Eachwick - Earnley

Pages 121-124

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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EACHWICK, a township, in the parish of Heddonon-the-Wall, union of Castle ward, partly in the W. division of Castle ward, but chiefly in the E. division of Tindale ward, S. division of Northumberland, 10½ miles (N. W. by W.) from Newcastle; containing 101 inhabitants. This was anciently a place of considerable importance, and belonged to Newminster Abbey. The late Mr. Spearman, the antiquary, bequeathed his estate here to Mr. John Hunter, who assumed the name of Spearman. The surface of the land is generally level, and the soil a good free gravel: there is a freestone-quarry. In making a road through an old intrenchment near the village, several hand millstones, a sacrificial knife, and a flint axe, were discovered.

Eagle (All Saints)

EAGLE (All Saints), a parish, partly in the Higher, but chiefly in the Lower, division of the wapentake of Boothby-Graffo, parts of Kesteven, union and county of Lincoln, 7½ miles (W. S. W.) from Lincoln; containing 466 inhabitants. At this place was a preceptory of the Knights Templars, which, on the suppression of their order, was transferred to the Hospitallers: its revenue at the Dissolution amounted to £144. 18. 10. The parish comprises by computation 1231 acres; the surface is undulated, and the soil a sandy loam, alternated with clay. Here is a tepid spring. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £3. 5. 10.; net income, £100; patron and impropriator, Sir W. A. Ingilby, Bart. The church is an ancient structure. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans.


EAGLE-HALL, an extra-parochial liberty, adjacent to the parish of Eagle, in the Higher division of the wapentake of Boothby-Graffo, parts of Kesteven, union and county of Lincoln, 9 miles (W. S. W.) from Lincoln; containing 58 inhabitants. It comprises about 1100 acres, of which a considerable portion is woodland; the surface is undulated, and the soil a sandy loam, with clay.


EAGLE-WOODHOUSE, an extra-parochial liberty, in the Lower division of the wapentake of BoothbyGraffo, parts of Kesteven, union and county of Lincoln; containing 9 inhabitants. It comprises 100 acres, the soil of which is chiefly a strong clay.

Eaglescliffe (St. John the Baptist)

EAGLESCLIFFE (St. John the Baptist), a parish, in the union of Stockton, S. W. division of Stockton ward, S. division of the county of Durham; containing 628 inhabitants, of whom 443 are in the township. This place, called also Egglescliffe (Clivus Ecclesiæ), Aggercliffe, Aixcliffe, Egesclyve, &c., was the scene of a skirmish in the parliamentary war, between the royalist army, which was stationed here, and that of the parliamentarians, which occupied the neighbouring town of Yarm; several of the inhabitants were killed, and Dr. Isaac Basire, rector of the parish and chaplain to the king, was taken prisoner and confined in the castle of Stockton. The parish comprises the townships of Eaglescliffe, Aislaby, and Newsham, and contains 4821 acres; the soil is a good clay, the surface undulated, and the scenery in many situations picturesque. It is separated by the river Tees from the market-town of Yarm, in the county of York; and a handsome bridge of stone, replacing one of iron which fell down before it was completed, in 1806, affords facility of communication between the two places. An ancient stone bridge of five arches, widened after the fall of the iron bridge, still remains. The Stockton and Darlington railway has a branch here, with several depôts for coal. The village occupies an elevated point of land, half surrounded by the windings of the Tees, and the prospect from it embraces much fine scenery, including two reaches of the river, and the town of Yarm. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £28. 17. 1., and in the patronage of the Bishop of Durham: the tithes have been commuted for £624. 15. 4., and there are 203 acres of glebe. The church, which stands on an eminence on the banks of the Tees, is of the later English style, and consists of a nave, chancel, and tower; the chancel is fitted up with stalls, and a fine oak screen separates it from the nave: under an arched canopy is a tomb of a Knight Templar in chain armour, in a very perfect state; and in the same recess are an old edition in black letter of Bishop Jewel's Apology, and a copy of the works of Charles I., both secured with chains.


EAGLESFIELD, a township, in the parish of Brigham, union of Cockermouth, Allerdale ward above Derwent, W. division of Cumberland, 2¾ miles (S. W. by W.) from Cockermouth; containing 371 inhabitants. It is one of the "five towns" annexed to the honour of Cockermouth. On the inclosure of Eaglesfield and Blindbothel commons, about 1814, twenty acres of land were appropriated to the establishment of a school. The township abounds with excellent limestone. Some years since, a Roman paved way was discovered.


EAGLESFIELD-ABBEY, an extra-parochial place, locally in St. Mary's parish, city of Carlisle, ward, and E. division of the county, of Cumberland; containing 53 inhabitants.


EAKLEY, formerly a parish, now a hamlet united to the parish of Stoke-Goldington, in the union of Newport-Pagnel, hundred of Newport, county of Buckingham; containing 101 inhabitants. The church has been demolished.


EAKRING, a parish, in the union of Southwell, South-Clay division of the wapentake of Bassetlaw, N. division of the county of Nottingham, 3¾ miles (S. S. E.) from Ollerton; containing 661 inhabitants. It comprises by measurement 2451 acres, of which 56 are waste; the surface is hilly, and the soil a clayey loam: the village is pleasantly situated, and contains many well-built houses. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £9. 16. 0½., and in the gift of Earl Manvers and the Earl of Scarborough, alternately: the tithes have been commuted for £590, and the glebe comprises 38a. 2r. 27p. The church is a neat edifice with a tower, and, situated on an eminence, forms an interesting feature in the scenery.


EALAND, a hamlet, in the parish of Crowle, union of Thorne, W. division of the wapentake of Manley, parts of Lindsey, county of Lincoln; containing 167 inhabitants.

Ealing (St. Mary)

EALING (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Brentford, Kensington division of the hundred of Ossulstone, county of Middlesex, 6½ miles (W.) from London; containing, with Old Brentford chapelry and Little Ealing hamlet, 8407 inhabitants, of whom 129 are in Little Ealing. This populous village, from its situation near the western parts of the metropolis, has become a favourite residence, and contains several handsome villas and pleasant seats: the Great Western railway passes through the parish, and about half a mile north of the church is a station on the line. A pleasurefair is held on the 24th of June, and two following days. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £13. 6. 8., and in the gift of the Bishop of London: the impropriate tithes have been commuted for £1000, and the vicarial for £600; the impropriate glebe contains nearly 68 acres, and the vicarial 10¼. The church, erected in 1735, is a brick building with a tower and cupola; in 1824, 229 sittings were added, 163 of which are free. A lectureship was founded in 1629, and endowed with £40 per annum, by the Rev. John Bowman, chancellor of St. Paul's, who also left £20 per annum to the poor. A chapel was built at Old Brentford in 1770. There is a place of worship for Independents; also some endowed schools in union with the National Society. Among distinguished inhabitants may be enumerated, Dr. John Owen, a learned nonconformist divine, and a very voluminous writer, who died in 1683; Serjeant Maynard, an eminent lawyer, who died here in 1690, and was buried in the church; Sir Frederick Morton Eden, Bart., author of an elaborate History of the Labouring Class in England; and Robert Orme, author of Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, who died in 1801. John Horne Tooke, author of the Diversions of Purley, and Mrs. Trimmer, were interred in the churchyard.

Eamont-Bridge, with Yanwith

EAMONT-BRIDGE, with Yanwith, a township, in the parish of Barton, West ward and union, county of Westmorland, 1¼ mile (S. S. E.) from Penrith; containing 316 inhabitants. In the vicinity, the Eamont is passed by a viaduct on the line of the Lancaster and Carlisle railway: the viaduct has five arches of fifty feet span each, and seventy feet high, and commands a view of rich rural scenery on the river, the trees clustering to the very brink of its dark and gloomy bosom. On the southern bank of the Eamont is an intrenched amphitheatre, called King Arthur's Round Table, in ancient times used as a tilting-ground; and near it is another relic of antiquity, named Mayburgh, which is supposed to have been the Gymnasium, where the wrestlers, racers, and others of the humbler class performed their exercises. The union workhouse is in the township, and here is a school endowed with £100 per annum.


EARBY, a township, in the parish of Thornton-in-Craven, wapentake of Staincliffe and Ewcross, W. riding of York, 7 miles (W. S. W.) from Skipton. This place is situated in a low flat valley, in the centre of the parish: there is a quarry of gritstone, used for building purposes; and a cotton-mill, erected in 1839, affords employment to 160 hands. Here are places of worship for Wesleyans and Baptists; and a free school founded in 1633, by the Rev. Robert Windle, who left £100 for its erection, and £20 a year for a master.


EARDINGTON, a township, in the parish of Quatford, union of Bridgnorth, hundred of Stottesden, S. division of Salop, 2 miles (S. by E.) from Bridgnorth; containing 349 inhabitants. Iron-works have been established. The impropriate tithes of the township have been commuted for a yearly rent-charge of £224. 10., with a glebe of 7 acres.

Eardisland (St. Mary)

EARDISLAND (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Weobley, hundred of Stratford, county of Hereford, 5 miles (W.) from Leominster; containing 856 inhabitants. The river Arrow flows from west to east through the parish, which consists of 4469 acres of a rich and productive soil, and is intersected by the road from Leominster to Weobley. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £4. 9. 7., and in the patronage of the Bishop of Hereford, the appropriator, whose tithes have been commuted for £586, and those of the vicar for £339. 11.; there is a glebe of 2 acres. A gallery was erected in the church in 1839, containing 72 free sittings. In 1607, a portion of the tithe and glebe in the hamlet of Street was given for the maintenance of a school, which is now conducted on the national system. A house still exists called the Nun House, and part of the glebe land is denominated the Monk's Court; from which it is inferred that a place called Staick House was once a religious establishment. The Roman Watling-street is supposed to have passed through the parish, in the line of the road now leading to Street Court.

Eardisley (St. Mary Magdalene)

EARDISLEY (St. Mary Magdalene), a parish, in the union of Kington, hundred of Huntington, county of Hereford, 5 miles (S. by W.) from Kington; containing 756 inhabitants. The parish is bounded by the river Wye on the south, and intersected by the road from Hereford to Kington; and comprises 4557a. 2r. 1p., of which 1734 acres are arable, 141 woodland, and the remainder pasture and waste. The surface, which is undulated, and mountainous towards the south, is interspersed with rich plantations; and from a Roman encampment in the northern extremity, is obtained a beautiful view of the adjacent country. The Hay railway passes near the village. Fairs are held in May and September. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £7. 12. 6.; patron and impropriator, Thomas Perry, Esq. The great tithes have been commuted for £286. 17., and the vicarial for £537. 7.; the impropriate glebe comprises 80 acres, and the vicarial 2r. 4p. The church is partly of Norman architecture, and partly in the English style. There is a chapel of ease at Bollingham. Several helmets have been dug up; and there are slight remains of a castle, during many centuries the residence of the Baskervilles, a family of great note in the marches of Wales.


EARDLEY-END, a township, in the parish of Audley, union of Newcastle-under-Lyme, N. division of the hundred of Pirehill and of the county of Stafford, 5 miles (N. W.) from Newcastle; containing 146 inhabitants. The township extends from one mile north of Audley to the borders of Cheshire.


EARITH, a chapelry, in the parish of Bluntisham, hundred of Hurstingstone, union and county of Huntingdon, 3 miles (S. E.) from Somersham; containing 717 inhabitants. The village is situated on the navigable river Ouse, over which is an iron suspensionbridge, recently constructed. Cattle-fairs are held on May 4th, July 25th, and November 1st. The chapel, which was dedicated to St. James, has been demolished. To the east of the village is an ancient encampment called Earith Bulwarks, occupying a quadrilateral area with bastions at the angles.

