Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1615

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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Thomas Tailor. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/60 (1615)

To the Kinges majesties justices of the peace of the countie of Worcester.

The humble petition of Thomas Tailor.

Your humble peticioner sheweth that whereas he standethe indicted before your worships for [turninge?] of a water course being but a landefludd passinge over the Kinges highe waye betweene Eckington and Norton in the countie of Worcester into a grounde of your petitioneres. The same grounde and landefludd hathe bene viewed by Sir Thomas [R...ell?] [knight?] and John Handforde esquier whose inheritaunce yt concernethe, and coulde not finde anye wronge offred by your peticioner, and they beinge then desierous to knowe the auntient course of the said landfludd weare shewed the currente of the same to be upp hill which they did not approve, and did conclude that yf the same shoulde be forced up hill, that then the said highe waye woulde be soe choacked upp uppon a suddaine rayne that none of the Kinges people coulde passe that waye without daunger. And further your petitioner ys threatened that yf yt shalbe censured by your worships to have the said course upp hill, that then he shalbe alsoe indicted for the same

Therefore your poore petitioner referrethe hymself to your worships censures for his for his fyne and humblie praieth, that the same water course maie be viewed and ordered by Sir Thomas Russell knight and Master Leonard Jefferrey esquier.

Richard Ockley. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/61 (1615)

To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties justices of the peace, for the countie of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of Richard Ockley

Shewethe, that he beinge borne in the parishe of Crowle, hath for the space of three yeres and the half made his aboade in the parishe of Odingly, where he by his paine=full laboure, hath maintained himself his wief and their two children sufficientlye, untill now of late by the visitacion of God he was taken lame in his lymmes and forasmuche as he is destitute of a habitation for himself and his poore familye to reste therein, therefore he moste humbly besechethe youre good worshipps for God his cause, to comiserate his poore estate, and to take somme spedye course, for the more necessarye comforte of him and his greatt charge, that they may be provided for his rente of some competent houseroome, within one of the said parishes, duringe his lief, and he and his poore wief shall ever pray for the longe continuance of youre happye healthes.


To thoverseers.

Ales Barton, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/64 (1615)


To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties justices of the pece for the countie of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of Ales Barton widowe.

Shewethe, that she inhabitinge in the parishe of Hill Croome in the said countie where she beinge over=charged with the educacion of five small children, and now noe place leafte them, for their comforte, ha=vinge made her aboade there sixteene yeres or there aboutes, moste humblye besechethe your good worshipps for God his cause to comiserate her lamentable estate and that she and her poore children may be spedely provided for, that those creatures which Christe Jesus hath dearely bought perishe not for wante, wherein she shall ever pray, for the long longe continuance of your happye healthes.


to thoverseers

this [petitioner in?] [illegible] according to the [illegible] is to [illegible] a house

  • [Edward?] [illegible]

Margery Chadburne, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/65 (1615)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace within the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Margery Chadburne widdowe humbly sheweinge that she aboutes xii years past was maried to one John Chadburne whoe thenn and for tenn years sithence together dwelled with yor peticioner in the towne of Bewdley which said John Chadburne aboutes twoe years being convicted for some offence died leaveing with yor peticioner twoe smale children and since which tyme the corporacion of Bewdley have utterly refused to suffer yor peticioner to inhabite within the said towne or allowe unto her any maintenaunce elswhere.

In tender consideracion wherof, and in regarde that yor peticioner is very poore lame and impotent not able to gett any thinge or to travell to seeke her relief but is reddy to starve for want of sustenance, that it would please your worshipps to take somme order that yor poore peticioner may be releeved by the said corporacion and yor poor peticioner shall be bound to pray for yor worshipps


to be sent to Bewdley [war fact?]

Elizabeth Darlinge. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/66 (1615)

To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties [justices?] of the peace, for the countie of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Darlinge

Shewethe, that she beinge borne in the parishe of Kempsey in the countie aforesaid, was provided [illegible] a competent roome to dwell in, within the parishe [of?] Seaverne Stoke, where she hath made her abode for the terme of twentie and one yeres last past acordinge to the demise or graunte thereof to her made by one Richard Darlinge her father, decessed, and forasmuche as she after the ende of the terme apointed her as aforesaid coulde not be permitted to remaine a any longer in the said roome, hath sithence made requeste to the officeres in Kempsey aforesaide for a roome, and for that she cannot be there receaved to ende the rest time of her lief.

