State Papers, 1645: February

Pages 62-70

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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Mr. John Browne, clerk of the parliament, to Mr. Pierrepoint.

Vol. i. p. 190.

I receved your letter writen on Friday morning but this day at eleven of the clocke, when the house satt. I have sent seven acts of parliament concerning Ireland, subscribed, A declaration concerning the estate of Ireland; and purusing my bookes of the proceedings of the affayres of Ireland, I find soe many busines of severall natures, and of such a length, that unlesse I have some particuler notions to guide me, I know not what to send; which I desire I may have from you.

I have likewise sent the ordinance, with the addition to give power to treate; and the ordinance for calling the assembly of divines, and the proceedings thereupon; and the covenant, subscribed.

I intreate you, that the post may be appointed to stay, until he have his dispatch from me; for this day as soone as he came, he could not be perswaded to stay a quarter of an hower, which put me to some inconvenience to send a servant to finde him out, having many publique bussineses else to dispatch.

Satturday this 1st of Feb. 1644. at 3 a clocke.

Your humble servant,
Jo. Browne.

For William Pierrepoint esq. one of the commissioners for the parliament at Uxbridge,
give these with Speede.

The king's commissioners paper.

1 Februarii 1644.

Vol. i. p. 232.

We desire, that such messengers as his majestie shall send to us with letters, may come hither, stay and returne to Oxford under the safe conduct granted to us, provided that but one person shall come at once, and his name shall be immediately, as soone as he comes to us, sent to the governor of this towne.

By command of his majestie's commissioners.

Wm. Dugdale.

The parliament commissioners paper.

1 Feb. 1644.

Vol. i. p. 253.

For satisfaction to your lordships desires, we do herewith deliver the ordinances for calling and sitting of the assembly of divines, and our commission renewed with a quorum of ten.

John Thurloe.

The parliament commissioners to sir John Franklyn.

Vol. i. p. 238.

The kinges commissioners acquainting us, that the persons named in the inclosed paper came hither in their company; the first of them, their harbinger, though indeed not named in the list of the safe conduct, and some of their own servants, who are named in the list of the safe conduct, being lest behind by reason of sicknes; although they doe not excuse the comming of these persons, yett it is desired, they may be connived att for this time, and care will be taken to prevent the like inconvenience for the future; Heruppon we desire, that you would be pleased to present this to the consideration of the committee of examinations, and if it shall stand with their pleasure for the present to excuse the sending up of these persons to London, we presume the king's commissioners, as they have engaged themselves, will use their best endeavours, that the like shall not be done hereafter by any, under pretence of being of their retinue.

Feb. 2, 1644.

Your very loving friends,
Tho. Wenman
W. Pierrepont
John Crewe
Pembrook Mountgomery
B. Denbigh
Denzell Holles
Bulstrode Whitelock
Edm. Prideaux.

To our worthy frend sir Jo. Franklyn,
a member of the hon. house of commons.

The paper inclosed:

Vol. i. p. 226

Thomas Havergill, a harbinger
Ralph Wakerlyn, page to the P.C.
George Colquett, a silkman
Thomas Harte of Greenwich, waterman to the P.
Robert Maybanke, one of the guard.

These be the names of such as I have alreddy stayed, that were not lysted.

The commissioners at Uxbridge to the two houses.

Vol. i. p. 257.

We humbly present unto you the busines of Saturday, being the second day for the treaty on the propositions concerning religion. The several papers are signed in order as they were delivered. In the first you will perceive a declaration of the persons sent from his majesty, whereto we shall expect your pleasure. In the sixth theyr desires are to know, if wee have received instructions concerning answers to his majesties propositions. We desire to know what answer we shall give to the seventh paper; to which, as to the papers formerly sent, we will give further answers according as we shall receive your directions.

Uxbridge, Febr. 2, 1644.

Your lordships faithful and humble servants.

Vol. i. p. 261.

