Clerks of Assize
Assizes 4 |
Oxford Circuit, Miscellaneous Books |
Proceedings |
C 1 |
Early |
C 2 |
Series I |
C 3 |
Series II |
C 5 |
Six Clerks Series, Bridges Enrolments |
C 54 |
Close Rolls |
C 60 |
Fine Rolls |
C 66 |
Patent Rolls |
C 78 |
Decree Rolls |
C 93 |
Proceedings of Commissioners for Charitable Uses, Inquisitions and Decrees |
C 103 |
Masters' Exhibits, Blunt Inquisitions post mortem Series I |
C 136 |
Richard II |
C 137 |
Henry IV |
C 139 |
Henry VI |
C 140 |
Edward IV |
C 142 |
Series II |
C 143 |
Inquisitions ad quod damnum |
Court of Common Pleas
C.P. 25(2) |
Feet of Fines, Series II |
C.P. 43 |
Recovery Rolls |
Duchy of Lancaster |
D.L. 29 |
Ministers' Accounts |
Exchequer, Treasury of the Receipt
E 36 |
Books |
E 40 |
Deeds, Series A |
Exchequer, King's Remembrancer
E 101 |
Accounts, Various |
E 133 |
Barons' Depositions |
E 134 |
Depositions taken by Commission |
E 150 |
Inquisitions post mortem, Series II |
E 178 |
Special Commissions of Inquiry |
E 210 |
Ancient Deeds, Series D |
Exchequer, Augmentation Office
E 326 |
Ancient Deeds, Series B |
Ministry of Education
Ed. 7 |
Elementary Education, Public Elementary Schools, Preliminary Statements |
Home Office
H.O. 107 |
Census Papers, Population Returns, 1841 and 1851 |
H.O. 129 |
Census Papers, Ecclesiastical Returns |
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Prob. 11 |
Registered Copies of Wills proved in P.C.C. |
Registrar General
R.G. 9 |
Census Returns, 1861 |
R.G. 10 |
Census Returns, 1871 |
Court of Requests
Req. 2 |
Proceedings |
Special Collections
S.C. 1 |
Ancient Correspondence |
S.C. 6 |
Ministers' Accounts |
State Paper Office
S.P. 23 |
Committee for Compounding with Delinquents |
Court of Wards and Liveries
Wards 7 |
Inquisitions post mortem |
Wards 9 |
Miscellaneous Books |
Records of the Court of Quarter Sessions - Administration
Q/ACp |
police committee |
Q/APr |
police administration and returns to Chief Constable |
Q/APs |
police stations |
Q/FAc |
general accounts, constabulary |
Q/FAm |
general accounts, miscellaneous |
Enrolment, Registration, and Deposit
Q/RDc |
inclosure awards |
Q/RHd |
diversion, closing, and widening of highways |
Q/RSc |
charities |
Q/RSe |
scientific and literary societies |
Q/RSf |
friendly societies |
Q/RTg |
game duty (game certificates) |
Q/RUm |
public undertakings, plans of schemes |
Q/RUo |
public undertakings, Acts and Orders |
The Court in Session
Q/SB |
Sessions bundles |
Q/SO |
Sessions order books |
Q/SR |
Sessions rolls |
Records of the County Council
C/C |
County Clerk's Department |
C/E |
County Education Department |
C/H |
County Health Department |
C/PC |
County Police Committee |