Pages 698-712
A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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December (3 of 6)
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the lords States General.
Jovis, Dec. 21, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 143.
Was heard the report of the lord Huygens, and others their high and mighty lordships commissioners, according to their resolution of the 12th instant, having finished their commission with the present ministers of the cities of Dantzick, concerning a certain indorsement of ratification passed by the said city on the 22d of Dec. upon the act of stipulation made on the 10th of July; whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and resolved, to persist herewith by the said resolution of the 12th current taken upon the said subject.
Extract out of the resolutions of the lords the states of Holland and West Friesland, taken Dec. 21, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 141.
Was read in the assembly, a certain petition presented to their lordships by the commissioners of the great fishery of these countries, containing a complaint, how that at the last season for the taking of herrings, many of their herring busses were troubled and molested, not only by the English fishermen, but besides, that the English men of war, with shooting, and the like, did very much prejudice their fishing, and did force them to leave their callings: there being also named in the petition the names of the English captains, that did it, and several other circumstances for the verifying the same; and desiring their lordships to provide against the same by such ways and means, as they shall think fit. Whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and resolved, that the said petition and examinations shall be exhibited by the generalty in behalf of their noble great lordships, and there furthered, to the end a copy of the same may be sent to the lord ambassador Nieuport by order of their high and mighty lordships, with this request to him, that he will use his utmost endeavours, that the lord protector of the said commonwealth may be induced to order due punishment to be inflicted upon those, that were guilty of the said crime; and that the same may be prevented for the future, that so the herring busses of this state may have a free and peaceable trade of it as formerly.
Resident Sasburgh to the States General.
Vol. xlv. p. 124.
High and mighty lords.
My lords, the king of Scotland is still here. The agreement with Brabant doth also still continue at the rate of one hundred thousand guilders per mensem. The general muster and reformation is now finished, and there are reformed (as I am told) eight High German regiments, seven Walloon, one Spanish, and eight hundred horse. The discontent under the militia is great, and they speak with little affection of the head officers, saying, that the like reformation hath not been these seven years. It is also said, that the regiment of the deceased earl of Bucquoy, likewise put into the list of the reformation, is put out, and is to continue, being presented by his highness to the said earl's brother.
The advice from Spain is generally, that great endeavours are used in those parts to set forth a great fleet, to send to meet the silver fleet, which is expected home this month; and in regard the English have particular advice by the taking of the last ships, when the said fleet was to set sail, they are not here without trouble about it. It is said here, that the lord protector is to be chosen and made king; but as yet they have not been able to find out convenient means to settle the same upon his posterity.
T. Van Sasburgh.
Brussels, Dec. 21/11, 1656.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
Honoured sir,
The bearer heerof, major Borthwick, hath spent some time with the earle of Glencairne, to gett a note under his hand for freeing his brother, who is prisoner beyond
seas, but cannot prevaile with him in itt. The bearer hath done us very good service. I
desire you will stand his freind to gett him a letter from his highnesse to lieut. gen. Brayne,
to have the next convenient companie, that shall fall in Jamaica; and that you will bee a
meanes to helpe him, till an employment shall fall; which curtesie if you shall please to doe,
I shall take itt as a great favour, and hope I shall nott trouble you with any more businesse
of this nature, butt remayne
Your most affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 11 Dec. 1656.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vendredy, 15 Decembre, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 151.
IL y a en une resolution de Hollande proposée, contenant qu'on doive ordonner aux ambassadeurs en Prussie d'offrir non seulement la mediation, mais aussy la guarantie de cest estat sur le traité de paix qui s'y sera. Les provinces ne se sont pas encore declarées sur cela.
Le prince Maurice a escrit, que l'ambassadeur de Spaigne l'a asseuré, que le prince de Condé ne feroit point de mal au pais de Cleve.
L'on pensoit donner une chaine d'or au secretaire de l'ambassadeur Chanut; mais ayant veu les retroactes, on a veu, que desja il auroit en une, lors que le Sr Chanut partit: aussi n'aura rien.
L'on escrira à ceux de la chambre mypartie, à n'avancer pas dans le proces de le Outre-Meuse.
Les envoyes de elect. & princes de Cologne, Munster, & de Newborch, ont insisté pour avancer en leur negotiation, & demandent conference; mais on n'a rien resolu, si non que les provinces soyent sommées de soy declarer là dessus.
Il y a aura en une lettre particuliere de l'ambassadeur Boreel, que le France & l'Angleterre voudront soy liguer fort estroitement: ce qui est matiere a donner jalousie, autant contre cest estat, comme contre la Spaigne, quoyque principalement cela soit contre l'Espaigne.
Samedi, 16 Decembre.
Le Sr Courtin, secretaire delaissé de l'ambassadeur Chanut, aura aujourd'huy par un memoire expres fait pleinte, que l'estat avoit fait meilleure reception à des envoyes de ville, qu'a luy veuant de teste couronnée; mais l'on n'en a fait que rire.
Le fiscal Sille ayant esté chalengé d'avoir excedé sa commission en troublant l'exercise de la religion Romaine, a presenté sa personne a purge.
Touchant l'ordre ou acte (du 3 Novembre) à donner aux navires touchant la visitation des Anglois, les villes d'Hollande ne sont pas d'accord; les autres sont jaloux de ce qu' Amsterdam aura trop d'avantage par c'est acte, à cause que le college de Amsterdam est mieux pourveu de convoyers.
Dimanche, 17 Decembre.
La Ville de Dansigk a fait une deputation au roy de Pologne pour le persuader à la paix; estant à presumer, que c'est a fin, qu'aveq reputation il vienne au traité omissis præminaribus. Le fort nomme le Hooft sera assiegé, & desja le dehors prins. Les ambassadeurs en Dennemarck ont envoyé une longue resolution Latine de roy de Swede donne au Sr Kleyst, ambassadeur de Brandenborg en Dennemarck, touchant le traité, que le dit Kleyst offre entre le Dennemarck & la Swede.
Le Sr Wickefort de Paris a receu une despeche du roy de Pologne, le qualifiant pour icy negotier un alliance entre la Pologne a cest estat, de quoy le Sr de By, & avec raison, est mal content; mais le Sr Wickefort l'a asseuré, qu'il n'accepte pas le commission. Le sieur Wickefort declare aussi, qu'il ne quittera pas le service de l'electeur de Brandenborch, s'il luy paye son arrierage.
La province de Zelande desire avoir autant d'autorité dans la cour de justice, comme le Hollande; consequement que le conseilleur Veth soit retably, ou bien elle se veut separer, & tenir sa cour en Zeelande.
Cette semaine future indubitablement reviendra sur le tapis l'affaire de tresorier general.
Lundy, 18 Decembre.
L'ambassadeur de Spaigne derechef fait pleinte tres serieuse sur l'imprisonment du prelat de Closteraedt, meme avec quelque menace; ce qui est mis es mains du conseil d'estat.
