Townships: Warton with Lindeth

Pages 161-165

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1914.

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Wartun, Dom. Bk.; Warton, 1246.

Lyndeheued, 1304.

This township on the north-east side of Morecambe Bay is composed of two hilly tracts—Warton to the east and Lindeth to the west—now joined by reclaimed moss land, half a mile broad, but formerly perhaps quite separated. (fn. 1) Warton, the main portion of the township, has an area of 2,248½ acres. It is dominated by Warton Crag, which rises from the shore land on the west by a steep precipice, and on the east more gradually from a broad tract of level ground along the north bank of the Keer. Its highest point, near which there is an ancient beacon, is 534 ft. above sea level. The village of Warton with the parish church lies on the south-east slope of the hill, near the foot, the houses lining both sides of the road for about half a mile. To the northeast is Hyning, east of which is Tewitfield; due east of the church, on the border of Borwick, is a hillock supposed to be the site of the ancient manor of Mourholme. Lindeth, in which is Fleagarth, (fn. 2) has an area of 576 acres. The hill there rises to 245 ft. above sea level. Thus the total area of the township is 2,824½ acres, (fn. 3) and the population in 1901 was 1,492.

The principal road is that north from Lancaster to Kendal, which divides, one branch going by Burton and another by Milnthorpe. Another road goes from Carnforth north-west and north through Warton village to Yealand; from it goes the road round the west side of the Crag, crossing the moss land to reach Lindeth and Silverdale. The London and North-Western Company's railway goes north through the low land on the east side of the village, while the Furness Company's line winds round the hill on the west.

According to Lucas the maypole stood in the street near the church gate, and the stocks were near. The beacon of the Crag is marked very clearly on the map of 1590. Fields named Oxgang are on the low ground west of the Crag.

The soil is gravelly, overlying gravel and limestone rock.

The township is governed by a parish council.


Before the Conquest WARTON was one of the twelve manors held by Torfin as part of his lordship of Austwick, (fn. 4) and at some later date was granted to the Lancaster family, lords of Kendal. (fn. 5) In April 1200 King John allowed to Gilbert Fitz Reinfred free court, gallows, &c., in the knight's fee he held in Lancashire, adding a market at Warton every Wednesday. (fn. 6) The Lancasters had castles at 'Merhull' and Kendal, and the former is supposed to have been at the place in Warton later known as Mourholme (fn. 7); after Gilbert's rebellion and capture he surrendered it to the king in 1216, (fn. 8) and probably the castle was then destroyed. After the death of William de Lancaster III in 1246 Warton was on partition assigned to Walter de Lindsay, (fn. 9) and thenceforward descended in the same way as the Lindsay moiety of Nether Wyresdale. (fn. 10)

The manor was often called MOURHOLME. (fn. 11) In 1285 Ingram de Gynes and Christiana his wife claimed from Walter de Percy and Christiana his wife the performance of a covenant respecting the third part of the manors of Warton and Whittington. (fn. 12) Ingram at his death in or before 1324 held the manor of Mourholme in right of Christiana his wife, daughter and heir of William de Lindsay, by the fourth part of a knight's fee and the service of 20d. for ward of Lancaster Castle, suit at the six weeks county court and three weeks wapentake court. A free court was held in the manor itself every three weeks, the perquisites being worth 6s. 8d. a year. (fn. 13) In 1330 his widow Christiana obtained a grant of free warren in her demesnes of Mourholme. (fn. 14) Two years later she entertained her kinsman Edward Balliol, the fugitive king of Scotland, at Mourholme, promising him the great lands and rents of her Scottish inheritance. (fn. 15) In 1340 an extended grant was made to her grandson and heir, William de Coucy, of free warren in all his demesne lands of Mourholme, Warton, Carnforth, &c., with leave to inclose his wood of Mourholme and make a park of it. (fn. 16)

After the temporary Coucy forfeiture (fn. 17) Warton with its dependencies was granted to Mary de St. Paul Countess of Pembroke, who held it in 1346, (fn. 18) and to John de Copeland. (fn. 19) In the 15th century it was like Wyresdale held by John Duke of Bedford (fn. 20) and Margaret Countess of Richmond. (fn. 21) A rental compiled about 1400 gives a list of the free tenants, and of the holders of the 17½ oxgangs of land there and the tofts and foreland. (fn. 22)

