Pages 69-73
Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1820.
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In this section
Duties of 1 Jac. II. c. 3
as continued by 2 W. & M. Sess. 2. c.5; 4 W. & M. c.15; further continued until 29th Sept. 1701; and also the Powers of the said first mentioned Act.
Wee your Majesties most dutiful Subjects the Commons in Parliament assembled for a further Supply to Your Majesty for the more effectual prosecuting the present Warr against France have cheerfully and unanimously given and granted unto Your Majestie the Impositions and Duties hereafter mentioned for and dureing the respective Terms hereafter expressed and doe beseech Your Majestie to accept thereof and that it may bee enacted and bee it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the several Impositions and Duties upon Wines and Vinegar granted by an Act made in the First Yeare of the Reigne of the late King James the Second intituled An Act for granting His Majestie an Imposition upon all Wines and Vinegar imported between the Foure and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred eighty five and the Foure and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred ninety three which said Act by an Act of Parliament made in the Second Yeare of the Reigne of His Majestie and the late Queen (of Blessed Memory) was continued from the Three and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred ninety three until the Foure and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred ninety six and by another Act of Parliament made in the Fourth and Fifth Years of Their Reigne was further continued from the Three and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred ninety six until the Foure and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred ninety eight shall bee continued from the Three and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred ninety eight until the Nine and twentieth day of September which shall bee in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and one and noe longer And that the said first mentioned Act and all Powers Provisions Penalties Articles and Clauses therein contained shall continue and bee of full force and effect until the said Nine and twentieth day of September One thousand seven hundred and one and shall bee applied practised and executed for the raising levying collecting answering and paying the said Duties hereby continued according to the Tenor and Intent of this present Act as fully to all Intents and Purposes as if all and every the Clauses Matters and Things in the said Act contained had been again repeated in this Act and particularly enacted.
II. Duties of 1 Jac.II. c. 4;
as continued by 2 W. & M. Sess. 2. c.5; 4 W. & M. c. 15; further continued until 29th Sept. 1701.
And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Rates Duties and Impositions for all sorts of Tobacco granted by an Act made in the First Yeare of the Reigne of the said late King James entituled An Act for granting to His Majestie an Imposition upon all Tobacco and Sugar imported between the Foure and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred eighty five and the Foure and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred ninety three Which said Act as for and concerning the said Duties and Impositions on Tobacco onely by an Act of Parliament made in the Second Yeare of the Reigne of His Majestie and the said late Queen was continued from the Three and twentieth day of June in the said Yeare One thousand six hundred ninety three until the Foure and twentieth day of June One thousand six hundred ninety six and by another Act made in she Fourth and Fifth Yeare of Their said Majesties Reign was continued from the Three and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred & ninety six until the Foure and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred ninety eight shall bee continued from the Three and twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred ninety eight until the said Nine and twentieth Day of September in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and one and no longer.
III. The last-mentioned Duties to be collected, and Allowances made, &c. by the Rules herein mentioned.
Commissioners of the Customs authorized to give necessary Directions for collecting the said last-mentioned Duties, making Allowances, &c; Under Penalties of 12 Car. II. c. 4; and the Rules of any other Law in force.
Provided always and bee it declared and enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Duties upon Tobacco which were granted by the said Act made in the First Yeare of the Reigne of the said late King James and continued as aforesaid and which by the said Acts were made payable by the first Buyer and subject to the Rules of Excise in the several Parts of Management thereof shall for all such Tobacco as shall bee imported between the First Day of May One thousand six hundred ninety six and the said Nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and one bee secured collected raised levied answered and paid to His Majestie according to the true Intent and meaning of this present Act in the Method herein after particularly directed and with such [Discompt (fn. 1) ] and Allowances to the Merchants as are herein alsoe mentioned and noe otherwise Any thing in the said former Acts to the contrary notwithstanding And that the Commissioners of His Majesties Customs for the time being or any Foure or more of them bee authorized and impowered and the said Commissioners of the Customs or any Foure or more of them for the time being are hereby authorized and impowered to give the necessary Directions for secureing collecting raiseing levying answering and paying to His Majestie the said Duties upon Tobacco and to make the Discompt and Allowances to the Merchants herein after mentioned for all such Tobacco as shall bee imported betweene the said First Day of May in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety six and the said Nine and twentieth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and one in the same Manner and Forme and by such Rules Means or Ways and under such Penalties and Forfeitures as are mentioned and expressed in one Acts of Parliament made in the Twelfth Yeare of the Reigne of King Charles the Second entituled A Subsidy granted to the King of Tunnage and Poundage and other Su[m]ms of Money payable upon Merchandize exported and imported and the Rules Directions and Orders thereunto annexed or any other Law now in force relating to the Collection of His Majesties Customs which said' Act and Acts and every Article Rule and Clause therein contained shall stand and bee in force for the purposes aforesaid during the Continuance of this Act.
