Tunstede Hundred: Honing

Pages 42-46

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 11. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1810.

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Takes its name from Ho, an hill; and Ing, a meadow. The principal manor, was at the survey in the abbot of St. Bennet, with two carucates of land, and Edric held it of the abbot in the Confessor's time, who on granting to Edric a moiety of his lordship: Edric granted the abbot a moiety belonging to his own fee, and then held the whole of the abbot on certain services; 13 borderers belonged to it, 2 carucates in demean, and 3 among the tenants, with 25 acres of meadow, &c. a mill, 2 runci, 4 cows, &c. 40 sheep, 30 goats, and 3 socmen had 41 acres, 2 carucates, and 5 acres of meadow, valued in the whole at 40s. was one leuca long, and 10 furlongs broad, and paid 10d. gelt; Robert Malet, and Robert de Glanville held it at the survey of the abbot. (fn. 1)

William de Glanvile, probably, son of Robert, on his founding the priory of Bromholm, gave two parts of the tithes of Honing, and two parts of the tithes of a mill here, to that priory, which Bartholomew his son, who held 3 parts of a fee in this town, confirmed to them; witnesses, Richard, the priest, Baldwin, dean of Caresfield, Jordan de Sackevill, Henry de Glanvile, &c. (fn. 2)

Jeff. de Glanvile dying sans issue, his right herein came to his 5 sisters and coheirs; Alianore, the eldest, married Baldwin, a Norman, his part was seized on by King Henry III. and after granted to Richard Earl of Cornwall, as in Bacton. (fn. 3)

In the Register of Bromholm priory is an entry of a deed of agreement, about the 14th of Edward I. between Edmund Earl of Cornwall, and John de Hanynggs and Sybill his wife, whereby the Earl releases all his right of the lands of the said John, that they shall not be amerced at his court lete at Bacton, for breach of assise, &c. and Sir Roger de Guntone acknowledged that he had received from the abbot of St. Bennet, the custody of two parts of the lands and rents, which were assigned by John de Grey, and Isabel Bovill, to the abbot, on the custody of two of the heirs of Geff. de Glanvile.

John de Gymingham, and Thomas Peche had an interest herein, about the 16th of Edward I. which Thomas, was grandson of Almaric Peche, who married Elizabeth, fourth sister and coheir of Geff. de Glanvile.

Margaret, late wife of John de Gymingham, and her tenants held in the 20th of Edward III. the lordship, late John de Gymingham's, and Thomas Peche's by one fee in this town, Witton, &c. of the abbot.

Roger Bois held it in the 3d of Henry IV. (fn. 4) with Margaret his wife, then settled on him by John Bois; and Sir Roger Boys died possessed of it, as by his will dated February 22, 1421, and proved in June 1422, (fn. 5) desires to be buried within the door (as you enter the choir) of the priory of Ingham.

Thomas Boys, Esq. his eldest son, succeeded, and died lord; by his will dated January 17, 1432, he gives to Isabel his wife, part of his goods, and to his mother, the lady Sybill, all his silver, and furniture of his chapel in Norfolk, &c. his horse, called Powys, and to his brother Robert, his other horse, called Couser, with a bason and ewer of silver, after his mother's death; to John Heydon, chaplain, a cup, his executors to find a chaplain to celebrate his anniversary, and was buried in the church of the Gray-Friars at Norwich, Robert Boys, Esq. his brother, was lord in 1493, and then settled on Isabell, late wife of his brother Thomas, and then the wife of William Ive, lands here; she was the daughter of William Warner.

Robert dying in the 27th of Henry VI. it came to his daughter and heir Catherine, who brought it by marriage to Sir Edmund Jenney of Knateshall in Suffolk, who left it at his death in the 15th of Henry VIII. to his grandson Francis, son of William, who died before his father Sir Edmund, in the 10th of the said King, then a minor, and held of the abbot; also lord of Hale, in Norfolk; Knatshall, Thebarton, Brayham, Lowdham, and Rustengs in Middleton, Suffolk.

The Jenneys, quartered the arms of Buckle, sable, a chevron between three round buckles, argent;—Leyston, vert, three dexter hands, her per thereon, three hawks, or and sable, a cross or, between four wolves heads couped, or, Gerrard;—Barry of eight, azure, and argent, a griffin, segriant over all, sable, Cause. Also Boys, argent, two bars and a canton, gules, over all a bend, sable;—ermin, two chevrons, sable, Illey;—gules, a lis and label, or, Plumstede;—argent, in bend, between two bendlets, three buckles, lozengy, sable, Gymingham, with those of Wichingham and Fastolf.

This came to the Le Gross; Thomas Gross, Esq. was lord in the 25th of Elizabeth.

Sir Charles Le Gross in the 34th of King Charles I. See in Crostweyt.

Here was another lordship; which was granted to Ralph, brother of Ilgar, of which a freeman was deprived, it contained one carucate of land, who had 8 villains, one borderer, one carucate, in demean, one among the tenants, with 9 acres of meadow, &c. one mill, 3 cows, &c. and 2 socmen had 15 acres of land, a carucate and 2 acres of meadow, valued at 20s. (fn. 6)

St. Bennet's abbey had the soc, and this was held of Ralph, by Humfrey.

Thomas, abbot of Holm, (fn. 7) confirmed to Richard the priest of Witton, 2 sheaves of the demean of the hall of Roger Vestile, (Veil) which Richard Veile, and Roger his son gave to them.

Richard le Vile died seized of this in the 30th of Henry II.; he married a daughter of Humpfrey de Betetourts, and left her endowed in it, held, as it is said, of William de Edgefeld, valued at 7l. per ann. and Richard his son held it in the 12th of Henry III. William, son of Rosceline and Letia, or Letitia his wife, granted to John, son of Robert, lands here, and in Stody, &c. to be held of them by two fees.

William Gerberge, Peter Brokesden, Nicholas Drake, &c. held half a fee of Roger Fitz Roger, in the said reign; and John, son of John de Veile died s. p. possessed of a lordship here, and in Witton, and Fishley, leaving them to Reginald de Dunham, son of Beatrix de Dunham his father's sister, Esch. Ao. 23, Edward I. held of the manor of Horseford.

William Gerbridge, John de Gymingham were lords in the 9th of Edward II. and in the 2d of Edward III. Edmund, son of Sir William Gerberge and Catharine his wife, convey to John de Gymingham and Margaret his wife, Roger de Reymes and Alice his wife, 30 messuages, one mill, 100 acres of land, &c. and in the 20th of that King, Robert de Gymingham and Margaret late wife of John de Gymingham, Alice de Reymes, and William Drake, with their tenants held half a fee, late John de Veiles of Robert de Benhale and Eve his wife, which William Gerberge and parceners former held.

Soon after this it came to the Bois as above, and Roger Bois, in the 3d of Henry IV. held the lordship late Gerbridges, and Drakes, by half a fee of the heirs of Robert Ufford of the manor of Horseford.

Here was a yearly sum paid out of this lordship, to the almoner of St. Bennet's abbey, to pray for Walter de Suffeld, Bishop of Norwich, who appropriated this church, for Ed. Holkman, Esq. and for Sir Miles Stapleton and Joan his wife.

Smalburgh Manor.

Mary Coote, widow of Richard Coote, Esq. held this manor in the 11th of Henry VIII. and settled it then on her son Christopher, and Elizabeth, daughter of John Wychingham, Esq. his intended wife, and the said Christopher Coote of Blownorton, Esq. sold it in the 32d of that King, to Ann Stede, widow, who in the 29th of April, in the 37th of that King, granted it to William Brampton, Gent. her son, and the manor of Eccles, by the sea.

Thomas Brampton of Blownorton, Gent. in the 4th of Edward VI. was lord; William his brother dying s. p.

Anne Stede his mother was daughter of William Brome, Esq. and married, John Brampton of Blownorton, Esq. who was her second husband; John Stede, Esq. her first husband dying s. p. she married Robert Rookwood, Gent. to her third husband, Brampton sold it to — Musset, and he to John Tant, and Thomas Husband, Esq. purchased it of Tant, in the 28th of Elizabeth, there being a capital messuage 72 acres of land, &c. belonging to it in Honing.

Christopher Husband, Gent. was found to die possessed of it November 22, 1634, held of the manor of Hokering, and left by Sapa his wife, Valentine his son and heir, aged 8 years, &c.

The tenths were 2l. 12s.—Deducted 1l.