A Maestricht un soldat homicide mené pour estre decapité, & renconstrant deux Capucins, se mit a genoux pour en avoir l'absolution, ce que les Capucins ayant donné sont mis en prison, sur quoy le conseil electoral de Liege a fait & escrit pleinte.
L'electeur de Cologne aussy a escrit pleinte de ce, qu'a Rynberck on luy fait tort en luy assurpant le peage.
Les deputes d'Ostfrise ont exhibé les points de consideration de leur rapport.
Le Sr Huygens a fait rapport du fait du viconte Mascheaux; de ce qu'il a donné passage un cavaliers Francois.
Mardy, 19 Decembre.
On a resolu de donner une resolution en response aux Sr de Neersen & Wylich, envoyes des electeur de Cologne, evesque de Munster, & duc de Nyborch, que l'on ne juge pas aucune place meilleure pour la negotiation de l'alliance, que la Haye, pour le temps: on sera prest tout heure d'avoir l'ouverture, que les dits princes, ou leurs envoyes, auront à faire; si el comment ces envoyes se contenteront de cela, se verra.
L'agent de Glarges a envoyé un arrest, par lequel le roy de France bien expressement ordonne, qu'on exerce contre ceux de cest estat la loy, robbe d'enemy confisque robbe d'amis. Surquoy, comme aussy sur les præcedentes lettres secrets de l'ambassadeur Boreel, demain se ferra quelque rapport.
Les membres de Zeelande ont unaniment consenty, que l'on mettra le Sr Beverning en la possession de la charge de tresorier general, & cy devant ils ont esté les plus aigres contre luy.
Le sieur ambassadeur de Spaigne a fait presenter memoire de tort, qu'on fait tant touchant la seigneurie de Wickerael, que touchant certain Vandermeer.
L'on a resolu de rappeller les deputes, qui sont a Boileduc; & faire la reste par le Schout.
Mecredy, ce 20 Decembre.
Aujourd'huy en fin les provinces de Geldre, Hollande, Zeelande, Utrecht, & Groningen, ont donné au Sr Beverning la charge de tresorier general. La Frise & Overyssell ont fait contredire la resolution.
Jeudy, 21 Decembre.
Le prince Adolph de Sweede venu icy hier à fair dire au president des Estats Generaux, qu'il estoit venu icy incognito pour peu de jours; surquoy on a deputé les Srs de Gent & de Merode pour le complimenter.
Une lettre secrette de l'ambassadeur Boreel est venu aux Estats Generaux, asseurant, de favoir de fort bonne main, que la France & le Angleterre estoient convenu ensemble de prendre garde de pres à la navigation de cest estat, & d'exercer la loy, robbe d'enemy, &c. & de confisquer tout navire & biens d'amy, quand il y a tant soit peu de marchandise Espaignolle, ou soupçon parmi cela.
Aujourd'huy est fait rapport de la conference tenuë hier aveq les deputes de Dantsigk sur la ratification de l'acte de stipulation de 10 Juliet.
Vendredy, 22 Decembre.
Les Srs de Gent & de Merode ont fait report du compliment, qu'ils ont fait ou prince Adolph; & que de leur accueil & reception ils sont bien content. Et le assemblée s'est monstrée en une affaire quelque festin, traitement, ou de defrayement au dit prince, sur quoy les dits Srs Gent & Merode sont requis de vouloir demain servir d'avis, en quelle facon ou le doit regaler.
Hier les deputes d'Oostfrise ont eu audience, demandant rabbat & dilay du payement, qu'on leur a demandé.
On escrira au Sr ambassadeur Nieuport pour sonder touchant ce que escrit l'ambassadeur Boreel, si le protecteur soit de meme sentiment avec la France pour vexer la navigation de cest estat.
L'assemblée de Hollande est separée pour revenir le 9 Janvier, n'ayant n'y ratifié le traité d'Elbing, n'y fait autre chose d'importance.
A letter of intelligence from Holland.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Messieurs de Hollande en faisant obtenu leur dessein de mettre le Sr Beverning
en possession de la charge de tresorier, laquelle resolution a esté prinse & concluë
mesme par le Sr de Renswoude president, ce qui est notable; comme aussy, que toutes les
membres ou villes de Zelande avoient sur leur assemblée des estats consentis unanimement
à ce que dessus. La verité est, que le interest governe le monde. La Hollande à beaucoup
des compagnies à donner; aussy il est riche, peut beneficier des provinces entieres, comme
l'on dit, qu'elle a obligée la province de Gueldre en certain pretention d'argent: ac vero
pauper ubique jacet. Le jeune prince d'Orange est pauvre; la princesse royale n'est pas
menagere; aussy doit donner aux pauvres Anglois, ce que elle a de trop. La Hollande a
obligé le Sr de Renswoude par l'avancement de ses fils, l'un par le ministere en Espaigne (a
quoy la Hollande fournit tout) & a l'autre fils à donné une compagnie. Au Sr Gent fait
esperer l'ambassadeur extraordinaire en Espagne; & ayant beaucoup d'enfans on donnera à
l'un une compagnie, aux autres des enseignes: tant y a que le Sr de Gent s'attache fort aux inte
rests de la Hollande. Le Sr de Beverweert, qui gouverne fort la princesse royale, & le
sieur de Henvliet est grand enemy de la princesse royalle douariere & du prince Guliaume,
& desja 2 de ces fils ont des compagnies. Et la Hollande fleurit & s'enrichit puissamment par le commerce, accroissant en argent, & en credit. estats d'Hollande ont eu dessein de trainer la
ratification du traité d'Elbing, mais au mesme temps (hier) vint advis de France, que l'ambassadeur declare chose indubitable, que tant roy, comme le protecteur, seroient resolus
d'incommoder puissament la navigation de cet estat; & d'arrester, amener, & confisquer
tout ce qu'ils recontreront en mer; ou il y aye la moindre soupçon, que cela appartient
à Espagnols, selon la rigorouse loy de robbe enemy confisque reblée d'amy: cela donne
l'arriere pensée à estats d'Holland, qui craignent, qu'en mesme temps ils ne voulent pas avoir pour adversaire, aussy bien l'oost, que le west. Autremeroit indubitablement ils feront quelque estroitte
alliance avec le Dennemarc, Pologne, & Muscovie, pour tirer tous les avantages imaginables
du commerce pour eux. Mais l'aversion de la France les tient en cervelle. Je suis,
Votre tres humble serviteur.
Le 22 Decembre, 1656. [N. S.]
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 145.
In obedience to his highnes letter of the 13th of May, a coppie whereof is herewith sent
you, there is a graunt past of sir John Clotworthy of the Lough therein mentioned,
wherein there is past the severall creeks and fishings on the Lough and river of Bann, according to the perticulers mentioned in the surrender of the then and now lord Chichester,
dated the 1st July 1640, for which there is a considerable rent reserved. Now the words
of his highnes letter of the 13th May being generall, with reference to the word of the
surrender; and sir John Clotworthy being informed, that it will corroborate his title to have
what is allready graunted to him by patent, warranted by the expresse words of his highnes
letter, I desire you to procure the inclosed to bee signed by his highnes, which will answer
the justice of sir John's desires, and be esteemed as a respect don to
Your loving freind and servant,
H. Cromwell.
Dublin, Decemb. 12, 1656.