IV. Duties of 2 W.& M. Sess. 2. c. 4.
as continued by 4 W. & M. c. 15. Further continued until 29th Sept. 1701, and also the Powers of the said first-mentioned Act; Exception.
And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the several additional and other Rates Impositions Duties and Charges upon the several Sorts of Goods and Merchandizes granted by an Act of Parliament made in the said Second Yeare of Their said Majesties Reigne entituled An Act for granting to Their Majesties certain Impositions upon all East India Goods and Manufactures and upon all Wrought Silks and several other Goods and Merchandize to bee imported after the Five and twentieth Day of December One thousand six hundred and ninety and which were thereby to have continuance until the Tenth day of November One thousand six hundred ninety five and by another Act made in the Fourth and Fifth [Yeares (fn. 2) ] of Their said Majesties Reigne were continued from the Ninth day of November One thousand six hundred ninety five until the Tenth day of November One thousand six hundred ninety seven shall bee further continued from the Ninth day of November One thousand six hundred ninety seven until the Nine and twentieth day of September One thousand seven hundred and one And that the said Act entituled An Act for granting to Their Majesties certain Impositions upon all East India Goods and Manufactures and upon all wrought Silks and several other Goods and Merchandize to bee imported after the said Five and twentieth day of December One thousand six hundred and ninety and all Powers Provisions Penalties Articles and Clauses therein contained shall continue and bee of full force and effect until the said Nine and twentieth day of September and shall bee applied practised and executed for [the (fn. 3) ] raising levying collecting answering and paying the said Duties hereby continued according to the Tenor and Intent of this present Act as fully to all Intents and Purposes as if the said last mentioned Act and all and every the Clauses Matters and Things therein contained had been again repeated in this Act and enacted particularly except onely as to such part of the said Acts touching which other Provisions or Alterations are made by any Act or Acts of Parliament now in being which other Provisions or Alterations are to bee observed and to continue dureing the Continuance of this Act.
V. Security for Duties on Tobacco to be by Bond and Sureties.
Discount for prompt Payment of Duty; No Discount after 15 Months; Allowance for Waste and Shrinkage; How Security discharged; Allowance for Waste on Tobacco exported; Oath on Debenture.
