List of Abbreviations

Pages 338-342

A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 16. Originally published by Boydell & Brewer for the Institute of Historical Research, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2011.

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a. acre(s)
Abbrev. Rot. Orig. Rotulorum Originalium Abbreviatio, temp. Hen. III, Edw. I (Record Commission, 1805)
Acts of PC Acts of the Privy Council of England (HMSO, 1890–1964)
Acts of PC (Rec. Com.) Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 1386–1542 (Record Commission, 1834–7)
Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714; 1715–1886 J. Foster (ed.), Alumni Oxonienses, 1500–1714; 1715–1886 (Oxford, 1888–92)
Arch. Archive(s)
archaeol. archaeology, archaeological
Archaeol. Jnl Archaeological Jnl
archit. architecture, architectural
BL British Library
Benson and Miles, Upper Thames D. Benson and D. Miles, The Upper Thames Valley: an Archaeological Survey of the River Gravels (Oxford, 1974)
Besse, Sufferings J. Besse, A Collection of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers, from 1650 to 1689 (London, 1753)
bdy; bdies boundary; boundaries
Blair, A-S Oxon. J. Blair, Anglo-Saxon Oxfordshire (1994)
Book of Fees The Book of Fees (HMSO, 1920–31)
bldg(s) building(s)
Bldgs List English Heritage Listed Buildings descriptions (
Bodl. Bodleian Library
bp bishop
Bp Fell and Nonconf. M. Clapinson (ed.), Bishop Fell and Nonconformity: Visitation Documents, 1682–3 (ORS 52, 1980)
Brewer, Oxon. J. N. Brewer, A Topographical and Historic Description of the County of Oxford (London, 1819)
Briers, Boro. Recs P. M. Briers (ed.), Henley Borough Records: Assembly Books i–iv, 1395–1543 (ORS 41, 1960)
Brit. British
Burke's Peerage; Extinct Baronetcies; Landed Gentry J. Burke and others, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage; A History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies; A Dictionary of the Landed Gentry
Burn, Henley J. S. Burn, A History of Henley-on-Thames (1861)
Butler, Peppard S. Butler, Memories of Rotherfield Peppard before the First World War (1970)
CBA Group 9 Council for British Archaeology, Regional Group 9
CJ Journals of the House of Commons
Calamy Revised, ed. A. G. Matthews A. G. Matthews (ed.), Calamy Revised: being a Revision of Edmund Calamy's Account of the Ministers and Others Ejected and Silenced 1660–2 (1934)
Cal. Chart. Calendar of the Charter Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1903–27)
Cal. Close Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1892–1963)
Cal. Cttee for Compounding Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding, etc. (HMSO, 1889–92)
Cal. Cttee for Money Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Advance of Money, 1642–56 (HMSO, 1888)
Cal. Fine Calendar of the Fine Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1911–62)
Cal. Inq. Misc. Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous (Chancery) preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1916–68)
Cal. Inq. p.m. Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1904–87)
Cal. Inq. p.m. Hen. VII Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem, Henry VII (HMSO, 1898–1955)
Cal. Lib. Calendar of the Liberate Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1917–64)
Cal. Papal Regs. Calendar of Papal Registers: Papal Letters (HMSO and Irish MSS Com. 1893–1986)
Cal. Pat. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Office (HMSO, 1891–1986)
Cal. QS Calendar of quarter sessions records in Oxfordshire Record Office by W. J. Oldfield
Cal. SP Dom. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series (HMSO, 1856–1972)
