Rymer's Foedera with Syllabus: August 1474

Pages 815-820

Rymer's Foedera Volume 11. Originally published by Apud Joannem Neulme, London, 1739-1745.

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August 1474

Syllabus Entry Foedera Text
Aug. 15. Power for Laurence bp. of Durham, Richard bp. of S. Asaph's, John lord Graystok, John lord Scrope, John Russell, and Robert Bowthe, to conclude the treaty for the said marriage. Windsor.
O. xi. 815. H. v. p. iii. 85.
Super Sponsalibus praetactis.
An. 14. E. 4. Ibid. m. 11.
Rex Omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Cùm nulla permittatur Hosti Humani Generis, in administrando Pericula Dissentionum, Potentia tanta, quòd, pro suo Beneplacito, non possit & velit Benignitas Omnipotentis Gratiam vicissim infundere Concordiae & Unitatis, novissimè Diebus istis, desursum datum est ut inter Nos & Serenissimum ac Illustrissimum Principem Jacobum Regem Scotorum Consanguineum nostrum carissimum, post multa Praedecessorum nostrorum commissa Praelia, de Modis & Mediis reconciliandi Amoris & Amicitiae Sermo & Tractatus haberetur,
Adeoque inter nostros & ipsius Consanguinei nostri Commissarios super eo Communicatum, Appunctuatum, & Conclusum extitit, ut ad Matrimonium, inter Jacobum Filium unicum & Haeredem ipsius Regis nostramque Filiam Juniorem Ceciliam superveniente Aetate legittimâ contrahendum, tanquam Principium & Radicem stabiliendi Amoris, Pactaque Dotalitia & alia in ea Parte necessario Firmanda, procedi deberet,
Nos igitur,
Ea, quae per Commissarios nostros atque suos hinc inde, Tricesimo Die Mensis Julii ultimò effluxo, apud Westmonasterium, ut per ipsorum Indenturas illius Datae apparet, super Praemissis Advisata, Appunctuata, seu Concordata noscuntur, Rata habentes atque Grata, volentesque ea praeconceptum in omnibus sortiri effectum,
De Fidelitate, Probitate, Circumspectione, & Industriâ, Dilectorum nostro- rum Reverendorum Patrum, Laurentii Dunolmensis, Ricardi Assavensis, Episcoporum, Radulphi Domini de Graystok, Johannis Domini de Scrope, Militum, Johannis Russell Archidiaconi Berkshire Custodis Privati Sigilli nostri, & Roberti Bowthe Legum Doctoris, Consiliariorum nostrorum, plenissimè confidentes,
Ipsos nostros Ambassiatores, Oratores, Commissarios, Procuratores, & Nuncios speciales Facimus, Constituimus, & Ordinamus per Praesentes,
Dantes & Concedentes eis, Quinque, Quatuor, Tribus, aut Duobus eorum, Potestatem generalem & Mandatum speciale in Regnum Scotiae & versus praefatum Consanguineum nostrum Regem se transportandi,
Ibidemque, pro Nobis & Nomine nostro, de & super Sponsalibus & Matrimonio, inter dictum Jacobum Filium nostramque Filiam Ceciliam memoratam contrahendis, Doteque, Dotalitio, seu Donatione propter Nuptias, Vi & Virtute Matrimonii hujusmodi Promittendis, Dandis, & Persolvendis, cum dicto Serenissimo Principe Rege Scotorum Consanguineo nostro carissimo, aut suis Oratoribus, Commissariis, seu Procuratoribus, sufficientem habentibus Potestatem, Tractandi, Communicandi, Appunctuandi, Concordandi, & Concludendi,
Locorum, Temporum, Modorum, Conditionum, Cautionum, & Securitatum, quibus Praemissa compleantur & perficiantur, Certitudinem Specificationem & Qualitatem statuendi, & super eisdem Consentiendi & Concordandi,
De & super firma, perpetua, & reali Pace & Amicitia, Ligisve & Confoederationibus, Treugisve & Abstinentiis Guerrarum, pro Nobis, Amicis, Alligatis, Confoederatis, Ligeis, Subditis, Haeredibus, Successoribus, Regnis, Patriis, Dominiis nostris, & utriusque nostrûm, ineundis, contrahendis, & firmandis, mutuisque hinc indè Assistentiis & Auxiliis praestandis, Tractandi, Consentiendi, Concordandi, & Concludendi,
Aliamque Dietam pro Praemissis, si oporteat, statuendi & praefigendi,
Caeteraque Faciendi, Excercendi, & Expediendi quae in Praemissis seu aliquo Praemissorum necessaria fuerint seu quomodolibet oportuna, etiam si talia sint quae de se Mandatum magis exigant speciale;
Promittentes, bonâ Fide & in Verbo Regio, pro Nobis, Haeredibus, & Successoribus nostris, ea omnia habituros Nos Rata, Grata, & Firma imperpetuum, quae per dictos nostros Ambassiatores, Oratores, Commissarios, Procuratores, & Nuncios, aut Duos eorum, Tractata, Communicata, Appunctuata, Concordata, seu Conclusa fuerint in Praemissis, seu aliquo Praemissorum, sub Ipoteca & Obligatione omnium Bonorum nostrorum praesentium & futurorum.
