West Flegg hundred: Winterton

Pages 193-199

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 11. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1810.

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William Beaufoe, Bishop of Thetford held here as a lay fee two socmen, with 10 acres, and half a carucate belonging to his capital lordship of Hemesby, and was valued with Hemsby and Martham at 26l. at the survey; in the time of the Confessor at 29l. and was, with Hemesby, one leuca and a half long, and 10 furlongs broad, and paid 30d. gelt. Algar Earl of Mercia had been deprived of it. He had also the lands of a freeman, who was deprived, and lived under the protection of St. Bennet's abbey; 60 acres of land, 3 of meadow, 5 borderers, and the moiety of a saltwork, with one carucate belonging to him, and under him was a freeman with 4 acres of land, valued at 2s. but at the survey at 4s. (fn. 1)

There were in the Confessor's reign 8 freemen, who lived under the protection of Almarus, (Bishop of Elmham, and brother of Stigand) and held 14 acres and half a carucate of land, valued then at 8d. at the survey at 24d. and were deprived, and possessed by Bishop Beaufoe. And in East Somerton there were 3 freemen in King Edward's time had under the abbey of St. Bennet 106 of land, 9 of meadow, 9 borderers, with a carucate and a half valued always with a church at 4s. 8d. (fn. 2) but after Tosti left England, Bernard held it, and was deprived.

The church here mentioned was that of East Somerton, and at that time was a distint parish, and had its own rector; Tosti was one of the sons of Godwin, Earl of Kent, brother of King Harold, and fled out of England in 1051, as a rebel (with his father) being Earl of Northumberland.

Bishop Beaufoe at his death gave all these fees abovementioned, to his successours in the see, and Herbert Bishop of Norwich, on his foundation of the priory of Norwich, settled them on that convent.

The ancient family of De Basingham, lords of Basingham, held it of the priory.

Eustace de Basingham was sub-collector of Norfolk, in the 15th of King John, under Robert Fitz-Roger.

Sir Peirs de Basingham, left three daughters and coheirs; Christian, the eldest married Sir Walter de Mauteby; Margaret, the second, married Sir John de Flegg, and Alice was the wife of Sir Peter de Brampton, among these, Basingham's lordship was divided.

Mauteby's Manor.

Sir John de Mauteby was lord in 1374; John Mauteby, Esq. the last heir male of this family (of which see in Mauteby) leaving an only daughter and heir, Margaret, brought it by marriage to John Paston, Esq. of Paston, in the reign of Henry VI. in which family it continued in 1740, when the Right Honourable Earl of Yarmouth was lord.

Flegg Hall.

Sir John de Flegg was lord in right (as I have observed) of Margaret his wife; the Fleggs had an interest in this town in the reign of Henry II. when John Bishop of Norwich, and Gerard, the prior, and convent granted in fee to Henry, son of Algar de Flegg, 8 acres and 3 roods of land here in soccage, and 10 acres in Dodeholm, which Nigel formerly held of them, at 4s. 4d. per ann. Witnesses, Geffrey, the archdeacon, Arthur, Roger, and William de Flegg, were witnesses to a charter of Eborard Bishop of Norwich.

Theobald de Valoins granted to Henry de Flegg and his heirs, all the fee which he held of him in Winterton and Somerton for 3s. per ann. for which he formerly paid 20s. sans date, but in the reign of Richard I. witnesses, Jeff. Fitz-Piers, Instice Robert de Valoines, William Clere, Thomas de Valoines, and John his brother, Martin and Osbert de Somerton, &c.

Henry de Flegg was father of John de Flegg; Beatrice de Flegg was wife of John de Flegg, and had Simon, a son, in the 41st of Henry III.

William de Flegg was living in the 53d of that King. Sir William de Flegg sold it to—de Mauteby.

John de Mauteby's, daughter and heir, Margaret, brought it to John Paston, Esq. in the reign of Henry VI.

John Paston, Esq. died seised of Mauteby, and Flegg manors in the 6th of Edward IV. which extended into East and West Somerton, and Sir William Paston was found to die lord of Winterton, Mauteby's manor, held of the dean and chapter of Norwich in soccage, in the year 1611. In the year 1743, the Earl of Yarmouth was lord.