The manor was usually granted out by the Crown on lease (fn. 23) until in 1818 it was sold to Thomas Inman of Silverdale, who shortly afterwards, as arranged, transferred it to John Bolden of Hyning. (fn. 24) The new lord died in 1855, and his eldest son and successor William Bolden Bolden at his death in 1895 was followed by his second son Mr. John Leonard Bolden, surveyorgeneral of the Duchy of Lancaster. (fn. 25) A volume of records of the courts begins in 1668. The last court was held in 1900. Tenants of the manor pay a fine to the lord on succession. (fn. 26) Those who joined with Mr. Bolden in the purchase from the duchy enfranchised their tenants.

Coucy. Barry of six vair and gules.

There was a rectory manor at Warton, noticed below in the account of Priest Hutton.

A minor manor of uncertain origin called WARTON WITH LINDETH was in the 18th century held by the family of Brockholes of Claughton. It was in 1825 sold by Thomas Fitzherbert-Brockholes to the above-named John Bolden, and has since descended like the superior manor. Courts are held occasionally; the last was in 1900. (fn. 27)

Although LINDETH, perhaps from its detached position, is recognized in the name of the township, and although it provided a surname for a resident family, (fn. 28) it does not at any time appear to have been regarded as a separate manor. (fn. 29) Gilbert Nicholson of Bare held four messuages, &c., in Lindeth of the king by knight's service in 1605. (fn. 30)

The customs of the manor of Warton as defined in 1572 were confirmed in 1593 in regard to the customary tenants. A fine of two years' rent was due as fine or gressum at a change of tenancy. At death half the tenement was allowed to the widow during her chaste widowhood and after to the heir, the other half being given to the heir. A tenant paying over 20s. rent was required to maintain a horse and man with armour; one paying a smaller rent had to serve in person. (fn. 31) Questions of title were to be decided within the lordship. Tenants must buy timber to repair their holdings, but might take ashwood from the quickset hedge to maintain their husbandry gear. No abatement of rent could be claimed for any loss of pasture on Warton Marsh due to the sea's overflowing or encroaching upon it. Other customs are recorded in the court book above referred to.

TEWITFIELD or TEWITMIRE appears to have been the part of the manor allowed to the heirs of Brus. (fn. 32) It was acquired by a branch of the Crofts of Dalton, who held it in the 13th century. (fn. 33) Afterwards it came into the possession of a family named Washington, whose story is of special interest, as it is supposed that the great George Washington's ancestors sprang from this Warton stock. Washingtons appear in the 14th century in various places in Westmorland (fn. 34) and North Lancashire; in some estates they were succeeded by the Lawrences, who also had land in Warton. (fn. 35) One John de Washington of Warton was plaintiff in 1352. (fn. 36) The same or another John married an heiress named Joan, probably the heiress of Croft of Tewitfield, and had lands in Heysham, Carnforth, Warton, Priest Hutton, Silverdale, Kellet and Dalton. (fn. 37) Again, a John Washington in 1412 made a grant of a tenement in Dalton to Sir John Croft. (fn. 38) Robert son of John Washington of Warton made in 1437 a feoffment of his lands in Warton, Silverdale, Hutton, Dalton, Over Kellet, Heysham and Preston in Kendal. (fn. 39) He was defendant in 1443. (fn. 40) It was perhaps this Robert who died in 1483 holding Tewitfield of the king by knight's service and 5d. for castle ward; also fifteen burgages in Warton of the lords of the vill by a rent of 7s. and lands in Silverdale, &c. John Washington his son and heir was then thirty years of age (fn. 41); he died in 1499 holding Tewitfield, and leaving a son and heir Robert, aged twenty-four. (fn. 42) Robert died in 1517 holding his father's estates of the king as of his duchy by the fourth part of a knight's fee. (fn. 43) Thomas Washington was his son and heir, aged twenty-five, but Anne Washington appears to have held Tewitfield and other estates in her own right in 1527, and her son Richard, aged twenty-one, succeeded. (fn. 44) He still held the estate in 1539, (fn. 45) but very soon afterwards Tewitfield passed to the Middletons of Leighton. (fn. 46) The farm so called now belongs to Heysham's charity, Lancaster. (fn. 47) A minor Washington family continued at Warton for some time longer. (fn. 48) Leonard Washington compounded for his recusancy in 1632 by an annual fine of 30s. (fn. 49) and Lawrence Washington complained of waste by Alice Washington in 1639. (fn. 50)

