Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1780s

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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The inhabitants of the chapelry of Lower Mitton, Kidderminster. Ref.110 BA1/1/486/31 (1781)

The humble petition of the inhabitants of the chapelry of Lower Mitton in the parish of Kidderminster in the county of Worcester


That the chapel of Lower Mitton in this county is a very ancient building and now in so ruinous state and much too small for the inhabitants of the said chapelry to assemble therein occasioned by the great increase of families and inhabitants at Stower-Port which place is within the said chapelry therefore it is absolutely necessary to take the whole down and rebuild a new structure according to the plan and estimate here produced therefore pray that the justices will be pleased to grant their certificate to the Lord Chancellor in order for a brief for the said chapel of Lower Mitton

To prove the plan and estimate please to call Master James Rose

  • John Smith chapel warden
  • Aaron York
  • Richard Bailey
  • William Hoult
  • James Broad

The inhabitants of the parish of Upton Warren. Ref.110 BA1/1/487/25 (1781)

The humble petition of the inhabitants of the parish of Upton Warren in the county of Worcester

Sheweth that the parish church of Upton Warren aforesaid in this county is a very antient building and is in so ruinous a state being so much decayed in every part that it is found absolutely necessary to take down and rebuild the same according to aplan and estimate here produced therefore pray that the justices will be pleased to grant their certificate to the Lord Chancellor in order for a brief to enable the said inhabitants of Upton Warren aforesaid to rebuild their said church

To prove the plan and estimate please to call Master James Rose

  • Talbot Harris, minister
  • George Cole
  • John Talbot church wardens
  • John Bickerston
  • William Collins
  • George Wall
  • John Darby
  • William Field
  • Joseph Field
  • Joseph Edwards
  • Thomas Parsons
  • John Baylis

Protestant dissenters and inhabitants of the borough of Evesham. Ref.110 BA1/1/495/55 (1783)

To the worshipful his magisties justices of the peace holding the general or quarter sessions for the county of Worcester

We whose names are hereunto subscribed being protestant dissenters, and inhabitants of the borough of Evesham in the county of Worcester, do hereby apply to have the late dwelling house of Charles Welsbourne and now the property of James Pearce, situate in the market place of the said borough of Evesham recorded at the said general or quarter sessions as a place of religious worship.

  • James Pearce
  • Thomas Roper
  • William Whitford
  • William Whitford junior
  • William Hemming
  • William Fincher
  • John [Nene?]
  • Valentine Grove
  • John Hughes
  • John Hitch

Protestant dissenters. Ref.110 BA1/1/495/56 (1783)

We whose names are subscribed, being housekeepers at Stowerport in the hamlet of Lower Mitton and parish of Kidderminster in the county of Worcester, and protestant dissenters from the Church of England, do hereby humbly certify to his majesties justices of the peace for the said county, that a certain building newly erected near the High Street in Stowerport aforesaid, called the Meeting House, is intended to be made use of as a place of religious worship for protestant dissenters, and we do hereby desire the said justices will be pleased to record the same according to the statute in that case made and provided signed this third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three.

  • Evan Johns
  • John Griffith
  • Benjamin Dewsbury
  • Richard Jones
  • Samuel Harsnett

John Davis. Ref.110 BA1/1/515/71 (1789)

County of Worcester the to his m Benjamin Johnson esquire Sir Charles Trubshaw Withers knight the Reverend Treadway Nash Doctor Bund Richard Hudson Thomas Hooper William Russell Francis Lawson and Richard Harrison esquires justices of our soveraign lord the King assigned to keep the peace in and for the said county of Worcester

The humble petition of John Davis sheweth that your petitioner is desirous of your licence to perform such tragedies comedies interludes operas plays or farces as now are or hereafter shall be acted performed or represented at either of the patent or licensed theatres in the city of Westminster or as shall in the manner prescribed by law have been submitted to the inspection of the Lord Chamberlain of the Kings [houshe-hold?] for the time being in the borough and town of Bewdley in the county of Worcester your petitioner therefore humbly prays you will be pleased to grant him such licence for any number of days not exceeding sixty days or as to you shall seem meet pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided

And your petitioner etc.

  • John Davis

John Boles Watson, manager of the royal theatre at Cheltenham. Ref.110 BA1/1/516/33 (1789)

To the worshipful his majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Worcester at the general or quarter sessions of the peace holden at Worcester in and for the said county of Worcester assembled.

The humble petition of John Boles Watson master or manager of his majesty's royal licensed theatre at Cheltenham in the county of Glocester.

Sheweth unto your worships that your petitioner having been invited by the principal inhabitants residing in and near the town of Stourbridge in the county of Worcester aforesaid is desirous of opening a theatre at Stourbridge aforesaid for the performance of such tragedies, comedies, interludes, opera's, plays or farces as now are or hereafter shall be acted performed or represented at either of the patent or licensed theatres in the city of Westminster or as shall, in the manner prescribed by law have been submitted to the inspection of the Lord Chamberlain of the King's household for the time being, for the space of sixty days to commence as from the thirteenth day of this instant April or for such other time as to your worships shall seem expedient

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your worships that you will be pleased to grant a license to your petitioner for that purpose pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided and your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc.

  • John Boles Watson

Charles Faulkner, keeper of the Worcestershire bridewell. Ref.110 BA1/1/521/31 (1790)

Worcestershire bridewell July 13th 1790

To the worshipful the justices of the county of Worcester assembled in sessions

The humble petition of Charles Faulkner keeper of the above bridewell humbly sheweth

That the above prison being continually very full of prisoners and many of them for very capitol crimes your petitioner is much concerned for the safety of the said prison having no assistant allowed to assist him in his charge and the present salary so inadequate to the trust that your worships petitioner cannot afford to hire a proper assistant your petitioner humbly prayeth your worships will condescend to take it into consideration and that you will please to grant him such an augmentation to his present salary as your worships shall think meet to enable him to support the charge entrust in him with safety. And your worships petitioner will as in duty bound ever pray

John Boles Watson, manager of the royal theatre at Cheltenham. Ref.110 BA1/1/522/76 (1790)

To the worshipful his majestys justices of the peace for the county of Worcester at the general quarter sessions of the peace holden at Worcester in and for the said county of Worcester on Tuesday the fifth day of October assembled

The humble petition of John Boles Watson master or manager of his majestys royal licenced theatre at Cheltenham in the county of Gloucester

Sheweth unto your worships that your petitioner having been invited by the principal inhabitants residing in and near the town of Stourbridge in the county of Worcester aforesaid is desirous of opening a theatre at Stourbridge aforesaid for the performance of such tragedies, comedies, interludes, opera's, plays, or farces, as now are or hereafter shall be acted performed or represented at either of the patent or licensed theatres in the city of Westminster or as shall in the manner prescribed by law have been submitted to the inspection of the Lord Chamberlain of the Kings houshold for the time being for the space of sixty days to commence as from the thirteenth fifteenth day of February March which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety one or for such other time as to your worships shall seem expedient

Your petitioner therefore humbly prays your worships that you will be pleased to grant a license to your petitioner for that purpose pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided and your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc.

  • John Boles Watson