d. Enlarged 1911. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Summerhill Receiving Homes Sch. treated as annexe to this sch. 1921–8. Altered and reorganized 1928, 1932 for SG, JM, I. JM and I depts. united 1937. SG dept. closed 1939.(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

NEW JERUSALEM (BRITISH) SCHOOL. See Summer Lane (Temporary) Bd. Sch.

NEW LANCASTERIAN (GIRLS') SCHOOL. See Girls' Lancasterian Sch.

NEW MEETING HOUSE (UNITARIAN) SCHOOL, New Meeting Street. In 1841 the 'New Meeting St. School, Unitarian [presumably 'day' is understood here] and Sunday, and 2 evenings in the week' was mentioned.(1) There were no day schs. here by 1850.(58)


NEW MEETING STREET R.C. SCHOOL. See St. Michael's R.C. Temporary Modern Sch.

NEWFOUNDLAND SCHOOLS. Mentioned 1825; the secretary was the Revd. B. Howell who was 'assistant minister' at St. James's, Ashted.(58)

NINEVEH INFANTS' SCHOOL. See All Saints' Nineveh Infants' Sch.

NORTHFIELD CHARITY SCHOOL (NORTHFIELD NATIONAL (OR C. OF E.) SCHOOL). See St. Laurence's (Northfield) C. of E. Primary Sch.

NORTHFIELD MASONIC HALL TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1929 by Birm. C.B.C. in Masonic Hall, accom. 230 JM.(21) Closed 1931(1) on opening of Trescott Rd. Council Sch.(21)

NORTON STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Norton St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 (22) by Birm. Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 972 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized 1930 for JM, I.(21) Closed 1932 (1) and children transferred to Benson Rd. Council Sch. The property was transferred to the Estates Cttee. for housing.(21)

OAKLEY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath. (27) Oakley Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1889 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,110 M, I.(21) Fees 1d.– 3d.(22) Practical rooms provided 1911. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931–3 for SG, JI. SG dept. became SM 1941 (SB transferred from Jenkins St. Council Sch.) and a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. for 3 classes provided 1949 in closed Jenkins St. Council Sch.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 12 classrooms, hall. Closed 1959.(28)

OAKLEY COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Small Heath. (27) Oakley Rd. Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 480.(27)

OAKLEY ROAD SCHOOLS. See Oakley Cty. Primary Sch. and Oakley Cty. Modern Sch.

THE OAKLANDS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Acock's Green.(27) Dolphin Lane Council Sch. opened 1929 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 432 JI. New I dept. opened in timber buildings 1932, and sch. reorganized for JM, I. Depts. united since 1946 (21) and former I block removed to Gilbertstone Cty. Primary Sch. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

OLD HANDSWORTH NATIONAL SCHOOL. See St. Mary's (Handsworth) C. of E. Primary Sch.

OLD MEETING STREET TEMPORARY BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1875 by Birm. Sch. Bd., probably in rented building. Closed 1876,(23) on opening of Bristol St. Bd. Sch.(22)

OLD OSCOTT SCHOOL. See Perry Barr Church Schs. and Oscott Church Sch.

OLDKNOW COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) Oldknow Rd. Council Sch. opened 1905 by Birm. C.B.C.(21) Accom. 1,070 B, G, I.(1) Reorganized 1928–31 for SB, SG, I. I dept. closed 1937.(21) Damaged by enemy action 1940. SB and SG depts. united 1941. Part of building used by Holy Family R.C. Sch. 1944–50.(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 470.(27)

OLDKNOW ROAD SCHOOL. See Oldknow Cty. Modern Sch.

OOZELLS STREET BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1878 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(23) accom. 812 B, G, I. Broad St. Bd. Sch., which adjoined it, closed when it opened. All fees 1d., so that the sch. was often overcrowded. Closed as an ordinary sch. 1898 and reopened as George Dixon Higher Grade Sch., q.v.(21)

OOZELLS STREET NORTH (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1888 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in repaired Presbyterian schoolroom.(23) A.a. 1889: 291.(1) Premises were unsatisfactory and it closed 1893.(21)

ORATORY R.C. SCHOOL, Hyde Road.(27) Opened 1856 in new buildings for B and G, each in one room.(22) B sch. received annual grants from 1857:(1) fees 2d., 4d. Apparently re-established 1862: buildings not completed until 1868. In 2 depts.: B, G with I. Fees 2d.–6d. for B and G., 1d. for I.(22) Both depts. received grants from 1868. A.a. 1868: 66.(1) In 1869 there was 1 pupil over standard IV.(10) New or additional buildings 1874 (W. Greaney, Guide to St. Chad's (1877)). New M dept., accom. 275, opened first in temporary building, then in new premises over I dept. 1882. All fees in this dept. 6d. with 5s. entrance fee,(22) and fees retained until the dept. closed 1909. A.a. 1899: 495.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in buildings 1912. New B dept. opened in converted buildings of former St. Philip's Grammar Sch., Oliver Rd., 1924; old B dept. demolished. B dept. enlarged 1934.(21) Reorganized 1947 for SM, JI.(21) Became an aided sch. 1952.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 330.(27) The G sch. was taught by School Sisters of Notre Dame c. 1874–82, Sisters of Holy Child Jesus c. 1882–6, Sisters of Mercy c. 1886–1918, Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul since 1919: the last now conduct the primary sch. (see pp. 404– 405).

OSBORNE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington. (27) Erdington Bd. Sch. opened 1885 by Aston Sch. Bd. Accom. 470 M and I. Erdington (Temporary) Bd. Sch. was closed when it opened. Enlarged 1898 and reorganized for B, G, I. Name changed 1903 to Osborne Rd. Council Sch. Accom. provided 1904 in Congregational schoolroom, which was used from 1905 as separate JM dept. and closed 1909 on opening of Moor End Council Sch. Accom. also provided pending opening of Moor End Council Sch. in Erdington Wesleyan Schoolroom. Accom. provided in Erdington Technical School 1924, and in Erdington Congregational Schoolroom 1929–31. All temporary accom. given up on opening of Tedbury Crescent Council Sch. 1931, and reorganized for JM, I.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

OSCOTT CHURCH SCHOOL, Perry Barr. Received annual state grants from 1879.(1) One of the 3 free schs. in Perry Barr said 1873 to be supported by the Calthorpe family.(63) Known 1884–5 also as The Hon. A. C. G. Calthorpe's Oscott Sch. It was then a M sch. with a master and mistress.(64) Accom. 108. Closed 1900.(1) A G sch. in School Lane, Old Oscott, mentioned as closing 1897 (21) was probably part of Perry Barr Church Schs., q.v.

OUR LADY AND ST. ROSE R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Gregory Avenue.(27) Weoley Castle R.C. Sch. opened 1936 in new building temporarily used also as church (see p. 406), accom. 192 JI. Became an aided sch. 1951. Accom. for 80 at Church Hall, Weoley Park Rd., provided 1952.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28) The sch. was conducted by Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus in 1954 (see p. 405).

OUR LADY OF LOURDES R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Trittiford Road.(27) Yardley Wood R.C. Sch. opened 1935 in part of new building accom. 192 JI. 2 more classrooms taken into use 1935, 1937. Became an aided sch. 1952.(21) 2 more classrooms taken into use 1953, 1954. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, hall.(28)

OUR LADY'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Tile Cross Road, Marston Green. Opened 1956 for JI. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

PAGANEL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Stonehouse Farm.(27) Paganel Rd. Council Sch. opened 1938 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 720 JM, I. Weoley Castle Temporary Council Sch. closed when it opened. JM dept. used for Civil Defence 1939 and sch. worked half-time until 1942 when most of building restored.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 nurseries, 2 halls.(28)

PAGET ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Pype Hayes.(27) Paget Rd. Council Sch. opened 1928 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) Accom. 824 SM, JM. 4 classrooms in huts provided 1929. Existing buildings altered 1933 for SB and SG, and new JI dept., accom. 576, opened. New practical rooms provided 1940. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.).(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

PAGET ROAD (BOYS') COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; PAGET ROAD (GIRLS') COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Pype Hayes.(27) Became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Accom. 1955: 21 classrooms, practical rooms, 2 halls. B and G schs. amalgamated 1959.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 650.(27)

PARK HILL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Moseley. Opened 1954 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

PARK STREET BOARD SCHOOL. St. Martin's Sch., Park St., opened c. 1871–2.(1) St. Martin's Sch., Allison St., was closed on its opening.(23) A.a. 1873: 208.(1) In 3 depts. (B, G, I) in 1874; fees 2d.– 4d.(11) Transferred to Birm. Sch. Bd. as Park St. Bd. Sch. 1879. Fees all 1d. and many children admitted free, so that attendance was much higher after transfer. In 1883 Meriden St. Bd. Sch., q.v., was opened to relieve overcrowding here. The Sch. Bd. reports imply that Park St. Sch. remained open as well (23) but the Ed. Dept. apparently considered Meriden St. as a replacement.(1, 21) It closed either 1883 or with Meriden St. in 1891.(22)

PARK STREET DISSENTING CHARITY SCHOOL. See Protestant Dissenting Charity Sch.

PENN STREET INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Opened by 1858 as a ragged sch.(60) Became an industrial sch. for B 1863 under the Industrial Schs. Act (Langford, Mod. Birm. ii. 220–1).

PERRY BARR CHURCH SCHOOLS. In 1851 there was said to be a National sch. in Perry Barr, built 1842.(57) In 1846 there was a C. of E. (but not Nat.) sch. with a master and mistress, n.o.b. 73 B, G, and a C. of E. I sch. with a mistress, n.o.b. 40 B, G. The schs. were supported by subscriptions and fees.(30) H.M.I. reported 1847 that the Perry Barr sch. was supported by the Hon. F. Gough and was of the old village type. In 1849 he said the buildings were rather confined but the instruction was fair.(1) In 1858 there were said to be 2 schs.: an I and G sch. under a mistress and the 'Protestant sch.' (perhaps in contrast to Maryvale or Oscott R.C. Schs.) under a master and mistress.(60) In 1873 there were said to be 3 free schs. in Perry Barr supported by the Calthorpe family (see also Oscott Church Sch.). In 1884–5, apart from the Oscott sch., there were said to be Perry Barr National Sch. for G, and Christ Church National Sch. for B, which had opened 1874 (64) (see Christ Church Bd. Sch.). The G sch., called Perry Barr Girls' Church Sch., received annual grants from 1877. A.a. 1880: 66.(1) Closed 1897 because of fall in attendance.(31) Possibly this was the sch. mentioned (in connexion with Maryvale R.C. Sch.) as the G sch. in School Lane, Old Oscott, which was the private property of Lord Calthorpe and closed 1897 (but see also Oscott Church Sch.).(21)

PERRY BARR COUNCIL SCHOOL. See King's Vale Council Sch.



PINEAPPLE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Allenscroft Road.(27) Pineapple Council Sch. opened 1923 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 400 MI.(1) Reorganized 1930 for JI. Accom. for 1 class in Hazelwood Parochial Hall provided and sch. enlarged 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

PITMASTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hall Green.(27) Pitmaston Rd. Council Sch. opened 1931 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 192 I. Permanent buildings opened 1931, accom. 1,440 SB, SG, JI. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next schs.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 12 classrooms, hall. Closed 1958.(28)

PITMASTON BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; PITMASTON GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Hall Green.(27) Pitmaston Rd. Boys' and Girls' Cty. Modern Schs. became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Names changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 370 B, 380 G.(27)

PITMASTON ROAD SCHOOLS. See Pitmaston Cty. Primary Sch. and Pitmaston Boys' and Girls' Cty. Modern Schs.

PORTLAND COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Portland Road, Edgbaston. Opened by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. 1957.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 430.(27)

THE PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aston.(27) Albert Road Bd. Sch. opened 1881 by Aston Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 1,102 B, G, I.(24) Fees 6d. for B and G, 2d.–3d. for I. New JM block accom. 318 opened 1885.(22) Enlarged and higher grade subjects introduced 1891. Fees retained until 1918. Sometimes known as Albert Road Higher Grade Sch. Overcrowded by 1892. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912; they were made 1913. JM dept. closed 1913. Reorganized 1930 for SM, JM, I, and again, with alterations 1935, for JM, I. Depts. united 1940.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, library, 2 halls.(28)

PRINCE ALBERT STREET TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1911 by Birm. C.B.C. in Prince Albert St. Sunday Sch.(21) accom. 228 M. Closed 1913 (1) on opening of Cherrywood Rd. Council Sch.(21)

PRINCETHORPE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Weoley Castle.(27) Princethorpe Rd. Council Sch. opened 1932 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) first in temporary buildings accom. 192 MI, then in new buildings, accom. 770 M, I. Seniors transferred to Shenley Fields Temporary Council Sch. 1933. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 24 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

PRINCETHORPE ROAD SCHOOLS. See Princethorpe Cty. Primary Sch.

PROTESTANT DISSENTING CHARITY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Meeting Street (1760–1791); Park Street (1791–1839); Graham Street (1839). Established 1760 by the Unitarians of the Old and New Meeting Houses for the education and support of poor children of any religious denomination.(58) The children attended the Old and New Meeting Houses unless their parents preferred another church.(66) Supported by voluntary subscriptions; subscribers nominated children who never paid fees. The sch. was originally in Meeting St. In 1777 it contained 27 children, who were entirely maintained by it and apprenticed on leaving. It moved in 1791 to Park St.(68) From 1813 only G were admitted,(58) and the usual number from then until 1850 was about 40. In 1833 they were all 9–15 years old and there were a mistress and an assistant. (3) In 1837 the average time spent by pupils in the sch. was 3¼ yrs.(36) The children were by now regarded as being trained primarily for domestic service.(66) The sch. was moved 1839 to a new building in Graham St.(58) H.M.I. reported 1852 that it was a large and excellent building. There was a matron and a teacher. From now on the sch. was regarded as an asylum rather than a public elementary sch. and falls outside the scope of this list.(1)

QUEENSBRIDGE COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Moseley. Opened 1952 as a M sch. by Birm. C.B.C. Buildings completed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 860.(27)

QUINTON C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL. Quinton National Sch. established 1842.(20) Accom. 108. In 1846 there were 2 schoolrooms and a teacher's house.(29) H.M.I. reported 1847 that premises, teaching, and discipline were poor. The master and mistress were going to leave because their salaries were only £20 besides fees. Enlarged c. 1850. In 1857 it was a M sch. with fees 1d.–3d. Received annual grants from 1859. Enlarged 1864, 1871.(1) Enlarged c. 1890. Altered and reorganized 1936 for JI. Accom. in parish hall used from 1937. Became a controlled sch. 1949.(21) Accom. in Methodist church hall provided 1954. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall. (28)

RADDLEBARN LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Selly Oak.(27) Raddlebarn Lane Temporary Council Sch. opened 1905 by King's Norton and Northfield U.D.C. in temporary iron buildings for M, I. Selly Oak and Bournbrook Temporary Council Sch. closed when it opened.(1) B dept., accom. 126, opened 1906 in Primitive Methodist chapel.(21) A.a. 1906: 494.(1) Permanent buildings opened 1909 as Raddlebarn Lane Council Sch., accom. 800 M, I, and replaced hut. B dept. opened 1910 and sch. reorganized for B, G, I. Altered and enlarged 1931 for SB, JI. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

RADDLEBARN LANE BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Selly Oak.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. provided 1951 in Friends' Meeting House, Raddlebarn Road (21) and 1954 in former St. Stephen's C. of E. Sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 530.(27)

RAGGED SCHOOL, Lichfield Street. See Birmingham Free Industrial Sch.

RAGGED SCHOOL, Well Lane. See St. Martin's Ragged Sch.

RAGGED SCHOOL, Windmill Street. See Chance's Ragged Sch.

REASIDE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Deritend.(27) Rea St. South Bd. Sch. opened 1875 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,029 B, G, I.(21) Fees all 1d.(22) Enlarged 1884, altered 1890 for classroom organization with central hall, practical work rooms added 1893, class of defective children opened in buildings 1897. Practical rooms added 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SB, JM, I. JM and I depts. united 1937. SB dept. damaged by enemy action and closed 1941. Altered 1951: former I block became nursery sch., and main block used for JI.(21) Former practical block repaired 1954 to provide classrooms for this sch. and a science centre. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, 2 dining halls, 2 halls.(28)

REA STREET SOUTH SCHOOL. See Reaside Cty. Primary Sch.

REDHILL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hay Mills. Redhill Bd. Sch. opened 1892 by Yardley Sch. Bd. Accom. 540 M, I. Rushall Lane Bd. Sch. closed on its opening.(22) New I dept. built 1894, accom. 428. Reorganized 1931 for JM, I. Depts. united 1941.(21) Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

REDNAL HILL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Irwin Avenue, Rednal.(21) Lickey Rd. Cty. Primary Sch. (27) opened 1952 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI.(21) Name changed 1953. Reorganized as separate J and I schs. when I block opened 1956. Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

RIDPOOL ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Ridpool Rd. Council Sch. opened 1937 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings for JI.(21) A.a. 1938: 339.(1) Accom. provided 1938 in Yardley Church Hall. Permanent premises opened 1939, accom. 960 JM, I.(21) Accom. 1955: 18 classrooms, nursery, 2 halls.(28)

ROOKERY ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Handsworth.(27) Rookery Rd. (Temporary) Bd. Sch. opened 1898 by Handsworth Sch. Bd.(22) in Good Shepherd Mission Sunday Sch. for I. Closed 1899 and Rookery Rd. Bd. Sch. opened, accom. 1,060 M, I. Enlarged 1906 and reorganized for SM, JM, I. Practical rooms added 1908, and new classrooms 1912. Altered 1930–3. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. for 60 provided 1949 in Rookery Rd. Methodist Church. (21) J and I schs. amalgamated 1957. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

ROOKERY ROAD COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL. See William Murdoch Cty. Modern Sch.

THE ROSARY R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Parkfield Road, Saltley.(27) The Rosary R.C. Sch. opened 1937. Accom. 528 SM, JI. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Became an aided sch. 1952.(21) Altered 1950. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28) The seniors have been taught since opening by Marist Brothers and the juniors by Irish Sisters of Charity (see pp. 403, 404).

THE ROSARY R.C. MODERN SCHOOL, Parkfield Road, Saltley.(27) Became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Became a secondary aided sch. 1952. Altered c. 1950 to provide 9 classrooms.(21) 4 classrooms on roof provided 1953.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 420.(27)


RUBERY COUNCIL SCHOOL. See Colmers Farm Cty. Primary Sch.