Her humble suite ys, besecheinge youre good worshipps to cause suche spedye course to be taken for her more necessary comforte whereby she may be settled in some conveni=ent house roome, where she beinge a single woman and aged threescore yeres and upwardes, may were out the reste of her time here, wherein [illegible] shall ever pray for the longe [continua...?] [illegible] your happye healthes.


overseers Seavernstoke to receave and provide or [illegible] cause with the petitioner in [contr?] to the next [illegible]

Anne Wilkes, an infant. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/66A (1615)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace in the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of Anne Wilkes an infant

The peticioner sheweth that she is an infant of the age of ix yeares borne within the township or parishe of Elmebridge in the countie of Worcester whose parentes long since dyed and left noe meanes to relieve your poore peticioner

Humbly prayeth that the inhabitantes of Elmebridge may geve such reasonable mayntenance to your poore peticioner weekely to be payde as to your worships shalbe thought meete

And she shall dailie pray for your worships longe to continewe


The churchwardens and overseers to provide a place and viii pence weekly etc

John Rosse and Robert Walker, late churchwardens of Suckley. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/67 (1615)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace in the county of Worcester.

The humble peticion of John Rosse and Robert Walker late church wardens of Suckley in the county of Worcester.

Most humbly shewing unto your worships that wheare by virtue of the warrant annexed the hamlett of Lulsey was taxed with the rest of the parishe of Suckley towardes the mayntenance of an infant of one John Moores deceased: neverthelesse the said inhabitantes of Lulsey do obstinatly denye and refuse to paye any penny of the same taxation sayeng your worships said warrant is but an ordynary warrant.

In consideracion whereof and for that your poore peticioners have this last yeare and since the said taxacion and lewne made disbursed and layde owt fower poundes more of their owne purses for the releife of the said child. Besides the money due from the hamlett of Lulsey taxed by your worships said warrant which the saide inhabitantes do obstinatly refuse to paie

Most humbly beseeching your worships further order and speciall warrant herein according to lawe and justice.


bene [ger?] [versus?] Johannem Smyth de Lulsey and a warrant to Lulsey and [Awfrick?] to contribute etc

Roger Pooler of the city of Worcester. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/75 (1615)

To the right worshipfull the justices of peace for the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of Roger Pooler of the citie of Worcester

Sheweth that whereas, the peticioner for his service donn in the late Queenes majesties warres, by this worshipfull bench was allowed a yearely pencion of fower poundes which was duly paid him for dyvers yeares together untill aboutes two yeares sythence att what tyme the same was abated unto three pounds: your peticioner for thes twelve monethes space last past by God his visitacion hath benn visited with such extremitie of sicknesse, that hee hath not been neyther is hee as yet able to goe to his parish church in which his sickenesse hee hath sold and dispended, the greatest parte of his howshold stuffe, and nowe hath noe other helpe or meanes to lyve uppon but onlie the said three poundes pencion

Humbly craveth that your good worships would bee pleased in comiseracion of the peticioners soe poore and distressed estate, that this pencion of iii pounds maye bee augmented [illegible] And this etc.

George Grove of Droitwich. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/76 (1615)


The humble petistion of George Grove of Droytwich.

To the right worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for his highnes countie of Worcester etc.

May it please your worshipes to be advertised that wheras theris a poore child whoe was borne in the parish of Alchurch now some viii yeares of age whose mother being dead and the father by sicknes impoverished and driven to crave reliefe wher he can at honest menes doores: the said child wander ing over the country by chance came to my doore wher for charityes sake in most extreame cold weather I tooke it into my howse and gave it what succoure I might: being (indeed) somwhat alied to my wife: by whom I have sixe small children shee now being very great of the seaventh and haveing noe meanes to maintaine so great a charge but by my poore trade of shoumakeing I brought the said child to the parish aforesaid wher it was borne: according to the statue: wher the officers receaved the said child: yet notwithstanding not long after it was sent backe to me till now at this sessions this honorable bench shall be pleased to take order for the placeing of the said child: most humbly craveing that in respect I am a very poore man haveing a very great charge of my owne that I may be disburdened of that said child without any further trouble or hinderance: wherin I shall be ever bound to pray for your worshipes happye estates in much health and prosperity long to continue so rest ever humbly at command duering life