Washington. Argent two bars gules, in chief three mullets of the second.

Hubberthorns (fn. 51) was another ancient estate once held by the Tunstalls of Thurland. (fn. 52) Hyning, partly within Yealand, was the property of Sir John Hynde, a justice of the Common Bench, 545–50 (fn. 53); he purchased Hubberthorns. (fn. 54) Both estates were held by Thomas Middleton of Leighton in 1630. (fn. 55) The pleadings (fn. 56) and inquisitions (fn. 57) afford a few additional particulars of ancient holdings. The Kitson family was of some importance (fn. 58); Thomas son of Robert Kitson of Warton, born about 148 5, became Sheriff of London in 1533 and was made a knight. (fn. 59) Gervase Kitson died in 1596 holding eleven messuages, &c., of the queen by a rent of 10s. yearly; his son Thomas, aged fourteen, was the heir. (fn. 60) He died in 1639, (fn. 61) and his son Thomas taking the king's side in the Civil War his estates were sequestered by the Parliament for his 'delinquency'; in 1649 he compounded by a fine of £390. (fn. 62) He died soon afterwards and his estates went to his sister, wife of Robert Middleton of Warton. (fn. 63) Warton is found in use as a surname. (fn. 64)

By the Act of 1811 for inclosing and embanking land in Warton (fn. 65) it was provided that money arising from sale of the land should be invested for the relief of the rates. A small part was taken in 1868 by the Furness Railway Company, and the remainder was sold in 1872 for £6,100. This was invested in consols, and £186 10s. 4d. a year from it is applied in relief of the poor rate. (fn. 66)


The date of the formation of a borough is unknown, but Walter son of William de Lindsay confirmed the liberties of his burgesses there by a charter of which a copy has been preserved. (fn. 67) Its date lies between 1246 and 1271. Various easements were allowed in the woods and pastures; the forfeitures were limited to 4d. in one case, and in others to the custom of the neighbouring boroughs, of which Kendal and Ulverston are named in the charter; the lord's rights of taxation (fn. 68) and credit (fn. 69) were also limited and no burgess was to be compelled to take charge of his mill or bakehouse. No burgess was to be imprisoned if he found sureties. If a burgess should be impleaded in the chief court of the manor and fee of Warton the burgesses might have a borough court for the matter if they asked for it in good time. The lord required one special privilege—that ale should be sold to him at 1d. less per gallon (sextarius) than to others. The normal burgage had a rood and four falls of land, and 12d. rent was to be paid for it.

The borough does not seem to have made any progress; indeed, the only token of its existence in later times is the occasional mention of burgages there. (fn. 70) In 1346 it was recorded that the vill of Warton had been accustomed to pay the lord 20s. a year for the assize of bread and ale. (fn. 71) The rental compiled about 1400 shows that there were forty-two burgages and a third; Richard, John and Christiana Washington occur among the tenants. Burgage tenure is not now known in the township.

The parish church has been described above. The other places of worship in the township are chapels belonging to the Wesleyan Methodists and the Primitive Methodists.


  • 1. The map attached to the Yealand inclosure award shows a strip of common extending across the moss from one side to the other at the south end so as effectually to cut it off from the sea or sea marsh and leaving a broad sea frontage of marsh or of sand (as the case might be) connecting Warton and Lindeth. On the map the land to the south of the strip is marked as Warton Common'; note of Mr. J. Rawlinson Ford. Leighton Moss, otherwise Warton Moss, was claimed as part of the manor by the inhabitants of Warton in 1532; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.). About the same time the people of Bolton-le-Sands claimed common of turbary in a place called Yealand Conyers Moss, with a road thereto over and along a common called Lindeth Marsh, paying a yearly rent to George Middleton; ibid.
  • 2. This place is mentioned in Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 79, m. 7 d.; also in the Middleton of Leighton inquisitions. For an account of the exploration of Dogholes Cave on Warton Crag see Lancs. and Ches. Antiq. Soc. xxvii, 1.
  • 3. The Census Rep. 1901 gives 4,267 acres, including 9 of inland water. The increase is due to recovery from the bay. There are also 154 acres of tidal water and 3,821 of foreshore.
  • 4. V.C.H. Lancs, i, 289a. The assessment is not separately given, but in 1346 there were three plough-lands in Warton and one in Tewitfield.
  • 5. For an account of the family see ibid. 357, note 13. The grant was 'of ancient feoffment'; Lancs. Inq. and Extents. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 144.
  • 6. Cal. Rot. Chart. (Rec. Com.), 50.
  • 7. See an essay by the Rev. J. K. Floyer in Proc. Soc. Antiq. (Ser. 2), xxi, 413.
  • 8. Cal. Rot. Chart. 221.
  • 9. Excerpta e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.), ii, 7.
  • 10. See the account of that lordship.
  • 11. This name has long ceased to be current, but Mr. Floyer in the essay cited above identifies it with a place called Hallsteads, about a mile east of Warton Church.
  • 12. De Banco R. 60, m. 44. In the same year Robert the Turner, in right of his father William le Pestur (Baker), claimed a toft and land in Warton by Borwick against Ingram de Gynes, Christiana his wife and Ada widow of William de Lindsay; Assize R. 1268, m. 11, 19. In 1299–1300 Henry son of Roger le Vilur claimed a messuage in Warton against Ingram and Christiana, alleging that his father had held it in the time of Henry III; De Banco R. 129, m. 19 d.; 131, m. 48.
  • 13. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 164–5. The manor-house was only worth 12d. a year, because it was in great need of repair; there were 240 acres of arable land, 30 acres of meadow, a pasture called Broadengs, worth only 12d. a year because the beasts there had been destroyed by plague or carried off by the Scots, another pasture called Ellerholme, 16 oxgangs of land (10 acres each) held by tenants at will, a water mill and the moiety of another, and three cottages. Ellerholme is now called Eldrams. It is near the Keer, to the south-east of the village.
  • 14. Chart. R. 4 Edw. III, m. 28, no. 76. Christiana was dead in 1334; Cal. Pat. 1330–4, p. 561.
  • 15. Chron. de Lanercost (Bannatyne Club), 271. This reference is due to Mr. A, P. Brydson.
  • 16. Chart. R. 14 Edw. III, m. 2, no. 7. The park of Mourholme existed long before this, being mentioned in the charter to the burgesses of Warton cited below.
  • 17. In 1347 it was found that William de Coucy held the manor-house of Mourholme, with the herbage of a little marsh adjacent thereto, 320 acres of arable land in demesne, with meadow; a dovecote at Warton near Mourholme, the pastures of Ellerholme and Bradenagh, windmill, water mill and moiety, a pasture of the park called Bardelholme, assarts, 20 oxgangs of land held by tenants at will rendering 6s. 8d. at the end of every seven years; various profits and rents from free tenants, courts, &c.; the total value of Mourholme and Warton was given as nearly £70 a year. The manor-house is described; it had a hall with a great chamber, wardrobe, pantry and buttery, a chamber for the knights, chapel, granges, stables and other buildings, with a cottage near the Keer. The trees in the park at Mourholme and the wood of Warton were valued at £14 for sale.