RUBERY (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1879 by King's Norton Sch. Bd. in the Rubery Congregational Chapel Schoolroom, accom. 57.(25) Fees at first 1d., later 1d.–2d.(21) Closed on opening of Rubery Bd. Sch. 1883 (see Colmers Farm Cty. Primary Sch.).(21)

RUSHALL LANE BOARD SCHOOL, Acock's Green. Possibly recte Rushey Lane Bd. Sch. Opened 1891 by Yardley Sch. Bd. in repaired building of former Rushall Lane Sch., q.v., for G and I with one teacher. Fees 2d. Closed on opening of Redhill Bd. Sch. 1892.(22)

RUSHALL LANE SCHOOL, Acock's Green. Possibly recte Rushey Lane Sch. Established 1858 in Acock's Green Congregational Chapel. Apparently undenominational. In 1872 the building was only used occasionally in the evenings for services. M dept. used the chapel room while I dept. had a small classroom; 2 teachers; fees 2d.–6d. (22) Received annual grants from 1873. Accom. 1880: 100. Closed c. 1884.(1) Building later used as Rushall Lane Bd. Sch., q.v.

RUSTON STREET WESLEYAN SCHOOL. In existence 1846 (alternatively called Islington Wesleyan Sch.) (59) when Wesleyan Ed. Cttee. Inspector reported that it was the best G sch. under an untrained teacher that he had seen. There was an I sch. on the ground floor of the same building. N.o.b. 186 G, I. Fees 2d.–2½d. It was still in existence 1856 (59) but was possibly a private adventure sch. although held in the chapel: there was no sch. here under a local Wesleyan cttee. by 1860.(33) See also Islington County Primary Sch.

RYLAND ROAD SCHOOLS. See Erdington Hall Cty. Primary Sch. and Erdington Hall Cty. Modern Sch.

SACRED HEART R.C. SCHOOL, Prestbury Road, Aston.(27) Opened 1898.(22) Accom. 202 MI.(1) Another story added 1900.(40) Divided into M and I depts. 1904. By 1950 accom. in hut and parish hall. (21) Became an aided sch. 1953. Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. ALBAN'S BRANCH CHURCH SCHOOL. See St. Patrick's C. of E. Primary Sch., Highgate St.

ST. ALBAN'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Dymoke Street.(27) St. Alban's (Church) Sch. established 1866, adjoining the church.(22) In 1869 there were one teacher and 2 assistants with n.o.b. 241 B, G, nearly all under 10 yrs. old. Fees 2d. (10) In 1871 the sch. was divided into 3 depts. and the I sch., which was on the west of the church, was enlarged. The B and G schs. were south of the church. Received annual grants from 1872. Accom. 463.(1) Fees 1874: 2d.–3d. (11) Church converted and opened 1880 as B sch. and former B and G building used for G only.(22) New G dept. on adjoining site (leasehold), accom. 300, built 1902 and former G dept. altered for I.(31) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. New B dept. built over former one and former I dept. demolished to enlarge playground 1915. Further improvements 1918. Reorganized 1933 for SM, JI. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Became an aided sch. 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms.

ST. ALBAN'S C. OF E. MODERN SCHOOL, Dymoke Street.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.), for SM. Accom. for 4 classes with hall provided 1949 in former St. David's C. of E. Sch. Became an aided sch. 1952.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 290. (27)

ST. ANDREW'S BORDESLEY NATIONAL SCHOOL, Little Green Lane. Opened c. 1862 in new buildings, erected with state aid, accom. 516.(21) In 3 depts. (10) Fees 1874: 3d. –6d.(11) Ed. Dept. refused to pay grant 1889 (21) and sch. presumably closed soon after: certainly closed by 1894.(17)

ST. ANDREW'S COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Ada Road, Small Heath.(27) Ada St. Bd. Sch. opened 1885 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,025 M, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d. Classroom added 1900. Building remodelled 1928. Reorganized between 1928 and 1932 for SB, JM, I. Name changed to Ada Road c. 1935. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. ANDREW'S BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Ada Road, Small Heath.(27) Ada Rd. Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate B sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 330.(27)

ST. ANDREW'S (SMALL HEATH) NATIONAL (INFANTS') SCHOOL, Watery Lane. In 1846 a sch. was said to have been established in connexion with the church but the building was not apparently completed until 1850,(30) when it was an I sch. and comprised a schoolroom and classroom, accom. 200.(29) In 1858 it stood between nos. 14 and 18 Watery Lane.(60) Said 1850 to be entirely supported by the vicar.(58) Received annual grants from 1866. 1869, standards I–IV only.(10) Fees 1874: 2d.– 6d.(11) Closed 1876.(23)

ST. ANNE'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Devon St., Saltley.(27) St. Matthew's Branch Sch., Cato Street, opened 1868 in one room of Duddeston Hall (21) for I only. Fees 2d.,(22) standards I–II only.(10) Building altered 1869–70,(1) to accom. 746 B, G, I, with a teacher's house.(21) Name changed c. 1870 to St. Anne's National Sch., Duddeston. Fees 1874: 2d.–4d. (11) H.M.I. reported 1894 that buildings and education were both poor: B dept. was now closed.(21) Fees retained until 1903.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. By 1923 the building was dangerous: repairs 1923–6. Reorganized 1930 for 420 JI.(21) Became a controlled sch. 1951.(21) Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms.(28)

ST. ANNE'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Alcester Street;(27) Lowe Street (1957). St. Anne's R.C. Sch. was probably opened 1849 by the Oratorians (see p. 403).(34) In 1856 it was at 38, Alcester St.(59) Received state grants from 1851. In 1857 it comprised or included an industrial sch. with 25 inmates. A.a. 1869: 205 (1) in 2 depts.(10) Fees 1874: 1d.–6d.(11) New church opened 1884 (see p. 407) and sch. moved into old church building (originally a distillery),(40) accom. c. 700–800.(1) Buildings condemned by Bd. of Ed. 1912 and 1924. Damaged by enemy action 1940 and accom. provided for a short time in Moseley Rd. Council Sch. In 1947 the JI dept. of St. Michael's R.C. Sch. was transferred to repaired buildings of closed Allcock St. Council Sch., and became an annexe of St. Anne's.(21) Accom. in men's social club provided 1954. L.E.A. declared building dangerous 1954 and it was closed. Sch. housed in former Floodgate St. Council Sch. and in Reaside Cty. Primary Sch. Moved to new buildings in Lowe St. 1957. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, dining hall.(28)

ST. ASAPH'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, Bow Street. St. Thomas's National Sch., Bow St., built 1859. Enlarged 1862: after this it consisted of 2 schoolrooms (M, I), 1 classroom, and a teacher's house.(22) Received annual grants from 1865. Name changed 1869 to St. Asaph's National Sch.(1) Fees 1874: 1d.–3d.(11) Altered 1894. Enlarged 1904. Bd. of Ed. condemned buildings 1912. Extensive alterations made 1929 and sch. reorganized for JI. Closed 1948 owing to the dangerous state of the building.(21)

ST. AUGUSTINE'S R.C. SCHOOL, Oxhill Road, Handsworth.(27) Conducted by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul (see p. 404). Opened 1908. Accom. 200 M, I. 2 classrooms added 1928.(21) Depts. united 1931.(1) Became an aided sch. 1950. Enlarged 1953.(21) Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. BARNABAS' C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Ryland Street.(27) St. Barnabas' National Sch., Ryland St., opened 1862.(22) Consisted of 2 schoolrooms (B, G) and 2 classrooms;(38) playground enlarged 1868 and building enlarged and teacher's house added 1869.(29) Fees 1874: 3d.(11) From 1880 St. Barnabas' Infants' Sch., q.v. for earlier history, was considered as I dept. of this sch. Combined accom. 1880: 862. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912 and 1924. Altered and reorganized 1931–2 for JM (in 1861 building), I (in 1849 building). Became a controlled sch. 1950. Accom. in St. Barnabas' Church Room provided 1952.(21) Depts. united 1954. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ST. BARNABAS' INFANTS' SCHOOL, Ryland Street. Christ Church (Infants') Sch., Ryland St. (or Ryland St. North),(59) was said in 1867 to have been established 1848 in new buildings comprising one room,(22) accom. 196 I, and a teacher's house. H.M.I. reported 1852 that no children over 7 were admitted but G over 7 were allowed to stay on since there was no other G sch. in district. Received annual grant in 1860 only.(1) Name changed 1861 to St. Barnabas' (Infants') Sch. Classroom added 1866.(22) Received annual grants from 1867.(1) Fees 2d.(22) From 1880 treated as I dept. of St. Barnabas' National Sch. (see St. Barnabas' C. of E. Primary Sch.).(1)


ST. BENEDICT'S ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) St. Benedict's Rd. Council Sch. opened 1913 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) Accom. 1,000 M, I. Wright St. Temporary Council Sch. closed when it opened. Reorganized 1931 for JM, I. Accom. provided here 1940–50 for 2 classes of Holy Family R.C. Primary Sch.(21) Accom. 1961: 20 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ST. BRIGID'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Frankley Beeches, Northfield.(27) Opened 1951 as an aided JI sch. in new buildings, and taught by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul (see p. 404). The sch. at Nazareth House G home became an annexe of St. Brigid's 1953(21) (see pp. 403–4). Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, dining hall, hall.(28)

ST. CATHERINE'S R.C. SCHOOL, Windmill Street. (27) Said 1905 to have opened 1869.(40) Received annual grants from 1870,(1) but not in existence in Sept. 1869(10) and said 1872 to have opened (possibly in permanent buildings) 1872. Buildings then comprised a schoolroom and classroom (with a church on the floor above until 1875) (40) and a teacher's house.(22) In 1874 taught by one mistress; fees 2d.–4d. with c. ¼ pupils free.(11) Accom. by 1880: 567. In 1899 3 depts. (B, G, I).(1) Bd. of Ed. condemned buildings 1912. In 1925 B and G depts. were said to be on ground and first floor respectively of 'new building' with 2 rooms each, and I in 'old building'. New B and G building adjoining in Bow St. opened 1931, accom. 160 each, and sch. reorganized 1933 for M, I. Became an aided sch. 1950.(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, 2 halls.(28) The sch. was conducted by Sisters of Mercy in 1885 and by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul c. 1890–c. 1904 (see pp. 404, 405).

ST. CHAD'S R.C. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Opened in 1858 in Summer Hill Terrace (Cath. Dir. (1859)). Moved 1860 to Summer Hill (Hist. of St. Chad's (1904)), and later to Bath St. (Kiernan, Story of Archdiocese of Birm. 44). Closed 1873 and replaced later by St. Thomas's Grammar Sch., q.v.

ST. CHAD'S R.C. SCHOOL, Shadwell Street and Brearley Street.(27) A Sunday sch. for R.C children of Birm. was established 1809 in its master's house in Livery St. Schoolroom (accom. 95) built 'at St. Chad's' 1814, and a room over it (accom. 148) was added 1816 to provide separate B and G schs. Day sch., apparently first R.C. day sch. in Birmingham (but see St. Peter's R.C. Sch.), opened 1823. N.o.b. 1829: 100 B, G. Until 1834, when St. Peter's R.C. Sch. opened, this sch. served both churches. B sch. overcrowded 1834–5 and 103 children were refused admission. Enlarged 1836 for 40 extra B, and rebuilt 1839 (W. Greaney, Guide to St. Chad's (1877)). Received state grants from 1849, when H.M.I. reported that B dept. had been efficient but was then poor. The G dept. was very good. B dept. had improved by 1852 but fell off again 1853 owing to irregular attendance because the boys went to work so early in gun factories. In 3 depts. 1853: B, G, I.(1) Additional G and I sch. opened 1871 in a room over the sacristy (22) in Bath St.(21) Fees 1874: 1d.–6d. with c. ¼ pupils free.(11) In 1883 I dept. in Shadwell St. closed and whole accom. there used for B, building in Bath St. closed and new G and I depts., accom. 800 G, I, opened on site adjoining it in Shadwell St. B dept. premises condemned by Bd. of Ed. 1906 and closed 1912. B transferred to former G and I premises (accom. 318) and new premises (accom. 650 G, I) opened 1912 in Brearley St. Became an aided sch. 1953 and reorganized for SM and I (in Brearley St.) and JM (in Shadwell St.).(21) Accom. 1961: 20 classrooms, 3 halls.(28) B dept. apparently conducted by Christian Brothers, or by masters trained by them, 1846–9 (1) (see p. 403), G sch. by Sisters of Mercy 1847–53, and from 1853 by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul, who still conduct the S and I schs. (see pp. 404, 405.).

ST. CLEMENT'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, High Park Street, Nechells.(27) St. Clement's Nechells National Sch. B sch. opened 1859(22) with teacher's house. Accom. c. 475,(39) including G dept. which opened 1860, taught by the master's wife. Fees 2d.–4d.(22) Enlarged 1869 with grant.(21) By 1865 in 3 depts. (B, G, I).(61) Fees 1874: 2d.–6d.(11) About to close 1895, owing to financial difficulties, but remained open with help from Archidiaconal Bd. of Ed.(31) Altered 1896.(21) Fees retained in B and G depts. until 1903. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912: in particular the playground, enlarged 1914. Accom. for 100 G provided 1913 in mission hall. Bd. of Ed. still considered premises unsatisfactory 1933. Reorganized, as a temporary expedient, for SM, JI. Damaged by enemy action 1940 and repaired 1950. Became a controlled sch. 1950. Accom. provided in church hall 1952–3. SM dept. closed 1953.(21) Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ST. CUTHBERT'S SCHOOL, Heath Street. All Saints' (Protestant or National) Sch. established c. 1863.(1) In 2 depts. 1869,(10) and 3 in 1874. Fees 1874: 2d.–6d.(11) Name changed 1872 to St. Cuthbert's Sch. and sch. united with St. Cuthbert's, Winson St., q.v. This sch., and probably both, closed 1878(23) when this sch. was said to contain G dept. only.(21)

ST. CUTHBERT'S SCHOOL, Winson Street. All Saints' Sch. opened 1870 in building formerly used as mechanics' institute and adapted (21) with state and Nat. Soc. aid. Accom. 358.(29) Name changed 1872 to St. Cuthbert's Sch. and united with St. Cuthbert's Sch., Heath St. This sch. formed the B and I depts. of the whole.(21) Closed probably 1878.(23)

ST. CYPRIAN'S CHURCH SCHOOL, Hay Mills. In 1873 there was said to be a sch. in Hay Mills for the children of the workmen at Webster and Horsfall's wire mills.(62) St. Cyprian's Church Sch. (accom. 74),(1) which received annual grants from 1877, was said to be supported by a Mr. Horsfall. He withdrew his help 1891 and the sch. was transferred 1892 to Yardley Sch. Bd. who maintained it until Redhill Bd. Sch. opened, when it closed.(21)

ST. DAVID'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, Macdonald Street. St. Luke's Infants' Church Sch., Macdonald St., opened 1850.(22) Accom. c. 200 I. Fees 2d.(38) Name changed 1866 to St. David's National Sch.,(1) standards I–V only.(10) B and G schs., abutting on Bishop St., opened 1869 in new building, comprising 1 schoolroom each and 1 classroom: accom. 419. Fees 3d.–4d.(22) Enlarged 1904. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912, 1924. Altered 1933 and reorganized for JI. Closed owing to war damage and to fall in attendance 1941. Building repaired and used by St. Alban's C. of E. Modern Sch. from 1949.(21)


ST. EDWARD'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Elmdon Road, Selly Park.(27) St. Paul's R.C. Sch. opened 1874 (or possibly earlier) (62) in new buildings comprising 1 schoolroom and 1 classroom. Taught in 1 dept. Fees 2d.–4d.(22) Received annual grants from 1881.(1) Moved into new buildings 1895, accom. 157.(21) Name changed 1895 to St. Edward's R.C. Sch. New I schoolroom provided 1897, accom. 120.(21) By 1899 in 2 depts.: M and I.(1) Altered and enlarged 1909. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized for JI only 1953. Became an aided sch. 1954. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms.(28) Conducted throughout by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul (see p. 404).

ST. GABRIEL'S CHURCH SCHOOL, Little Ann Street or Barn Street. Recognized by Birm. Ed. Soc. 1869–70.(37) H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 that it was uninspected and had 1 teacher; nearly all pupils were under 10. N.o.b. 87 B, G. It received no subscriptions and all fees were 1d.(10) There is no later reference to the sch.

ST. GEORGE'S BRANCH INFANT SCHOOL, Hospital Street. Received annual grants from 1868: in existence by 1866.(1) Probably opened after 1865,(1) although a site in Hospital St. was suggested for a branch sch. in 1853.(38) A.a. 1869: 151,(1) standards I–IV only.(10) Fees 1874: 1½d.–2d.(11) Closed 1878: (23) no accom. was provided to replace it in St. George's Sch., Gt. Russell St., as the children attending the Hospital St. sch. were said to be of a very low class and unable to pay the fees charged in the central sch.(21)

ST. GEORGE'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Great Russell Street (27) (c. 1834–1960); Hospital Street (1960). St. George's National Sch. opened late 1834 or early 1835. Accom. 600.(38) (See also St. George's Infant Sch., which was the first sch. in the parish.) In 1837 it had one teacher. In its first year there had been over 800 admissions but n.o.b. had never exceeded 90: average time spent in the sch. was 3 months.(36) A teacher's house and 2 new schoolrooms were built next to the original school 1842– 5.(38) In 1846 there were only 2 rooms: (30) presumably the original sch. was replaced by that built 1842.(58) N.o.b. 1846: 210 B, G, with a master and mistress.(30) H.M.I. reported 1843–51 that fees were 2d.–4d.; always at least 2 teachers; the standard varied, being very poor 1849 but improving with new teachers 1850.(1) Enlarged 1863, 1871,(21) and in 1878.(23) In 3 depts. 1869 (B, G, I).(10) Accom. by 1880: 1,175. Fees of 1d. retained until 1903. Bd. of Ed. condemned premises 1912. Altered 1933, and sch. reorganized for M, I. Became a controlled sch. and reorganized 1949 for JI only.(21) Accom. 1955: 13 classrooms, hall. Moved 1960 to new buildings in Hospital St. Accom. 1961: 17 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

ST. GEORGE'S INFANT SCHOOL, Farm Street. See St. Saviour's National Sch., Farm St.

ST. GEORGE'S INFANT SCHOOL. St. George's Sunday Sch. (see plate facing p. 379) was built 1823 (3) or 1824, apparently ¼ mile away from the later sch. in Great Russell St.(38) The Infant Sch. was opened in it in 1829 with a mistress trained in the Birmingham Infant Central Sch., and an assistant.(39) N.o.b. 1833: 120.(3) In 1846 St. George's Infant Sch. had 1 schoolroom with a mistress and an assistant.(30) H.M.I. gave it good reports 1843–6.(1) By 1850 it does not seem to have been in existence.(58) It may have been closed on the opening of one of the later branch schs. of St. George's, or one of these may have been a continuation of it.