The Church is dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, and was appropriated to the priory of Bromholm, a grange belonged to it, but no land, and was valued at 15 marks, the vicar had a manse with 12 acres, valued at 20s. in King Edward I. reign, Peter-pence 11d. the prior was obliged to pay to the abbey of St. Bennet's, of Holm, 4l. 10s. per ann. for 2 parts of the tithe of the demeans of John de Veyle in Honyng, and for tithes in Paston; this was vested in the Bishop of Norwich, on the exchange of lands with him and Hen. VIII. and still is in the see.

In the 1st of Edward I. John le Veile, and Lecia his wife, granted to John, prior of Bromholm, by fine, his right in the advowson with lands in Fenlingfeld and the service of Peter le Mareschal, and the lands in Wytton.

The present valor of the vicarage is 4l. 13s. 4d. and is discharged.


In 1333, William Kenyng, instituted vicar presented by the prior of Bromholm.

1348, Robert Geffrey. Ditto.

1372, Nicholas Smith.

Mich. a Ridlington, vicar.

1383, Sim. de Ramsey.

1395, Robert Langele.

1434, William Bowth.

1434, Henry Candeler.

1435, Richard Frankys.


Oliver Mendham, occurs rector in 1438.

1443, Richard Rant.

1448, John Schypmedowe, by the Bishop a lapse.

1459, William Heylesdon, by the prior, &c.

1485, Roger Splyt, by the Bishop, a lapse.

1492, John Hunton.

1504, Thomas Garforth.

1507, John Sporier.

1509, Thomas Chambers.

1519, Peter Proudlove.

1540, John Bowgh, by William Neve, assignee of the prior.

1554, Robert Tysedale, by the Queen.

1584, William Olyver. Ditto.

1586, Robert Bury, he returned 200 communicants.

1610, Thomas Cannam, by the Bishop of Ely, the impropriated rectory being granted to that see on exchange of lands with the Crown.

1630, John Land, S.T.B. Ditto.

1643, Thomas Flake. Ditto.

1668, Peter Boardman. Ditto.

1694, Noah Vialas. Ditto.

1712, David Baldy. Ditto.

1730, Thomas Goddard. Ditto.

1732, William Williams. Ditto.

In the church on a grave-stone,

Orate p. a'ia Nich. Parker, Armig. qui obt. 19 Martij, 1496, and the arms of Boys, Erpingham, Repps; also Boys and Gymingham.

At the east end of the churchyard was the chapel of the resurrection, in 1492.

In the 5th of Richard II. Sir John Plays, &c. aliened lands here to the chantry of Raveningham; and in the the 13th of that King, Robert Boys, &c. lands to the priory of Campes.

Matthew Stokes, fellow of Cajus college, is said to have granted his lease of this rectory, to that college for the stipend of a fellow, and 3 scholars.


  • 1. Terra Scj Benedicti de Hulmo— In Honinga ii car. tre. ten. S.B. T.R.E. et Edric. de eo ita qd. Abb. ei ded. at dimidiam de suo d'nio. et ille conc. scerab Abb. alia medietate de suo feudo, et totu. ita tenebat. de Abbe, et deserviebat. In hoc tra' f. x sep. xiii bor. et ii car. in d'nio. et iii car. hom. xxv ac. p'ti. silv. viii por. i mol. ii runc. iiii an. xii por. xl ov. xxx cap. et viii soc. xli ac. sep. ii car. v ac. p'ti. val. totu' xl sol. ht. i leu. in long. et x qr. in lat. et xd. de g. q'cq; ibi tenat. hoc. tenet. Rob. Malet et Rob. de Glavill de co.
  • 2. Reg. Castleac. fol. 67.
  • 3. See p. 17.
  • 4. Sir Thomas Boys attended John Duke of Lancaster into Spain, Ao. 9 Richard II.
  • 5. Reg. Hurning Norw.
  • 6. Terra Ranulfi fratris Ilgeri—In Haninga tenet idem (viz. Hunfrid) i car. tre. i lib. ho. T. R. E. semp. viii vill. et i bor. et i car. in dnio. et i car. ho'um. et viiii ac. p'ti. silv. iiii por. sep. i mol. et iii an. et iii por. et ii soc. xiiiii ac. tre. et car. ii ac. p'ti. sep. val. xx sol. sc's. b. soca.
  • 7. Reg. de Hulmo, fol. 6, et 30.