Paddington: Churches

Pages 252-259

A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 9, Hampstead, Paddington. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1989.

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A chapel at Paddington was declared in 1222 to belong to the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, (fn. 1) of which the rectory had long been held by Westminster abbey. The rectory of Paddington, so called only from the late Middle Ages, was appropriated to Westminster (fn. 2) and afterwards to the bishop of London. (fn. 3) A vicar was mentioned in 1324 (fn. 4) and a vicarage c. 1485, (fn. 5) although later Paddington was usually styled a perpetual curacy until 1868. (fn. 6) In 1708 Paddington was said to be a donative, the curate being licensed by the bishop, (fn. 7) and to be exempt from the archdeacon's jurisdiction and subject wholly to the bishop. (fn. 8) A single chapel or church at Paddington green, twice rebuilt, served the parish until 1818. In 1845 its function as the parish church was transferred to St. James's, Sussex Gardens. (fn. 9)

The vicar or perpetual curate was presumably nominated by the holder of the rectory, which from 1489 was leased with Paddington manor. (fn. 10) In 1650, when Sir Rowland St. John, lessee of the manor, was said to have formerly had a reading minister, the patronage lay with Thomas Browne as purchaser. of the manor. (fn. 11) Patronage was specifically reserved to the bishop in leases of the manor and rectory from 1795. (fn. 12) When the incumbent moved to the new parish church as vicar of Paddington in 1845 he presented a successor to the old church, but thereafter patronage lay with the bishop. (fn. 13)

Early valuations were not those of the incumbent's living, since the chapel was valued with St. Margaret's, Westminster, in 1291 (fn. 14) and at the same sum as the leasehold rent for the rectory in 1535. (fn. 15) The minister was paid £28 a year, representing the rent of the tithes, in 1650 when it was thought that the tithes might be let for £100 and that the parish ought to be united with Marylebone. (fn. 16) The curate's stipend was fixed at £80, to be paid by the bishop's lessee, in 1668 (fn. 17) and confirmed by the Augmentation of Benefices Act, 1677. (fn. 18) Increases to £120, chargeable on the tithes and on Kilburn Bridge farm, and to £200 were authorized in the building Acts of 1795 and 1825. (fn. 19) Lessees of the manor were discharged from payments under the Paddington Estate Act, 1871, which provided for the purchase of stock to produce £200 a year. (fn. 20)

Burial fees, apparently divided between the minister or assistant curate and the parish officers, rose considerably during the 18th century. (fn. 21) In 1796 the vestry on legal advice rejected a claim by the bishop and his lessees for half of the fees; the bishop's table of fees was rejected and in 1798 the assistant curate was deprived of his parish offices (see below) for withholding payments on the bishop's orders, burials of all non-parishioners being temporarily forbidden by the vestry until a new table was agreed. (fn. 22) Such burials were estimated to add £250 a year to an otherwise poor living in 1809 and were admitted by the minister to have reached £370 a year by 1811. (fn. 23) A further dispute then arose, when the vestry proposed to pay for enlarging the burial ground by allowing the minister only one third of the fees; the bishop, in support of the minister, declined to consecrate the new ground until agreement had been reached. (fn. 24) The gross income of the benefice was £500 in 1851, having been estimated to average £930 a year between 1829 and 1832. (fn. 25)

The parsonage house mentioned in 1581 may have belonged to Matthew Smale, lessee of Paddington manor and rectory, whose house was also referred to as the manor house, (fn. 26) and it may have been one of two large residences in 1647. At that date there was also a vicarage house, but it too had been appropriated by the lessee, divided into two, and in 1642 leased to Thomas Satterchott, with 12 a. and the herbage of the adjoining chapel yard. (fn. 27) Paddington probably had no house for the incumbent in the early 18th century and certainly had none in the early 19th. (fn. 28) In 1820 the new incumbent offered to contribute towards the purchase of the manor house, which the vestry refused to sell. A building Act of 1825 empowered the bishop to grant up to 1 a. for a parsonage house, for which the parish borrowed money in 1830, (fn. 29) and one was built in 1831 (fn. 30) at the south corner of Park Place and Porteus Road. When St. Mary's ceased to be the parish church the house was sold to George Gutch (d. 1875), whose widow stayed there until 1891. As Porteus House it served as a home for the Church Extension Association and after 1916 for the Territorial Army until it was converted into flats in 1927. The new glebe house for St. Mary's was no. 1 St. Mary's Terrace, which had been built in Park Place, (fn. 31) and from c. 1964 no. 6 Park Place Villas. (fn. 32)

Bernard Sandiford or Sandiforth (d. 1559) may have been resident while perpetual curate, since he made his will as of Paddington after deprivation as vicar of Canewdon (Essex) and canon of Westminster. (fn. 33) John Aylmer, bishop of London 1577-94, was said to have appointed his blind gatekeeper to Paddington. Although the story was exaggerated, in that the man lost his sight only later, it illustrated the insignificance of the living. (fn. 34) It was at Paddington that John Donne gave his first sermon in 1615. (fn. 35) Anthony Dodd, minister in 1650, conducted several irregular marriages which were declared void in 1655-6. (fn. 36)

Peter Lane was apparently resident in the 1670s, when he signed the churchwardens' accounts, (fn. 37) but thereafter many perpetual curates combined Paddington with other preferments. Philip Atkinson, 1688-98, may also have had a vicarage in Cornwall (fn. 38) and his successor Daniel Amiand had a rectory in Northamptonshire. (fn. 39) Samuel Dunster, translator of Horace and a canon of Salisbury and Lincoln, held the perpetual curacy but apparently surrendered it while holding a vicarage in Lancashire, where he died in 1754. (fn. 40) Joseph Smith (d. 1756), writer and provost of Queen's College, Oxford, in 1730 added Paddington to other preferments, which included prebends of Lincoln and St. Paul's and a lectureship at St. George's, Hanover Square. (fn. 41) Richard Brown, appointed in 1756, was a canon of St. Paul's who remained Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and later became Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford. (fn. 42) Thomas Hayter, licensed in 1780, was probably the Whitehall preacher and fellow of King's College, Cambridge, who died at Cambridge in 1799. (fn. 43) His successors Joseph Pickering (d. 1820) (fn. 44) and Charles Theomartyr Crane apparently resided, since they often chaired vestry meetings. (fn. 45) Archibald Montgomery Campbell, 1829-59, was resident, (fn. 46) although he held Paddington with a rectory in Lincolnshire and later also became a canon of St. Paul's. (fn. 47)

An assistant curate normally resided in the 18th and early 19th century, when incumbents lived elsewhere. (fn. 48) Amiand's assistant curate was Daniel Debat, who in 1730 succeeded him in Northamptonshire, and Joseph Smith's assistant was paid £40 a year. (fn. 49) Another assistant curate may have been Dr. Morell, who sometimes presided over the vestry in the 1750s and paid rates between 1762 and 1764. (fn. 50) In 1795 the vestry asked the bishop to raise the stipend of the assistant curate, the author John Shepherd (1759- 1805). (fn. 51) In 1800, assuming that Hayter's successor would not reside, it asked for the retention of Shepherd, who had served since 1785 (fn. 52) and variously acted as vestry clerk, parish clerk, clerk to the trustees of the rebuilt church, and sexton, presumably to augment his stipend. (fn. 53) In 1835 the assistant curate was paid £150. (fn. 54) Thereafter there were normally one or two assistant curates until the Second World War. (fn. 55)

Gifts of property to the chapel yielded 8s. a year in 1548, when there were 74 communicants. (fn. 56) The minister preached twice on Sundays in 1650. (fn. 57) There were two Sunday services in the 18th century, with communion probably quarterly in the early years and monthly, for 20, by c. 1800. (fn. 58) An afternoon lecture was given during the summer in 1795 by Shepherd, who had been chosen by the vestry, and was continued in 1803 after he had left the parish. (fn. 59) A. M. Campbell was thanked in 1832 for having instituted full afternoon and evening services throughout the year. (fn. 60) In 1851, when 100 of the 600 sittings were free, Sunday attendances were estimated at 600 in the morning, 100 in the afternoon, and 400 in the evening. (fn. 61) In 1886 there were attendances of 270 in the morning and 356 in the evening. (fn. 62) In 1902 they had fallen to 191 in the morning and 202 in the evening. (fn. 63)

The medieval church of St. Nicholas was thought by Newcourt to have been dedicated to St. Catherine, whose picture he saw in the east window. (fn. 64) Nothing else is known of the appearance of the building. It was replaced in 1678 at the expense of Sir Joseph and Daniel Sheldon, (fn. 65) whose church was later described as St. James's and, in 1788, as St. Mary's. (fn. 66) A modest building in a Gothic style, containing a nave with one aisle, chancel, south porch, west bell turret, and rustic west porch, it was the scene of William Hogarth's runaway marriage in 1729. (fn. 67) After its demolition, some floor stones were still visible north of its successor c. 1828. (fn. 68)

The existing church of ST. MARY, Paddington green, (fn. 69) was built under an Act of 1788, which authorized national collections and appointed 45 trustees, headed by Sir John Morshead and Robert Thistlethwayte. (fn. 70) A small building of yellow brick with white stone dressings, its plan is that of a Greek cross, whose square centre lies beneath a shallow dome carried by four columns and whose four short arms have low segmental vaults. The eastern arm forms a chancel, with a venetian window, and the other arms hold sections of a three-sided gallery. The south front forms the main façade, whose pedimented Tuscan portico is grander than the semicircular entrance porch to the west. A small clock tower and cupola surmount the dome. Designed by John Plaw, the church was begun in 1788 and consecrated in 1791, when it was widely admired. (fn. 71) It is notable as Plaw's only surviving building, apart from a house on Belle Isle (Westmld.). Restoration under Raymond Erith and Quinlan Terry was carried out in 1972-3, with money from the sale of the site of the town hall. Bodies in the vaults were reburied more compactly (fn. 72) and many original fittings were reinstated. The chief innovation was reflooring in coloured marbles and in York and Portland stone.

The body of the church was reseated with new box pews in 1972-3, when the original panelling, font, pulpit, altar, and altar rails were restored. A new organ with an 18th-century tone was installed in 1978. (fn. 73) Among the many wall monuments are those to Eleanor Boucher (d. 1784) and the Revd. John James (d. 1786) by Thomas Scheemakers, Frances Aust (d. 1794) by John Bacon the elder, Gen. Charles Crosbie (d. 1807) by John Bacon the younger, Elizabeth Kent (d. 1810) by Thomas Sealey, Lt.-Col. Thomas Aubrey (d. 1814) and his son Capt. Thomas Aubrey (d. 1806) by Henry Rouw, Charlotte Cumberbatch (d. 1818) by William Cramphorn, and the sculptor Joseph Nollekens (1737-1823) by William Behnes. (fn. 74)

The burial ground was extended northward under an Act of 1732, the bishop to receive rent of 5s. a year, and eastward under an Act of 1753, (fn. 75) the bishop to receive 40s. rent and Sir John Frederick £10. (fn. 76) Further enlargement took place under the rebuilding Act of 1788, (fn. 77) but more space was urgently needed by 1807 (fn. 78) and obtained under an Act of 1810 when the manor house was acquired, its site finally being consecrated in 1825. (fn. 79) Burials close to the church ceased in 1853 and those farther away in 1857, most of the churchyard later being laid out for recreation. (fn. 80)

Among memorials in the enclosure around the church is the table tomb of the hymn writer Basil Woodd (1760-1831) by J. C. F. Rossi. A few tombs also survive in the public garden to the north, where many stones have been lined against the wall and where a modern glass canopy covers the grave of Sarah Siddons. (fn. 81) Other people buried in the church or churchyard (fn. 82) included the sculptor George Bushnell (d. 1701), the painter Joseph Francis Nollekens (1702-48), the violinist Matthew Dubourg (1703- 67), the landscape painter George Barret the elder (1728?-1784), the line engraver John Hall (1739-97), the sculptor Thomas Banks (1735-1805), the biblical critic Alexander Geddes (1737-1802), the diplomatist Caleb Whitefoord (1734-1810), the line engraver Luigi Schiavonetti (1765-1810), the Irish judge John Philpot Curran (1750-1817) until 1840, the connoisseur Michael Bryan (1757-1821), Napoleon I's surgeon Barry O'Meara (1786-1821), and the painters Sir William Beechey (1753-1839), Benjamin Robert Haydon (1786-1846), and William Collins (1788-1847). Immediately west of the church are the parish assembly rooms, built in 1981 to the design of Quinlan Terry. (fn. 83)

The church has a silver headed beadle's staff of 1774 and two bells of 1790 but no plate that is earlier than the 19th century, (fn. 84) older silver pieces having disappeared when the church was rebuilt. (fn. 85) The registers, which were transferred to St. James's, Sussex Gardens, begin in 1655. (fn. 86)

Under an Act of 1763 an almost square plot of 5 a., abutting Bayswater Road, was rented for burials by the churchwardens of St. George's, Hanover Square. (fn. 87) The chapel which they built there, although treated below, was not considered to lie within Paddington. In consequence St. Mary's remained the parish's only Anglican place of worship until the opening of Bayswater chapel in 1818. (fn. 88) Charles Theomartyr Crane, incumbent of St. Mary's 1820-9, and his successor A. M. Campbell actively promoted the building of new churches. (fn. 89) One district chapelry, that of St. John, Hyde Park Crescent, was created in 1834, (fn. 90) before St. James's replaced St. Mary's as the parish church in 1845. (fn. 91) The select vestry, believing that churches would attract the well-to-do, contributed heavily to building funds. More than £20,000 were voted over eleven years towards All Saints and six other churches, the sums being borrowed on the security of the rates. (fn. 92) Criticism mounted, largely through the revitalized Paddington association, (fn. 93) and in 1853-4 there was strong opposition to continuing such expenditure. The vestry petitioned against the re-establishment of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in 1851. (fn. 94)

Although Paddington consisted of six ecclesiastical districts by 1852, its churches provided no more than 9,400 sittings for a population four times that number; the most neglected district was St. Mary's, the oldest and poorest, with sittings for less than one person in ten. (fn. 95) In 1902, when Paddington had 26 Anglican churches or missions, attendance was relatively low for west London: 16.7 per cent of the inhabitants attended a place of worship, 9.6 being Church of England. (fn. 96) No more parishes were created in the 20th century, and two Victorian churches closed in the period between the World Wars. As a result of bomb damage and, in the 1960s and 1970s, of decaying stonework, ten more churches closed between the Second World War and 1982, although three were rebuilt. (fn. 97)

The London Diocesan Deaconess Institution, established near King's Cross in 1861 as the North London Deaconess Institution, moved in 1873 to St. Andrew's House, no. 12 Tavistock Crescent, where members ran a nursing home until 1881. No. 12A Tavistock Crescent was then acquired and, as St. Gabriel's home, used for training destitute girls for domestic work until 1897, when it was converted to extra accommodation for the sisters. Officially renamed the Deaconess Community of St. Andrew in 1943, the sisters opened a new building for 30, including a chaplain and 14 students, in 1974. (fn. 98)