Brampton's Manor.

Sir Piers de Brampton, who had part of Basingham's manor in right of Alice his wife, left it to his son and heir, (as in Brampton) in this family it remained in 1500, when Thomas, son of Robert de Brampton was lord.

In 1525, William Brampton, Gent. son and heir of Robert Brampton, late of Attleburgh, Gent. enfeoffed all the manors, late his father's in East, West Flegg, and Happing hundreds, in John Drew, clerk, with Flegg-hall, in Winterton and Waxham.

In 1546, John Calle, sen. Richard Calle, &c. released to Sir William Paston, all their right in Flegg-hall manor, which they had of the grant of William Brampton and his wife Elizabeth, in 1515, and on the inquisition taken on the death of Sir William Paston in 1611, he died seised of Winterton Brampton's manor, the marshes, called Floodgates, &c. held of the manor of Hemesbye, in soccage.

St. Bennet's Manor.

The abbey of St. Bennet at Holm, had a considerable lordship at the survey given by their founder King Canute; there belonged to it a carucate of land held by 5 borderers, and one in demean; with half a carucate among the tenants, &c. there were also 5 freemen under the protection, or commendation only of that abbey, who had 45 acres and a half, with a carucate of meadow, and a socman with 100 acres, who was under such covenants and ties, that he could neither sell, or forfeit it from the abbey, and a church with 6 acres of meadow, the soc belonged to the hundred, &c. There were 9 borderers, one carucate in demean, one among the tenants, and 4 freemen under protection only with 9 acres, valued at 24s. and 5 freemen, with lands, valued at 24d.; it was 9 furlongs long, and 8 broad, and paid 30d. gelt. (fn. 3)

The ancient family of De Begevile held this lordship under the abbey of St. Bennels.

Sir Richard de Begevile was witness to a deed of William, son of Hugh de Pynkeney, sans date; a fine was levied in the 18th of Henry III. between Thomas de Begevile, and Bartholomew de Somerton of the advowson of Winterton; and Somerton granted to Bartholomew; and in the 24th of that king, Thomas de Begevile granted lands to Alexander son of Robert, to be held of Thomas.

Thomas de Begevile settled by fine on Adam, abbot of St. Bennets, in the 43d of the said King 25s. per ann. rent for lands held of the abbot in Winterton, and Somerton, with a clause of distress; and in the 53d of that reign Robert de Hales and Margaret his wife, conveyed lands to Thomas who was lord in 1277, and in 1299, Thomas, son of Sir Thomas Begevile with Beatrice his wife, granted lands here to John, son of William de Catfield.

In the 9th of Edward II. and in 1331, Thomas de Begevile was lord, and had wreck at sea; and in the 16th of Edward III. the abbot of Holm, as lord of the fee, brought an action against several persons for wreck, and taking a whale at Winterton.

Margaret, daughter of John Durham, of the county of Middlesex, late wife of Alan Heyngham of - - - - - in Norfolk, released to Ralph Somerton, and his heirs, all her right, in Begeviles manor, and in a marsh, called Floodgates, with lands and tenements, in the 5th of Henry IV. and John Heyngham gave the reversion of the said manor, after the death of Margaret Charlton, who held it for life, to John Durham, John Phelip, of Ikenham in Middlesex, &c. as trustees, for the use of Thomas Briddeby, chaplain in the church of Hillingdon, and his trustees; on condition that if the reversion can be sold for 400 marks, that Briddeby release it to Thomas Arthyngton, who shall sell it, and give 10l. per ann. to the abbot and convent of Burnham, for a chaplain to celebrate for him and his family, and the rest to be divided between his two sisters

After this it came to Sir John Fastolf, Knt. who died lord of it in the 38th of Henry VI. and then to John Paston, Esq. of Paston.

In 1611, Sir William Paston dying possessed, it was found to be held of the dean and chapter of Norwich by 12d. and valued at 15l. per ann. In 1740, the Earl of Yarmouth was lord.