In cujus &c.
Teste Rege apud Wyndesore, decimo quinto die Augusti.
Aug. 15. Power for John abbot of Abyndon and sir Bartholomew de Ryveyre to treat with Ferdinand K. of Jerusalem and Hungary concerning the K.'s claim to France. Windsor.
O. xi. 816. H. v. p. iii. 45.
Super Recuperatione Regni Franciae de Tractando cum Rege Siciliae.
An. 14. E. 4. Franc. 14. E. 4. m. 18.
Rex omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.
Sciatis quòd,
Cùm, ad nostri Regni Franciae Recuperationem, in Normanniam seu alias Franciae Partes, Secundo Vento, Nos Traicere decreverimus, omnem illuc Laborem Operam Studium atque Curam accuratissimè consumere uti Lodovicum ipsum, Franciae Regnum injustè Occupantem, indè Pellere, nostraeque id Ditioni Viribus & Virtute justè Reducere valeamus,
Cumque tanti Operis Conductum diligentiùs Nobiscum fuerimus recordati, non putavimus esse alienum eorum Opem requirere, omnibus Amicitiae Officiis diligenter Sancteque servatis, quibus Vetustate, Amore, Consuetudine, atque pari Vinculo astringimur, quorumque Auxilio nostris in rebus felicem facile nancisci queamus Exitum,
Hinc est quòd Nos,
De Fidelitatibus, Circumspectionibus, & Industriis Reverendi Patris Johannis Abbatis de Abyndon Consiliarii nostri, ac Dilecti & Fidelis nostri Bartholomaei de Ryveyre Militis, plenariè confidentes,
Ipsos Facimus, Constituimus, Deputamus, & Ordinamus nostros veros & indubitatos Oratores, Procuratores, Negotiorum Gestores, Legatos atque Nuncios speciales,
Dantes & Concedentes, per Praesentes, eisdem plenam & sufficientem Potestatem, & Auctoritatem, ac Mandatum speciale, cum Illustrissimo Principe Confratre nostro carissimo Ferdinando, eadem Dei gratiâ, Rege Siciliae, Jerusalem, & Hungariae, seu ejus Deputato, Commissario, sive Procuratore, Deputatis, Commissariis, sive Procuratoribus, sufficientem Potestatem ab eodem Confratre nsotro ad hoc habente sive habentibus, Tractatus, Conventiones, atque Pacta quaecumque, nostram Franciae Querelam, comunisque Negotii Conductum, atque Bonum Comune utriusque nostrûm, Ineundi, Paciscendi, Contrahendi, Firmandi, atque Concludendi,
Caeteraque omnia & singula Excercendi & Expediendi, quae in Praemissis & eorum singulis Nosipsi faceremus aut facere possemus, si personaliter interessemus, etiam si de se Mandatum exigerent magis speciale;
Promittentes, in Verbo Regio, Nos ea omnia habituros Rata & Grata, nostrisque Literis Patentibus Ratificaturos & Confirmaturos totum & quicquid praefati Oratores, Procuratores, Negotiorum Gestores, Legati atque Nuncii, Nomine nostro, Auctoritate hujusmodi Commissionis nostrae, Promiserint, Tractaverint, Expedierint, Concordaverint, sive Concluserint in Praemissis, seu aliquo Praemissorum.
In cujus &c.
Teste Rege apud Wyndesore, Decimo quinto die Augusti.
Per ipsum Regem, & de Data &c.
Aug. 15. Restitution of the temporalities to Thomas Millyng, bp. of Hereford, vice John Stanbury, deceased. Woburn.
O. xi. 817. H. v. p. iii. 45.
De Restitutione Temporalium Hereford.