Camden; Camden Soc. Camden Series; Camden Society
Cant. & York Soc. Canterbury and York Society
Cat. Catalogue
Cat. Ancient Deeds Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1890–1915); available online at
Cath. Rec. Soc. Catholic Record Society
Ch. and Chapel, 1851 K. Tiller (ed.), Church and Chapel in Oxfordshire, 1851: The Return of the Census of Religious Worship (ORS 55, 1987)
Ch. Bells Oxon. F. Sharpe, The Church Bells of Oxfordshire (ORS 28, 30, 32, 34, 1949–53)
Chant. Cert. Rose Graham (ed.), Chantry Certificates and Edwardian Inventories of Church Goods (ORS 1, 1919)
Char. Com. Charity Commission
Char. Don. Abstract of Returns relative to Charitable Donations for the Benefit of Poor Persons (Parl. Papers 1816 (511), xvi)
Climenson, Guide E. J. Climenson, A Guide to Henley-on-Thames (1896)
Close Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1902–15)
Complete Baronetage G. E. C[okayne], Complete Baronetage (Exeter, 1900–9)
Complete Peerage G. E. C[okayne] and others, The Complete Peerage (2nd edn 1910–59)
Compton Census, ed. Whiteman A. Whiteman (ed.), The Compton Census of 1676 (Records of Social and Economic History, n.s. 10, 1986)
Cottingham, Hostelries A. Cottingham, The Hostelries of Henley (priv. print. 2000)
Cottingham and Fisher, Henley A. Cottingham and H. Fisher, Henley-on-Thames: a Pictorial History (1990)
Crockford Crockford's Clerical Directory
cttee committee
Cur. Reg. Curia Regis Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1922–79)
D&C Dean & Chapter
DNB L. Stephen and others (eds), Dictionary of National Biography (1885–1998 edns)
Davis, Oxon. Map (1797) R. Davis, A New Map of the County of Oxford (1797)
Dep. Kpr's Rep. Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records (1840–1958)
Deserted Villages of Oxon. K. J. Allison, M. W. Beresford, and J. G. Hurst, Deserted Villages of Oxfordshire (Leicester Univ. Dept of English Local History, Occasional Papers, no 17, 1965)
Dict. Dictionary
Dir. Directory
Dugdale, Mon. W. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley and others (1817–30)
EETS Early English Text Society
EHR English Historical Review
EPNS English Place-Name Society
Educ. of Poor Digest Digest of Returns to the Select Committee on the Education of the Poor (Parl. Papers 1819 (224), ix B)
Emden, OU Reg. to 1500 A. B. Emden, Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to AD 1500 (Oxford, 1957–9)
Emden, OU Reg. 1501–40 A. B. Emden, Biographical Register of the University of Oxford AD 1501 to 1540 (Oxford, 1974)
Eng. England
Evans, Ch. Plate J. T. Evans, Church Plate of Oxfordshire (Oxford, 1928)
Excerpta e Rot. Finium Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, Hen. III (Record Commission, 1835–6)
Eynsham Cart. H. E. Salter (ed.), Cartulary of Eynsham Abbey (OHS 49, 51)
Farrer, Honors W. Farrer, Honors and Knights' Fees (3 vols, London, 1923–5)
Fawley Map (1788) Fawley estate map (c.1788) in Henley River & Rowing Museum
Feudal Aids Inquisitions and Assessments relating to Feudal Aids preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1899–1920)
Gent. Mag. Gentleman's Magazine
Geol. Surv. Geological Survey
Gibbons (ed.), Liber Antiquus A. Gibbons (ed.), Liber Antiquus de Ordinationibus Vicariarum Tempore Hugonis Wells, Lincolniensis Episcopi, 1209–1235 (1888)
Gibson, 'Continuity and Change' R. E. Gibson, 'Continuity and Change in a Chiltern Parish, Harpsden 1586–1879' (Univ. of Reading BA Dissertation, 1989)
Glasscock, Subsidy 1334 R. E. Glasscock, The Lay Subsidy of 1334 (1975)
Grundy, Saxon Oxon. G. B. Grundy, Saxon Oxfordshire (ORS 15, 1933)
HA Henley Advertiser
