Townships: Pendleton

Pages 392-396

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 4. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1911.

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Penelton, 1199; Pennelton, 1212; Penilton, 1236; Penhulton, 1331; Penulton, 1356, contracted into Pelton; Pendleton, c. 1600.

This township measures about 2½ miles from the Irwell on the east to Gilda Brook on the west; the area is 2,253½ acres. (fn. 1) From a ridge of higher land which juts into the centre from the north-west the ground slopes away to the north-east, east, and south. The greatest height is 230 ft. above sea level. The population in 1901 was 66,574.

The great road from Manchester to Bolton, with a branch to Wigan, crosses the township in a northwest direction. From it several other roads branch off; one goes west to Eccles, others north-east to Broughton, and from these a road runs north-west to Agecroft in Pendlebury. The Lancashire and Yorkshire Company's railways from Manchester to Bolton and to Hindley pass through, the former having a station at Pendleton, and the latter at Broad Street, Pendleton, and at Irlams-o'-th'-Height. (fn. 2) The two lines effect a junction on the south-east border of the township. The London and NorthWestern Company's Manchester and Liverpool line crosses the southern part of the township, and has two stations—Seedley and Weaste. The Manchester and Bolton Canal goes along by the side of the former railway. From Hope Hall to Pendleton a band of the Permian Rocks divides the New Red Sandstone to the south from the Coal Measures on the north. A fault almost on the line of the Manchester and Bolton Canal has left the New Red Sandstone in evidence on the eastern side.

The supposed camp at Hyle Wood, in the northern bend of the Irwell, has been found to be a natural hill. The Roman road from Manchester to Wigan passed through Weaste and Hope. There was formerly a cross on Pendleton Green. (fn. 3)

In 1666 there were 138 hearths liable to the tax; the largest house was that of John Hollinpriest, with nine, but there were several with five hearths each. (fn. 4)

The Pendleton morris dancers occur in 1792. (fn. 5)

In 1833 there were cotton mills, with dyeing, printing, and bleaching establishments, also a flax mill upon an improved principle; others of the people were employed in silk manufacture and others in the neighbouring collieries. Most of these industries still remain in the township. The Spence Alum Works were removed to Newton Heath in 1857 in consequence of a law suit.

A large portion of the surface is covered with dwelling-houses and factories. Pendleton being a suburb of Salford, the whole township was taken into the borough in 1852; a small part was added to Eccles in 1891. The township is divided into six wards—St. Thomas's, St. Paul's, Charlestown, Hope, Seedley, and Weaste. Charleston and Douglas Green occupy the northern corner, Irlams-o'-th'-Height the north-west; Paddington lies on the eastern border, Little Bolton to the south-west, Weaste in the south, and Wallness on the north-east. Chaseley and Seedley lie between Pendleton and Weaste; and Hope Hall and Buile Hill to the west. Brindle Heath, formerly Brindlache, lies on the western edge of the urban part of Pendleton proper.

Pendleton Town Hall was built in 1868. A Mechanics' Institution was founded in 1856. A small library was established in 1829, (fn. 6) but does not seem to have continued. A branch of the Salford library was opened in 1878 at Pendleton, another branch at Weaste in 1894, and a third at Irlams-o'th'-Height in 1901. A reading room was opened at Charlestown in 1894. (fn. 7)

A park at Buile Hill has been acquired by the corporation. (fn. 8) The mansion-house there was in 1906 converted into a natural history museum. The David Lewis recreation-ground lies on the eastern side of the township, bordering on the Irwell. The new Manchester Race-course is a little distance to the north of it. (fn. 9) There are other recreation-grounds. Claremont is the Manchester seat of Sir Arthur Percival Heywood, bart.

The worthies of Pendleton include Peter Gooden, Roman Catholic controversial writer, who died 1695; Felix John Vaughan Seddon, orientalist, 1798–1865; George Bradshaw, who published the railway guides, 1801–53; (fn. 10) Robert Cotton Mather, a missionary in India, 1808–77. Notices of them will be found in the Dictionary of National Biography.


PENDLETON was originally included in the royal manor of Salford. King John in 1199 gave it to Iorwerth de Hulton in exchange for Broughton and Kersal on the Manchester side of the Irwell, which, while Count of Mortain, he had bestowed on Iorwerth. (fn. 11) It was assessed as four oxgangs of land, and held by the service of a sixth part of a knight's fee. (fn. 12) It remained for about fifty years in the Hultons' possession; (fn. 13) but was in 1251 exchanged for Ordsall in Salford and part of Flixton. (fn. 14) Robert de Ferrers ten years later granted Pendleton to the priory of St. Thomas the Martyr, Stafford. (fn. 15) The right of the prior was called in question in 1292, (fn. 16) but was soon afterwards allowed, (fn. 17) and the house retained possession until the Dissolution. (fn. 18)

