Members of the Survey Committee

Pages iii-vi

Survey of London Monograph 16, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street. Originally published by Guild & School of Handicraft, London, 1963.

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Honorary Members and Subscribers

A. Abrahams

Miss Patience Adams

The Right Rev. Bishop of Adelaide

Lieut.-Colonel A. L. B. Anderson

The Society of Antiquaries of London

The Royal Institute of British Architects

The Architectural Association

The Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors

The Athenæum Club

Captain W. J. Atkinson

Miss Alfreda J. Attrill, A.R.R.C.

Cecil Bramston Austin, A.R.I.B.A. (retd.)

Miss R. Barbour

Miss Helen Barlow

Lundie W. Barlow

Miss Catherine E. Barson

The Rev. T. D. S. Bayley, F.S.A.

Lieut.-Commander J. H. B. Bedells, R.N.

Bedford College for Women, London

The Hon. Sir George Bellew, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., F.S.A., formerly Garter King of Arms

Gerald Bentley

Mrs B. F. W. Besemer

Birkbeck College, London

The Birmingham Public Library

The Bishopsgate Institute, London

R. S. Boumphrey, M.B.E.

The Brentford and Chiswick Public Library

Professor R. J. Brocklehurst, B.Ch., D.M., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

T. H. Brown, l.d.s.

M. C. Bryans

Christopher Gatty Bryant

Sir Reginald Bullin, O.B.E., T.D.

Hugh Duncan Butchart, F.S.A.

The University of California

Colin Campbell

The Rev. Canon J. L. Cartwright, F.S.A.

Chetham's Library, Manchester

Mrs Dorothy Chetwynd-Talbot

W. E. Church, M.R.C.P.

Mrs John P. S. Clarke

Louis C. G. Clarke, F.S.A.

Mrs Y. J. Cochrane

A. C. Cole, B.C.L., F.S.A., Portcullis Pursuivant

The College of Arms

Major J. L. Collings, A.M.I.E.E.

Sir Jeremiah Colman, Bt.

Wing-Commander E. E. Colquhoun, M.B.E.

The Columbia University

The Conservative Club

The Constitutional Club

H. Herbert Corson

John Cotter

The Courtauld Institute of Art

Lieut.-Colonel Walter E. Cross, F.R.I.B.A.

The Croydon Public Library

Peter Dale (Insignia) Limited

R. H. D'Elboux, M.C., F.S.A.

R. de La Lanne-Mirrlees, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant

R. O. Dennys, O.B.E., Rouge Croix Pursuivant

Leslie Dow, F.S.A.

Francis Edwards

L. W. Lawson Edwards

Colonel H. S. Eeles

Albert Ehrman

David J. Evans

Commander John Villiers Farrow, C.B.E.

Charles Henry Faxon

P. Ferriday

S. J. Fetherston

The Finsbury Central Library

William L. T. Fisher

Marc Fitch

W. M. T. Fowle

Julian Franklyn

Lieut.-Colonel A. E. Freestone-Barnes, t.d.

J. A. Frere, F.S.A.

Professor R. C. Gale, F.S.G.

Miss Gwendolen Garrod

Sir Samuel Gluckstein

H. W. F. Godley, M.V.O.

David E. Gomme

Sir William Goodfellow

Colonel J. L. Gordon

Sir Arthur Gouge

R. P. Graham-Vivian, M.V.O., M.C., Windsor Herald

D. J. P. Griffiths

The Guildhall Library, London

The Hague, The Royal Dutch Society for Genealogy and Heraldry

Arthur Hamilton

The Hampstead Central Library

Richard Harriss, A.R.I.B.A.

J. C. Hayman

Alan Bedford Hepper

The Heraldry Society

R. H. Herbert

Major H. R. Hicks

F. G. Dennis Higgs

I. Dixon Hill

The Institute of Historical Research

Miss H. V. Hodgson

Miss R. M. Homer

Miss Marjorie B. Honeybourne, F.S.A.

Richard W. F. Hopkins, F.S.A.g.

House of Lords Library

J. W. Howes

Cecil R. Humphery-Smith

Constant Huntington

Walter Ison, F.S.A.

Henry R. Jackman

M. H. Jackson-Lipkin

Gordon Jeeves

Miss D. E. Johnston

Mrs G. C. Keech

The Kensington Central Library

The Rev. Maurice Kingsford

R. S. Kinsey

Ing. Ricardo Lancaster-Jones

J. Wentworth Lankester

Aubrey Hodsdon Lightbourn

Ian R. Lilburn, F.S.A. (Scot.), F.R.G.S.

Liverpool Public Library

Mrs Ursula Liversidge

Alfred R. Llewellin-Taylour, F.R.S.A.

Mrs Florence E. Lloyd

The London Library

The London and Middlesex Archaeological Society

The London Museum

The London School of Economics

The London Society

The University of London, Goldsmiths' Librarian

J. H. Longrigg

Sir John Lort-Williams, Q.C.

Arthur J. Lyons

Michael Maclagan, F.S.A.

James G. W. MacLamroc

Warner S. McCall

Ian Beresford Madden, F.R.N.S., F.S.A. (Scot.)

