Parishes: Clatworthy

Pages 31-39

A History of the County of Somerset: Volume 5. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1985.

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The parish of Clatworthy lies on the southern side of the Brendon ridge, its village 4.5 km. northwest of Wiveliscombe. It measures 4 km. from north to south, and between 2 km. and 3 km. from east to west, and its area is 1,199 ha. (2,964 a.). (fn. 1) The northern and eastern boundaries are largely followed by roads, the limit to the west is partly the river Tone, and the boundary in the south-east is a stream known by 1720 as Sharcombe Water. (fn. 2)

The parish lies around the junction of six narrow and steep-sided combes, their waters together forming the headwaters of the river Tone. The valley so formed has since 1960 been flooded to form Clatworthy reservoir, with a surface area of 52.6 ha. and a capacity of 1,180 million gallons. (fn. 3) The surrounding land, light loam over slates, (fn. 4) rises to 373 m. near Tripp Barrow in the north, and reaches just over 300 km. around the reservoir, falling only in the south-east, where the Tone flows beneath the modern dam and through the small valley below Clatworthy village. The two main sources of water form two significant valleys in the northern half of the parish. One rises at Beverton Pond in Huish Champflower and is generally regarded as the Tone. (fn. 5) Its course formed the boundary between two estates in the 13th century. (fn. 6) A second stream, rising in Elworthy parish, was also an estate boundary, and in the early 13th century was known as the Tan, indicating a different origin for the Tone. (fn. 7) A ford, known in the 16th century as Oakhamford, (fn. 8) and later as Holcombe Water, was in the late 13th century known as Tanford, and the valley itself, later called Tripp Bottom, was called Tonecumbe c. 1300. (fn. 9)

There are two round barrows in the north end of the parish, (fn. 10) and an Iron-Age enclosure east of Clatworthy wood and the reservoir. The enclosure is roughly triangular in shape, with a rounded apex to the east. (fn. 11) 'Land at le Catell' was mentioned in 1385, and the 'Castellwall' in 1435. (fn. 12) The name Syndercombe, and iron slag found there and along the banks of the reservoir, are evidence of early ironworking, although no datable site has been found. Similar claims have been made for early origins of the 19th-century Carew and Roman iron mines. (fn. 13)

The village of Clatworthy, called Clatworthy Town in the 17th century, (fn. 14) lies in the south-east corner of the parish, on a hillside above the Tone. It consists of a few houses and cottages once grouped around a green at the junction of four lanes, on the south side of the parish church. The green was partly built over in the 18th century, and included a sawpit in 1839. (fn. 15) The possible manor house, the church house, and the rectory house all stood in the village. Syndercombe was at the centre of a separate estate by 1066, (fn. 16) and Week in the north, named by 1327, was regarded as a 'village' c. 1610. (fn. 17) Scattered farmsteads elsewhere were medieval if not earlier. Sedgeborough (Segbroc in 1226) and Tripp were established by the early 13th century, the former a grange of Forde Abbey (Devon, now Dors.) c. 1300. (fn. 18) Dudderidge, Westcott, and Hudford appeared by the end of the 15th century, (fn. 19) Fryan by the 16th, (fn. 20) and Mill Town by the 18th. (fn. 21) Dukesham, between Syndercombe and 'Bruneland', possibly Brown in Huish Champflower, was an estate name in the late 12th century. (fn. 22) Dudderidge and Syndercombe were both submerged in the creation of the reservoir.

Furlongs on Forde Abbey's grange at Sedgeborough c. 1300 (fn. 23) and the 14th-century field name Fischforlong, later Fisherlands, (fn. 24) north-east of Clatworthy village, suggest areas of open-field arable, though most of the parish was probably inclosed, except the high ground north of Tripp Farm and the eastern slope of Tripp Bottom, still known as Sedgeborough common in the 19th century. (fn. 25) Common pasture in Brendon is clearly indicated in Domesday and a manorial lease of 1435 included the right to pasture there, (fn. 26) although such common grazing was not expressly granted in most leases. In 1644 10s. 10d. was paid to the lord for 'doune rents' and these may possibly be identified with rents paid in the 18th century by between four and six 'rangers of common', rents which totalled £5 10s. in 1720. (fn. 27) Syndercombe manor farm had pasture for 200 sheep in 1690. (fn. 28) The tenant in 1724 was granted liberty to inclose any part of the common which belonged to the farm and had evidently exercised that right by 1780. (fn. 29) The unlawful cutting of furze, heath, and turf on the commons, regarded as the property of the lord, was presented in 1733 and leases of 1779 and 1780 reserved the lord's right to inclose any of the common land. (fn. 30) The rights of the tenants were limited to the 'western common' in 1793 and some were presented for cutting turf elsewhere than on 'the usual begs' as late as 1821. Eighteen tenants were fined for taking turf on the lord's waste in 1825 and fixed rents had been imposed by 1831 for turbary licences. (fn. 31) The Brendon commons were inclosed by Act of Parliament in 1845 when 141a. were allotted to Clatworthy. The Carews received 51 a. (fn. 32) Woodland on the north-eastern slopes of the reservoir was matched on the opposite hillside in the mid 14th century by similar growth on the Syndercombe estate. (fn. 33) In 1287 the lord of Clatworthy reserved to himself the chase between Tripp and Sedgeborough up to Brendon, in country that was presumably well wooded. (fn. 34) A Wiveliscombe man was accused of hunting over the lord's demesne in 1504. (fn. 35) Hunting was organized for the tenants in 1733, though in 1738 one tenant was presented for hunting on 'Peasewell common' on Brendon. (fn. 36) The Clatworthy estate was described as providing 'capital partridge and rough shooting' in 1911, when it included 150 a. of pheasant coverts, and a keeper's lodge with kennels and game house. (fn. 37) Field names suggest a park or parks. Land called Westpark was mentioned in 1400, the Park and Burchen Park in 1566 (probably west of Week Farm), Higher and Lower Park in 1592, and Middle and Easter Park c. 1610. (fn. 38) The name Park was recorded north of Clatworthy village in 1780. (fn. 39)

A victualler built a cottage on the village green soon after 1729 and was licensed in 1736. Manor court dinners were held there until 1772 or later. (fn. 40) Raleigh's Cross inn on the northern boundary was mentioned in 1837 and was then also a farmhouse. (fn. 41) The reservoir attracts fishermen, sailors, and picnickers.