Pendleton, as part of the priory estates, was in 1539 granted to Rowland Lee, Bishop of Lichfield. (fn. 19) On his death his property was divided among his four nephews, and the priory site, together with the manor of Pendleton, went to Bryan Fowler, (fn. 20) whose descendants enjoyed it down to the beginning of the 18th century. The family, who adhered to the old religion, do not seem to have resided at Pendleton, nor is there much sign of their connexion with the place. Walter Fowler, the great-grandson of Bryan, took the king's side in the Civil War, and the 'well affected inhabitants of Stafford' complained of him to the Parliament 'not only as a Papist, but a malignant, because he took up arms for the king and abused and cruelly ill-treated the adherents to Parliament; yet he was sequestered only as a recusant, and he undervalued his estate, which was worth £1,500 a year.' (fn. 21) His lands in the counties of Stafford, Lancaster, Chester, Derby, and Flint were declared forfeit and sold for the benefit of the Navy. (fn. 22) As in other cases, however, they were recovered, (fn. 23) and he was succeeded by his sons Walter and William. The latter, the last male representative of the family, died in 1717. By his first will, dated 1712, he left his estates to his niece Katherine, wife of John Betham, who took the name of Fowler, and as a 'papist' registered his estate in 1717, Pendleton being included. (fn. 24) He left as heir an only daughter Katherine, who in 1726 married Thomas Belasyse, fourth Viscount Fauconberg. (fn. 25)

William Fowler had, however, secretly made a second will in 1715, by which a nephew, Thomas Grove, son of the testator's elder sister Dorothy, became entitled to a moiety of the estate. This will was at first overlooked, (fn. 26) but brought forward in 1729, and, after a suit in Chancery, and an appeal to the House of Lords, was established; Rebecca, the daughter and heir of Thomas Grove, being in 1733 declared co-heir. (fn. 27) She had married Richard FitzGerald, an Irish barrister. (fn. 28) 'Dying sine prole, he bequeathed the manor of Pendleton … and certain other Fowler estates in Staffordshire, to his relatives the FitzGeralds, who still retain possession.' (fn. 29) The present representative of the family is Mr. Gerald Purcell FitzGerald, of the Island, Waterford, who owns a considerable estate in the township.

The HOPE in Pendleton appears to be the estate of two oxgangs of land held by Ellis de Pendlebury in 1212 of Iorwerth de Hulton by a rent of 4s. (fn. 30) It was afterwards held by the Radcliffes, who succeeded the Hultons at Ordsall, but by the greatly increased service of £4 2s. (fn. 31) It seems to have been acquired by a branch of the Bradshaw family. (fn. 32) In the 18th century it was purchased by Daniel Bayley of Manchester, whose son succeeded him; but it was again sold on the latter's death in 1802. (fn. 33)


BRINDLACHE, a name represented by Brindle Heath, was leased and then purchased by the Langleys of Agecroft. (fn. 34) Windlehey descended with this estate. (fn. 35) A branch of the Holland family was seated at Newhall in Pendleton. (fn. 36)

In 1423 Robert Orrell and Margaret his wife made a settlement of their estate in Salford, Pendleton, and Pendlebury. (fn. 37)


LITTLE BOLTON, held by William de Bolton in 1200, was assessed as six oxgangs of land, and held of the king in chief in fee farm by a rent of 18s. (fn. 38) The Boltons were about 1350 succeeded by the Gawen family, who continued to hold the whole or part for about two centuries. (fn. 39) The more recent history is uncertain. The Valentines of Bentcliffe acquired twothirds; (fn. 40) and the Goodens or Gooldens, a recusant family, were seated here in the 16th and 17th centuries. (fn. 41) WEASTE, i.e. the Waste, is mentioned in the year 1570. (fn. 42)

Humphrey Booth of Salford, (fn. 43) Roger Downes of Wardley, (fn. 44) and Richard Pendleton, (fn. 45) held lands in the township in the time of Charles I. In 1784 the principal landowners were John FitzGerald, John Gore Booth, and Thomas Butterworth Bayley; Miss Byrom, Thomas Chorlton of Weaste, — Valentine, — Calvert, and many others had smaller shares. (fn. 46)

The Duchy of Lancaster has an estate in Pendleton; the rents in 1858 amounted to over £1,000. (fn. 47)

In 1444 there was a serious affray at Pendleton, several men being killed. (fn. 48)

A chantry chapel was founded in Pendleton about 1220, but nothing further seems known of it. (fn. 49)

A considerable number of churches have been erected in modern times, to accommodate the growing population. In connexion with the Established Church the first St. Thomas's, at Brindle Heath, was acquired in 1776 and the second was built on the present site in 1831; (fn. 50) the old building is used as a chapel of ease, and called St. Anne's; the Vicar of Eccles is patron of this. The Crown and the Bishop of Manchester present alternately to St. Paul's, Paddington, built in 1856. (fn. 51) St. George's, Charlestown, was built in 1858; (fn. 52) St. James's, Hope, in 1861; (fn. 53) St. Luke's, Weaste, in 1865; (fn. 54) St. Barnabas's and St. Ambrose's, both in 1887. The Bishop of Manchester collates to St. George's and St. Barnabas's; St. James's and St. Luke's are in the gift of trustees.