And whereas the Methods prescribed by the said recited Act granting the said Duties upon Tobacco made in the First Yeare of the late King James the Second have been found prejudicial to Trade and grievous to the Merchants concerned in paying the same Therefore for the more easie and better Collection of the said Duties for the future Bee it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Security to bee given for the said Duties upon Tobacco bee by Bond to bee given by the Importer thereof with one or more sufficient Sureties for Payment of the Dutie att the End of Eighteen Months from the Importation and that there bee a Discount of Ten per [Cent[um] (fn. 4) ] for prompt Payment of the said Impost Duty if the same shall bee paid within Three Months from the Date of the Entry and of Eight per [Cent[um] (fn. 4) ] att any time afterwards within Six Months from the same of Six per [Cent[um] (fn. 4) ] if within Nine Months of Foure per [Cent[um] (fn. 4) ] if within Twelve Months of Two per[Cent (fn. 4) ] if within Fifteene Months But after Fifteene Months expired there shall bee noe Discount att all That on any Payment of the said Duty for Tobacco to bee consumed here there bee an Allowance for the future of Eight pounds per [Cent[um] (fn. 4) ] for the Merchants Encouragement in Consideration of Waste and Shrinkage in the Cellars That the Security given by the Importers for Eighteen Months bee discharged by Debentures referring to the particular Entries on Exportations att any time within Twelve Months from the Importation and not after that time That there shall bee an Allowance of Foure Pounds per[Cent[um] (fn. 4) ] in Consideration of Waste that may arise on any Tobacco soe exported to bee struck off onely from the Entry and not to bee paid where the whole Quantity entred shall happen to bee exported That the Debentures for halfe Subsidy additional and impost Duties of the same Quantity of Tobacco exported bee on one or more Parchment or Parchments and that the Oath bee printed thereon in hec verba to bee signed and sworn by the Exporters That all the Tobacco entred and shipped as there certified is really and truely exported for Parts beyond the Seas on his owne Account (if hee acts for himselfe) or if hee acts by Commission then on the Account of such Person or Persons for whom the Deponent acts in the Direction of the Voyage and that none of the said Tobacco has been since landed or is intended to bee re-landed in England Wales or Towne of Berwick upon Tweed.
VI. Management of the Duties on Tobacco to be according to the Rules of the Customs.
And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the whole Management or Ordering of the said Duties on Tobacco both as to the Entry and the Accompt therof bee made dureing the Continuance of this Act (except where it is otherwise hereby directed) conformable to the Methods and Rules of the Customs.
VII. 4 W. & M. c. 15.
Money may be advanced on Security of Duties, subject to Repayment of £500,000; not exceeding £1,500,000. Tallies of Loan and Orders for; Repayment, with Interest, at the Rates herein mentioned.
And whereas by the Act of Parliament made in the Fourth and Fifth Yeares of Their said Majesties Reigne entituled An Act for continuing certaine Acts therein mentioned and for charging several Joint Stocks a Credit was given for borrowing any Su[m]ms not exceeding Five hundred thousand Pounds as well upon the Security of that Act as of the several other Acts therein before mentioned in pursuance whereof several Su[m]ms amounting to Five hundred thousand Pounds where actually lent att the Receipt of Exchequer and part thereof doth still remain unsatisfied Bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may bee lawfull to and for any Person or Persons Natives or Forreigners Bodies Politick or Corporate to advance and lend unto His Majestie upon the Security of the Impositions and Duties ariseing by this Act and alsoe upon Security of the Impositions and Duties which from and after the Repayment of the said Su[m]m of Five hundred thousand Pounds borrowed as aforesaid and the Interest thereof shall arise by the said Act made in the Fourth and Fifth Yeare of their said Majesties Reigne any Su[m]m or Su[m]ms not exceeding in the whole the Su[m]m of Fifteen hundred thousand Pounds to bee supplied out of such Impositions or other Duties as are before mentioned And that Tallies of Loan shall bee levied for all and every Su[m]m and Su[m]ms of Money soe to bee lent And that Orders according to the Course of the Exchequer shall bee drawne signed and issued for [the (fn. 5) ] Repayment of the same and for Payment of Inteŕest for the Forbearance of every such Su[m]m of Money which Interest shall not exceed the Rate of Five Pounds per [Cent[um] (fn. 6) ] per Annum for the First Foure hundred thousand Pounds Six Pounds per [Cent[um] (fn. 6) ] per Annum for the Second Foure hundred thousand Pounds Seven Pounds per [Cent[um] (fn. 6) ] per Annum for the Third Foure hundred thousand Pounds and Eight Pounds per [Cent[um] (fn. 6) ] per Annum for the remaining Three hundred thousand Pounds and shall bee payable every Three Months from the respective Dates of the Tallies of Loan until the Satisfaction of the respective principal Sums.
VIII. Book to be kept in the Exchequer, and Monies entered separate from Monies raised under former Act.
Tally for Money lent; Orders to be registered and paid in due course, without undue Preference; Who shall be accounted the First Person to be paid; who the Second, and so successively; No Fees for providing Books; or for Payment upon Orders; Penalty; Undue Preference by Officer; Penalty; By Deputy; Penalty; Auditor, Clerk of the Pells, or Teller offending; Penalty.
