
Pages 61-64

Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 3, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1796.

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Swayne, before the conquest, had a manor in Hoveringham, which answered the publick tax or geld for two car. two bov. (fn. 1) The land was four car. There afterwards Walter de Aincurt (whose fee it became) had one demesne, two car. and six sochm. on three bovats, and one third of a bovat of this land, nine villains, three bordars, having four car. There was a priest and a church, and two mills 40s. two piscaries, 8s. and fourty acres of meadow. In the Confessours time it was valued at 4l. and when the book of doomsday was made, at 10s. more, having soc in Fiscartune, Mortune, and Farnesfeld.

(fn. 2) Hugo de Hoveringham paid four marks for two knights fees, in the time of H. 3. he was a benefactor to Thurgarton, as was also Robert his father, and Hugh his grandfather, and Emme his grandmother, named in that place, to which this church was given, by Robert his said father. They had interest in Flintham, and Radcliffe on Trent, as in those towns may be perceived; as had also the family of Gousell who continued here long after them, (fn. 3) whereof Raph de Gousle, son of Robert, had a son called sir Walter de Goushill, who married Matilda, one of the two coheirs of Matthew de Hathersege, the other sister Cecilia was the wife of —Langford, and mother of Nigellus, father of Oliver, father of John, father of Nicolas de Langford, who lived 4 E. 3. (fn. 4)

(fn. 5) Matilda who had been wife of sir Walter de Goushill, purchased of William, son of Hugh de Hoveringham, a certain place in the west part of the meadow of Hoveringham, called Yirne, or Thirne, (fn. 6) upon which the meadow of the prior of Thurgarton, and John de Gousill abutted on the west part, and the common meadow of Hoveringham on the east, for which she gave him 40s. and a quarter of barley, he reserving only a penny rent yearly, to be paid at Christmas to him and his heirs, which said rent Hugh Sharpe, and Matilda his wife, released to the prior and covent of Thurgarton, to whom Simon de Gousil, son of Matilda first named, together with some other meadow, which his said mother gave him, conveyed it, (fn. 7) and Walter de Goushull, knight, grandson of the said Matilda, (by her eldest son Walter (or John) confirmed the gift of the said sir Simon, his uncle.


The jury, 20 E 2. (fn. 8) found that Walter de Goushull, and Matilda his wife, who 30 E. l. (fn. 9) levyed a fine at York, to Lambert de Trickingham, then held in Hoveringham, Flintham, Kneveton, and Radcliff on Trent, in this county; and the manor of Barleburgh, with its members, viz. in Cressewell, Whitewell, and Columbes, and Kinwalmerst, Barleburgh, Woodhous, and Rouley, &c. in Darbyshire; and that Thomas de Goushill, son and heir of the said Walter, was then above thirty years of age. The father of this Walter was certainly John de Gousehull (though in some pleading or other I have seen it Walter also) for Adam de Gousehull, 4 E. 3. (fn. 10) claiming free-warren in Haverseche, in Darbyshire, makes Tho. de Gousehull, son of Walt. son of John, son of Matilda, daughter of Matthew de Hethersege, to be one of the heirs of the said Matthew, to whom it was granted, Oct. 25. 33 H. 3. as Nicolas de Langford, before named, was the other. And I find that 53 H. 3. (fn. 11) John de Gousell offered himself in a plea at Darby, against Peter de Monteford (lord of Gunthorp) and others, demanding by what right they exacted common in his land of Hoveringham, seeing he had none in theirs, and they did no service to him for it.

The jury, 15 E. 2. (fn. 12) found that Stainwath was in Hoveringham, and not in Gunthorp; and that William Baron, and others had forceably pastured the separate grass of Walter de Goushull, with their cattel, to his damage 100s.

The jury, 48 E. 3. (fn. 13) found that Thomas de Goushill, knight, with Agnes his wife, joyntly held when he died, the manor of Kynwaldmersh, and two parts of Barleburgh, &c. and that Nicholas de Goushill Chr. his son and heir was then above sixty years old.

In 7 H. 4. (fn. 14) it was found that Nicolas Gouxhill Chr. held when he died, the moyety of the manor of Kynwaldmersh, &c. and left Nicolas Gouxhill, his son and heir. The seal of sir Nicolas Goushill, of Hoveringham, to his deed concerning lands in Flintham, dated 16 R. 2. (fn. 15) is Barry of six, with a Canton Ermine.

(fn. 16) Sir Robert Goushill, knight, by his wife Elizabeth dutchess of Norfolk (who was daughter and heir of Richard, earl of Arundell, and widow of Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk) had two daughters and heirs, Elizabeth wife of sir Robert Wingfield, and Joan wife of Thomas baron Standley.