The Conqueror had in Winterton at the survey, the land of a freeman, of Earl Guert, Harold's brother, and slain with him at the battle of Hastings; viz. 7 acres of land, and 5 borderers, with half a carucate valued at 8d. and this went with the lordship of Ormesby, then in the Conqueror's hand also: (fn. 4) see there.

Godric had the care of 10 acres of land, which a freeman of Guert held, the Conqueror had seised on it, and was valued in Walsham. (fn. 5)

The Conqueror had also deprived 5 freemen of Guert, of 20 acres which were held with 15 acres, and half a carucate valued at 11s. in the town of Somerton, and in Winterton, 8 freemen of Guert were deprived of 54 acres of land, one of meadow, and a carucate and an half valued then at 4s. but at the survey, at 6s.

The freemen of these two last fees, were in King Edward's reign, under no particular farm or lordship, but Almarus took care of it. (fn. 6)

King William II. granted this to William de Albini, ancestor of the Earls of Arundel and Sussex, under whom it was held by several persons.

In the 10th of Richard I. a fine was levied of lands, between Wido de Winterton, petent, and William de Reedham, tenent, in Winterton, and Somerton; and in the 14th of Edward I. an assise was brought to enquire, if Roger, son of Nicholas de Winterton, was seised in fee of a messuage and lands here, with their appurtenances.

In the 34th of Henry III. Isabel de Cressy had 30 acres of land in Winterton, and Somerton, &c. conveyed to her from Alice de Lyons; and in the 14th of Edward II. Nicholas de Sallows of Clipsby and Ellen his wife, conveyed lands here to Roger de Ormesby, but the principal of this fee seems to have been in the Somertons, lords also (as has been observed) of East Somerton in whom was the patronage of Winterton, with the chapel of East Somerton.

Sir Bartholomew de Somerton was lord and patron in 1310, and left it to his heirs, from whom it came to the Cleres; Robert de Clere presented as lord in 1342.

Robert Clere, Esq. by his last will, dated August 3, in the 24th of Henry VI. appoints that after the death of Elizabeth his wife, William, his son, should have this manor of Winterton, and the advowson of the church; and John, abbot of Holm, and the convent granted to this Elizabeth, and to Robert her son and heir, all wreck here, which she claimed in right of her lordship, and had certain duties for groundage, &c.

Sir Edward Clere and Frances his wife, sold it to Sir Thomas Woodhouse, and his son Henry was lord, and presented in 1377, and by his feoffees in 1601.

From the Woodhouses it came to the Le Gross's; Sir Thomas le Gross was lord and patron 1628, and as chief lord, claimed groundage of ships, &c. at 1s. in the pound, and the spreading of fishing nets between Winterton and Waxham, Winterton and Hemesbye, &c. all weys and strays, and had the lete, paying 20s. per ann. to the crown, being held of the heirs of the Tateshales, who were heirs to the Albinis; on the death of Sir Thomas Woodhouse, it was found to be held of his manor of Waxham in soccage; it seems that of those lordships, his son Henry knew not the tenures, and he got returned as held of some of his own manors.

Roger Bigot, ancestor to the Earls of Norfolk, had 21 acres of land, half an acre of meadow, and half a carucate, of which a freeman was deprived, and this was valued in Felbrigg, and held by Ailward de Felbrigg, of Roger.

Also in Somerton 21 acres of land, 3 acres and half a carucate of meadow, of which a freeman was deprived, valued at 16d. but at the survey at 20d.: the Conqueror had granted this to Alwy de Tetford with his lands, but Roger Bigot reclaimed it. (fn. 7)

William de Scohies had land which a free-man held under the commendation of the abbey of St. Bennet, which was valued in his lordship of Stakesby, and went with it. (fn. 8)

The tenths were 6l. 15s.—Deducted O.

The town is compounded of Win, which is a British word, the name of a river, and signifying water, Tre, or Rey, flowing or running, and the Saxon Ton, or town, thus Winterborn, in Berkshire; and Dorsetshire; Winwick, in Lancashire; Winteringham in Huntindonshire, &c.

The church of Winterton is a rectory, dedicated to All-Saints, the ancient value, with the chapel of East Somerton, was 46 marks, 3s. 4d. Peter-pence 2s. 6d. and the present valor is 20l. 13s. 4d. and pays tenths and first-fruits.