Since the closing up of our letter of what passed upon Saturday, wee have this night; very late, received two papers from them, which wee herewith send, and with them two other papers wee had formerly received, one of them with some quæres, together with our answer, which wee did not think fitt to send, before wee knew if they would rest satisfied with what was delivered by us in answer to their questions by way of conference. And wee humbly leave it to the wisdom of the house, to consider if it may not be necessary to dispatch what remains behind of the directory of church government, that we may be able to informe them of all such particulars, as they may seeme to doubt of concerning the modell of a presbyterian government.

Uxbridge, Feb. 2. 12 a clock at night.

Your humble and faithful servants
Pembroke and Mont.
B. Denbigh
Tho. Wenman
W. Pierrepont
Denz. Hollis
Bul. Whitelocke
Jo. Crewe
Ed. Prideaux.

Order of both houses about the treaty at Uxbridge.

Die Lunæ, tertio Feb. 1644.

Resolved by the lords and commons in parliament assembled,

Vol. i. p. 271.

That the commissioners of both houses may declare, that what shall be delivered in writing upon any proposition, or upon any part of a proposition, is not to be binding or prejudicial to either party, if the treaty break off upon any other proposition, or part of any proposition.

Jo. Browne, cleric. parliam.

Parliament commissioners to the two houses.

Vol. i. p. 294.

In the papers wee sent this morning concerning congregational assemblies, &c. you will perceive by this enclosed, which was what we spoke at the conference, the mistakes of the persons appointed by his majesty to treat with us. Wee did not deliver any answer to that paper in writing, neither shall doe to this, but by your commands; only were willing to confer with them to save time as much as possibly we could.

Parliament commissioners to the two houses concerning the debate about episcopacy.

Vol. i. p. 295.

This morning the commissioners sent from his majesty, showed unto us their commission amended, the copy whereof, and of a paper which they gave us, with our answear to the same, wee have herewith sent you. After these papers given and received, this whole day, from ten of the clock in the morning until almost 12 at night, was spent in debate upon the bill for abolishing episcopacy. When the debate ended, being very desirous to obtain some satisfactory answer, before the expiring of the three days appointed to treat concerning religion, we delivered unto his majesty's commissioners the 2d paper, which, with their answer to it, we have likewise sent you with these letters; and have prepared our papers to be given in to morrow uppon the propositions concerning the militia.

Sir John Franklyn to the parliament commissioners at Uxbridge.

Vol. i. p. 301.

My lords and gentlemen,
I Have imparted your desires to the committee of examinations touchinge the persons not mentioned in the lyst of attendants upon his majesties commissioners, discovered by the governors of Uxbridge; and they are contented to excuse the sending of them upp according to their former order, hoping that his majestie wil be carefull to performe their undertaking, that none shall for the future come upp under the like colour. I shall cease further to interrupt your honours in your more waighty affaires, and only take the boldnes to stile my selfe

Westminster, 3 Feb. 1644.

Your honours most humble servant,
John Franclyn.

Instructions for the committees of both houses of the parliament of England and the commissioners of the parliament of Scotland respectively agreed upon.

Feb. 3, 1644.

Vol. i. p. 305.

To the first,
You shall answer, They can make it appear, that what part of his majesty's revenue hath been received by both houses of the parliament of England, hath been employed for the safety of the kingdom, and his majesties honour, and shall leave his revenue to his majesty for the future. And you shall likewise propound to his majesty, that he will restore what hath been taken to his use upon any of the bills assigned to other purposes by several acts of parliament, or out of the provision made for the war of Ireland. And you shall answer, that the magazines, townes, forts, and ships to be settled according to the 15th, 16th, and 17th propositions.

To the second,

You shall answer, when it can be made to appear, that any thing hath been done or published contrary to the known laws of the land, or derogatory to his majesty's legal and known powers and rights, answer shall be thereunto given, agreeable with justice.

To the third,

You shall answer, that both houses of parliament have exercised no power over his majesty's subjects in their persons or estates, but what hath been done in preservation of religion and their liberties, whereunto they have been necessitated by an army raised against the parliament and kingdom.

To the fourth,

You shall give for answers, the matters contained in the propositions concerning religion, and in the votes and resolutions passed both houses in pursuance of the same.

