Hundred of Henstede: Framlingham-Earl

Pages 431-434

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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There are two small villages of this name in Henstede hundred, in the liberty of the Duke of Norfolk; they were both but one at the time of the Conquest, and, was early called Framlingham-Parva, or Little-Framlingham, to distinguish it from Framlingham-Magna, or Great-Framlingham, in Suffolk which also belonged to the same family; but when the part which belonged to Ulketel was granted off by the Bigots to be held of them, that took the name of Framlingham-Picot or Pigot; and the other, of Framlingham-Earl, both from their lords, by which name they are known. Mr. Le Neve says, that the name of Framelingham signifies the seat or abode of the son of Frame, who was a Saxon of great note in these parts. It had before the Conquest been in many parts, one belonged to Godwin, who held it of Stigand; (fn. 1) another belonged to Edwin, and after that to Godric the Sewer, who held it of Earl Ralf, (fn. 2) and after his forfeiture, of Bishop Almar; Turold had another part, and Ulf, (fn. 3) Ulketel, (fn. 4) and two Norwich burgesses, (fn. 5) others: it was then, as now, an extensive manor, having lands, &c. belonging to it, in Trowse, Yelverton, Holveston, Kirkby, Poringlands, Shoteshams, Stoke, Surlingham, and Rokeland; with the advowsons of Yelverton, and Porlands; and the whole was half a mile long, and as much broad, and paid 13d. ob. geld. It passed with the possessions of the Bigods Earls of Norfolk; (fn. 6) and have attended the Norfolk families, as in Forncet at large, and is now in his Grace the Duke of Norfolk: but the advowson was separated from the manor very early, being given by Gunnora, wife of Sweyne de Essex, and mother of Henry de Essex, to the monks at Thetford, with the consent of Roger Bigot; and it remained in that house, and passed with it at its dissolution, to the Duke of Norfolk, in which family it hath always remained.


presented by the priors of Thetford.

1300, Richard de Bradwell.

1306, Walter de Fakenham.

1315, Henry de Mundham, lapse.

1316, Ric. de Rickinghall.

1338, Ric. de Bretforton, resigned. The King, in right of the temporals of Thetford priory.

1339, Roger de Naffreton, resigned. Ditto.

1345, John de Bromholm. Mary Countess of Norfolk and Marshal, by the King's grant, in right of the temporals aforesaid.

1353, Alex. Rymen.

1362, John Thomason. The Prior.

1374, Sir John de Ditton.

1377, Thomas de la More.

1409, Reginald Pakenham.

1411, Rob. Merton.

1411, Simon de Bury, resigned.

1417, Tho. Stour.

1422, Will. Mathews.

1424, John Navesy.

1433, John Bertram.

1443, John Filip, lapse.

1447, John Baxter, lapse.

1448, Robert Cunningham, lapse.

1455, Hugh Bonet, lapse.

1458, John Olerton.

1471, Will. Upgate.

1473, Rob. Smith, succeeded by Rob. Hawe, who resigned in

1481, to Thomas Appelton.

1485, Tho. Wymer, lapse.

1504, Sir John Moor.

In 1505, the churches of Framlingham-Earl and Framlingham Picot, were really united, and continued so a long time, but each patron joined in the presentations, and

John Sheriff was rector, presented to this by Thetford prior.

1518, Tho. Cokkys, was the last presented by the Prior.

1541, John Sheriff had it again, and died rector, and was presented by the Duke of Norfolk.

1563, Tho. Johnes. (fn. 7) Ditto. At his death in

1610, Theophilus Greenaway had it by lapse, and at his death Samuel Hancock, who died in 1661, and the rectories were then disunited.

1661, Christopher Athow, who held it with Framlingham-Picot by a personal union, being presented by the assignee of Lord Henry Howard: at his death in

1669, Char. Brian, who died in 1677, and Henry Duke of Norfolk presented

Samuel Hancock, who held it, with Framlingham-Picot by union; and at his resignation in 1683, the Duke gave it to

Tho. Havers, who was succeeded by

David Fleming, and he by

The Rev. Mr. Henry Goodall, archdeacon of Suffolk, who hath it with Bixley, to which it was some time since consolidated, and holds it with the united vicarage of Matashall, and rectory of Pateslee in Norfolk.

The church is dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle, hath only a nave 31 feet long and 18 broad; and a chancel 25 long and 11 broad, both being covered with thatch; the steeple is round, tiled at top, and hath two bells: there are stones in the chancel for Christopher Athow, rector, ob. 8 Aug. 1669. And for Charles son of John Keene, Gent. and Eliz. his wife, 1660. In the church is a stone with the arms of Corbet, (fn. 8) for Jane wife of William Morse, daughter of John Corbett, Gent. by whom she had ten sous and three daughters, ob. March 11, 1684, aged 37. On a brass plate, Hic iacet Yenricus and on a south window is the name of William Bray. 1505 John Goselyn buried in the church, gave four cows for a stock for the poor.

3l. 6s. 8d. Framlingham Comitis Rectoria. 35l. clear yearly value. Consolidated to Bixley as aforesaid.

It is capable of augmentation, and is discharged of first-fruits and tenths. At Domesday making, the Prior of Thetford was patron; the rector had a house and 30 acres of glebe; it was valued first at 20s. after at 4 marks, but was not taxed; the portion of the monks of Thetford was 7 marks, and paid 1s. synodals, 3s. archdeacon's procurations, 1d. carvage, and 12d. Peter-pence. The present terrier hath a house and 27 acres; it paid 34s. to each tenth, when the taxes were raised that way. The temporals of the Abbot of Langley were taxed at 6s. 3d. and those of the Prior of Pentney at 9d. ob.

