Walsham Hundred: South-Walsham

Pages 138-143

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 11. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1810.

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A freeman of Guert, (brother of King Harold) held in the reign of the Confessor, a carucate of land, with 3 borderers, half a carucate and 20 acres of meadow, &c. the moiety of a saltwork, and 17 socmen had a carucate of land, a carucate and half, with 12 acres of meadow, and there was a freeman in the same town who had 30 acres of land, and 2 borderers; and the said freeman and his men or tenants, had a carucate and a half, with 8 acres of meadow; six socmen also of his held 6 acres of land, and three of meadow; there was then a carucate, but at the survey half a carucate of meadow.

There were here besides eleven socmen, with 16 acres of land, 2 of meadow with one carucate. (fn. 1)

On the conquest, the King seised on this, and Godric at the survey was his steward.

Elflet a freewoman, was deprived at the Conquest of her lordship here, consisting of 4 carucates of land, 4 villains and 18 borderers, &c. 2 servi, 2 carucates in demean, 4 among the tenants, and 40 acres of meadow, &c. 2 cows, and 20 sheep, and 22 socmen who had 80 acres of land, 5 carucates, and 10 acres of meadow, Godric took care of this also for the Conqueror, who was lord at the survey.

Godric held by the grant of the Conqueror here and in Upton, 50 acres of land, a carucate and 10 acres of meadow, of which Ralph Earl of Norfolk was deprived, valued at 10s. but at the survey at 21s. and belonged to the King's soc, and 3 freemen possessed it in King Edward's reign. Godric had also in his own right, a carucate of land, and 3 borderers, with half a carucate, and 20 acres of meadow, pannage for 7 swine, the moiety of a salt-work, of which a free person, the wife of Tovi, held of Guert, and was deprived; there also belonged to it 17 socmen, with a carucate of land, a carucate and an half, and 12 acres of meadow, valued ar 10s. but at the survey at 20s.

The Earl had the soc of three of these socmen, in Opton (or Upton), the Earl had the soc; and a freeman in Walsham, who held under the protection of Tovi, had the soc of another, the abbot of St. Bennet the soc of 2, and the soc of another was in Retgar.

Out of these abovementioned fees and tenures, several lordships took their rise, the principal and chief of which was that of the Bigots Earls of Norfolk, and granted them probably by King Stephen to Hugh Bigot, on his being created Earl of Norfolk, from which family it came to Thomas de Brotherton Earl of Norfolk, and so to the Mowbrays, and Howards Dukes of Norfolk, as in Acle, &c. who were lords and patrons of the church of St. Laurence.

Another lordship that was the King's, and of which Godric was steward, and afterwards granted to the family of Le Boteler, as may be seen in Upton; and in the 15th of Edward I. William de Rothing and Joan his wife, held it of the family of de Botetourt, and claimed view of frank pledge of their tenants here, and in Hemlington, and Ralph de Rothing in the 15th of that King.

In the following year Henry de Cat, and Margery his wife, recovered of Ralph seisin of 18 messuages, 201 acres of land, 12s. 6d. rent, with 2 parts of a messuage, 4 acres of land, and the 3d part of 60 acres of pasture here in Upton, Hemlington, Wykhampton, &c. and in the 9th of Edward II. Henry Catt was lord, and in the next year had a grant of free warren.

John Fastolf and Margery his wife, relict of Henry Catt, purchased in the 19th of Edw. II. a manor here, of the Lady Margaret Foliot, who had it of Ralph Rothing, he of the heirs of Botetourt, by 47s. 8d. rent per ann. with 2 messuages, and 10 acres, held of Roger de Kerdeston, by 8s. per ann.

In the 30th of Edw. III. Sir Constantine de Mortimer senior, and Catherine his wife, conveyed by fine, 2 messuages, 829 acres of land, one of meadow, 4 of wood, 24 of marsh, with 2 foldcourses here, &c. to Agnes, widow of Robert Catt.