ST. GEORGE'S MISSION CHURCH BRANCH (INFANT) SCHOOL, Smith Street. Received annual grants from 1868: (1) probably opened after 1865.(61) A.a. 1869: 135,(1) standard I only.(10) Fees 1874: 1½d.– 2d.(11) Closed 1878 and accom. provided instead by enlargement of I dept. at St. George's Sch., Gt. Russell St.(21).

ST. GEORGE'S (EDGBASTON) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Beaufort Road.(27) Opened 1854 comprising a schoolroom and teacher's house.(38) Fees 2d.(22) Accom. 165; (1) chiefly G and I under 1 mistress. B dept. in new buildings at other end of playground opened 1872.(22) Fees 1874: 2d.–4d.(11) Fees retained until 1903, apparently on request of parents as the sch. was 'for a rather better class ... than many town schools'. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912, which were made 1914. Reorganized 1925, 1931–3 for JI.(21) Became an aided sch. 1952. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. JAMES' ASHTED CHURCH SCHOOL, Heneage Street. Recognized by Birm. Ed. Soc. 1868–70; (37) probably opened after 1865.(61) Never received annual grants. H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 n.o.b. 216 B, G, nearly all under 10 yrs. old, with 1 teacher. Fees 1d.–2d.(10) Probably closed soon after; certainly closed by 1894 when St. James' Ashted Church Sch., Henry St., closed.(21)

ST. JAMES' ASHTED CHURCH SCHOOL, Henry Street. Opened 1828 (29) or 1829 in 2 rooms, erected with Nat. Soc. grant of £200. This was the first grant made by the soc. to a Birmingham sch. Fees 2d.(38) N.o.b. 1830: 200 B, G.(29) The Ashted ('Ashed') Charity Sch. in 1838 had 80 B only in attendance, with 1 teacher: (36) it was restricted to B probably by 1833.(3) A.a. 1850 said to be 160 B, G.(58) Received annual grants from 1861. Enlarged 1857 and 1869; in 1869 a new I sch. was also started in a former working men's reading room (see also St. James' Ashted Church Sch., Heneage St.). By 1869 there were 3 schoolrooms and a classroom, (38) and the sch. was organized in 3 depts.(10) In 1894 the Ed. Dept. refused to recognize the sch., because premises were bad and there was no playground, and it was closed.(21)

ST. JAMES' (EDGBASTON) C. OF E. SCHOOL, Gough Road. St. James' Edgbaston Church Sch. opened 1861. Accom. 309, with a teacher's house. Fees 2d. Taught by a mistress at first (22) but by 1865 by a master as well.(61) Enlarged 1866.(21) In 3 depts. 1869.(10) Fees 1874: 2d.–6d.(11) Altered 1895. Fees retained until 1904. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1928 for M, I, and 1933 for SM, I. Damaged by enemy action and closed 1941. Buildings used by St. Luke's C. of E. Primary Sch.(21)

ST. JAMES' (HANDSWORTH) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Brewery Street.(27) St. James' Handsworth (National) Sch. opened 1843 (38) consisting of 2 rooms.(30) H.M.I. gave very good report 1843, less good later.(1) In 1846 there were a master and mistress. N.o.b. 110 B, G.(30) Enlarged 1873, 1888. Fees retained until 1903. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1924. Altered and reorganized 1930 for JI. Became a controlled sch. 1949.(21) Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. JAMES' R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Leach Green Lane, Rubery. Opened 1959 for JI. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. JOHN'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, High Street, Harborne. St. John the Baptist National Sch.(61) opened 1862 with teacher's house. Fees 2d.–3d. 1 master and 2 mistresses at first, (22) but in 2 depts. only (M, I) by 1899. Accom. 1880: 304. Apparently enlarged c. 1883. Closed 1917, (1) by which time buildings were in very bad repair.(21)

ST. JOHN'S (DARWIN STREET) C. OF E. SCHOOL, Darwin Street. Darwin St. Infant Church Sch. opened 1872 in mission hall,(21) accom. 190.(1) Name changed c. 1903 to St. John's Darwin St. C. of E. Sch. Closed 1908, on grounds of economy.(21)

ST. JOHN'S (DERITEND) C. OF E. SCHOOL, Chapel House Street. St. John's Deritend Infant Sch. opened 1833, apparently partly by encouragement of Birm. Inf. Sch. Soc.(39) Supported by subscriptions and small fees.(3) N.o.b. 1838: 86 B, G, with 2 teachers. In 1838 there was also a sch. of industry containing 30 G under 1 teacher; average time in sch. 9 months.(36) The sch. was said to be held in a hired room 1846,(1) when there was 1 mistress.(30) St. John's Deritend National Sch. New buildings, accom. 408, erected 1847 (1) or 1848.(58) Enlarged 1853.(21) Fees 2d.–4d.(22) In 1 dept. 1869.(10) In 2 depts. (M, I) by 1907.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912 and condemned buildings 1924. Reorganized 1931 for JI. Closed 1938.(21)

ST. JOHN'S (LADYWOOD) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Johnstone Street.(27) St. John's Ladywood National Sch. opened 1857 (22) consisting of 3 rooms and a teacher's house.(29) In 3 depts., with 1 teacher. Fees 1d.–6d.(22) Enlarged 1861, 1875.(21) A.a. 1869: 571, 1899: 839.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912, 1924. Playground enlarged 1918. I dept. (on east of Mary St.) remodelled 1927, G dept. altered 1933. Reorganized 1933 for JM, I. Depts. united 1940. Became a controlled sch. 1949. Accom. in St. John's Parochial Hall provided 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ST. JOHN'S (LADYWOOD) INFANTS' CHURCH SCHOOL, Icknield Port Road. See Christ Church (Summerfield) C. of E. Sch., Coplow St.

ST. JOHN'S R.C. SCHOOL, London Prentice Street (later Dalton Street). Opened (possibly then on a different site) 1849 or 1850 consisting of 2 rooms and erected with aid from Catholic Poor Sch. Cttee.(34) H.M.I. reported 1852 that G and I dept. (n.o.b. 191) was very good. In 1857 accom. was unsatisfactory. Enlarged or rebuilt 1861 (in London Prentice Street). A.a. 1869: 355,(1) in 3 depts.(10) Fees 1874: 2d.–4d. with over ⅓free.(11) Attached from 1867 to St. Michael's Mission (W. Greaney, Guide to St. Chad's (1877)) and by 1885 was B dept. of St. Michael's, New Bartholomew St., q.v. Closed 1890 or 1891 and building sold 1891.(21) The G and I schs. were apparently first conducted by Sisters of Mercy, later by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul (see p. 404 and n. 47).

ST. JOHN'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Mary Street, Balsall Heath.(27) St. John's R.C. Sch. opened 1911. Accom. 214 M, I.(1) By 1946 accom. in use in Clifton Rd. Cty. Primary Sch., the sacristy of St. John's R.C. Church, and the church itself.(21) Reorganized 1953 for JI only. Became an aided sch. 1954. Accom. 1961: 4 classrooms.(28)

ST. JOHN'S (SPARKHILL) C. OF E. PRIMARY Stratford Road.(27) Sparkhill Church Sch. opened 1856 or 1857, enlarged 1860. In 1865 there were 2 schoolrooms (M, I), with 1 mistress. Fees 2d.–4d.(22) Received annual grants from 1866. New G and I dept. apparently built 1884 consisting of 2 schoolrooms and 2 classrooms: accom. now 515. New I dept. built 1892, accom. 133, and former I premises used for B and G. Enlarged 1901. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized for JI only 1947.(21) Became an aided sch. 1951. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. JOSEPH'S (KING'S NORTON) R.C. SCHOOL, Station Road.(27) Opened 1907(1) in new buildings,(21) accom. 127 M, I.(1) Depts. united and accom. for 50 provided 1933 in first floor room formerly used as church.(21) Reorganized 1953 for JI only. Became an aided sch. 1954. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms.(28)

ST. JOSEPH'S (NECHELLS) R.C. SCHOOL, Long Acre. Opened 1868 consisting of 2 schoolrooms, one over the other.(22) H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 that the premises were well built and furnished.(10) In 1872 in one dept.(22) Received annual grants from 1872.(1) Fees 1874: 1d.–4d. and over ½ places free.(11) Enlarged 1878; new B dept. built 1896; I dept. enlarged 1897, 1898. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Repairs made 1920–30. B and G depts. united 1941. Became an aided sch. 1953.(21) Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms.(28) The sch. has always been conducted by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul (see p. 404).

ST. JUDE'S C. OF E. (CERTIFIED EFFICIENT) SCHOOL, Hill Street. St. Jude's (Church) Sch. opened c. 1862. Accom. 284, with a teacher's house.(21) Fees 1874: 2d.–3d.(11) For G and I only from c. 1877. Enlarged 1884.(21) Received annual grants as a P.E.S. until 1903, when it became a certified efficient sch. Closed 1911.(1)

ST. LAURENCE'S (NORTHFIELD) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Church Road.(27) Northfield Charity Sch. Dr. William Worth left £100 by will proved 1742 to found a charity sch. The legacy was paid in 1758 and the sch. was presumably established soon after. By 1832 the endowment had been increased to £13 a year by legacies from T. L. Soley and Thomas Lloyd. The sch. had been held in the vestry-room 'for many years' until 1820, when a room was hired for the Sunday sch. and also used for the day sch. In 1832 the master received £8 8s. a year and taught reading and writing without charge to 12 poor boys appointed by the rector. A sch. at Bartley Green was also supported (see Bartley Green Charity Sch.).(6) In 1836 6 G were apparently also taught. Northfield National Sch. A Sunday sch. was built 1837 and a teacher's house was added 1844. A day sch. was opened in the building by 1845, and absorbed the charity sch.(38) H.M.I. reported 1845: a.a. 81 B, G, in 5 classes with the National system.(1) In 1867 the sch. (uninspected) had 2 uncertificated teachers; fees 1d.–6d.(8) Received annual grants from 1872: in 1871 there were 2 schoolrooms (M, I) and the teacher's house in between. Fees 1d.– 2d.(22) I sch. enlarged 1890, new G sch. added 1898 on new site and former M sch. then used for B only. Classroom added 1904. Bd. of Ed. demanded improvements to playground 1912. Parish room used for 1 class 1925–7, and replaced by 2 classrooms in huts.(21) Reorganized for JI 1939. By 1951 2 classes held in church hall. Became an aided sch. 1952. Accom. in Northfield Institute provided 1953. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, hall.(28) In 1952 £433 6s. 8d. stock was held in respect of the original charities, and the income was used to help support the sch.(21)

ST. LAURENCE'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, Dartmouth Street. St. Laurence's National Sch. opened 1868. (21) Accom. 241 I.(1) St. Matthew's Branch Sch., Dartmouth St., closed when it opened. Fees 2d.(22) Comprised standards I–II in 1869.(10) By 1905 in 2 depts.: M, I.(1) Bd. of Ed. condemned buildings 1912, but reprieved them on promises of alterations until sch. closed 1938.(21)

ST. LUKE'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, St. Luke's Road (1843–1941); Gough Road, Edgbaston (1941). A sch. was held in rented rooms (probably from c. 1842) until St. Luke's National Sch., St. Luke's Rd., opened 1843. I sch. opened 1844 on south of B and G schs.;(38) total of 3 schoolrooms.(30) Fees 2d.–4d. H.M.I. reported well of the sch. 1843–7 though its efficiency was hampered by the use of the monitorial system in 1846 and by poor attendance 1847. Report less good 1850–1 when there was said to be no playground.(1) Fees retained until 1903. Bd. of Ed. condemned buildings 1912. Large alterations, I dept. virtually rebuilt and sch. reorganized 1933 for JI.(21) Buildings badly damaged by enemy action and closed 1941. Sch. housed in former St. James's C. of E. Sch., Gough Rd. Part of own building repaired and 3 classes held there from 1953. Became a controlled sch. 1954. Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. LUKE'S INFANTS' CHURCH SCHOOL. See St. David's C. of E. Sch.

ST. MARK'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, St. Mark's Street, King Edward's Road. St. Mark's National Sch. opened late 1843 or early 1844,(38) consisting of 2 schoolrooms adjoining the church.(29) Fees 2d. H.M.I. reported 1845–50 that G sch. was good, B improving. A.a. c. 210.(1) In 1846 there were a master and mistress.(30) I sch., behind the B and G sch., opened 1865.(21) Fees 1874: 2d.–6d.(11) New wing added to B and G sch. 1871. I sch. enlarged 1895 and general alterations made.(21) Fees retained until 1903. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912; alterations made by 1915. Reorganized 1931 for M, I, 1938 for JM, I.(1) In bad repair by 1940 and sch. closed.(21)

ST. MARK'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, Helena Street. St. Mark's National Sch., Helena St., opened 1850 accom. 179 I.(1) Fees 1874: 2d.–3d.(11) In 1874 premises said to be inconvenient and sch. by no means efficient.(21) In 2 depts. by 1899 (M, I).(1) H.M.I. reported 1903 that it had been in a very unsatisfactory state for many years.(21) Closed 1908.(1)

ST. MARTIN AND ST. BARTHOLOMEW BRITISH SCHOOL. A British sch. in St. Martin's parish (later referred to as St. Martin and St. Bartholomew) received a state building grant in 1840. The sch. was to accom. 230 children.(1)

ST. MARTIN'S SCHOOL. In 1830 there was only a Sunday sch. in St. Martin's parish, but by 1832 there was a day sch. with n.o.b. 483 B, G. In 1841 the sch. had a tolerably large playground.(29) The National Soc. reported that there was no sch. 1846–7,(30) but H.M.I. reported 1847 that a sch. existed with n.o.b. 172 B, G; the teaching was bad, the attendance poor and the children dirty.(1) In 1867 it was said that probably no inspected sch. in the borough was in so low a state as 'the old central school at St. Martin's' had been, but this probably referred to Birmingham National Sch., q.v.(67) Possibly identical with St. Martin's Sch., Inge St. (mentioned 1858),(60) q.v.

ST. MARTIN'S RAGGED SCHOOL, Well Lane. Opened 1848.(48) Presumably identical with St. Martin's Sch., Allison St. In 1850 it was called St. Martin's Well Lane, Allison St.(58) (but not 'ragged') and in 1852 it was called also the Well Lane Ragged Sch.(48) In 1858 St. Martin's Sch. was in Allison St., near Well Lane,(60) and in 1865, as St. Martin's Sch., Well Lane, Allison St., it was called a ragged sch.(61) As St. Martin's Sch., Allison St., it received annual grants from 1866: possibly by now not distinctively 'ragged'. A.a. 1869: 147,(1) standards I–V only, in 2 depts.(10) Closed c. 1871–2(1) on opening of St. Martin's Sch., Park St.(23)

ST. MARTIN'S SCHOOL, Allison Street. Presumably identical with St. Martin's Ragged School, Well Lane, q.v.

ST. MARTIN'S SCHOOL, Inge Street. St. Martin's Infant Sch., Inge St., in existence 1858.(60) Possibly identical with St. Martin's Sch., Birmingham, q.v. In 1865 described as the 'Parochial' sch.(61) Had 1 teacher in 1869; n.o.b. 103 B, G. Fees 1d.(10) Apparently never received grants.(1) Presumably closed soon after, probably before St. Martin's Sch., Park St., opened.

ST. MARTIN'S SCHOOL, Newhall Street. St. Martin's District Sch. in existence 1858 (60) and 1865, (61) adjoining the district church. Received annual grant from 1868. A.a. 1869: 140,(1) in 1 dept., standards I–V only.(10) Closed c. 1872–3.(1)

ST. MARTIN'S SCHOOL, Park Street. See Park St. Bd. Sch.

ST. MARY AND ST. JOHN'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Gravelly Hill. Opened 1931 (1) in part of new building,(21) accom. 192 JI, with parochial hall over.(1) Accom. provided in parochial hall. Became an aided sch. 1954. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms.(28)

ST. MARY'S (ACOCK'S GREEN) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Broad Road.(27) Opened 1874 (22) with teacher's house.(29) Accom. 402 B, G, I.(1) Fees 2d.–3d.(22) B and G depts. united 1894. Fees of 2d. retained until c. 1903. Buildings condemned by Bd. of Ed. 1906, repaired 1907–10. Accom. in War Memorial Hall, Summer Rd., used by I from 1930.(21) Depts. united 1933.(1) Reorganized 1947 for JI only. Became a controlled sch. 1951.(21) Accom. 1961: 5 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. MARY'S (ASTON BROOK) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Whitehouse Street and Avenue Road. St. Mary's Aston Brook (Church) Sch. opened 1860 in a leasehold schoolroom in Park Lane with 1 mistress. Fees 2d.–2½d. Received annual grants from 1866. A.a. 1866: 86. G and I dept. under a mistress opened 1868 in new building adjoining church in Avenue Rd., comprising schoolroom and classroom (accom. 209) and erected with state aid. Fees 2d.–6d. B dept. then said to be ¼ mile away,(22) presumably in original building.(1) 2 schoolrooms etc. added 1872; the B dept. was presumably included in the main building under this enlargement. Altered 1894. New I dept. in Whitehouse St., accom. 400, at the end of the playground, built 1899.(21, 29) By 1899 B and G depts. were united. (1) Fees in M dept. retained until 1903.(21) Became a controlled sch. 1948.(28) Reorganized 1949 for JM, I, and 2 depts. united 1953.(21) Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ST. MARY'S (BOURNBROOK) NATIONAL SCHOOL, Hubert Road. See St. Wulstan's (Bournbrook) C. of E. Sch.

