
Pages 48-54

Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 3, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1796.

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And the Spittle, or Hospital of BRODQUSKE.

In Gunnelvestone and Miletune, before the conquest, Ulsi had a manor, which paid the tax for two car. and two bov. and two thirds. The land was for three plows (or three car.) There afterwards William Peverel, (whose see it was) had in demense one car. and two sochm. on three bov. of this land, seven vill. two bordars, two censors, having three car. two mills, 40s. ten acres of meadow, pasture wood five qu. long, three qu broad. (fn. 1) In the Confessours time this was valued at 4l. when the Conquerours survey was made at 60s.

Of the tayn-land likewise soc to Wymarspole, which Aldene, (progenitor of the family of Crumwell) held, Eruvin the priest, with four sochm, had five bovats for the geld: The land twelve bovats.

Here was soc in Ernehale; there four soch. had one car. and five acres of meadow, and sixteen acres of small wood.

Raph de Limesi (lord of Eperston) had in Gunnulvustune five bov. and one third for the geld.

(fn. 2) Erbert a knight of William Peverels, in the time of H. 1. at the foundation of Lenton priory, gave to it (as other of William Peverels great men or tenants did,) two parts of the tythes of his demense here. He was shortly after in the time of H. 1. also succeeded by two, who were sisters and co-heirs, (I suppose his daughters,) (fn. 3) viz. Emma who had her part of the inheritance in Gunnolveston and Keilmerse; and Ivicia who had hers in Molinton in Northamptonshire, (probably Mileton before named in doomsday) and Bilebourgh, as in that place is noted. Emma it seems was wife of Ivo, son of Robert de Heriz, who gave the same proportion of tythes, at the foundation of Lenton, (fn. 4) out of his demesnes in Hesburne, and Ossecropht, (in Darbishire) as others of Peverels great tenants did; and when that Robert gave it to his mill at Wystandon, this Ivo his son gave to the same priory 10s. per annum.

In the fifth year of king Stephen, (fn. 5) this Ivo de Heriz gave account of several sums of money, of the old farm (of the counties of Nott. and Dereb) whereof therefore 'tis like he was sheriff before that time, and likewise of five great or led horses, that he might hold the land of Welgebi in fee farm, of two whereof he did acquit himself to the king at Winchester, before Miles earl of Gloucester, and of the other three in Normandy.

The eldest son of this Ivo and Emme appears to be William de Heriz, mentioned in Widmerpole, who married Adelina, the daughter and heir of Robert de Whatton, as already is noted in Whatton also. Against this William, Raph de Crumwell, descended of the fore-named Aldene, commenced suit before 24 H: 2: (fn. 6) which continued between the families till the time of H 3. as in Widmerpole may be observed.

The sheriff, 25 H: 2: (fn. 7) accounted for 78s. 4d. for the farm of the land of William Heriz that year, (which it seems was in the kings hand.) Robert de Heriz 26 H. 2. (fn. 8) gave account of 100l. for having the land of William his brother; And Aelina who had been the wife of William de Heriz, owed an hundred marks, that she should not be compelled to marry, but to whom she pleased.

Ivo de Heriz son of this Robert, had an assize 1 Joh. (fn. 9) concerning the last presentation to the church of Gunnolveston, between him and the arch-bishop, and canons of Roan, to whom king John, when he was earl Moreton, had given it, amongst many other churches in this county, which they kept not long, for in 7 R. 1. (fn. 10) and Joh. it appears that the said Ivo had sesin of the advowson of this.

Raph son of (or Fitz) Simon, and Mabilia his wife, 10 H. 3. (fn. 11) released to John de Heriz the third part of the manors of Winesfeud, Tibescelf, Gonoldeston, and Widemarepol, which the said Raph claimed as the reasonable dower of his said wife Mabilla, out of the freehold which was Ivo de Heriz, her former husband's.

(fn. 12) Ivo de Heriz gave and granted to Philip, son of Odo, for his homage and service, two bovats of land in Gonalston, which Durand held, reserving 8s. per annum. which land the said Philip gave to the priory of Thurgarton; and John de Heriz, son of Ivo confirmed it. Which John in the year 1235, made an agreement with that prior and covent, that they should have fifty cattle to have common of pasture in the woods of Gonalston, and Thurgarton; and he the said sir John Heriz, knight, & his heirs, fourscore; and the said priory should have fifty swine, or in a fertile year of acrons, in Thurg. wood, sixty, without paunage, and sir John and his heirs, as many as they pleased without paunage, and if the priory should effart (that is stock up and inclose) their wood, it should be lawful for him to inclose Gonalston wood, and the priory should want their common. (fn. 13)

The lord of Gonalston, John, son of John, son of Ivo de Heriz, released to that priory all homages, wards, and suit of court, and other services due for one mess. and two bovats in Gonalston, but reserved the 8s. per annum rent still.