There were 53 adult males in the parish in 1641 (fn. 42) and 99 taxpayers in 1667. (fn. 43) The population rose from 197 in 1801 to 280 by 1821 and then, after a slight fall, reached 323 in 1851. Within the next fifty years it was halved, and had fallen to 118 in 1921. Thereafter there was little change until the 1950s, but by 1961, with a total of 54 inhabitants, Clatworthy had the second lowest population in the county. There were 82 inhabitants in 1971. (fn. 44)


The manor of CLATWORTHY was owned in 1066 by Alviet, a woman. By 1086 the overlordship was held by William de Mohun (d. after 1090) and descended with the barony of Dunster. (fn. 45) The overlordship was still recognized in 1777. (fn. 46)

The terre tenant in 1086 was Ogis, predecessor of the Arundels in two other estates. (fn. 47) Clatworthy was probably one of three fees which Roger (I) Arundel held in 1166 and which he may have held by 1135. (fn. 48) He granted lands in the manor to Forde Abbey by 1189, (fn. 49) and both he and his son Roger (II) were dead by 1204. They were followed in successive generations by Thomas (fl. 1220–7) and Roger (III) Arundel (fl. 1268, d. by 1296). (fn. 50) Roger (IV) Arundel, probably son of the last, was lord in 1303 and was succeeded by his son John (I) (fl. 1316–28). (fn. 51) Thomas Arundel (d. 1335), probably John's brother, held the manor by 1331 and was followed by two daughters, Margaret and Isabel, between whom the estate was partitioned. (fn. 52)

Margaret married Philip de Hul, known generally as Philip of Clatworthy, and in 1343 they settled their share on John son of Peter de Bradeston for life with successive remainders to their own children. (fn. 53) John de Bradeston held the estate in 1346 but by 1370 it had passed to Philip and Margaret's eldest son John, who adopted the surname Arundel. (fn. 54) John (II) Arundel was probably succeeded by John (III) (d. c. 1419), and then by the latter's son John (IV), who was dead by 1442. (fn. 55) John (V), son of the last, held the share in 1475, and presented to the rectory in 1486. John (VI), described as of Bagborough, did fealty in 1493. (fn. 56) The estate had passed to George, son of John (VI), by 1501, and he still held it in 1509. Before 1521 he was succeded by his son Thomas Arundel of West Bagborough (d. 1554). (fn. 57) In 1563 Thomas's son William Arundel sold his half of the manor to Richard Malet of West Quantoxhead, owner of the other half. (fn. 58)

The second share was inherited on the death of Thomas Arundel in 1335 by Isabel, wife successively of Simon Chapman of Taunton and William Lambrook. William was lord in 1344 and 1346. (fn. 59) From him the share passed by 1380 to Henry Lambrook. Henry's wife Joan held it in 1387 and had taken it to her second husband, Nicholas Wynnegod, by 1392. (fn. 60) John Lambrook (d. c. 1420), probably Henry's son, held it by 1400 and was succeeded by his widow Eleanor, who was still in possession in 1432. (fn. 61) By 1442 the estate had passed to Margaret (d. 1491), daughter and heir of John and Eleanor, and wife of William Cloutsham. (fn. 62) The elder of Margaret's two daughters and coheirs, also Margaret, died unmarried and the estate descended to the younger, Elizabeth (d. 1510), married in turn to William Jacob and John FitzJames. (fn. 63) Elizabeth's son John Jacob held the property in 1530, and it was soon afterwards called the manor of CLATWORTHY JACOB. John's half brother, Aldred FitzJames, sold it in 1540 to John's widow's nephew Michael Malet (d. 1547) of West Quantoxhead. (fn. 64) Michael's widow Joan, who succeeded under a settlement, married John Fry, patron of the living in 1555, but the estate passed in 1563 to her son Richard Malet, who reunited the two shares in the same year. (fn. 65)

Malet sold the manor to Thomas Carew of Crowcombe in 1582 and thereafter it descended through the Carew family with the manor of Crowcombe Carew. (fn. 66) The Clatworthy estate was put up for sale by Mrs. E. M. Trollope in 1911 but only Broadway Head farm was then sold. Most of the estate was later disposed of although in 1978 the lordship was still retained by Mrs. Trollope's grandson, Major T. F. Trollope-Bellew. (fn. 67)

A manor house stood probably near the church, but the partition of the manor in the 14th century may have reduced it to the status of a copyhold tenement. It may possibly be identified with the farm called Welches which stood immediately east of the church and was leased to John Welsh in 1649. The lessee was then required to provide entertainment, food, and lodging for the lord, his steward, bailiff, and two servants whenever the manor court was held or pay an additional 20s. a year in rent. (fn. 68) The farmhouse has been demolished in recent years and the site was occupied by farm outbuildings in 1978. A chapel, probably attached to the manor house, was described as new in 1272. (fn. 69)

The manor of SYNDERCOMBE was held by Cerric in 1066. By the time of Domesday the overlordship had passed to Turstin son of Ralph (fn. 70) from whom it apparently descended with the barony of North Cadbury. Turstin was succeeded by Wynebald de Ballon (fl. 1092–1121), whose daughter married Henry de Newmarket (d. 1198). Henry was followed in turn by his sons William (d. 1204) and James (d. 1216). The overlordship evidently passed to James's daughter and coheir Isabel, wife of Ralph (I) Russel (d. c. 1250), and their son Ralph (II) (d. 1278) whose heirs were described as overlords in 1286. (fn. 71) The property then passed successively to Ralph's son James (d. 1280) and his grandson, Ralph (III) Russel (d. 1295), and the latter's widow Eleanor received the overlordship as part of her dower in 1297. (fn. 72) Robert Russel (d. 1297), uncle and heir of Ralph (III) and mentioned as overlord in 1303, was followed by his brother Sir William (d. 1311) and Sir William's son Theobald (d. 1340). (fn. 73) Thereafter the overlordship descended as a freehold of Horsington manor, and continued in the Russel family to Theobald's son, Sir Ralph (d. 1375), and grandson, Sir Maurice (d. c. 1416). (fn. 74) Sir Maurice's son Thomas Russel (d. 1431) was succeeded by his second cousin Sir Theobald Gorges (d. 1470), and then by the latter's younger son Richard (d. 1480). Richard's son Marmaduke (d. 1510) left two daughters, Elizabeth and Maud, who held the overlordship jointly in 1514–15. (fn. 75) In 1623 the manor was held of the king as of his manor of Stalbridge (Dors.), but by 1656 the lords of Syndercombe were regarded as freeholders of Clatworthy manor and so continued until at least 1788. (fn. 76)

The terre tenancy was held at Domesday by Hugh although its subsequent descent is not recorded until Henry II's reign when Matthew de Gatemore, also called Matthew de Skilgate, was lord. (fn. 77) By 1225 the manor had passed into the hands of Richard de Mucegros (I) (fl. 1221–49) of Woollas Hall, Eckington (Worcs.). (fn. 78) Richard was probably succeeded by Robert, described as of Woollas Hall in 1256, and then by Richard de Mucegros (II) (fl. 1274–1304), who held the manor in 1286. (fn. 79) John de Mucegros held it by 1297 and William de Mucegros by 1303. (fn. 80) Sarah de Mucegros had lands in Syndercombe in 1327, possibly as William's widow, and in 1340 Robert Mucegros settled the manor on his son Richard and another, although Robert was still lord in 1346. (fn. 81) From Richard descended Henry Mucegros who held the manor in 1428. (fn. 82) Henry was succeeded by William Wollashull (d. 1453), probably his cousin, who also held Woollas Hall and who in 1436 settled the estate on his daughter Joan, wife of John (later Sir John) Vampage (I) (d. c. 1471). (fn. 83) The estate then descended through successive generations to John (II) (d. 1490), Robert (d. 1516), and John (III) Vampage (d. 1548), the last of whom sold it in 1540 to John Sydenham of Leigh (d. 1547). (fn. 84)