The Church Extension Association was founded in 1863 by Miss Emily Ayckbourn, who in 1870 also founded the Sisters of the Church, commonly called the Kilburn Sisters, (fn. 99) of whom she became mother superior for life. (fn. 100) Property was held and charities were administered in the name of the association, which was under the sisterhood's management and at first was concerned chiefly with religious instruction. (fn. 101) It was high church, being connected with St. Augustine's, and in the 1870s it occupied two houses in Kilburn Park Road. (fn. 102) Financed largely by the income of individual sisters, each of whom controlled her own capital, (fn. 103) and with many aristocratic patrons, (fn. 104) it had undertaken a wide range of work in the immediate neighbourhood, London's east end, and the provinces by 1886. Teaching was carried out in local schools, and visiting clergy were accommodated and retreats were held at St. Augustine's home of rest. (fn. 105) The archbishop of Canterbury was made visitor in 1892 but removed in 1894, when external supervision was resisted, despite charges ranging from financial mismanagement to cruelty. (fn. 106) The community secured public defenders (fn. 107) and remained prosperous in 1911 with c. 160 sisters, many of them overseas. (fn. 108) After war damage the Randolph Gardens premises were taken over by the government in 1941. A few sisters remained in Kilburn Park Road until, its other institutions nearby having closed, the association moved its offices to Richmond (Surr.) in 1955. (fn. 109)

Other C. of E. churches were: (fn. 110)

All Saints, Norfolk Sq. Dist. formed 1848 from St. Jas. and St. John, Hyde Pk. Cres. (fn. 111) Patron bp. of Lond. Attendance 1851: c. 1,000 a.m.; 150 aft.; 500 evg.; (fn. 112) 1886: 150 a.m.; 148 evg. Bldg., on site of part of Grand Junction Waterworks Co. reservoir, of Kentish rag and Bath stone in Early Pointed style, seating c. 1,200 (500 free), (fn. 113) by Hen. Clutton 1847: (fn. 114) aisled nave, chancel, SE. turret and spirelet; alterations, inc. W. porch and choir in E. bay of nave by Jas. Brooks 1872. Replaced after fire by bldg. of red brick with terracotta detail, seating 1,400, (fn. 115) by R. Nevill 1895; plan as before but with S. chancel aisle and N. transeptal organ chamber. Attendance 1902: 263 a.m.; 106 p.m. Closed 1919 on union with St. Mic. and All Angels. (fn. 116) Bldg. sold to Royal Assoc. for Deaf and Dumb 1923; used as offices and for worship by soc. and again for worship by par. after bombing of St. Mic. Demol. and replaced by Edna Ho. 1961. (fn. 117)

Ascension chapel, Bayswater Rd. Chapel for meditation built at expense of Mrs. Emilia Russell Gurney, replacing chapel of St. Geo.'s burial ground (q.v.); to be equipped for services by St. Geo.'s 1911. (fn. 118) Bldg. of red brick with stone dressings in 'chastest Italian Quattrocento' style by H. P. Horne and probably A. H. Mackmurdo 1890-3; (fn. 119) internal frescoes by Frederic Shields. (fn. 120) Gutted during Second World War and demol. after 1952. (fn. 121)

Bayswater chapel, see St. Matthew.

Christ Church, Harrow Rd. Originally chapel of Lock hosp. and founded to provide income for hosp., chaplains being noted preachers. Institution moved with hosp. to Westbourne green 1842. (fn. 122) Patron trustees. Known as Christ Ch. by 1902. (fn. 123) Called vicarage 1905, 1915, but perpetual curacy served by hosp. chaplain 1925, 1935. Attendance 1886: 480 a.m.; 378 evg.; 1902: 248 a.m.; 271 p.m. Bldg., abutting N. side of hosp., of yellow brick in Perp. style by Lewis Vulliamy 1845-7. (fn. 124) Closed by 1940 and demol. 1953. (fn. 125) Robt. Wm. Forrest, chaplain 1865, became canon of St. Paul's and dean of Worcester. (fn. 126) Mission ho. in Amberley Rd. 1878, 1886. (fn. 127)

Christ Church, Lancaster Gate. Dist. formed 1856 from St. Jas. (fn. 128) Patron bp. of Lond. Attendance largest in Paddington 1886: 1,593 a.m.; 1,295 evg.; largest 1902: 1,383 a.m.; 442 p.m. Bldg. of Kentish ragstone with Bath stone dressings in Dec. style, seating 1,800, by F. & H. Francis 1854-5: chancel flanked by chapels with vestry to N., transepts, aisled and clerestoried nave, S. porch 1854-5; NW. tower with tall thin spire, originally crocketted, completed later. Not oriented. Fittings inc. glass by Wailes and Powell (fn. 129) and fine organ by Norman & Beard. (fn. 130) Demol. after closure 1977, tower surviving 1985. Par. united with St. Jas., Sussex Gdns., 1978. (fn. 131) Wm. Boyd Carpenter, V. 1879-84, became bp. of Ripon 1884; (fn. 132) C. J. Ridgeway, V. 1884-1905, became dean of Carlisle; F. Gurdon, V. 1906-13, became bp. of Hull; H. N. Bate, V. 1913-21, became dean of York; R. W. de la Poer Beresford-Peirse, V. 1921-48, and O. Hardman, V. 1948-57, both became canons of St. Paul's; A. C. Bridge, V. 1958-68, became dean of Guildford. (fn. 133)

Emmanuel, Harrow Rd. Dist. formed 1886 from St. Jude and St. Peter. (fn. 134) Patron trustees. Attendance 1886: 280 a.m.; 362 evg.; 1902: 193 a.m.; 137 p.m. Bldg. of yellow brick with freestone and red-brick dressings in Early Eng. style, seating 626, by J. T. Lee 1885-6; chancel with N. vestries and S. organ chamber, aisled and clerestoried nave, W. narthex, low SW. tower with broach spire. Not oriented. Adjoining Burrage institute built 1886 and used for mission svces. by 1888, seating 500. (fn. 135) Attendance 1902: 27 a.m.; 50 p.m.

Holy Trinity, Bishop's Bridge Rd. Ch. and Vicarage built partly at expense of John Miles, first V. (fn. 136) Dist. formed 1846 from St. Jas. (fn. 137) Patron bp. of Lond. Attendance 1851: 1,380 a.m.; 500 aft.; (fn. 138) 1886: 1,205 a.m.; 1,081 evg.; 1902: 449 a.m.; 265 p.m. Bldg. of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings in Perp. style, seating c. 1,600, (fn. 139) by Thos. Cundy 1844- 6: short chancel, formed late 19th cent. from E. bays of nave, N. organ chamber and vestry, clerestoried nave with plaster vaults and flat ceilinged aisles. Tall W. tower, on site of reservoir, with pinnacles and octangular crocketted spire, completed after rest of ch.; pinnacled buttresses. Criticized when new for 'misapplied ornament'. (fn. 140) Crypt converted for youth club by 1967. Closed 1971, when svces. moved to community hall recently built by ch. with old people's flats on site of original Vicarage at no. 170 Gloucester Terr. Spire demol. 1972 and rest of bldg. 1984. (fn. 141)

St. Ambrose, see St. Mary Magdalene.