I desire you not to thinke this to be a letter of course, because I have made use of another hande; but ame confident, you may by this obleige a worthy person, and putt ane additionall ingagement uppon Your servant, H. C.
Inclos'd in the preceding.
Vol. xv. p. 146.
Right trusty and well beloved, we greet you well. Whereas by our letters given at Whitehall the 13th May last, to the end a growing pension of six shillings and eight pence per diem due unto sir John Clotworthy for life, might be extinguished, and that some mark of the value of his and his father's services in that our dominion of Ireland might continue upon him, where the services were performed, we did direct as followeth: that a lease of 99 years should be made unto the said sir John Clotworthy, and his assigns, of the Lough called Lough Neagh, as it was surrendered to the late king, on the first day of July 1640, by the then and now lord Chichester, such acknowledgment of rent being reserved on the same, as to you, our deputy and council of Ireland, might seem meet; and whereas we are given to understand, that in the said lease so made unto the said sir John Clotworthy, there is reserved unto the said Lough and river of Bann a rent of 40 l. per ann. for the first seven years, and 50 l. per ann. for the remainder of the said time, payable to us and our successors, in pursuance of our said directions signified by our said letters of the 13th May last; now to the end the said sir John Clotworthy and his assigns may enjoy the full benefit of our gracious favour and intentions towards him, concerning the Lough and river, for the distinct rents reserved on the same, and to prevent misconstructions, that at any time hereafter may be made, to the prejudice of the said sir John Clotworthy, or his assigns, in this particular, and lest the words of our said letters of the 13th May last may be interpreted not to be so full and particular as in this case now requisite; our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby direct and declare, that by the general words in our forementioned letters, we intended and do intend unto the said sir John Clotworthy, and his assigns, a lease and demise for 99 years of the premises, according to the extent of the words of the aforesaid surrender of the said Lough and river of Bann, together with the creeks and fishings thereof. And our will and pleasure is, and we accordingly authorize you, whensoever the said sir John Clotworthy, his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall desire it, that you cause a new and effectual grant, in due form of law, to be made and passed by letters patents under our great seal there, concerning a lease or demise from us to the said sir John Clotworthy, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for 99 years, of the premises, as fully and amply, as they are expressed in the said surrender. And for the so doing these our letters shall be as well to you, our deputy and council, and commissioners for the custody of our great seal here now being, and all other our officers and ministers there, whom it may concern, as to any other our deputy, chief governor, or governor and council, and commissioner, chancellor, or keeper of our great seal there, which hereafter for the time shall be, and to all other our officers and ministers, whom it shall or may concern, and to every of them, sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalf. Given at Whitehall this day of 1656.
Mr. Ja. Fouller to general Monck.
Vol. xlv. p. 135.
Right honorable,
I Have sent this bearer expresse to lett your excellencie know, that ther can be nothing
done in the mynes this winter, because of the remotenesse of the place. I cannot enter
to woorke before the spring, against which tyme ther may be full tryall made of the ore, and
the richnes thereof. In the meane tyme I will bee making all things ready for the worke.
I have sent a letter from lieut. coll. Man to the earle of Suterland, for securing of the
ground. I have sent a peece of ore by the bearer. I will send your excellencie a greater
quantytie of it by the first ship, that goes from heir to Lieth. Your excellencie will be
pleased to cause put this peece ore to a triall by skillfull men. I am confident, it will prove
rich, if it bee not marred in the tryall; and after the same is tryed, your excellencie will be
pleased to acquaint mee, how the ore must bee disposed of, whether caried to London, or fined
at the myne. The refiner must be brought from London, with all ingredients necessary,
and several officers apointed to that effect. Also ther would be an order from your excellencie
to the justices of peace of the sheir of Invernes, Ros, and Sutherland, that all idle persons
in their respective bounds be sent to work. Of this at more length, after further triall and
incoridgment. The place, where the myne lyes, is thirty five miles from heere, and lyes
tenn myles from the sea. There is also woods nere the myne, but few oake. This is all
at present. I remaine
Your excellencie's most humble servant,
Ja. Fouller.
Invernesse, 12 Dec. 1656.
For the right hon. the lord generall Monk in Dalkeith.
A letter of intelligence. Decemb. 12, 1656.
Vol. xlv. p. 171.
Right honourable,
Perceiveing that your honor was extreamly taken up with businesse, I durst not then further ***** thought it was my dutie at present to give your honour ***** told mee
yesterday at our meeting at 4 in the afternoon.
That hee had dined yesterday with coll. Roscarroc and coll. K. at the Rose tavern in Fleet-street, by an appointment, where at the entring in hee found a gentleman with them, whom hee had never seen before, being of a tall stature, his haire of the colour of mine, of something a spare face, but a sharp and manly look, richly clad, and one whom hee perceived to be a person of very great quality, by the extraordinary respect the others gave him upon all occasions. This gentleman was silent, untill Roscarroc told him, that hee was the man, that was going to the king speedily: then hee told him, hee also came from him very lately; and wisht him to tell the king, that the gent from (fn. 1) Surricseas was safely arrived. Hee told him moreover, that there was now more hopes then ever, and wisht him by all meanes to retard his journey till munday next: 1. because his letters were not yet arrived, and in them hee expected matters of consequence; 2. that hee might compleat himselfe with all sorts of intelligence; for hee should have noe time to come back, and goe again, the matter was so near its execution. Amongst other discourse he also told him, that he arrived in London the night before at 9 in the evening; that hee came over from Flushing (if I mistake not, since tuesday) in an oister boat, which arrived at Rochester, and that he was in very great danger of beinge taken by one of our ships, who searched the said boat, as it was in its passage.
Item, that from what hee heares and sees, he will venture his life to your honour, that the businesse is not above a month or thereabouts from its execution.
Item, that the number is not visibly more than 3 thousand.
Item, that the name of the man at Dover, who conveighes all the letters and packetts of that party, is Foster.
From the Dutch ambassador, Van Dorp.
Vol. xlv. p. 155.
My lord,
According to what their high and mighty lordships were pleased to charge us in their
resolution of the 16th instant, I send your lordship here inclosed a copy of the oath
given to the magistrates of this city by the officers and soldiers of their high and mighty
lordships. The said soldiers are divided into five troops, over whom are put, as officers by
provision, capt. Myer, capt. Harsolte, capt. Mauley, capt. Percevall, and capt. Van
Swalme: they are employed to guard a post on the west side of this city, called the Slotzbergh, and have the watch by turns every fifth night. Now what concerneth the further
order of their high and mighty lordships, contained in their resolution, and the letter of the
council of state, I will also effect the same, as soon as I shall be informed by the lord Huyven, whether his lordship hath also received any order from the province of Zealand for the
payment of the soldiers standing upon their repartition; and we will distribute the money,
with the knowledge of the officers, after the best manner, which I could very well delay, in
regard the magistrates of this city have undertaken to disburse one loan more, but have excused to do the same any more hereafter upon their inabilities.