In the 18th of Henry III. Thomas de Begevile granted by fine to Bartholomew de Somerton his right in the advowson by fine; and in the 4th of Edward I. Alexander, son of Richard Fastolf and Bartholomew de Somerton, agree to present by turns. William de Schorham brought his action against Bartholomew, parson of the church of Somerton, executor of the will of Bartholomew de Somerton, in the 14th of Edward I. and Sir Bartholomew de Somerton presented in 1310, Mr. John de Thweyt to this church, with the chapel, &c. There was a composition between the prior of Buttley, and John de Thweyt, rector, for the tithe of 12 acres, &c. (fn. 9) of land here, which the prior of Buttley had, and which he granted to John, and his successours for the tithe of as many acres in another place, and the tithes of the wool of the sheep in the common pasture of Winterton, called Flud Gates.


1342, Mr. John de Thewyt, by Robert de Clere.

1346, Walter de Clere, by his father Robert.

1353, Robert Clere, by Walter and Robert de Clere.

1353, Walter Clere, by Robert Clere of Ormesby.

1359, Richard Dogget, by Alice, relict of Robert Clere.

1370, Thomas Orgrave, by William Clere.

1371, Nicholas de Newton. Ditto.

1375, Mr. Thomas de Hemenhale. Ditto. In the 3d of Richard II. license was granted for a chantry in this church, and lands here.

1393, Robert Cook, by Dionysia, relict of William Clere.

1396, Mr. John de Thorp, Ditto.

1406, Mr. John Felbrigge. Ditto.

1407, John Titeshale. Ditto.

1442, Mr. Thomas Frenge, by Robert Clere, Esq.

1455, Mr. John Selot, by Elizabeth, relict of Robert Clere.

1479, Mr. John Barley, S. T. B. Ditto.

1505, John Edyman, by Sir Robert Clere.

1515, William Warner, S. T. B. Ditto.

1545, Mr. Richard Burman, S. T. B by Sir John Clere.

Mr. Peter Watts, rector.

1554, Mr. Henry King, S. T. P. Ditto.

1557, Robert Allen, by Edward Clere, Esq.

1562, Thomas Portington. Ditto.

1577, Tobias Holland, by Henry Woodhouse, Esq.

1601, Ant. Maxie, S. T. B. by the assignees of Henry Woodhouse.

1618, And. Bing. S. T. B. by the king, subdean of York, &c.

Nicholas Howlet, D. D. prebendary of Norwich, rector in 1650, deposed in the rebellion.

Mr. Jeff. Love, occurs rector in 1656.

Mr. Edward Miller died rector 1720, and Robert White succeeded, presented by Edward Knight, Gent.

In 1742, Mr. Le Gross, patron.

The church and chancel is covered with lead,

In the chancel,

Sub hoc marmore conduntur cineres rev. viri Ed. Miller, A.M. hujus ecclesiæ rectoris, vir fuit eximiæ charitatis præditus, vere probus et nulli secundus, 3 die Maij obt. ætat. 72, A. D. 1720.

A marble gravestone,

Tho. Hemenhale, rector. eccles. de Winterton, ob. 1393.—Orate p. a'ia Joa. Barley, decret, Dr. qui. obt. 16 Apr. 1497.—In Te Domine speravi, ne confundar in æternum.

In the church on a gravestone,

In memory of Thomas Husband, Gent. who died Sept. 16, 1676; aged 86, and of Ann his wife, daughter of Wm. Reymes, of Overstrandhall, Esq. who died in 1665, aged 68.


In memory of Edward Knights, of Winterton, Gent. who died 12 Sept. 1713, aged 66, and of Alice his wife, who died in 1727, aged 82.


For Clementina, wife of Edward Knight, Gent, who died May 11, 1729, aged 41.

In the church were the arms of Bishop Bateman.—Clore impaling Uvedale;—Fastolf, Begevile, sable, an escotheon, and orles of martlets, or.

Catherine, late wife of Richard Stotevyle, buried 1451.