The Wesleyans are said to have been the first possessors of old St. Thomas's, built about 1760; they now have a church dating from 1814, and four others more recently built. The United Free Methodists have three churches, the Primitive Methodists and the New Connexion two each, and the Independent Methodists one.

The Congregationalists had a preaching station at Irlams-o'-th'-Height about 1825, but no permanent church followed at that time. At Charlestown a Sunday school was begun in 1829, and next year public services were held, a church being formed in 1836; a place of worship in Broad Street was built in 1847–9. At Charlestown itself a church was built in 1864, and a school chapel at Seedley ten years later. (fn. 55) At Weaste is the Lightbowne memorial church.

The Baptists have a chapel here. The Society of Friends have also a meeting-place.

At Seedley Grove is a place of worship of the Presbyterian Church of England, founded in 1871.

The Swedenborgians have a temple called New Jerusalem in Broad Street.

The Roman Catholic Church of the Mother of God and St. James, Seedley, was built in 1875; the mission began in 1858. All Souls', Weaste, was opened in 1892. In 1898 the Dominicans took over the struggling mission of St. Charles in the north of the township, and have built the church of St. Sebastian.


  • 1. 2,430, including 50 of inland water; Census Rep. 1901. In 1883 a part of Pendlebury was brought within Pendleton; Loc. Govt. Bd. Order 14672.
  • 2. The village so named is partly in this township and partly in Pendlebury. It took its name from one Irlam, who kept the Packhorse Inn there; Manch. Guardian N. and Q. no. 392; Pal. Note Bk. ii, 174.
  • 3. Lancs. and Ches. Antiq. Soc. xxii, 104.
  • 4. Subs. R. Lancs. bdle. 250, no. 9.
  • 5. W. Axon, Manch. Annals, 119.
  • 6. Lewis, Gaz. (ed. 1833).
  • 7. a Information of Mr. B. H. Mullen, librarian.
  • 8. Bewle Hill is named in the Salf. Portmote Rec (i, 13), in 1598. On 25 Dec. 1695 Alice widow of Leftwich Oldfield leased to Edward Birch of Pendleton, whitster, a close called the Bulehill containing 2 acres. Alice Oldfield was daughter of Richard Haworth of Manchester; Morley, Bolton Hist. Glean. i, 347. On 4 Jan. 1717–18 Edward Byrom of Manchester leased to William Gregory of Pendleton, whitster, a field called the Bulehill, late in the holding of Edward Birch. Note by Mr. Crofton.
  • 9. It was opened in 1902. Races had been held on the same ground from 1847 to 1868. Mr. J. L. Purcell FitzGerald, the landowner, refused to renew the lease on moral grounds; 'he took a warm interest in the evangelization of the masses'; W. Axon, Annals of Manch. 372.
  • 10. On the origin of the Guide in 1839 see N. and Q. (Ser. 6), xi, 16.
  • 11. Chart. R. (Rec. Com.), 27; the gift was of 'the vill of Pendleton and all its appurtenances' to be held 'by the service of the sixth part of one knight.' See also Farrer, Lancs. Pipe R. 112, 115, &c.
  • 12. Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 65.
  • 13. In 1218 Richard de Hulton had not paid the 20 marks relief on succeeding his father Iorwerth at Pendleton; Rot. Lit. Claus. (Rec. Com.), i, 380. To Eccles Church he gave a piece of land in Pendleton, on the west side of the road to Pendlebury, as a site for the tithe-barn; no one was to dwell in it; Whalley Couch. (Chet. Soc.), i, 52. In 1236 Richard de Hulton, and in 1242 the heirs of Richard de Hulton, held the sixth part of a fee in Pendleton; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 144, 153. It is noteworthy that in 1256 the Hultons' estate was described as a plough-land and half a plough-land in Pendleton, not half a plough-land only, as recorded in 1212; Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 122. As late as 1302 Richard de Hulton was recorded as holding the sixth part of a fee in Pendleton, but this is a duplication (in error) of his tenement in Ordsall and Flixton, which is also given; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 314.
  • 14. William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, granted to David de Hulton his land in Flixton and manor of Ordsall in July 1251; Gregson, Fragments (ed. Harland), 347.
  • 15. The grant in frankalmoign was made in Dec. 1261; it included the manor of Swineshurst and of the Walneys (now Wallness) by Salford, with the mill on the Irwell, &c., the town of Pendleton with all the villeins holding the villeinage of the town, their chattels, and sequel; Phillips MS. 7899, printed in Staffs. Coll. viii. The bounds of the waste of the New Hall by Saltfield and of Pendleton about the same time were as follows:—From Wallness Pool to Broad Oak Snape, following the lache to Wetsnape, by the Rowe Lache to Saltfield Clow as far as Wolfhays meanigate; thence by the high road [? to Eccles] to Little Leyhead and thence to Gildenaver Ford [Gilda Brook] and so by Tippesbrook [Folly Brook] to Bispeslowe [? Irlams-o'-th'-Height], thence by the Black Lache to Alwine Mere and Redford, and by the syke under Pendlebury Park to the Irwell, and down this to the starting-point; Coll. Topog. et Gen. i, 248. In 1284 the king granted the Prior and convent of St. Thomas free warren in their demesne lands of Swineshurst; Chart. R. 77, m. 6, no. 45. For a further licence see Cal. Pat. 1292–1301, p. 146. There is a brief notice of St. Thomas's Priory in Dugdale, Mon. vi, 471. Some charters and notes will be found in Staffs. Coll. (Wm. Salt Soc.), viii, 125–201, referred to above.