And to the end that all Moneys which shall bee soe lent unto His Majestie may bee well and sufficiently secured out of the Impositions and Duties ariseing and payable by this Act and alsoe out of the Impositions and Duties which from and after the Repayment of the said principal Money borrowed as aforesaid and the Interest thereof shall arise by the said Act made in the Fourth and Fifth Yeare of Their said Majesties Reigne shall be respectively answered and paid Bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That there shall be provided and kept in His Majesties Exchequer that is to say in the Office of the Auditor of Receipts one Book or Register in which all Moneys that shall bee lent into the Exchequer by virtue of this Act shall bee entred and registred apart and distinct from all Moneys paid or payable to His Majestie upon any other Branch of His Majesties Revenue or any other Accompt whatsoever And that all and every Person and Persons Natives or Forreigners Bodies Politick and Corporate who shall lend any Money to His Majestie upon the aforesaid Creditt and pay the same into the Receipt of Excheq[uer] shall i[m]mediately have a Talley of Loan struck for the same and an Order for his or their Repayment bearing the same Date with the Talley in which Order shall bee alsoe contained a Warrant for Payment of Interest for Forbearance after the Rate so to bee allowed for the same soe as such Interest doe not exceed the Rates before mentioned to bee paid every. Three Months until Repayment of the Principal And that all Orders for Repayment of Money shall be registred in course according to the Date of the Talley respectively without preference of one before another And that all and every Person and Persons Natives or Forreigners Bodies Politick and Corporate shall bee paid in course according as their Order shall stand entred in the Register Book soe as that the Person or Persons Bodies Politick or Corporate who shall have his or their Order or Orders first entered in the said Book of Register shall bee taken and accounted as the First to bee paid upon the Moneys to come in by virtue of this Act or any the before mentioned Acts from and after the Repayment of the said Su[m]m of Five hundred thousand Pounds borrowed as aforesaid and the Interest thereof And hee or they who shall have his or their Order or Orders next entred shall bee taken and accounted the Second Person to bee paid and soe succesively and in course And that the Moneys to come in by this Act or the said former Acts shall bee in the same Order liable to the Satisfaction of the said respective Parties their Executors Administrators Successors or Assignes respectively without Preferrence of one before another and not otherwise and not to bee divertible to any other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever And that noe Fee Reward or Gratuity directly or indirectly bee demanded or taken of any of His Majesties Subjects for providing or making of any such Books Registers Entries Views or Search in or for Payment of Money lent or the Interest as aforesaid by any of His Majesties Officer or Officers their Clerks or Deputies upon Payment of treble Damages to the Party grieved by the Party offending with Costs of Suit or if the Officer himselfe take or demand any such Fee or Reward then to lose his Place alsoe And if any undue Preferrence of one before another shall bee made either in point of Registry or Payment contrary to the true meaning of this Act by any such Officer or Officers then the Party offending shall bee liable by Action of Debt or on the case to pay the value of the Debt Damages and Costs to the Party grieved and shall bee forejudged from his Place or Office And if such p[re]ference bee unduely made by any his Deputy or Clerk without Direction or Privity of his Master then such Deputy or Clerk onely shall bee liable to such Action Debt Damages and Costs and shall bee for ever after uncapable of his Place or Office And in case the Auditor shall not direct the Order or the Clerk of the Pells record or the Teller make Payment according to each Persons' due place and order as afore directed then hee or they shall bee judged to forfeit and their respective Deputies and Clerks herein offending to bee liable to such Action Debt Damages and Costs in such manner as aforesaid all which said Penalties Forfeitures Damages and Costs to bee incurred by any of the Officers of the Exchequer or any their Deputies or Clerks shall or may bee recovered by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Informac[i]on in any of His Majesties Courts of Record att Westminster wherein noe Essoigne Protection Priveledge Wager of Law Injunction or Order of Restraint shall bee in any wise granted or allowed
IX. Paying Tallies of the same Date on the same Day no undue Preference.
Provided always and bee it hereby declared That if it happen that several Tallies of Loan or Orders for Payment as aforesaid beare date or bee brought the same Day to the Auditor of the Receipt to bee registered then it shall be interpreted no undue Preference which of those hee Enters first soe hee enters them all the same Day.