St. Augustine, Kilburn Pk. Rd. Dist. formed 1870 from St. Mary, Kilburn, (fn. 142) St. Mark, Marylebone, and St. Saviour. Patron trustees, inc. V. of St. Mary Magdalene, 1870, (fn. 143) Soc. for Maintenance of Faith by 1973-4. Four asst. curates 1881, eight in 1892, six in 1905. High Ch. svces. held first in iron chapel by seceders from St. Mary, Kilburn, under Ric. Carr Kirkpatrick 1871. Attendance 1886: 866 a.m.; 785 evg.; 1902: 613 a.m.; 583 p.m. Bldg. of dark red brick with Bath stone dressings, (fn. 144) internally of yellow brick and vaulted throughout, in Norman French style, seating 1,800, by J. L. Pearson, consecrated 1880: square 3-bay chancel 1871-2; apsidal SE. chapel; transepts; nave with internal buttresses, perhaps copied from cathedral at Albi (France), creating lofty triforium and low double aisle 1877; turrets at 4 angles; flèche at crossing; NW. tower with pinnacles and 254-ft. high spire, tallest in Lond., 1897-8. Fittings in stone in Early Eng. style, inc. reredos by Nicholls; murals and glass by Clayton & Bell; Lady chapel reredos and Stations of the Cross by Sir Giles Gilb. Scott. Plate inc. 13th-cent. censer and 17th-cent. Spanish processional cross. Italian paintings, given by Vct. Rothermere 1935, sold 1973. (fn. 145) Pearson's masterpiece: architecture, especially spatial composition, and acoustics widely admired. (fn. 146)

St. David's Welsh ch., St. Mary's Terr. Originated in West End Welsh Ch. mission, which met in Shaftesbury schs., Salisbury Street, Marylebone 1885 and moved to St. Mary's sch., Harrow Rd., 1887. Iron ch. in St. Mary's Terr., with full-time priest-in-charge, 1890. (fn. 147) Patron bp. of London. Attendance 1902: 35 a.m.; 122 p.m. Bldg., approached through Gothic arch from St. Mary's Terr., of stock brick with stone dressings in Perp. style by C. Evans Vaughan 1896: open ch., with hall beneath. (fn. 148) Priest-in-charge also V. of Metropolitan Welsh ch. of St. Benet, Paul's Wharf (Lond.) from 1964, each benefice retaining separate officials. (fn. 149)

St. George's chapel, Bayswater Rd. Consecrated with new burial ground for St. Geo., Hanover Sq., 1765. (fn. 150) Disused after closure of burial ground 1854 (fn. 151) until renovated with private gifts 1880, for svces. for domestic servants begun in St. Geo.'s sch. 1879. (fn. 152) Wednesday evg. svces. and monthly communion 1888. (fn. 153) Bldg. with cupola (fn. 154) and round-headed windows; many monuments. (fn. 155) Replaced by Ascension chapel (q.v.). Burials beneath chapel, where vaults held 1,120 coffins 1851, and in ground said to have reached 1,000 a year. (fn. 156) Graves included those of Laur. Sterne (1713-68), whose body was stolen for dissection, Sir John Parnell, Bt., Chancellor of the Irish Exchequer (1744-1801), Paul Sandby, R.A. (1725-1809), Lt.-Gen. Sir Thos. Picton (1758- 1815), later reburied in St. Paul's cathedral, novelist Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823), antiquary John Thos. Smith (1766-1833), and Hen. Brooke Parnell, created Ld. Congleton (1776-1842). (fn. 157)

St. James, Sussex Gdns. Consecrated as additional ch. 1843 and replaced St. Mary as par. ch. 1845. (fn. 158) Patron bp. of Lond. Two asst. curates in 1979, after union with Christ Ch., Lancaster Gate. Attendance 1851: 1,300 and 200 Nat. sch. a.m.; 400 aft.; 500 evg.; (fn. 159) 1886: 697 a.m.; 518 evg.; 1902: 415 a.m.; 240 p.m. Bldg. of yellow brick in Gothic style by John Goldicutt and Geo. Gutch (fn. 160) 1841-3: nave, chancel at base of E. tower with tall Early Eng. spire, flanked by porches. Rebuilt, except tower and porches, in grey brick with stone dressings in mixed Gothic style, seating 1,300, by G. E. Street 1881-2: orientation reversed, with W. chancel, NW. chapel, SW. organ chamber, aisled and clerestoried nave, and mem. chapel beneath tower. Much internal facing in marble; glass by Clayton & Bell. (fn. 161) Archibald Boyd, V. 1859-68, became dean of Exeter 1866. (fn. 162) Jas. Moorhouse, V. 1868-76, became bp. of Melbourne 1876 and bp. of Manchester 1886. (fn. 163)

St. John The Evangelist, Hyde Pk. (formerly Southwick) Cres. Dist. formed 1832 from St. Mary. (fn. 164) Patron V. of Paddington until c. 1965-6, diocesan bd. of patronage by 1973-4. 'Tolerably full' 1851. (fn. 165) Attendance 1886: 727 a.m.; 593 evg.; 1902: 531 a.m.; 283 p.m. Bldg., intended to be called Connaught chapel, of yellow brick with stone dressings in Perp. style, seating c. 1,500 (500 free), by Chas. Fowler 1829-32: (fn. 166) square chancel; aisled and clerestoried nave with plaster vault; angle pinnacles. External W. porch and new E. and W. windows by A. Blomfield 1881. (fn. 167) Edw. Meyrick Goulburn, min. 1859-67, had been headmaster of Rugby sch. 1850-7 and became dean of Norwich 1866. (fn. 168)

St. John The Evangelist, Kensal Green. Dist. formed 1845 from Chelsea detached and contiguous parts of Kensington, Paddington, Hammersmith, and Willesden pars. (fn. 169) Patron bp. of Lond. Attendance 1851: 201 and 181 Sunday sch. a.m.; 243 and 74 Sunday sch. p.m.; (fn. 170) 1902: 151 a.m.; 272 p.m. Bldg. of white and yellow brick with black flint dressings in Romanesque style, seating 600 (300 free), (fn. 171) by H. E. Kendall the yr. 1843-4: shallow apse, nave, twin W. towers with pinnacles and short spires flanking 3-order portal. Chancel in Gothic style, replacing apse, by A. Billing 1903. Architecture often criticized. (fn. 172)

St. Jude, Lancefield Street, Kensal Green. Dist. formed 1879 from St. John, Kensal Green. (fn. 173) Patron trustees. Attendance 1902: 243 a.m.; 361 p.m. Bldg. of brown and red brick with stone dressings in Early Eng. style, seating 800, by J. T. Lee 1878: apsidal chancel, transepts, wide aisled and clerestoried nave, NW. tower with spire. (fn. 174) Par. united with St. Luke, Fernhead Rd., and St. Sim., Saltram Cres., 1952. (fn. 175) Ch. closed 1959, demol. c. 1960-1. (fn. 176) Mission at St. Jude's hall, Lancefield Street. Attendance 1902: 59 a.m.; 94 p.m. Mission at St. Jude's institute, Ilbert Street. Attendance 1902: 111 a.m.; 66 p.m. (fn. 177)

St. Luke The Evangelist, Fernhead Rd. Dist. formed 1877 from St. John, Kensal Green, and Holy Trinity, Kilburn. (fn. 178) Patron trustees until 1921, Ch. Pastoral Aid Soc. thereafter. (fn. 179) Attendance 1886: 256 a.m.; 280 evg.; 1902: 155 a.m.; 204 p.m. Bldg. of stone in Early Eng. style, seating 800, by J. T. Lee 1876-7; (fn. 180) aisled and clerestoried nave, bellcot. Bombed 1940, svces. moving to temp. chapel and later to St. Sim., Saltram Cres. (q.v.). United par. of St. Luke with St. Sim. and St. Jude formed 1952. New yellow-brick St. Luke's ch. centre by Mic. Farey opened c. 1959: low octagonal bldg. with square central chapel, flanked by hall and classrooms, beneath aluminium spire. (fn. 181)