ST. MARY'S BRANCH SCHOOL, Lancaster Street. St. Mary's Parochial Branch Sch. was held 1858 in Court 30, Lancaster St. In 1865 it was taught by a mistress.(60) There is no later mention of it: apparently closed by 1869.(10)

ST. MARY'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, Bath Street. A Sunday sch. was built 1817 (38) or 1824.(58) In 1830 there was a sch. of industry with n.o.b. 118 B, G.(29) St. Mary's National Sch. (i.e. day sch.) opened in the Sunday sch. building 1831 (3) for B and G (see also St. Mary's Infant Sch., Shadwell St.). N.o.b. 1837: 101 B, G, with 2 teachers.(36) The playground in 1841 was 'a confined yard. . . and even this, enclosed by buildings on every side, is of very considerable use'.(29) In 1844 the B room was 7 ft. below street-level.(38) Rebuilt and reopened 1846.(58, 1, 29) It comprised 3 schoolrooms (for B, G, I) and classrooms.(58) St. Mary's Infant Sch., Shadwell St., q.v., closed when it opened. Fees 1d.–2d.(38) H.M.I. said 1847 that the new I room was bad, though the I sch. was better than the B and G. Described 1849 as 'one of the neatest and most complete minor ecclesiastical establishments in the town or neighbourhood', with a well-supplied reading room and library, separated by a partition from the G schoolroom (Pictorial Guide to Birm. (1849), 118). A.a. 1869: 182,(1) standards I–V only,(10) in 2 depts. Fees 1874: 2d.–4d.(11) By 1896 the sch. was very badly managed and referred to by H.M.I. as 'this unfortunate sch.'. The I dept. which was 'practically a cellar' was closed 1897 and I used former B dept.(1) Bd. of Ed. condemned buildings again 1906. Altered 1911 for G and I only, and B dept. held in mission hall. H.M.I. reported 1920 that there was 'overcrowding, without precedent in my experience, in a thoroughly unsatisfactory building'; the I dept. was in a verminous condition and there was an unusual amount of sickness. B dept. closed 1921; reorganized 1931 for JI only. Closed 1939.(21)

ST. MARY'S (HANDSWORTH) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Church Hill Road.(27) Handsworth National Sch., adjoining the church, was built for £800 by trustees of Handsworth Bridge Trust in 1812–13 (conveyed to sch. trustees 1860).(21) The management of the sch. was given to a cttee. which included the bridge trustees, who also gave the sch. £20 a year for bibles and prayer books until c. 1850.(4) The sch. was united with the Nat. Soc. 1816. N.o.b. 1820: 195 B, G.(29) Fees 1834: 1d.; the boys received a set of clothes every 2 years and the girls received one every year.(57) In 1846 there were 2 schoolrooms, with a master and mistress and an assistant master.(30) Fees 1859: 1d.–2d.(22) From c. 1869 to 1912 known as Old Handsworth National Sch.(1) New B sch. built c. 1883: total accom. then 489 B, G, I. Reorganized 1892 for M (in new building) and I (in old). Altered 1896. Reorganized 1931 for JI.(21) Accom. for 2 classes provided 1953 in Hutton Road Mission. Became a controlled sch. 1949. Accom. 1961: 4 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. MARY'S (HARBORNE) R.C. SCHOOL, Vivian Road, Harborne. Opened 1871 by the Passionists (see p. 403) in a room in chapel building. Fees 1d.– 6d. Moved 1874 into building hitherto used as church (see p. 408),(40) comprising 2 schoolrooms (M, I), (22) and received annual grants from 1881. A.a. 1881: 45.(1) H.M.I. said 1892 that buildings were 'in a wretched state'. Rebuilt 1895: accom. 109 G, I. Reorganized 1912 for MI.(28) Enlarged 1937. Reorganized for JI 1949. Became an aided sch. 1953.(21) Enlarged 1954. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. MARY'S INFANT SCHOOL, Shadwell Street. Opened 1831.(39) In 1837 there was 1 teacher and n.o.b. 110 B, G.(36) Held 1844 in a rented room. Presumably closed when I dept. opened 1846 in the rebuilt parochial sch. (see St. Mary's C. of E. Sch.).(38)

ST. MARY'S R.C. SCHOOL, Wills Street (B dept.), Brougham Street (G and I depts.).(27) St. Mary's R.C. Sch. established 1850.(20) Built with help from Cath. Poor Sch. Cttee.(34) A.a. 1851: 80 G and I; taught by Sisters of Mercy (see p. 405).(22) H.M.I. gave good report 1852.(1) This sch. was presumably the present Brougham St. one, near the convent. B dept. opened 1859 in new building (presumably in Wills St.) comprising one schoolroom. Fees 1d.–4d.(22) Accom. by 1880: 534.(1) B dept. enlarged 1890, and G and I depts. 1894. Altered 1935.(21) St. Silas's Mission Church Hall and 2 rooms in convent used from 1949; accom. in St. Francis's Mission Hall provided 1950. Became an aided sch. 1953. Hall built, as first instalment of new sch., 1954. G and I depts. united 1954. Accom. 1955: 21 classrooms.(28)

ST. MARY'S (SELLY OAK) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, High Street, Selly Oak.(27) Selly Oak National Sch. opened 1860. Accom. 252, with teacher's house.(22) A.a. 1869: 154.(1) Enlarged 1872, with grant. M dept. divided into B and G 1882, and on opening of St. Mary's National School, Bournbrook (see St. Wulstan's C. of E. Sch.), in 1885 the G dept. was transferred there and Selly Oak Sch. used for B and I only. The schs. were united for administration 1898 and called Selly Oak and Bournbrook Schs. A third dept. opened 1898, accom. 545 SG and I. Selly Oak Sch. now used for JG and I only, while Bournbrook Sch. used for B. Accom. for 200 B provided in Bournbrook Technical Institute 1901–3. Selly Oak Sch. was damaged 1908 in gale and Bd. of Ed. condemned premises 1912. The schs. were separated 1914: the 1885 and 1898 buildings became St. Wulstan's C. of E. Sch., q.v., while Selly Oak Sch. became St. Mary's C. of E. Sch., Selly Oak. Accom. provided 1946 in People's Hall, Oak Tree Lane. Reorganized for JI and became an aided sch. 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 5 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. MATTHEW'S BRANCH SCHOOL, Cato Street. See St. Anne's C. of E. Primary Sch., Devon St.

ST. MATTHEW'S BRANCH SCHOOL, Dartmouth Street. Opened 1862, for I only; fees 2d. In 1868 it was held in 2 rented rooms. Never apparently received state grants. Closed 1868 on opening of St. Laurence's National Sch., Dartmouth St., q.v.(22)

ST. MATTHEW'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Lupin Street, Duddeston.(27) St. Matthew's National Sch. opened 1841 (38) consisting of 3 schoolrooms. (1, 29) A.a. 1843: 337, fees 2d.–4d. H.M.I. gave good reports 1843–5. The sch. enjoyed great local celebrity (1) and 11 teachers had been trained there by 1845.(38) In 1846 there were a master, mistress and infants' mistress, and 3 assistants.(30) New I dept. with teacher's house built adjoining original sch. 1860.(38) G dept. enlarged 1880. B dept. badly damaged by fire 1905. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized 1937 for JI only. Became a controlled sch. 1949.(21) Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. MATTHIAS' C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Wheeler Street.(27) St. Matthias' National Sch. opened 1858 (22) with teacher's house, accom. 455 B, G and I.(21) Fees 2d.–6d. New I dept. adjoining sch. built 1865,(38) accom. 93.(21) In 3 depts. 1869.(10) Enlarged 1871,(29) 1897, 1900. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912; alterations made 1924. Reorganized 1936 for JM, I. Depts. united 1938. Became a controlled sch. 1949. Accom. for 1 class provided 1952 in St. Matthias' Mission Hall.(21) Site of demolished church used as playground. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. MATTHIAS' INFANT NATIONAL SCHOOL, Farm Street. See St. Saviour's National School, Farm St.

ST. MICHAEL'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Bartley Green. Opened 1954. Bartley Green C. of E. Primary Sch., q.v., closed when St. Michael's opened. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. MICHAEL'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Thornhill Road, Handsworth.(27) St. Michael's National Sch. opened 1862 in room in the former Soho factory, for B only. New building opened late 1862 or early 1863,(22) accom. 236 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–2d.(22) Enlarged 1870, 1882, and 1895. B and G depts. united 1896. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912 and 1924. Altered 1932 and reorganized 1932–3 for JI. Became a controlled sch. 1948. Accom. for 90 provided 1950 in Handsworth Congregational Church.(21) Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms.(28)

ST. MICHAEL'S R.C. TEMPORARY MODERN SCHOOL, Floodgate Street.(27) St. Nicholas' Sch. opened by 1849 in Well Lane with a chapel over (see p. 409). In 1852 it comprised 2 schoolrooms.(29) In 1865 there was a master and the G sch. was taught by Sisters of Mercy.(61) This inspected sch. closed c. 1865(1) and was replaced by an uninspected sch. in New Meeting St., attached to St. Michael's chapel. This sch. closed 1869, with n.o.b. 68 B, G, all under 10 yrs. old, and 1 teacher.(10) Reopened 1872 under inspection, and apparently taught by Sisters of Mercy (W. Greaney, Guide to St. Chad's (1877)) (28) (see p. 405) as St. Michael's Sch., New Bartholomew St., in new building comprising 2 schoolrooms (M, I) (22) accom. 373.(1) Fees 1874: 1d.–6d.; nearly ½ pupils free.(11) Apparently partly conducted by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul from 1874 or earlier to c. 1890 (see p. 404). St. John's R.C. Sch., London Prentice St., q.v., was united to this sch. by 1885 (40) as B dept., while New Bartholomew St. building used for G and I. London Prentice St. building closed 1890 or 1891, and new B dept. built adjoining G and I in Bordesley St.(21) Accom. then 671.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912, which were partially made 1917. Reorganized 1937 for M, I. Building destroyed by enemy action 1940 and sch. held in part of closed Floodgate St. Council Sch. JI transferred 1947 to closed Allcock St. Council Sch. and became annexe of St. Anne's R.C. Primary Sch., q.v. Seniors of St. Michael's together with those from Holy Family, English Martyrs and St. Anne's R.C. Schs. remained in altered Floodgate St. building as a secondary modern M sch.(21) This became an aided sch. 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 560.(27)

ST. NICHOLAS' (CHURCH) SCHOOL, New Summer Street. In existence 1869,(10) but apparently not in 1865.(61) For infants (standard I only). A.a. 90.(10) Never received annual grants.(1) Closed between 1871 and 1876.(23)

ST. NICHOLAS' R.C. SCHOOL, Well Lane, Allison Street. See St. Michael's R.C. Temporary Modern Sch.

ST. PATRICK'S (BORDESLEY) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Highgate Street.(27) St. Patrick's Sch. opened 1873, used on Sundays for church services. Enlarged 1880 to accom. 375.(22) Name changed c. 1881 to St. Alban's Branch Church Sch. In 2 depts. 1899 (M, I). Name changed 1901 to St. Patrick's Bordesley C. of E. Sch. By 1907 for G and I only.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912 and substantial improvements 1925. Virtually rebuilt 1933 for JI.(21) Became an aided sch. 1952. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28) Henry Spencer (d. 1916) left £1,000 stock to the sch.(21)

ST. PATRICK'S R.C. SCHOOL, Dudley Road, Summerfield.(27) Opened 1883 in new buildings comprising 2 schoolrooms (M, I) and 2 classrooms, (22) accom. 240 M; taught by one mistress.(40) Enlarged 1892.(21) In 1899 the sch. had an endowment of £65.(1) Altered and enlarged 1922.(21) Depts. united 1933.(28) Became an aided sch. 1951.(21) Enlarged 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. PATRICK'S R.C. SCHOOL, Tonk Street or Bristol Street. Opened 1849 and moved 1856 to different premises, which were borrowed, and comprised 1 schoolroom, 1 classroom and a teacher's house. Fees 1d.–4d.(22) Received annual grants from 1857.(1) Described by Birm. Ed. Soc. 1868 as being in Tonk St. and 1869 as in Bristol St.(37) A.a. 1869: 139 (1) in 1 dept.(10) Received no grants from 1870: presumably closed.(1)

ST. PAUL'S (BALSALL HEATH) C. OF E. SCHOOL, Vincent Street, Balsall Heath. In 1846 there was a dame sch. at Balsall Heath more or less under church control: n.o.b. 25 B, G.(30) St. Paul's National Sch. opened 1857 (22) accom. 657, with teacher's house.(29) Taught by a master and his wife.(22) In 1865 there were a master, mistress and infants' mistress.(61) A.a. 1869: 322.(1) H.M.I. reported 1880 that King's Norton Sch. Bd. were building schs. at Tyndal St. and Mary St. although this one was not full, and that the Bd. refused to enforce regular attendance at it. The attendance was 'disgraceful'. Fees retained until 1893. B and G depts. united 1894. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized 1933, 1937 for JI. Damaged by enemy action 1940 and closed 1941.(21)

ST. PAUL'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Spencer Street.(27) Sunday sch. built in parsonage garden (38) 1832–3 with Nat. Soc. aid.(29) St. Paul's Sch. (i.e. day sch.) opened 1846.(22) Accom. 773, comprising 3 rooms and teacher's house.(38, 1, 29) In 1846 there were a master, 2 mistresses and an assistant.(30) H.M.I. reported 1846 that buildings were bad, especially the G and I dept. He gave good reports 1847–9, but G dept. then declined. In 1852 a new system of payments was introduced by which the funds grew greatly; children of manufacturers and shopkeepers paid 9d. a week or 7s. 6d. a quarter in advance, children of journeymen 6d., and those of other working men 3d. In 2 depts. 1869.(10) Fees 1874: 2½d.–6d.(11) Enlarged 1897. (21) Reorganized 1912 for G, I; B transferred to St. Paul's, Camden Drive.(1) Altered and reorganized on closure of St. Paul's, Camden Drive, 1939 for MI, and 1950 for JI. Became an aided sch. 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28) In 1952 the sch. held c. £1,500 endowment, from the proceeds of sale of St. Paul's, Camden Drive.(21)

ST. PAUL'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, Camden Drive. St. Paul's (Camden Drive) National Sch. opened 1869 comprising 1 schoolroom and 1 classroom.(22, 1, 29) Accom. 333 (21) I, under 1 mistress.(22) Fees 1874: 2d.–3d.(11) Enlarged 1895 and reorganized for G and I.(21) In 1899 the sch. had an endowment of £10 a year.(1) Reorganized 1912, in connexion with St. Paul's C. of E. Sch., Spencer St., for B only. Closed 1939. The building and site were sold in 1940 and the proceeds transferred to St. Paul's C. of E. Sch., Spencer St.(21)

ST. PAUL'S (CHURCH) SCHOOL, Ladypool Road. See Ladypool Rd. C. of E. Sch.

ST. PAUL'S R.C. SCHOOL, Elmdon Road, Selly Park. See St. Edward's R.C. Primary Sch.

ST. PAUL'S R.C. GIRLS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Vernon Road, Edgbaston. By 1854 there was a training sch. for sch. mistresses attached to St. Paul's Convent, Whittall St. (Cath. Dir. (1854)). In 1892 the R.C. schs. opened a central pupil-teacher establishment in St. Chad's Sch., Shadwell St. It was held in the evenings and on Saturday mornings. In 1901 it was replaced by St. Paul's Pupil-Teacher Centre for G conducted by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul (see p. 404) in a converted factory in Whittall St. N.o.b. 1903: 62 of whom 40 were resident. In 1908 this sch. was replaced by St. Paul's High Sch. for Girls and R.C. Pupil-Teacher Centre in new buildings in Vernon Rd., Edgbaston, but under the same management. There was a leasehold house attached for boarders, who paid fees of up to £20. From 1911 the hostel was managed separately and all the pupils were considered to be daily ones. Enlarged 1925, 1930, 1955. Became an aided sch. 1948. N.o.b. 1908: 20 boarders, 91 day-pupils, 39 pupil-teachers; 1930: 259, with 56 in separatelyorganized preparatory dept.; 1961: 600.(28) In 1911 c. 54 per cent. came from elementary schs., in 1930 65 per cent. Fees £6 for day pupils at first; by 1930 £8 for pupils from vicinity. In 1914 32 per cent. pupils had free places, in 1930 85 per cent. Average leaving age was under 14 until after 1912 when an 'undertaking' by parents not to remove their children was instituted. In 1911–13 average leaving age was 15¼ yrs., by 1930 over 16 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

ST. PETER'S (HARBORNE) C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Old Church Road, Harborne. Harborne Endowed Sch. Sir Thomas Birch (d. 1757) leased land for a sch. to trustees for 1,000 years at an unknown date. Henry Hinckley gave property leased at £21 in 1822, for the support of the sch., and in 1731 he gave £20 'for bread to six children' which probably formed part of £125 stock held by the sch. in 1822. Its endowment, including later gifts, was £54 0s. 6d. a year in 1899.(4) Part of the sch. lands were sold c. 1909 for c. £700 to pay for enlargement of the building.(21) The sch. was rebuilt c. 1821: (57) in 1835 it was said to be at 'an inconvenient distance from the church'.(29) In 1822 its income was all paid to the master, who lived in the sch. and taught c. 40 children free. His wife taught the girls sewing and knitting.(4) In 1833 fees of 1d. were charged.(3) The sch. was rebuilt 1837 on a new site in Old Church Rd.(38) It comprised 2 schoolrooms and a teacher's house, erected with state (1) and Nat. Soc. aid.(29) A.a. 1847: 122 B, G. H.M.I. gave good reports 1845–9. (1) Schoolroom added 1848, accom. 96 I.(38) Alterations made 1852. Fees raised 1852 to 2d. H.M.I. reported 1853 that attendance was very irregular, because of part-time work on farms.(1) In 1865 there were a master and 2 mistresses.(61) Enlarged 1872.(21) Fees 1874: 2d.–3d. It was a M sch. by 1874.(11) Sch. enlarged 1903, 1912. Then in 2 depts. (M, I).(21) Accom. provided for one class in vicarage 1937–47, for 2 classes in Elmley Lodge from 1947. Reorganized 1952 for JM, I only. Became a controlled sch. 1953. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms.(28)

ST. PETER'S INFANT NATIONAL SCHOOL, London Prentice Street. Opened 1849.(21) Accom. 147 I. Never received annual grants. Closed by 1868.(1) By 1891 St. Peter's National Sch., Dale End, received the rent of £24 for the building, which was sold later, possibly in 1894.(21)

ST. PETER'S NATIONAL SCHOOL, Dale End. There was a Sunday sch. in 1830 (29) and efforts were made to build a school from 1834.(38) A building was bought and enlarged 1844. Day sch. apparently did not open until late 1845 or 1846.(1, 38) N.o.b. 1846: 145 B, G, with a master and mistress. The sch. was always referred to at this time as 'St. Peter's National Sch., Moor St.': it was behind no. 25 Dale End, adjoining the churchyard,(21) and was the same building as the later 'St. Peter's Nat. Sch., Dale End'. Apparently closed between 1852 (1) and 1858.(60) H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 that the clergyman was unable to establish an aided sch. of any kind. The 'two large and commodious rooms, once used as National Schools [were] empty and disused' but the former mistress held a private sch. in a small classroom in the building.(10) Reopened 1871 (1) in 2 depts. (M, I) with a master, assistant mistress and infants' mistress.(50) Fees 1874: 1d.– 4d.(11) In financial difficulties by 1874.(50) Numbers fell steadily (1) and closed 1894.(21)

ST. PETER'S R.C. SCHOOL, Broad Street. Building said 1849 to have been erected 1828.(22) Until 1834 St. Chad's and St. Peter's shared a sch. which was opened 1814, as a Sunday sch., for all R.C. children of Birm. Recently St. Peter's Sch. has been said to have opened 1799 (Kiernan, Story of Archdiocese of Birm. 32). Possibly this sch. had closed by 1814: when the combined sch. became a day sch. in 1823 it was said to be the first R.C. day sch. to be opened in Birm. (see St. Chad's R.C. Sch.). In 1834 St. Peter's Sch. opened as a separate day sch. In 1835 the conduct and progress, especially of the B, was said to be very good. A shop was opened to sell the clerical caps and cheap straw bonnets made by the G and a servants' registry office was also to be opened in connexion with the sch. About 100 children a week received dinner at school, at a cost of 10s. a week, and c. 30 received breakfast.(40) N.o.b. 1837: 160 B, G with 2 teachers. Average time spent in sch. 1¾ yr.(36) In 1849 there were 2 schoolrooms. In 1853 the sch. was reported good except that B attendance was very irregular, the building was poor, and there was no playground.(1) In 3 depts. 1869.(10) Fees 1874: 1d.–4d.(11) Enlarged 1884, 1895. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Altered extensively 1923. Became an aided sch. 1950.(21) Altered 1950. Reorganized 1953 for JM, I only. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms.(28) The G sch. was conducted by School Sisters of Notre Dame c. 1874– c. 1900 (see p. 404).