  • 16. Plac. de Quo War. (Rec. Com.), 386. The estate was eighteen messuages, twelve oxgangs (i.e. a plough-land and a half) and 120 acres of land, a toft, and a mill, held by the sixth part of a knight's fee. Master John de Craven was in possession. It was asserted that the grant to the priory had been made without the king's licence. The sheriff took possession, and returned the annual value as £18 13s. 4d.; ibid. 228.
  • 17. The king confirmed the grant of Robert de Ferrers in Aug. 1295; Cal. Pat. 1292–1301, p. 146. A curious claim was made in 1292. Agnes widow of David de Hulton claimed dower in Pendleton, on the ground that the tenements in Flixton and Ordsall which William de Ferrers had given her in exchange for Pendleton were not of equal value. The jury agreed, finding Pendleton the more valuable by £6 a year, and averred that Agnes should retain her dower in Flixton and have a further 40s. a year from Pendleton; Assize R. 408, m. 39. This claim appears as early as 1285; De Banco R. 59, m. 31. Possibly there were other suits, for in 1302 she surrendered her right in return for an annuity of 44s., to be paid by the prior out of Pendleton; Staffs. Coll. viii. In 1324 account was given of 15s. of the farm of eight oxgangs of land which Sir Robert de Holland had in farm of the prior of St. Thomas, among Sir Robert's other forfeited lands; L.T.R. Enr. Accts. Misc. no. 14, m. 76 d. (2).
  • 18. Maud de Worsley in 1332 granted to the prior her interest in lands, &c., in Pendleton, Newhall, Woodhouses, Wallness, and Swineshurst; Staffs. Coll. viii. Henry, Earl of Lancaster, in 1339 gave the prior 12 acres of heath in Salford and Pendleton as recompense for the priory's common of pasture on the heath; Duchy of Lanc. Anct. D. L, 2084. To the aid levied 1346–55 the Prior of St. Thomas contributed 6s. 8d. for the sixth part of a knight's fee, held in free alms; Feud. Aids, iii, 91. In the survey of 1346 a rent of 11½d. was charged for one ploughland held by the prior; this reappears in an extent made a century later, the prior stating that he held in frankalmoign and not in socage; Add. MS. 32103, fol. 146; Duchy of Lanc. Knights' fees, 2/20. In 1525 the prior demised lands in Pendleton to Ottiwell Wirrall for a term; Staffs. Coll. viii.
  • 19. Pat. 31 Hen. VIII, pt. vi; see L. and P. xiv (2), 156.
  • 20. The account of the Fowlers is in the main taken from Gillow, St. Thomas's Priory, where a pedigree of the family is given, 147–57. Bishop Lee (see Dict. Nat. Biog.) died in 1543. His sister Isabel had married Roger Fowler of Broomhill, Norfolk, and the four nephews were Rowland of Broomhill, Bryan, William of Harnage Grange, Shropshire, and James of Pendeford, Staffordshire. Bryan Fowler in 1547 took action against Robert Shaw, the king's farmer, respecting Brindlache and other lands in Pendleton; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), ii, 93. He was frequently imprisoned for recusancy, and died in 1587. By his wife Jane, daughter and heir of John Hanmer of Bettisfield, he had a son Walter, who died in 1621, leaving a son Edward, father of the Walter Fowler named in the text. Inquisitions are extant taken after the death of Bryan Fowler, whose son Walter was thirty-six years of age in 1588; and of Walter Fowler, who died in 1621, leaving a son and heir Edward, aged thirty. The tenure of Pendleton is not stated; Chan. Inq. p.m. ii, 216, 393. Edward Fowler died in Nov. 1623, holding the manor of Pendleton, and leaving a son and heir Walter, only three years old; ibid. (Ser. ii), vol. 404, no. 126.
  • 21. Cal. of Com. for Compounding, iii, 1891–6. Among other complaints against him was one that he, 'being admitted tenant to his own estate, put the tenants to rack rents "to screw up the fifths."' In 1654 there was granted the discharge from sequestration of lands in Pendleton Pool, Eccles Parish, bought by John Wildman. In 1651 Constance wife of Walter Fowler had been allowed her fifth of her husband's sequestrated estate; ibid. v, 3289.
  • 22. Index of Royalists (Index Soc.), 30.
  • 23. A pedigree was recorded in 1663; Staffs. Coll. (Wm. Salt Soc.), v (2), 134–7. Walter Fowler died in 1684, and his son Walter about 1695.