To the fifth,

You shall give for answers, the matters contained in the 4th proposition, and the tryal of all persons excepted out of the general pardon, to be by both houses of the parliament of England, and the estates of the parliament of Scotland, respectively.

To the sixth,

You shall answer, that to his majesty's proposition for the cessation of arms, and a free trade, it shall be taken into consideration in time convenient.

If the houses of parliament be satisfied in the good progress of the treaty upon the propositions concerning religion, the militia, and for Ireland, they will give time for the treaty upon the propositions by his majesty.

Jo. Brown, cleric. parliamentor.

Die Lunæ, tertio Feb. 1644.

Vol. i. p. 309.

Resolved, &c.
That Mr. Love, (fn. 1) the minister, shall be forthwith sent for in safe custody. Ordered, that on Wednesday next peremptorily, the first business, the business of church government, be taken into consideration, and Mr. speaker to put the house in mind thereof.

Ordered, that Mr Tate, and sir Robert Harley doe desire the assemblie of divines to send in what is remaineinge concerning church government.

Sir William Lewis is appointed to goe to the lords, to acquainte them, that this house doth concurr with them in the instructions to the commissioners of both kingdomes concerning his majesty's propositions for peace.

Mr. Recorder is to report to morrowe the bishopps bill.

Hen. Elsinge, Cl. P. D. Com.

Letter from G. W. Baillie, — directed thus:

To the right honorable the committee of estates at Edinburgh.

From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.

My lords,
I Hawe ressawed your letter of the 7th, quhilk mentione your ansuers to thrie of myne, and with them your adyse to merche into Athole. Truely, my lords, I hawe never had at any tyme, and so far as I can find by any letter I hawe ressawed, any such positive advyse or order: yor last had relation to the rebelles merche towards Invernesse, and all uthers formerly left me too muche to my awne will. I wold willingly hawe mertched into Athole for satisfeing of my privete freinds, if I had not judged the merche might hawe proven moir prejudiciale then advantageuce to the publique for sundrie reasons, bott cheefly for the want of a sufficient force to incontre sic as in all probabilitie might hawe bein thare, if not so soon as wee, yitt befoir wee could hawe returned. My lords, the regiments ar still of the former strenthe, notwithstanding of all done to strenthen theme: the 4 regiments do not exceed 1400 men in armes, quhairof ane 100 is att Stirlin. I humblie intreate yor lordship to putt ws in sic a posture, as the estate and condition of the contrie requyrethe; send ovir the committee designed with some monies to officers, and command quhat ye wold hawe undertaken, I sall leave nothing undone, quhilk I estime necessarie for the advancement of the service, being inabled for itt, and quhat furder your lordships sall command. I wold farder present unto your lordships consideration, quhidder or nott itt will be necessarie to make provision for all occatione att Glasgow, Stirlin, Peerth, Glummes, or Finevin, Brichen, or Monrose, and thatt both of meall and eatts siclyk, if now any of your forces in Ireland may be broght into Argyle, quhidder it is probable the rebelles may go, if yi cum not into Athole, quhilk I do sumquhat apprehend, becawis wee heer nothing from that contrie of this disastre, and les of the way the rebelles hawe takin since. I sould be sorrie wee were so surprised, thatt we war not able to defend the loo contrie, and thairfor againe I beg of your lordship to cawse heastin the strenthning of the 4 regiments at least, and the officers quhom it concernes most, to looke to it and repaire to thair charges. The most of the Athole men hawe bein about Logyreat and Mullen ever since my paertie went in to the Stormont.

Peerthe, 9 Feb. at 4 afternoon, [1644–5.]

Your lordships very humble servand,
W. Baillie.

Parliament commissioners to the speakers of both houses.

Vol. i. p. 372.

You will see by the papers heerewith sent you, how the three first dayes assigned for the treatie upon the propositions for Ireland have beene spent. The two last shew the result of our debate upon them, which continued untill 12 of the clocke last night. Immediatelie after wee delivered in a paper upon the proposition for religion, which this day comes in its second course to be treated upon. The copies of the letters mentioned in their last paper beinge very longe, and not yet transcribed, shal be sent you by the next.

