Pages 165-166
Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1820.
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In this section
Conspirators Names
Not rendering themselves by 25th March 1697; to be attainted of High Treason.
Whereas in the Months of January and February last there was a horrid and detestable Conspiracy formed and carried on by Papists and other wicked and traiterous Persons to assassinate and destroy the Royal Person of our most Gracious Sovereigne King William (whom God long preserve) which Conspiracy had not God Almighty in his great Mercy prevented the Execution thereof had deprived these Kingdomes of the enjoyment of their Liberties and Religion involved them in Blood and Ruine and subjected the People thereof to the Bondage and Oppression of Popery and Tyranny for which execrable and bloody Treason several of the Conspirators have been apprehended justly condemned & executed and have upon their Deaths fully owned the Truth of the Accusations against them and their being ingaged in the said wicked Conspiracy and several others herein after named being charged upon Oath before one or more of his Majesties Justices of the Peace of having been privy to and ingaged as principal Contrivers of and Actors in the said intended Assasination notwithstanding several Proclamations issued against them have not rendred themselves nor have been yett apprehended but are fledd from Justice Therefore to manifest the just Indignation Wee your Majesties most loyall Subjects the Lords Spiritual & Temporal and Co[m]mons in Parliament assembled have against so barbarous & villanous a Designe and the great. Tendernesse and Regard wee beare for the Preservation of your Majesties Royal Person and Government to whom next under God wee owe the Recovery of our Religion and Liberties when they were so neare expiring under the prevailing Influence of Popery and arbitrary Power and the continuance and enjoyment thereof att p[re]sent and that none of the said Conspirators by flying from the ordinary course of Justice may escape Punishment which would be to great an Incouragement to other wicked and rebellious Persons to enter into the like Conspiraces hereafter do humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted and be it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Com[m]ons in Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That if Sir George Barclay Knight Johnson ats Harrison Durant ats Durance [Michael Hare (fn. 1) ] Major George Holmes Phillipp Hanford ats Browne Richard Richardson John Maxwell Bryerly Plowden Hungate shall not on or before the Five and twentieth Day of March in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety seven render themselves to the Lord Chief Justice of his Majesties Court of Kings Bench or to one of his Majesties Principal Secretaries of State in order to their Tryals for the Treason aforesaid that then such of them the said Sir George Barclay Knight Johnson ats Harrison Durant ats Durance Michael Hare Major George Holmes Philipp Hanford alias Browne Richard Richardson John Maxwell Bryerly Plowden Hungate as shall not so render him or themselves as aforesaid shall stand and be convicted and attainted and are hereby convicted and attainted of High Treason and shall suffer the Pains of Death and incurr all Forfeitures Penalties and Disabilities as Traytors convicted and attainted of High Treason.
II. Persons in Custody to be kept until 1st Jan. 1697, unless discharged by Privy Council.
And whereas the Persons hereafter named videl[ie]t Counter John Bernardi Robert Cassells Robert Meldrum James Chambers and Robert Blackbourne have been co[m]mitted and are still in Custody in Newgate for the said Conspiracy and Treason Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Counter John Bernardi Robert Cassells Robert Meldrum James Chambers and Robert Blackbourne and such other Persons who shall hereafter render themselves or shall be apprehended and against whom there shall be Evidence upon Oath of their being concerned in the said barbarous and bloody Conspiracy of assassinating the Person of his Sacred Majesty shall be detained and kept in Custody without Bail or Mainprize until the First Day of January which shall be in the Yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety seven unlesse they shall be sooner bailed by Order of Council signed by six of his Majesties most Honorable Privy Council.