Index: A

Pages 3-5

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1820.

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INDEX OF PRINCIPAL MATTERS. For Acts relating to particular Persons and Places, see Titles Local Acts, Personal Acts, etc. and for Acts to which the King is a Party, see Title The King.



For limiting certain Times within which Writs of Error shall be brought for the reversing Fines, Common Recoveries, and ancient Judgments.10W. III. c. 20.531
Fines, Recoveries, or Judgments not reversed for Error, &c. unless upon Suit brought within 20 Years§ 1.Ib.
Proviso for Infancy, Coverture, &c.
See Partition.§ 2.Ib.

Ad quod damnum, Writ of See Nighmans.

Ad Valorem Duties

7 & 8 W. III. c. 20.97
7 & 8 W. III. c. 31. § 51, 52.139
9 W. III. c. 23.382
See as to Repeal of Provisions for rating Goods ad valorem, II G. I. c. 7. § I.
See Customs.


For settling the Trade to Africa.9 W. III. c. 26.393
Royal African Company to maintain, &c. all their Forts, Castles, &c. and supply the same with Men, Artillery, &c.§ I.Ib.
Any of the King's Subjects, as well as the Company, may trade to Africa between Cape Mount and the Cape of Good Hope, paying a Duty of £10 per Cent., &c.§ 2.Ib.
Master, &c. to enter his Name and Ship, &c. 15 Days before cleared from Port§ 3.Ib.
Owner or Exporter to make Entry of Goods shipped on Oath, sign the Entry, and pay the Duty, &c.Ib.Ib.
Officer may demand and receive Entries, &c.Ib.394
Officer to administer, and Master to take the following Oath.§ 4.Ib.
Owners' or Exporters' Oath§ 5.Ib.
Oath to be taken on Exportation of Merchandizes imported from England, &c.§ 6.Ib.
Master and one of the Owners to give Bond, &c. for Ships sailing to Africa, &c.Ib.Ib.
Officers of Custom House to take such Bond, and keep distinct Entries, &c.Ib.Ib.
Company to have Duplicate, &c.Ib.Ib.
Officer to pay Sum received, deducting £5 per Cent.9 W. III. c. 26. § 6.394
Any Subjects as well as the Company may trade to Africa between Blancho and Cape Mount, paying £10 per Cent. for Goods exported.§ 7.Ib.
And £10 per Cent. on all Goods, &c. imported into England or America from Africa, &c. (Exception.)Ib.Ib.
Master and Traders, &c. to make the like Entry and Oath, give Bond, and pay the Duty as aforesaid, &c.Ib.Ib.
Goods laded between Cape Blancho and Cape Mount (Negroes excepted) and imported to pay the said Duties.Ib.Ib.
And Master, &c. before making Entry to deliver a Manifest and take OathIb.Ib.
Form of Oath.Ib.395
Goods (Negroes excepted) imported from Africa into England or Plantations, to be entered on Oath, &c. by Owner or Importer, and Duty paid.§ 8.Ib.
Collector, &c. to take the Entries, administer the Oaths, &c.Ib.Ib.
And deduct £5 per Cent.§ 9.Ib.
Company to give an Account yearly to the Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer of Monies received, &c.Ib.Ib.
Goods (Negroes excepted) landed before Entry, forfeited.Ib.Ib.
Ships sailing to Africa, &c. and Goods laden on board not duly entered, forfeited.§ 10.Ib.
Forfeitures how to be applied.§ 11.Ib.
And how recovered.§ 12.Ib.
Allowance in case Ship be cast away and Goods lost, &c.§ 13.396
Subjects of England trading to Africa, &c. to have the same Protection, &c. as the Company, and may settle Factories there, &c. without Molestation of Company§ 14.Ib.
Goods exported to Africa and brought back again paying Duty, may be reexported without Duty, &c.§ 15.Ib.
Duties appropriated for maintaining the Forts and Castles in Africa, &c.9 W. III. c. 26. § 16.396
Account of the Duties & Disbursements, &c. to be kept, and may be viewed at the African House in London.Ib.Ib.
No Duty for Gold or Silver imported from Africa.§ 17.Ib.
Proviso for trading to Barbary.§ 18.Ib.
Imported Foreign Copper Bars may be exported.
The Enactment recited in this Section does not appear in 5 & 6 W. & M. but see 5 & 6 W. & M. c. 17. This Clause is continued to 24th June 1766. 32 G. II. c. 23. § 1. and until the 24th June 1774. 6 G. III. c. 44. § and until the g 14 G.III.c.86. I.but no further Continuation appears.§ 19.Ib.
No Governor, &c. of any Plantation in America shall be a Factor, &c. Penalty.§ 20.Ib.
Continuance of Act.
This Act seems now to be wholly expired.§ 21.397

Aids See Subsidies.

Alamodes See Importation.

AleSee Excise. Measures.

Alir, Dr. Peter

Proviso for importing a certain Quantity of Great Demy Paper, on Licence, Duty free, for his History of the Councils.II W.III. c. 3. § 9.583

American Plantations See Plantation Crade.

Anchovies See Billingsgate.