Uxbridge, Feb. 11. 1644.

Your humble and faithful servanst.

Vol. i. p. 352.

Wee understand, that the houses yesterday ordered that 500 l. more should be paid out of the revenue for our occasions here. Wee assure you, there is very great need of it, as this bearer can informe you, whom wee have sent on purpose to receive it. Wee intreate your speedy dispatch of him, and rest, Uxbridge, 11 Feb. 1644.


To the right honourable sir Henry Vane, the elder, knt. and the rest of the honourable committee for his majesties revenue at Westminster.

Vol. i. p. 350.

Sir John Temple, haveing beene a privy counsellor in Ireland, and resident there dureinge the rebellion, is well acquainted with what past in that kingdome, and noe doubt is able to give good information concerneinge those letters, which were offered by his majesty's commissioners, as the inducements, why his majesty made a cessation with the rebells; the copies whereof wil be sent to the house by the next. Wee therefore thought it fitt to desire you to conferre with him, and to entreate him to set downe in writinge what he can say conduceinge to the answeringe of those letters, or concerneinge the cessation with the rebells.

11 Feb. [1644.]

Your affectionate freinds,
A. Northumb.
Tho. Wenman.
H. Vane.
O. St. John.
Jo. Crew.
Bulstrode Whitelock.

Vol. i. p. 374.

My Lords and Gentelmen,
Upon notice given unto us by Mr. Fountaine (a member off the house of commons) off some greate concourse off people, thatt were intended to meete att, Wyckham (fn. 2) for the signeinge of a petition, which mighte much disturbe the present peace off the countye of Buckingham, wee have sent downe sir Robert Pye, who hath order to observe such directions, as your lordships shall give him: he will enforme you, where his horse lye, and hee will be readye to drawe them oute for the suppressinge of any disorderly meetinges, as your lordships (whoe are nearer the place then wee are) shall see cause. Wee have sent for sir John Laurence, whoe, wee were informed, was a principal contrivor off this petition. Soe wee rest

Signed in the names and by the command of the committye of both kingdomes.

Your lordships affectionate freinds,
Manchester, Charles Erskine.

Derby house 12 Feb. 1644.

Your lordships are desired to sende to captaine Aldridge, that he observe such orders as hee shall receive from sir Robert Pye.

Superscribed, For the commissioners of both kingdoms sitting at Uxbridge.

The parliament commissioners to Sir Robert Pye knt.

Vol. i. p. 378.

Whereas we have received information by letters from the committees of both kingdoms, that a great concourse of people intend to meet at Wickham to sign a petition, which may much disturb the peace of the county of Bucks, and the said committee have sent you down with order to observe such directions as we shall give unto you; we desire you to use your best endeavours for the preventing and suppressing of any disorderly meetings at Wickham, or in those parts; and you are likewise desired to give such orders to captain Aldridge as you shall think fitt, for your assistance in this service, and to give us notice of your proceedings herein. Dated at Uxbridge this 12th of Feb. 1644.

Parliament commissioners to captain Aldridge.

Vol. i. p. 380.

According to the desire of the committee of both kingdoms, wee do hereby signify unto you, that you are to obey such orders as you shall receive from sir Robert Pye, who hath special directions from us in matters of importance for the service of the kingdome. Dated at Uxbridge this 12th of Feb. 1644.

Parliament commissioners to the earl of Essex.

Vol. i. p. 381.

My lord,
Sir Robert Pye being employed in present service at Wickham by direction of the committee of both kingdoms, as we presume is not unknown to your excellency, and by reason of that employment he cannot attend the muster appointed to be made to morrow, we desire you would be pleased to appoint some person to repair to sir Robert Pye to Wickham, there to take the muster of his regiment, if your lordship think fitt, that he may receive no prejudice by reason of his attendance upon the present service.

Uxbridge, 12 Feb. 1644.