St. Luke, Tavistock Rd. Served from St. Steph., Westbourne Pk., 1866. Dist. formed 1868 from St. Steph. (fn. 182) Patron Revd. H. W. Brooks, V. of St. Steph., then his trustees for 2 turns, then bp. of Lond. Attendance 1886: 354 a.m.; 395 evg.; 1902: 199 a.m.; 174 p.m. Bldg. of white brick, internally of white striped with red and black, in Middle Gothic style, seating 900, by F. & H. Francis 1867-8: apsidal chancel, NE. vestry, N. transept, nave, wide N. aisle. Chancel alone used for worship 1959. (fn. 183) Demol. by 1963. (fn. 184) Par. united with St. Steph. 1952. (fn. 185)

St. Martha, Cirencester Street. Mission ch., served from St. Mary Magdalene and used by servants. Attendance 1902: 154 p.m. Bldg., adjoining St. Mary Magdalene schs. and seating 200, consecrated 1880. Disused by c. 1957. (fn. 186)

St. Mary Magdalene, Woodchester Street. Dist. formed 1864 from Holy Trinity and St. Saviour. (fn. 187) Patron trustees until c. 1892, Keble Coll., Oxf., by 1905. Seven asst. curates 1881, eight in 1892, five in 1905. High Ch. services held first in temp. ch. of St. Ambrose by Ric. Temple West, former asst. curate of All Saints', Margaret Street (Westm.), 1865. (fn. 188) Attendance 1886: 1,005 a.m.; 1,100 evg.; 1902: 448 a.m.; 415 p.m. Bldg. of red brick and white stone in N. German Gothic style, seating 900, by G. E. Street consecrated 1878: tall apsidal chancel and aisled nave with temp. roof, over vestries, 1868; clerestory and nave roof under construction 1872; thin tower with octagonal upper stage and spire, in angle between S. transept and chancel, 1873. Fittings inc. Stations of Cross, glass by Hen. Holiday and, in crypt, Sir Ninian Comper, reredos by T. Earp. Not oriented. Remarkable for use of cramped and uneven site. (fn. 189)

St. Matthew, St. Petersburgh Pl. Proprietary chapel built at expense of Edw. Orme, as first Anglican place of worship apart from par. ch. Min. licensed by bp. and supported by proprietor and from pew rents. Average attendance 1850-1: 800 a.m.; 500 p.m. Bldg. on W. side of rd., seating 1,200, by T. Cooper 1818: plain and square, with roundheaded windows, pillared porch, and cupola. (fn. 190) Renamed St. Matthew's 1858. (fn. 191) Patron Revd. Cornwall Smalley, incumbent and father of succeeding incumbent, 1859, (fn. 192) J. D. Allcroft 1881, Lady MagnusAllcroft by 1973-4. Chapel altered, with Italianate front by F. & H. Francis c. 1858 and Italianate NW. tower 1871. (fn. 193) Attendance 1886: 1,342 a.m.; 1,182 evg.; 1902: 945 a.m.; 656 p.m. New bldg. of rag with freestone dressings in Middle Gothic style, seating 1,550, by J. Johnson 1881-2: chancel with triple chancel arch, transepts, spacious clerestoried nave with passage aisles, apsidal S. baptistery, richly decorated main W. doorway, tall SW. tower with spire. Not oriented. Glass by Clayton & Bell. (fn. 194)

St. Michael And All Angels, Star Street. Dist. formed 1864 from St. John, Hyde Pk. Cres. (fn. 195) Patron Wm. Gibbs, who left endowment for clergy, (fn. 196) 1866, G. A. Gibbs 1926, bp. by 1935. Attendance 1886: 975 a.m.; 663 evg.; 1902: 416 a.m.; 237 p.m. Bldg. of brick with Portland stone dressings and Bath stone interior in 14th-cent. French style, seating 900, by Rohde Hawkins 1860-1: (fn. 197) short chancel, transepts, aisled and clerestoried nave, conspicuous W. tower with slate spire terminating in ridge. Flanked by terraced hos. and therefore lit mainly from E. and W. Not oriented. Damaged 1941, closed 1964, demol. 1967, (fn. 198) when site taken for playground. Anglo-Cath. and musical tradition. (fn. 199) Par. united with All Saints and St. John 1965. (fn. 200)

St. Paul, Harrow Rd. Dist. formed 1874 from Holy Trinity. (fn. 201) Patron V. of Holy Trinity. Attendance 1886: 590 a.m.; 680 evg.; 1902: 237 a.m.; 221 p.m. Cramped site by railway, approached from Marlborough (later Torquay) Street. (fn. 202) Bldg. of yellow brick in Early Eng. style, seating 761, by E. L. Blackburne 1873: chancel with apsidal chapel, aisled and clerestoried nave, narthex, base of NW. tower. (fn. 203) Closed after bomb damage 1944 but vestry used for svces. until 1947; replaced by Copydex factory by 1959. Par. united with Holy Trinity 1952. (fn. 204)

St. Peter, Elgin Ave. Dist. formed 1871 from Holy Trinity. (fn. 205) Patron trustees until c. 1905, Ch. Patronage Soc. (later Trust) by 1926. Attendance 1886: 604 a.m.; 578 p.m.; 1902: 456 a.m.; 472 p.m. Bldg. of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings in mixed Gothic style, seating 940, by Newman & Billing 1867-70: apsidal chancel with N. vestry and S. organ chamber, transepts, aisled and clerestoried nave, tall SW. tower with pinnacles and short spire. Svces. only in crypt from 1971. Demol. 1975. New brick bldg. in contemporary style on part of site, adjoining flats and community centre, 1975-7. (fn. 206) Not oriented.

St. Philip, Manor Pl. (later St. Philip's Pl.). Served from St. Mary's. (fn. 207) Attendance 1886: 165 a.m.; 89 evg. Iron bldg., seating 400, erected at N. end of recently closed burial ground under faculty of 1861. Demol. under faculty of 1893, site being added to recreation ground. (fn. 208)

St. Saviour, Warwick Ave. Dist. formed 1856 from St. Jas. and Holy Trinity. (fn. 209) Patron bp. of Lond. Attendance 1886: 1,350 a.m.; 700 evg.; 1902: 702 a.m.; 352 p.m. Bldg. of Kentish rag and Bath stone in Dec. style, seating 1,670, by Thos. Little 1855-6: tall aisleless flat-roofed nave lit by double range of windows, chancel rebuilt on larger scale by F. Wade-Farmer 1884, tall W. entrance tower with pinnacles, buttresses. Not oriented. (fn. 210) Reredos and other fittings by W. Farmer, glass by Messrs. Gibbs and by Clayton & Bell. Demol. 1972, when svces. moved to Sutherland Ave. Meth. ch. New pale brown brick bldg. in contemporary style, seating c. 250, by Biscoe & Stanton, 1974-6: ch., with hexagonal roof and fibre-glass spire, built over hall or theatre and adjoined flats of Manor Ho. Ct. (fn. 211)