An. 14. E. 4. Pat. 14. E. 4. p. 2. m. 22.
Rex, Escaetori suo in Comitatu Herefordiae ac Marchiis Walliae eidem Comitatui adjacentibus, Salutem.
Cùm Dominus Summus Pontifex, nuper vacante Sede Ecclesiae Cathedralis Herefordensis, per Mortem bonae memoriae Johannis Stanbury ultimi Episcopi Loci illius, Personam sincerè Dilecti Magistri Thomae Millyng, in Sacra Theologia Professoris, ejusdem Ecclesiae Electi, in ipsius Ecclesiae Episcopum praefecerit & Pastorem, sicut per Literas Bullatas ipsius Domini Summi Pontificis, Nobis indè directas, Nobis constat,
Pro eo quòd idem Electus omnibus & singulis Verbis, Nobis & Coronae nostrae Praejudicialibus, in dictis Literis Bullatis contentis, coram Nobis palàm & expressè Renunciavit, & Gratiae nostrae humiliter se submisit,
Fidelitatem ipsius Episcopi Cepimus, & Temporalia Episcopatûs illius, prout moris est, Restituimus eidem;
Et ideò Tibi Praecipimus quòd eidem Electo Temporalia praedicta, cum Pertinentiis, in Ballivâ tuâ, sine dilatione, Liberes in forma praedicta; salvo Jure cujuslibet.
Teste Rege apud Woburn, decimo quinto die Augusti.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo, & de Data &c.
Consimilia Brevia diriguntur Escaetoribus subscriptis, in Comitatibus subscriptis, sub eadem Data; videlicet,
Escaetori Regis in Com. Salop. ac Marchiis Walliae, &c.
Escaetori Regis in Com. Glouc. ac March. Wall.
Dilecto Regis
Johanni Tate Majori Civitatis suae Londoniae ac Escaetori Regis in eadem Civitate.
Et Mandatum est Militibus, &c.
Aug. 20. The K. by indenture retains sir Richard Tunstall to serve in France with 10 spears and 100 archers for one year; wages 12d. and 6d. a day. Westm.
O. xi. 817. H. v. p. iii. 45.
Pro Servitio in Guerra Franciae.
An. 14. E. 4. Ex Bundell. Indentur. Infra Turrim.
This Indenture,
Mase betwene the Kyng oure Soverayne Lord Edward the Fourth of the one Part, and his Trusty and Welbeloved Richard Tunstall Knight on that other Party,
Witnesseth that the same Richard is Retain'd and Beleft towards the same our Soverayne Lord, to doe him Service of Werre in his Duchie of Normandy, and in his Reame of France, for one hole Yere, with Ten Speres himself accompted, and one Hundred Archers well and sufficiently Abiled, Armed, and Arraied, taking Wages for Hymself of ij s. by the Day, for everiche of the said Speres xii d. by the Day, and Rewardes of vi d. by the Day for everich of the said other Speres, and for everich of the said Archers vi d. by the Day,
Of which Wages and Rewardes, as well for him as for everich of his Retinue, the said Richard shall be Paid, for the first Quarter of the seid whole Yere, at Westminster, the last day of January next comyng, by the handes of the Tresorer of England for the tyme being,
At which last day he shall have knowleche, on the King's behalfe, When and at what Place he shall make the hole Mustrez of Himselfe and his hole Retinue abovesaid,
At which Day of Mustrez the said Yere shall beginne,
And, for the Second Quarter of the said Yere, the said Richard shall be Paid of the Wages and Rewardes of Him and iche of his seid Retinue, of making of Mustres of him and the same his Retinue afore such Commissarys as shall be deputed thereto by the King our said Soverayne Lord, by the hands of the said Tresorer of England,
And for the Remenant of the said Yere, the said Richard shall be payed, of the Wages and Rewardes of Himselfe and iche of his said Retinue, on the yonder syde of the See, Monthly in English Money, or othre Money having Course and Rennyng there, to the Value of English Money, by the handes of the Tresorer of the Kynges Werres for the tyme being,
Soo always that the same Wages and Rewardes, at the ferthest, be payed within viij Dayes aftre the end of everich of the said Monthes, or elles the said Richard to be Quited and Discharged ayenst our sayd Soverayne Lord of any Covenant specyfyed in thees INDENTURES, the same INDENTURES notwithstanding:
And the said Richard shall make Watche and Warde, and also Mustres of himselfe and of his seid Retenue, from tyme to tyme, when and as ost, during the said terme abovesaid, as he thereto shall duely be warned and required on the behalfe of our said Soveraigne Lord the King:
And the same our Soverayne Lord shall find sufficient Shipping and Reshipping for the said Richard and his said Retinue, their Horse, Harneis and Vitailles:
And if it happen or fortune the said Richard, within the Terme abovesaid, in the Kinges presence or otherwise, for any resonable cause, by the Kings Licence to dispose him to Returne into England, and afterwards be Countermanded by the King, or be under Sale, than the same Richard, with such Retinue as he then hath, shall Serve the King to the end of the sayd Terme, taking Wages and Rewardes for him and the same his Retinue in manere and forme abovesaid:
And, in cas that, at any Moustres to be made beyond the See by the said Richard of his said Retenue, there lak any of his said Nombre of the same, otherwyse than by Deth or Sekeness proved, than the Wages and Rewardes of them that so faile shall be Rebated, upon Payment to be made by the said Richard, from tyme to tyme as the case shall require:
Alsoe our said Soverayne Lord the King shall have the Thred part of Wynnynngs of Werre as wel of the seid Richard, as the Third of Thirds whereof his Retinue answering unto him of their Wynnyngs of Werre, duryng the tyme aforesaid, beit Prisoners, Prayes, or other Goods or Cattels whatsoever it be; of which Third and Third of Thirdz the said Richard shall answer unto our said Soveraigne Lord, in his Exchequer in England, by his Othe, or by the Othe of his Deputy or Deputys accompting for him in this Party:
And, as touching the Prisoners and Praiez, that, during the said terme, shall be taken by the said Richard or any of his said Retinue, the said Richard, or he or thay that soe shall take such Prisoners or Prayes, shall within viii. Dayes after the taking thereof, or assone as thay resonably shal mowe, Certifye unto the Constable, or Marshall, or one of them, aswell the names of the said Prisoners as thaire Estate, Degree, and Condition, and alsoe the Nature, Quantity, and Value their said Getings by estimation, upon Payn of Forfeiture of the Prisoners and Wynnyngs abovesaid:
Also the said Richard shall have all maner of Prisoners, that shall happe to be taken by him or by any of his said Retinue, during the Terme abovesaid, except the King his Adversarie, and all Kings and Kings Sons his Adversarys of France, and also all the Lieutennants and Cheftains having the said Adversarys Power, which shall be and abide Prisoners unto the King our said Soveraign Lord; for the which he shall make resonable agrement with the Takers of them:
And our said Soveraign Lord Wol and Graunteth that in cas any Lands or Tenements fall unto the said Richard by Descent or otherwise in England, during the tyme that he shall be in the King's Service, such Lands and Tenements, for Defaute of Homage, Fealtee, or any other Service, shall not be reteigned in the King's Hands by his Eschetour or other Minstres, but the same Homages Fealtees and Services shall be respited unto the comyng of the said Richard into England, and by Processe in Chauncery they shall be delivered unto the Attounaye of the said Richard, without contradiction or impechement of any Persone or Persones:
And also the King Willeth and Graunteth that, during the said Terme, noon Assise generall ne especial shall be granted ayenst any Persone of the said Retinue, ner noon Entre shall be made unto thair Livelods, but that the said Richard and every Persone of his seid Retenue shall have, during the said Terme, Lettres of Protection undre the Kings Privy Seal and Grete Seal, as many as shall be necessary unto them, by the Testification and Certificat of the said Richard undre the Seal of his Armes, to be brought unto the Keeper of the King's Prive Seal for the tyme being.
In Witnesse where of the Partie of this present ENDENTURE, remaigning towards our said Soveraigne Lord the King, the seid Richard hath doo bee put his Seel.
Yeven at Westm. the xx Day of August, the Yere of the Raigne of our Soveraign Lord abovesaid.
Nov. 13. Thomas Grey is by indenture engaged to attend on the K. in the war, as a custrel, with six archers.
O. xi. 819. H. v. p. iii. 46.
Forma Retentionis Costerelli pro Guerra Franciae.
An. 14. E. 4. Ex Bundell. Indenturarum Infra Tur.