From that time the estate was often described as the manor or manors of SYNDERCOMBE AND TRIPP. John Sydenham was succeeded by his son also John, (fn. 85) and then by the latter's sister, Margaret, wife of Robert Hensleigh. The property formed part of the marriage settlement of Robert's son, John Hensleigh, and his wife Cecily. Cecily's life interest was carried to her second husband Gawain Malet, and the estate later passed to John's brother, Henry Hensleigh (d. 1623) of Spaxton. (fn. 86) Henry was followed by his son John, probably the John Hensleigh who sold half the manor to John Carew in 1665. (fn. 87)

The half retained by John Hensleigh was called the manor of SYNDERCOMBE in 1679 but thereafter was usually described as the farm and mill of Syndercombe. (fn. 88) In 1702 John Hensleigh's son, also John, sold the estate to John Periam (d. 1711) of Milverton, who left it to his son John (d. 1775), of Hill in Bishop's Lydeard. (fn. 89) The last was succeeded by his great-nephew John Lethbridge (cr. Bt. 1804, d. 1815), then by Sir Thomas Buckler Lethbridge, Bt. (d. 1849) son of John, who added Tripp farm to the estate c. 1817. (fn. 90) The lands passed successively to Sir Thomas's son, Sir John Hesketh Lethbridge, Bt. (d. 1873), and to his grandson, Sir Wroth Acland Lethbridge, Bt. They were sold in 1875–6 to the Carews. (fn. 91)

The estate sold to the Carews in 1665 carried the title of manor of SYNDERCOMBE AND TRIPP and the manor courts, and descended with the Clatworthy manor through the Carew and Trollope families. The lands were sold during the present century but the lordship has continued in the Trollope-Bellew family. (fn. 92)

Syndercombe manor house was mentioned in 1432 and described as a mansion house in Elizabeth I's reign. (fn. 93) It passed with the half of the manor retained by John Hensleigh in 1665, was held by the Periam and Lethbridge families, and in 1874 was described as built of cob and thatched, and comprising a kitchen, two parlours, dairy, cheese room, and six bedrooms. (fn. 94) By 1911 it had been rebuilt in stone with a slate roof, but since 1960 the site has been submerged in Clatworthy reservoir. (fn. 95)

Before 1189 Roger (I) Arundel granted to Forde Abbey (Devon, now Dors.) ½ hide of demesne at 'Bromdun' or 'Brundon', and a virgate at 'Sedgebrook'. (fn. 96) The grant probably excluded the present Sedgeborough farm, as the bounds between Sedgebrook Arundel and Sedgebrook Abbatis were established in 1287. (fn. 97) The estate was held as 'Bromdun' and 'Sedgebrook', or later as 'Fryron' until the abbey was dissolved in 1539. (fn. 98) In 1545 William Affryren's holding there passed to Crown agents, and their successor sold the property in 1548 to John Sydenham, lord of Syndercombe, subject to a lease to John Fryern. (fn. 99) It seems likely that the estate was the origin of the present Fryan farm, north of Sedgeborough. The farm passed with half of Syndercombe to the Carew family in 1665, and thereafter descended with the main estate. (fn. 100)


Before the Conquest the parish was divided into two estates to form the manors of Clatworthy and Syndercombe, and it is probable that Tripp was included with Syndercombe. In 1086 Clatworthy manor gelded for 1½ hide and had land for 7 ploughs. Half the estate was demesne with 2 ploughs and 2 serfs, and the remaining 3 virgates were worked by 16 villeins and 5 bordars with 5 ploughs. There were then 5 a. of meadow, 25 a. of woodland, and pasture ½ a league by 4 furlongs, probably on the Brendons. Stock comprised a ridinghorse, 8 cattle, 20 swine, 100 sheep, and 30 she-goats. The value had doubled since the Conquest to 40s. Syndercombe manor gelded for a single hide and had 5 ploughlands. One quarter was then held in demesne with one plough, and 7 villeins and 7 bordars held 3 ploughs on their 3 virgates. There were 17 a. of meadow, a square league of pasture, and 50 a. of woodland, and its pre-Conquest value of 20s. remained unchanged in 1086. (fn. 101)

With only the slightest indication of any open-field system and medieval references to most of the present farms, it seems likely that most of the land was farmed in closes from an early date with progressive encroachment on uninclosed wastes and commons, giving rise to disputes such as that in 1221 between Thomas Arundel and the abbot of Forde over Arundel's common pasture. Arundel claimed common for himself and his men and the right to take strays over the abbot's land at Sedgeborough after the hay had been carried, but in 1227 granted to the abbot similar rights over a ½ hide of his own land. (fn. 102) Apart from the subdivision of the main manor in 1335 there is no hint of abrupt changes on either estate and the farming pattern is one of amalgamation of small holdings to create larger farms. The figures of 11 taxpayers in Clatworthy tithing and 4 at Syndercombe in 1327 indicate that Clatworthy was still the larger settlement. (fn. 103)

Labour services on Clatworthy manor included a harvest day and an afternoon from a tenant of 10 a. in 1370, and comparable services or their monetary equivalents continued to be demanded from two tenants as late as 1775. (fn. 104) A plot of demesne was leased by 1429 (fn. 105) and most of the enclosed demesne had probably passed into the hands of the tenants by the 15th century. Between 1399 and 1402 the Clatworthy lords concentrated their efforts on conserving woodland and fishing from the depredations of tenants, and presentments at Syndercombe manor court in 1432 and 1435 reflect similar action. (fn. 106) The conservation of woodland and fishing was still the principal concern on Clatworthy manor during the 16th century and in 1502 efforts to define tenement boundaries resulted in orders to tenants to raise a 'lanchard' or baulk and to erect boundary stones. (fn. 107)

Clatworthy manor was worth £6 a year in 1491, (fn. 108) but annuities granted from manorial income in 1522 suggest increasing value. (fn. 109) Until the mid 16th century tenants held almost wholly on lives, but a reversionary grant of Hudford farm in 1568 was a lease for 21 years. (fn. 110) By 1606 there were at least five leaseholders among 27 holdings amounting in total to 1,336 a. (fn. 111) Income from rents was £18 19s. 6d. in 1641–2 and fluctuated around £15 from 29 holdings up to 1646. (fn. 112) By the early 18th century the landlords, following their policy in Crowcombe, had converted to rack rents on short leases. In 1720–1 there were twelve such holdings, together with eight customary holdings. The gross income in consequence rose from £347 0s. 7d. in 1720–1 to £427 9s. 3d. in 1740–1. Arrears mounted towards the end of the century, rising from £290 10s. on a basic rental of £535 in 1771 to over £574 in 1780. (fn. 113) The same period saw the consolidation of holdings; four tenements at Tripp became a single unit, East and West Hudford another. Sedgeborough joined with Broadway Head and, from 1745, Welches with Week. (fn. 114)