HAHG Henley Archaeological and Historical Group
HC House of Commons
HER; PRN Oxfordshire Historic Environment Record (formerly Sites and Monuments Record); Primary Record Number
HL House of Lords
HMC Historical Manuscripts Commission, since 2003 part of The National Archives
HMSO Her (His) Majesty's Stationery Office
HS Henley Standard (formerly Henley and South Oxfordshire Standard)
ha. hectare(s)
Harl. Soc. Harleian Society
Harpsden Map (1586) Harpsden estate map in ORO, C17:49 (129)
Hearne's Collns C. E. Doble and H. E. Salter (eds), Remarks and Collections of Thomas Hearne (OHS 2, 7, 13, 34, 42–43, 48, 50, 65, 67, 72, 1885–1921)
Hearth Tax Oxon. M. Weinstock (ed.), Hearth Tax Returns for Oxfordshire, 1665 (ORS 21, 1940)
Henig and Booth, Roman Oxon. M. Henig and P. Booth, Roman Oxfordshire (2000)
Hepple and Doggett, Chilterns L. W. Hepple and A. M. Doggett, The Chilterns (1994 edn)
Hodgson, QAB C. Hodgson, Account of the Augmentation of Small Livings by the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne (2nd edn, London, 1845)
incl. inclosure
inv. inventory
Jefferys, Oxon. Map (1767) T. Jefferys, The County of Oxford (1767)
Jnl Journal
Jnl Royal Agric. Soc. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society
Jones, 'Greys Court' B. V. Jones, 'Greys Court, Rotherfield Greys, Oxfordshire: Historic Buildings Report for the National Trust' (unpubl. report in 4 vols, 2005): copy in NMR
L&I Soc. List and Index Society
L&P Hen. VIII Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII (HMSO, 1864–1932)
LJ Journals of the House of Lords
LRS Lincoln Record Society
Land Util. Surv. Reports of the Land Utilisation Survey of Britain: pt 56, Oxfordshire, by Mary Marshall (1943)
Leland, Itin. (ed. Toulmin Smith) Itinerary of John Leland, ed. L. Toulmin Smith (1906–10)
Lewis, Topog. Dict. Eng. (1840) S. Lewis, Topographical Dictionary of England (1840)
Lond. Gaz. London Gazette
Lunt (ed.), Val. Norw. W. E. Lunt (ed.), Valuation of Norwich (Oxford 1926)
Macleod, Rother Beast M. Macleod, Land of the Rother Beast (2000)
Midgley, Ministers' Accts L. M. Midgley (ed.), Ministers' Accounts of the Earldom of Cornwall (Camd 3rd ser 66–7, 1942–5)
Misc. Gen. et Her. J. J. Howard and W. B. Bannerman (eds), Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica (London, 1868–1938)
mkt(s) market(s)
N&Q Notes and Queries
NMR English Heritage, National Monuments Record, Swindon
NRA National Register of Archives
New DNB H. C. G. Matthew and B. Harrison (eds), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004); also online
Nonarum Inquisitiones Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii (Record Commission, 1807)
Nonconf. Nonconformity
OAHS Proc. Proceedings of the Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture, 1839–59; and of the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society, 1860–1900
OAS Rep., Trans. Reports and Transactions of the North Oxfordshire Archaeological Society, 1853–86, and of the Oxford Archaeological Society 1887–1949
OCC Oxfordshire County Council
OHS Oxford Historical Society
OPA Oxfordshire County Council Photographic Archive (transferred to ORO in 2011)
ORCC Oxfordshire Rural Community Council
ORO Oxfordshire County Record Office, St Luke's Church, Cowley, Oxford; from 2011 part of Oxfordshire History Centre
ORS Oxfordshire Record Society
OS Ordnance Survey
Oldfield, 'Clerus Oxf. Dioc.' MS index to clergy of Oxford diocese by W.J. Oldfield in Oxfordshire Record Office
Orr, Oxon. Agric. J. Orr, Agriculture in Oxfordshire (Oxford, 1916)
Oseney Cart. H. E. Salter (ed.), Cartulary of Oseney Abbey (OHS 89–91, 97–8, 101)
