Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1570s

Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798.

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Inhabitants of Rostorne. QJF 3/2/37 (1573)

To the right worshipfull Willyam Bothe esquier on of the Quenes majesties justice of the peasse and on of the corum in the countie of Chester etc.

Forasmoche as yt is the dutie of every good man beinge required to testyfye the truthe in every cause or matter. We therfore whose names be subscrybed pretendynge the unitie and quietnes of our poore neighbores of Rostorne. Doo of a veray truth manifestly declare and testyfye. That one Thomas Coppocke of Rostorne forsed on of our neighbores is a veray unquiet and dysordered person not only in his wordes but also in his dedes that ys a comen dronkerd a reler a swerer a brawler and a soyer of dyssencyon amongest neybours moche lycke to set neyboure and neiboure together by the yeares. Not onlye to the great dysquietinge of many our seid neibors but also conterarey to the Quenes majesties peasse and lawes. Onlesse you of youre worshipp goodnes and justice see some spedye redresse and remedye for the sames. In wytnesse whereof we whose names are subscrybed have sette our handes and sealles the xxixth day of Marche in the xv yeare of Elizabeth our Queene etc.

  • John Leighes
  • Hugh Meyre
  • Wylliam Massy
  • John Urmyston

Richard Skrymsher of Poole, gentleman. QJF 6/4/1 (1577)

To the right worshipful the Quenes majesties justices of peas [within?] her heighnes countie of Chester

In his most humble wiese shewth and complaynethe unto your worships your oratour [Richard?] Skrymsher of Poole within the countie of Chester gentleman that wheras one John Holbroke Rauf Holbroke Robert Holbroke and Piers Holbroke and divers others whose names your oratour yet knowth not beinge light desperate and wilfull persons and bearinge mortall malice and displeasure unto your said oratour have by sundry indirect practizes and unlawfull wayes gon abowt and dayly do goe abowt to murder and slay your said oratour by meanes wherof your said oratour dare not trayvayle abrode in the countrey abowt his necessary affayres to his grete losse and damage for the said deffendantes contynually have upon them bowe and arrowes gonnes and other suche like unlawfull weapons contrary to the lawes and statutes of this realme sekeinge therwith to deprive your said oratour of his lief and the had most assuredly had done upon the xxith and xxiith day of November last past had not they byn letted by sundry persons then present (as God wold) sythence which tyme (the said deffendantes still contynuinge in their most develishe mynde) one Katherin Holbroke (beinge naturall mother to the said deffendantes, hathe declared and told one Richard Raven servaunt to the right worshipfull Sir Thomas Venables knight that if she had not byn she [illegible] that her said sonnes [illegible] before this tyme had slayen your said oratour with bowe and arrowes and that she herself had divers tymes [nott?] their bowe stringes of their bowes to prevent the develishe enterprises and also the said Robert Holbroke at one other tyme sithence in the hearinge of one Hughe Bristoo said to the said Katherin his mother that his brother Rauff wold knocke out your oratours braynes and lay them upon his shulders and likewiese the said Rauff and the said Piers Holbroke told one James Mynshowe that before their mother shuld goe from her howse that they wold kyll your said oratour, with divers and sundry suche like wordes [illegible] spoken and uttered to sundry [other?] persons as may be well proved. In consideracon of the premisses may it pleas your worshippes to graunte unto your said oratour your warrant [of?] good abearinge against the said deffendantes and every of them [to?] thintent your oratour may be suer to lyve in [saff saveing?] of his lief and your said oratour shall dayly pray for [the?] preservacon of your worships longe in healthe to [contynue?]


viiio die Januarii anno [illegible] 1576

  • fiat [warr?] de [illegible] [bene gerend?] [illegible] Johannem Holbrocke
  • Radulfum Holbrocke
  • Robertum Holbrocke
  • Petrum Holbrocke
  • