Richmond Herald

Pages 143-152

Survey of London Monograph 16, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street. Originally published by Guild & School of Handicraft, London, 1963.

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Richmond occurs from 1421 to 1485 as herald of John, Duke of Bedford, George, Duke of Clarence, and Henry, Earl of Richmond, all of whom held the Honour of Richmond. Henry on his accession in 1485 made Machado, the then Richmond, a king of arms, from whose death in 1510 Richmond has been one of the six heralds in ordinary.

Badge: The red rose of Lancaster and the white rose en soleil of York dimidiated per pale and royally crowned.

This particular combination of the two roses seems to be a modern invention.

I. Herald of John Duke of Bedford


Richmond, c. 1430.

In France with John, Duke of Bedford and Earl of Richmond, 1430–1 (p.s. 18 April 1430 and 15 March 1431).

Sent to Brittany in 9 Hen. VI, 1430–1 (Lobineau, Histoire de Bretagne, p. 581).

2. THOMAS MORE (temp. Hen. VI). See Guyenne (8).

II. Herald of George Duke of Clarence

3. WILLIAM BRERETON (temp. Ed. IV). See Guyenne (13).


? Griffin, temp. Ed. IV.

Richmond, c. 1473.

14 April 1473, Thomas Gryffyn alias Richemond made his will (pr. 25 October 1475) desiring to be burd at Wotton under Edge (P.C.C. Wattys 147).

Probably made Richmond on or soon after 13 October 1472, when a Richmond herald (? Brereton) was cr. Guyenne—was Griffin his title as pursuivant or his surname?


Falcon, pursuivant, temp. Ed. IV.

Rouge Croix, temp. Ed. IV.

Richmond, temp. Ed. IV.

There is no confirmation of the above statements and, moreover, Lant's further statement that William was Norroy is certainly wrong; he was perhaps referring to Sir William Carlill, Norroy's father, who may be the William Carlill made bailiff of Flamstead October 1480 (Pat. 20 Ed. IV).

Arms: as Norroy.

III. Herald of Henry Earl of Richmond

5. ROGER MACHADO (c. 1485). See Clarenceux (8).

IV. Herald in Ordinary



Guisnes, temp. Ed. IV.

Rouge Croix, temp. Ed. IV.

Richmond, 13 Hen. VII.

Probably s. of Thomas Browne, Falcon, if either existed outside Lant's imagination.

Arms: As Thomas Browne Falcon (5).

7. JOHN JOYNER (1511). See Norroy (18).

8. CHRISTOPHER BARKER (1522). See Garter (6).



Risebank, ? 1522.

Bluemantle, signet 1 September, cr. 1 November 1528.

Richmond, cr. 16 April, p.s. 13 August, pat. 14 September 1536.

S. of Peter de Narboon, a servant of Henry VII and Poor Knight of Windsor, who married a base dau. of King Louis of France. Named as Risebank in Partition Book, 1 November 1527, but probably appd end of 1522 or early 1523; later Bluemantle and Richmond; d. in Tower of London c. June 1540, but not said why he was there, and 15 December Bailiffs of Kingston-on-Thames were ordered to allow his widow Joan, née Bird, to enjoy her lands and goods freely. His s. Nicholas was second Ulster.

Owned two copies of Thomas Gardiner's History of England, now Trinity College, Dublin, MSS. 513, E. 1. 15 and 633, E. 5. 22. The latter wrongly supposed to be his own work. Handwriting large and ugly but legible; spelling astonishingly erratic (Hermathena, xix (1922), 235–48).

Arms granted by Henry VII to Peter de Narboon, 23 June 1502, Pat. 17 Hen. VII, p. 2, m. 1: Argent, the nether halves of 3 garters azure, buckles & pendants or.

10. GILBERT DETHICK (1540). See Garter (7).

11. LAURENCE DALTON (1547). See Norroy (25).

12. NICHOLAS NARBOON (1557). See Ulster (2).



Rouge Croix, cr. 15, pat. 20 November 1553, salary from previous Lady Day.

Richmond, pat. 3 July, cr. 30 September 1566.

Probably an arms-painter; servant of Gilbert Dethick, Garter. Rouge Croix 1553 and afterwards Richmond; d. June 1584; burd the 13th in St Vedast's. In 1557, 1560 and 1563 was attached to the Presidency of the North. In 1561 accompanied Hervy, Clarenceux, on Vis'n of Suffolk (Machyn's Diary, p. 264); said to have visited Huntingdonshire and Northamptonshire 1564 as Hervy's deputy. Made valuable genealogical collections.

(Rymer, xv, 313, 663; Machyn's Diary, pp. 49, 264; etc.)

Arms: Gules, a dance between 3 hunting horns argent.

14. RICHARD LEE (1584). See Clarenceux (15).

15. WILLIAM CAMDEN (1597). See Clarenceux (16).



Rouge Dragon, signet 3, pat. 8 June 1588.

Richmond, cr. 23 October 1597, signet, 1, docquet 6, pat. 13 August 1603.

Of Creating, parish of Hadleigh, Suffolk; s. and heir of John Raven of the same; 1597 G. Dethick wrote that he had been more than twenty years in office, at first presumably as clerk in the College or perhaps pursuivant extraordinary; Rouge Dragon 1588 and later Richmond; 1612–14 deputed by Camden for Vis'ns of Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex; d. at Hadleigh 13 February 1616.

Father of John Raven, M. D., physician to Queen Anne and Charles I (Alum. Cantab., etc.), and of Mary, wife of William Winchell, PainterStainer of London.

Arms certified by Camden: Or, a raven sable standing on a ball gules, a martlet gules for difference.

17. HENRY ST GEORGE (1616). See Garter (11).



Richmond, pat. 25, R. wt. 28 June 1635.

Before becoming Richmond was Captain in the Army; probably resd commission 1637 after which his attendance at College was exemplary down to Civil War; faithful to the King; M.A. Oxford 1 November 1642. According to Anstis d. unmarried, Oxford c. 1643, but no evidence is cited and Bysshe and his Parliamentary colleagues knew not of his death December 1646. If Anstis mistaken may be the Captain George Manwaring, third s. of Sir George of Ightfield, Shropshire, who commanded at Tonge Castle 1644, and/or the George Manwaring, Esq., who was in the Worcester Garrison at its surrender 1646.

Arms recorded 1643 to 'Mainwaring of Cheshire, Captain of a Troop': Argent, 2 bars gules. Crest: An ass's head proper.


? Richmond, 1646.

15 December 1646, one Wright petitioned Parliamentary Commissioners of Constable and Marshal to be made herald (Coll. of Arms MS. SML. 3, p. 193; 64, p. 85). Sequel not recorded, but may have been appd Richmond or, though less likely, Chester.

18B. JOHN WINGFIELD (designate 1657). See York (20).

19. HENRY ST GEORGE (1660). See Garter (15).



Rouge Croix, intruded c. September 1658, pat. 25 February 1659, confirmed by signet 23 July, sworn 10 August 1660.

Richmond, pat. 30 April, cr. 24 May 1677, resd 4 February 1704.

B. Blackwall 1623, third s. of Henry Dethick of Poplar, and grandson of Sir William Dethick, Garter. Last of the family to hold office in the College; educ. Eton and King's College, Cambridge (M.A. 1650, Fellow 1645–56); Deputy-Lieutenant of the Tower Hamlets and in the 1680's Register of the Commissary Court of Westminster.

Intruded as Rouge Croix under Oliver Cromwell and had pat. of that place from Richard Cromwell; nevertheless, unlike the other intruded officers, was allowed to retain his tabard at the Restoration and eventually promoted.

One of those delegated to collect funds for rebuilding the College after the Great Fire and during early stages of the rebuilding lived on the premises; usually resided at Poplar.

As deputy for Clarenceux visited Middlesex 1663 and six other counties 1681–3. Resigned his tabard 4 February 1704; d. Poplar 1707; burd in the family vault 19 June.

(Eton Coll. Reg.; Alum. Cantab.; R. & C., pp. 75–7; H.C.E.C. (1934), pl. xvii; etc.)

Arms: As Sir William Dethick.

21. PETER LE NEVE (1704). See Norroy (39).



Rouge Dragon, signet July, pat. 22 November, R. wt. 5, cr. 11 December 1700.

Richmond, pat. 26 May 1704.

Of Snetterton, Norfolk; b. c. 1668 at Syderstone, s. of John Hare, of Bromsthorp, Norfolk, and younger brother of Sir Ralph Hare of Stow Bardolph, Bt. 1664; educ. King's Lynn and St John's College, Cambridge; B.A. 1689; Inner Temple 1690; Rouge Dragon 1700; F.S.A. 1719. Stabbed himself and died in College 14 May 1720; burd in churchyard of St Benet's, Paul's Wharf (M.I.).

Had a large library and bequeathed all his books and MSS. of heraldry to the College, including an important collection of precedents, etc., by Wm. Fellow, Norroy (Coll. of Arms MSS. R. 36, 37).

1719 published proposals for a work on the Honour of Richmond (eventually published, according to Hearne, by Roger Gale, 1723).

(Hearne's Collections, v, 29; vii, 87, 130; viii, 112; ix, 25; R. & C.)

Arms, confirmed 1614: Gules, 2 bars & an indented chief or, a crescent for difference. Crest: A demi-lion argent with a gold crown about its neck.



Blanch Lyon, E.M. wt. 7, R. wt. 9, cr. 27 February 1694.