Your lordship's humble servants,
B. Denbigh
Tho. Wenman
Den. Hollis
Wm. Pierrepoint
Hen. Vane.
Ol. St. John.
Bulstrode Whitelocke
J. Crew
Edm. Prideaux.

To his excellency the earle of Essex, lord generall.

To the Speakers of both houses.

Vol. i. p. 423.

By the severall papers now sent unto you, you will see the result of the second three dayes, upon the matters of religion; wherein wee have had many large debates, and received not their first answers until five or six of the clock yesterday in the afternoon, nor their last answers to our replies 'till one of the clock this morning; so as the time allotted for this subject being expired, we could proceed noe further for the present, but expect your pleasure how you intend, that the twenty dayes for the treaty shall be accounted; in regard we could not begin the first three days upon religion, till Friday the 31 of January, and that there will happen three Lords days within the time, which are no days of treaty.

According to your directions herein we shall govern ourselves, who are, &c.

Uxbridge, 14 Feb. 1644.

Postscript: Since the finishing our letter, we received a paper with a letter from his majesty to his commissioners concerning enlargement of the time of the treaty, coppyes whereof are herewith sent you, together with our answer.

Northumb. Pembroke Salisbury B. Denbigh Th. Wenman Denzill Hollis W. Pierrepoint Hen. Vane. Oliver St. John Bulstrode Whitelocke John Crew.

To the Speaker of the house of commons.

Vol. i. p. 425.

Wee have treated these two days upon the militia in a second turne, have received and delivered divers papers which we herewith have sent you. We desire your directions, soe soon as you shall think convenient, which shall be carefully observed by, &c.

Uxbridge, Feb. 15 1644.

Die Lunæ 17 Febr. 1644.

Vol. i. p. 429.

It is this day ordered by the lords and commons in parliament assembled, that the treaty shall continue for twenty days, not including the first Thursday, nor the three Sundays; and that the safe conduct granted by both houses be made accordingly, if it be necessary.

Examin. Jo. Browne cleric. parliamentor.

To the Speaker.

Vol. i. p. 439.

Wee send you up the papers, that passed between the king's councellors and us yesterday, being the last day for the militia. There is the 21st paper, which wee received not till this day in the afternoon, though it beare date of the day before, in regard it was so late, twelve of the clock at night, when wee delivered in our last paper; and both sides being weary, were willing to part, and the answer to be sent and received afterwards, which came not till now, and puts a fair glosse upon their denyals, and a great charge upon our desires, and will be much for our disadvantage, if it remain with us unanswered. It is thereforce conceived by all of us, and is likewise the opinion of the commissioners of Scotland, that it will not be inconvenient for the service, if you will please to give us liberty to employ the three last days upon any of the propositions appointed to be treated on in the twenty days, as we shall find it to be most necessary for the publick good, that thereby we may have power to answer this paper, or any other which shall be given us upon those propositions, so near the close of the time, that it cannot be replyed unto according to our first instructions of three days, and three days.

We humbly desire to know your pleasure in it, with what speed may be, and what other directions you will please to give us, and soe we rest

Uxbridge, 18 Feb. 1644.

Your faithful and humble servants.

Vol. i. p. 443.

My lords and gentlemen,
Wee have presented unto the houses the papers, wherewith you intrusted us: the inclosed will give you an accompt of what the parliament hath thought fitt to direct. Wee wait theire pleasure for the rest; a limited time is agreed on by the house of commons; what it shal be, is now under debate, and when wee have received theire resolution, wee shall forthwith returne unto you. In the mean time remayne

19 Feb. 1644.

Your humble servants,
Bulstrode Whitelocke, Edm. Prideaux. (fn. 3).

For the commissioners for the parliament at Uxbridge, these present.

Die Mercurii 19 Febr. 1644.

Vol. i. p. 447.