John Wymondham, Esq. and Elizabeth his wife, late widow of Sir John Heveningham, held the manor of Rothings in this town, in the 12th of Edward IV. when it was settled on him for life. (fn. 2)

On the death of Sir John Heveningham, who died August 5, Ao. 28th Henry VIII. Anthony his son and heir, had livery of the manor of Rowthings, in South Walsham; and Sir Anthony died seised of it, as appears by his will, proved June 1, 1558.—It was after conveyed to John Holditch, Esq.

Sunderland's or Brome Manor.

In 1304, Petronilla, widow of Sir Roger de Brome, was lady of this hall, in the parish of St. Mary, of South Walsham; and in the 22d of Richard II. Robert de Brome gave to Henry his son and heir, his manor of Sunderland Hall in this town, Upton, Fishley, &c.

Sir Robert de Salle had an interest herein at his death, in 1340, and left it to be sold.

Robert Blome of Blonorton, Esq. by his will, dated September 15, in the 34th of Henry VI. deviseth it to Richard his son and heir. See in Brome, Loddon hundred.

Criketot's Manor.

Simon de Criketot, had a lordship in the 8th of Richard I. when he impleaded Nicholas de Walesham about the right of presentation to the church of St. Mary of Walesham; and Nicholas in the said year, granted it to Simon by fine.

In the 24th of Henry III. a fine was levied between Avicia de Criketot, petent, and Simon de Criketot tenent, of the 3d part of 2 knights fees in Blyford, Suffolk, and of the 3d of the fourth part of a fee in South Walsham, as the inheritance of Ralph de Criketot, her deceased husband, granted in dower to Amicia, &c. she releasing all her right in other lands.

Simon also gave to Emma, daughter of Ralph de Criketot, the 3d part of half a knight's fee, in Marsham, and to her heirs.

In the following year a fine was levied between Christiana, widow of Thomas de St. Omer, petent, Simon de Crikerot tenent, of 53 acres of land, 3 of heath, and 7 of meadow, granted to Simon and his heirs, on condition that if the said Simon, could shortly free himself of —the daughter of Hamon Chevere, who sued him in the ecclesiastical court for her husband, then the reversion thereof should be settled on him and Egidia, daughter of the said Christiana, whom Simon had married, but if he could not clear himself of the said daughter of Hamon, then the 3d part of his lands in Walsham, Upton, Hemlington, Randworth, &c. should belong to Christiana, and Egidia, for the life of Egidia, except the chief manor of Walsham, and the advowson of the church, which Simon was to hold.

Hugh de Bavent, and Felicia his wife, sued for a moiety of this manor, and the 3d part of Blyford manor in Suffolk, against Warin de Montchensy, of the inheritance of Simon de Criketot, her late husband, held in the soccage of Nicholas le Boteler, and recovered it.

St. Bennet's Manor.

This belonged to the chamberlain's office in that abbey, in the reign of the Confessor, containing 2 carucates of land with 8 borderers, one carucate in demean, &c. there was one carucate and a half, with 22 acres of meadow, among the tenants; two salt-works, one runcus, 7 swine, 200 sheep, and four socmen had 33 acres, and an acre of meadow with half a carucate, this together with lands in Fishley, and Upton, were valued in the whole at 40s. and there was besides in Walsham, half a carucate, 6 borderers, 6 acres of meadow, and 5 socmen with one carucate, valued at 10s. and Ralph the Earl, had the soc, in the time of the Confessor. (fn. 3)

Ralph (Guader) Earl of Norfolk, granted it to his chaplain, with soc, and sac, &c. (fn. 4)

Robert de Turtevile, released to the abbot, in the reign of King Stephen, all his right in the lands, in this town, Hemelington, Randworth, and Panxford, which his father William had granted to him.

In the 15th of Henry III. Bartholomew de Stiveky, Robert de Cursun and Basilia his wife, grant to Sampson, then abbot, 44 acres of land, and the abbot regranted to them, a moiety of it; and the moiety of a messuage, and a marsh, and a meadow, and of the rents and services, paying to the abbot and his succcessours, 7 marks and 3s. per ann; and in the 37th of that King, the abbot had a charter of free-warren, and frank, &c. and a gallows in the 15th of Edward III.

Adam, parson of Heyham, and Jeffrey de Baningham, give to this convent the fourth part of the manor of South Walsham, which was held of it by a fee farm rent of 48s. per ann. in the 5th of Edward II.