X. Payments of subsequent Orders, if first demanded, no undue Preference, so as sufficient Money be reserved.
Provided alsoe that it shall not bee interpreted any undue Preference to incur any Penalty in Point of Payment if the Auditor direct and the Clerk of the Pells record and the Tellers doe pay subsequent Orders of Persons that come and demand their Money and bring their Orders before other Persons that did not come to demand their Moneys and bring their Orders in their Course soe as there bee so much Money reserved as will satisfie precedent Orders which shall not bee otherwise disposed but kept for them Interest upon Loan being to cease from the time the Money is soe reserved and kept in Bank for them.
XI. Tallies may be assigned.
Memorial thereof without Fee; Assignee may assign.
And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Person or Persons Natives or Forreigners Bodies Politick and Corporate to whom any Moneys shall bee due by virtue of this Act after Order entred in the Book of Register for Payment thereof his or their Executors Administrators or Assignes by Indorsment of his or their Order may assigne and transfer his or their Right Title Interest and Benefitt of such Order or any Part thereof to any other which being notified in the Office of the Auditor of Receipts aforesaid and an Entry or Memorial thereof alsoe made in the Book of Register [aforesd? (fn. 7) ] for Orders (which the Officers shall upon Request without Fee or Charge accordingly make) shall intitle such Assignee his Executors Administrators and Assignes to the Benefitt thereof and Payment thereon and such Assignee may in like manner assigne again and soe toties quoties and afterwards it shall not bee in the Power of such Person or Persons Bodies Politick or Corporate who have or hath made such Assignements to make void release or discharge the same or any the Moneys thereby due or any Part thereof.
XII. No Debentures for Goods exported but according to the 2d Rule annexed to the Book of Rates, &c.
And whereas great Frauds and Abuses have been and are daily committed to the Prejudice of His Majesties Revenue by Pretence or Colour of exporting Tobacco and other Goods by Land Carriage into Scotland and obtaining Debentures for the same although in truth such Goods have not been really exported or if exported have been again clandestinely returned into this Kingdom which Practice is hardly possible to bee prevented upon the Borders Itt is hereby further enacted That from and after the Five and twentieth Day of March which shall bee in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety six noe Debentures shall bee allowed for any Goods pretended to bee exported but for such onely as shall according to the [Second (fn. 7) ] Rule annexed to the Book of Rates bee shipt for Transportation and the Shipping thereof testified by His Majesties Searcher and Under Searcher in the Port of London or the Searcher of any of the Out-Ports respectively and all the other Requisites of the said Rule duely performed.
XIII. 4 W. & M. c. 5.
Duty on Lapis Calaminaris.
And whereas by a late Act intituled An Act for granting to Their Majesties certaine additional Impositions upon several Goods and Merchandizes the Su[m]m of Twenty Shillings is imposed on every Tun of Lapis Calaminaris exported from and after the First Day of May One thousand six hundred ninety two which is found by Experience to hinder the Exportac[i]on thereof and utterly to ruine the Manufacture wherefore for Remedy thereof Bee it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand six hundred ninety six the Su[m]m of Two shillings onely shall bee paid for every Tun of Lapis Calaminaris exported over and above the Rates thereon charged by the Book of Rates The said Act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding to bee collected as in and by the said Act is directed and appointed.
XIV. English Sail Cloth, if fit for Service, to have the Preference, and Commissioners of the Navy may contract for the same.
And for the Incouragement of such Persons as shall make Sail-Cloth in England Bee it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That soe much of English made Sail-Cloth as shall bee found fitt for the Service of His Majesties Navy shall have [the (fn. 7) ] Preferrence of all Forreigne Sail-Cloth And the Commissioners of the Navy are hereby directed and required from time to time dureing the Continuance of this Act to contract and agree for such English made Sail-Cloth and to allow the Makers and Manufacturers thereof a Recompence of Two pence per Yard for the same above what they pay for Forreigne Cloath of equal Strength and Goodnesse.