This village is omitted in Saxton's map of the county. (fn. 9)


  • 1. Terre Episcopi Bajocensis. Doms. fo. 59. Heinestede. H. In Framingaham ten. Rog. Bigotus lx. acr. terre quam tenuit Godvinus sub Stigando T. R. E. tunc iii. bord. et mo vii. tunc ii. car. post i. et mo dim. mo ii. in dom. semper iii. bov. hom. et iv. soc. et dim. de xvi. acr. terre et iv. acr. prati, semper arant cum tribus bovibus, et in Alvertuna i. soc. et dim. de xvi. acr. semper arat cum tribus bovibus, et in Holvestuna iii. soc. et ii. dim. de xvi. acr. terre semper dim. car. et in Kerkebei ii. soc. et dim. de xii. acr. semper arant cum tribus bovibus, semper i. equus in aula, tunc viii. porc. mo xxviij. et vi. vasa apum, tunc et post valuit xx. sol. modo xl.
  • 2. Terra Rogeri Bigoti. Heinstede H. de escangio terre Isaac. Doms. fo. 110, 11. In Framingaham i. lib. homo Eduini commendat. et postea Godrici Dapiferi successoris sui sub comite R. quando R. Comes se forisfecit tenuit Almarus Epis. mo R. Bigot. Turoldus xx. acr. terre in quibus manent ii. bordarij semper dim. car. et dim. acr. prati semper, valuit ii. sol. i. ecclesia xxx. acr. valet iii. sol.
  • 3. Fo. 133. In Framingaham i. liber. homo Ulfi commend. (sub Rog. Bigot.) Terre Godrici Dapiferi Heinestede Hund. Doms. fo. 165. In Framingaham i. liber homo Eduini commend. de 20 acr. terre et ii. bord. semper et i. acr. et dim. prati semper dim. car. et sub eo integri iii. liberi homines, et iii. dim. inter omnes 10 acr. terre semp. inter omnes dim. car.
  • 4. In Framingaham tenuit Ulchetel i. liber. homo Algar Comitis, commend. i. car. terre modo tenet Ulchetel semper xxiii. bord. semper i. car. in dom. et iii. car. hom. et iii. acr. prati, semper. ii. equi, tunc ii. anim. modo iii. tunc xii. porc. mo xvi. et iv. vasa apum, et in eadem x. liberi hom. sub eo xl. acr. terre, et ii. acr. prati, semp. tunc et post valuit xx. sol. modo lx. sol. et dim. leug, habet in longo, et dim. in lato, et de gelto 13d. et obulum, et tenet Ulchetel. In Kerkebei iv. liberi homines Ulketel, 10 acr. terre et dim. acr. prati semper dim. car. In Holvestuna iii. liberi homines ejusdem 10 acr. terre, semper arant cum duobus bovibus. In Ailvertuna iii.liberi homines ejusdem 20 acr. terre semper dim. car. i. ecclesia 20 acr. val. 20d. et tenet idem. In Porrinkelanda vii. integri liberi homines ejusdem, 30 acr. semper dim. car. i. ecclesia 12 acr.val. 17d. idem (tenet.) In Scotessam iii. liberi homines ejusdem, 16 acr. terre, i. car. et dim. prati semper arant cum duobus bovibus, idem (tenet.) In Stokes i. liber homo ejusdem, dim. 23 acr. terre semper dim. car. idem (tenet.) In Sutherlingaham ii. liberi homines ejusdem, 12 acr. terre sem. arant cum duobus bovibus, idem tenet. In Rokelunda 1. liber homo Ulketelli de vi. acris terre, appretiati sunt omnes isti in Framingaham tenet idem.
  • 5. Sub. tit. Terre Regis. Heinesteda H. Doms fo. 9. In Framingaham, et in Treussa tenent duo burgenses Norwici 12 acr. terre, semper val. ii. sol.
  • 6. In 1285, Roger Bigod, lord, had lete, assise of bread and ale, weyf, tumberel, infangenthef, and view of frankpledge over all Framlingham-Earl, and over Ralf Picot's tenants of his manor of Framlingham-Picot. In King James the First's time, Nicholas Gooche, Gent. was steward of Framlingham cum Membris, and it then extended into Framlingham-Picot, Yelverton, Holveston Withngham, Shoteshams, Brook, Bramerton, Surlingham, Castor, Stoke, Rockland, Kirby, Trowse, Bixley, and Claxton; the quitrent being above 30l. per annum, and the free-rents above 8l. per annum besides barley rents, capons, warren, woods, and the third part of the profits of Bukenham terry. It paid 6s. per annum to the hundred of Henstede, and 2s. 8d. to Forncet manor for castleguard.
  • 7. 1603, Thomas Ives, rector (quære if not Jones) returned answer, that he had 26 communicants in this parish, and that it was long since perpetually united to Framlingham-Picot.
  • 8. 1481, the will of John Corbet, Gent. of Framlingham, was proved, when he left Elizabeth his wife, George his son, and Eliz. Langdon his daughter.
  • 9. It is mentioned in the Atlas, p. 328.
  • 10. Odo Bishop of Baieux, who abjured the realm.