The jury in 27 E. 1. (fn. 14) found that this John de Heriz died seized of this manor of Gonalston, and that of Widmerpole in this county, and of Tibshelf and South-Wingfield in Darbyshire; leaving his son & heir, John de Heriz, twenty-one years old, at the feast of St. Gregory in March, then last past.


John de Heriz by fine, 18 E. 2. (fn. 15) settled these manors on himself for life; then to Roger Beler for his life; then to Roger, son of Roger Beler, and Margaret the elder daughter of Richard de la Rivere, knight, and the heirs of their bodies; remainder to Thomas, son of Roger Beler, and Margaret the younger daughter of the said Richard de la Rivere, knight, (as in Widmerpole is said) and the heirs of their bodies; remainder to the right heirs of the said John de Herice, who in 3 E. 3. was dead, and Matilda de Herice, whom Richard de la Rivere had to wife, was found his cousin & heir, and above thirty years old. In 6 E. 3. (fn. 16) there is mention of Richard de la Rivere, and Matildis de Heriz his wife, cousin and heir of John de Heriz. As also there is in the book of Newstede, where it is said, that they the said Richard and Matildis, (fn. 17) cousin and heir of the said John de Heriz, presented William Bernak to the church of Gonalston, whereinto, upon that presentation, he was admitted and instituted; but after the death of Richard de la Rivere, Thomas de Baddeford, and the said Matildis de Heriz his wife, alienated the advowson to Richard de Willughby.

These authorities might make one reasonably conclude this Matildis to be cousin and heir of sir John de Heriz, who levied the fine, 18 E. 2. howbeit in the great suit between the lord Crumwell, and sir Henry Pierpont, knight, for Wynfeld and Tibeschelf, and for Gonalston and Wydmerpole, about 19 H. 6. (fn. 18) she is said to be the daughter of the said sir John de Heriz, and mother of Margaret the elder, wife of Roger, son of Roger Beler, before named, and of Margaret the younger, wife of Thomas, the son of Roger Beler, mentioned also before, and of Sara, wife of (John) Garlyk, who was mother of Walter Garlyk, whose estate, as heir general of sir John Heriz, John arch-bishop of York, William bishop of Lincolne, Thomas Chaworth, knight, Richard Vernon, knight, Nicolas Dixon, clark, and John Taylboys the elder, esquire, by Richard Waleden their attorney pleaded that they had, in the assize of Novell dissesin, which the said sir Henry Pierpoint [arramavit] arrayed or brought against them at Whytwell (in Darbish.) the Thursday next after the feast of of St. Nicolas the bishop, before William Babington, knight, Thomas Greyseley, knight, Thomas Fulthorpe, William Ascogh, John Curson, esq; and Robert Cokfeld, esquire, the kings justices, assigued to take that assise, where sir Henry Pierpount pleaded that he was cousin & heir of the said sir John Heriz, viz. son of Edmund, son of Edmund, son of Henry, son of Sara, the sister of the said sir John de Heriz; and that the said Roger, son of Roger Beler, and Margaret his wife, the elder daughter of the said sir Richard de la Rivere, had a daughter called Margaret, married to fir Robert de Swillington, knight, by whom he had sir Roger Swyllington, knight, who had a daughter married to John Graa (of South Ingleby in the county Lincolne) (fn. 19) who, together with his said wife (Margaret also by name) intailed this manor and Wydmerpole, and the advowsons of the churches, by a fine, 1 H. 6. upon themselves, and the heirs of their bodies; remainder to the heirs of the body of the said Margaret; remainder to Edmund Perpoynt, knight; and after his death to Henry Perpoynt, knight, and the heirs of his body; remainder to the right heirs of Henry Perpoynt, knight; Margaret died without heir of her body; afterwards Edmund Perpoynt died; afterwards the said John Graa; after whose death the said Henry Perpoynt, knight, entred, and had issue Henry Perpoynt, esquire, who had issue Henry Perpoynt, knight, then heir of this manor and advowson, and of the manor of Wydmerpole, &c.

Elizabeth, wife of Robert Sampson of the county of Suffolk, about 8 H. 6. (fn. 20) was found heir of Margaret, wife of John Gray, knight, as in Boney is set down. Yet they prevailed not here, for I find that sir William Pierpont (son of Francis) brother of the last sir Henry, 5 H. 8. (fn. 21) suffered a recovery of the manors of Tybshelf, and Ashcover, and many other lands in Darbyshire, and of the manors of Sneynton, Wydmerpole, Gonaston, and Bromwoodhouse, with the advowsons of the churches of Gonaston, and Wydmer pole, and the chapel of Bradbuske in the parish of Gonaston in this county, about which time he sold this manor to — Monox, an alderman of London, whose posterity, viz. sir Humfry Monox, or his son still enjoy it.

There was a chantry or hospital founded there by — Heriz, called the chantry or hospital of Brodbusk in Gonastun, which through many patents of concealments continueth an hospital at this day, and is called Gonaston Spittle.