Ordered by the lords and commons in parliament assembled, that the commissioners of both houses shall have power to conferre with the Scotts commissioners, and upon conferrence had with them, shall have liberty to limitt the power of the militia in commissioners, according to the seventeenth proposition, to continue for three years after the peace shall be settled in the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland; and shall be so declared by the king and both houses of the parliament of England, and the king and estates of the parliament of Scotland; or for seven years at least from the time of the passing of the act for the militia. And that after the expiration of such term, as shall be agreed upon, the militia of the kingdoms shall be setled by his majestie, in such manner as shall be advised by both houses of the parliament of England, and the estates of the parliament of Scotland respectively. And the commissioners shall have liberty to propound both or either of these limitations to the commissioners sent by the king.

Jo. Browne, cleric. parliamenter.

H. Elsynge, cler. parl. d. com.

Die Mercurii 19 Febr. 1644.

Vol. i. p. 479.

Ordered by the lords and commons in parliament assembled, that the committee appointed to treat at Uxbridge be hereby authorized and required, in pursuance of the propositions concerning Ireland, to demand of the commissioners sent from his majestie, whether any peace or cessation of arms in Ireland be consented unto by the king, and for what time, and whether any commission be now on foot, or other authority given by his majestie for that purpose. And to desire that no cessation of arms, or peace in Ireland, may be concluded or treated on, without consent of both houses of parliament.

Jo. Browne, cleric. parliamentor.

H. Elsynge, cler. parl. d. com.

Die Mercurii 19 die Februarii 1644.

Vol. i. p. 481.

Whereas by former instructions the commissioners were appointed (amongst other things) to treat upon the propositions concerning religion, militia, and Ireland, three days apiece, alternis vicibus, during the space of twenty days; it is now ordered by the lords and commons assembled in parliament, that the commissioners of the parliament of England, with the commissioners for the kingdom of Scotland, or any ten or more of them, whereof some of either house of the parliament of England, and some of the commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland to be present, shall have power and liberty to treat with the persons sent by his majestie, during the last three days of the said twenty days, upon all, or any of the said three propositions, as they shall think fitt for the publick good, notwithstanding the beforementioned former instructions of treating upon those three forementioned propositions three days a-piece, alternis vicibus.

Jo. Browne, cleric. parliamentor.

H. Elsynge, cler. parl. d. com.

Parliament commissioners to the two houses.

Vol. i. p. 344.

Uppon receipt of the order concerning the limitation of time for the militia, wee conferred with the Scots commissioners, and it is the sence of them, and of the committees of both houses heere, that wee should desire a further explanation of that clause in the order, which is put for setling of the militia, after the expiration of such terme, as shall be agreed upon; that clause leaving the same objections upon us as before, of incertainty, and the time to be still in effect unlimitted, because it is heereafter to be settled by his majesty, in such manner as shall be advised by the two houses, and by the estates of the parliament of Scotland; instead of which clause wee take the boldnes humbly present unto the houses another paper, wherein you will find the alteration desired; and it is the opinion of us all, that if you please, that may be passed, and sent with as much speed as may be unto us.

The paper inclosed.

Vol. i. p. 342.

AND that after the expiration of such terme, as shall be consented unto, the militia of the kingdoms shall be setled and exercised in such manner, as shall be agreed uppon by his majesty and the two houses of the parliament of England, and by his majesty and the estates of the parliament of Scotland respectively, and not otherwise.

To the speaker.

Vol. i. p. 562.

Wee sate up so late the last night uppon the conclusion of the busines of Ireland, and the papers that passed between us are so many and long, that we could not give you an account thereof until this time. You will now receive all the papers of the last three dayes of treaty concerning Ireland, and some other papers, which were delivered unto us yesterday by the king's commissioners, with our answers. Wee shall be ready in all to observe your directions, and remaine

Uxbridge 21 Febr. 1644.

Your faithful and humble servants.


  • 1. See Whitl. p. 128. Clarendon erroneously says, no justice could be had against Love. II. 446. What his confinement was, see Athen. Oxon. Vol. II. p. 136. 137. and Love's Apology prefixed to his sermon.
  • 2. See Dugd. View, &c. p. 591. Whitl. p. 131.
  • 3. Whitl. p. 132. mentions only himself as being sent on this errand.