Persons having Annuities for One Life, purchased upon the several Acts mentioned in Stat. 6 & 7 W. III. c. 5. may on Payment of a Sum, convert the same into a Term for the Residue of a Term of 96 Years, either along with or in addition thereto, as herein mentioned.8 & 9 W. III.c. 21. § 28.245
Such Persons not paying the Money before 24th June 1697.§ 29.Ib.
Then other Persons may pay and acquire such Interest.Ib.Ib.
Proportionate Rate for Annuities exceeding £14.Ib.Ib.
Persons entitled to Arrears of Annuities charged upon Tunnage and Salt Duties, discharging the Crown of Consolidation Money, entitled to Annuity.§ 30.Ib.
Direction of Stat. 7 & 8 W. III. c. 31. as to levying of Tallies, &c. to be observed.§ 31.246
Monies paid into the Exchequer for the said further Estates in Annuities to be issued and applied as herein mentioned. Penalty.§ 32.Ib.
For satisfying and discharging the Arrears of several Annuities which incurred between the 17th May 1696 and the 17th May 1697.9 W.III.c. 5.300
Persons having One Life in Annuity purchased under the several Acts mentioned in Stat. 6 & 7 W, III. c.5. may, before 25th March 1698, advance the Value of such Annuity, as herein mentioned.§ 1.Ib.
If the Persons above mentioned do not make such Advance, any other Person having or not having an Interest in such Life Estate, may make such Advance as herein mentioned.§ 2.Ib.
And upon Payment, become entitled to such Annuity, and the same shall be charged upon the Funds of the said Act.Ib.301
Persons entitled to Arrears between 17th May 1696 and 17th May 1697, of Annuities charged upon the Tunnage and Salt Duties, discharging His Majesty to the Amount of Purchase of further Term, entitled to Annuity, as herein mentioned.§ 3.Ib.
Power of former Act revived and extended to this Act.§ 4.Ib.
Monies for the said Contributions paid into the Exchequer, applied in Payment of Arrears of Annuities charged uponthe Tunnage and Salt Duties, during the Times and in Manner herein mentioned.§ 5.Ib.
No Quarters' Payment of such Annuities to be made till preceding Quarter paid, of which Public Notice to be given.§ 6.Ib.
Officer offending, Loss of Office and Penalty £50.Ib.Ib.
Full Costs.As to Payment of Annuities out of Consolidated Fund, 27 G. III. c. 13. § 53.Ib.Ib.
For enlarging the Time for purchasing certain Estates or Interests in several Annuities therein mentioned. 9 W. III. C. 24.385
Annuitants for One Life, at the Rate of £14 per Cent, under the several Acts mentioned in Stat. 6 & 7 W. III. c. 5., may advance Four Years Purchase for changing the same into the Residue of the 96 Years Term herein mentioned, to take Effect after the said Estate for Life.§1.Ib
And Annuitants not having such Estate for Life, may make the like Payment and have the like Residue of the 96 Years Term, subject to Estate for Life, and so in proportion for higher Annuities.Ib.386
Stat. 6 & 7 W. III. c. 5. revived.§ 2.Ib.
Appropriation of Monies contributed.§ 3.Ib.
For raising a Sum not exceeeding £2,000,000 upon a Fund for Payment of Annuities, after the Rate of £8 per Cent. per Ann.9 W. III. c. 44.429
A further Aid by Contribution of Annuities.11 II W.III. c. 3. § 7.583
Any Person having or not having an Estate for One Life in Annuity, under the Acts mentioned in Stat. 6 & 7 W.III.c. 5., may contribute in the Rates and Proportions herein mentioned.11 W.III.c. 3. § 7.583
Persons so contributing entitled, upon Payment of their Money, to Annuity charged upon the said Fund of the said Act.Ib.Ib.
Stat. 6 & 7 W. III. c.5. revived and applied to this Act.§ 8.Ib.
Purchasers of Annuities, where Nominees were dead at the Time of Purchase, but who were supposed to be living, on delivering up of the Tallies for such Annuities, to receive other Tallies or Orders, as herein mentioned, by Warrant from the Treasurer.§ 10.583,584
If, where Nominees cannot be found, or the Talley is disputed, Annuities are not demanded for Two Years, and Certificates of the Lives of Nominees not produced within Two Years after Annuity payable, such Nominees taken to be dead, and Purchaser of Reversion to receive his Annuity, &c.§ 11.584

Appropriation Acts.

Of Part of Monies granted by 8 & 9 W. III.c.6. and of Monies granted by this Act.8&9 W.III. c.22. §23–25.251
The Monies contributed or to arise by any other Act of this Session not particularly appropriated.9 W.III.c.44. § 77, 78.446

Aqua Vitae See Customs. Importation.


For determining Differences by Arbitration.9 W.III. c. 15.369
Merchants, &c. where Remedy only by personal Action or Suit in Equity, mayagree that Award may be made a Rule of Court, and may insert the same in their Submission.§1369 370
Arbitration unduly procured void.§ 2.370

Army See Soldiers.

For enabling disbanded Officers and Soldiers to exercise Trades, and for Officers to account with their Soldiers.10 W. III. c. 17. exp.528

Arthur, Helen, Widow.

Proviso for going to Ireland to enter Claims herein mentioned before Commissioners under Stat. 11 8c 12 W. III.c.2.12 &13 W.III.c. 11.§ 28.723


7&8 W.III.c. 27.§ 3.14, 115
See 1 Ann. Stat. I. c. 22. § 3. See The Crown

Attorneys and Solicitors

For requiring the Practisers of Law to take the Oaths and subscribe the Declaration therein mentioned.7 & 8 W.III.c. 24.109
Persons acting as herein mentioned without having taken the Oaths of Stat.1 W. &c M. c. 8. and made and subscribed the Declaration of Stat. 25 Car.II.c.2. Premunire,. Stat. 16R.II. c.5. Proviso, and other Oaths for Persons professing the Catholic Religion, 31G. III.c. 32. § 22.