This Indenture,
Made bytwyx our Soveraigne Lord the King Edward the ivth on that oon Party, and his Trusty and Welbeloved Thomas Grey Squyer, on that other Party,
Witnesseth that the said Thomas is Retayned and Belest towardes the same our Soveraigne Lord, to do him Service of Werre in his Duchie of Normandie and in his Royaume of France, for one hole Yere, as a Custrell to attend about the King oure Soveraigne Lord's awn Persone, and with six Archers well and sufficiently Abled, Armed, and Arraied as it apperteyneth, taking Wages for himselfe of xii d. by the Daie, and vid. by the Daie by meane of Reward, and for everych of his said Archers vid. by the Day.
Of the which Wages and Rewardes, as well for hymselfe as for everych of his said Retinue, the said Thomas shall be Paid, for the fist Quarter of the said hole Yere, at Westminster the last Day of January by the handez of the Tresourer of England &c. ut in aliis Indenturis.
Dat. 13. Novembris.
Nov. 20. Richard Garnet, sergeant of the tents, is engaged by indenture to serve with 24 yeomen.
O. xi. 819. H. v. p. iii. 46.
Indentura Servientis Pavillionum Regis.
An. 14. E. 4. Ex Bundell. Indext. Infra Tur.
This Indenture,
Made between the King oure Soveraigne Lord Edward the ivth of the one Part, and his Trusty and Welbeloved Richard Garnet Squyer, Serjant of his Tents, on that other Party,
Witnesseth that the same Richard is Retained and Belest towardes the same our Soveraine Lord, to doe him Service of Werre in his Duchye of Normandy and in his Reame of Fraunce, for an hole Yere as a Man of Armes at his Spere, with xxiv Yeomen well and sufficiently Habiled, Armed, and Arraied as it apperteyneth, taking Wages for Himselfe iv s. by the Day, for ii. of the said Yeomen either of them xiid. by the Day, and for every of the Remanent vid. by the Day,
Of which Wages, as well for him as for everiche of his Retinue, the said Richard shall be paid, the first Quarter of the said hole Yere, at Westminster, the last Day of January next comyng, by the Hands of the Tresorer of England for the tyme being &c. ut in aliis Indenturis.
Dat. 20 Novembris.
Aug. 21. Oath of fealty taken by Robert Multon, prior of the order of S. John of Jerusalem in England, vice William Torney, deceased. London.
O. xi. 820. H. v. p. iii. 46.
De Fidelitate Prioris Sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglia.
An. 14. E. 4. Claus. 14. E. 4. m. 5. dor.
Memorandum quòd, vicesimo primo die Augusti, Anno Regni Regis Edwardi quarti Quartodecimo, Johannes Malory, Marmaducus Lomley, Johannes Turbervyle, & Johannes Kendall, Confratres Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglia, & Praeceptores, Nomine omnium Religiosorum Fratrum & Praeceptorum dicti Hospitalis, Praesentârunt praefato Domino Regi, in quadam Camera sua infra Palatium suum vocatum le Warderobe apud Londoniam tunc existenti, Fratrem Robertum Multon eorum Confratrem Priorem suum Hospitalis praedicti, quem Ipsi & omnes Confratres ejusdem Hospitalis, post Mortem Willielmi Torney Prioris ibidem, unanimiter in Priorem dicti Hospitalis elegerunt,
Supplicantes eidem Domino Regi quòd Ipse, juxta antiquas & laudabiles Consuetudines in Religione sua habitas, praefatum Robertum, sic Priorem Electum, Admittere, & Ipsum Priorem ea omnia & singula quae ad ipsum Hospitale pertinent Administrare & inde Disponere permittere dignaretur,
Super quo idem Dominus Rex praefatum Robertum in Priorem dicti Hospitalis adtunc & ibidem Admisit,
Idemque Prior, in Praesentia quamplurimorum Dominorum Spiritualium & Temporalium de Consilio ipsius Domini Regis tunc ibidem existentium, fecit eidem Domino Regi Fidelitatem in forma sequenti,
I shall be Feythfull and True and Feyth and Trowth shall bere to the Kyng oure Soveraygne Lord, and to his Heires Kynges of Englond, of Lyf and Lymme and of Erthely Worship, for to Lyve and Dye ayenst all People,
And diligently I shall be intendaunt unto the Kynges Nedes and Bosoignes after my Witte and Power,
And the Kynges Counsell I shall kepe and layne,
And to Hym and his Commandementes, in that that to me attayneth and belongeth, I shall be Obeysaunt
As God helpe me and his Seyntes.
Sub Protestatione tamen quòd hujusmodi Fidelitas, sic per ipsum facta, non cedat in Praejudicium dicti Prioris vel Successorum suorum in futurum.