Tenants in the 17th and 18th centuries accepted a wide variety of obligations. Farlieus or heriots still survived (fn. 115) and capon rents remained until at least 1737. (fn. 116) Tree-planting and the maintenance of coppice were regular requirements, the occupier of Duddridge farm in 1763 agreeing to take 500 young trees from Crowcombe to plant on his holding. (fn. 117) One tenant was to provide carriage on one day a year for tile stones from the Carew quarries to Stoodleigh (Devon) and Crowcombe. (fn. 118) Manuring and planting clauses occur on a lease of Sedgeborough in 1742 and new buildings were required of the tenant at Week in 1804. (fn. 119)

By the 18th century two freeholds had been created within the tithing of Syndercombe. Westcott farm of c. 90 a. passed through the families of Escott and Leigh, and c. 1828 to the Revd. Thomas Tudball (d. 1864). (fn. 120) The second freehold, totalling over 350 a., included Rowes, Whites and Ways Down Glasses, and Gardeners, and descended from the Darch family to Alexander Webber c. 1832. (fn. 121) By 1837 the Carews held 1,365 a., the largest farms being Fryan (355 a.), Hudford (206 a.), Week (160 a.), Welches (151 a.), and Broadway Head (124 a.). Sir Thomas Buckler Lethbridge held 765 a., including Tripp (450 a.) and Syndercombe (250 a.). Alexander Webber had 356 a. of which Rowes accounted for 150 a. and Whites and Gardeners for 103 a. There were a further four farms of over 50 a.: Westcott, Mill Town, Duddridge, and the glebe. (fn. 122) By 1851 Syndercombe had grown to 300 a. and Sedgeborough to 212 a., and by 1871 Westcott had doubled in size to 180 a. and Whites increased to the same figure. Raleigh's Cross inn was a farm of 160 a. by 1871, much of its land outside the parish. (fn. 123) Tripp (515 a.) and Syndercombe (287 a.) were tenanted together in 1876 and by 1911 the Trollope family held 2,161 a. between ten farms. (fn. 124) The estate was gradually sold off during the 20th century, largely to the tenants. (fn. 125)

Thomas Carew, writing in the mid 18th century, commented that 'the lower part of the soil, being watered by the springs from the adjacent hills, is very fertile and the other parts lying near the commons is good arable land upon which are fed large flocks of sheep, which yield no small profit to their owners'. (fn. 126) Small areas of common had been ploughed in the early 17th century, (fn. 127) but the extent of the arable is not clearly known, though Syndercombe manor farm in 1690 comprised 300 a. of which 30 a. were sown with barley and 4 a. with wheat and rye. (fn. 128) In 1837 arable totalled 1,372 a. compared with 1,067½ a. of grassland and 190 a. of woodland. (fn. 129) The inclosure of 1842 led to a further slight increase in arable. (fn. 130) By 1905 of 2,664 a. in the parish there were 1,408 a. of arable, 1,022 a. of grassland, and 234 a. of wood and plantation. In 1911 the Trollope estate included 'some of the best stock-raising farms in this noted cattle and sheep district'. (fn. 131) In 1976 of 2,453 a. returned there were 1,564 a. of grass and 9 a. of woodland. There were then 8,213 sheep, 1,244 cattle, and 393 poultry. Of the 11 holdings returned most were devoted to stock raising. (fn. 132)

A 60-year lease of mining rights on the Lethbridge lands at Tripp was made to the Ebbw Vale Company in 1855, (fn. 133) and it was probably under that lease that the Roman and Carew mines were opened in 1865. A steam engine was installed at the Carew mine by 1868 for pumping, sinking, and winding the ore. (fn. 134) A branch line to link the mines with the West Somerset Mineral Railway was started but never completed, and both mines were closed by 1873. (fn. 135)

There was a mill in 1086 paying 6d. a year, (fn. 136) probably the later manor mill. After the subdivision of the manor, Henry Lambrook granted his share of the mill and watercourse to John Arundel in 1370, (fn. 137) and thereafter the mill descended with the Arundel estate. (fn. 138) In 1504 each tenant was required to spend one day a year scouring the mill leat. (fn. 139) The mill was worked by a succession of tenants including a tailor from Brompton Ralph, (fn. 140) and a miller who was required to produce his peck (and later half peck) measure and toll dish for inspection at the manor court. Tenants were fined for grinding malt in a handmill and not at the manor mill in 1676 and 1680. (fn. 141) From the 1730s the mill was in bad repair and in 1742 a Huish Champflower miller was given a lease on condition that he built a mill house, grist mill, and malt mill there. (fn. 142)

Part of the buildings were then converted to a fulling mill. The water course was regularly diverted to drive a threshing machine between 1815 and 1826, and the tenant of Tripp farm claimed in 1828 similarly to have taken water for at least 40 years. (fn. 143) The mill continued to grind flour, probably until the 1930s. (fn. 144) The site was obliterated in the construction of Clatworthy reservoir. The mill stood near the farm and hamlet of Mill Town on the north-east bank of the Tone and was driven by a leat running along the hillside. In 1911 it had an overshot wheel, two pairs of mill stones, and a pit wheel with crown and pinion wheels. (fn. 145)

A mill by a ford, mentioned in the 12th and 13th centuries, stood near the boundary of Ford Abbey's estate at Fryan and Sedgeborough. (fn. 146)

A watermill and watercourses formed part of Syndercombe manor by 1340. (fn. 147) The mill was leased with the manor farm in 1502. (fn. 148) It was occupied in 1690 with 4 a. of land, and was recorded as belonging to the farm in 1704. (fn. 149) In 1842 the leat could be seen running north-east beside Syndercombe farm, and the field names Higher and Lower Mill mead survived in the vicinity. (fn. 150)

A blade mill and leat formed part of the Arundel demesne in 1514. (fn. 151)

A market or fair for sheep and cattle was held near Raleigh's Cross inn in August and September each year from the beginning of the 20th century. (fn. 152) In 1960 the site was moved to the field west of the inn. (fn. 153)


The parish was divided into two tithings until the 18th century, representing the manors of Clatworthy and Syndercombe. (fn. 154) Clatworthy was described as a free manor in 1274 when Roger Arundel by 'ancient custom' took all strays, and in 1275–6 he claimed the right to gallows and the assize of bread and ale. (fn. 155) There are court rolls and books for the manor for 1399–1402, (fn. 156) 1501–5, (fn. 157) 1537, (fn. 158) 1596, 1606, (fn. 159) 1607, (fn. 160) 1656–84, (fn. 161) 1674–81, (fn. 162) and 1720–1, (fn. 163) and court papers for 1720–56, 1759, and 1788–1840. (fn. 164) The earliest rolls describe sessions as hundreds and halmotes but by 1501 they were called courtsleet, with views of frankpledge and courts baron added by the 17th century. Courts were generally held twice a year, at first at Hockday or Easter and Michaelmas. In 1747 the meeting place was apparently an alehouse in the village, where court dinners were held from 1744. (fn. 165) The only officer regularly appointed in court was the tithingman, who occurs from 1402, although the bailiff was occasionally mentioned with a steward. A crier was paid fees in 1755, and a pound keeper was elected between 1829 and 1840. Court business included breaches of the assize of ale, damage caused by strays, rights of way, illicit felling of timber, and repair of dilapidated buildings. After the Restoration the oath of allegiance was taken in court by residents as they came of age. The butts were presented as unrepaired in 1607, the stocks and pillory in 1660–1 and 1731–2, and the cucking stool in 1677 and 1731.

