Plate 36: Derby House, No. 26 Grosvenor Square. Designs by Robert Adam for third drawing room

Survey of London: Volume 40, the Grosvenor Estate in Mayfair, Part 2 (The Buildings). Originally published by London County Council, London, 1980.

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In this section

a. Derby House, No. 26 Grosvenor Square, as altered 1773–5 (pp. 142–4): designs by Robert Adam for third drawing-room and its ceiling.

Figure 36-a:

Derby House, No. 26 Grosvenor Square.

Derby House, No. 26 Grosvenor Square, as altered 1773–5 (pp. 142–4): designs by Robert Adam for third drawing-room and its ceiling.


b. Derby House, No. 26 Grosvenor Square, as altered 1773–5 (pp. 142–4): designs by Robert Adam for third drawing-room and its ceiling.

Figure 36b:

Derby House, No. 26 Grosvenor Square.

Derby House, No. 26 Grosvenor Square, as altered 1773–5 (pp. 142–4): designs by Robert Adam for third drawing-room and its ceiling.