ST. PHILIP'S FREE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, Lichfield Street. See Birmingham Free Industrial Sch.

ST. PHILIP'S NATIONAL SCHOOL, Lichfield Street (1843–c. 1884); Newton Street (1885–92). Sunday and day schs.(29) were held in hired rooms until St. Philip's National Sch. opened 1843.(38) H.M.I. reported accom. 512, fees 2d.–3d. He gave bad reports 1843–6; B then improved though G and I poor until B and G depts. combined 1849.(1) In 1846 there were 3 schoolrooms and a master, mistress, and infants' mistress.(30) Of 192 children who left the sch. 1856, 73 had been there for from 1 to 6 months, 51 for under a month. Average time in sch. was 8¼ months.(49) In 1858 the sch. was between nos. 12 and 14 Lichfield St.(60) In I dept. in 1869.(10) Fees 1874: 1d.–4d.(11) Site sold under Improvement Act 1875 and sch. rebuilt in Newton Street 1885, accom. 214. Closed 1892.(21)

ST. PHILIP'S RAGGED SCHOOL, Lichfield Street. See Birmingham Free Industrial Sch.

ST. PHILIP'S RAGGED SCHOOL, Queen Street. H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 that 'a little school established by the rector of St. Philip's in Queen Street which has done much service among [ragged] children, was temporarily suspended at the time of my visit to Birmingham. It is, however, shortly to be reopened'.(10) It never received annual grants.(1)

ST. PHILIP'S R.C. SCHOOL. Received a grant for fittings from Cath. Poor Sch. Cttee. 1849.(34) H.M.I. reported 1853 that it had opened recently, in good buildings, taught by Sisters of Mercy (see p. 405). N.o.b. 95 G. Received annual grant 1854, but not mentioned afterwards.(1)

ST. PHILIP'S R.C. BOYS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Oliver Road (1887–1924); Hagley Road, Edgbaston (1924). Said 1903 to have been founded 1887 by Oratorians to replace St. Thomas's R.C. Grammar Sch., q.v. (ex inf. M. of Ed.). Apparently at first in Plough and Harrow Rd., and moved to Oliver Rd. in same year (Kiernan, Story of Archdiocese of Birm. 44). It was then on same site as the Oratory elementary schs. In 1907 the secondary sch. buildings comprised 1 large room or hall in which 2 classes were held, 5 classrooms of which one was virtually part of the hall and 2 were separated by a partition, and a laboratory. There was also some accommodation in an adjoining house. The standard at this time was said to be rather low, especially in science. By 1924 site had become overcrowded and the sch. moved to buildings (formerly used as Oratory R.C. Sch.) adjoining the Oratory in Hagley Rd. (ex inf. M. of Ed.). Enlarged 1955. Became an aided school 1949.(29) There were 11 members of staff in 1907 (of whom the headmaster was a priest and taught only religious knowledge) and 22 in 1949. N.o.b. 1914: 132, 1954: 511; 1961: 770.(28) In 1911 c. 70 per cent. pupils came from elementary schs., in 1930 96 per cent. Fees 2–3 gns. a term in 1903, £8 by 1926. As late as 1925 74 per cent. pupils paid fees, by 1930 only 14 per cent., the L.E.A. paying 62 per cent. In 1912–14 over ½ pupils left at under 15 yrs. old and ⅓under 14; of these latter, some went to other secondary schs. and some returned to elementary schs. for financial or other reasons. In 1930 32 per cent. left under 16; in 1949 average leaving age was 16–17 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

ST. SAVIOUR'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Alum Rock Road, Saltley.(27) St. Saviour's (Saltley) Church Sch. opened 1870 in building erected 1849 comprising a schoolroom and a classroom. G and I only; fees 1d.–2d.(22) A.a. 1871: 119.(1) Apparently rebuilt 1872 with state aid.(21) Site enlarged 1896, building enlarged 1893, 1898.(1) Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. I dept. altered and enlarged 1914–15. Reorganized 1933 for JI. Became a controlled sch. 1949. Site extended 1951, 1952. Accom. provided 1952 in Parochial Church Hall, Ralph Road.(21) Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. SAVIOUR'S NATIONAL SCHOOL, Farm Street. St. George's Infant National Sch., Farm St., opened 1849. Accom. 202, comprising a schoolroom, classroom (22) and teacher's house.(29) The (Anglican) Birm. Inf. Sch. Soc. contributed £400: this was the first sch. to which it made a grant.(58) Name changed 1856 to St. Matthias' Infant National Sch.(1) Fees 1865: 2d.(22) In 1869 in 1 dept., standards I–IV.(10) Name changed 1870 to St. Saviour's National Sch. Closed 1874.(1)

ST. SILAS' C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Church Street, Lozells.(27) St. Silas' (Lozells) National Sch. established 1852. Received annual grants from 1856. 'Average' fees 1856: 1d.–2d.(22) Accom. by 1880: 367.(1) Fees retained until 1903. Bd. of Ed. condemned premises 1912: the buildings were bad and there was no playground except the churchyard. Reorganized 1932 for JI. Became a controlled sch. 1947.(21) Accom. for 2 classes provided 1950 in Bonner Memorial Hall. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms.(28)

ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH SCHOOL, Selly Hill. See Selly Hill C. of E. Sch.

ST. STEPHEN'S NATIONAL SCHOOL, New Town Row. Opened 1846 (38) adjoining church,(58) comprising 3 schoolrooms and a teacher's house and accom. 770.(30, 1, 29) In 1846 (30) and 1865 (61) there were a master, mistress, and I mistress. H.M.I. reported buildings excellent 1846 but gave varying reports on sch. itself. There was no playground 1853. Buildings apparently altered 1857.(1) Fees 1874: 2d.–6d.(11) Closed early 1889.(21)

ST. THOMAS BRANCH INFANT SCHOOL, Holliday Street. See Immanuel Sch., Holliday St.

ST. THOMAS'S C. OF E. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Granville Street (formerly Wood Street), Holloway Head. (27) St. Thomas's National Sch. was said 1838 to have been started 1834,(36) but its first trust deed was dated 1831 (20) and there was a day sch. in 1832.(29) In 1838 there were 2 teachers; n.o.b. 215 B, G.(36) In 1841 there were day schs. for B and G and a small room which could properly hold 25 I but into which 60 'are packed'.(38) New I sch. and teacher's house built 1842, accom. 235.(1, 29) Fees 1846: 2d.–3d. In 1846 there were a master, mistress, infants' mistress, and assistant infants' mistress.(30) Only the new I dept. was under inspection until 1849: H.M.I. reported 1849 that B good, G less so, but improved by 1851. Altered 1850,(1) 1871. Enlarged 1892, 1894 on Bath Row side: accom. by then 1,220; i.e. the largest church sch. in Birmingham. Bd. of Ed. criticized buildings 1895 but improvements made steadily. In 1895 the sch. earned the highest grant of any in Birm.(68) In 1899, in 2 depts. (M, I).(1) Fees retained in M dept. until 1903. Enlarged on adjoining leasehold site 1901; site lost 1907 and new site acquired and building erected: accom. now 1,420. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. New building 1917. Reorganized 1917 for SM (in new building), JM, I. S dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Became an aided sch. 1949.(21) Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. THOMAS'S C. OF E. MODERN SCHOOL, Granville Street.(27) Became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Became a controlled sch. 1949. N.o.b. 1961: 680.(27)

ST. THOMAS'S NATIONAL SCHOOL, Bow Street. See St. Asaph's C. of E. Sch., Bow St.

ST. THOMAS'S R.C. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Erdington. Opened c. 1882 by Benedictines at Erdington (Cath. Dir. (1883); see p. 403). Closed c. 1886 (Kiernan, Story of Archdiocese of Birm. 40) and replaced by St. Philip's R.C. Grammar Sch., q.v.

ST. THOMAS MORE'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sheldon. Opened 1953 as an aided sch. for JI. Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, dining hall, hall.(28)

ST. VINCENT'S R.C. SCHOOL, Ashted Row (1884– 1931); Vauxhall Grove (1931).(27) Opened 1884, accom. 366. M dept. held in a new one-room school-chapel (see p. 410), I dept. in an existing repaired building. Taught by a master and mistress. Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Altered and enlarged 1887, 1888 and M dept. divided 1887 to B and G. Bd. of Ed. condemned building 1912: H.M.I. said 1914 that it was 'a shockingly bad building'. Closed for repairs etc. 1915 and reopened 1916. Bd. of Ed. condemned buildings 1925, replaced by new buildings in Vauxhall Grove which opened 1931, accom. 408 SM, JI.(21) Became an aided sch. 1953. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 1 hall.(28) From c. 1887 G dept., and later JI dept., taught by Sisters of Charity of St. Paul (see p. 404).

ST. WILFRID'S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL, Shawsdale Road. Opened 1959 for JI. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

ST. WULSTAN'S C. OF E. SCHOOL, Dawlish Road and Hubert Road. St. Mary's Bournbrook National Sch., Hubert Rd., opened 1885 comprising a schoolroom and a classroom. I dept. in similar accom. opened 1885.(22) Children were transferred from Selly Oak National Sch.(21) Accom. 550.(1) This sch. and Selly Oak Nat. Sch. united 1898 and called Selly Oak and Bournbrook Schools. A third dept. opened 1898 in Dawlish Road, accom. 545 SG and I, and Selly Oak Sch. then used for JG and I and Hubert Rd. Sch. for B. The schs. were separated 1914: Selly Oak Sch. became St. Mary's C. of E. Sch., Selly Oak, q.v., and Dawlish Rd. and Hubert Rd. schs. became together St. Wulstan's C. of E. Sch. Numbers fell and B dept. (Hubert Rd.) closed 1937. G and I dept. closed 1939. Dawlish Rd. buildings sold 1940 as a warehouse, bought 1952 by Birm. Ed. Cttee. to be annexe to Tiverton Rd. Cty. Primary Sch.(21)

SALTLEY SCHOOL. In 1858 there was 'a neat brick building in the Italian style' in Saltley, which had been built by Joseph Wright, a railway-carriage manufacturer, for the accom. of the children of his workmen and of the village.(60) It seems never to have received annual grants.(1)

SALTLEY COLLEGE C. OF E. SCHOOL, College Road, Saltley. Worcester Diocesan Practising Sch. opened with one master 1853,(22) comprising 2 schoolrooms accom. 185 B.(1, 29) A schoolroom and a classroom, accom. 456,(1) opened 1871.(22) Fees retained until 1904. Alterations made 1891, 1910, 1935. Reorganized 1932, 1935 for SB. Damaged by enemy action and closed 1941.(21)

SALTLEY COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Belchers Lane. Opened 1928 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 500 B and G. Buildings damaged by enemy action, repaired and enlarged 1949–54. N.o.b. 1935: 569, 1961: 809.(28) In 1935 97 per cent. pupils came from elementary schs. Fees £8, raised to £12 by 1935, when 22 per cent. pupils paid them. Average leaving age in 1934: 15¾ yrs. for boys, 16 yrs. for girls (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

SALTLEY R.C. SCHOOL. See The Rosary R.C. Primary Sch.

SELLY HILL C. OF E. SCHOOL, Warwards Lane. Ten Acres Church Sch. opened 1874 comprising a schoolroom accom. 125. Taught by a mistress.(22) A.a. 1875: 34.(1) Name changed 1884 to Selly Hill Church Sch., sometimes known as St. Stephen's Church Sch.(21) or, 1884–92, as Dogpool National Sch.(64) Enlarged 1885. New building on adjoining site opened 1898; accom. then 440 M, I: the enlargement was intended to forestall the establishment of a sch. bd. Fees of 2d.–3d. charged 1898–1903. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Enlarged and altered 1914. Reorganized 1927, 1931 for JI. Numbers fell and sch. closed 1941.(21) Building used 1951–4 by Selly Park Cty. Primary Sch. and from 1954 by Raddlebarn Lane Boys' Cty. Modern Sch.(28)

SELLY OAK AND BOURNBROOK C. OF E. SCHOOL, High Street, Selly Oak; Dawlish Road and Hubert Road. See St. Mary's (Selly Oak) C. of E. Primary Sch. and St. Wulstan's C. of E. Sch.

SELLY OAK NATIONAL SCHOOL, High Street, Selly Oak. See St. Mary's (Selly Oak) C. of E. Primary Sch.

SELLY OAK AND BOURNBROOK TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL (in Bournbrook Technical Institute). Opened 1903 (22) by King's Norton and Northfield U.D.C. Accom. 200 B. The room was previously used as annexe of Selly Oak and Bournbrook C. of E. Sch. (See St. Mary's C. of E. Primary Sch., Selly Oak). Premises very unsatisfactory: closed 1904 on opening of Raddlebarn Lane Temporary Council Sch.(21)

SELLY OAK BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Oak Tree Lane, Selly Oak. Opened 1960 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, practical rooms, hall.(28)

SELLY PARK COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Pershore Road.(27) Selly Park Council Sch. opened 1911,(21) accom. 1,110 B, G, I. Fashoda Road Temporary Council Sch. closed when it opened.(1) Buildings altered and sch. reorganized 1931–2 for SG, JM, I. Senior dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see following sch.). Accom. for 2 classes provided 1947–54 in St. Stephen's Parochial Hall. War damage repaired 1950.(21) I dept. closed 1954, JM dept. 1955, and children transferred to Moor Green Cty. Primary Sch. I dept. building used as annexe of that sch., JM building by Selly Park Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.(28)

SELLY PARK GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Pershore Road.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.), accom. 440 G.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 480.(27)

SELLY PARK R.C. SCHOOL. See St. Edward's R.C. Primary Sch.

SEVERN STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL, SEVERN STREET. (Royal) Lancasterian (Free) Sch., Severn St. (see plate facing p. 500), sometimes called Birmingham British Sch., opened 11 Sept. 1809, accom. 400 B. No fees. Pupils had to attend a place of worship on Sunday,(52) but, until the Birmingham Infant Central Sch. opened in 1826, this was the only unsectarian sch. in Birmingham. Reading and writing were taught in the morning and also in the afternoon to those who did not take arithmetic, which was then taught to the S classes. By 1815, 1,513 B had been admitted and 1,100 had left. Of 206 who left in 1814 only 138 had been taught arithmetic and only 71 'were in addition and subtraction'. N.o.b. 1819: 734. In 1822 numbers fluctuated greatly, owing to increased demand for labour: many boys of 8–10 yrs. old left.(32) By 1833 fees of 1d. a week were charged.(3) N.o.b. 1837: 324. Average time in sch. was 1⅓yr.(36) In 1839 n.o.b. declined to c. 70; a new master was engaged and n.o.b. rose to 200 by 1840.(32) Rebuilt 1851, accom. 500 B, G, I. Fees now 2d.–6d. There was a library and a savings club.(51) The Girls' Lancasterian Sch., Ann St., q.v., closed on the opening of the G dept. here.(22) B dept. received annual grants from 1865, G and I from 1866.(1) B then had a schoolroom and 2 classrooms, G and I had a schoolroom each. The G and I depts., which had been independently managed, were united to the B sch. 1866.(22) Then called Severn St. British Sch.(1) New I dept. built 1870 on adjoining land, with proceeds of sale of Birm. Inf. Central Sch., q.v.(52) Accom. by 1880: 931.(1) Fees of 1d. retained until sch. transferred to Birm. Sch. Bd. 1901 as Severn St. Bd; Sch. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. H.M.I. described it 1921 as 'one of the worst council school buildings in the city'. Reorganized 1926 for JM, I.(21) Numbers fell and sch. closed 1933.(1)

SEVERNE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Acock's Green.(27) Severne Rd. Council Sch. opened 1930 in temporary building, then in permanent buildings accom. 768 JM, I.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

SEVERNE ROAD SCHOOLS. See Severne Cty. Primary Sch.

SHELDON C. OF E. SCHOOL, Church Road. Sheldon Free Sch. A charity sch. had already been established for some time in Sheldon by 1730 when Lord Digby conveyed lands to trustees for its support and for the endowment of other parish charities of which he had formerly held the endowment in money. After the payment of the other charities the income of the lands was to be given to the schoolmaster in consideration of his teaching up to ten poor children of the manor of Marston Culey in Bickenhill as well, presumably, as the poor children of Sheldon itself. In 1833 the master received £36 2s. a year; he taught all children who applied but much dissatisfaction was expressed at his want of attention. The sch., which adjoined the church, and the library over it were repaired out of the other funds of the charities.(7) N.o.b. 1833: 30 B, G and 10 from 'an adjoining parish'.(3) In 1846 taught by a mistress, still freely.(30) In 1872–4 £43 of the parish charities' income was spent on education.(12) Became a Certified Efficient sch. 1895. Accom. 1895: 85 in 1 dept. Became a P.E.S. 1920.(1) Reorganized, owing to overcrowding caused by housing development in Sheldon, in 1932 for JI only and in 1936 for I only. Older children conveyed to Oldknow Rd. and Starbank Rd. Council Schs.(21) Closed 1937.(1) Stanville Rd. Council Sch. opened when it closed.(21) Building used 1938–9 and from 1948 as annexe to Stanville Cty. Primary Sch.(28)

SHELDON HEATH COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL, Sheldon Heath Road. Opened 1955 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 1,921.(28)

SHENLEY FIELDS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Woodcock Lane.(27) Opened 1950 by Birm. C.B.C. in Shenley Fields Cottage Homes, for I and nursery classes. It continued the Cottage Homes Sch. which had not been a P.E.S. (see also Shenley Fields Temporary Council Sch.).(21) I dept. closed 1954.(28)

SHENLEY FIELDS TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Woodcock Lane. Opened 1933 (1) by Birm. C.B.C. in part of premises of Shenley Fields Cottage Homes Poor Law Sch., accom. 360 SM. The Cottage Homes Sch. had not been a P.E.S. Its upper dept. became this sch. and J transferred to Princethorpe Rd. Council Sch. The I dept. continued in the remainder of the building under its old status (see also Shenley Fields Cty. Primary Sch.).(21) The temporary council sch. closed 1934 (1) on opening of Ilmington Rd. Council Sch.(21)

SHERBOURNE ROAD COUNCIL SCHOOL, Balsall Heath. Sherbourne Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1889 by King's Norton Sch. Bd. for SB, SG, JM, I. Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Enlarged 1891:(21) accom. then 1,462. (1) JM dept. closed 1897. Special sch. opened on site 1903 and manual instruction centre 1906. Reorganized 1930 for SB, JM, I.(21) Closed 1933.(1) Building used as sch. clinic and youth club.(28)

SHIRESTONE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Opened 1953 by Birm. C.B.C. in new buildings for JI. Accom. for 75 in St. Peter's Church Hall taken over from Tile Cross Temporary Cty. Primary Sch. Nursery sch. in new buildings opened on site 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

SILVERMERE COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Sheldon. (27) Silvermere Council Sch. opened 1939 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 600 SM. Damaged by enemy action and closed 1941. Ground floor used 1943–4 for classes from Stanville Rd. Council Sch. Reopened 1945 for JI. Building repaired and M secondary modern sch. opened in it 1950. JI classes remained in building as part of Mapledene Cty. Primary Sch. until 1951 when whole building, with enlargements, used by modern sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 570.(27)

SIR JOSIAH MASON'S ORPHANAGE SCHOOL, Chester Road, Erdington. See Yenton Cty. Primary Sch.