Court rolls survive for the manor of Syndercombe for the years 1432 and 1435, (fn. 166) and a court book for Syndercombe and Tripp for 1683. (fn. 167) In the 15th century the court's business included presentments of ruinous buildings, felling timber, illegal fishing, and the presentment of nativi who were living at Wiveliscombe. A court was held for Clatworthy, Syndercombe, and Tripp in 1755 and Syndercombe was included in a court held for Clatworthy manor in 1759. (fn. 168) It is doubtful, however, whether any individual court for Syndercombe was regularly held after the Carews bought half the estate in 1665. A reeve was mentioned in 1435.

There were 2 churchwardens by 1626, and 2 overseers of the poor (fn. 169) and 2 surveyors of the highways by 1678. (fn. 170)

The former church house, standing south of the church, was converted to shelter the poor, probably by 1721. (fn. 171) By 1826 it was described as a house of four dwellings and garden, and it was in disrepair in 1830. (fn. 172) It was later demolished and the site was occupied by modern housing in 1978. The parish became part of the Williton poor-law union in 1836. It was included in Williton rural district in 1894 and since 1974 it has formed part of the West Somerset district. (fn. 173)


There was probably a priest at Clatworthy by 1189, and a parson is mentioned in 1287. (fn. 174) By 1321 the living was described as a rectory, and was in the gift of the lords of Clatworthy manor. (fn. 175) After the manor was divided in 1335 alternate presentations were normally made by the owners of the two halves. (fn. 176) The bishop presented in 1346, John Fry as second husband of Michael Malet's widow in 1555, and John Wood as husband of Dorothy, sister of Richard Malet, in 1570. (fn. 177) Henry Byam, rector of Luccombe, presented his brother John in 1616, (fn. 178) and John succeeded to the advowson by grant of John Carew. (fn. 179) The Lords Commissioners appointed in 1653, (fn. 180) but Francis Byam was patron in 1660 in succession to Sarah, John Byam's daughter. (fn. 181) Thereafter the advowson descended with the manor of Crowcombe Carew through the Carew and Trollope families to the Trollope-Bellews. (fn. 182) From 1951 the living was held with Huish Champflower and from 1967 also with Chipstable. A united benefice was created in 1971, when Major T. F. Trollope-Bellew became patron with one turn in three. (fn. 183)

The church was valued at £5 in 1291, £13 10s. 3½d. net in 1535, and £80 c. 1668. (fn. 184) In the early 18th century it was worth £120, £160 c. 1760, and by 1831 £310 net. (fn. 185) In 1535 the tithes of wool and lambs totalled £4 and personal tithes £4 6s. (fn. 186) In 1626 the tithes on lambs were to be taken on St. Mark's day (25 April) when of thirteen lambs the owner might choose the first two, the parson a third, the owner the next nine, then the parson another. For every lamb under the number of seven the owner paid the parson 1d. each; if there were between seven and nine the parson took one lamb and paid the owner 1d. for each animal. Tithe butter and cheese were taken at Midsummer and Michaelmas. Every householder and his wife paid 2d. each at Easter, their children while at home 1d., but menservants paid 4d. and maidservants 3d. The rector also received tithe wool from a close called Farthings in Brompton Ralph parish. (fn. 187) Compositions in lieu of tithes produced £68 until 1744 when tithes were again taken in kind. (fn. 188) The tithes were commuted for a tithe rent charge of £283 in 1837. (fn. 189) 'Churcheset' or tithes of grain from Syndercombe manor were payable to the rector to Stogumber in 1308–9. (fn. 190)

The glebe was valued at £4 0s. 8d. in 1535, (fn. 191) and in 1626 amounted to 85¼ a., including 30 a. at 'Tichicoombe', and 14a. in Clatworthy wood, (fn. 192) allotted to the parson in lieu of tithe wood. (fn. 193) The glebe was leased for £52 in 1744. (fn. 194) There were 93 a. of glebe in 1837, and the same area in 1939. (fn. 195) Under the inclosure award of 1842 just over 4 a. were allotted to the rector but were apparently sold soon after. (fn. 196)

The parsonage house in 1626 had six ground-floor rooms and five upper rooms, under a thatched roof, with a stall, stable, and hayloft, and stood between two walled courts, a further court having a barn, all on the south side of the road east of the church. (fn. 197) Shortly before 1761 part of the house was taken down and the remainder was 'in a very indifferent state'. (fn. 198) The house was remodelled, extended, and repaired in 1814 by John Carter. (fn. 199) Extensive alterations were made in the late 19th century; it was sold c. 1951.

Richard Atte Ash, rector 1321–6, was instituted when only a subdeacon and was licensed to be absent for study. (fn. 200) John de Sydenhale, rector before 1347, was the only known medieval graduate, although Alexander Arundel, rector 1486–1525 and presumably related to the patron, was licensed for absence to study for three years from 1503. (fn. 201) John Skelton, B.Can.L., rector from 1525 until 1535 or later, held the living with West Quantoxhead, and Hugh Wood, LL.B., rector 1570–8, was a former fellow of New College, Oxford, and not resident. (fn. 202) William Mascall, rector 1578–1616, was 'old and sick' in 1612, and did not catechize. He was succeeded by his son-in-law John Byam, rector 1616–53, (fn. 203) who also held Dulverton from 1625. Byam was accused in 1636 of preaching irregularly, and was imprisoned c. 1646 for urging the royalist governor of Dunster Castle to hold out against Parliament. He was ordered to be removed from the parsonage house in 1648 but was involved in litigation over his livings until 1652. (fn. 204) His successor, John Gibbes, was appointed in 1653 and survived the Restoration. Stephen Pierce, rector 1677–1707, held the rectory with Chipstable; Ayshford Sanford, rector 1721–5, with West Monkton; and Henry Lockett, rector 1744–79, with Crowcombe. (fn. 205) Lockett was accused by the patron of consistently failing to provide resident assistant curates and of leasing the parsonage house and refusing it to a curate. (fn. 206) Communion was administered three or four times a year in the later 18th century and there were between 20 and 40 communicants in 1776. (fn. 207) There were resident rectors from 1810. (fn. 208) William Bernard also served Huish Champflower in 1815; by 1840 there were two Sunday services. (fn. 209) In 1851 there were morning and afternoon services attended by 109 and 160 people respectively on Census Sunday. (fn. 210) By 1870 there were monthly celebrations. (fn. 211)

There was a high cross, a light for the dead, and a fraternity in the 1530s, (fn. 212) and a church house by 1644. (fn. 213)

The church of ST. MARY MAGDALENE, on sloping ground above the village, comprises a chancel with north organ chamber and vestry, a nave with large south porch, and a western tower, the whole in rendered local stone. The building probably dates from the 12th century, but in the late Middle Ages the nave seems to have been lengthened and the porch and tower added. Other new work included windows in the nave, one containing contemporary glass, and the rood stair. There is a plain, probably 12th-century, font. The pulpit and pews were installed in 1819, (fn. 214) and the vestry, partly later the organ chamber, was added by 1848. (fn. 215)