The armies on both sides do lie still, but it is believed they will be shortly upon action, in regard the river Weyssel will be soon frozen up for men and horses to march over it.
Frederick Van Dorp.
Dantzick, 23 Dec. 1656. [N. S.]
To Nieuport, the Dutch ambassador in England.
Hamburgh, 23d Dec. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 156.
My lord,
They write from Koningsberg, that the vice-chancellor of Poland, Radzeusky, hath of
certain, after sentence had been past upon him, made himself away with poison.
They write likewise out of Prussia and Poland, that the hopes of the negotiation for peace began to vanish. It seems, that both the potentates do rely upon their forces, and the assistance of their good friends the Swedes chiefly, soe that it is the general opinion, that it must be a battle, that must decide between them. The Swedes are said to be got over the Weyssell, and the Poles make ready to receive them.
Don John of Austria to the marquis of Bayz.
Vol. xlv. p. 164.
Han llegado a mis manos dos Cartas de V. S. deso y 27 del pasado que me ha escripto en posmohut y Londres y por ellas visto los accidentes de mala fortuna que han pasado por su familia y persona y el estado en que aora se hallaua con su segundo hermano de que quedo con mucho sentimiento. En conformidad de la primera escriui a su magestad como me pedia y en quanto al cange general que se le a propuosto vengo de buena gana enque sea como se estila en la guerra; puesto por puesto y persona por persona, y que los que huvere mas en una parte que en otra se rranzonen pordinero dando Vna paga desus fuel doo y ajustando los queno la quieren segun fuere justo, y si en esta conformidad quisieren hë que esto se ajuste me podra a visar para la Exon. Guarde Dios a V. S. muchos años. Bruselas a 23 de Nov. 1656.
Sir Thomas Harris to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 159.
Right honorable,
The inclosed petition, and reference upon it, have putt into your power (and hope God,
who never deny'd mercy to them that aske it, will into your heart) to releive me from
the oppressive sufferings, under the weight whereof six innocent brothers and sisters of mine,
together with myself, are like to perish. — And I hope, that God, who has given you this
opportunity to make use of your bowels of compassion, will incline you to the exercise of it.
If you expect outward motives, I have none, no powerfull freind to be my mediatour, nor
other way of address than this to render you sensible of my want. But I have a heart, sir,
a heart sensible both of gratitude and religion, and both of them shall ever oblige me to let
the world know the breath and subsistance I have is through your favour, and entirely your
owne; and in the sense hereof, to make it part of my dayly prayers, that God will vouchsafe you his choicest mercies now and for ever, in returne of that compassion, which I humbly beg and hope you will now shew to
Your humblest suppliant and servant,
Thomas Harris.
Dec. 13. 1656.
A letter of intelligence from col. Bampfylde.
Vol. xlv. p. 161.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
By the last poste I had a letter from you, but not any by this. The certainty of the king
of Portugall's death is nowe arrived here by severall letters from Lisbone; but the courte
defer putting themselves in mourning, untill they perceive it by an express. I doe not
finde this is likely to produce any great change in the affayres betwixt this crowne and that,
the prince being proclaimed king, and the queen (whoe governed all before) declared regent, with the assistance of four councellours, whoe were named by the king himselfe before his death. 'Till new orders come from theise new governoures, there is a stopp
to the agent's proceedings, whoe has offered to the king in marriage with the princess of Portugall, six hundred thousand pistolls, the putting a considerable towne
into his hands, which they held in Barbery, aboute the mouth of the Streights, and to
mayntayne a certayne nomber of shipps to joyne with the French agaynest the Spaniard. The
dutchess of Loraigne had not longe since laboured soe effectually for her husband's liberty,
that the pope and state of Venise had undertaken to be his caution, upon his putting the
two townes of Lomberg and Landstall (which he yet holdes in Allsatia) into theyr hands for
their security, offerring to employe all his forces in Dallmatia agaynest the Turke, in the Venetian service. But the Spaniard, finding noe benefitt would accrue to him hereby (but only
to the pope and Venetian) refused the offer, declaring that the duke would deceive them bothe,
and finde a means to keep (or recover) the townes as soone as he had his liberty, or at leaste,
to have his revenge, would not care to forfeite them, in hopes hereafter to regayne them
by the assistance of the French (with whom he would certainly joyne) either by treaty or
otherwise. Whereupon the dutchess treated with divers of the moste considerable officers,
whoe were in his army, which is nowe in the service of this crowne, to goe privately one
by one, or two together into Spayne, to assiste him in his escape from Tolledoe, where he is
prisoner; which they accordingly did to the number of forty, and lodged themselves in severall houses in that citty, which they did withoute suspicion, it being a place of great resorte for strangers, and they all speaking the Spanish tongue perfectly. Theyr designe was
to have rescued him from those, whoe guarded him, when he rode abroade to take the aer,
which frequently he had the liberty to doe; but before they had the opportunity of effecting
theyr designe, it was discovered by the suspicion the Spaniards tooke up by observing his agent (whoe had laine longe there aboute the sollicitation of his masters affayres) to goe from
house to house very often, to visit theise strangers; which caused them to apprehend the
agent, and the rest to flye, soe as they have yet only taken him and two more. The reason
whye I have particularly acquainted you with this storye is, that I shall have very shortly occasion to give you an accounte of other things in designe concerning him, at leaste fitt for your
knowledge, if it should not concerne you farther, which (you will conclude when you knowe
it) ought to be made use of with great tenderness, caution, and secrecie. I yet have but parte,
and therefor defer the further mentioning thereof for a few dayes, untill I am fully informed of all. They have at Angiers put severall to death aboute the last insurrection, and
discovered some persons of consideration to have had a hand therein, whoe were not suspected; amongest which one of the principall magistrates, whoe was employed hither about the
settlement of the affayres of that place, and is now put into the Bastiele. The business of
mons. de Chenailles is deferred till after the holly-dayes. The cardinall has promised marshal
Turene privately, that he shall not dye: either they will not push the business to the
height, or if he be condemned, they will grante his life to marshal Turenne. Here has for
this fortnight paste been a whisper at the courte, that my lord protector woulde take the crowne
upon him; but three dayes since, Mazarin sayd in the hearing of a frend of mine, that he had
very certayne information thereof from England. I have been enquired of concerning it, to
which I answered, that I had met with such a rumoure; but that I had not any advertizment thereof from such hands, as might be relyed upon; but I was of a contrarye oppinion
for divers reasons, and particularly because his highness had very lately passed severall bills
into acts, in the name of the protector and of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and
Ireland; and if there had been any intention to have changed the forme of the governement
soe suddenly, those acts would have been deferred till afterwards; but if there were any
such thing, I was confident it woulde be a condiscention on his parte to the importunity of the
parliament and others, whoe might desire that change, to prevent some important alterations,
which otherwise may happen to the prejudice of the publique. Severall persons make theyr
animadversions hereupon: some thinke it wise and generous; others are but of halfe that
oppinion; but all beleive the thing, it comeing both in letters to the French court, and to
some of the English; which leads mee to advertise you, that lord Lisle either writes himselfe
the moste materiall things, which come to his knowledge, to D e n h a m, or else
tells all to J a c k H a r v y and he does. They speake here confidently, that
(after all the great hopes of the agreement betwixt the emperour of Russia and the king of
Sweden) there will be an accorde between the emperour and the Pole. There are not any
letters this post from Rome, where those from Venise and other parts say the plague is so
violent, as they dye two hundred a day; soe as it is likely wee shall not have more letters
thence in haste. There is not any letter of advice come from Mr. Nowell, neither by this
poste nor the laste, without which (as its reasonable) his bill will not be accepted; nor can
I receive any mony. I wish you knew but my present condition here, and howe diametrically opposite to my nature it is to trouble you soe often in affayre of this kinde, which
lookes soe snaekingly and meanly, that I thinke I blush, while I write; but irresistable necessity, which gives a legallity to things simply in themselves unlawfull, and excuses mee
to myselfe, will, I hope, doe the same to you. I have noe more to say at present, but that
I am, sir,
Your moste humble and faithfull servant,
Dec. 23, [1656. N. S.]