Henry Broke, &c. aliened lands to it in the 9th of the said King, and it appears that the abbot had a right of fishery, for two nets, from Wroxham bridge, to Weybridge bridge.

In the year 1428, the temporalities of this abbey, and manor of Chamberlains, were valued at 9l. 19s. 7d. per ann.

In this abbey it remained till the exchange of lands made between King Henry III. and Dr. Rugg Bishop of Norwich, when it was granted with other lands, &c. late the abbey of Holmes, to the said Bishop, who exchanged it with other lands, with John Corbet, Esq. (as I take it) for his manor of Bacon's in Ludham, and the said John Corbet, died lord of Chamberlain-Hall, in South Walsham, in 1556.

St. Laurence's Church.

In this town were two churches, one dedicated to St. Laurence, and was a rectory valued at 20 marks, Peter-pence 13d.—carvage 3d. ob. the abbot of Holm had a portion of tithe, valued at 8s. and the prioress of Bungey a portion, valued at 20s.

Ralph Guader Earl of Norfolk, lord of the town, granted his right in the patronage of this church, to the abbot of Holm, but in the first year King Richard I. by a fine levied, Ralph the abbot released it to Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk, on his granting to the abbot a pension of 8s. per ann. out of it.

In the 13th of Henry III. a fine was levied between Geff. de Randeworth, and John le Bigot, rector of this church, who granted to Geff. 30 acres of land, to be held of the rectory, paying 8s. rent per ann. and 4s. to the Earl of Norfolk, of whose fee it was, and Jeffrey released to Bigot, the rector and his successours, the capital messuage with the homages, services which the rector had before; by the said fine, it appears that Nicholas le Butiler had also an interest in the said church of Walsham, (St. Mary, as I take it,) which he in the 7th of Richard I. had granted to the abbot.


John de Dunwich, occurs rector Ao. 5 of Edward II.

1320, Sym. de Heyford, by Thomas de Brotherton Earl of Norfolk.

1334, John de Wyght. Ditto.

1350, James Beckby by Margaret, Countess of Norfolk.

1351, Mr. Barth. Broun, alias De Tacolneston, by ditto.

Bartholomew Peacock, rector.

1384, Bartholomew Broun, by the lady Margaret, &c.

John Schevesbury, rector.

1410, John Standolf, by Joan Queen of England.

1420, Walter Pury, by John de Gray Lord of Ruthyn, and Constantia Countess Marshall, in right of his wife.

1454, Mr. Sim. Thornham, LL. B. by John Duke of Norfolk. Thomas Perot, occurs in Edward the Fourth's reign.

1478, Mr. Miles Walker, A.M. by Elizabeth Dutchess of Norfolk.

1490, Mr. Thomas Cosyn. Ditto.

1498, Mr. John Talbot, M. D. Ditto.

1530, Mr. William Ryvet, LL. D. by Thomas Duke of Norfolk.

Mr. Sampson Mighel, rector.

1550, Christopher Sands, by Frances Countess of Surry.

1554, Mr. Richard Underwood, archdeacon of Norwich, by the Countess, and Thomas Steynings, Gent.

1559, Thomas Baynard. Ditto.

1560, John Jewel. (fn. 5) Ditto.

1562, John Waynhouse. Ditto.

1572, Mr. Thomas Brooke S. T. B. by the Bishop, a lapse.

1578, Alexander Stevenson, by the Crown.

1612, William Younger, by the Earl of Northampton.

1631, Thomas Baker.

John Beever, died rector in 1716, and John Antis, Esq. then presented.

Benjamin Lyng, rector, succeeded by Henry Crownfield, rector in 1742, by Queen's college, Cambridge.

The present valor is 13l. 6s. 8d. and is now in the patronage of Queen's college Cambridge, bought of the Duke of Norfolk, about 1730.

In 1515, Richard Coteler gives to the repair of the steeple of this church, 10s. and in 1518, Raffe Goodewy, by his will, 20s. to the edification of it.

St. Mary's Church.