St. Simon, Saltram Cres. Dist. formed 1899 from St. Jude and St. John, Kilburn. (fn. 212) Patron trustees. Attendance 1902: 201 a.m.; 245 p.m. Mission ch. at SE. corner of Croxley Rd. by 1896. (fn. 213) Bldg. of red brick with stone dressings in Middle Gothic style by J. S. Alder 1898-9: apsidal sanctuary, aisled and clerestoried nave, N. and S. vestries, small NW. bell turret. Not oriented. Closed 1978 but bldg. survived 1985. (fn. 214) Par. united with St. Luke, Fernhead Rd., and St. Jude 1952. Vicarage by J. S. Alder 1904 served united par. 1982. (fn. 215)

St. Stephen, Westbourne Pk. Rd. Dist. formed 1856 from St. Jas. and Holy Trinity, (fn. 216) after benefaction from Revd. Harvey Wm. Brooks. Patron Revd. H. W. Brooks (incumbent until 1872), then son Revd. T. B. H. Brooks (V. 1883-94) (fn. 217) and trustees, bp. of Lond. by 1935. Attendance 1886: 1,490 a.m.; 1,115 evg.; 1902: 956 a.m.; 620 p.m. Bldg. of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings in 13th-cent. style, seating 1,600 with galleries, by F. & H. Francis 1855-6: apsidal chancel with N. organ chamber and S. chapel, transepts, lofty aisled and clerestoried nave, W. tower with pinnacles and spire; alterations inc. apsidal end to chancel and choir vestry off S. transept 1900; baptistery 1911. Not oriented. Glass by Messrs. Gibbs and by Clayton & Bell. Spire demol. early 1950s. Bldg. decayed 1971 but still in use 1982. (fn. 218)

St. Thomas, Newton Rd. (fn. 219) Proprietary chapel served, with St. Luke, Tavistock Rd., from St. Steph. 1866, with own min. 1881. Attendance 1886: 288 a.m.; 199 evg. Iron bldg. E. side of Newton Rd., leased to grammar sch. c. 1904. (fn. 220)