  • 18. Surv. of 1346 (Chet. Soc), 82; she held three plough-lands in Warton and Lindeth. See further in the account of Carnforth.
  • 19. Cal. Pat. 1346–9, pp. 333, 453. An indenture respecting Mourholme, Warton, Lindeth, Carnforth and Ulverston between Ingram de Coucy and Joan widow of John de Coupland is in Close, 38 Edw. III, m. 21.
  • 20. He died in 1435 holding the manor of Mourholme in the town of Warton of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster by knight's service; Chan. Inq. p.m. 14 Hen. VI, no. 36. The manor of Warton then reverted to the Crown; Lancs. Rec. Inq. p.m. no. 33. In 1472 it was found that Jaquetta Duchess of Bedford (widow of John) had held a third part of the demesne or vill of Warton in dower; Dods. MSS. cxxxi, fol. 91.
  • 21. In 1498 and 1500 Margaret Countess of Richmond and John Rigmaiden were called upon to show by what right they claimed assize of bread, infangenthef, &c., in Warton; Pal. of Lanc. Writs Prothon. 13 & 15 Hen. VII. Lady Margaret died seised of the manor in 1509; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iv, no. 28; Warton and Mourholme are both mentioned as parts of the barony of Kendal. It is recorded that the grant of this barony had been made in 1453 to Edmund (Tudor) then Earl of Richmond. Henry VIII succeeded as grandson and heir. He gave it (as part of Kendal) to his illegitimate son Henry, created Duke of Richmond; Duchy of Lanc. Plead. 24 Hen. VIII, viii, M 6.
  • 22. From a roll preserved at Levens Hall. The free tenants were Sir John Croft for Hebthorn, Sir Thomas Tunstall, Nicholas Croft (in right of Ellen his wife) for Yealand Redmayne, John Washington (in right of Joan his wife) for Tewitfield, John Berwick for Borwick, and some minor holders. The oxgang rents were not uniform, varying from 8s. 6d. to 13s. 4d. William Richman held a ferland (or foreland) called Castledyke, paying 8d. rent; he had another foreland by Motherholmegate at the same rent. The tenants of the oxgangs and some other lands paid an additional sum in lieu of malt. The water mill was occupied by John Washington and Richard King at a rent of 13 marks. William Dowbon held Mourholme, paying 100s. a year.
  • 23. E.g. Cal. Pat. 1467–77, p. 531; Cal. S. P. Dom. 1641–3, p. 332.
  • 24. His surname was Leonard, but in 1800 he took that of Bolden, from his uncle William Bolden of Liverpool.
  • 25. Information of Mr. J. L. Bolden. There is a pedigree in Burke's Landed Gentry.
  • 26. This and other information is due to Mr. William Tilly, steward of the manor.
  • 27. This and other information is due to Mr. William Tilly, steward of the manor. Records of courts from 1775 have been preserved.
  • 28. Christiana daughter of William son of Adam de Lindeth in 1306 recovered a messuage in Warton against John the Shepherd, Adam Sylyng and Agnes his daughter; Assize R. 420, m. 11. Another family there was named Sand. In 1302 Mariota widow of Adam del Sand of Lindeth made a claim against Adam son of Adam del Sand and Isolda his wife; Assize R. 419, m. 2 d. In 1308–9 Mariota failed in another claim against Walter son of Adam del Sand; ibid. 423, m. 2 d. Robert son and heir of John Noble was in 1478 summoned to warrant Robert Washington, who had a messuage in Lindeth claimed by Ellen widow of the said John; Pal. of Lanc. Writs Prothon. file 19 Edw. IV, A.
  • 29. In 1347 Lindeth was returned as parcel of William de Coucy's manor of Mourholme. The assized rent was 10d.; lands held by tenants at will yielded 22s. 2d.; a tenement recently assarted, 3s. 4d.; herbage of Lindeth marsh was worth 10s. a year; Inq. p.m. 20 Edw. III (2nd nos.), no. 63.
  • 30. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 48. The heir was his grandson Humphrey (son of Francis), aged fourteen.
  • 31. Baines, Lancs. (ed. 1870), ii, 601. Disputes as to the customs are referred to in Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), i, 146; Exch. Dep. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 23, &c.
