Index: F

Pages 38-39

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1820.

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Farthings and Halfpence See Coin and Coinage.


Statute Page
For the better apprehending, prosecuting,and punishing of Felons that commitBurglary, Housebreaking, or Robberyin Shops, Warehouses, Coachhouses, orStables, or that steal Horses. 10 W. III. c. 12. 511
Privately stealing or aiding to steal in Shops,&c. Goods of the Value of 5s. or more, whether any other Person be presentor not, standing mute, &c. on Indict-ment, &c. debarred of Clergy. As to standing mute, see 12 G. III.c. 20. 10 W. III. c. 12. § 1. 511
Persons apprehending and prosecutingOffender to Conviction, to have Cer-tificate thereof without Fee. § 2. 512
In case of Dispute in respect of Right toCertificate, the same may be decided by Judge, &c. making such Certificate. 10 W. III. c. 12. § 2. 512
Certificate may be assigned once. Ib. Ib.
Proprietor of Certificate discharged ofParish and Ward Offices, as herein mentioned. Ib. Ib.
Certificate inrolled. Ib. Ib.
Fee.Apprehending Housebreakers, further Re-ward £40, 5 & 6 Ann. c. 31. § 1.;but see as to Payment of Rewards,58 G. III. c. 70. § 1., and Certificatenot assignable, § 2. Ib. Ib.
Persons claiming such Discharge not toassign Certificate. § 3. Ib.
Executors, &c. of Persons slain in appre-hending Offenders, entitled to Certificate. § 4. Ib.
Offenders being out of Prison informingagainst Two Offenders to Conviction,entitled to Pardon, which may bepleaded in bar to Appeal of Felony. § 5. Ib.
Offenders entitled to Benefit of Clergy, tobe burnt in the Cheek instead of the Hand in open Court.Repealed, and Offender to be burnt in the Hand, 5 & 6 Ann. c. 6. § 1, 2. § 6. Ib.
Fees to Officers by Persons bound toappear to give Evidence against Traitorsor Felons, &c. § 7. 513
Taking greater Fee—Penalty £5 and Costs. Ib. Ib.
Officers drawing defective Bills to draw new ones without Fee. § 8. Ib.
Penalty £5 and Costs. Ib. Ib.

Fine Silver Silk SeeWire Drawers.

Fines See Abatement.


Statute Page
For preventing the throwing or firing ofSquibs, Serpents, and other Fire Works. 9 W. III. c. 7. 303
Making, selling, &c. Fire Works, &c. orpermitting, &c. the same to be thrownfrom Houses, &c. or throwing the same,common Nuisance. § 1. Ib.
Making, selling, &c. Fire Works, &c. onConviction by Confession, or Oath ofTwo Witnesses—Penalty £5. Ib. Ib.
Permitting the same to be thrown fromHouses, &c.—Penalty 20s. § 2. Ib.
Throwing, &c. Fire. Works—Penalty 20s.—And on Non-payment, Imprisonmentin House of Correction, and kept tohard Labour. § 3. Ib.
Proviso for Master General of the Ordnancegiving Orders for making Fire Works. §4. Ib.
Proviso for the Artillery Company andTrained Bands of London and Militiausing Fire Works. 9 W. III. c. 7. § 5. 304
In Actions for executing Act, GeneralIssue may be pleaded—Treble Costs. § 6. Ib.

Fish and Fisheries See Billingsgate. Greenland Crade. Newfoundland

Flour SeeCrportation.

Foreign Bone Lace See Importation.

Foreign Liquors See Ercise.

Frames for making and knitting Stockings See Erportation.

Fringe See Importation.

Frivolous and Vexatious Suits

Statute Page
For the preventing frivolous and vexatiousSuits. 8 & 9 W. III. c. 11. 201
Where several Persons Defendants toAction herein mentioned, and One ormore acquitted, they are to have Costsas it all acquitted, except Judge certify. § 1. Ib.
Defendant on Judgment given for him,&c. to recover Costs. § 2. 202
Plaintiff obtaining Judgment in an Action of Waste, &c. to recover Costs. § 3 Ib.
If Defendant be found guilty in Action ofTrespass, Plaintiff to have Costs, &c. on Judge's Certificate. § 4. Ib.
Proviso for Law as to Executors' Costs,&c. § 5. Ib.
In what Case Plaintiff or Defendant dying before final Judgment obtained, Action not to abate. § 6. Ib.
Plaintiff, &c. may have a Scire facias against Defendant. Ib. Ib.
On Execution and Return of Writ of Enquiry, final Judgment given. Ib. Ib.
In what Case where Two or more Plaintiffs or Defendants, Actions may proceed notwithstanding Death of one. § 7. Ib.
In Actions on Bonds, &c. Plaintiff may assign as many Breaches as he pleases. § 8. Ib.
Jury may assess Damages. Ib. Ib.
In what Case of Judgment for Plaintiff he may suggest as many Breaches as he pleases. Ib. Ib.
Defendant paying Damages and Costs,Execution may be stayed. Ib. 203
But Judgment to remain to answer any further Breach—And Plaintiff may have a Scire facias against Defendant, and so toties quoties. Ib. Ib.