  • 1. Westlake, St. Marg. Westm. 231.
  • 2. Harvey, Westm. Abbey, 407-8.
  • 3. Hennessy, Novum Rep. 367.
  • 4. Ft. of F. Lond. & Mdx. i. 101.
  • 5. W.A.M., Reg. Bk. i, f. 5v.
  • 6. Rep. Com. Eccl. Revenues, 666.
  • 7. Newcourt, Rep. i. 704.
  • 8. Newcourt, Rep. i. 704.
  • 9. Below.
  • 10. Above, manors (Rectory).
  • 11. Home Counties Mag. i. 222.
  • 12. Robins, Paddington, 83; Guildhall MS. 12426.
  • 13. Hennessy, Novum Rep. 369; Crockford (1977).
  • 14. Tax. Eccl. (Rec. Com.), 17.
  • 15. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i. 413; Harvey, Westm. Abbey, 409.
  • 16. Home Counties Mag. i. 222.
  • 17. Guildhall MS. 12426.
  • 18. Newcourt, Rep. i. 704; 29 Chas. II, c. 8.
  • 19. Robins, Paddington, 79, 93.
  • 20. 34 & 35 Vic. c. 5 (Private).
  • 21. The par. offrs.' share was £11 7s. in 1712 and £49 10d. in 1724: chwdns. acct. bk. (1656-1736), ff. 78, 107.
  • 22. Robins, Paddington, 139; Booth, 'Archives', 181-5; vestry mins. 21 June, 4 Aug. 1796; 23 Mar. 1797; 27 June to 24 Dec. 1798.
  • 23. Vestry mins. 20 Oct. 1809; 31 Dec. 1811.
  • 24. Ibid. 17, 31 Dec. 1811; 7 Jan., 31 Mar. 1812 to 9 Jan. 1813.
  • 25. P.R.O., HO 129/1/1/1/1; Rep. Com. Eccl. Revenues, 667.
  • 26. Acts of P.C. 1581-2, 107.
  • 27. Above, manors; Guildhall MS. 10464A, pp. 125, 130, 137.
  • 28. Guildhall MSS. 9558, 9560.
  • 29. Robins, Paddington, 141-3; 6 Geo. IV, c. 45 (Private).
  • 30. Inf. from G.L.C. Hist. Bldgs. Div.
  • 31. Ibid.; Robins, Paddington, 143; Lucas, Plan of Paddington (1842, 1855).
  • 32. Inf. from V.
  • 33. Alum. Cantab. to 1751, iv. 18; P.R.O., PROB 11/42 B (P.C.C. 14 Chaynay).
  • 34. J. Strype, Life of John Aylmer (1821), 142.
  • 35. D.N.B.; R. C. Bald, John Donne (1970), 311.
  • 36. Mdx. County Rec. iii. 234; G.L.R.O., Cal. Mdx. Sess. Bks. 1652-7, 112, 116, 170.
  • 37. Chwdns. acct. bk. (1656-1736), ff. 20, 27, 29, 31.
  • 38. Alum. Cantab. to 1751, i. 53.
  • 39. Guildhall MS. 9550.
  • 40. D.N.B.; Hennessy, Novum Rep. p. cxlix.
  • 41. D.N.B.; Guildhall MSS. 9550, 9556.
  • 42. Hennessy, Novum Rep. p. xlvi; Alum. Oxon. 1715- 1886, i. 175.
  • 43. Eton Coll. Reg. 1753-90, 261.
  • 44. Gent. Mag. xc (1), 566. Wrongly called John in Hennessy, Novum Rep. 367.
  • 45. Vestry mins. 15 Mar. 1802; 12 Apr. 1803; passim.
  • 46. Guildhall MS. 9560.
  • 47. Alum. Cantab. 1752-1900, i. 497; Le Neve, Fasti, 1541-1857, St. Paul's, Lond. 23.
  • 48. Guildhall MS. 9550.
  • 49. Ibid.; G. Baker, Hist. Northampton, i (1822-30), 208.
  • 50. Vestry mins. 12 Oct. 1753; 25 Feb. 1757; rate bk. 1762, 1767.
  • 51. Vestry mins. 11 Mar. 1795; D.N.B.
  • 52. Booth, 'Archives', 186-7; vestry mins. 14 Feb. 1800.
  • 53. Booth, 'Archives', 186-7; vestry mins. 24 Sept. 1798; 27 May, 22 Sept. 1802.
  • 54. Rep. Com. Eccl. Revenues, 667.
  • 55. Clergy List (1859 and later edns.); Crockford (1926 and later edns.).
  • 56. Lond. Rec. Soc. xvi. 73.
  • 57. Home Counties Mag. i. 222.
  • 58. Guildhall MSS. 9550; 9557, f. 40.
  • 59. Lysons, Environs, iii. 336; vestry mins. 22 Dec. 1803.
  • 60. Select vestry mins. 2 Oct. 1832.
  • 61. P.R.O., HO 129/1/1/1/1.
  • 62. Brit. Weekly, 26 Nov. 1886, 16.
  • 63. Mudie-Smith, Rel. Life, 101. The census was taken in 1902-3, the Paddington figures being for Dec. 1902.
  • 64. Newcourt, Rep. i. 703; Hennessy, Novum Rep. 367.
  • 65. Hennessy, Novum Rep. 367.
  • 66. Paddington Soc. Newsletter, Jan. 1964; Jan. 1970.
  • 67. Bingham, Guide to Paddington [1921], 136; D.N.B.; above, plate 49.
  • 68. Paddington Soc. Newsletter, Jan. 1970; Reminiscences of Hen. Angelo, i. 230.
  • 69. Para. based on Clarke, Lond. Chs. 113; Pevsner, Lond. ii. 296; notes supplied by V. Illus. in Country Life, 1 Nov. 1973, 1358-60.
  • 70. 28 Geo. III, c. 74.
  • 71. e.g. Lysons, Environs, iii. 332; Bingham, Official Guide to Paddington [1921], 136-7; above, plate 48.
  • 72. Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings; inf. from V.
  • 73. Inf. from V.
  • 74. Pevsner, Lond. ii. 296; Gunnis, Sculptors, passim.
  • 75. 5 Geo. II, c. 10 (Private); 26 Geo. II, c. 43.
  • 76. Chwdns. acct. bk. (1656-1736), f. 148; Robins, Paddington, 72-3.
  • 77. 28 Geo. III, c. 74.
  • 78. Vestry mins. 31 Mar. 1807; 4 Apr. 1809.
  • 79. 50 Geo. III, c. 44 (Local and Personal); Robins, Paddington, 89, 139-42; above, manors.
  • 80. Marylebone libr. Boro. of Paddington, Faculties (1901), 3-5, 8-12, 42, 48-52; Lond. Gaz. 9 Aug. 1853, p. 2192; 28 Aug. 1857, p. 2913; above, social; pub. svces.
  • 81. D.N.B.; Gunnis, Sculptors, 327; inf. from V.
  • 82. Rest of para, based on Wheatley and Cunningham, Lond. Past and Present, iii. 2-3; D.N.B. passim; notes supplied by V.
  • 83. Inf. from V.
  • 84. Ibid.; Freshfield, Communion Plate, 53.
  • 85. Vestry mins. 10, 14 Feb. 1800.
  • 86. In 1982 the regs. were at G.L.R.O., P87/JS.
  • 87. 3 Geo. III, c. 50.
  • 88. Below.
  • 89. e.g. select vestry mins. 2 May 1826 et seq.
  • 90. Lond. Gaz. 23 Sept. 1834, pp. 1717-18.
  • 91. J. Wittich, St. John's Ch., Hyde Pk. Cres. (booklet 1980), 4.
  • 92. Reeder, 'Capital Investment', 335-6.
  • 93. Ibid. 337; above, local govt.
  • 94. Select vestry mins. 7 Jan. 1851; 28 June 1853; 3 Jan. 1854.
  • 95. Marylebone libr., P 131.1 (rep. of vestry cttee.).
  • 96. Mudie-Smith, Rel. Life, 88-9, 101.
  • 97. For 19th- and 20th-cent. chs., below.
  • 98. Marylebone libr., P 138, cuttings; inf. from mother superior.
  • 99. Official Year Bk. of C. of E. (1921).
  • 100. The Times, 12 Nov. 1895, 12a.
  • 101. Inf. from Sisters of the Ch.; Official Year Bk. of C. of E. (1921).
  • 102. P.O. Dir. Lond. (Suburban North 1880).
  • 103. Besant, Lond. N. of Thames, 152.
  • 104. The Times, 12 Nov. 1895, 12a.
  • 105. Official Year Book of C. of E. (1886, 1892).
  • 106. The Times, 28 Sept. 1895, 7d; 12 Nov. 1895, 12a; 9 Dec. 1895, 13a; 17 Dec. 1895, 15a; 30 Jan. 1896, 15a.
  • 107. Kilburn Sisters and their Accusers (rep. by Church Bells magazine, 1896).
  • 108. Besant, Lond. N. of Thames, 152.
  • 109. Inf. from Sisters of the Ch.; above, social.
  • 110. Inf. about patrons and asst. curates is from Clergy List, Crockford, and Lond. Dioc. Bk. (various edns.). Attendance figs. 1886 are from Brit. Weekly, 26 Nov. 1886, p. 16; figs. 1902 from Mudie-Smith, Rel. Life, 101. Liturgical directions are used in all architectural descriptions. The following abbreviations are used, in addition to those in the index: asst., assistant; Dec., Decorated; demol., demolished; Eng., England or English; mtg., meeting; Perp., Perpendicular; temp., temporary; V., vicar.
  • 111. Lond. Gaz. 21 Apr. 1848, p. 1564.
  • 112. P.R.O., HO 129/1/2/1/1.
  • 113. Ibid.; Robbins, Paddington, 156-8.
  • 114. Rest of para. based on C.C.C., Clarke MSS. xii. 1; ibid. 'Demol. chs.'.
  • 115. Mackeson's Guide (1889).
  • 116. Regs. in G.L.R.O., P87/ALL.
  • 117. Wittich, St. John's Ch. 4, 6, 16.
  • 118. Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings.
  • 119. Pevsner, Lond. ii. 297.
  • 120. D.N.B.
  • 121. Paddington Soc. Newsletter, Feb. 1971.
  • 122. J. Weale, Lond. Exhibited (1851), 521; above, pub. svces.
  • 123. Mudie-Smith, Rel. Life, 101.
  • 124. Lucas, Map of Paddington (1855); Pevsner, Lond. ii. 304; Marylebone libr., P 139.3 Lock hosp.
  • 125. Crockford (1935, 1940); Paddington Soc. Newsletter, Oct. 1970.