  • 32. This seems a fair inference from the appearance of the Rigmaiden family in connexion with it, but a case cited below tends the other way.
  • 33. The origin of the estate seems to be shown by a pleading of 1291, by which Isolda widow of William de Croft claimed a piece of moor in Warton in Kendal against Ingram de Gynes, Christiana his wife, Jordan and Robert reeves of Warton and many others. The defendants stated they claimed nothing but housebote and heybote; Ingram was lord of Warton in right of his wife. Roger [Gilbert] son of Roger son of Reyner, formerly lord of the whole of Kendal, enfeoffed one Hugh de Rotseye of lands in the vill of Warton, and the tenement claimed by Isolda was within the bounds of that grant. Hugh son of the said Hugh had enfeoffed Isolda, who recovered seisin; Assize R. 407, m. 1. In 1292 William de Asmunderlaw claimed 60 acres in Tewitmire and Warton against the same Isolda as heir of his grandmother Clarice de Asmunderlaw. The placename was wrongly spelt in the writ, and Isolda said that plaintiff knew there was no vill in the county called 'Tinitemire'; it should have been the vill of 'Tiwhitemire' in Warton; Assize R. 408, m. 8 d. In another claim by William it appeared that Gilbert de Lancaster had granted the tenement to Thomas de Rigmaiden, whose son John warranted to John the son of Isolda. Gilbert son of Roger son of Gilbert de Lancaster, called to warrant by John de Rigmaiden, was a minor; ibid. m. 40 d. In 1308 Roger de Croft summoned Robert de Leyburne and Isolda his wife to warrant to him land claimed in dower by Isolda widow of John de Rigmaiden; De Banco R. 173, m. 246 d. Isolda widow of William de Croft appears again in 1316; ibid. 215, m. 182. John de Croft (of Durslet in Dalton) held a plough-land in Tewitmire in 1346, paying 5d. (for castle ward); Surv. of 1346, p. 82. In the following year he was said to have held a messuage and 60 acres in Tewitmire of the manor of Warton by suit of court and of mill (to the thirteenth measure) and 2½d. His son Adam had died before him, leaving a son John, aged five, who was heir of the grandfather; Inq. p.m. 21 Edw. III (1st nos.), no. 42; Cal. Close, 1346–9, p. 339. Emma the widow of John de Croft claimed dower there; ibid. 431. In a deed of 1356 (?) it is stated that John the son of Adam had died leaving a daughter and heir Joan, who had been married though under age; Dods. MSS. cviii, fol. 111. She was no doubt the wife of John de Washington.
  • 34. Gilbert de Burnelsheved granted to John de Wessington in free marriage with Elizabeth his daughter various lands in Askethwayt, Croke and Styrkland Ketel; Dods. MSS. cxlii, no. 28. The date is about 1260.
  • 35. Robert Lawrence of Ashton by Lancaster, who had (or claimed) the advowson of Warton Church, held three messuages, &c., of the king in socage by 1d. rent; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 56. His son, Sir James, succeeded (ibid. 122, 131), and John Rigmaiden afterwards held; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 65. The Lawrences of Yealand Redmayne held messuages, &c., in Warton, but the tenure was not known; ibid, vi, no. 41; vii, no. 36. See also Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), iii, 158.
  • 36. Assize R. 434, m. 4 d. He occurs again in 1369 and later; De Banco R. 433, m. 185 d.; 463, m. 202 d. There was a contemporary Robert de Washington at Carnforth.
  • 37. A settlement of the lands of John de Washington and Joan his wife (upon her heirs) was made in 1382; Final Conc. iii, 15.
  • 38. Raines MSS. (Chet. Lib.), xxxviii, 587. The seal shows the Washington arms — two bars and in chief three molets.
  • 39. Dods. MSS. cviii, fol. 113.
  • 40. Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 5, m. 24.
  • 41. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 115.
  • 42. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 64. From the Inq. p.m. of his son Robert it appears that he made a settlement of his estates in 1492.