The temporalities of Bromholm priory in Winterton were 11s. 9d. of St. Faith's 12s. of Norwich in Winterton, and Hemesby, in land, mill, &c. 41l. 11s. 2d. ob.; of Weybridge 35s. 11d. ob.; of St. Bennets 26s.

In the 3d of Richard II. John de Eccles, &c. aliened to the priory of Hickling lands and tenements in Somerton, &c. and in the 8th of that King, the prioress of Redelingfield in Suffolk, aliened to the said priory lands in Somerton; in the 16th of the said reign Sir William Beauchamp, &c. aliened lands in Somerton, to the priory of the Carthusians by London.

The lands here at Winterton are said to be very rich and fruitful, and require not much labour and strength in the ploughing; the lands here run out in a point to the east, called Winterton Nesse, a place well known to the mariners, and a sea mark, and was formerly a township.


  • 1. Tre. Will. Ep. Tedford de feudo —In Wintretuna ii soc. x ac. et semp. dim. car. tc. val. xxvi lib. modo. xxix lib. ht. totu'. i leug. et dim. in longo et in lato x qr. et de gelto xxxd.—In Wintretuna i lib. ho. Sci. Ben. de Holmo comd. tantu' lx ac. tre. iii ac. p'ti. semp. v bord. et dim. salinæ sep. i car. et sub. eo. i lib. ho. de iiii ac. terre tc. val. ii sol. mo. iiii.
  • 2. In Wintretuna viii lib. ho'es Almari comd. tantu. xiiii ac. terre. semp. dim. car. tc. val. viiid. mo. xxiiii. In Somertuna iii lib. ho'es T. R. E. sed. postq. Tostius exiit de Anglia Bernard. fuit i ecc'lia S. Bened. de Hulmo. tenuit cvi ac. terre ix ac. p'ti. sep. ix bord. sep. i car. et dim. semp. val. iiii sol, et viiid.
  • 3. Terra Sci Benedicti de Holmo— Wintretuna' tenet S. B. sep. p. i car. tre. v. bor. et i car. in d'nio. dim. car. hom. vi porc et ibi st. v lib. hoes Sci B. comd. tantum de xlv ac. dim. ac. p'ti. sep. i car. et i soc. de c ac. et ita c in monastio qd. nec. vend're, nec forisfacere pot. ext. ecclia i soca e in hund. vi ac. p'ti. sep. ix. bor. i car. in d'nio. et i car. hom. et sub eo st. iiii lib. ho'es comd. tant. ix ac. val. xxiiii sol. et v lib ho'es xxiiiid. ht. ix. qr. in long. et viii in lat. xxxd. de g.
  • 4. Terre Regis—In Wintretuna i lib. ho. de vii ac. tre. et v bor. semp. dim. car. sep. val. viiid. et e. in p'tio Orbesbei.
  • 5. Terre Regis qua' Godric servat— In Wintretuna i lib. ho. x ac. tre. ap' p'tiatum e. cu'. libes ho'inibj in Walesham.
  • 6. Isti. st. lib. ho'es T. R. E. ad nullam firma p'tinentes. quas Almar. custodit, qui additi st. ad firmam T. R. W. In Somertuna ten. ide in d'nio xx ac. tre et v libos. ho'es de xv ac. et sep. dim. car. sep. val. ii sol. In Wintretuna ten. ide viii lib. ho'es de liiii ac. tre. et i ac. p'ti. sep. car. et dim. tc. val. iiii sol. mo. vi.
  • 7. Terra Rogeri Bigoti—In Wintretuna i lib. ho. de xxi ac tre et dim. ac. p'ti. sep. dim. car. et e. in p'tio Ailwardi de Felebruge, hoc tenet. ide. In Somertuna i lib. ho. xxi ac. tre. iii ac. p'ti. sep. dim. car. tc. val. xvid. p'. et mo. reddit xx hunc. dedit. Rex Alwio de Tetford cu' tre'is suis sic. R. Bigot. reclamat.
  • 8. Terra Will. de Scohies—In Wintretuna tenet ide i lib. ho. &c.
  • 9. Calendar Cartar. prior Buttley, fol. 44.