The parish registers survive from 1561 but lack entries for the years 1644 and 1651–4. (fn. 216) The four bells include one, the oldest, cast by George Purdue in 1599. (fn. 217) The plate includes a cup given in 1757 and an almsdish given by the rector in 1797. (fn. 218)


There were three 'popish recusants' in the parish in 1664–5. (fn. 219)


There was a school in the parish serving both Clatworthy and Huish Champflower in 1818. It was partly supported by subscription, and 25 children were taught. (fn. 220) Before 1825 there were both day and Sunday schools, the former with 21 pupils and the latter with 14, (fn. 221) but by 1835 children were attending a school in an adjoining parish, (fn. 222) known by 1847 as the Huish Champflower and Clatworthy village school. (fn. 223)

A National school was built in Clatworthy in 1840. (fn. 224) In 1846–7 there were 33 pupils attending on weekdays and 41 in the Sunday school. (fn. 225) William Edbrooke, the former village blacksmith, was master by 1851 (fn. 226) and was succeeded in 1863 by his brotherin-law J. P. Nation, (fn. 227) schoolmaster and village shopkeeper for 35 years until his death in 1908. (fn. 228) There were 60 children attending in 1877 although numbers later declined with the parish's population to 42 in 1883 and 36 in 1889, (fn. 229) and to 26 by 1903. Numbers rose to 37 by 1930 but fell to 27 by 1940. The school was closed in 1948. Junior pupils were then sent to Huish Champflower and seniors to Wiveliscombe. (fn. 230) The former schoolroom lies at the north-eastern end of the village.


The parish acquired an allotment of 1 a. at Raleigh's Cross for exercise and recreation in 1845. It was sold for £300 in 1968, and the investment income of £21 15s. has been used to provide a party and Christmas presents for the children of the parish. (fn. 231)


