Houses of Austin canons: The priory of Caldwell

Pages 382-385

A History of the County of Bedford: Volume 1. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1904.

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The origin of the priory of Caldwell is somewhat obscure. Its earliest charters of endowment are of the reign of Henry II., but undated; (fn. 1) but as a prior of Caldwell witnessed a charter granted by Robert Bruce to Harrold (fn. 2) during the lifetime of Malcolm IV. of Scotland (1153-65), we may conclude that this house, like so many others in Bedfordshire, was founded early in the reign of Henry II. or perhaps in that of Stephen. The founder's name is unknown. The Close Roll of 13 Edward III. (fn. 3) speaks only of 'the ancestors of Simon Barescote of Bedford'; Leland, by naming Simon Barescote in one place, and in another assigning the foundation to the Beauchamps or the Beaumonts, shows that there were several contradictory traditions in existence in his time. (fn. 4) The priory belonged at first to the order of the Holy Sepulchre, (fn. 5) and was dedicated to St. John Baptist; (fn. 6) but after the thirteenth century it probably ceased to be in any way distinguished from the other Augustinian houses. The canons of the Holy Sepulchre were only separated from other Augustinians by their name, and the scarlet badge on their cloaks (fn. 7); in all probability they kept exactly the same rule, as on two occasions canons of Dunstable were invited to be priors of Caldwell, while it was still called by the name of the Holy Cross.

Four churches in this county—Bromham, Roxton, Sandy and Oakley with the chapel of Clapham—belonged to Caldwell at the beginning of the thirteenth century; Marsworth and Broughton in Buckinghamshire, and Arnesby in Leicestershire before 1291; (fn. 8) Tolleshunt Major in Essex at a later date. (fn. 9) Its temporal possessions lay for the most part within the county of Bedford, and were never very extensive; in 1291 they were worth less than £50.

At the siege of Bedford Castle in 1224, the canons assisted the king by providing him with materials for mangonels, and received in return a share of the stones from the dismantled walls. (fn. 10) At this time, as well as later, they seem to have been on friendly terms with the canons of Dunstable. It was by the advice of the prior of Dunstable, amongst others, that Prior Eudo of Caldwell resigned and fled to the Cistercians of Merivale, before the visitation of Bishop Grossetête; and the sub-prior of Dunstable took his place. (fn. 11)

The reason why he was afraid of the visitation is not stated, only that he was 'accused by many'; he had only been prior five years, and during his term of office had been sent by the pope to settle a dispute as far away as Yorkshire. (fn. 12)

In 1287 there seems to have been some uncertainty about the advowson of the priory, and the election of John of Yprès was hurried so as to prevent any claim being made. (fn. 13)

In the year 1339, at the death of Prior Roger of Wellington (or Wymington) the king's escheator seized the lands of the priory; partly on the ground of a rumour that in the time of Henry III. the advowson had been taken into the king's hand, and partly because the prior held two carucates of land and a rent of 100s. within Bedford town, and held in fee farm of the king. The canons however appealed to the king himself, who thereupon wrote to the escheator to molest them no further, saying that he had heard from the present prior that Simon de Barescote, whose ancestors founded the priory, gave the advowson to Roger the Marshal, and he to William le Latimer; and that thus it had descended to Robert de Ufford and his wife who then held it. (fn. 14)

The churches belonging to the priory were not very wealthy, and sometimes they proved a source of expense rather than of revenue. The chapel of Clapham in their own county, and the church of Marsworth in Buckinghamshire must have cost the canons a good deal of money. A part of the tithes from both of these had been granted to Osney Abbey at its foundation, (fn. 15) amounting to a pension of 12 marks; and from the first the canons of Caldwell seem to have made efforts to escape this payment. In 1279 (fn. 16) they had to be ordered to pay it 'on pain of excommunication'; but in the beginning of the fourteenth century Hugh de Beauchamp, who was prior at the time, began a long series of suits with Osney on the same subject. (fn. 17) He was seemingly unsuccessful, for this pension was still reckoned among the liabilities of the priory in 1535. (fn. 18) It was probably the pressure of poverty at this particular time that stirred the prior to make these efforts; he was then rebuilding the conventual church, and only a few years before Bishop Dalderby had granted a licence to the canons to beg alms for this purpose, as they were so poor. (fn. 19) Several chantries were granted at about the same time. (fn. 20)