  • 126. Hennessy, Novum Rep. pp. xliv, 369.
  • 127. Hutchings and Crowsley, Paddington Dir. (1878, 1886).
  • 128. Lond. Gaz. 7 Mar. 1856, p. 957.
  • 129. Mackeson's Guide (1889); Pevsner, Lond. ii. 298; Clarke, Lond. Chs. 116; C.C.C., survey files; Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings.
  • 130. Bingham, Official Guide to Paddington [1921], 145.
  • 131. Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings; regs. in G.L.R.O., P87/CTC.
  • 132. Hennessy, Novum Rep. pp. cix, 368; D.N.B.
  • 133. Crockford (1907 and later edns.).
  • 134. Lond. Gaz. 13 Aug. 1886, p. 3949.
  • 135. Mackeson's Guide (1889); C.C.C., Clarke MSS. xiv. 91; inf. from Mr. C. Hewer.
  • 136. Robins, Paddington, 154, 156; Clergy List (1859).
  • 137. Lond. Gaz. 17 Nov. 1846, p. 4659.
  • 138. P.R.O., HO 129/1/1/1/4.
  • 139. Ibid.; 1,400 according to Mackeson's Guide (1889).
  • 140. Robins, Paddington, 153-6; Pevsner, Lond. ii. 301; Clarke, Lond. Chs. 115; C.C.C., survey files; Illus. Lond. News, 27 Sept. 1845, 208; above, plate 51.
  • 141. Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings.
  • 142. Above, Hampstead, churches.
  • 143. Lond. Gaz. 25 Feb. 1870, pp. 1013-14.
  • 144. Rest of para. based on Mackeson's Guide (1889); T. F. Bumpus, Lond. Chs. ii (1908), 343-7; Pevsner, Lond. ii. 297-8; Clarke, Lond. Chs. 119-20; G. Stamp and C. Amery, Victorian Bldgs. of Lond. 1837-87 (1980), 116-17; A. Quiney, John Loughborough Pearson (1979), 104-14; Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings; above, plate 50.
  • 145. Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings (where letter, like some other sources, says that paintings were given by Ld. Northcliffe); inf. from Revd. R. J. Avent.
  • 146. Hen. Wood Promenade Concerts held there in 1970s: Paddington Times, 14 June, 2 Aug. 1974; inf. from Revd. R. J. Avent.
  • 147. Inf. from Revd. T. J. Thomas.
  • 148. Datestone; C.C.C., survey files; Clarke MSS. vii. 82.
  • 149. Inf. from Revd. T. J. Thomas.
  • 150. Westm. libr., C770, f. 301.
  • 151. Lond. Gaz. 10 Mar. 1854, pp. 783-4.
  • 152. C. Moore, St. Geo.'s Chapel (1883), 17, 19.
  • 153. Kelly's Dir. Paddington (1888).
  • 154. Westm. libr., C771, f. 291.
  • 155. Moore, St. Geo.'s Chapel, 8.
  • 156. Wheatley and Cunningham, Lond. Past and Present, i. 135.
  • 157. Ibid. 134; D.N.B.
  • 158. Bingham, Official Guide to Paddington [1921], 133-4.
  • 159. P.R.O., HO 129/1/2/1/2.
  • 160. Gutch's appt. by the vestry led to charges of favouritism from Lewis Vulliamy: select vestry mins. 6 July, 3 Aug. 1841.
  • 161. Robins, Paddington, 147-9; Mackeson's Guide (1889); Pevsner, Lond. ii. 299; Clarke, Lond. Chs. 114.
  • 162. Hennessy, Novum Rep. pp. cl, 368; D.N.B.
  • 163. Hennessy, Novum Rep. pp. xxvi, 368; D.N.B.
  • 164. Lond. Gaz. 23 Sept. 1834, p. 1718.
  • 165. P.R.O., HO 129/1/2/1/4.
  • 166. Wittich, St. John's Ch. 3-4; Robins, Paddington, 146; P.R.O., HO 129/1/2/1/4.
  • 167. Wittich, St. John's Ch. passim; Pevsner, Lond. ii. 299; Clarke, Lond. Chs. 113.
  • 168. Hennessy, Novum Rep. pp. xxv, 368; Rugby Sch. Reg. i, p. xviii.
  • 169. Lond. Gaz. 4 July 1845, p. 1979.
  • 170. P.R.O., HO 129/2/3/1/3.
  • 171. Ibid.
  • 172. Clarke, Lond. Chs. 114-15; Pevsner, Lond. ii. 299.
  • 173. Lond. Gaz. 23 May 1979, p. 3536.
  • 174. Mackeson's Guide (1889); C.C.C., survey files; ibid. Clarke MSS. xiv. 90; Marylebone libr., P 131.1, photos.
  • 175. Youngs, Local Admin. Units of Eng. 331.
  • 176. Inf. from V., St. Luke with St. Sim. and St. Jude; Kilburn Times, 18 Oct. 1960.
  • 177. Mudie-Smith, Rel. Life, 101; Kelly's Dir. Mdx. (1888); Kelly's Dir. Paddington (1930).
  • 178. Lond. Gaz. 21 Dec. 1877, p. 7339.
  • 179. Inf. from V.
  • 180. Mackeson's Guide (1889).
  • 181. Marylebone libr., notes; P 131.1, cuttings; C.C.C., Clarke MSS. xxiii. 79.
  • 182. Lond. Gaz. 4 Aug. 1868, p. 4322.
  • 183. Mackeson's Guide (1889); C.C.C., survey files (photo. 1944); ibid., Clarke MSS. xiv. 91-2.
  • 184. P.O. Dir. Lond. (1962, 1963).
  • 185. Youngs, Local Admin. Units of Eng. 337 (which, however, confuses St. Luke, Tavistock Rd., with St. Luke, Fernhead Rd.).
  • 186. Bacon, Atlas of Lond. (1886, 1910); Mackeson's Guide (1889); Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings (St. Mary Magdalene).
  • 187. Lond. Gaz. 4 Nov. 1864, p. 5179.
  • 188. Clarke, Lond. Chs. 118.
  • 189. Ibid. 118-19; Mackeson's Guide (1889); T. F. Bumpus, Lond. Chs. i. 43; ii. 318-25; Pevsner, Lond. ii. 300; above, plate 52.
  • 190. P.R.O., HO 129/1/2/1/3; Robins, Paddington, 143; Clarke, Chs. of Lond. 120; Marylebone libr., P 131.1, photos.; above, plate 47.
  • 191. McDonald, Short Hist. Paddington, no. 46, p. 111.
  • 192. Clergy List (1859); Hennessy, Novum Rep. pp. cl, 370.
  • 193. C.C.C., survey files (leaflet).
  • 194. Mackeson's Guide (1889); C.C.C., Clarke MSS. xv. 83; Pevsner, Lond. ii. 300; Clarke, Lond. Chs. 120-1.
  • 195. Lond. Gaz. 2 Aug. 1864, p. 3827.
  • 196. Wittich, St. John's Ch. 6.
  • 197. Rohde is the spelling adopted in D.N.B., s.v. Edw. Hawkins; alternative spellings are Rodhe and Rhode(s).
  • 198. Mackeson's Guide (1889); C.C.C., survey files; ibid. Clarke MSS. ia. 180, demol. chs.; Pevsner, Lond. ii. 300; Clarke, Lond. Chs. 118; Marylebone libr., notes and P 131.1, photos.
  • 199. Wittich, St. John's Ch. 16.
  • 200. Regs. in G.L.R.O., P87/MAA.
  • 201. Lond. Gaz. 30 Jan. 1874, p. 412.
  • 202. O.S. Map 1/2,500, Lond. LX (1897 edn.); ibid. Lond. IV. 12 (1916 edn.).
  • 203. Mackeson's Guide (1889); C.C.C., Clarke MSS. iii. 36; Bingham, Official Guide to Paddington [1921], 138; Marylebone libr., P 131.1, photos.; inf. from Revd. F. G. W. W. Heydon.
  • 204. Inf. from Mr. Heydon; P.O. Dir. Lond. (1959).
  • 205. Lond. Gaz. 17 Jan. 1871, p. 166.
  • 206. Mackeson's Guide (1889); Clarke, Lond. Chs. 120; C.C.C., survey files; Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings and photos.
  • 207. Clergy List (1866, 1892).
  • 208. Mackeson's Guide (1889); Lucas, Plan of Paddington (1869); Marylebone libr. Paddington Faculties, 41-8.
  • 209. Lond. Gaz. 1 Aug. 1856, p. 2662.
  • 210. Pevsner, Lond. ii. 301; Clarke, Lond. Chs. 116-17; Illus. Lond. News, 19 Apr. 1856, 405; Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings. Late example of open auditorium: Ecclesiologist, xvii. 425.
  • 211. Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings; inf. from V.
  • 212. Lond. Gaz. 11 Aug. 1899, p. 4989.
  • 213. O.S. Map 1/2,500, Lond. XLVII (1894-6 edn.).
  • 214. Above, growth, Queen's Pk. and St. Peter's Pk.
  • 215. Clarke, Lond. Chs. 121; Marylebone libr., notes; C.C.C., survey files; inf. from V., St. Luke with St. Sim. and St. Jude.
  • 216. Lond. Gaz. 1 Aug. 1856, p. 2662.
  • 217. Hennessy, Novum Rep. 371; Alum. Oxon. 1715-1886, i. 169.
  • 218. Clarke, Lond. Chs. 117; C.C.C., survey files; Illus. Lond. News, 26 Jan. 1856, 102; Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings; inf. from V.
  • 219. The incumbent and patrons listed for 1889 in Hennessy, Novum Rep. 371, were those for St. Thomas's, Kensal Rd., Kensal New Town.
  • 220. Mackeson's Guide (1889); Clergy List (1881); Bacon, Atlas of Lond. (1886, 1910); Marylebone libr., P 131.1, cuttings, St. Steph.