Ralph de Criketot, and Isabel his wife, and Hubert their son and heir, grant by deed sans date, for the remission of their sins, the church of St. Mary of South Walsham, 100 acres of land in Panchesford, and all their land in Sunderland in this town, to the abbey of St. Bennet of Holme, (fn. 6) witnesses, William, son of Herman, Odo, Arbalistar, Osbert de Redeham, &c.; this was in the reign of King Stephen.

In the 42d of Henry III. William de Suffeld, (alias Calthorp,) conveyed by fine the advowson of it to the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Gyles in Norwich, founded by his brother Walter de Suffeld Bishop of Norwich, who soon after appropriated it to the said hospital, and was valued at 25 marks, and a vicarage, being settled it was valued at 5l. Peter-pence 13d. 0b.; carvage 4d. ob.

Roger Bishop of Norwich also is said to have appropriated this church on the 5th of April, 1268, on the resignation of Richard de Witton, the rector, who had the right of patronage, from Bishop Suffeld.


1326, Reginald de Costesey, vicar, by the master and brethren of St. Gyles hospital.

1332, Richard de Crungethorp. Ditto.

Richard Grubbe, vicar.

133, William Uff. Ditto.

1355, John Blome. Ditto.

1357, Walter de Rendham. Ditto.

1378, John Clerk.

1379, William Attehawse.

1380, William Porter.

1384, John Acre.

1394, Edmund Ray.

1397, Ralph Wymark.

1407, Robert Zwyte.

1414, John Crees.

1443, Richard Large, by the Bishop, a lapse.

1483, William More, by the master, &c.

1512, Hugh Witterance.

1522, Robert Treswell.

1529, Richard Brewer.

John Moor, vicar.

1554, Thomas Cowper, by the mayor, sheriff, &c. of Norwich, the hospital being granted by King Edward VI. in 1547, to the mayor, sheriffs, &c.

1559, Thomas Banyard. Ditto.

1562, John Waynhouse.

1572, Mr. Nath. Wood.

John Robinson, vicar.

1586, Greg. Kirby, by the Queen, a lapse.

Robert Cooke, vicar.

1591, Samuel Gardiner.

1601, William Younger, by the Bishop, a lapse Benjamin Younge, resigned in 1731.

1731, John Beale, by the city of Norwich.

John Kinderley. Ditto.

The patronage is still in the city of Norwich, and the city have the impropriated rectory, by the gift of King Edward VI.

Thomas Speyne, of South Walsham, in 1505, gives lands, to find a lawmp to bren before the Rode, and one to bren before the image of our Lady, the kepeing of his yere day. (fn. 7)

Alice Carre, widow, in 1523, the profits of 4 acres of land here to keep a certeyn, for her and her friends.


  • 1. Terra Regis qua' Godric. servat.— Walesham i lib. ho. Guerti T. R. E. i car. t're. semp iii bord. et dim. car. xx ac. p'ti. silva vii porc. dim. salino. et xvii soc. i car. t're. et i car. et dim. xii ac. p'ti. et in eade' i lib. ho. de xxx ac. t're. et ii bor. et i'pe. et ho'es. ht. i car. et dim. sep. et viii ac. p'ti. et sub. eo. st. vi soc. de vi ac. t're. iii ac. p'ti. tc. i car. p. et mo. dim. et in eade xi soc. de xvi ac. t're. ii ac. p'ti. et sep. ii car.
  • 2. Reg. Jervis, fol. 59.
  • 3. Terra S'ci. Benedicti de Hulmo. Walesham ten. S. B. p. ii car. t're T. R. E. R. Comes habuit soca. T. R. E. sep. viii car. tc car. in d'njo. mo. ii et i car. et dim. hom xxii ac. p'ti n sal. i runc. vii por. cc ov. et iiii soc. de xxxiii ac. et i ac p'ti. sep. dim car. et in Fischete, &c. sep. val. totn' xl sol. adhuc in Walsa' dim. car. et vi. bor. et vi. ac. p'ti et v soc. sep. i car. val. x sol.
  • 4. Reg. Holm. fol. 6, 128.
  • 5. He was after bishop of Salisbury as I take it.
  • 6. Reg. Holm. fol. 29.
  • 7. Reg. Rix. fol. 327.—Reg. Grundesburgh, fol. 8.