Letters of intelligence.
Hamb. Dec. 23. [1656, N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 158.
They of Dantzick are still pestered with the Poles within and without to some purpose; and now the Polish queen is also expected there, and the Poles expect what their sollicitation at Vienna may at length produce, the conclusion being now suddenly expected there, because of the arch-duke Leopold his arrival there, which hitherto was made the only pretence of delay.
The Weixell holds the hostile armies yet asunder from action; and in the mean time endeavours are still made by other states and potentates, to bring things to some accommodation. The main matters charged upon the Polish vice-chancellor by the Swedes is correspondence with the enemy, and that he was the means of keeping the Cossacks back from effectual joining with the Swedes.
From Friesland, Dec. 20/30.
There are great expectations in these provinces, what the issue will prove of the great affairs of Dantzick. In what a sad condition mean while the poor protestants are in Poland, and how barbarously the Polonian papists use them, appears by the copy inclosed. It is not believed, that the Muscovite will treat with Poland, seeing he is already agreed with Brandenburgh, which doubtless will be a means of agreeing also with Sweden; and that business being overcome, the Swedes shall not need to fear Poland much, whose cheif prop now is only the tottering house of Austria, and the restless Jesuits, who will no doubt do what they can to support so good a patron of their's, as Casimir is, and the Polonian bigots ever were to them.
The princess royal is now expected again in Holland, having stayed a pretty while with her brother at Bruges in Flanders, who hath a rabble of about 6000 Irish together, and obtained quarter for them from Brussels. If they could get poles long enough for them to skip over the petty ditch between them and England, the dons would perhaps find means yet to be quite rid of them, being too much straitened already themselves of that commodity, which sets the mare a going.
Copenhagen, Dec. 14.
There is a full assembly of our states, or rix-raden, together now, to advise what will be most fitting to be determined concerning the present difference between the Poles and the Swedes. The greater part amongst us incline much for a good alliance with Sweden, which also the Holland, Brandenburgh, and Muscovian public agents here doe much labour for; and there are likewise the Swedish, Polish, and French ambassadors expected here for the same purpose.
The Ommelanders of Groningen to the States General.
Vol. xlv. p. 168.
High and mighty lords,
We cannot omit to signify unto your high and mighty lordships, what happened on this
last general day of meeting concerning the differences of the Ommelanders; and altho'
we had hoped, that all the differences in the Ommelands would have ended upon the said general day of meeting in an amicable agreement amongst themselves, yet all is remaining in
former terms, aswe formerly advised your high and mighty lordships; and the lords of the city
declared, that they would not meddle with the government of the Ommelanders, and instead
of an accommodation, the fire of diffention is so far broke out, that the lords of Ommelanden
being assembled in the province house, were not only abused with ill language, but assaulted
by force; whereof some of the members are wounded, and lamentably beaten black and
blew; and if God Almighty had not prevented it, it was not probable, it would have ended without the loss of some of their lives. Whereby it is to be feared, that this fire of division will kindle so very much in the Ommelanden, in case no speedy remedy be found
out to prevent it, that it will wholly destroy the province. We can say of a truth, that
since the reduction of Groningen, the like day was never seen; and therefore we cannot
omit to give your high and mighty lordships the true state of affairs in the Ommelanden,
that so your high and mighty lordships might know the truth of all what passeth here.
J. de Sigers.
D. Mepsche, R. Albreda,
Groningen, Dec. 24, 1656. [N. S.]
Copy of a letter written from Brussels to secretary Thurloe.
Dec. 24, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. lxv. p. 169.
Je vous conforme, ce que je vous ay deja mandé, qu'on concette un grande dessein contre l'Angleterre, dont on veut faire chef mons. le prince. Le roy d'Ecosse a eté à Bruxelles expres pour le voir. II l'a visité fort souvent, & a eu des grandes conferences avec luy en particulier. Les Espagnols font ce qu'ils peuvent pour obliger mons. le prince d'entreprendre cette affaires, à quoy je croy qu'il se laissera porter, s'il ne voit esperance, que la paix se face entre l'Angleterre & l'Espagne, à quoy il travailleroit de fort bon cœur. On promet à mons. le prince 12000 hommes de pied, y compris les 4000, que le roy d'Ecosse fait, & 6000 chevaux. On travaillera tant qu'on pourra à faire une treve avec la France, en generalle, ou particuliere pour la Flandre, à quoy peut etre le cardinal consentira, à cause des grands desseins qu'il a pour l'Italie, & sur tout si on entreprend encore la guerre en Allemagne. Si on peut obtenir cette treve ou d'une ou d'autre facon, on baillera une plus grande armée à mons. le prince; & s'il reussit dans le dessein, on promet de luy bailler l'Itlande en propre, pourveu qu'il en face hommage à l'Angleterre.
Le pape s'interesse fort pour ce dessein, & promet deux cent mille ecus, & sollicite mons. le prince de l'entreprendre. Ce qui fait voir, que le roy d'Ecosse a des grandes intelligences avec luy, & a fait des grandes promesses pour la religion. Je n'ay pas peu encor penetrer toutes les particularites de ce dessein; comme aussi elles ne sont pas encor resolues; mais je suis asseuré, que je les scauray avec le temps, & en donneray advis.
Count Brienne to mons. de Bordeaux the French ambassador in England.
Paris, Dec. 26, 1656. [N.S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 183.
My lord,
You may acquaint the lord secretary of state, that the commissioners, that are to go for
England, will be at London very suddenly; yet however, that your secretary may act
alone, whilst they arrive.