  • 24. Estcourt and Payne, Engl. Cath. Nonjurors, 115. Katherine, who died in 1725, was the daughter of William Fowler's younger sister Magdalen, whose husband's name was Cassey.
  • 25. In a fine of 1733, after the decision of the lawsuit narrated in the text, the deforciants of the manor of Pendleton alias Pendleton Pool, and lands there, were Thomas, Viscount Fauconberg, and Katherine his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 307, m. 130.
  • 26. The will remained in the custody of the lawyer who drew it up, Christopher Ward of Stafford. After his death it was discovered by his son Edward, who communicated with Lord Aston, the principal Fowler trustee, and he in turn laid it before Richard FitzGerald, who saw that Rebecca Grove would be entitled to a moiety of the estate at her father's death, and married her; Gillow, op. cit. 73, quoting Clifford's Par. of Tixall, 39.
  • 27. The father had died during the progress of the suit. It is said to have been disgust at the result of the suit that led Lord Fauconberg to sell his Lancashire estates and renounce his religion; but Smithills had been sold earlier; he conformed to the Established Church in 1737, being rewarded with an earldom. He is said to have returned to the Roman communion on his death-bed, 1774.
  • 28. He was the eldest son of Colonel Nicholas FitzGerald, who was slain at the battle of the Boyne, fighting for Jas. II. In a fine relating to the moiety of Pendleton in 1734, Richard FitzGerald and Rebecca his wife were deforciants; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 321, m. 72.
  • 29. Gillow, op. cit. 156.
  • 30. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 65. See also Pipe R. 5 Hen. III, m. 4d.
  • 31. Among the forfeited lands of Sir Robert de Holland in 1324 was the manor of Hope, farmed to Richard de Hulton at 62s. 2d. a year; L.T.R. Enr. Accts. Misc. no. 14, m. 76 d. (2). Richard de Radcliffe of Ordsall, who died in 1380, held in the Hope a messuage and 60 acres of arable land by the service of £4 a year; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 8. The statement is repeated later, the service being corrected to £4 2s.; ibid. i, 148 (the 'manor' of Hope); ii, 124. A family took a surname from this place. In 1346–8 Henry de Hope was charged with 6d. (? 6s.) for castle ward on account of a meadow in Pendleton held by him; Add. MS. 32103, fol. 146; Sheriff's Compotus, 1348. John Hope of Pendleton occurs in 1448; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 11, m. 26.
  • 32. A chief rent of 2s. 6d. was paid to the Duchy for William Bradshaw's land in Pendleton in the time of Elizabeth; Baines, Lancs. (ed. 1770), i, 447. Lawrence Bradshaw contributed to the subsidy of 1622 as a landowner; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 154. The family recorded a pedigree in 1665; Dugdale, Visit. (Chet. Soc.), 53. Another Bradshaw family resided at Newhall, Pendleton. George Bradshaw contributed to the above subsidy, 'for goods.' Richard Bradshaw of Newhall and Robert his son occur in a deed in 1619. In 1633 Anne Bradshaw, widow, had from William Dauntesey of Agecroft a lease of lands in Pendleton for the lives of Robert, Miles, and Thomas, children of Miles Bradshaw, deceased. Robert Bradshaw was living in 1696, aged 68; Agecroft D. no. 225. Bradshaws occur as late as 1744; Eccles Ch. Notes, 55.
  • 33. See E. Axon, Bayley Family (1894). James Bayley, a prosperous Whig merchant of Manchester, was in 1745 compelled by the Young Pretender to raise £2,500 as a contribution to his funds. His eldest son Daniel, who purchased and rebuilt Hope Hall, was one of the worshippers at Cross Street Chapel, Manchester, where he is supposed to have been buried. He was an uncle of Robert Clive, afterwards Lord Clive, and sheltered and educated him as his own son. This son, Thomas Butterworth Bayley, the only surviving child, was born in 1744, educated at the University of Edinburgh, was a trustee of Cross Street Chapel, but conformed to the Established Church, and became one of the leading men of the district. He paid a rent of £4 4s. to the Duchy for Hope in 1779; Duchy of Lanc. Rentals, bdle. 14, no. 25. He was elected F.R.S. in 1773, and died 24 June 1802. He took part in the philanthropic and patriotic efforts of his time, his special interests being agriculture and the improvement of prisons. He published several pamphlets. Of his sons and grandsons several rose to distinction in the service of the state and the Church. See Baker, Mem. Dissenting Chapel, 87; Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 34. Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, in 1292 granted to Adam de Prestwich a piece of moorland in the waste of Salford, which from the later descent appears to be Brindlache. The bounds were thus described: From the corner of the ditch of Blackhow riding down to Wodarneley and to Wodarneford in the Irwell; by the Irwell up to the beginning of Pendlebury; up the boundary of Pendlebury to Alvene mere, and so to the ditch of Pendleton; down to the ditch to the starting-point. The rent was to be 6s. 8d. See Lancs. and Ches. Antiq. Soc. v, 251, where a facsimile of the deed (Agecroft collection) is given. Alice de Prestwich in 1324 held Brindlache by the yearly service of 6s. 8d.; Dods. MSS. cxxxi, fol. 39. Maud widow of Richard de Lynales paid 2s. in 1348 for 2 acres of land; while Richard de Windle paid 10s. for 10 acres of the waste at Brindlache and near Newhall; Sheriff's Compotus of 22 Edw. III. Robert Langley had in 1437 a lease for twenty years of 20 acres of pasture in Brindlache, previously held by the Prior of St. Thomas, at an increased rent amounting in all to 16s.; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xl, App. 534. In 1453 another lease of Brindlache and an adjacent parcel called Windleshay was granted to James Langley at 40s. rent; Agecroft D. no. 78. By the Act of Resumption of 1464, a £10 annuity was secured to Thomas Langley, granted by letters patent on farms in Pendleton and pastures called Brindlache and Windlehey; Rolls of Parl. v, 247. In 1539 Henry VIII gave a lease of Brindlache and Windlehey to Robert Langley at 42s. rent, but six years afterwards he sold the land for £42; Agecroft D. no. 111, 112, 116, 117. For a complaint against Robert Langley in 1546 respecting this land see Duchy Plead. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 214.
  • 35. By settlements of 1561 Brindlache and Windlehey, with a slight exception, were to descend to Anne daughter of Robert Langley of Agecroft, with remainder to another daughter, Margaret wife of John Reddish; Agecroft D. no. 132, 129. In 1623 it was found that William Dauntesey of Agecroft held Windlehey of the king by a rent of 12d.; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), iii, 349.
  • 36. The origin of this branch of the Holland family is unknown. In 1534 the Prior of St. Thomas's leased to Otho son of George Holland of Eccles land in Pendleton; the term was eighty years, but renewable up to 240 years; Clowes D. (recited in a deed of 1719). Otho Holland contributed, 'for goods,' to the subsidy of 1541; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 141. In 1597 Otho Holland of Newhall was contracted to marry Katherine daughter of George Linne of Southwick, Notts.; Clowes D. Otho Holland died in 1620 seised of Garthall Houses in Pendleton, with land attached, held of the king as of his manor of Salford by a rent of 4d. His heir was his son George, not quite of age; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 218. In 1699 Sir Edward Coke of Langford leased Drinkwater's tenement in Pendleton to Otho Holland, who agreed, among other things, 'to plant yearly during the term in some part of the premises four good plants of oak, ash, or elm, and eight more boughs of poplar, and to do his best to preserve them from spoil'; Manch. Free Lib. D. no. 109. Alice widow and executrix of Otho Holland was party to a deed in 1715 providing for the issue of his daughters—Mary wife of Robert Cooke; Elizabeth wife of John Fletcher; and Alice wife of Robert Philips; ibid. no. 111. In later times what was called the Old Hall was a residence built about 1760, and in the possession of the Barrow family; while the New Hall, pulled down in 1872, was a farm-house, built in 1640 on the site, as it is supposed, of an older house.
  • 37. Final Conc. iii, 89.
  • 38. King John while Count of Mortain made a grant of this estate to William son of Adam, and confirmed it in 1201, after he had come to the throne; Chart. R. 90b; Lancs. Pipe R. 132. In 1212 William de Bolton was dead, and his heir was in ward of the king; the estate is called one oxgang only; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 71. The wardship was granted to Adam de Pendlebury in 1216; Rot. Lit. Claus. (Rec. Com.), 251. To the canons of Cockersand William son of Adam de Bolton granted the Tanner's assart in Little Bolton, the bounds being Bindley (? Bradley) syke, the carr, Croshaw oak, Brandale clough, Brendoak clough, Rushylache, the ditch, and Bradley syke; common rights, including quittance of pannage for sixty pigs, were also allowed; Cockersand Chart. ii, 703. Richard son of William de Bolton occurs in 1241; Final Conc. i, 80. In 1324 another Richard de Bolton held Little Bolton in thegnage by the service of 18s. a year; Dods. MSS. cxxxi, fol. 37b. About the same time Richard de Bolton granted to his son Henry a messuage which Richard the Miller had held, together with half of the grantor's lands in the hamlet of Bolton in the vill of Pendleton, his capital messuage and an acre near the Pool bridge being excepted; Vawdrey D. In 1326 Richard released to his son Henry all his right in the hamlet of Little Bolton; ibid. In 1332 Henry son of