SIR WILFRID MARTINEAU BILATERAL SCHOOL, Sheldon Hall Avenue. Opened 1959 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. Originally intended that there should be separate modern and technical schs. but before they were opened it was decided to amalgamate them as a bilateral sch. Part of sch. is on same site as Byng Kenrick Girls' and Central Boys' Grammar Schs. N.o.b. 1961: 482.(28)

THE SLADE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington. Slade Rd. Council Sch. Buildings of G and I depts. opened 1904 by Warws. C.C. and used for 620 M, I until B dept., accom. 310, opened 1906. New B dept. accom. 324 opened 1910 and former building used for JM until 1915 when sch. reorganized for B, G, I. Reorganized 1931 for SB, JM, I. SB dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). 2 classrooms in modern sch. used by primary sch. 1949–54, accom. for 2 classes provided 1952 in Stockland Green Methodist Sunday Sch.,(21) and 2 classrooms built 1954. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

THE SLADE BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Slade Rd. Boys' Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945. Accom. for 2 classes provided 1949 in All Saints' Parochial Hall and 2 classrooms used by primary sch. 1949–54. Further accom. at parochial hall used from 1951.(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 300.(27)

SLADE ROAD SCHOOLS. See The Slade Cty. Primary Sch. and The Slade Boys' Cty. Modern Sch.

SLADEFIELD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Ward End.(27) Sladefield Rd. Council Sch. opened 1911 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 1,000 M, I.(1) Accom. in Methodist Schoolrooms, Monk Rd., used intermittently 1919–32. Reorganized 1932 for SM, I. Accom. for 160 SM provided 1933–8 in St. Margaret's Hall, Sladefield Rd., and from 1938 on in huts formerly used as Thornton Rd. Temporary Infants' Sch. SM dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

SLADEFIELD COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Ward End.(27) Sladefield Rd. Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.) for M.(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 400.(27)

SLADEFIELD ROAD SCHOOLS. See Sladefield Cty. Primary Sch. and Sladefield Cty. Modern Sch.

SLANEY STREET RAGGED SCHOOL. In existence 1858 when it was between nos. 70 and 74, Slaney St.(60) Not mentioned in 1850 Directory (58) but H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 that one of the 2 mistresses had been in charge of the sch. for 19 yrs. N.o.b. 1869: 112 B, G; no fees. The sch. was then pleasant and the children very well cared for but the educational standard was low.(10) Apparently closed soon after.

SMITH STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hockley.(27) Smith St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 950 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) The first kindergarten mistress in Birm. bd. schs. was appointed 1877 and gave demonstration classes here and at Allcock St. Bd. Sch.(23) Site enlarged 1878. All fees reduced to 1d. c. 1888. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912; these were made by 1931. Reorganized 1931 for JM, I. Depts. united 1938.(21) Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

SOHO ROAD BOARD SCHOOL. See Benson Cty. Primary Sch.

SOMERVILLE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) Somerville Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1894 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 960 M, I.(1) I dept. enlarged 1901. Reorganized 1931 for JM, I. Extra accom. provided 1947 at Small Heath Congregational Church and 1950 in Coventry Rd. Methodist Church.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

SOMERVILLE ROAD SCHOOL. See Somerville Cty. Primary Sch.

SPARKHILL CHURCH SCHOOL, Stratford Road. See St. John's (Sparkhill) C. of E. Primary Sch.

SPARKHILL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, STRATFORD ROAD, Sparkhill. Started 1921 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. Established 1929 in converted premises of Sparkhill Institute. Depts. included bk.-keeping, commercial arith., commercial geog. and econ. hist., dom. training, langs., mech. drawing, science, shorthand and typing, theory and practice of commerce (ex inf. M. of Ed.). N.o.b. 1961: 350.(28)

STANIFORTH STREET BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1886 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in buildings of former Bishop Ryder's (Branch) C. of E. Sch., q.v. It was a free order sch., accom. 250, for boys who were 'so badly and insufficiently clad' as to be unsuitable for ordinary bd. schs. Free dinners, and later free breakfasts instead, provided for the poorest, and also free clothes. Closed 1901 and children transferred to Gem St. Bd. Sch. (see Gem St. Council Sch.).(21)

STANIFORTH STREET TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1921 by Birm. C.B.C., (1) for B only, in Friends' Hall, because of reduced accom. in St. Mary's C. of E. Sch., Bath St., q.v.(21) A.a. 1922: 185.(1) Bd. of Ed. condemned premises 1924.(21) Closed 1931.(1)

STANVILLE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sheldon. (27) Stanville Rd. Council Sch. opened 1937 (1) by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 288 JI. Sheldon C. of E. Sch. closed on its opening. Accom. for 48 in former Sheldon C. of E. Sch. used 1938–9. Permanent buildings accom. 576 JI opened 1939. Accom. for 37 provided in former Sheldon C. of E. Sch. 1948, and 3 new classrooms built 1950.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, hall.(28)

STANVILLE ROAD SCHOOL. See Stanville Cty. Primary Sch.

STARBANK COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath. (27) Starbank Rd. Council Sch. opened 1927 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 576 JI.(1) Accom. in Yardley Green Methodist Schoolroom provided 1952. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, hall.(28)

STARBANK ROAD SCHOOL. See Starbank Cty. Primary Sch.

STATION ROAD SCHOOL, Aston. See Yew Tree Cty. Primary Sch.

STATION ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Harborne.(27) Station Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1902 by Birm. Sch. Bd. with teacher's house. Accom. 336 B. Practical training centres opened in buildings 1906. Enlarged and I dept., accom. 500, opened 1912 (on closure of I dept. at High St. Council Sch.). Altered and enlarged 1928, and reorganized 1931 for SM, I. Senior dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1955: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

STATION ROAD COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Harborne.(27) Became separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Accom. 1955: 8 classrooms, practical rooms, hall. Closed 1957 and premises occupied by High Street Cty. Primary Sch.(28)

STATION ROAD TEMPORARY BOARD SCHOOL, Aston. Opened 1893 in Mission Room, Station Rd., accom. 319 G and I.(21) Closed on opening of (Aston) Station Rd. Bd. Sch. 1894.(24)

STECHFORD AND GREET SCHOOL. A sch. of this name apparently received a grant from the Nat. Soc. before 1847. It did not send in a report in 1847, however,(30) and there is no other trace of its existence.

STECHFORD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Albert Road. Stechford Infants' Sch. opened 1894 by Yardley Sch. Bd. in All Saints' Sunday School.(22) A.a. 1895: 42.(1) New sch., accom. 396 M, I, built early 1896, but opening postponed because of local opposition until Oct. Enlarged 1906. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Site enlarged 1920. Altered, enlarged and reorganized 1928 for JI. Accom. for 1 class in All Saints' Sunday Sch. provided 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, hall.(28)

STECHFORD ROAD SCHOOL. See Hodge Hill Cty. Primary Sch.

STEELHOUSE LANE BRITISH SCHOOL. Ebenezer British (or Independent) Sch. opened 1839 for B only,(32) presumably in the Ebenezer Chapel Sunday School which was in existence by 1830.(56) Syllabus included music, grammar, history, architecture and mechanics. By 1840 n.o.b. 212. In 1845 the sch. was taught by the monitorial system.(32) As Steelhouse Lane British Sch., it received annual grants from 1860.(1) By 1856 it was a M sch.(59) Closed 1871 or 1872.(23)

STEWARD STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Spring Hill.(27) Steward St. Bd. Sch. opened 1873 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,036 B, G, I.(21) Fees 2d.–3d.(22) All fees reduced to 1d. in 1890, because of poverty of children: in one month of 1889,2/3boys' fees were in arrears, while there were 513 free orders (n.o.b. 1,172) in 1889. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Experimental open-air classroom erected in playground 1914. Altered and reorganized 1932 for SB, JM, I. SB dept. closed 1943.(21) Practical rooms used by neighbouring modern schs. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

STIRCHLEY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Pershore Road.(27) Stirchley St. Bd. Sch. opened 1879 by King's Norton Sch. Bd. Accom. 215 M, I, with teacher's house.(21) Replaced Strutley St. Branch Nat. Sch., q.v.(25) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Building enlarged 1883–5, 1893, 1896 and M dept. divided into B and G 1896. Accom. for B and G provided 1899, 1903–11 in Stirchley St. Wesleyan Chapel. New I dept., accom. 400, opened 1911, and old I dept. used for JM. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Science centre opened in building 1920. Reorganized 1930 for SB, JI. Senior dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. for 2 classes in Stirchley St. Methodist Schools 1949. Site enlarged 1951. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

STIRCHLEY BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Pershore Road. Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 8 classrooms, hall. Closed 1959.(28)

STIRCHLEY STREET NATIONAL SCHOOL. See Strutley St. Branch National Sch.

STIRCHLEY STREET SCHOOLS. See Stirchley Cty. Primary Sch. and Stirchley Boys' Cty. Modern Sch.

STOCKLAND GREEN COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Slade Road, Erdington. Opened 1956 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 470.(27)

STRATFORD ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sparkbrook.(27) Stratford Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1885 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 981 M, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Standard VII class for G opened 1886. Enlarged 1893, 1898. Reorganized 1936 for JI.(21) Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

STRUTLEY STREET BRANCH NATIONAL SCHOOL, Stirchley Street. Opened 1863, accom. 132, (38) also used as a church.(62) It comprised a schoolroom for M dept. and a classroom for I, with a teacher's house.(1) It replaced a sch., n.o.b. 100, which had been held since c. 1860 in a house rented by the incumbent. Fees 2d.–3d. A.a. 1869: 72. Ceased to receive annual grant 1877, because taught by an uncertificated teacher.(38, 1) Closed 1878. Replaced by Stirchley St. Bd. Sch., q.v.(25)

SUMMER LANE COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL. Summer Lane Bd. Sch. opened 1877 (22) accom. 1,302 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) New M dept.(1) opened 1880, accom. 300 in 5 classrooms (Hope St. Bd. Sch. was the only sch. in Birm. hitherto built on classroom plan).(21) Cookery centres provided 1888 for first time in Birm. bd. schs. here and at Upper Highgate St. Bd. Sch., and one of first woodwork centres opened here 1892.(23) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SB, SG, I. I dept. closed 1936.(1) Depts. united 1940.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 560.(27)

SUMMER LANE TEMPORARY BOARD SCHOOL. New Jerusalem British (or Free) Sch. opened 1833,(36) 'upon the most improved principles', i.e. fees were not paid according to standard in the sch., which was said to prevent improvement for poorer children. Conducted in 1835 by minister (Hutton, Hist. Birm. (1835), 359). Fees 3d. (3) N.o.b. 1837: 180 B, average time spent in sch. 1½ yr.(36) Received annual grants from 1852. H.M.I. gave excellent report 1853.(1) In 1858 it stood between nos. 3 and 4 New Church St.(60) By 1865 in 2 depts. B and G.(61) B dept. transferred to Birm. Sch. Bd. 1874 as Summer Lane Temporary Bd. Sch.(23) Fees 2d.– 3d.(11) Closed 1874.(23) G dept. had continued as New Jerusalem Girls' Sch., fees 2d.–6d.,(11) and probably closed at same time. Summer Lane Temporary Bd. Sch. reopened in New Jerusalem Sch. buildings 1875 by Birm. Sch. Bd. for G and I.(22) Closed 1877, on opening of permanent Summer Lane Bd. Sch., q.v.(23)

SUMMERFIELD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Dudley Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1878 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,184 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) One of first Birm. woodwork centres opened 1892.(23) Enlarged 1906. Handicraft centre provided 1912. Reorganized 1932 for JB, JG, I. I dept. closed 1940. Depts. united 1942. Accom. for 2 classes in St. Cuthbert's Church Hall provided 1952.(21) Name changed 1954. Reorganized 1960 for JI. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

SUMMERHILL RECEIVING HOMES COUNCIL SCHOOL, Summer Hill Terrace. Opened 1921 by Birm. C.B.C. in Receiving Homes, accom. 70 M. Closed 1939 when Receiving Homes closed.(21)

SUNDRIDGE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Kingstanding.(27) Sundridge Rd. Council Sch. opened 1940 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 240 JI.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

SUNDRIDGE ROAD SCHOOL. See Sundridge Cty. Primary Sch.

SWANSHURST GIRLS' BILATERAL SCHOOL, Brook Lane, King's Heath. Originally intended that there should be separate grammar, modern, and technical schs. on the same site. The grammar and modern schs. (see below) had already opened when the technical sch. was being built and it was then decided to combine the technical and modern schs. to form a bilateral sch. Opened 1959 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 680.(28)

SWANSHURST GIRLS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Brook Lane, King's Heath. Opened 1956 by Birm. C.B.C. N.o.b. 1961: 520.(28)

SWANSHURST GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Brook Lane, King's Heath. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. Became part of Swanshurst Girls' Bilateral Sch. (see above) 1959.(28)

TEN ACRES CHURCH SCHOOL. See Selly Hill C. of E. Sch.

TENNANT STREET BRITISH SCHOOL. See Birmingham and Edgbaston (Industrial) British Sch.

THORNTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Washwood Heath.(27) Thornton Rd. Council Sch. opened 1930 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) Accom. 576 JM. JM dept. of Washwood Heath Rd. Temporary Council Sch. closed when it opened. Badly damaged by enemy action 1940.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

THORNTON ROAD SCHOOL. See Thornton Cty. Primary Sch.

THORNTON ROAD TEMPORARY INFANTS' COUNCIL SCHOOL, Washwood Heath. Washwood Heath Rd. Temporary Council Sch. opened 1918 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) in Ward End Primitive Methodist Chapel, accom. 100 M. Building destroyed by fire 1923 and sch. held at Ward End Wesleyan Chapel, Monk Road until rebuilt 1925, accom. 140. Huts accom. 192 on site of proposed Thornton Rd. Council Sch. opened 1929 as annexe and sch. reorganized for JI. Primitive Methodist chapel buildings closed on opening of Thornton Rd. Council Sch. 1930 and name of sch., now held in huts for I only, changed to Thornton Rd. Temporary Infants' Sch. Chapel buildings reopened 1932. Whole sch. closed 1938. Most children transferred to Sladefield Rd. Council Sch., q.v., and huts retained as annexe to senior dept.(21)

TILE CROSS TEMPORARY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Tile Cross Road, Marston Green.(27) Opened 1949 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings, accom. 200 JI. Accom. provided 1952–4 in St. Peter's Church Hall, Tile Cross.(21) Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall.(28)

TILTON ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) Tilton Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1891 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,070 M, I.(1) Fees all 1d.(22) Enlarged 1906, cookery etc. centres added 1912. Altered and reorganized 1929 for SG, JI. Senior dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

TILTON ROAD GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) N.o.b. 1961: 400.(27)

TIMBERLEY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Shard End.(27) Opened 1952 by Birm. C.B.C. for I. JM block opened 1954. Accom. 1961: 24 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

TINDAL STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Balsall Heath. Tindal St. Bd. Sch. opened 1880 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 813 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Enlarged 1883, 1902, 1906. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1930–3 for SG, JI. Badly damaged by enemy action 1940, and shared Upper Highgate Street Council Sch. buildings, working half-time, until closed 1941. Reopened 1944 for JI only. Repairs completed 1948. Accom. in Moseley Rd. Congregational Church provided 1950–4. Site enlarged 1952.(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, art room, 2 halls.(28)

TINKERS FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Nortfield.(27) Tinkers Farm Rd. Council Sch. opened 1930 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 384 I. Permanent JI buildings accom. 432 opened 1931 and huts used for 320 SM. Huts removed and new buildings accom. 800 SB, SG opened 1932. Permanent I buildings accom. 336 opened 1937 and JI block used for JM only. Accom. in Northfield Methodist Hall and Allen's Cross Community Hall used from 1934. Senior depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next schs.).(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 21 classrooms, 2 halls. Closed 1957.(28)

TINKERS FARM BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; TINKERS FARM GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Northfield.(27) Tinkers Farm Rd. Cty. Modern Schs. became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Names changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 550 B, 560 G.(27)

TINKERS FARM ROAD SCHOOLS. See Tinkers Farm Cty. Primary Sch. and Tinkers Farm Cty. Modern Schs.

TIVERTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Selly Oak.(27) Tiverton Rd. Council Sch. opened 1906 by King's Norton and Northfield U.D.C. Accom. 510 M, I.(1) Reorganized 1931 for JI. Accom. for 2 classes provided 1952 in Bournbrook Congregational Church. Buildings of former St. Wulstan's C. of E. Sch., in Dawlish Rd. adjoining this sch., bought 1952 for an extension of the sch.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

TIVERTON ROAD SCHOOL. See Tiverton Cty. Primary Sch.

TOWER ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Aston. Opened 1919 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) in Ellen Knox Memorial Hall, accom. 160 I. Premises considered unsatisfactory and overcrowded.(21) Closed 1925 (1) on completion of alterations at Upper Thomas St. Council Sch.(21)

TRESCOTT COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Nortfield.(27) Trescott Rd. Council Sch. opened 1931 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 768 JM, I. Northfield Masonic Hall Temporary Council Sch. closed on its opening. Classrooms in huts added 1934, 1937. (21) Name changed 1954. Enlarged 1954–5. Accom. 1961: 25 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

TRESCOTT ROAD SCHOOL. See Trescott Cty. Primary Sch.