If the treaty, wherewith the lord protector is pursued by the ambassador of the states, should be concluded, you may be pleased not only to advertise us thereof, but to send us a copy, that so we may fully know, in what manner their ships and merchantmen met at sea by the English, are to behave themselves, to follow the same example, if it be advantageous to us; and I confess I could not well understand by your letter, what was concluded between them upon that point. I shall be able to write you a full answer by the next upon the contents of your last letter of the 18th instant, which was delivered to me at two of the clock at night.
To Nieuport the Dutch ambassador in England.
Hamburg, Dec. 16/26, 1656.
Vol. xlv. p. 185.
My lord,
The king of Sweden is said to have given free passage to the queen of Poland to Dantzick. The clergy of Poland is said to have presented all their church ornaments, both
gold and silver, to the king of Poland for the payment of his soldiers.
We have nothing from Dantzick by this post. It seems the treaty of peace is at a stand, till the return of the lords ambassadors of their high and mighty lordships, and those of France, who are gone to confer with the king of Sweden.
The vice chancellor Radtzewsky, who is prisoner at Marienburgh, is said to be in danger of losing his head.
The bishop of Warmia is arrived at Dantzick with great hopes of peace, yet most are of another opinion, and that the duke of Brandenburgh is highly courted by the king of Sweden, to the end he should make no peace with Poland.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
I have received your letter, and returne you many thankes for the same, and for the printed acts. My intelligence sayes heere, that the Spaniards are not willing to advance
Charles Stuart any more monie, unlesse they could have some assurances, that the cheif of
the Scotch gentry would joyne with him uppon occasion; and that Charles Stuart expects
some monie from the emperour to helpe him on with that businesse. Butt what hopes hee
has that wayes, I know nott, butt for soe much as I perceive, his designe will come
to little or nothing; for unlesse they can come over in Jan. or Feb. our shippes will attend
soe close thereabouts, that they will nott be able to carry on their designe this yeare. I desire you will bee pleased to putt my lord protector in minde, to send two or three of the
councill downe hither; three if possible, least one should fall sicke, or any trouble should
come, and I should be called away; for truly our businesse heere is soe long neglected, that
the excise, which should bee now setting out againe, is determined on the last of December. And unlesse there bee some speedy order sent downe to the comissioners of excise and
customes heere to sett itt out, before the councell comes downe, wee shall bee like to loose
a monthe's excise or more; and likewise the sesse will bee in that disorder, itt being out by
the last of December. And all these businesses will bee at a stand, if some speedy course bee
not taken in itt, with many other thinges, which will bee too teadious to relate. This is
all att present from him, who is
Your very faithfull freind and humble servant,
Geo. Monck.
Dalkeith, Dec. 16, 1656.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of Jos. Jekyll esq.
My lord,
Your lordship's of the 3d instant came to my hands upon friday last; since which, viz.
yesterday, I received another, whereby I was sorry to find, that your lordship is under
some indisposition of body, but hope that your next will bringe us the good newes, that
the Lord hath againe restored you, as alsoe the younge lady, which wee heartily pray for.
I humblie thanke your lordship for the great paynes you have taken in yours of the 3d instant, to make soe perticuler relation of what past betweene your lordship and those officers,
who have quitted their comaunds, which I communicated to his highnes; that as he had an
account of the former part of this buissinesse from your owne hand, soe he might alsoe understand the issue it was brought to.
I am very sorry to see, that discontent hath soe farre prevayled upon the spiritts of those, who doe professe to live by higher principles. And truly I should look upon it as a judgment of God upon me, if I should desert my place, and leave my station, incapacitatinge myselfe for any publique service, because all thinges did not square just with my apprehensions (which is the best of their case) or rather, as some say, because I could not governe absolutely, exclusive of all others; this beinge (as is sayd) the true ground of their discontent. Be it what it will, it is from themselves, haveinge noe provocation thereunto from your lordship, which I doe much rejoice in. And I am very confident, that when they doe seriouslye consider this action, and with an impartiall eye viewe what was in the bottom of their spirits, that moved them to take and act these resolutions, they will be ashamed of themselves before the Lord, and search their hearts, what might be the cause, why the Lord should leave them to this delusion. Retirednes to a melancholy and discontented spirit (whereunto men are growen, through a dislike of their present station, either because it's lesse then they thinke they have merited, or lower then their expectations runn upon) is a fine thinge; and they use to ease themselves with the rest, that they shall then have, and are wont to deceive themselves with those thoughts, which lye uppermost in their mindes, as that they see themselves capable to doe no further service, and doe it in submission to the will and providence of God; that they shall love and serve the interest they divide from, as much as if they were in the highest trusts, with the like. But when they shall come to make the experience, they finde it quite otherwise; and either their discontent growes higher, the temptation prevayles more upon them, and soe the corruptions of their hearts are discovered, and their former hypocrisie made manifest to all; or else they come to see they were in a dreame, and have beene deluded through the sutteltie of Satan, and repent of their folly; and the latter I wish may be the case of these gentlemen, which is all the hurt I beleeve any body wisheth them, who they seeme to be soe much dissatisfied with. And I beleeve every body here is soe farre from intendinge them any hurt, that on the contrary they would be glad to doe them any kindnesse. And it is noe small comfort to your relations and servants here, that there is found in your lordship soe much evennesse and moderation of spirit towards them. It is to be feared, that they might doe it to trye you. And truly, my lord, it was a great tryall, as the discontents and reproaches of some of that partie all alonge, since your lordship hath beene in your present station, have beene. And I knowe some have feared, and some, I doubt, hoped, that hereby your lordship would be provoked to some severitie in your carriage towards the whole partie, and to be enclined in your affections and interests to another sort of men. And I am sure your lordship hath cause to blesse God, and soe have others on your behalfe, that you have beene kept herein, and beene soe assisted, that you have carryed it with honour in receiveinge their comissions, and yet without any passion towards them or their partie. And I am confident, nothinge hath or can more disappoint them in this their sullen and froward carriage, then after they are thus dimist, to finde that others of their way and judgment are kindlie treated in a fitt and becomeinge way, accordinge to the wisdome, which God shall give you. H. H. hath had it much in his thoughts, how to supply their places with fitt and sober men. One or two he hath thought of, but he either hath or shortly will write to your lordship upon that subject, judginge it to be of great consequence, that their places be supplyed with men of unquestionable credit and integritie.
His highnesse meetes with his tryalls here at home of all sorts, beinge under daylye exercises from one hand or other; and I wish he may not have occasion to say, My familiar friends, in whom I trusted, have list up the heele against me. These thinges should make hym and all his relations to depend the more upon God, and to take heed of all carnall confidences. Tryals worke patience, and patience experience, and experience hope. That hope will never make ashamed; but all hope in men will. I have not much of affaires to trouble your lordship with. The parlament hath done nothinge theis 10 dayes, but dispute, wheither James Naylor the Quaker shall be put to death for blasphemy. They are much devided in their oppinions. It's possible that they may come to conclusion this day. It's probable, that his life may be spared. There is nothing at all from France nor from the Swede. There hath beene as yet noe battell between hym and the Poles, nor have wee as yet heard from generall Blake since the returne of generall Mountagu. The k. of Spayne is prepareinge a fleet, giveinge out he will fight the English. H. H. hath given me direction to drawe a warrant for setlinge the treasury in Ireland; but wee knowe not how it stands now, and it may be wee may disorder things, unlesse wee were perfectlye informed of the true state thereof, which I beseech your lordship to give order, that we may. H. H. hath received a letter from the counsell of Ireland, about a supply of money for the forces. It will be moved this afternoone in the counsell here; and such order as is made therein, shall be communicated to your lordship.
