North Erpingham Hundred: Basingham

Pages 83-84

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1808.

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This town was granted, and belonged at the survey, to Drogo de Beuraria; in King Edward's time a freeman was lord of it, and held it under the protection of Edric, but was deprived; it contained then a carucate of land, and on the day that R. Malet's father went into the Conqueror's service, he had retained him; and Drogo's man or tenant declares, there were 8 villains, 7 borderers, 1 carucate in demean, and 2 amongst the tenants, with one acre of meadow, and 2 swine, valued at 20s. but at the survey at 60s. (fn. 1)

The town takes it name from its site, on a low ing, or meadow; thus Basing, in Hampshire; Basingburn in Cambridgeshire, &c.

Drogo was a noble Fleming, (who attended William Duke of Normandy,) Earl of Holderness, in Yorkshire, and married a niece of the Conqueror.

The family of de Basingham were enfeoffed of it.—Robert son of Walter de Basingham, gave by deed sans date, to Alan, son of John le Page, with Petronilla his sister, in marriage, a mill at Bordestede;— witnesses, Fulco de Banierd, Alexander de Vaux, Reyner de Burgh, &c.

Sir Piers de Basingham, lord, left 3 daughters and coheirs; Christian, the eldest, married Sir Walter de Mauteby: Margaret, married Sir John de Flegg; and Alice, the 3d, Sir Piers of Brampton.—Sir Piers Bassingham was probably son of Eustace de Bassingham, subcollector and accountant (in the 15th of King John) of Norfolk and Suffolk, under Robert Fitz-Roger. (fn. 2) In the 24th of Henry III. Robert de Mauteby held half a fee of Roger Fitz Osbert, and he of the Earl Warren.

William le Fleght, or Flegg, released to Walter de Mauteby, all his right and title in this manor; that of West Beckam and Matalak in the 6th of Edward I. and John de Mauteby was lord in the 9th of Edward II. Sir John de Mauteby presented to this church in 1326, Sir Robert de Mauteby in 1347, and Sir John Mauteby in 1369, and 1397.

In the reign of Henry VI. Margaret, daughter and heir of Sir John Mauteby, Knt. brought it by marriage to John Paston, Esq. of Paston, in which family it was in 1742, William Earl of Yarmouth being lord, and was soon after possessed by the Lord Anson, who purchased that Earl's estate in Norfolk; and on that Lord's death, June 6, 1762, came to his brother Thomas Anson, Esq.

In 1600, the rent of assize of this lordship was 8l. 1s. 5d.—Farm of the site of it, and of the demean lands 70l.—Profits of the court 20s. and rent of 9 capons and 17 hens, in the whole 79l. 1s. 5d. per ann.— Rent resolute, or paid out of this, 1l. 7s. 9d. ob.

At Basingham Wongs was a fair kept, for which the lord of this town was paid 9s. 8d. per ann. from Alburgh, as in the 25th of Elizabeth.

The tenths were 1l. 18s. 8d.

The Church is dedicated to St. Mary, and is a rectory; in the reign of Edward I. Sir Robert de Mauteby was patron: the rector had an edifice, with 30 acres of land, and was valued at 6 marks and an half; Peter-pence 5d. the present valor is 4l. 6s. 8d. and is discharged.


In 1301, Thomas de Hickling, instituted rector.

1326, John de Batesford, presented by Sir John de Mauteby.

1347, Thomas de Felnetham, by Sir Robert de Mauteby.

1369, John Bolour, by Sir John Mauteby.

1392, John Tydesdale. Ditto.

1397, Clement Hadam. Ditto.

From the Mautebys the patronage came to the Pastons.

In 1603, Henry Beane was rector, and returned 70 communicants, and Sir William Paston was lord and patron; in 1742, the Earl of Yarmouth was patron.

John Croshold died rector in 1732, and

Francis Copeman was presented by John Jermy, Esq. &c. hac vice, 1759.

Theoph. Buckridge, in 1760, presented by the Lord Anson.


  • 1. Terra Drogonis de Beuraria—Basingeham, ten. i lib. ho. T. R. E. comd. Edrici i car. tre. et in die quâ Pat. R. Malet ivit in servitium regis, tenebat cum, et ho. Drogonis p'hibet. sep. viii villi. et vii bor. sep. i car. in dnio. et ii hou. i ac. pti. mo. ii por. tc. val. xx mo. lx.
  • 2. Madox Hist. Exchr. p. 831.