Oxf. Chron. Oxford Chronicle
Oxf. Dioc. Yr Bk Oxford Diocesan Year Book (Oxford, 1858–)
Oxf. Jnl Jackson's Oxford Journal
Oxf. Jnl Syn. 'Chronological Synopsis and Index to Oxon. Items in Jackson's Oxford Journal 1753–80', ed. E. C. Davies; '1781–90', ed. E. H. Cordeaux (Typescripts 1967, 1976: copies in Central Library, Westgate, Oxford and the Bodleian Library)
Oxon. Fines H. E. Salter (ed.), Feet of Fines for Oxfordshire, 1195–1291 (ORS 12, 1930)
Oxon. Poll, 1754 The Poll of the Freeholders of Oxford, taken at Oxford on 17–23 April 1754
Oxon. Visit. W. H. Turner (ed.), Visitations of Oxfordshire in 1566, 1574, and 1634 (Harl. Soc. 5)
Oxon. Wills J. R. H. Weaver and A. Beardwood (eds), Some Oxfordshire Wills (ORS 39, 1958)
OxS Oxfordshire Studies, formerly in Central Library, Westgate, Oxford; merged with ORO as part of Oxfordshire History Centre in 2011
PN Oxon. Margaret Gelling, Place-Names of Oxfordshire (English Place-Name Soc. 23–4, 1953–4)
PO Arch. Post Office archives at Freeling House, Phoenix Place, London WC1X oDL
PRO Public Record Office, since 2003 part of The National Archives
PRS Pipe Roll Society
par. parish; parochial
Par. Colln F. N. Davis (ed.), Parochial Collections by Anthony Wood and Richard Rawlinson (ORS 2, 4, 11, 1920–9)
Pat. Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO, 1900–3)
Pearce, 'Cert. 1593' S. Spencer Pearce, 'A Certificate of the Oxford Clergy, 1593', OAS Rep. (1913), 145–70
Pearce, 'Clergy' S. Spencer Pearce, 'Clergy of the Deaneries of Henley and Aston during the Settlement of 1559 and Afterwards', OAS Rep. (1918)
Peberdy, 'Henley' R. B. Peberdy, 'The Economy, Society, and Government of a Small Town in Late Medieval England: A Study of Henley-on-Thames from c. 1300 to c. 1540 (Leicester Univ PhD thesis, 1994)
Pevsner, Oxon. Jennifer Sherwood and Nikolaus Pevsner, Buildings of England: Oxfordshire (1974)
Pipe R Pipe Roll
Plac. de Quo Warr. Placita de Quo Warranto (Record Commission, 1818)
Placit. in Domo Capit. Abbrev. Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi Asservatorum Abbreviatio (Record Commission, 1811)
Poll Taxes 1377–81, ed. Fenwick C. C. Fenwick (ed.), Poll Taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381, pt. 2: Lincs.-Westmorland (British Academy Records in Social and Economic Hist. n.s. 29, 2001)
Poor Abstract, 1777; 1787 Reports of Select Committees on Poor Laws, 1775–7 and 1787 (Parl. Papers, HC Series 1, vol. ix)
Poor Abstract, 1804; 1818 Abstract of Answers and Returns relative to the Expense and Maintenance of the Poor (Parl. Papers 1804 (175), i; 1818 (82), xix)
Powys Diaries E. J. Climenson (ed.), Passages from the Diaries of Mrs Philip Lybbe Powys of Hardwick House, Oxon., AD 1756 to 1808 (1899)
Prob. Recs. Oxon. 1516–1732 E. Cheyne and D. M. Barratt (eds), Probate Records of the Courts of the Bishop and Archdeacon of Oxford 1516–1732 (British Rec. Soc. 93–4, 1981–85)
Prob. Recs. Oxon. 1733–1857 D. M. Barratt, J. Howard-Drake, and M. Priddey (eds), Index to the Probate Records of the Courts of the Bishop and Archdeacon of Oxford 1733–1857 (ORS 61, 1997)
Prot. Retns J. Gibson (ed.), Oxfordshire and North Berkshire Protestation Returns and Tax Assessments, 1641–2 (ORS 59, 1994)
RO Record Office
RS Rolls Series
Rec. Com. Record Commission
Red Book Exch. (RS) H. Hall (ed.), Red Book of the Exchequer (Rolls Series, 1896)
Reg. Regum Anglo-Norm. H. W. C. Davies and others (eds), Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum 1066–1154 (1913–69)
Rep. Com. Char. Reports of the Commissioners for Charities (1819–40), indexed in Parl. Papers 1840 (279), xix (2)
4th Rep. Com. Char. Fourth Report of the Commissioners for Charities (Parl. Papers 1820 (312), v)