This beinge all I have to trouble your lordship with (and I begge your pardon it is soe much) I remeyne
Your lordship's most humble,
faithfull, and obliged servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 16 Dec. 1656.
The parlament came this day to a voet in Naylor's buissiness, viz. that he should have his tongue bored, a brand set on his forehead, set in the pillory, and whipt, and imprisoned for life. The question for his life was lost by 14 voices.
From the Dutch ambassadors in Denmark.
Vol. xlv. p. 201.
My lord,
The treaties with the resident of Sweden do stand still at present, in regard there is still
persisted on this side by the resolution formerly mentioned, to come to no overtures,
till such time that a further and fuller power and authority be exhibited by Sweden. The
king of Poland is supposed here to have a strong desire to make a further and nearer alliance with this crown. How far that doth tend, we shall soon know, since that the lord
Rosenwinge is arrived at Dantzick. In the mean time it is well received, that the said
king hath declared not to negotiate with Sweden, without the intervention of this king,
and without receiving satisfaction in what concerneth the interest of this kingdom.
The lords of the council do begin to meet, and will suddenly be strong enough in number to fall upon business. We do intend to recommend to them what we have in charge concerning the salt companies, and doubt not but their high and mighty lordships will, e'er long, receive satisfaction upon the same. It seemeth, that one of the points to be debated with the ryx-council is, whether this crown, in this present conjuncture of affairs, ought not to put itself in some posture of arms against the next year.
Beuningen, Viersen,
Copenhagen, 27 Dec. 1656. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence.
Flushing, the 27th of December, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 199.
My last was of the 20th Dec. whereby I gave you notice, that I had received yours
with the inclosed for Dort. Charles Stuart went to Brussels above a fortnight ago, to
consult with don John of Austria about some expedients to maintain his men, and how to
be secured of the payment of the money promised for the advancement of his expedition.
For the first, he is to receive instantly one hundred thousand livres, besides his ordinary allowance. For the second, they say, they know the king of Spain will fulfil his promise so
soon as the fleet is arrived from the Indies, which is expected shortly. They doubt nothing
of their safe passage, seeing (as they affirm) there come out of the Indies twelve galleons,
and twelve good ships are gone from Spain to meet them, under the conduct of don Antonio de Menie, a Dunkirker born, who is esteemed among them a valorous commander, and
an expert seaman. They say likewise, that two Holland men of war are hired to cross to and
fro near the Spanish coast, to give warning to the plate-fleet, where the English navy is,
that it may be avoided, if possible. When Charles Stuart was at Brussels, where he stayed
three days, order was sent to the magistrates of Brussels by don John of Austria, that when
Charles Stuart returned, he should be received as king of Spain, which was accordingly
performed upon tuesday was eight days. When he came to Bruges, he obtained enlargement of his quarters. Besides the towns he had formerly, he hath now Courtray and Menin. His soldiers are punctually paid every saturday. He gives now to every soldier five
stivers a day, and a loaf of bread. Capt. Grame, a Scotsman, who hath a company in
France, in col. Ruderford's regiment, hath been at Bruges the last week. He hath promised to bring over to Charles Stuart's service, not only his own company, but all that he
can of the regiment. The princess royal has promised towards her brother's expedition one
hundred thousand livres. It is thought, she will stay at Bruges all this winter. The people
of Holland and Zealand are very ill satisfied with her. She admits of none of them into
her son's service, because (according to the phrase of the court) they are altogether Cromwellians. Just as I was going to close my letter this saturday morning, I received intelligence
of the news come from Brussels to Bruges, that the Spanish silver is safe arrived in Biscay,
which causeth no small joy amongst them.
Your humble servant,
John Butler.
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Dublin, Dec. 17, 1656.
Vol. xlv. p. 191.
In brief, I think I may now tell you, things here are brought to an indifferent good pass. The Anabaptists and others, whose way and principles were inconsistent with settlement and our interest, do find themselves disabled from doing much harm. My inclination now is, having brought them to good terms, not to crush them quite, lest through despair they attempt things dangerous; and withal, lest others take occasion to become insolent and violent, and so put us to a new trouble. Besides, it is against my conscience to bear hard upon any, merely upon the account of a different judgment, or to do any thing, that might make them think so. This being done, I desire, according to your seasonable hint, to receive your further advice; and more particularly what thoughts his highness and others have of my proceedings; and withal how affairs are like to go in England, so that I may the better know how to do my part here in the main work; to which purpose I have sent you a safe character, and, I hope, easy both to write and open, to the end that you may be more free and large thereupon. What you write of Sexby's being at Brussels, and twisting the levelling design with that of the Spanish monarchy, begets new thoughts in me, and will also stir a more than ordinary vigilancy over such as are in any way like them, and also such as have been formerly affected to Charles Stuart, whatever is pretended; nor shall I be secure as to those, who so unexpectedly threw up their commissions.
I have been told, that Mr. Bury was offered the treasurer's place here, but refused it then upon a free and ingenuous account, until he could see how he liked affairs: and tho' I have writ to you of his willingness to accept of it, yet I can hear nothing of the business. I hope his highness does intend to make good his promise to him; otherwise it will be a discouragement to him, and no small reflection upon his highness. Things here are well and quiet, some say beyond what has been known. I will no further trouble you in this kind of scribble, but remain
Your truly affectionate friend and servant.
Col. Barkstead, lieutenant of the Tower, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 187.
By serjeant William Jobson's information herewith sent, you will understand how the enclosed came to my hands, the which I conceiving of consequence have, by the bearer,
capt. Jennings, hastened to you, commanding him to deliver them to your owne hands.
I am, sir,
Your very affectionate humble servant,
Jo. Barkstead.
Tower Lond. Dec. 17th, 1656.
Both myselfe and clerke haveing perused all sir Thomas Peyton's papers, and compared
the paper, entitled, Directions for writeing letters with them, doe believe it to be
sir Tho. his owne hand, as alsoe the writeing on the back-side thereof, viz. Directions
for the letters for myselfe.
Inclosed in the preceding. Midd. sc. The information of William Jobson, of the Tower of London, gent.
taken upon oath the sixteenth day of December, 1656. before sir John Barkstead knt. lieutenant of the Tower of London, and one of the justices of the peace of the said county.
Vol. xlv. p. 172.