TURFPITS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington. (27) Turfpits Lane Council Sch. opened 1940 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings for JI.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 6 classrooms, hall.(28)


TURVES GREEN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Nortfield.(27) Turves Green Council Sch. opened 1938 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) Accom. 336 JI. Middlemore and Staplehall Estates Association had protested 1937 against delay in building it. West Heath Temporary Council Sch. closed on its opening. SM dept., accom. 400, opened 1939. JI dept. enlarged 1939. Accom. for 192 JI in huts provided 1944. Senior dept. became separate sch. 1945 (see next 2 schs.). New JM dept., accom. 480, opened 1952 and old JI block used for I only.(21) Accom. 1961: 23 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

TURVES GREEN BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; TURVES GREEN GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Northfield.(27) Turves Green Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate M sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). New B sch., accom. 420, opened 1953 and old sch. used for G only.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 970 B, 660 G. (27)

TWICKENHAM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Erdington.(27) Twickenham Rd. Council Sch. opened 1930 (1) by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 384 JI. Permanent buildings, accom. 816 JM, I, opened 1931 and huts used for SM until opening of Dulwich Rd. Council Sch. Accom. in new huts provided 1936, 1937.(21) A.a. 1938: 920. (1) Nursery class opened in building c. 1943.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

TWICKENHAM ROAD SCHOOL. See Twickenham Cty. Primary Sch.

TYSELEY (METHODIST CHURCH HALL) TEMPORARY SCHOOL, Warwick Road.(27) Opened 1949 by Birm. C.B.C. in Methodist church hall.(21) Detached block on site used as annexe of Yardley Grammar Sch. until 1954, and then of Forman's Road Modern Sch. Closed as separate sch. 1954 and used as annexe of Greet Cty. Primary Sch.(28)

UNETT STREET BOARD SCHOOL. Unett St. Temporary Bd. Sch. opened Feb. 1873 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in Unett St. Chapel. Closed July 1873. Reopened 1874. Closed June 1876 and reopened July 1876 (23) as Unett St. Half-Time Sch., accom. 368.(1) Closed 1880, owing to drop in numbers of half-timers caused by changed law and depression of trade.(23)

UNION STREET WESLEYAN SCHOOL. See Cherry St. Wesleyan School.

UNITARIAN DOMESTIC MISSION SCHOOL, Hurst Street. In existence 1850 with n.o.b. 200 B, G. H.M.I. gave fairly good report then and called it a British sch. In 1853 he said buildings were poor but a new G schoolroom was about to be built: a building grant for this was apparently applied for but never received. Fees 2d.: wages were high in neighbourhood and sch. really served the poor.(1) There were a master and mistress in 1865.(61) A.a. 1869: 510(1) in 3 depts.(10) Closed 1879.(23) See also p. 474.

UNITARIAN DOMESTIC MISSION SCHOOL, Lawrence Street. See Lawrence St. Undenominational Sch.

UPPER HIGHGATE STREET SCHOOL. See Highgate Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

UPPER THOMAS STREET COUNTY PRIMARY Aston.(27) Upper Thomas St. Bd. Sch. opened 1878 by Aston Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,003 B, G, I.(24) Yates Street Bd. Sch. closed on its opening.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) JM dept. opened 1885 or 1886 accom. 300.(24) Altered 1898, 1925 when JM dept. closed. Reorganized 1930 for SB, JM, I. Building damaged by enemy action 1940. Senior dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). Accom. for 2 classes provided 1952 in Ellen Knox Memorial Hall.(21) Accom. 1961: 17 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

UPPER THOMAS STREET BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Aston.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.), accom. 440 SB. Accom. for 1 class in Aston Park Congregational Church provided 1950 (21) and for 7 classes at former Aston Hall Road Boys' Sch. 1953.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 460.(27)

VALE STREET RAGGED SCHOOL, Great Queen Street. In existence 1865.(61) Never received grants as a public elementary sch.(1) but apparently received children as an ordinary sch. as it was recognized by Birm. Ed. Soc. for free orders.(37) H.M. Commissioner reported 1869 that there were 2 teachers and 2 assistants. N.o.b. 211 B, G, nearly all under 10 yrs. old; in 2 depts.: M and I. Fees of 1d. paid by less than a quarter. 7 girls lived in the attached house under the Industrial Schs. Act. The standard was low but the sch. was kind and happy. (10) Closed by 1883 when income of stock representing proceeds of sale was ordered to be applied to support of Penn Street Industrial Sch.(16)

VICARAGE ROAD SCHOOLS. See Manor Park Cty. Primary Sch. and Manor Park Girls' Cty. Modern Sch.

VICTORIA ROAD BOARD SCHOOL, Aston. Victoria Road Wesleyan Sch. (at first sometimes called Lichfield Road Wesleyan Sch.) established 1870 in existing Sunday sch. building, with a master and mistress.(33) A.a. 1872: 162.(1) Fees 1875: 2d.–1s. Apparently in 2 depts.: B, and G with I.(11) Transferred to Aston Sch. Bd. 1884 as Victoria Rd. Bd. Sch. B dept. closed 1886, G and I depts. 1890, and children transferred to Aston Lane Bd. Sch.(21)


VILLA STREET BOARD SCHOOL. Aston Villa Bd. Sch., q.v., apparently closed c. 1880 but Villa St. Bd. Sch. was apparently in existence, accom. 394, in 1885, 1890, 1892, on west side of street, between Bridge St. West and Farm St.(64)

WARD END COUNCIL SCHOOL, St. Margaret's Avenue. Little Bromwich National School, comprising a schoolroom, accom. 65, and a teacher's house,(29) built (or enlarged) c. 1860. It was possibly a continuation of Washwood National Sch., q.v. Transferred to Aston Sch. Bd. 1879 as Ward End Bd. Sch. Enlarged 1888. Became an annexe of Ingleton Rd. Council Sch., q.v., 1931.(21)

WARD END COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Ingleton Road.(27) Ingleton Rd. Council Sch. opened 1931 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 532 JI. Ward End Council Sch. became an annexe (accom. 100) of this sch. from 1931. Damaged by enemy action 1941, repaired by 1953.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, hall.(28)

WARD END HALL COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Northleigh Road, Ward End. Opened 1958 by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 330.(27)

WARREN FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Kingstanding.(27) Dulwich Rd. Council Sch. opened 1930 by Birm. C.B.C. in temporary buildings accom. 384 JI. Permanent JM and I blocks (accom. 768) opened 1931, SB and SG blocks (accom. 400 each), 1932. Accom. for 96 JM in huts and for 100 I in Congregational Church, Brackenbury Rd., provided 1936. Accom. in St. Luke's Church Hall for S depts. provided 1938. S depts. enlarged 1940. More accom. in Congregational church taken into use 1943. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.).(21) Congregational church given up 1948. Name changed 1954. Separate J and I schs. amalgamated 1957. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 nurseries, 2 halls.(28)

WARREN FARM BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; WARREN FARM GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Kingstanding.(27) Dulwich Rd. Cty. Modern Schs. became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.).(21) Names changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 340 B, 400 G.(27)

WASHWOOD NATIONAL SCHOOL, Washwood Heath. Joseph and Robert King left 20s. and 10s. a year respectively, by wills proved 1717 and 1718, to put poor children to sch. in Little Bromwich, Washwood, and Saltley. A Madras sch. was established in Washwood Heath c. 1815 (7) by Colonel Thomas Astbury (38) who in 1820 left £400 for its support. It then had c. 60 or 70 pupils. In 1835 the King charities were used for its support. The sch. was no longer managed on the Nat. system and there were only c. 12–14 pupils, mostly paying fees. A school and schoolhouse were rented for £23 but the rent was in arrears.(7) Efforts to build a sch. were made from 1835 (1) apparently unsuccessfully. A legacy of £100 from Barbara Landers (will proved 1844) to Washwood National School was apparently paid to this sch. In 1846 there were 2 unsecured schoolrooms and houses with a master and mistress. N.o.b. 87 B, G.(30) In 1850 there was a Nat. sch., accom. 100, at Washwood Heath.(58) There is apparently no later mention of it but it was possibly continued by Little Bromwich National Sch. (see Ward End Council Sch.).

WASHWOOD HEATH ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. See Thornton Rd. Temporary Infants' Council Sch.

WATTVILLE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Handworth. Wattville Street Bd. Sch. opened 1895 by Handsworth Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,056 M, I. New JM dept., accom. 540, opened 1900 or 1901. Enlarged 1908. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Name changed c. 1912 to Wattville Road. Reorganized 1930 for SM, JM, I. S dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). By 1951 I dept. had 2 classrooms formerly used by SM.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WATTVILLE COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Handworth. Wattville Road Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate M school 1945 (see preceding sch.). By 1951 2 classrooms were used by I dept. of primary sch.(21) Name changed 1954.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 280.(27)

WATTVILLE ROAD SCHOOLS. See Wattville Cty. Primary Sch. and Wattville Cty. Modern Sch.

WAVERLEY COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Small Heath. Waverley Rd. Higher Grade Bd. Sch. opened 1892 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 555, as a Standard VII sch. Additional accom. in another building nearby provided from c. 1903. Enlarged 1906. In 1895 it was said to be the only Birm. sch. with a 'commercial' course, and its bias was mainly industrial and commercial. By 1899 it included standards V and VI. Elementary part of school closed 1905. Name changed 1933 to Waverley Council Secondary Sch. A.a. 1899: 378. N.o.b. 1914: 465, 1961: 451 B, G.(28) In 1911 c. 90 per cent. and in 1937 99 per cent. pupils came from elementary schs. Fees £3 a year at first, £8 by 1926; by 1937 no pupils paid full fees. Average leaving age 1910–13 and 1937: 15–16, 1953: 16–17 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

WAVERLEY ROAD SCHOOL. See Waverley Cty. Grammar Sch.

WELL LANE RAGGED SCHOOL. See St. Martin's Ragged Sch.


WELSH HOUSE FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Welsh House Farm Road, Quinton. Opened 1956 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall.(28)

WEOLEY CASTLE R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOL. See Our Lady and St. Rose R.C. Primary Sch.

WEOLEY CASTLE TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1937 by Birm. C.B.C. in Weoley Castle Congregational Church Room, accom. 230 JI. Closed 1938 on opening of Paganel Rd. Council Sch.(21)

WESTBOURNE ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Handsworth. Opened 1913 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) in United Methodist Sunday sch.(21) accom. 146 M. Closed 1915,(1) possibly in consequence of enlargement of Boulton Rd. Council Sch.

WESLEYAN SCHOOL, St. Martin's Street, Islington. See Islington Cty. Primary Sch.

WESLEYAN SCHOOL, Cherry Street. See Cherry St. Wesleyan Sch.

WEST HEATH COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Rednal Road.(18) Opened 1953 by Birm. C.B.C. for I.(21) JM and nursery depts. opened 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WEST HEATH TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1921 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) in West Heath Mission Room (21) for I. Reorganized 1922–3 for JI. A.a. 1927: 54.(1) Accom. for 100 in adjoining village hall provided 1937. Closed 1938 on opening of Turves Green Council Sch.(21)

WESTMINSTER ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Handsworth.(27) Westminster Rd. Council Sch. opened 1907 by Handsworth U.D.C. Accom. 700 M, I. Westminster Rd. Temporary Council Sch. closed when it opened. Reorganized 1930 for JM, I. Depts. united 1937. Accom. in Westminster Congregational Church Hall provided 1949.(1, 21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WESTMINSTER ROAD TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Handsworth. Opened 1904 by Handsworth U.D.C. in Westminster Rd. Congregational Church,(22) for M. A.a. 1905: 232.(1) Closed 1906 on opening of Westminster Rd. Council Sch.(21)

WHEELERS LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, King's Heath.(27) Wheelers Lane Council Sch. opened 1939 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 1,128 SB, JM, I. King's Heath Council Sch. closed on its opening. SB dept. became separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WHEELERS LANE BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, King's Heath.(27) Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.). Accom. provided for 90 in King's Heath Baptist Church 1950.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 461. (27)

WHITTINGTON OVAL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Yardley.(27) Whittington Oval Council Sch. opened 1938 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 768 JM, I. Badly damaged by enemy action 1940, and repaired soon after. Site extended 1948.(21) Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WILLIAM COWPER COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Newtown Row. Cowper St. Bd. Sch. B and G depts. opened 1885, I dept. 1886 by Birm. Sch. Bd. in new buildings (22) accom. 1,010.(1) Fees 1d.– 3d.(22) In 1889 said to contain the very poorest children since it was the last bd. sch. opened in the neighbourhood; 56 per cent. had free orders and many others in fact seldom paid their fees, which were all therefore reduced to 1d. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered 1901, 1924. Reorganized 1931 for JM, I.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 13 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WILLIAM MURDOCH COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Rookery Road, Handsworth.(27) Rookery Rd. Cty. Modern Sch. became a separate sch. 1945 (see Rookery Rd. Cty. Primary Sch.), for SM. Reorganized 1947 for B only.(21) Reorganized as a M sch. and name changed 1958.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 410.(27)

WILLIS STREET BRITISH SCHOOL. See Heneage St. British School.


WINDSOR COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Duddeston. Lower Windsor St. Bd. Sch. opened 1874 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,034 B, G, I.(1) Fees all 1d.,(22) since it was in a poor and crowded area. Playground enlarged 1876, I dept. enlarged 1884. Workshop provided 1893 and enlarged 1911. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Substantially altered and reorganized 1928 for SB, JM, I, and accom. provided in former Windsor St. Temporary Council Sch., q.v., which became part of this sch. 1931. SB dept. closed 1939, JM and I depts. united 1940.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WINDSOR STREET SCHOOL. See Windsor Cty. Primary Sch.

WINDSOR STREET TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL, Duddeston. Opened 1921 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) in White Memorial Hall, for I.(21) A.a. 1927: 131. Became part of Windsor St. Council Sch. 1931.(1)

WOODCOCK HILL COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL(S), Farwood Road, Northfield. Opened 1954 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Reorganized as separate J and I schs. 1959. Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WOODGATE BRITISH SCHOOL. See Woodgate Council Sch.

WOODGATE COUNCIL SCHOOL. Woodgate British Sch. opened 1891 as a private adventure sch. in Woodgate Primitive Methodist Chapel. Promoted by dissenters who did not want children to attend Bartley Green Church Sch., which was over ½ mile away but had sufficient accom. Received annual grants from 1893, after considerable alterations, as building was originally inadequate.(21) A.a. 1899: 114 in 1 dept.(1) Transferred to King's Norton and Northfield U.D.C. 1906 as Woodgate Council Sch. Some repairs made on transfer but the building was repeatedly condemned. Eventually closed 1914 on opening of Bartley Green Council Sch.(21)

WOODGATE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Bartley Green. Opened 1953 by Birm. C.B.C. for I. JM dept. opened 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

WOODHOUSE ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Harborne. Woodhouse Rd. Council Sch. opened 1931 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 288 JI. Earls Court Rd. Temporary Council Sch. closed on its opening. Enlarged 1936, accom. in huts and in Methodist hall provided 1937–9. Divided into 2 depts. 1937, but reunited 1940 after JM dept. taken for civildefence purposes.(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

WOOD LANE TEMPORARY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Handsworth Wood.(27) Opened 1944 by Birm. C.B.C. in pavilion of Handsworth Wood Playing Fields, accom. 100 I. Became part of Cherry Orchard Road Cty. Primary Sch., q.v., on its opening 1948.(28)


WORLDS END LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Quinton.(27) Opened 1949 by Birm. C.B.C. for JI. Enlarged 1952–3. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, hall. (28)

WRIGHT STREET TEMPORARY COUNCIL SCHOOL. Opened 1911 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) in United Methodist Sunday school (21) accom. 120 I.(1) As a 'special class' apparently existed 1908, accom. 80.(64) Closed 1913 on opening of St. Benedict's Rd. Council Sch.(21)

WYCHALL FARM COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Middlefield Road, Northfield. Opened by Birm. C.B.C. J dept. 1956, I 1957. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

WYCLIFFE BRITISH SCHOOL, BRISTOL STREET. Received annual grants from 1869.(1) Apparently not then a new sch., since H.M. Commissioner reported that it had been re-equipped to reach required standard.(10) A.a. 1869: 158(1) in 2 depts., standards I–IV only.(10) Fees 1874: 2d.– 4d.(11) Closed late 1878 (21) or 1879.(23)

YARDLEY CHARITY ESTATES SCHOOL, Yardley. Yardley Free Sch. A deed of Yardley Charity Estates of 1575 refers to the schoolhouse (see V.C.H. Worcs. iii. 238). In 1766 some of the income of the estates was set aside for the maintenance of a schoolmaster to teach the children of Yardley freely. He was to be unmarried and to have a rentfree house. In 1819 n.o.b. varied between 40 in summer and 70 in winter: the master was then said to refuse to take children who could not read or G unless they paid fees.(2) From then the sch. was for B only: there appears to have been no criticism of this.(6) In 1846 there was one schoolroom with n.o.b. 69.(30) By a Scheme of 1878 not more than £240 a year were to be spent on this sch. and the Hall Green Yardley Charity Sch. This was raised in 1882 to £280 and after the Hall Green Sch. closed 1898 it was all to be applied to this sch.(21) Received annual grants from 1879. Apparently enlarged 1894: (1) by 1907 there were 2 schoolrooms and 2 classrooms, one of each on each floor. Bd. of Ed. condemned building 1908, and sch. closed on opening of Church Road Council Sch.(21)

YARDLEY CHURCH SCHOOL, School Lane. Said 1906 to have been built 1836 as a Sunday sch.(20) An appeal for funds to build a Sunday sch. was made 1829.(45) Received grant 1845 for a teacher's house.(1) In 1846 it had a mistress. N.o.b. 66 B, G.(30) Received annual grants from 1872.(1) Building improved by subscription 1886.(21) In 1899 in one dept. probably for G and I only as in 1905, since the Yardley Charity Estates Sch., q.v., was for B only. Closed 1908 (1) on opening of Church Road Council Sch.(21) J. F. GreswoldeWilliams by will proved 1892 left stock producing £28 7s. to the sch. (Digest of Endowed Charities (Worcs.), H.C. 162 (1900), lxiii; see also V.C.H. Worcs. iii. 245).

YARDLEY COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Warwick Road, Tyseley. Yardley Council Secondary Sch. (sometimes known as Sparkhill Secondary Sch.) opened 1904 by Worcs. C.C. in Sparkhill Institute. New building in Warwick Rd. opened 1910 (V.C.H. Worcs. iv. 535). War damage repaired 1953.(28) It started as a mixed secondary sch. with a pupilteacher centre attached, although science and other facilities were considered inadequate for the latter, which closed 1913. Until 1910 partly maintained by Yardley Educational Foundation (see also Yardley Charity Estates Sch.). Under a Scheme of 1910 half Foundation's net income was devoted to maintenance of exhibitions at the sch. N.o.b. 1914: 180, 1961: 592.(28) In 1911 81 per cent. and in 1939 99 per cent. pupils came from elementary schs. Fees £3 until 1907, and £12 by 1939. In 1914 58 per cent. pupils paid fees, by 1939 none paid full fees. Average leaving age 1910–13 and 1938: 15–16 (ex inf. M. of Ed.).