  • 43. Ibid, v, no. 10; Tewitfield is not specially named. It is, however, named in a petition by his widow Amy (or Anne) in which Robert is called sergeantat-arms to the king; Duchy of Lanc. Plead. Hen. VIII, xviii, W 3. In 1514 the reversion of the manor of Westhorp (Suffolk) was granted to Robert Washington, sergeant-at-arms, and Amy his wife; L. and P. Hen. VIII, i, 4872; see also 3087.
  • 44. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vi, no. 59. Anne was probably the widow of Robert. Settlements of Tewitfield, &c., were made by Thomas Washington in 1519 and by Richard in 1536; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. ii, m. 222, 68.
  • 45. Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 166, m. 2 d.; a recovery. A Sir Richard Washington knight occurs in connexion with Tewitfield in 1531; Ducatus Lanc. i, 145, 148.
  • 46. Gervase Middleton died in 1548 holding Tewitfield by the eighth part of a knight's fee; in his will it is called a manor; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. ix, no. 11. From the tenure (an eighth part instead of a fourth) it appears that the Washington inheritance had been divided; see also Silverdale. His son George held Tewitfield by the same tenure in 1600, and had Fieagarth and various messuages, &c., in Warton; ibid, xvii, no. 51. In 1640 the former messuage was held by the eighth part of a knight's fee and the latter in socage; ibid, xxix, no. 64.
  • 47. End. Char. Rep. for Lanc. 1903, p. 57. It was purchased in 1899.
  • 48. In 1529 Jane widow and devisee of Anthony Washington claimed a farmhold in Warton against Margaret Washington, widow, and Lawrence her son, next of kin of the deceased; Ducatus Lanc. ii, 46. Lawrence Washington occurs in 1588; ibid. 218. Henry Washington of Warton was pardoned for homicide in 1541; L. and p. Hen. VIII, xvi, g. 1056 (36).
  • 49. Trans. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xxiv, 178.
  • 50. Exch. Dep. 26. Leonard Washington and Robert his son and heir-apparent sold land in Warton to Robert Middleton in 1643; Royalist Comp. Papers (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), iv, 136. It seems to have been called Highfield.
  • 51. It may have been part of Tewitfield, for in 1292 Lambert de 'Hubrythornes' claimed a tenement in Warton against Isolda widow of William de Croft and Roger de Croft, but was non-suited; Assize R. 408, m. 38. Agnes widow of Hugh de Hubberthorns claimed dower against Roger son of Henry de Croft; ibid. m. 9. In 1305 Lambert de Hubberthorns succeeded in recovering a messuage and 20 acres held by Robert de Leyburne, Isolda his wife and Roger son of Henry de Croft of Dalton. It appeared that Isolda had entry by Hugh de Hubberthorns, who enfeoffed Henry de Yolton of the same, and his son Stephen gave to Lambert the claimant; Assize R. 420, m. 6 d. See Croft of 'Hebthorn' in 1400 in note 22 above.
  • 52. William Tunstall, apparently in right of his wife Katherine (who had sisters Isolda and Elizabeth), claimed a messuage in Warton in 1370; De Banco R. 439, m. 360d. Sir Thomas Tunstall held the manor of Newton and Hubberthorn of John Duke of Bedford in 1416, rendering a pound of pepper; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 115. In 1465 it was found that Richard Tunstall of Tunstall, attainted of high treason, had held a messuage in Warton called Hubberthorn; Chan. Inq. p.m. 5 Edw. IV, no. 45. His estate was granted to Sir James Harrington; Cal. Pat. 1461–7, pp. 445, 461. By an inquiry in 1500 it was found that the estate had been held by William Tunstall a century before; in the year named it was held of Margaret Countess of Richmond; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 37.
  • 53. Foss, Judges. His son Francis was of Madingley near Cambridge.
  • 54. Dods. MSS. cviii, fol. 112b. In 1562–4 there were disputes between John Bradley and George Middleton respecting Hyning House, Well Hall and Hubberthorn; Ducatus Lanc. ii, 252, 278.
  • 55. Duchy of Lanc. Plead, bdle. 330; a complaint that Peter Robinson of Warton, having obtained certain deeds was cutting down trees, &c., in Hyning and Leighton Park.