Anthony Wingfeld, esquire, 5 H. 8. (fn. 17) suffered a recovery of the manor of Barleburgh, with the appurtenances in Darbyshire: And at the same time Humfrey Wyngfeld, esquire, Francis Hall, and others claimed against him the moyeties of the manors of Hoveringham, and Flintham, as in that place is said; (fn. 18) which Arthur Hall is supposed, long after to sell to Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, to which it now belongs.

There was a fine levied at York, 10 and 11 E. 3. (fn. 19) between Thomas de Hotot (mentioned in Radcliff) quer. and William de Hotot, deforcient, of the manor of Hoveringham, with the appurtenances, two mess. two tosts, six bovats, and one acre of land, with the appurtenances in Radcliff, on Trent, and Kneveton, whereby the premises were settled on Thomas de Hotot for life, remainder on Walter, son of the said William de Hotot, and on Alianor his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to the right heirs of William. (fn. 20) In the 27 E. 3. William Buxhum, of Hekelinge, and Robert Cok, of Thurgarton, chaplains, and Roger othe Halle, of the same, feoffees of Tho. de Hotot, gave the manor of Hoveringham, with the homages, rents, and services of the free-holders, named in his deed, to Robert, the prior, and the covent of Thurgarton, and their successors.

This lordship, Thurgarton tenements, and those in Flintham, which belonged to this same priory, now belong to Trinity Colledge, in Cambridge, and Mr. Cecil Cooper continueth grand tenant to that society, as his family hath been formerly.

In Hoveringham Church North Ile,
Paly of six Arg. and Gules on a chief Azure a fesse double dance, Or, Hathersege. Or 3. Chevrons Gules A chief varry. (St. Quintin perhaps.)

In the South Ile, and Chancel,
Azure a fesse double dancy and Billitte, Or, Deincourt.

On a Plain Stone in the South Ile,
Nicolaus de Gozill miles, filius Thomæ de Gousell militis, qui obitt mortem die S. Priscæ virginis, Anno dom. 1393.

Upon the Wall is painted,
Here lyeth the body of Sir Nicholas Goushill, son of Sir Thomas Gozill, which Sir Nicolas died in the year 1393. (St. Prisca the Virgin is 18. January.

By the stone is a fair tomb for sir Robert Gousell, and the dutchess of Norfolk his lady, upon which are their statues, as by the coronet on the head of hers is supposed.— Under his head lyeth the figure of a blackamores head crowned, and part of the body, with a wreath about his neck. About the tomb were the arms of Leek, Langford, Babington, Chaworth impaling Caltofts, Rempstons, and divers others which were worn out in Mr. St. Lo Knivetons (fn. 21) time, who notes that sir Robert Gousell and the dutchess were married 2 H. 4.

[Throsby] Hoveringham,

Lordship was purchased lately by sir Richard Sutton, bart. of John Gilbert Cooper, esq; enclosed. The village and lordship are both small.

The church is dedicated to St. Michael, has a spire which was lately only a tower, altered, I am told, at the expence of sir Richard. It is but a small church which contains nothing material besides the old tomb noticed by Thoroton. "Hoveringham church has a Saxon porch with a curious bas relief of St. Michael, the patron of the chapel, and the dragon, now nearly hidden by a modern butress built to support that side of the church." (fn. 22)

Patron Trin. Coll. Cambridge or their Lessee. Pri. Thurgarton propr. 20l. certified value.


  • 1. Lib. Dooms.
  • 2. Test. de Nev.
  • 3. Regist. de Rufford. penes Geor. vic. Halifax. p. 47.
  • 4. Quo. War. 4 E. 3. rot. 2. Derb.
  • 5. Regist. de Thurg. p. 56.
  • 6. Ib.
  • 7. Ib
  • 8. Esc. 20 E. 2. n. 47.
  • 9. Hill. 30 E. 1. Fin. Ebor.
  • 10. Quo War. 4 E. 3. rot. 2. Derb.
  • 11. Pl. de Jur. & Assis. apud Derb. 53 H. 3 ro. 18.
  • 12. Pl. de Banc. Trin. 15 E. 2. ro. 42.
  • 13. Esc. 48 E. 3. n. 31.
  • 14. Esc. 7 H. 4. n. 7.
  • 15. Autogr. penes Tho. Shipman, gen.
  • 16. Ex Geneal. dom. Byron per Sam. Roper.
  • 17. Trin. 5 H. 8. rot. 321. Derb.
  • 18. rot. 325.
  • 19. Fin. apud Ebor. Mich. 10 E. 3. & postea Hill. 11 E. 3.
  • 20. Regist. de Thurg. p. 168. b.
  • 21. Ex Coll. St. Lo Kniveton.
  • 22. Gough.