Rot. Chart. Rotuli Chartarum, 1199–1216 (Record Commission, 1837)
Rot. Cur. Reg. Rotuli Curiae Regis, 6 Richard I to 1 John (Record Commission, 1812–18)
Rot. de Oblatis et Finibus Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus (Record Commission, 1835)
Rot. Hund. Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Hen. III & Edw. I (Record Commission, 1812–18)
Rot. Lib. Rotuli de Liberate, regnante Johanne (Record Commission, 1844)
Rot. Litt. Claus. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum, 1204–27 (Record Commission, 1833–44)
Rot. Litt. Pat. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium, 1201–16 (Record Commission, 1835)
Rot. Parl. Rotuli Parliamentorum [1783]
s.a. sub anno (under the year)
SOAG South Oxfordshire Archaeological Group
SODC South Oxfordshire District Council
Sanders, Eng. Baronies I. J. Sanders, English Baronies, 1086–1327 (Oxford, 1960)
sch. school
Secker's Corresp. A. P. Jenkins (ed.), The Correspondence of Thomas Secker, bishop of Oxford 1737–58 (ORS 57, 1991)
Secker's Visit. H. A. Lloyd Jukes (ed.), Articles of Enquiry at the Primary Visitation of Dr Thomas Secker, 1738 (ORS 38, 1957)
ser. series
Sheppard, Brakspear's F. Sheppard, Brakspear's Brewery, Henley-on-Thames, 1779–1979 (1979)
Skelton, Antiq. Oxon. J. Skelton, Illustrations of the Principal Antiquities of Oxfordshire (Oxford, 1823)
sqq and pages (or folios) following
Stonor Letters; Stonor Suppl. C. L. Kingsford (ed.), The Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290–1483 (Camden 3rd ser. 29–30, 1919); idem, Supplementary Stonor Letters and Papers 1314–1482 (Camden Miscellany 13, 1923); reissued as C. Carpenter (ed.), Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290–1483 (1996)
Stonor Map (1725) Stonor estate map in private hands; reduced photocopy in Bodl.
Subsidy 1526 H. E. Salter (ed.), Subsidy Collected in the Diocese of Lincoln in 1526 (OHS 63)
Summers, Congreg. Ch. W. H. Summers, History of the Berkshire, South Buckinghamshire and South Oxfordshire Congregational Churches (1905)
Tax. Eccl. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglie et Wallie ... circa AD 1291 (Record Commission, 1801)
Trans. Transactions
Ulyanov, 'Stonor Manor' Y. R. Ulyanov, 'The Genesis and Structural Evolution of the Stonor Manor in the 14th and 15th Centuries, I and II', Srednie Veka 34–5 (1971–2), 117–44, 154–73 [in Russian with short English summary]
Univ. Brit. Dir. Universal British Directory of Trade and Commerce (London, 1790–[1798])
VCH Victoria County History
Valor Eccl. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. VIII (Record Commission, 1810–34)
Visit. Dioc. Linc. A. Hamilton Thompson (ed.), Visitations in the Diocese of Lincoln 1517–31 (LRS 33, 35, 37, 1940–7)
Walker Revised, ed. A. G. Matthews A. G. Matthews (ed.), Walker Revised: Being a Revision of John Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy during the Grand Rebellion 1642–60 (1948)
Whitelocke Diary R. Spalding (ed.), Diary of Bulstrode Whitelocke, 1605–75 (Recs of Social and Econ. Hist. ns 13, 1990)
Wilb. Letter Bks R. K. Pugh (ed.), The Letter Books of Samuel Wilberforce 1843–68 (ORS 47, 1969)
Wilb. Visit. E. P. Baker (ed.), Bishop Wilberforce's Visitation Returns, 1854 (ORS 35, 1954)
Wood's Life A. Clark (ed.), The Life and Times of Anthony Wood, Antiquary, of Oxford 1632–95 (OHS 19, 21, 26, 30, 40, 1891–1900)
Young, Oxon. Agric. A. Young, General View of the Agriculture of Oxfordshire (London, 1813)
Youngs, Admin. Units F. A. Youngs, Guide to the Local Administrative Units of England I: Southern England (Royal Hist. Soc. 1979)