The priory did not grow any richer as time went on. In 1318 the canons parted with the advowson of Broughton church to the dean and chapter of Lincoln (fn. 21); and in 1525 with that of Sandy to Bishop Longland and his brother. (fn. 22) The bishop wrote of it in the same year as 'a very poor place,' and said that instead of the £100 which the king had asked for in his letter, he had only instructed the prior to contribute £20 towards the loan which was being collected from all the religious houses. (fn. 23)

The prior, Thomas Dey, with six canons and two lay brothers, subscribed to the Royal Supremacy in 1535 (fn. 24); and as the house had an income of only £109 8s. 5d. (fn. 25) clear, it was surrendered under the act of 1536. (fn. 26)

The visitation of Bishop Grossetête in 1249, when Prior Eudo fled to the Cistercians, has been already alluded to. Bishop Buckingham visited the house in 1387 (fn. 27) and reminded the canons, according to the custom of a visitation, of the duties of obedience, silence, assistance in choir, and proper administration of the goods of the monastery. He laid special stress on the necessity of instructing the younger canons in song and in grammar, that they might be fit to perform the divine office. They were forbidden under pain of imprisonment and excommunication to enter taverns in Bedford, or to visit the monastery of Elstow.

Bishop Repingdon (fn. 28) repeated these injunctions not to go to Bedford, or to the abbey of Elstow on any pretext whatever; and one of the canons was forbidden to go outside the cloister at all. The canons generally were not to drink anywhere but in the prior's presence, which seems to imply some laxity in this respect.

When Bishop Grey (fn. 29) visited the priory he found John Wymington, the brother whom Bishop Repingdon had ordered to keep within the cloister, holding the office of sub-prior; he had now to be deposed. There is nothing special in the injunctions of this time which might point to laxity; the bishop only said that the canons were not to go to Bedford, that hunting dogs were not to be kept in the monastery, and that the common seal was to be kept under lock and key. And it seems that Bishop Longland accused the house of no worse fault than poverty.

The original endowment of the priory cannot be exactly stated, as the foundation charter is not in existence. Robert of Houghton granted to the canons the site of the priory in 1272 (fn. 30); and in 1336 they held lands and tenements in Bedford, Bromham, Milton, Colesden, Roxton, Chalverston, Sandy, Sutton, Potton, Thurleigh, Holwell, Felmersham and Shelton. (fn. 31) The churches held by the priory in 1291 (fn. 32) were Oakley with Clapham, Roxton, Bromham, Sandy; with Marsworth and Broughton in Buckinghamshire and Arnesby in Leicestershire. In 1535 they still remained in its gift, except Broughton and Sandy; Tolleshunt Major in Essex being added. (fn. 33) In 1302 (fn. 34) the prior of Caldwell held half a knight's fee in Chawston and small portions in Milton Ernest and Eaton; in 1346 (fn. 35) the same half-fee; and until 1346 he held also one quarter of a knight's fee in Edlesborough in Buckinghamshire. (fn. 36) The first report of the Crown bailiff gives a total of £134 15s. 8½d., including the demesne lands of the priory, the manor of Shelton and divers parcels of land in the counties of Bedford, Warwick, Northampton, Leicester, and the rectories of Clapham, Oakley, Roxton-cum-Colesden, Bromham, Marsworth, Arnesby and Tolleshunt Major. (fn. 37)