The inhabitants of Hanbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/79 (1615)

Sir, may it please your worship to understand, that wheras one John [Di...?] borne in our parish of Hanbury, was att the last assisses [delivered?] of the jayle, and from thence for his lewdnes and misbehaviour sent unto the house of correction, where he hath remained ever [illegible] receaved deserved punishment. We having compassion of him [illegible] case, and hoping that by the punishment which he hath already [end...?] he will be brought to amendment, doe intreat your favour in his [illegible] halfe that he may be released. Thus referring this our request to your discretion, we humbly take our leave.

Your loving freindes to commaund

  • John [Berecroste?]
  • Edward Vernon
  • Francis Hambury
  • Robert [Walker?]
  • [illegible]
  • the [illegible]
  • [Tho...?] [illegible]
  • [w.the?] [illegible]
  • John [illegible]
  • [illegible]
  • [illegible]
  • [illegible]

[Pasche xiiio?] dischardged from the house of correction

The inhabitants of Tenbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/83 (1615)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace for the countie of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of the inhabitantes of the towne and parishnors of Teamburie in the said countie.

Whereas right worshipfull by the late greate and sudden floud of waters happeninge in or aboutes the midest of March last past, by force whereof, yt hath overthrowne and driven downe, parte of a greate stonne bridge and the most parte of a wooden bridge standinge uppon arches of stone, over the river of Teame in Teamburie afforesaid, beinge a markett towne and greate throughfare leadinge from the most places of Walles to the cytie of London, the chardge for the reedifieinge thereof wilbe soe greate, that your poore peticioners are not able to sustaine, as by the sighte and judgement of massons, and carpenters, we are given to understande, for that they assuer us that xxx pounds will not amende and repaire the same againe, may yt therefore please your good worships to take compassion and comiseracion of the premisses and the povertie of your peticoners, that your worships wilbe pleased to appointe and comaunde some parishes adjoyninge to Teamburie afforesaid, in the said countie of Wigorn to be aydinge and assistinge to your peticioners for the reedifieinge and and repairinge of the said bridges as in your wisdoms shalbe thought meete, otherwise the neclecte of the reparinge thereof will furthwith much damage the cuntrie: as by the certificate of the right worshipfull Sir Edward Pittes knight and Arthur Sallowey esquier, two of the justices of peace of the said countie here under wrytten sent to your worships may appeare, thus humly craveinge pardon for our boldnes we remaine att your worships services and comaunde prayeinge for your worships preservacions in all hapines longe to continue


We are very credibly informed, and doe beleive the just request of the [pet...?] [illegible] thinke yt a deede of charitie [tha...?] [illegible] furthwith, whereunto wee give [illegible] to the [statutes?] in that behalf [illegible]

The jurie to enquire [fo...?] [illegible] the body of the [count...?] [illegible] the parishe of [Teamburie?] [illegible] their bridges according [illegible]

The inhabitants of Claines. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/87 (1615)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace of this county of Worcester.

May it please your worshipps to be advertised that the bearer herof John Ayles of the parishe of Claynes and county of Worcester husbandman and Susans his wieffe and Phillipp Bennett his soninlawe of the same parishe carpenter, having a wieffe and four small children are now fallen into great want and povertye by reason of a sodayne casualty of [fyer?] happeninge uppon the sixte day of this instant Aprill which utterly consumed and burned downe to the ground all their dwellinge howse and all their houshould stuffe and workinge tooles amountinge to the vallewe of thirtye poundes and upwardes to their utter undoinge unlesse they be holpen and relived by the charitable devotion and benevolence of good and godly people wee whose names are subscrybed inhabitantes of the said parishe of Claynes doe most humbly beseeche your worshipps to graunt unto them a lycence within this countye to collect and gather the charitable benevolence of godly and well disposed people towardes the new buildinge of their howse and relivinge of them selves their wives and children and thus leavinge the consideracion herof to your worshipps favourable regard towards this bearer wee humbly take our leaves at Claynes this xvii day of this instant Aprill 1615

