Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1589

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.


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Richard Bennett and William Mason of Wolverhampton. Q/SR/16/1 (1589)

To the Right worshipfull Sir Thomas Littleton knight one of her Majesties Justices of peace within the County of Stafford

Humble beseache your worshipps your orators Richard Bennett and William Mason of Wolverhampton in the County of Stafford, That whearas your said orators (uppon an Inditement hertofore preferred and found against them) have bene dyverse tymes by the Sheriffe arrested, and yet have compounded with the said Sheriffe for the same arrest trusting from tyme to tyme trustinge yet that the same might have bene by your worshippe and other the her majesties justices ordred and ended, howbeit So yt is that notwithstandinge your worshipps late order therin to Mr True the late clerk of the peace for staye therof, yet the nowe clerke of the peace refusethe to enter any or make any staye therof against your said orators unlesse he maye be therof informed by your worshippe maye yt therfore please your worshippe in the behalfe of theise said poore menn to informe the said clerk of the peace of the truethe of the cause to thend the said poore menn maye be delivered from this infinitte chardge and trouble wherewith they are from tyme to tyme oppressed And the said poore menn shall praye unto god for the prosperouse estate of your worshippe

Requestinge also your worshipps lawfull favor in theire fynes the offences beinge very small


{Ricardus Bennett} po se {Williamus Mason} quilibet eorum xiid. is entred{Williamus Addams} entered in the boocke of proccesses for Bennett & Mason

fuit Recognio per Cur'. Et de fine utriusque eorum e iis iiiid. exoneratur per Dna

John Tomkys of Bylston, gentleman, and Edward Marston of Yardley co Worcs, brickmaker. Q/SR/21/4 (1589)

To the Right Honourable and Worshippfull her Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum in the Countye of Stafford.

Humbly sheweth to your Honors and Worshippes your Orators John Tomkys late of Bylston in the Countye of Stafford gentleman and Edward Marston of Yardley in the Countye of Wigorn brickemaker That wheare the personnes and inhabitauntes dwelling and resyant in and about the townes parishes and hamlettes of Bylston Wolverhampton Willnall Wednesbury Wednesfeylde and other townes and places theareabout in the Countye of Stafford aforesayde are enforsed for theyr provision of bricke and tyle to sende to sundrye remote places in the Countye of Worcester farre distant from them to theyr both greate charge and trowble Yt would now please you the premisses considered to graunt lycence to the sayde Edward Marston to builde and erecte one cottage in a pasture called Gorstye Crofte lying to a place called Gotterne in Wolverhampton aforesayde being parcell of the lande and inheretance of the sayde John Tomkys for the habitacion of the sayde Edward theare and others for the better provision theareby heareafter of bricke and tyle theare to be by him and others made for the sayde toweshippes And your orators shall daylye pray unto God for the longe and prosperous estate of your Honors and Worshipps

  • John Tomkys
  • Edwarde Marson

Allocat per Cur non soll per Latham

Ranulphe Cradocke of Cotton Milne, prisoner. Q/SR/21/12 (1589)

Com Stafford

To the Right Honorable and Worshipfull the queenes Majesties Justices of Peax and quorum assembled for the said County at the Sessions of the Peaxe holden in the towne of Stafford this present laste day of Septembre 1589. Your pore and humble Orator Ranulphe Cradocke late of Cotton Milne nowe prisoner in the Jaylors Warde most lamentably complayning against one William Walter as followith

That wheras the said Randull uppon consideracion that the said William being sonne to Margaret wiff of the said Rannulph shoold susteigne and maynteyne the said Margaret his mother and fyve of the children of the said Ranulph and Margarete with sufficient meate drinke clothing and lodging) did geve upp and releaxe into the handes of the said William his said mylne called Cotton Milne with the appurtenances and all his goodes and catalls moveable and unmoveable as more playnly appearith recorded in writing, Notwithstanding nowe of longe tyme the said William doth nether susteyne nor mayntene his said mother bretheren and sisteren as hee owght by convenant nether yet doth hee suffer his said naturall mother d to use and enjoy her owne goodes and live uppon them but contrary to all humanitie christian dewtie & feare of god, and naturall love, dothe beate strike and evill intreate his said mother and the reste, by mispending and taking from her her goodes and lyvinge And furder by the synister counsaile and aide of one Richard Walter of Stafford and John Walter of Aslowe and other of the Walters, doth laye faynid matters against the said Randull of good behavior and actions of the case to kepe your said Orator in perpetuall prison and durance lest hee shoold seeke remmedy therin by his libertie, to the famyshing of the said Margaret and her children and utter undoing of the said Rannulph. May it please your worshipps therfore for godds sake to heare the said cawse throwly and to take order therin according to your wisdomes and good consciences, and to tender your said pore Orators complyn that his said pore wiff and children may be releeved of there owne, and avoyde the mysery of famishing, And that your said Orator may bee sett at libertie according to the truth and equity of this cawse, And so doing your w[orships] said Orator and his pore wiff and children shalbe bounden during liffe to pray for the preseervacion of your worsh[ips] helthes etc

Your worshipps pore afflicted orator Ranulphe Cradocke