  • 1. Census, 1971. This article was completed in 1978.
  • 2. S.R.O., DD/TB 12/12.
  • 3. Rep. Chief Engineer, W. Som. Water Bd. (1964); below plate facing p. 124.
  • 4. Geol. Surv. Map 1", solid and drift, sheet 294 (1969 edn.).
  • 5. O.S. Nat. Grid 018340.
  • 6. Cal. Close, 1227–31, 587.
  • 7. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 368–72.
  • 8. S.R.O., DD/WO 41/22 (1505).
  • 9. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 370, 372.
  • 10. Proc. Som. Arch. Soc. cxiii, suppl. 28.
  • 11. V.C.H. Som. ii. 489–90.
  • 12. S.R.O., DD/TB 6/1, 54/13.
  • 13. Sellick, W. Som. Mineral Rly. 11–12; inf. from Mr. M. A. Aston.
  • 14. S.R.O., DD/TB 14/1.
  • 15. Ibid. 9/2–3.
  • 16. V.C.H. Som. i. 514; below, manors.
  • 17. S.R.S. iii. 7; S.R.O., DD/TB 12/3, 12.
  • 18. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 366–7, 371; Cal. Close, 1227–31, 587.
  • 19. S.R.O., DD/TB 9/2, 12/3, 54/13; P.R.O., SC 2/200/42.
  • 20. Cat. Anct. D. v, A 13547; S.R.O., DD/WO 41/22.
  • 21. S.R.O., DD/TB 9/2.
  • 22. S.R.S. xxv, pp. 82–5.
  • 23. Forde Abbey, cart., p. 371.
  • 24. S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13; Devon R.O., B.R.A. 456.
  • 25. O.S. Map 6", Som. LVIII. NE. (1887 edn.).
  • 26. V.C.H. Som. i, 501, 514; S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13.
  • 27. S.R.O., DD/TB 9/2, 12/12, 14/1.
  • 28. P.R.O., E 134/4 Wm. and Mary Trin./2.
  • 29. S.R.O., DD/TB 8/2; ibid. outsize 5.
  • 30. Ibid. DD/TB 8/5, 9/2, 9/26 (lease 11 Aug. 1779).
  • 31. Ibid. DD/TB 9/3.
  • 32. Ibid. Q/RDe 112.
  • 33. Cat. Anct. D. v, A 11079.
  • 34. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 367–8.
  • 35. S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13.
  • 36. Ibid. 9/2, 14/5.
  • 37. Ibid. DD/CH 86/2.
  • 38. Ibid. DD/TB 12/3, 12/8, 12/12.
  • 39. Ibid. DD/TB outsize 5.
  • 40. Ibid. Q/RL; ibid. DD/TB 8/3, 9/2, 10/11/1.
  • 41. S.R.O., tithe award; Sellick, W. Som. Mineral Rly. 60–1.
  • 42. Som. Protestation Returns, ed. Howard and Stoate, 155.
  • 43. S.R.O., DD/WY 34.
  • 44. Census, 1801–1971.
  • 45. V.C.H. Som. i. 501; Sanders, Eng. Baronies, 114; S.R.S. extra ser. 205–18.
  • 46. S.R.S. xxxiii, p. 351.
  • 47. V.C.H. Som. i. 490–1.
  • 48. Red Bk. Exch. (Rolls Ser.), i. 226.
  • 49. G. Oliver, Monasticon Dioc. Exon. 346; Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 365–6.
  • 50. S.R.S. vi. 41, 69; xxxvi. 55; Rot. Hund. (Rec. Com.), ii. 119, 125, 138; Cal. Inq. p.m. ii, pp. 177, 352; Hist. MSS. Com. 5, 6th Rep., p. 345.
  • 51. Feud. Aids, iv. 304, 334; S.R.S. i. 201, 278, 285; Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 371–2.
  • 52. Cal. Inq. p.m. vii, pp. 220, 505.
  • 53. S.R.S. xii. 220; Forde Abbey, cart., p. 376.
  • 54. Feud. Aids, iv. 347; S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13.
  • 55. S.R.S. xxxiii, pp. 166–7; ibid. extra ser. 209.
  • 56. S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13; S.R.S. lii, p. 140.
  • 57. S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13; S.R.S. xxxiii, pp. 248, 262; P.R.O., C 142/37, no. 118; C 142/104, no. 105. A reference to John Arundel as lord in 1520 (S.R.S. xxxiii, pp. 268) probably relates to an earlier owner as a deed of 1522 (S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13) describes Thomas as son and heir of George, who was son and heir of John Arundel.
  • 58. S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13.
  • 59. S.R.S. extra ser. 211; Feud. Aids, iv. 347.
  • 60. S.R.S. xxxiii, pp. 93, 97; Cal. Close, 1392–6, 12.
  • 61. S.R.O., DD/TB 9/3; S.R.S. xvi. 103; xxxiii, pp. 108, 172, 197, 200, 202; Feud. Aids, iv. 439.
  • 62. S.R.S. extra ser. 142, 212; Cal. Inq. p.m. Hen. VII, i. p. 291.
  • 63. P.R.O., C 142/25, no. 41; S.R.S. xix. 140–1.
  • 64. S.R.O., DD/TB 9/2, 54/13; S.R.S. extra ser. 212–13; C 142/87, no. 85; CP 40/1106, Carte, m. 17.
  • 65. S.R.S. extra ser. 213; S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13.
  • 66. S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13.
  • 67. Ibid. DD/CH 86/2; Som. Co. Gaz. 12 Aug. 1911; inf. from Major T. F. Trollope-Bellew.
  • 68. S.R.O., DD/TB 8/1.
  • 69. Ibid. DD/AH 21/2.
  • 70. V.C.H. Som. i. 514.
  • 71. Sanders, Eng. Baronies, 68; Feud. Aids, iv. 275.
  • 72. Sanders, Eng. Baronies, 68; Cal. Close, 1296–1302, 84.
  • 73. Sanders, Eng. Baronies, 68; Feud. Aids, iv. 303.
  • 74. Cal. Inq. p.m. xiv, p. 206; S.R.S. extra ser. 393.
  • 75. P.R.O., C 139/55, no. 39; C 140/35, no. 59; C 140/78, no. 93; C 142/25, no. 56; S.R.O., transcripts file 2/51.
  • 76. P.R.O., WARD 7/69, no. 222; Devon R.O., B.R.A. 456; S.R.O., DD/TB 9/3.
  • 77. S.R.S. xxv, pp. 82–5.
  • 78. V.C.H. Som. i. 514; S.R.S. vi. 370; xi. 91. Richard de Mucegros was probably son of Robert (fl. 1207) and grandson of Richard de Mucegros (d. c. 1200), both possibly former lords of Syndercombe: Trans. and Proc. Birmingham Arch. Soc. xlvii, pedigree facing p. 15.
  • 79. Trans. Birmingham Arch. Soc. xlvii. 29–30; Feud. Aids, iv. 275.
  • 80. H.M.C. Wells, ii. 573–4; Cal. Close, 1296–1302, 84; Feud. Aids, iv. 303.
  • 81. S.R.S. iii. 168; Cat. Anct. D. v, A 11079; Feud. Aids, iv. 346.
  • 82. Feud. Aids, iv. 392.
  • 83. Cat. Anct. D. i, C 1747; Trans. Birmingham Arch. Soc. xliii. 75–6; xlvii. 30–1.
  • 84. Trans. Birmingham Arch. Soc. xlvii. 75–6; Cat. Anct. D. iv, A 6162–4; v, A 13057; Visit. Worcs. 1569 (Harl. Soc. xxvii), 69.
  • 85. Cat. Anct. D. v, A 12753.
  • 86. G. F. Sydenham, Hist. Sydenham Fam. 200 ff.; Cal. Proc. Chanc. Eliz. (Rec. Com.), ii. 209; P.R.O., WARD 7/69, no. 222.
  • 87. P.R.O., WARD 7/69, no. 222; CP 25(2)/715/17 Chas. II Mich.
  • 88. Ibid. CP 25(2)/718/31 Chas. II Mich.; CP 25(2)/869/ 3 Wm. and Mary Trin.
  • 89. Ibid. CP 25(2)/961 1 Anne Mich.; S.R.O., DD/GC 64; DD/SAS HV 68/5.
  • 90. S.R.O., DD/X/LGV, correspondence; Burke, Peerage (1949), 1211.
  • 91. Burke, Peerage (1949), 1211–12; S.R.O., DD/SAS C/2273, 1.C.8.1; DD/CH 86/2.
  • 92. S.R.O., DD/TB 19 (hist. of Clatworthy); DD/CH 86/2; inf. from Maj. T. F. Trollope-Bellew.
  • 93. P.R.O. SC 2/200/42; Cal. Proc. Chanc. Eliz. (Rec. Com.), ii. 209.
  • 94. S.R.O., DD/SAS C/2273, 1.C.8.1.
  • 95. Ibid. DD/CH 86/2.
  • 96. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 365–8; Cal. Chart. R. 1300–26, 208.
  • 97. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 366–7. A copyhold grant of a tenement called Sedgebrook was made by John Arundel in 1400: S.R.O., DD/TB 12/3.
