Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.
This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.
William Robinson and others, sufferers by fire in the parish of Rugeley. Q/SR/474 a/6 (1709)
To the honourable and worshipfull her majesties justices of the peace for
the county of Stafford, assembled at the generall quarter sessions of
the peace held at Stafford for the county of Stafford on Tuesday the
third twelfth day of May July in the year of our Lord God 1709
The humble petition of William Robinson, Robert Masters, John Adie, Richard Adie,
Richard Jackson, John Trigg, Edward Handley, John Capper, in behalf of [themselves?]
and seaventeen others sufferers by fire in the parish of Rugeley
Humbly sheweth
That upon Saturday the nineteenth day of February last about nine of the clock [illegible]
forenoon there happened a violent dreadfull fire in the said towne of Rugeley, which [illegible]
of two houres by reason of the fierceness of the wind, burnt down and consumed to [illegible]
dwelling houses of your poor petitioners, as also their barns and outhouses containing in [illegible]
thirty one [bays?] of building together also with most of their goods house [hol...?] [illegible]
utensills for trade and other thinges, besides severall other neighbouring [hou...?] [illegible]
much endamaged to the impoverishment of your poor petitioners, unless releived by [illegible]
well disposed persons the whole loss amounting to the summe of [eigh...?] [illegible]
eight pounds and upwardes as will appear to this honourable [illegible]
oaths of Richard Capper, John Plimmer, Mark Evans, carpenters, and William [Holli...?] [illegible]
Hollinhurst, and Richard Sutton masons able and sufficient workemen who [car...?] [illegible]
said buildinges, as also by the oaths of your said petitioners, wherefore [your said petitioners?] [illegible]
that you would be pleased to certify the same under your hands and [illegible]
William Lord Cooper Lord High Chancellor of Great Brittain [illegible] to obteyne her majesties [illegible]
to collect the charity of her majesties justices loveing subjectes [illegible]
and places as to his lordship shall seem convenient towards [illegible]
your poor petitioners
And your petitioners as [illegible]
- John [Adie?]
- Richard [illegible]