[Your worshipps?] [illegible]

  • Robert Bradhurst clerke
  • John [Orton?]
  • John Hutton
  • Robert Tenche
  • John Yernall thelder
  • John Brockhouldinge
  • Daniel Hughes schoolemaster
  • John Coles
  • Edward Gardner
  • Thomas Davis
  • Robert Underwood
  • Gilbert Russell
  • John Verne
  • John Biddell
  • [illegible]
  • [C...?] [illegible]
  • Henry [illegible]
  • [Henry?] [illegible]
  • John [illegible]
  • [Richard?] [illegible]
  • William [illegible]
  • Richard [Wyth...?]
  • William [illegible]
  • Thomas [illegible]
  • Raynold [illegible]
  • Edward [illegible]

Anne Whoman. Ref.110 BA1/1/22/88 (1615)

Right worshipfull

Whereas by an order graunted in this honerable and worshipfull court of quarter shissines that your pore petissiner ane whoman should have your charitable alowance of xii pence a wicke towardes the bringinge up and relife of hir and six small children untell hir husband had his liberty the which now hit hath pleased God to set him at liberty but God knowes never the more to our helpe and comfort but a great dele the lese

Therefore I besech your good worshipes out of the commyseration of your pitteies to exsplaine the ordere that I may have relife for seince my husband died the overseers have denied me and sayed my athority was ended so that I and my chelderen have endured much penury the mene space

I ame fearefull to troble your worshipes in resitinge the whole cause of my myseryes but I hope heare are [illegible] some have not for gott the matter sithence the order was graunted and for that graunt of relife both I and mine are ever bound in duty to pray unto God to blesse you and yours in [helteh?] welth and happines


To pay xii pence nisi they can [illegible] Francis Egiock

your poore [Petiss...?] [illegible]

William Tollye. Ref.110 BA1/1/23/82 (1615)

The humble peticion of William Tollye

Whereas this peticioner hath lyved and dwelled within the parish of Hanbury for the greatest part of forty yeares and hath dwelled continually for the space of fowerteene yeares within the said parish of Hanbury and never out of yt but one half yeare, and that workeinge upon the trade of a weaver in another mans worke as a journyman, his owne goodes remayninge yet in Hanbury, and [nowe?] by reason of longe sicknes happenige unto his wief and alsoe by reason of his great age beinge aged fower score yeares and upwardes he is fallen into poverty, soe that he is not able to releive his poore wief and children, and is destitute of howseroome therefore he most humbly prayeth your worshipps that you would consider his poore estate, and to graunt some order whereby his poore wief and children may be releived and and alsoe provided of some howseroome habitacion and he for his owne part is very willinge to labour upon his trade to get his owne lyveinge soe longe as God shall geive him abilitie and will ever pray for your worshipe the longeste day of his lyef


Hanbury is ordred to provide etc untill they can shew cause to the contrary

Ann Ellis of Bayton. Ref.110 BA1/1/23/83 (1615)

Wigorn sessions

To the worshipful the Kinges [majesties?] [illegible] this countie of Wigorn.

In most lamentable maner [illegible] your [illegible] that whereas the bearer hereof Anne Ello widow [illegible] borne and breed in the parish of Bayton is fallen into [illegible] povertie and want by reason of [sixnesses?] and other casualties, [illegible] humblie besecheth your good worshipes that she may have your warrant unto the parishoners of Bayton aforesaid, soe some parte of a poore howse wherein she may labour if God shall make her able to get some part of her lyving, and she shall daily pray unto the Lord for your preservation in all happiness.


xvii pence weekly untill they provide a howse etc.

Margerie Read, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/23/92 (1615)

The humble peticion of Margerie Read wydow.

Margerie Read of Pynvin wydowe having ben an inhabitant there for the space of ten yeares last past, and now destitute of a howse to dwell in, having three smale fatherles children, humblie beseecheth your worshipps that the inhabitantes of Pynvin may be ordered with the consent of the [lord?] of the manor to erect a cottage howse in some parte of the wast there, to be a convenyent dwelling for the said poore wydowe.

yf the lord consent a cottage