Richard de Bolton was plaintiff in a suit respecting four messuages and 30 acres in Pendleton, Thurstan son of Margaret de Worsley being defendant; De Banco R. 288, m. 55 d. Thurstan is no doubt Thurstan de Holland, ancestor of the Denton family. Richard de Bolton in 1319–20 had granted to Thurstan son of Margaret de Shoresworth a part of his land in Bolton in Pendleton; and Thomas, the grantor's son, quitclaimed Thurstan in 1339; Harl. MS. 2112, fol. 146/182. Thurstan de Holland in 1324 paid 6s. 8d. a year 'foreign rent' belonging to the manor of Hope; L.T.R. Enr. Accts. Misc. no. 14, m. 76 d. In the Survey of 1346 appears 18s., the rent of Thurstan de Holland (2 or 3 oxgangs), Henry de Bolton (3 oxgangs), and Ralph de Prestwich (1 oxgang), for their tenements in Bolton near Eccles; Add. MS. 32103, fol. 146. Ralph de Prestwich also held 6 acres of the waste, called Bradley, by charter of Sir Robert de Holland at a rent of 3s. 2d.; ibid. Alice widow of Richard son of Henry de Bolton released to Henry the son of Richard all her claim to dower in Litley in Little Bolton; Vawdrey D. Henry in 1357 made a settlement of his messuage, mill, and land; Final Conc. ii, 153. The remainders were to Henry son of John Gawen the Harper—probably a grandson—and his issue; in default to Thomas and Richard brothers of Henry de Bolton.
  • 39. John Gawen or Gowyn, sometimes called the Harper, and Agnes his wife had lands in Davyhulme in 1354; Agecroft D. no. 337. John Gawen in 1357 leased to Adam de Ainsworth land in Little Bolton, between Bolton Brook and Shoresworth Brook, at a rent of 24s. and the service of a reaper for one day in the year; Vawdrey D. A grant of 9 acres of the waste of Pendleton at a rent of 4s. was made in 1359 to John Gawen and his issue; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xxxii, App. 340. Henry son of John Gawen acquired a messuage and lands from Henry de Monton and Olive his wife in 1358; Final Conc. ii, 158. A settlement of lands between Shoresworth Brook and the Millbrook was made in 1390, in favour of Henry Gawen and Ellen his wife; Vawdrey D. Henry died in July 1398, and his widow Ellen was claiming dower as late as 1430; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xxxiii, App. 31. Richard son of Henry Gawen had a grant of land in the south-west corner of Pendleton from his father in 1390 on his marriage with Emanie daughter of Richard de Holland; one of the boundaries was Bibbylumn on Bentcliffe Brook; Vawdrey D. Richard Gawen made a feoffment of certain lands in 1434, and other deeds of his are extant, dated 1441, 1445, and 1447; Vawdrey D. In 1445–6 he held Little Bolton in socage, paying a rent of 18s.; Duchy of Lanc. Knights' Fees 2/20. In the Cockersand rentals of 1451– 1537 various Richard Gawens held the abbey's lands in Pendleton at a rent of 12d.; Chartul. iv, 1238–41. In a grant of lands in Little Bolton in 1451 the remainders were to Richard Gawen for life, and then to William son and heir of Thurstan Gawen, and to Katherine, Margery, and Elizabeth, sisters of William; Vawdrey D. Richard Gawen occurs in 1496; ibid. Three years afterwards John Legh, son and heir apparent of Margery daughter and one of the heirs of Thurstan Gawen, released his claim to Thurstan's lands in Little Bolton in favour of his mother, then wife of Thomas Smethwick; ibid.
  • 40. In the time of Queen Elizabeth Thomas Valentine paid a chief rent of 28s. 3d. for two parts of Gawen's lands, and Adam Hill and Edmund Gooden paid 14s. 2d. for the other part; Baines, Lancs. (ed. 1870), i, 447.
  • 41. There is a notice of the family in Gillow, Bibl. Dict. of Engl. Cath. ii, 524. Isabel Gooden, widow, and Janet and Jane her daughters had in 1560 a lease of a messuage in Broomhouse Lane, which Janet in 1595, as widow of Thomas Travers, transferred to her son Edmund Travers, Edmund Gooden being a witness; Vawdrey D. Edmund Gooden of Little Bolton complained in 1566 that certain persons had made a great ditch across the way from his house to the church of Eccles, and had stopped up other ways also. His landlord, Thomas Billott, resided in Wales. In defence Robert Barlow and Edmund Parkington said that they had allowed the tenants of Edmund Gooden to pass through their lands to the church and to carry fuel, but when this permission was claimed as a right they withdrew it; Duchy of Lanc. Plead. Eliz. lxvii, G. 4. In 1619 Edmund Gooden of Little Bolton purchased lands in Highfield and Pendleton; Vawdrey D. Next year he died seised of various lands in Little Bolton held of the king as of his manor of Salford in socage by a rent of 3s. 4d.; also of lands in Monton and Winton; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 209. Edmund his son and heir, then twenty-two years of age, died a year after his father, leaving as heir his daughter Ellen, eighteen months old; his widow Ellen was living