Earl, or Yeard-Hill

EARL, or Yeard-Hill, a township, in the parish of Doddington, union, and E. division of the ward, of Glendale, N. division of Northumberland, 1¼ mile (S. by W.) from Wooler; containing 80 inhabitants. It was the property, for a long period, of the Swinburnes; at length, two co-heiresses married two brothers of the name of Selby, and the estate was divided into North and South Earl. The township comprises 1150 acres, of which 670 are arable, 460 pasture, and 20 woodland; the surface is mountainous, and the soil light, with a whinstone substratum. The road from Wooler to Whittingham passes to the east of the village. In 1820 an urn containing bones and a flint knife was found on the summit of a hill at this place.

Earl-Framingham, Norfolk.—See Framingham, Earl.

EARL-FRAMINGHAM, Norfolk. —See Framingham, Earl.—And other places having a similar distinguishing prefix will be found under the proper name.


EARL-SHILTON, a chapelry, in the parish of Kirby-Mallory, union of Hinckley, hundred of Sparkenhoe, S. division of the county of Leicester, 3¾ miles (N. E.) from Hinckley; containing 2220 inhabitants. Here was a Norman castle, belonging to the earls of Leicester, who were at one period lords of the manor; but it is now entirely destroyed, the site being denoted only by a mount, and a spot called the Castleyard, or Hall-yard. The township is situated on the road from Leicester to Coventry, and comprises by measurement 2017 acres, of which the soil is chiefly clay and gravelly loam: the population is partly employed in the stocking-manufacture, which is carried on extensively; and there are quarries of very excellent stone for building. The chapel, dedicated to St. Peter, is an ancient edifice, said to have been built of the stones of the castle. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1778; the land comprises 85 acres. There are places of worship for Baptists, Independents, and Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists. £56 per annum, arising from land awarded at the inclosure, in lieu of copyhold property purchased by a bequest of Sir Verney Noel's, are received for apprenticing children, and distributing bread to the poor, who are also entitled to about £20, the rent of 13 acres allotted at the same time for their benefit.


EARL-STOKE, a chapelry, in the parish and hundred of Melksham, union of Devizes, Devizes and N. divisions of Wilts, 3¼ miles (W.) from East Lavington; containing 381 inhabitants. It is intersected by the road from East Lavington to Frome, and consists of 1906 acres. The chapel is dedicated to St. Mary. The tithes were commuted for land in 1777, and 36 acres were assigned to the vicar of Melksham.


EARLDOMS, an extra-parochial liberty, in the union of Alderbury, hundred of Frustfield, Salisbury and Amesbury, and S. divisions of the county of Wilts; containing 52 inhabitants.

Earlham (St. Mary).—See Norwich.

EARLHAM (St. Mary).—See Norwich.


EARLSTONE, a tything, in the parish of Burghclere, union and hundred of Kingsclere, Kingsclere and N. divisions of the county of Southampton; containing 71 inhabitants.


EARLY, a liberty, in the parish of Sonning, union of Wokingham, hundred of Charlton, county of Berks, 2½ miles (S. E. by E.) from Reading; containing 471 inhabitants, and comprising 2222 acres. The chapel is dedicated to St. Peter. The impropriate tithes of the liberty have been commuted for a yearly rent-charge of £280.


EARNLEY, a parish, in the union of West Hampnett, hundred of Manhood, rape of Chichester, W. division of Sussex, 6½ miles (S. W. by S.) from Chichester; containing, with part of Almodington, 139 inhabitants. It comprises by admeasurement 1120 acres, of which about four-fifths are arable, and the remainder pasture and meadow land; the soil is generally a rich loam. The living is a rectory, with that of Almodington, and valued in the king's books at £7. 6. 0½.: the Bishop of Chichester presents for two turns, and the Duke of Norfolk for one. The tithes of Earnley have been commuted for £430, and the glebe consists of 8 acres. The church is in the early English style. A place of worship for Independents was opened in 1839.