Suffolk, E.M. wt. 7, R. wt. 9 February, cr. 25 March 1707.

Richmond, cr. 3, pat. 17 May 1721.

B. 23 May 1666, s. of Thomas Dale of Crosshill Hall, Great Smeaton, Yorkshire; clerk to Sir Henry St George 1684–8; later much employed by the elder Anstis; Clerk in Tower Record Office from 1704. 1694 became Blanch Lyon and both then and as Suffolk was Deputy Register of the College. Appointment as Suffolk revoked by R. wt. 19 January 1715, but restored c. 1720; later made Richmond. D. 4 August 1722; burd in St Benet's, Paul's Wharf.

Though conceited and troublesome was one of the most active genealogists of his day. Some 27 volumes of his collections are in the College and others in the British Museum.

Accompanied Clarenceux on four of the 1684–7 Vis'ns, the office copies being in his hand. Published 1697 An Exact Catalogue of the Nobility of England.

Arms: Gules, on a mount vert a swan close argent.

(Collections of Hylton B. Dale, of Melbourne, Australia; Hearne's Collections, vol. iv, etc.; R. & C., pp. 40, 76.)


Richmond, pat. 3 November 1722, resd 14 October 1737.

Of Chellaston, co. Derby, and of Peterborough; later of St John Evangelist, Westminster; s. of Charles Whinyates of Chellaston and Peterborough; baptized St John's Peterborough, 10 February 1690; 1711 Cornet in Temple's Dragoons; 1713–15 Lieutenant Coldstream Guards; Richmond 1722; sold Chellaston and Peterborough property 1727; resd 14 October 1737, having sold his place to Lane for £500 to help pay his debts; still living September 1742.

According to S. Martin Leake no one ever had less qualification to be a herald but by dint of impudence alone got more money in the time he was a herald than anyone had ever done (Coll. of Arms MS. SML. 65, p. 103).

A number of volumes on heraldry which belonged to him, some in his handwriting, in Studley Royal library (Hist. MSS. Comm., 6th Rep., pp. 443–9).

(See also Whinyates Family Records by Frederick T. Whinyates (1894), and Genealogist, N.S. viii, 52.)


Richmond, pat. 27 January 1738, salary from 14 October 1737, resd 30 May 1755.

1752 Secretary to D.E.M. and Register of College; 1755 Treasurer; resd 30 May 1755, having sold his place to Grose for £800, though he paid Whinyates only £500 for it. Industrious but unscrupulous. 'A scoundrel in every respect' according to the elder Townley. His portrait in the College.



Richmond, pat. 12 June 1755, salary from 30 May, resd 19 February 1763.

B. Greenford, Middlesex, c. 1730, s. of Francis Jacob Grose, a Swiss jeweller naturalized 20 December 1744. Cared little for heraldry and sold place of Richmond for £600 19 February 1763. Adjutant Hampshire Militia 1763–9, Captain and Adjutant Surrey Militia 1778–91; F.S.A. 1757.

An excellent draughtsman, of wide learning, great good nature and keen sense of humour; friend of Robert Burns; contributor to Antiquarian Repertory; published Antiquities of England and Wales (6 vols. 1773–97), of Scotland (2 vols. 1789–91), and of Ireland (2 vols. 1791); also A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1785 and 1788) (reissued 1823 and 1931), and many other books and papers. D. of apoplexy at Dublin 12 May 1791; burd in Drumcondra Church.

(Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1931), p. 381, etc.; D.N.B.)

Arms: Granted October 1756, evidently based on a Swiss model: Or, on a mount between 2 lesser vert a lamb sable holding with the dexter forefoot a banner ermine charged with a cross clechee gules. Crest: Upon a mount vert a lamb holding a banner as in the arms.

Though blazoned 'clechee' the crosses are drawn like a Toulouse cross umbrated or entrailed.

(Misc. Gen. & Her., N.S. iv, 1.)

27. HENRY PUJOLAS, junior


Bluemantle, pat. 19 June, salary from 29 May 1761.

Richmond, pat. 25 March 1763.

Of Margaret St, Cavendish Square; of a Huguenot family from Uzès; b. c. 1733, s. of John Pujolas of St Martin's in the Fields by Martha Manning; probably nephew of Henry Pujolas, appd Surveyor of Houses for Westminster 1731; 1747 apprenticed to John Anthony Cuenott, of St James', Westminster, carver; executed greater part of state coach for coronation of George III; Bluemantle 1761; 1763 bought place of Richmond from Grose for 600 guineas, selling his own place of Bluemantle to Dore for 300 guineas; d. in Margaret St 23 May 1764; burd Finchley (M.I.). Though a good carver and draughtsman, he had no qualifications as a herald.