  • 98. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 374, 377–8; Dugdale, Mon. v. 383–4; S.R.O., DD/WO 41/22.
  • 99. L. & P. Hen. VIII, xx (1), p. 661; Cat. Anct. D. v, A 13547.
  • 100. 'Fryeron House' was considered as part of the manor of Syndercombe and Tripp in 1683: Devon R.O., B.R.A. 456.
  • 101. V.C.H. Som. i. 501, 514.
  • 102. Cur. Reg. R. ix. 101; S.R.S. vi. 69.
  • 103. S.R.S. iii. 168.
  • 104. S.R.O., DD/TB 9/3, 54/13.
  • 105. Ibid. 54/13.
  • 106. Ibid. 12/3; P.R.O., SC 2/200/42.
  • 107. S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13.
  • 108. P.R.O., C 142/37, no. 118.
  • 109. S.R.O., DD/TB 54/13.
  • 110. Ibid. 8/5.
  • 111. Ibid. 12/8, 12/12.
  • 112. Ibid. 14/1.
  • 113. Ibid. 10/11/1–2, 12/4, 14/5, 14/13.
  • 114. Ibid. 8/2, 8/5.
  • 115. Ibid. 14/1, 54/14.
  • 116. Ibid. 23 (lease 1737).
  • 117. Ibid. 8/1, 8/2.
  • 118. Ibid. 8/1.
  • 119. Ibid. 8/5.
  • 120. Ibid. 9/2, 9/3; ibid. Q/RE; Q/REr; ibid. DD/SAS, deeds 7(4), probate 1773; Alum. Oxon. 1715–1886, s.v. Tudball.
  • 121. S.R.O., Q/RE; Q/REr; ibid. DD/BR/py 166; DD/TB 9/2, 9/3.
  • 122. Ibid. tithe award.
  • 123. P.R.O., HO 107/1920; RG 10/2356.
  • 124. S.R.O., DD/SAS C/2273, 1.C.8.1; DD/CH 86/2.
  • 125. Inf. from Maj. T. F. Trollope-Bellew.
  • 126. S.R.O., DD/TB 19 (hist. of Clatworthy).
  • 127. Ibid. DD/TB 9/2.
  • 128. P.R.O., E 134/4 Wm. and Mary Trin./2.
  • 129. S.R.O., tithe award.
  • 130. S.R.O., DD/CH 86/2.
  • 131. Statistics supplied by the then Bd. of Agric. 1905.
  • 132. Min. of Agric., Fisheries, and Food, agric. returns 1976.
  • 133. S.R.O., DD/CCH 72 (lease 1855).
  • 134. Sellick, W. Som. Mineral Rly. 33; Proc. S. Wales Inst. of Engineers, vi. 83.
  • 135. Sellick, W. Som. Mineral Rly. 33, 41, 54.
  • 136. V.C.H. Som. i. 501.
  • 137. S.R.O., DD/TB 6/1.
  • 138. Ibid. 12/3.
  • 139. Ibid. 54/13.
  • 140. Ibid. 8/1, 12/5, 54/13; Devon R.O., B.R.A. 456.
  • 141. S.R.O., DD/TB 8/2, 9/2.
  • 142. Ibid. DD/TB 8/2–3, 9/3, 14/5; ibid. D/P/clat 4/1/1.
  • 143. Ibid. DD/TB 9/3.
  • 144. Ibid. 8/4, 9/3; ibid. D/P/clat 2/1/4; ibid. tithe award; Kelly's Dir. Som. (1889–1939).
  • 145. S.R.O., DD/CH 86/2.
  • 146. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 365–8.
  • 147. Cat. Anct. D. v, A 11079; P.R.O., SC 2/200/42.
  • 148. P.R.O., REQ 2/15, no. 122.
  • 149. S.R.O., DD/MGR 1, abst. of will of John Periam.
  • 150. Ibid. tithe ward.
  • 151. Ibid. DD/TB 54/13.
  • 152. Ibid. DD/CH 86/2; inf. from Mr. R. C. Notley, Monksilver. Folk tales relating to the market are frequent.
  • 153. Inf. from Mr. Notley; plate facing p. 76.
  • 154. S.R.S. iii. 168; S.R.O., DD/TB 19 (hist. of Clatworthy); Som. Protestation Returns, ed. Howard and Stoate, 155.
  • 155. Rot. Hund. (Rec. Com.), ii. 119, 125.
  • 156. S.R.O., DD/TB 12/3.
  • 157. Ibid. 54/13.
  • 158. Ibid. 9/2.
  • 159. Ibid. 12/8.
  • 160. Ibid. 9/2, 12/8.
  • 161. Devon R.O., B.R.A. 456.
  • 162. S.R.O., DD/TB 12/5.
  • 163. Ibid. 12/12.
  • 164. Ibid. 9/2–3.
  • 165. Ibid. 13/3; ibid. Q/RL.
  • 166. P.R.O., SC 2/200/42.
  • 167. Devon R.O., B.R.A. 456.
  • 168. S.R.O., DD/TB 9/2.
  • 169. Ibid. D/D/Rg 337.
  • 170. Ibid. DD/TB 12/5.
  • 171. Ibid. 12/12; DD/TB outsize 5.
  • 172. Ibid. DD/TB 8/3, 8/5, 9/3.
  • 173. Youngs, Local Admin. Units, i. 675–6.
  • 174. Forde Abbey, cart., pp. 365–8, 374.
  • 175. S.R.S. i. 201.
  • 176. S.R.S. ix, p. 413; ibid. extra ser. 208.
  • 177. S.R.S. x, p. 528; lv, p. 137; Som. Incumbents, ed. Weaver, 335.
  • 178. P.R.O., E 331/Bath and Wells/1; C. E. H. Chadwyck Healey, Hist. W. Som. pedigree facing p. 170.
  • 179. Som. Incumbents, ed. Weaver, 335.
  • 180. P.R.O. Institution Bks. index A2.
  • 181. Som. Incumbents, ed. Weaver, 335.
  • 182. Below, Crowcombe, manors.
  • 183. Dioc. Dir.
  • 184. Tax. Eccl. (Rec. Com.), 198; Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i. 222; S.R.O., D/D/Vc 24.
  • 185. S.R.O., DD/TB 15/1; 27 (letter 1744); Rep. Com. Eccl. Revenues, pp. 132–3.
  • 186. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i. 222.
  • 187. S.R.O., D/D/Rg 337.
  • 188. Ibid. DD/TB 27 (letter 1744).
  • 189. S.R.O., tithe award.
  • 190. H.M.C. Wells, ii. 573–4.
  • 191. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i. 222.
  • 192. S.R.O., D/D/Rg 337.
  • 193. Ibid. DD/TB 12/12.
  • 194. Ibid. DD/TB 27 (letter 1744).
  • 195. Ibid. tithe award; Kelly's Dir. Som. (1939).
  • 196. S.R.O., Q/RDc 112.
  • 197. Ibid. D/D/Rg 337.
  • 198. Ibid. DD/TB 15/1.
  • 199. Ibid. DD/TB outsize 5, inserted drawings; H. M. Colvin, Biog. Dict. Eng. Architects, 1660–1840, 125–7.
  • 200. S.R.S. i. 201, 230.
  • 201. S.R.S. x, p. 548; lii, p. 140; liv. p. 80; lv, p. 40; Le Neve, Fasti, 1300–1541, Bath and Wells, 46, 68.
  • 202. S.R.S. lv, p. 40; Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i. 222, 224; Alum. Oxon. 1500–1714; S.R.O., D/D/Ca 57.
  • 203. Som. Incumbents, ed. Weaver, 335; S.R.O., D/D/Ca 175; ibid. D/P/clat 2/1/1; Alum. Oxon. 1500–1714.
  • 204. Walker Revised, ed. A. G. Matthews, 310; S.R.O., D/D/Ca 310; Alum. Oxon. 1500–1714.
  • 205. Som. Incumbents, ed. Weaver, 335; Alum. Oxon. 1500–1714, 1715–1886; Alum. Cantab. to 1751.
  • 206. S.R.O., DD/TB 15/1–3.
  • 207. Ibid. D/P/clat 4/1/1; ibid. D/D/Vc 88.
  • 208. Ibid. D/P/clat 2/1/1–3; ibid. D/D/B returns 1815; Rep. Com. Eccl. Revenues, pp. 132–3.
  • 209. S.R.O., D/D/V returns 1840, 1843.
  • 210. P.R.O., HO 129/313/5/7/9.
  • 211. S.R.O., D/D/V returns 1870.
  • 212. Wells Wills, ed. Weaver, 59–60.
  • 213. S.R.O., DD/TB 14/1; above, local govt.
  • 214. S.R.O., DD/TB outsize 5.
  • 215. Ibid. DD/SAS (C/2402), 49.
  • 216. Ibid. D/P/clat 2/1/1–6.
  • 217. Ibid. DD/SAS CH 16.
  • 218. Proc. Som. Arch. Soc. xlv. 165.
  • 219. S.R.O., D/D/Ca 344.
  • 220. Educ. of Poor Digest, H.C. 224 (1819), ix(2).
  • 221. Ann. Rep. B. & W. Dioc. Assoc. S.P.C.K. (1825–6).
  • 222. Educ. Enq. Abstract, H.C. 62 (1835), xlii.
  • 223. Nat. Soc. Inquiry, 1846–7, Som. 10–11.
  • 224. S.R.O., C/E 26; cf. c. 1848: Kelly's Dir. Som. (1906). 'The school' was mentioned in 1840 and 1843: S.R.O., D/D/V returns 1840, 1843.
  • 225. Nat. Soc. Inquiry. 1846–7, Som. 6–7.
  • 226. P.R.O., HO 107/1920; S.R.O., D/P/clat 2/1/4, 2/1/6.
  • 227. S.R.O., C/E, box 6.
  • 228. M.I. in chyd.
  • 229. S.R.O., C/E, box 6, log bks.; Kelly's Dir. Som. (1883, 1889).
  • 230. S.R.O., C/E, box 6, log bks.; ibid. Schs. Lists.
  • 231. Char. Com. files.