at Little Bolton; ibid. ii, 242. By virtue of a settlement recited in the inquisition the estate passed to Thomas Gooden, younger brother of Edmund, with remainders to Richard, John, and Peter Gooden. Thomas Gooden contributed as a landowner to the subsidy of 1622; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 154. In 1631 he paid £10 as composition for declining knighthood; ibid. i, 215. Thomas Gooden, a recusant and delinquent, was in 1651 suspected of having borne arms for the king, and his estate was sequestrated by the Parliament; whereupon he petitioned. His brother John had been wounded by some of Prince Rupert's men. Another man altogether, Lieut. Gooden, had taken part in the defence of Lathom house; Cal. of Com. for Compounding, iv, 2723, 3160; Royalist Comp. Papers (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), iii, 81, 86. Thomas Gooden of Little Bolton, Edmund his son (of Trafford), and Thomas Gooden of Pendlebury occur in a deed of 1664. Richard Gooden of Pendlebury, as a 'papist,' registered an estate in Manchester in 1717; Estcourt and Payne, Engl. Cath. Nonjurors, 153. See also Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. xiv, App. iv, 110. In 1738 Thomas Gooden had lands in Pendleton in the Old Hall (now the New Hall) and Walness; he was the grandnephew of Thomas Gooden of Pendleton; Piccope MSS. (Chet. Lib.), iii, 262, from Roll 12 of Geo. II at Preston. At the expiry of a lease of the Old Hall in 1774 the tenant was of the same name; Manch. Guardian N. and Q. no. 1123. Three years later Little Bolton Hall was sold by Dorothy sister and heir of Thomas Gooden and wife of Albert Hodshon of Leighton, to Thomas Worsley; Dorothy had two daughters—Mary wife of Ralph Standish of Standish, and Anne; the former had a portion of £2,000; ibid. iii, 342, 344, from Roll 15 of Geo. II. In the same volume (p. 236) is the will of Richard Gooden of Pendlebury, 1728; he had lands in Barton, Tottington, Pendlebury, and Stretford; Richard and other sons are named. In 1741 Thomas Starky of Preston sold to Thomas Worsley the capital messuage called Little Bolton Hall; ibid. iii, 344, from Roll 15 of Geo. II. Samuel Worsley paid a rent of 9s. 11d. to the duchy for Little Bolton in 1779; Duchy of Lanc. Rentals, 14/25.
  • 42. John Gawen of Worsley and Robert Barlow of Little Bolton were under bond in 1570 to allow Thomas Tyldesley and Margery his wife to occupy the mansionhouse called the Waste in Little Bolton lately held by Ralph Malbon, former husband of Margery; John Gawen, however, repudiated his liability; Vawdrey D. Kuerden (iii, P 3) has preserved a grant by William Benastre to Roger del Wood and Isabel his wife, of Salefield under Pendleton and adjoining Little Bolton.
  • 43. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxvii, 44; messuages and lands in Pendleton, Pendlebury, Little Bolton, &c., held of the king as of his manor of Salford.
  • 44. Ibid. xxvii, 54.
  • 45. Ibid. xxix, 52; 4 acres held of the king as of his manor of Salford in socage.
  • 46. Land Tax Returns at Preston.
  • 47. House of Commons Return, 5, 6. The report also gives particulars of a number of sales of land.
  • 48. Margaret widow of Ralph Oldham said that on the Monday after Low Sunday, 1444, Thomas Booth of Barton, Nicholas and Henry his sons, William Gawen of Swinton and many others waylaid and wounded her husband, so that he died in the following July. The jury acquitted most of the accused; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 8, m. 20. It was further presented that Henry son of Sir Thomas Booth, with others, had shot at John Radcliffe of Ordsall and killed him; and had inflicted a mortal wound on Nicholas Johnson. In this case also there was an acquittal; ibid. R. 9, m. 31b. At a later assize, however, Henry and Nicholas Booth were outlawed; ibid. R. 11, m. 32b.
  • 49. Whalley Couch. i, 54; Richard de Hulton would appoint the chaplain, who was, however, to be approved by the monks of Stanlaw. No injury was to be done to the rights or dues of the parish church. It was further provided that no religious man should celebrate in the chapel; but secular priests, staying for a short time as guests in the lord's house, might celebrate during their visit.
  • 50. Sentence of consecration was passed 26 July 1776; Church P. at Chester. James Pedley, M.A., of St Edmund Hall, Oxford, was incumbent for forty-nine years, dying in 1825. For over forty years he was also an assistant master of Manchester Grammar School. 'No man could exceed him in attachment to the constitution as established in church and state'; Gent's Mag. July 1825. For district see Lond. Gaz. 8 Aug. 1865.
  • 51. The district was formed in 1846; Lond. Gaz. 17 Jan.
  • 52. For district ibid. 10 Mar. 1860.
  • 53. Ibid. 25 Mar. 1866.
  • 54. Ibid. 6 Feb. 1866.
  • 55. Nightingale, Lancs. Nonconf. v, 224–9.