Tunstede Hundred: Ridlington

Pages 62-64

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 11. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1810.

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Was the lordship of Ralph, brother of Ilgar, and 16 socmen held 120 acres under him, and 5 carucates and an acre of meadow, valued at 20s. (fn. 1) It takes its name as lying on meadows by some rivulet.

Several persons had an interest herein. Thomas de Walcote, by deed sans date, released as lord, to Roger de Veile, the moiety of this church: witnesses, Sir Roger de Gyney, Adam Groos, &c. The Roscelines had also a lordship here and in Honing. (fn. 2) Sir John de Veile of Witton, and Letia his wife, released their right in a moiety of the advowson, with lands in Witton, as did John le Veile their son.

In the 51st of Edward III. Thomas Rosceline had a charter of free warren in his demean lands. Reginald de Dunham, heir of John le Veile, gave to the abbey of Bromholm, 8 acres of land in this town and Bromholm, and the advowson of a moiety of the church, which he held with his manors of Fishley and Witton, which he held of the King by keeping a goshawk for the King. Esch. 27 Edw. I. This Reginald was son of Beatrix, sister and heir of John, son of Sir John le Veile.

Peter Rosceline, John de Vaux, John de Gymingham, William de Crostweyt, &c. were returned to have interests here as lords, in the 9th of Edward II.

This was in the Earl of Orford in 1700, and the Countess of Orford held it in jointure in 1760.

The prior of Bromholm had also a lordship in the 31st of Edward I. he had license to receive in mortmain the advowson of this church, with lands in Witton and Bacton; and in the 41st of Edward III. he was impleaded for stopping the water-course at Ridlington bridge, between Witton and Ridlington, and ordered to let it have its usual course.

On the Dissolution it seems to be granted to Sir Thomas Woodhouse, with the advowson; and his son Sir John had livery of it about the 15th of Elizabeth. The temporalities of the priory were valued in 1428, at 26s. 4d.

John Norris, Esq. was patron in 1740, and lord of this, as I take it, and in 1762.

The tenths were 3l. 10s. Deducted 10s.

Here is a fair on Lady-day.

The Church is dedicated to St. Peter. In the reign of Edward I. the prior of Lewes had the patronage of a mediety. Mr. Ralph Tremyngham (quere if not Gymingham) was patron of another, each mediety valued at 2 marks and an half. Peter-pence 8d. See in East Riston.

The present valor of the rectory is 4l. 6s. 8d. and is discharged.

William was rector of a mediety in 1254; and before this, Mr. Stephen de Sthipdam in the time of William Turbe, Bishop of Norwich.


In 1299, William de Hirne instituted, presented by the prior of Bromholm.

1307, Ralph de Baketon.

1324, Richard de Baketon.

1349, John de Herlonde.

1349, John Frend.

1357, Thomas Markant.

1361, John Atte Wend.

1368, Simon de Ramesey.

1383, John de Ridlington.

1390, Roger Atte Medwe.

1422, Nicholas Heylot.

1431, John Payn.

1435, Richard Palmer.

1446, Thomas Prentysse.

1468, John Kaa, to both medieties.

1470, William Copull.

1476, John Halle.

1480, William Swan.

1482, Richard Wood.

1514, William Watson.

1518, Edmund Tompson.

1522, Thomas Baker.

Richard Crosseley, rector.

1554, Robert Lindeley, by Sir Thomas Wodehouse.

1558, Robert Boost. Ditto.

1576, Robert Burgh.

1586, William Oliver by the King, a lapse.

In 1603, he returned 72 communicants, and that Sir Henry Wodehouse was patron, but that mediety was appropriated.

1621, George Middleton, by Thomas Cannam, hac vice.

1668, John Elwood, by John Norris, Esq.

1670, James Ferrer. Ditto.

1710, Richard Playters, by John Norris, Esq. to a mediety.

1712, George Monk, to a mediety on Playters's death, by ditto.

1750, Thomas Hewet, by John Norris, a minor, consolidated to East Ruston, in 1757.

In the church were St. Peter's and St. Mary's gilds, St. Nicholas and St. Mary's altars; the arms of Boys, impaling Gyminham, and Boys impaling Repps.

On a gravestone with a brass plate in the chancel,

Presbyter hic stratus quidam jacet intumulatus, Vir bonus et gratus, Thomas Stacey vocitatus, Cautor Subtilis pueris, maguus Relevator, Et Campanilis Ridlington erat fabricator.

M. Anno. C. quater bis in XI ruit iste Luce bis x et 1 April. stet sibi Christe.—Amen.


  • 1. Terra Ranulfi fratris Ilgeri.— In Ridlinketuna xvi soc. cxx ac. t're. sep. v car. et i ac. p'ti. et val. xx sol. —Of this manor and of Ralph, see in Honing.
  • 2. Reg. Bromh. fol. 21, 28, lately in the tenure of Dr. Moor, Bishop of Ely, and now most likely in the Univ. Library of Camb.