XV. Treasury may compound for the new Impost. &c.
And whereas by reason of Great Losses befallen Traders dureing the present Warr many Persons who are Debtors to the King for new Impost or additional Duties of Goods already imported have been forced to abscond but yet are willing to pay what they are able Bee enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may bee lawfull for the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury or any Three or more of them or the Lord Treasurer for the time being according to their Discretion to compound with such Person or Persons as have sustained great Losses by the present Warr and have been forced [to (fn. 7) ] abscond for any Moneys by them or any of them due or owing for new Impost or additional Duties or any Bond or Bonds given for secureing of new Impost or additional Duties although such Imposition or Duty on which the ( (fn. 8) ) Debts oweing by such Person or Persons are appropriated to particular Uses so as this Power shall not extend to any such Debts contracted or Bonds given after the First Day of February One thousand six hundred ninety five Any thing in any former Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding.
XVI. Certain Borelapps to be entered ad valorem.
And whereas several Merchants tradeing with the United Provinces in several sorts of course Linnens commonly called Borelapps have of late been compelled to pay Custom for the same as Hollands which comes to above Thirty five pounds per [Cent[um] (fn. 9) ] whereby the said Trade (soe usefull to the poorer sort of People) is not onely likely to bee lost but the Customs thereby much abated Bee it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all such Linnen Cloth knowne or commonly called by the Name of Borelapps not exceeding Twenty eight Inches & an halfe in breadth nor Twelve pence an English Ell in value shall bee entred ad valorem dureing the Continuance of this Act and pay all other Duties accordingly.
XVII. Iron (Exception) may be imported, discharged from Duties of 4 W.& M.c.5.
And whereas the scarcity and dearnesse of Iron in this Kingdom have of late much discouraged the Manufactures thereof in which great numbers of the Poor are imployed For Remedy whereof for the future Bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall and may bee lawfull to import into this Kingdome from Ireland any Barr-Iron unwrought and Iron slitt or hammer'd into Rods (other then Suedish or other Forreigne Iron) discharged of the Impositions and Duties laid upon the same by an Act made in the Fourth and Fifth Yeare of the Reigne of Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary entituled An Act for granting to Their Majesties certain additional Impositions upon several Goods and Merchandizes for the prosecuting the Warr against France Any thing in the said Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
XVIII. Guineas not to be taken at a higher Rate than 26s. and so in proportion for Half Guineas, &c.
Penalty; Not to compel the taking at the Rate of 26s.
And for preventing the further increase of the Rate of coined Gold and the Mischiefs which may thence befall this Realme Bee it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the Five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety six noe Person shall receive take or pay any of the Pieces of Gold Coine of this Kingdome commonly called Guineas att any greater or higher Rate than Twenty six Shillings for each Guinea and not to exceed the same in proportion for the Pieces of Gold called Halfe-Guineas Double Guineas and Five Pound Pieces And in case any Person shall offend herein hee shall forfeit for every such Offence Double the value of the Gold soe received or paid and alsoe the Sum[m]. of Twenty Pounds the one moiety to His Majestie and the other moiety to the Person or Persons who shall sue or informe for the same to bee recovered with Costs of Suit in any of His Majesties Courts of Record by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Priveledge Protection or Wager of Law shall bee allowed nor any more then one Imparlance And bee it declared That nothing in this Act contained shall extend or bee construed to compell any person or p[er]sons to receive any Guinea or Guineas att the said Rate of Twenty six Shillings.
XIX. Persons may lend Money on the Credit of 7 &8 W. III. c. 2.
Tallies of Loan for the same, and assignable.