This informant saith, that he being this day commanded from the said sir John Barkstead to be a guard upon sir Thomas Peyton, one of the prisoners in the Tower, and to be very careful to prevent the access of any person to him, or having any other correspondence with him; and being in the yard before his lodging, did accidentally break down the board of a wall of his lodging in the said yard, which was loose before, and therein found four several papers, which this informant perused, and finding the same to be of concernment, did present them to the lieutenant of the Tower, and to each of them had subscribed his name. Saith, that those papers are the same now produced unto him. And further saith not.
Will. Jobson.
Mr. Tho. Scot to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 189.
If I were within the reach of my papers, I should bee able to give a better account of the
author of the inclosed, then I am at this distance from them and you; yet I doe sufficiently remember, that in the short time of our correspondence (which begun a little before
the great period and epocha of the old and new powers) I had from him several choyce peices
of ingenuity, and of as much importance as the affaire then in agitation (which was the Polish
treaty, that brake of, re infecta, much upon the poynts of precedency and other ceremonies of state) did beare; some of which seemed to bee gathered neare the head and spring
from those, that principally manag'd those affaires, and to one of whome he was then a secretary. But, sir, whether you will thinke yourselfe concerned to enterteine the intelligence,
which he tenders (though to an impertinent person by an imprudent addresse) is in yourselfe to resolve; and beeing resolved, to give mee your commands, either for taking of his
expectations, because he desires an answeare, or for reinlivening the correspondence, either of
which I desire to receive from you, the rather because I hope, when your pen is on the
wing, you will let it descend to resolve mee, whether I am to expect a complyance to that
(I judge but) reasonable overture concerning my interest in the ground, whereon the bargehouses are built, and when or whether I must make any application to Mr. Nutt, the immediate and visible tenant. Surely, sir, since I have seene reason to perswade myselfe into
payment, for which I have not seene so full ground of satisfaction, I may with some reason
expect to be answered in an unquestionable claime; and that the necessity of my occasions,
added to the justice of the demand, will excuse mee, if I seem importunate (though sure I
have not beene clamorous) and presse for some resolution. Truly, sir, the state's service was
not so advantageous to mee (out of which I can say I brought cleane hands) as to provide for
mee against future straites, which are improved upon mee by a new necessity of mainteining
my improvident sonne in France, and his only child here, which his wife has beene pleased
to send home to mee; concerning whome I pray leave (now my hand is in) to begg your
opinion, whether that arreare, which was due to my sonne for so long as he did officiate
without any fault or complaint (which I thinke was about a twelvemonth, and during which
he payd the clerks) might not moderately be expected toward making up a poore portion for
that poore child, whose father (though he served himselfe but ill) served the state faythfully, and his highness also (absit invidia) not inconsiderably. For his wife, since his highnes was pleased to promise some care and consideration of her upon the settling of the office,
I have the lesse to say; but for the child, shee is my care, and I think that arreare may bee
called her right. Sir, you have now all that is in my heart, and you see the outside of
your trouble from mee, which you may quickly ridd yourselfe of, by affording mee a
speedy almes or answeare respectively, according to what God in his mercy and providence
shall encline you to doe or procure. Sir, the rest of the barge-house ground is sett at 5 or
6 l. per annum, which is much after the rate I have from the goldsmith's company for the
like in proportion. The arreare thereof is about 5 or 6 yeares: for that and the inheritance
of the soyle I aske 100 l. or the rent for the time past, with an assignation of certaine
payment for the time to come. If my satisfaction arise in the later way, I shall be content;
but if in the former, I shall be the better enabled to make my second payment for a small
purchase of dean and chapters land, intended for one of my younger sonnes, wherein for
non-payment (though there lyes an obstruction upon it, which that comittee sitt not to remove or to consider of) I am threatened, with others, to bee remitted into the exchequer;
which I hope you would not have befall him, to whome you have allowed the honour and
liberty to bee and write himselfe, sir,
Your obliged freind and humble servant,
Tho. Scot.
Little Marloe, in the county of Bucks,
Dec. 17, 1656.
Bee pleased to direct my sonne Rowe, when he shall waite upon you for an answere.
Inclosed in the preceding. Mr. Lauwerin to Thomas Scot, esq;
Vol. xlv. p. 166.
Right honorabel sir,
I could not forbeare to salute your honour with this letter, after I had knowledge from my
freind at Dantzig, that your honour is chosen againe a member of this present parlament;
and to expresse my duety and best respects to your honour, with harty congratulations that God
may give his blessings to all your counsels for the conservation of the florishing commonwealth of England. I rejoyce in particular, that I got such a faire opportunity for to present
my humble service to my former good patron, that is, to yourselfe, when I was at Lubeck
with the Polish embassador. Therefore I make bould to entreate your honour to make use
of my service, being a free person at present, and willing for to serve the state of England;
and if any occasion bee for it, I intreat your honour to lett mee know it here at Elbing, where
I am continually abiding, and I shall bee readie at any time to observe your commands. And
to this purpose I will make a begining now for to impart to your honour all the newes of the
Swedish army, and of their progress, with other passages of any note, because I have a correspondent in that army. As for newes, the great duke of Muscovie hath took up and quitted
the siege of Riga, and offers to treate with the king of Sweden: to this purpose he hath sent
an express currier with letters to the duke of Brandenburg, desiring him very earnestly to
bee mediator betwixt him and the king of Sweden. And this sudden unexpected resolution
of the Muscoviter is not the occasion for loosing some forces, neither the assistance of the Swedes; but it is reported, that the Cossakes, upon request of the king of Sweden, are fallen into
the Muscoviters country, the continuation whereof your honour shall have from mee next post.
The king and queene of Sweden are yet at Frawenburgh. All the privy counsellors are with
his majesty there, and consult with him concerning the offer of the Muscoviter, and other
things of great importance. The queene is not yet gone to Sweden. The shipps are in readinesse to bring her thether, and some of the Lubeckers shipps are forced to take goods in of
divers Swedish officers for to goe with this convoy into Sweden. The last defeate of the
Brandenburgers forces done by the Tartars, who killed more than five or six regiments of
hem, neare upon the borders of Prussia, whereof I suppose your honour hath had before from
others some intelligence, the duke of Brandenburg hath had no greater losse all the time of
this warr then now. In this fight the generous prince Radtzivill is taken prisoner from the
Tartars, who ask from him ransom threescore thousand rix-dollars, and delivered him to a
Polish generall Gonscewsky, who promised to the Tartars the ransom they asked from the
duke of Radtzivill. The Dutch embassadors are yet with the king of Sweden at Frauenburg. They intend to goe to the king of Poland, as soone as they shall hear that he is come
to Danzig, where he and the queen of Poland are this week exspected. I hope the next post I
shall have occasion to impart more newes to your honour then at present: therefore I conclude, remaining at all times
Yours to command,
Mich. Lauwerin.
From Elbing, the 24th of Octob. 1656. [N. S.]
I exspect from your honour an answer.
To the right. hon. Thomas Scot, esq; and a chiefe member of the parliament and counsel of state of the commonwealth of England, at the present at London.