Statute |
Page |
For the better apprehending, prosecuting,and punishing of Felons that commitBurglary, Housebreaking, or Robberyin Shops, Warehouses, Coachhouses, orStables, or that steal Horses. |
10 W. III. c. 12. |
511 |
Privately stealing or aiding to steal in Shops,&c. Goods of the Value of 5s. or more, whether any other Person be presentor not, standing mute, &c. on Indict-ment, &c. debarred of Clergy.
As to standing mute, see 12 G. III.c. 20. |
10 W. III. c. 12. § 1. |
511 |
Persons apprehending and prosecutingOffender to Conviction, to have Cer-tificate thereof without Fee. |
§ 2. |
512 |
In case of Dispute in respect of Right toCertificate, the same may be decided by Judge, &c. making such Certificate. |
10 W. III. c. 12. § 2. |
512 |
Certificate may be assigned once. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Proprietor of Certificate discharged ofParish and Ward Offices, as herein mentioned. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Certificate inrolled. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Fee.Apprehending Housebreakers, further Re-ward £40, 5 & 6 Ann. c. 31. § 1.;but see as to Payment of Rewards,58 G. III. c. 70. § 1., and Certificatenot assignable, § 2. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Persons claiming such Discharge not toassign Certificate. |
§ 3. |
Ib. |
Executors, &c. of Persons slain in appre-hending Offenders, entitled to Certificate. |
§ 4. |
Ib. |
Offenders being out of Prison informingagainst Two Offenders to Conviction,entitled to Pardon, which may bepleaded in bar to Appeal of Felony. |
§ 5. |
Ib. |
Offenders entitled to Benefit of Clergy, tobe burnt in the Cheek instead of the Hand in open Court.Repealed, and Offender to be burnt in the Hand, 5 & 6 Ann. c. 6. § 1, 2. |
§ 6. |
Ib. |
Fees to Officers by Persons bound toappear to give Evidence against Traitorsor Felons, &c. |
§ 7. |
513 |
Taking greater Fee—Penalty £5 and Costs. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Officers drawing defective Bills to draw new ones without Fee. |
§ 8. |
Ib. |
Penalty £5 and Costs. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Statute |
Page |
For preventing the throwing or firing ofSquibs, Serpents, and other Fire Works. |
9 W. III. c. 7. |
303 |
Making, selling, &c. Fire Works, &c. orpermitting, &c. the same to be thrownfrom Houses, &c. or throwing the same,common Nuisance. |
§ 1. |
Ib. |
Making, selling, &c. Fire Works, &c. onConviction by Confession, or Oath ofTwo Witnesses—Penalty £5. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Permitting the same to be thrown fromHouses, &c.—Penalty 20s. |
§ 2. |
Ib. |
Throwing, &c. Fire. Works—Penalty 20s.—And on Non-payment, Imprisonmentin House of Correction, and kept tohard Labour. |
§ 3. |
Ib. |
Proviso for Master General of the Ordnancegiving Orders for making Fire Works. |
§4. |
Ib. |
Proviso for the Artillery Company andTrained Bands of London and Militiausing Fire Works. |
9 W. III. c. 7. § 5. |
304 |
In Actions for executing Act, GeneralIssue may be pleaded—Treble Costs. |
§ 6. |
Statute |
Page |
For the preventing frivolous and vexatiousSuits. |
8 & 9 W. III. c. 11. |
201 |
Where several Persons Defendants toAction herein mentioned, and One ormore acquitted, they are to have Costsas it all acquitted, except Judge certify. |
§ 1. |
Ib. |
Defendant on Judgment given for him,&c. to recover Costs. |
§ 2. |
202 |
Plaintiff obtaining Judgment in an Action of Waste, &c. to recover Costs. |
§ 3 |
Ib. |
If Defendant be found guilty in Action ofTrespass, Plaintiff to have Costs, &c. on Judge's Certificate. |
§ 4. |
Ib. |
Proviso for Law as to Executors' Costs,&c. |
§ 5. |
Ib. |
In what Case Plaintiff or Defendant dying before final Judgment obtained, Action not to abate. |
§ 6. |
Ib. |
Plaintiff, &c. may have a Scire facias against Defendant. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
On Execution and Return of Writ of Enquiry, final Judgment given. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
In what Case where Two or more Plaintiffs or Defendants, Actions may proceed notwithstanding Death of one. |
§ 7. |
Ib. |
In Actions on Bonds, &c. Plaintiff may assign as many Breaches as he pleases. |
§ 8. |
Ib. |
Jury may assess Damages. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
In what Case of Judgment for Plaintiff he may suggest as many Breaches as he pleases. |
Ib. |
Ib. |
Defendant paying Damages and Costs,Execution may be stayed. |
Ib. |
203 |
But Judgment to remain to answer any further Breach—And Plaintiff may have a Scire facias against Defendant, and so toties quoties. |
Ib. |
Ib. |