The Manchester Society of Architects

The Manchester Public Library

N. Manwaring

J. R. Mason

Sir Edward Maufe, R.A., F.R.I.B.A.

Brian Melland

Colonel A. A. E. Merlott-Chitty, C.B.E., d.s.o.

Stephen Millett

The Mitcham Central Library

Cyril Moore

The Rev. Alfred Moreton Moreton-Jackson

The Rev. C. H. Mosse

Mrs C. E. Mowat

The National Buildings Record

Arthur Needham

The Newberry Library, Chicago

The New York Public Library

Col. C. R. W. Norman, O.B.E.

Frank H. North

Commander W. C. Northcott, R.N. (retd), R.D., D.L., J.P.

Mrs Albert Edward Oliver

T. E. Owen

David Owen-Eaton

F. Owen-Eaton, F.R.I.B.A., M.I.A.

The Oxford and Cambridge Club

The Oxfordshire County Library

J. H. Parker Oxspring, M.B.E., M.Sc.

Sir John Pascoe

H. L. Pawle

W. A. Peplow

S. T. B. Percival

J. Foster Petree

Sir Edward Phillips, K.B.E.

The Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh

The Rev. S. B.-R. Poole

N. D. Poulsen

A. D. Power

P. T. Presswell, A.R.I.B.A.

Major Adrian Prestige, R.A.

The Public Record Office

The Quatuor Coronati Lodge

John Rank

A. J. M. Reese, T.D., M.D.

The Reform Club

Mrs R. S. Regan

Baron de Reuter

Mrs Ivor Rodney

H. H. Robinson

The Lord Rootes, G.B.E.

Lieut.-Commander Geoffrey K. Rylands, R.N.

The John Rylands Library, Manchester

Lieut.-Colonel J. Dow Sainter, M.C.

C. F. L. St George, C.B.E.

C. W. Scott-Giles, O.B.E., Fitzalan Pursuivant Extraordinary

Major G. T. M. Scrope

C. S. Shand

The Rev. Hubert John Sillitoe

Frederick Simms

Air Commodore C. H. Simpson

The Lord Sinclair, M.V.O., York Herald

Sion College

E. E. Smith

H. F. Smith

Sir William Proctor Smith

L. L. Smithies

Capt. Sir Richard Snedden, C.B.E., ll.d., R.N.r.

The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings

C. W. Southcombe

The Southport Public Library

Major R. W. Spencer-Smith

G. D. Squibb, Q.C., J.P., F.S.A., Norfolk Herald Extraordinary

The Earl Stanhope, K.G.

Francis W. Steer, F.S.A.

Matthew Stirling

The Stoke Newington Central Library

R. T. D. Stoneham, C.B.E.

Count Giri de Teramala

A. H. Thomas, LL.D., D.Lit., F.S.A.

R. A. S. Thomas

George F. and May Hilton Timpson

Toronto University

M. R. Trappes-Lomax, F.S.A., Somerset Herald

T. F. B. Turner

University College, London

W. J. Verco, M.V.O., Chester Herald

The Rev. Hugh C. Verity

The Victoria and Albert Museum

Brigadier G. A. Viner, O.B.E.

Sir Anthony Wagner, K.C.V.O., d.litt., F.S.A., Garter King of Arms

J. R. B. Walker, M.V.O., M.C., Lancaster Herald

Michael Leycester Walker

The Wallington Public Library

R. E. Walrond

Miss S. H. Warren

The Library of Congress, Washington

Mrs Ellen A. Watson

The West Ham Public Library

Sir Charles Westlake

Dr R. R. Wettenhall

I. N. Apperley White

W. F. Willats

R. E. T. Williams

The Wimbledon Public Library

H. Wollaston

T. Woodard, F.S.G.

The Ministry of Works, Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments

C. E. Wright, Ph.D., F.S.A.

James M. B. Wright of Auchinellan

Active Members

W. W. Begley, F.R.Hist.S., L.R.I.B.A.

J. W. Bloe, O.B.E., F.S.A.

A. E. Bullock, F.R.I.B.A. (retd.)

Miss Ida Darlington, F.S.A.

J. J. Edmunds

Cecil Farthing, F.S.A.

Thomas F. Ford, F.R.I.B.A.

Philip S. Hudson, A.R.I.B.A.

W. McB. Marcham

A. R. Martin, F.S.A.

E. C. Nisbet

G. Parsloe

Hugh Phillips, F.S.A.

T. F. Reddaway, F.S.A.

Alan Ridge

C. W. Scott-Giles, O.B.E., Fitzalan Pursuivant Extraordinary (for this volume)

Sir John Summerson, C.B.E., F.B.A., F.S.A., A.R.I.B.A.

T. O. Thirtle, A.R.I.B.A.

Sir Anthony Wagner, K.C.V.O., D.Litt., F.S.A., Garter King of Arms

Sir Mortimer Wheeler, C.I.E., M.C., T.D., D.Lit., D.Litt., F.B.A., Hon. V.-p.S.A.

Walter H. Godfrey, C.B.E., F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. Chairman and Editor

W. F. Grimes, C.B.E., F.S.A. Hon. Treasurer