Priors of Caldwell

Osbert, (fn. 38) occurs 1178 and 1186

Hugh, (fn. 39) occurs 1200-1

Alexander, (fn. 40) elected 1212, died 1229

William, (fn. 41) elected 1229, died 1244

Eudo, (fn. 42) elected 1244, resigned 1249

Walter of Caddington, (fn. 43) elected 1249, resigned 1272

Matthew of Bedford, (fn. 44) elected 1272, resigned 1287

John of Yprès, (fn. 45) elected 1287, resigned 1313

John de Lacu, (fn. 46) elected 1303, died 1318

Hugh de Beauchamp, (fn. 47) elected 1318, resigned 1326

Roger of Wymington, (fn. 48) elected 1326, occurs 1332

Robert of Lufwyk, (fn. 49) resigned 1338

William of Souldrop, (fn. 50) elected 1338, resigned 1348

Richard of Hardwick, (fn. 51) elected 1348, died 1349

Ralph of Derby, (fn. 52) elected 1349, died 1375

Thomas of Stratford, (fn. 53) elected 1375, died 1396

Ralph Portreeve, (fn. 54) elected 1396, resigned 1397

Thomas Pollard, (fn. 55) elected 1397, died or resigned 1420

Thomas Bole, (fn. 56) elected 1420, occurs 1425

John Ampthill, (fn. 57) occurs 1437

John Bedford, (fn. 58) resigned 1479

Richard Derby, (fn. 59) elected 1479

Thomas Cople, (fn. 60) elected 1492, resigned 1509

Robert Hanslape, (fn. 61) elected 1509, resigned 1525

John Biggleswade, (fn. 62) elected 1525, died 1531

Thomas Dey, (fn. 63) elected 1531

The common seal of the priory represented our Lady crowned, and standing with the holy Child in her arms; on the right St. John the Baptist, on the left St. John the Evangelist; the prior kneeling below.



