Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1739

Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Economic History Society and the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’ and the other costs, including photography and transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, were funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1). CC-NC-BY.


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Charles Everitt. WJ/SP/1739/01/002 (1739). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654150002

To the worshipfull the chairman and others his majesties justices at the quarter sessions at Westminster assembled

The humble petition of Charles Everitt

Sheweth, that your petitioner was on the 3d day of October 1733 bound an apprentice to Thomas Woodgate of Saint Margaret Westminster coffin-maker and undertaker, that your petitioners master has greatly been neglectfull in teaching him his trade, that he has lately failed in the world, his goods having been seized, and he hath quitted his habitation, that your petitioner knows not where he is, by reason of which your petitioner is [greatly?] to seek for his bread and lodging, his father having, been dead near four years, his mother not being able to provide for him, and he not being taught his trade nor ever likely so to be by his said master,

Humbly prays this honourable bench will consider his case and make an order that your petitioner may be discharged of his said apprenticeship in order that he may by going to another master (who is ready to take him) be fully instructed in his trade, and serve with him the remainder of his time.

And your petitioner will ever pray

  • Charles Everitt

James Chapman, son of William Chapman of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SP/1739/10 (1739). LondonLives reference: LMWJPS654170004

To the worshipfull the justices of the peace for the liberty of Westminster in sessions assembled.

The humble petition of James Chapman son of William Chapman of the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the liberty of Westminster and in the county of Middlesex.

Sheweth that on the 31st. January in the year of our Lord 1733 your petitioner became bound by indenture of apprenticeship with the usual covenants for seven years to Joseph Beschey of the same place painter to learn his art. the said Joseph being [an alien?] [illegible]

That though it was incerted in the said indentures that the said master should find your petitioner meat drink washing lodging and all other necessaries during the said term, yet by a private agreement between him and your petitioners said father your petitioners said father became bound to find and provide the same during the said term for your petitioner which he hath accordingly done, and which was in lieu of money usually given with such an apprentice.

That no duty hath been paid for the same by the said master to his majesty pursuant to the statute nor the indentures stampt.

That though your petitioner hath faithfully served him untill the eighth of June last. He hath not duly instructed your petitioner in the art which he used which was and is [history?] painting, (but generally employed your petitioner in the most servile part of the business to wit carrying his colours pictures and frames and working tools about streets), and at that time the said master thought fit to leave his house in habitacion and hath ever since absconded in Suffolk and other counties having changed his name to avoid being known, and hath taken no care as to instructing your petitioner in the said art pursuant to the covenants in the said indentures.

That the said indentures are not inrolled and the time of servitude will expire before your petitioner can attain his age of twenty four years.

Your petitioner therefore most humbly prays your worships for the causes aforesaid to discharge him from his said apprenticeship and pronounce and declare him free from his said master.

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc.

  • James Chapman