Arms granted 1762: Per fess wavy azure & argent, in chief 3 doves proper & in base on a mount vert a ram couchant sable, horns & hooves or. Crest: A hind at gaze proper with a bugle-horn or pendent from her neck by a cord gules.

28. PETER DORE (1764). See Norroy (47).

29. RALPH BIGLAND (1780). See Garter (24).

30. JOSEPH HAWKER (1803). See Clarenceux (34).

31. JAMES PULMAN (1838). See Clarenceux (36).



Richmond, E.M. wt. 14 April, pat. 5 May, salary from 14 April 1846.

Charles Gibbon, as he signed himself, lived at Yapton, near Arundel; b. 13 November 1796; d. Yapton 16 September 1873; burd there. Contributed to Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. xii, a paper on 'Dedications of Churches & Chapels in West Sussex'.

Uterine brother of E. H. Gibbon, Norroy, and according to a note by his colleague and contemporary, T. W. King, York, an illegitimate son of the eleventh Duke of Norfolk. It is, however, to be observed that, unlike Edward, he did not take the name and arms of Howard, and the only common feature in the arms granted to the two brothers for Gibbon is the ostrich feather in the crests. (Were these derived from the ostrich feather badge of Mowbray?)

When in waiting lived in College.

Arms granted 24 August 1853: Azure, 10 annulets interlaced, 4, 3, 2, 1, or. Crest: A feather erect azure interlaced by 3 annulets interlaced 1 & 2 gold. Motto: Simplex Securus.



Bluemantle, Gazette 14, pat. 24 November, salary from 21 July 1864.

Richmond, E.M. wt. 22 October, pat. 21 November, salary from 16 September 1873.

Third s. of Thomas Unsworth of Huyton Hey, Lancashire, who represented through his mother, Frances née Seel, families of Harington of Huyton, Molyneux of New Hall and Alt Grange, Hawarden of Lee Green and Seel of Liverpool, and assumed surnames and arms of Molyneux-Seel by R.L. 12 July 1815. B. 10 May 1839; Bluemantle 1864 and Richmond 1873; d. at Brighton 31 August 1882.

Resided in Warwickshire but came to London from time to time.

Arms exemplified 8 August 1845: Quarterly, (1 & 4) per fess potent counter-potent erminois & azure, 3 wolf heads erased 2 & 1 counterchanged (Seel, granted 25 May 1815); (2 & 3) azure, a cross moline or (Molyneux). Crests: (1) for Seel; a wolf's head erminois erased at the neck nebuly azure, in the mouth a marigold proper; (2) for Molyneux: on a chapeau gules turned up ermine a peacock's plume proper.


Larken (2)

Portcullis, pat. 26 February, salary from 9 January 1878.

Richmond, pat. 13 October, salary from 31 August 1882.

B. 16 March 1816, third s. of Edmund Larken, of Bedford Square, London; educ. St Alban Hall, Oxford; B.A. 1838; Portcullis 1878; Richmond 1882; d. 1 April 1889.

Helped Everard Green with several Genealogist pedigrees, and helped his brother-in-law, Lord Monson, in his Lincolnshire Church Notes. 1888 the College bought for £200 75 volumes of his collections, mainly relating to Lincolnshire.

Arms: (1) As Portcullis: Ermine, 3 leopard faces or & on a chief gules a lion passant guardant or. Crest: A lark with a columbine flower in its bill.

(2) Granted 1884: Per pale ermine & or ermined sable, 3 leopard faces proper, on a chief engrailed azure a lion passant guardant argent. Crest: On a mount in front of 3 ears of barley a lark holding in its bill a columbine, all proper. Motto: Surget Alauda.

35. CHARLES HAROLD ATHILL (1889). See Clarenceux (41).

Athill (2)

36. GERALD WOODS WOLLASTON (1919). See Garter (30).



Rouge Croix, pat. 31 May, salary from 21 April 1922.

Richmond, pat. 2 August, salary from 31 July 1928.

B. Ceylon 10 July 1889, eldest s. of Henry Thomas Martin of Maskeliya, Ceylon; educ. Bedford and Lincoln College, Oxford; Barrister, Middle Temple 1912; Captain East Lancashire Regiment, First World War; Intelligence Department 1938–41; Rouge Croix 1922; Richmond 1928; F.S.A. 1930; d. suddenly of heart failure 23 July 1942; burd Farringdon, Hampshire.

Jovial and fond of good living; lawn tennis Blue; played Badminton for England.

Arms granted 1926: Argent, 2 bars & 6 escallops in orle gules. Crest: From an Eastern crown or a horse's head sable, mane or, charged on the neck with a scallop or. Motto: Mediocria Maxima. Badge: A scallop reversed gules charged with a martlet or.

38. ANTHONY RICHARD WAGNER (1943). See Garter (33).

39. VACANT (1961) pro tem.