  • 1. One is contained in an Inspeximus of Richard II. Pat. 13 Rich. II. pt. 1, m. 21, and witnessed by Hugh de Beauchamp: the other in Pat. 2 Henry VI. pt. 3, m. 23, and witnessed by Richard Bishop of Winchester.
  • 2. Lansd. MS. 591, f. 4b.
  • 3. Close, 13 Edw. III. pt. i. m. 38.
  • 4. Quoted Dugdale, Mon. vi. 391.
  • 5. So called in the charter of 57 Henry III. (Dugd. Mon. vi. 393).
  • 6. The grant under the charter just mentioned is to God, to Blessed Mary and the brothers of the Holy Cross; but this does not necessarily imply that the house was dedicated to St. Mary. The charters of Henry II. are granted to 'his canons regular of St. John Baptist, Bedford,' or 'his poor canons of St. John Baptist': and in the Acknowledgment of the Royal Supremacy they are the canons of St. John Baptist and St. John Evangelist (Rymer, Fœdera, vi. [2], 198).
  • 7. Helyot and Bullot, Hist. des Ordres Mon. ii. 116.
  • 8. Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.), 63.
  • 9. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), iv. 189.
  • 10. Close, 8 Henry III.; Ann. Mon. (Rolls Series), iii. 88.
  • 11. Ibid. 179.
  • 12. Cal. of Pap. Letters, i. 230.
  • 13. Ann. Mon. (Rolls Series), ii. 340.
  • 14. Close, 12 Edw. I. pt. 1, m. 18; 13 Edw. III. pt. 1, m. 38. This reference to the recent death of Roger of Wellington makes it difficult to account for Robert de Lufwyk, who is said to have resigned at the election of William of Souldrop in 1338 (Linc. Epis. Reg., Inst. Burghersh, 319).
  • 15. Dugdale, Mon. vi. 249.
  • 16. Bodl. Lib. Oxon. Chart. Osney Abbey, No. 22. This charter is described in the calendar as referring to Canwell Priory; but the name in the charter is 'Caldewelle,' and the mention in it of the tithes of Marsworth and Clopham makes the reference quite clear. It is addressed by the prior and sub-prior of St. Oswald's, Gloucester, to the dean of Bedford. In 1253 the chronicler of Dunstable notices that the canons secured the presentation to Marsworth, but gained nothing from the church (Ann. Mon. [Rolls Series], iii. 189).
  • 17. Ibid. Beds Chart. 2-19; Beds R. i. The latter is dated 1322; and the name of Hugh de Beauchamp occurs frequently in the charters. The pension is called the 'ancient and accustomed pension,' and valued at 12 marks.
  • 18. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), iv. 190. It was still 12 marks.
  • 19. Linc. Epis. Reg., Memo. Dalderby, 176d. Licence to prior and convent of Caldwell to beg alms for the repair and rebuilding of their church on account of poverty. Ibid. Memo. Burghersh, f. 39d. Indulgence for the fabric of the conventual church, 1321.
  • 20. Ibid.; Inst. Dalderby, 302; Inst. Burghersh, 292, 294, 294d.
  • 21. Pat. 11 Edw. II. pt. 1, m. 8.
  • 22. Harl. Ch. 83, A 29.
  • 23. L. and P. Hen. VIII. iv. 1330.
  • 24. Rymer, Fœdera, vi. (2), 198.
  • 25. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), iv. 190, 192.
  • 26. L. and P. Hen. VIII. x. 1238. (List of those houses under £200 revenue.) The actual date of the surrender is not given, nor the pensions.
  • 27. Linc. Epis. Reg., Memo. Buckingham, f. 342. With regard to Elstow, it should be remembered that the two houses were near together; and also that in 1318, when Hugh de Beauchamp became prior of Caldwell, Elizabeth de Beauchamp became abbess of Elstow. If these two were nearly related, it may have led to a certain amount of intercourse between the two houses, which would be natural enough, and yet call for some care and watchfulness on the part of superiors.
  • 28. Ibid. Memo. Repingdon, 232 (undated).
  • 29. Ibid. Memo. Grey, 200d. Just before this the bishop had ordered the prior and convent to receive back an apostate canon who had repented.
  • 30. Dugdale, Mon. vi. 391. Dated 7 July, 57 Henry III.
  • 31. Close, 13 Edw. III. pt. 1, m. 38.
  • 32. Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.), and the Linc. Epis. Reg. Arnesby had been held since the reign of Henry II. Pat. 13 Richard II. pt. 1, m. 21.
  • 33. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), iv. 189.
  • 34. Feud. Aids, i. 9.
  • 35. Ibid. i. 34.
  • 36. Ibid. i. 74.
  • 37. Dugdale, Mon. vi. 391.
  • 38. Harl. MS. 3656, f. 65, and Gorham, History of St. Neot's, II. lxxiv. (O. prior of Caldwell). Probably not the first prior. A charter of Robert Bruce to Harrold (1153-65) is witnessed (Lansd. MS. 391, f. 4b) by 'Nicholas Archer, prior of Caldwell, Gosbert, dean of Lincoln, etc.'; but the name sounds unlikely at such an early date; and the chartulary in which it occurs is a transcript of the fifteenth century, and contains mistakes in copying. It is suggested that 'Nicholas Archer' ought to be ' Nicholas Archid' (the archdeacon of Bedford from 1145-81).
  • 39. Feet of F. (Rec. Com.), 27.
  • 40. Ann. Mon. (Rolls Series), iii. 39 (sub-prior of Dunstable).
  • 41. Ibid. 116.
  • 42. Ibid. 166.
  • 43. Ibid. 179.
  • 44. Ibid. 255.
  • 45. Ibid. 340.
  • 46. Linc. Epis. Reg., Inst. Dalderby, 260d.
  • 47. Ibid. f. 276.
  • 48. Ibid. Inst. Burghersh, 298d; Close, 6 Edw. III. m. 18d.
  • 49. Ibid. 319.
  • 50. Ibid.
  • 51. Ibid. Inst. Gynwell, f. 376.
  • 52. Ibid. 382.
  • 53. Ibid. Inst. Buckingham, 392.
  • 54. Ibid. 369.
  • 55. Ibid.
  • 56. Ibid. Inst. Fleming, 121; Pat. 3 Henry VI. pt. 1, m. 21.
  • 57. In an old charter in the possession of F. A. Page-Turner, Esq.
  • 58. Linc. Epis. Reg., Inst. Rotherham, 132.
  • 59. Ibid.
  • 60. Ibid. Inst. Smith, 457.
  • 61. Linc. Epis. Reg., Inst. Smith; Harl. Ch. 83, A 29 (June, 1525).
  • 62. Linc. Epis. Reg., Inst. Longland; List of priors who attended convocation, L. and P. Hen. VIII. iv. 6047.
  • 63. Linc. Epis. Reg., Inst. Longland, 39d; Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), iv. 192. Acknowledgment of Supremacy, Rymer, Fœdera, vi. (2), 198.
  • 64. B. M. seals, lviii. 30. The same seal is attached to Harl. Ch. 83, A 29. A small seal in white wax of the twelfth century, representing a hand embracing a crutch, with the legend SIGILL' PRIORIS DE CALDEWELLE, is mentioned by Gorham, History of St. Neot's, II. lxxiv.