William III, 1697-8: An Act for applying to the Use of His Majesties Navy and Ordnance the Overplus of the Money and Stores which were provided for the building Seven and twenty Ships of War. [Chapter XXXIV. Rot. Parl. 9 Gul. III. p.6.n.3.]

Page 408

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1820.

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(fn. 1) 2 W. & M. Sess. 2. c. 10.

3 W.&M. c.6. § 29; How Overplus Monies, Part of the said £570,000, after Payment of building the said Ships, &c. applied; Treasurer of the Navy accountable for such Overplus Monies.

Whereas in and by one Act made and passed in the Parliament holden in the Second Year of the Reign of His Majesty and the late Queen of blessed Memory intituled An Act for granting to Their Majesties several additional Duties of Excise upon Beer Ale and other Liquors for Four Years from the time that an Act for doubling the Duty of Excise upon Beer Ale and other Liquors during the Space of One Year doth expire it was (amongst other Things) enacted That the Sum of Five hundred and seventy thousand Pounds out of one Third Part of the Moneys arising by that Act and by a preceding Act therein mentioned should be applied and appropriated for the building and for the Guns Rigging and other Furnishing of Seven and twenty Ships of War and was to be issued to the respective Treasurers of the Navy and Ordnance for that Purpose as in the said Act is expressed and by several Clauses contained in an Act made and passed in the Parliament holden in the Third and Fourth Years of Their said Majesties Reign intituled An Act for raising Money by a Poll payable Quarterly for One Year for the carrying on a vigorous Warr against France the additional Duties of Excise granted by the said Act of the Second Year of Their Majesties Reign were continued until the Seventeenth Day of May One thousand six hundred ninety seven for the same Uses as were directed by the said former Act And whereas the said Seven and twenty Ships of War have been compleatly built and provided with Guns Rigging and other Furniture as aforesaid (except One Third Rate Ship now building at Chatham) and the Moneys appropriated as aforesaid for the building gunning rigging and furnishing [of (fn. 2) ] all the said Seven and twenty Ships have been and are sufficient for that Purpose with an Overplus Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons assembled in Parliament and by the Authority of the same That all the Overplus Moneys being Part of the said Sum of Five hundred and seventy thousand Pounds appropriated as aforesaid remaining or which shal remain in the Hands of the respective Treasurers of the Navy and the Ordnance or either of them after the full Payment and Satisfaction of the full and intrie Charge and Expence of building the said Seven and twenty Ships and providing the Guns Rigging and other Furniture of the same pursuant to the said Acts or that so much shal be reserved as is sufficient fully to pay off clear and discharge the same shal and may be applied and the same are hereby directed and authorized to be issued paid and applied in manner following (that is to say) so much of the said Overplus Moneys as shal be in the Hands of the Treasurer of His Majesties Navy shal be applied and issued to and for the Service of His Majesties Navy and so much thereof (if any be) as shal remain in the Hands of the Treasurer or Paymaster of the Office of the Ordnance shal be applied and issued to and for the Service of that Office relateing to the Navy and the said respective Treasurers shall be accountable for the said Overplus Moneys accordingly And that all such Stores bought for the building and equipping of the said Ships which are or shal be more than are necessary and sufficient for that Purpose shal and may be used and applied in and for the Service of His Majesties Navy and Ordnance and that the proper Officers shal be accountable for the same Any thing in the said former Acts or either of them to the contrary notwithstanding.


  • 1. This is Chapter 37, in the Common printed Editions.
  • 2. interlined on the Roll.