YARDLEY FREE SCHOOL. See Yardley Charity Estates Sch.

YARDLEY INFANT SCHOOL. An infant sch. opened in Yardley 1831 but closed 1833 for lack of money. (3)

YARDLEY ROAD COUNCIL SCHOOL. See Cottesbrooke Cty. Primary Sch. and Marlborough Rd. Cty. Primary Sch.

YARDLEY VICARAGE SCHOOL. Opened 1828. In existence 1833, n.o.b. 18 B, 45 G, supported by the vicar and his friends and by small fees.(3)

YARDLEY WOOD CHURCH SCHOOL. See Yardley Wood (Temporary) Bd. Sch.

YARDLEY WOOD (TEMPORARY) BOARD SCHOOL, School Road. Yardley Wood Church Sch. opened 1838 (22) in leasehold building also used as a church (29) and erected 1828 as a meeting-house. (22) N.o.b. 1846: 58 B, G. There were then a master and mistress.(30) Enlarged 1857. Fees 1857: 1d.–2d.(38) Received annual grants from 1873.(1) Closed c. 1886–7 and reopened 1889.(22) Transferred to Yardley Sch. Bd. 1890 as Yardley Wood (Temporary) Bd. Sch. Closed 1893 on opening of Yardley Wood Bd. Sch.(21)

YARDLEY WOOD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, School Road.(27) Yardley Wood Bd. Sch. opened 1893 by Yardley Sch. Bd. Accom. 251 M.(1) Yardley Wood (Temporary) Bd. Sch., q.v., closed when it opened. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Enlarged 1921–2. Accom. for 384 in huts used 1928–9. New SM and JM depts., accom. 880, opened 1929 and old building used for I only. Site enlarged 1933 and new SG dept., accom. 400, opened 1936: SM building used for SB only. Site enlarged 1938–9. S depts. became separate schs. 1945 (see next 2 schs.).(21) Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

YARDLEY WOOD (BOYS') COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL; YARDLEY WOOD (GIRLS') COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, School Road.(27) Became separate schs. 1945 (see preceding sch.). B and G schs. amalgamated 1959.(28) N.o.b. 1961: 740.(27)

YARDLEY WOOD R.C. SCHOOL. See Our Lady of Lourdes R.C. Primary Sch.

YARNFIELD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Tyseley. (27) Yarnfield Rd. Council Sch. opened 1928 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 432 JI. Accom. in huts provided 1929. Enlarged 1931, 1932 and divided into JM and I depts. Depts. united 1943.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

YARNFIELD ROAD SCHOOL. See Yarnfield Cty. Primary Sch.

YATES STREET BOARD SCHOOL, Aston. Opened 1876 by Aston Sch. Bd. in Baptist chapel, (22) for B.(1) Fees 2d.–3d.(22) Majority of children said to be very ignorant and attendance for some time most irregular.(24) A.a. 1878: 157.(1) Closed 1878 on completion of Upper Thomas Street Bd. Sch.(24)

YENTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Chester Road.(27) Sir Josiah Mason's Orphanage Sch. opened 1868 in 3 classrooms in the orphanage (cf. pp. 49, 565). Religious teaching was unsectarian. Girls were taught domestic work in addition to ordinary elementary subjects. Enlarged, including new boys' schoolroom, 1874. Accom. then 350 B, G, I.(64) Became a P.E.S. 1922, accom. 320 M and I. I dept. closed as a P.E.S. 1925 on account of illness: the resident I continued to be taught as before. Reorganized 1947 for JI, including the resident I. Transferred to Birm. C.B.C. 1950 as Chester Rd. Cty. Primary Sch. Name changed 1952.(21) New JM block opened 1954; I dept. remained in old premises. Accom. 1961: 22 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

YEW TREE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Aston.(27) Station Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1894 by Aston Sch. Bd.(24) Accom. c. 360 M. Station Rd. Temporary Bd. Sch., q.v., closed when it opened. B and G depts. (accom. 300 each) (1) opened 1901, (22) and old building used for 495 I. Reorganized 1932 for JM, I. Accom. for 2 classes in All Saints' Mission Hall, Witton, provided 1953.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

YORK ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hall Green.(27) York Rd. Council Sch. opened 1937 by Birm. C.B.C.(1) Accom. 384 JI.(1) Accom. provided 1948, and further accom. 1952, in Methodist church.(21) Accom. 1955: 8 classrooms, hall.(28)

YORK STREET BOARD SCHOOL, Harborne Heath. Harborne Public Sch. opened between 1850, when sch. was built, and 1859, when it began to receive annual grants. In 1862 there were a schoolroom, classroom and teacher's house. Fees 2d.–6d. Taught in 1 dept. by a master.(22) From c. 1865 called Harborne British Sch. A.a. 1869: 133. Transferred to Harborne Sch. Bd. 1874 as York St. (or Harborne) Bd. Sch. Accom. by 1880: 257.(1) Closed 1881 on opening of Harborne Heath Rd. Bd. Sch. (21)


The following sources are cited in the text above by means of numbers which refer to the numbers given to them in this list. In the case of some classes of works one number stands for the whole class rather than for an individual work. This occurs where the number of works in the class is large but the selection of the one intended in each instance is clear owing to the different dates of each (e.g. in class 1) or where the class is composed of unprinted records which are not numbered or are not generally available to the public. Numbers 21–2, 28, 38–40, and 68 are unpublished sources.

I. Lists of schools receiving Treasury grants (1834– 8), Minutes (1840–58) and Reports (1859–94) of the Committee of Council on Education, lists of Schools in receipt of Parliamentary Grants (1895–1900), Lists of Schools under the Administration of the Board of Education (1901–3) and lists of Public Elementary Schools (1905–7), all of which were published as parliamentary papers, and the Board of Education's List 21 (1908–38). These form a series of lists and reports of elementary schools from 1834 to 1938. A reference in the text to this class of material may be taken to relate to that list which deals with the same date as the fact stated, except in the case of average attendance figures which generally relate to a year slightly before that of the report or list in which they appear.

An Account of all Sums of Money granted in aid of the Erection of Schools 1833–4, H.C. 178 (1834), xlii; 1834–5, H.C. 236 (1835), xl; 1835–6, H.C. 502 (1836), xlvii; 1836–7, H.C. 372 (1837), xli.

Returns of Parliamentary Grants . . . 1834–7, H.C. 395 (1837–8), xxxviii, also provides an index to the four earlier lists.

Returns of Applications for the Sum granted . . . in 1839, H.C. 124 and 470 (1840), xl. Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education, with appendices:
1840–1 [317], H.C. (1841), xx.
1841–2, H.C. 442 (1842), xxxiii.
1842–3 [520], H.C. (1843), xl.
1843–4 [622], H.C. (1845), xxxv.
1845 [741], H.C. (1846), xxxii.
1846 [866], H.C. (1847), xlv.
1847–8 [998], H.C. (1847–8), 1.
1848–50 [1215], [1216], H.C. (1850), xliii, xliv.
1850–1 [1357], [1358], H.C. (1851), xliv.
1851–2 [1479], [1480], H.C. (1852), xxxix, xl.
1852–3 [1623], [1624], H.C. (1852–3), lxxix, lxxx.
1853–4 [1787], [1788], H.C. (1854), li, lii.
1854–5 [1926], H.C. (1854–5), xlii.
1855–6 [2058], H.C. (1856), xlvii.
1856–7 [2237], H.C. (1857 Sess. II), xxxiii.
1857–8 [2380], H.C. (1857–8), xlv.
Report of Committee of Council, with appendices:
1858–9 [2510], H.C. (1859), xxi.
1859–60 [2681], H.C. (1860), liv.
1860–1 [2828], H.C. (1861), xlix.
1861–2 [3007], H.C. (1862), xlii.
1862–3 [3171], H.C. (1863), xlvii.
1863–4 [3349], H.C. (1864), xlv.
1864–5 [3533], H.C. (1865), xlii.
1865–6 [3666], H.C. (1866), xxvii.
1866–7 [3882], H.C. (1867), xxii.
1867–8 [4051], H.C. (1867–8), xxv.
1868–9 [4139], H.C. (1868–9), xx.
1869–70 [C. 165], H.C. (1870), xxii.
1870–1 [C. 406], H.C. (1871), xxii.
1871–2 [C. 601], H.C. (1872), xxii.
1872–3 [C. 812), H.C. (1873), xxiv.
1873–4 [C. 1019–1], H.C. (1874), xviii.
1874–5 [C. 1265–1], H.C. (1875), xxiv.
1875–6 [C. 1513–1], H.C. (1876), xxiii.
1876–7 [C. 1780–1], H.C. (1877), xxix.
1877–8 [C. 2048–1], H.C. (1878), xxviii.
1878–9 [C. 2342–1], H.C. (1878–9), xxiii.
1879–80 [C. 2562–1], H.C. (1880), xxii.
1880–1 [C. 2948–1], H.C. (1881), xxxii.
1881–2 [C. 3312–1], H.C. (1882), xxiii.
1882–3 [C. 3706–1], H.C. (1883), xxv.
1883–4 [C. 4091–1], H.C. (1884), xxiv.
1884–5 [C. 4483–1], H.C. (1884–5), xxiii.
1885–6 [C. 4849–1], H.C. (1886), xxiv.
1886–7 [C. 5123–1], H.C. (1887), xxviii.
1887–8 [C. 5467–1], H.C. (1888), xxxviii.
1888–9 [C. 5804–1], H.C. (1899), xxix.
1889–90 [C. 6079–1], H.C. (1890), xxviii.
1890–1 [C. 6438–1], H.C. (1890–1), xxvii.
1891–2 [C. 6746–1], H.C. (1892), xxviii.
1892–3 [C. 7089–1], H.C. (1893–4), xxvi.
1893–4 [C. 7437–1], H.C. (1894), xxix.
1894–5 [C. 7776–1], H.C. (1895), xxvii.
Schools in receipt of Parliamentary Grants:
1895–6 [C. 8179], H.C. (1896), lxv.
1896–7 [C. 8546], H.C. (1897), lxix.
1897–8 [C. 8989], H.C. (1898), lxix.
1898–9 [C. 9454], H.C. (1899), lxxiv.
1899–1900 [Cd. 332], H.C. (1900), lxiv.
1900–1 [Cd. 703], H.C. (1901), lv.

List of Schools under the Administration of the Board, 1900–1 [Cd. 1277], H.C. (1902), lxxix; 1901–2 [Cd. 1490], H.C. (1903), li; 1902–3 [Cd. 2011], H.C. (1904), lxxv.

List of Public Elementary Schools, 1905 [Cd. 3182], H.C. (1906), lxxxvi; 1906 [Cd. 3510], H.C. (1907), lxiii; 1907 [Cd. 3910], H.C. (1908), lxxxiv.

The Board of Education: List 21 (H.M.S.O.) was published in 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1919, 1922, 1927, 1932, 1934, 1936 and 1938.

2. Digest of Returns to the Select Committee on the Education of Poor, vol. ii, H.C. 224 (1819), ix (2).

3. Education Enquiry Abstract, vols. ii and iii, H.C. 62 (1835), xlii, xliii (relating to 1833).

4. Ninth Report of the Commissioners for... Charities, H.C. 258 (1823), ix — Handsworth and Harborne parishes.

5. Twentieth Report of the Commissioners for... Charities, H.C. 19 (1829), vii — Birmingham parish.

6. Twenty-Sixth Report of the Commissioners for. . . Charities, H.C. 681 (1833), xix — King's Norton, Northfield, and Yardley parishes.

7. Twenty-Ninth Report of the Commissioners for... Charities, H.C. 216 (1835), xxi (2) — Aston, Edgbaston, and Sheldon parishes.

8. Report of the Schools Inquiry Commission [3966– XV], H.C. (1867–8), xxviii (12).

9. Digest of Endowed Charities (Staffs.), H.C. 91 (5) (1868–9), xlv.

10. Return of... Schools for the Poorer Classes in ... Birmingham..., H.C. 91 (1870), liv. H.M. Commissioner's report on Birmingham schools relates to the autumn of 1869.

11. Return of Fees in Public Elementary Schools, H.C. 133 (1875), lix.

12. Digest of Endowed Charities (Warws.), H.C. 243 (1875), lvii.

13. Digest of Endowed Charities (Worcs.), H.C. 155 (3) (1876), lviii.

14. Return of... Schools to which Annual Grants have been Refused, H.C. 104 (1878), lx.

15. Digest of Endowed Charities (Staffs.), H.C. 70 (1892), lix.

16. Digest of Endowed Charities (Warws.), H.C. 71 (1892), lix.

17. Return showing Public Elementary Schools which have received Building Grants... closed since 1870, H.C. 183 (1898), lxx.

18. Return of Higher Grade Board Schools, H.C. 264 (1898), lxx.

19. Return of Voluntary Schools Closed or Transferred... since... 1897, H.C. 234 (1899), lxxv.

20. Voluntary Schools Returns, H.C. 178–XXVII, XXX, XXXII (1906), lxxxviii.

21. Ministry of Education School Files for Birmingham.

22. Ed. 7/128 — preliminary statements for Birmingham schools, arranged under the school numbers used in Board of Education lists.

23. Birmingham School Board, Reports, 1876–86 (B.R.L. 3219).

24. Aston School Board, Report (1878), Summary ... 1879–80, Reports, 1885–6 sqq. (B.R.L. 413172, 259221).

25. King's Norton School Board, Summary... 1875–1881 (B.R.L. 229850).

26. City of Birmingham Education Committee, Minutes. The difficulty of making a thorough search of these minutes for information on individual schools has prevented them from being used except for a few particular facts. In such cases the reference is to the Minutes of the same, or slightly later, date than the event mentioned.

27. City of Birmingham Education Committee, Year Book, 1952–3; Education Authorities Directory, 1961 for approx. numbers on books, 1961.

28. Information provided by Birmingham Education Department. Accommodation figures for 1955 relate to January of that year, and those of 1961 to May.

29. National Society for promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, Annual Reports, 1813–32, 1841–58, 1869, 1871. References are to the Reports of dates appropriate to the facts concerned.

30. National Society, Church Schools Enquiry, 1846–7. Copies of this and of the annual reports used were then in the possession of the society.

31. Birmingham Archdeaconary, Church Schools Association (later Church Schools Board of Education), Annual Reports, 1895–6 – 1904–5 (B.R.L. 241846). References are to the Reports of dates appropriate to the facts concerned.

32. British and Foreign Schools Society, Reports 1815–1822, 1830–3, 1838–52, 1864–75 (copies in B.M.). References are to the Reports of dates appropriate to the facts concerned.

33. Wesleyan Education Committee, Annual Reports, 1838–80. References are to the Reports of dates appropriate to the facts concerned. Copies used were then in the possession of the Methodist Education Committee.

34. Catholic Poor School Committee, Annual Reports. References are to the Reports of dates appropriate to the facts concerned, except for those of 1843 which relate to a survey made in that year and published in the Report for 1849. Copies used were then in the possession of the Catholic Education Committee.

35. Birmingham Infant School Society, Annual Reports, 1825–6 – 1832–3, 1834–5 – 1838–9 (B.R.L. 300098).

36. Birmingham Statistical Society for the Improvement of Education, 'Report on the state of education in Birmingham', Journal of the Statistical Society, London, iii (1840). The report deals with the years 1837 and 1838.

37. Birmingham Education Society, Annual Reports, 1867–8 – 1869–70 (B.R.L. 40586).

38. National Society, school files. At the time when these were used they were only available up to about 1850.

39. Birmingham Infant School Society, Minute Books 1825–66 (2 vols.) (B.R.L. 300098).

40. Directories (Catholic Directory, Diocesan Directories, etc.) and scrapbook of information about parishes in the diocese (compiled c. 1915–21) at Archbishop's House, Birmingham.

41. Short Account of the Blue Coat Charity School ... 1724 to 1784 [1784] (B.R.L. 71548).

42. Short Account of the Blue Coat Charity School ... 1724 to 1830 (1832) (B.R.L. 6363).

43. Birmingham National School, Annual Reports, 1812–13 – 1823–4, 1825–6 (B.R.L. 28960).

44. National Schools of Aston, Erdington and Witton [Balance Sheet etc.], 1826–7, 1827–8 (B.R.L. 370420).

45. Yardley Church Sunday Schools [Notice of appeal] (1829) (B.R.L. 370420).

46. Birmingham Free Industrial School, Annual Report, 1850 (B.R.L. 82169).

47. G. M. Yorke, 'Some Account of Birmingham Free Industrial School', Trans. Nat. Assoc. for Promotion of Soc. Science, 1868 (B.R.L. 12145).

48. J. C. Miller, Wheat-ears: or Ragged School First Fruits (1852) (B.R.L. 239504). An account of St. Martin's Ragged School.

49. G. M. Yorke, School and Workshop, 1856 (B.R.L. 12335). Deals with St. Philip's National Schools.

50. St. Peter's [Dale End] Day and Sunday Schools, Reports, 1872–3, 1873–4 (B.R.L. 67026).

51. Severn Street British School [Advertisements] (1811, 1851) (B.R.L. 370420).

52. Royal Lancasterian Free School (later Severn Street British School), Reports (1813, 1822, 1901) (B.R.L. 370420, 82387).

53. Laws of the Hebrew National School, Birmingham (1844) (in B.M.).

54. Birmingham Hebrew Congregation, Report, 1867 (B.R.L. 142243).

55. W. Parsons and T. Bradshaw, Staffordshire Directory for 1818 (1818).

56. W. West, Directory of Warwickshire (1830).

57. W. White, Directories of Staffordshire (1834), (1851).

58. F. White, Directory of Warwickshire (1850).

59. Kelly's Directory of Birmingham (1856).

60. W. H. Dix, Directory of Birmingham (1858).

61. Jones's Directory of Birmingham (1865).

62. Littlebury, Directory of Worcestershire (1873).

63. W. White, Directory of Birmingham (1873).

64. Kelly's Directories of Birmingham (1884), (1885), (1890), (1892), (1908).

65. London and Dublin Orthodox Journal (1838).

66. G. Griffith, History of free-schools... of Birmingham (1861).

67. W. Gover, Day school education in the borough of Birmingham (1867) (B.R.L. 34995).

68. M. E. J. Shewell, 'Development of a Local System of Education in... Birmingham... 1870 to 1924' (Lond. Univ. M.A. thesis, 1952).

69. Birmingham 120 Years Ago, ed. C. E. Scarse (1896).