(fn. 22) The rectory of Gonalston was 10l. value, and Mr. Monox patron (which shows that older rate of church livings was in the former part of the reign of king Henry the eighth.) 'Tis now 7l. 19s. 2d. in the king's books, and sir Humfr. Monox patron.

[Stone tombs]

In Gonaldston church three ancient stone tombs low on the ground, two of knights cross-leg'd: upon one of their shields three hedgehogs were imbossed; the third is a woman.

In the Chancel,
Quarterly Or and Azure.

Arg. a Chevron Azure, a File of five Labells Gules, Swillington.

Arg. on a Bend Azure three crossecloslets Or.

Azure three Hedgehogs Or 2. 1. Heriz.

Arg. on a Chevron Azure three Besants, a croslet Moline below Or.

In the North Window of the Church,
Gules three Waterbougetts Az. Roos of Hamlake.

In the East Window of the North Ile of the Church,
Party per pale Gules and Sable, a Lion Ramp. Arg. Belers.

Azure three Hedgehogs Or Heriz.

Arg. a Chevron Azure a File of three Labels Ermine, Swillington.

In a North Window,
Paly of six Az. and Arg. a File of six Labels Gules.

In small borders there is Heriz, and Azure a Fesse Dancy and Crusuly Or.

And in another the last Coat, with Or a Lion Ramp. sable interchangeably round the whole Pane.

On the Wall Painted,
Arg. on a Chevron sable between three Oken-leaves, proper three Plates, and on a Chief Gule a Bird between two Anchors of the first, quartering, &c.

The Crest a Stock-dove with an Oke-branch in her beak, Monox.

[Throsby] Gunnolstone

Lands are owned by — Phillips, esq; enclosed. The village, which is small, stands about 18 miles from Nottingham. Here is a spital or chapel, an ill looking place, of note only that the new Incumbent of the living preaches here on his induction. It is without glass in the windows.

The church, which is dedicated to St. Lawrence, is neatly pewed, one aisle, two bells; it is visible it has been much larger. The chancel appears, at first sight, to have been painted green; dampness has made the walls completely of that colour.— The figures mentioned by Thoroton are removed or rather destroyed at the diminution of the church as usual. Thanks to friend Thoroton for preserving copies of them. Under this head, Mr. Gough, in his edition of Camden, has related a singular story, from the history of the house of Yoery. (fn. 23)

Patron in 1785, sir Phillip Molineux, bart. Incumbent Rev. Mr. Clark, Rec. Master keeper of the hospital of St. Mary Magdalen Broad bush, King's book 7l. 19s. 2d. Yearly tenths 15s. 11d Archiapisc. pro Syn. 2s. Archidiac pro Prox 6s. 8d. Val. in mans. cum 2s. bov. cer. ib. per ann. 14s. dec. &c. Sir Humphrey Monoux, bart. 1691.


  • 1. Lib. Dooms.
  • 2. Regist: de Lenton p. 1.
  • 3. Pk incerti temporis Reg: Joh: Pasch: ro: 7.
  • 4. Regist. de Lenton p. 1 & 8.
  • 5. Rot. Pip. 5 Steph.
  • 6. Rot. Pip. 24 H. 2.
  • 7. Pip. 25 H. 2.
  • 8. Rot. Pip. 26 H. 2.
  • 9. Pl. Mich 1 Joh. ro: 14 in dorso.
  • 10. Pl: 17 R: 1: & 9 Joh:
  • 11. Fin: in divers: Comitat 10 H: 3: Darb:
  • 12. Regist: de Thurg: p: 60:
  • 13. lb:
  • 14. Esc. 27 E. 1. n. 36.
  • 15. Esc. 3 E. 3. n. 57.
  • 16. Lib. Fin. Trin. 6 E. 3.
  • 17. Regist. de Novo loco p. 221.
  • 18. Irrot. in Banc. Hill. 19 H. 6. rot. 321. & rot. 137.
  • 19. Ex petitionibus, 23 E. 4.
  • 20. Esc. 8 H. 6. n. 40.
  • 21. Pasc. 5 H. 8. rot. 347. & ro: 459.
  • 22. Mss. J. M.
  • 23. Francis, Viscount Lovel, who was at the battle of Stoke, (noticed in vol. I. page 350.) was missing and never seen after the battle: And as it was pretty generally known that he was not slain, it was rumoured, sometime afterwards, that he had been preserved, for a time, in some secret place, where he at length, thro' treachery or neglect had been starved to death. This report seems to be confirmed in a particular manner. For the house of Minster Lovel, in Oxfordshire, which belonged to this Lord, being some years ago pulled down, in a vault was found the body of a man, in very rich cloathing, seated in a chair, with a table and a mass book before him. The body was entire when the workmen entered; but upon admission of the air, it soon fell to dust. Hence it has been reasonably concluded, that this unhappy nobleman, retired to this hiding place where he was immured, and afterwards neglected, thro' treachery or fear, or on account of some accident that besel his servant.