  • 56. In 1292 Thomas de Silverdale sought a messuage in Warton against Adam del Holme and Christiana his wife; Assize R. 408, m. 31 d. Thomas son of Richard de Silverdale was plaintiff in 1309; De Banco R. 179, m. 170 d., 185 d. Robert son of Ralph de Pontefract in 1302 claimed a messuage against Gregory the Skinner (two-thirds) and Lambert his son (one-third); Assize R. 418, m. 1 d. John son of Robert continued the suit in 1303; De Banco R. 145, m. 224. In 1334 Robert son of Robert son of Ralph de Pontefract granted land at Byrestead and elsewhere in Warton to John son of John de Burton; Sizergh D. Juliana de Kirkby Kendal was plaintiff in 1302 against Gilbert de Hothergamel, Adam de Holme and Alice his wife; De Banco R. 143, m. 48 d.; 145, m. 68 d. Thomas son of John de Kendal was plaintiff (in right of his mother Agnes) in 1335; ibid. 303, m. 187 d. A Bolton family also occurs; ibid. 112, m. 39; 328, m. 557 d.; 340, m. 337 d.
  • 57. John Whittington in 1511 held a messuage in Warton as part of his manor of Borwick; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iv, no. 43. With Borwick it went to the Bindloss family; ibid, xvii, no. 7. John Hudson of Blawith died in 1588 holding cottages in Warton of the queen as of her duchy by knight's service; ibid, xvi, no. 45.
  • 58. John Hudson, as executor of Wilfrid Kitson, had suits with Thomas Kitson in 1552; Ducatus Lanc. i, 255, 267. There are other references to the family in the same calendar. Thomas Kitson in 1555 purchased six messuages, &c., in Warton and Lindeth from Richard Curwen, Joan his wife, Richard Barwick and Agnes his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 15, m. 34.
  • 59. Dict. Nat. Biog.; he was a wealthy merchant and master of the Mercers' Company in 1535; he died m 1540. His lands in Warton included Coteslacks and Oldfield; Ducatus Lanc. iii, 214.
  • 60. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xvii, no. 79. Thomas Kitson in 1631 paid £10 as composition for declining knighthood; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 220.
  • 61. By his will (1638–9) he desired to be buried at Warton Church near his predecessor. He names his wife Elizabeth, his son Thomas and his son-in-law John Leyburne; note by Mr. Floyer.
  • 62. Royalist Comp. Papers (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 46.
  • 63. Cal. Com. for Comp. i, 561. Robert was a younger son of Thomas Middleton of Leighton; his wife's name was Jane; Dugdale, Visit. (Chet. Soc.), 198. In 1678 Robert Middleton of Warton was indicted for recusancy; Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. xiv, App. iv, 109. According to Lucas his descendants were living at Warton in reduced circumstances in the 18th century, and the Kitsons' old house was then the seat of William Dawson.
  • 64. In 1334 John son of William de Warton granted his lands at Bleselands and Romgode in Warton to John son of John de Burton; Sizergh D.
  • 65. 51 Geo. III, cap. 121.
  • 66. End. Char. Rep. 1900. Some small portions left uninclosed are used freely by the farmers for pasturing their sheep.
  • 67. Lansdowne MS. 559, fol. 73b/140; early 14th century. This is printed in Engl. Hist. Rev. xvii, 293–5, with a note by Miss Bateson, p. 286. The lord's several woods, excepted from the easements allowed to the burgesses, were Staynhus slack, by the road from Lindeth to Warton on the west side, as long as it remained a wood, towards Barraht; Ellerholme, within the dyke; Mourholme park, Southhow pasture, the bounds going from Southhow by the sea dyke, Quitesand pool (Quicksand pool), across to Lindeth, up Blackdyke as far as the Crag beyond Blackwell, and so back to Southhow.
  • 68. He would exact no aid except such as burgesses in the neighbourhood— holding of the king or others—should render. They might plead in his court for debts without forfeit.
  • 69. Further credit might be refused if a debt was not paid in forty days.
  • 70. In 1423 John Fox chaplain gave to Thomas Wheelman and Joan his wife two parts of a burgage in Warton which had belonged to John de Dyke, with remainders to Thomas son of Thomas and others; Hornby Chapel D.
  • 71. Surv. of 1346 (Chet. Soc.), 84.