And bee it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That from and after the last day of February One thousand six hundred ninety five Itt shall and may be lawfull to and for any Person or Persons Natives or Forreigners Bodies Politick or Corporate to advance and lend to His, Majestie att the Receipt of His Exchequer upon Creditt of the Monies to bee contributed or advanced for Annuities by the Act made and passed in this present Parliament holden in the Seventh Yeare of His Majesties Reigne intituled An Act for enlargeing the Times to come in and purchase certain Annuities therein mentioned and for continuing the Duties formerly charged on Low Wines or Spirits of the First Extraction for carrying on the Warr against France any Sum[m] or Sum[m]s. of Money as together with the whole Value or Amount of all the Sum[m]s of Money which have been or shall before the said last day of February bee contributed or advanced for Annuities on the said Act shall not exceed the Sum[m] of Three hundred eighty two thousand foure hundred sixty nine Pounds And Tallies of Loan shall bee levied for the same and Orders for Repayment shall bee drawne for the Principal Monies soe to bee lent and for Interest thereof not exceeding the Rate of Six Pounds per Centum per Annum which said Orders shall bee assignable and transferrable from one Person to another.
XX. Interest at £6 per Cent. per Ann.
How Principal, Interest, and Reward for milled, broad, and unclipt Monies shall be paid; Monies so lent not to be taxed. No Fees; No undue Preference.; Penalty; as by 4 W. & M. c. 1.
And it is hereby enacted That all and every Sum[m] and Sum[m]s of Money soe to bee lent in Order and Course according to the time of lending the same and the Interest thereof not exceeding the said Rate of Six Pounds per [Cent[um] (fn. 10) ] per Annum to bee paid every Three Months until Satisfaction of the Principal shall bee payable and satisfied unto the respective Lender or Lenders of the same his her or their Executors Administrators or Assignes out of the Moneys which from and after the said last Day of February shall arise and bee brought into the Exchequer upon the Act last mentioned by or for Contribution or Consideration Moneys for the Annuities before mentioned soe farr as the same will extend and the Moneys soe ariseing by or for Contributions as aforesaid shall bee applied to the Satisfaction of the Principal Moneys so to bee lent in course and the said Interest thereof and not [to (fn. 11) ] bee diverted or divertible to any other Use (except onely such part of the said Contributions or Consideration Moneys as by any other Act of this present Session of Parliament (if any such bee) may bee directed to bee applied to the Payment of Principal Interest and Reward for milled broad or unclipt Moneys to bee lent upon the Credit of the Contribution or Consideration Moneys aforesaid And in case the Moneys soe arising by Contributions shall not bee sufficient for the paying of the said Loans and the Interest thereof then the said Loans which shall remain unsatisfied and the Interest of the same shall bee paid and satisfied out of the then next Aids or Supplies to bee granted to His Majestie in Parliament and shall bee transferred and transferrable thereunto as soon as any such Aid or Supply shall bee granted to His Majesty And if noe such Aids or Supplies shall bee granted to His Majestie before the Second Day of February which shall bee in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety six then the said Sum[m] and Sum[m]s of Money soe to bee borrowed not exceeding as aforesaid and the Interest thereof shall bee payable and bee paid and satisfied to the said Lender or Lenders his her or their Executors Administrators or Assigns respectively by and out of any of His Majesties Treasure which from thenceforth shall come into bee or remaine in the Receipt of His Majesties Exchequer not being already appropriated to any particular uses by any Act or Acts of Parliament before this time made And that the Monies soe to bee lent on the Credit last mentioned shall not bee taxed or charged to any Tax or Aid whatsoever And that noe Fees or Gratuities shall bee demanded or taken in the Exchequer for the making or repaying of the Loans last mentioned or for the Interest thereof and noe undue Preference shall bee given in the Repayment of the same Loans under the like Penalties to bee incurred by the Officers or Clerks in the Exchequer respectively for the demanding or taking of such Fees or Gratuities or for the giving of such undue Preference as are prescribed in and by an Act of this present Session of Parliament For granting to His Majestie an Aid of Foure shillings in the Pound for taking or demanding of any Fees or Gratuities or for giving any undue Preference in respect of the Loans authorized to bee made upon Credit of the same Aid of Foure shillings in the Pound.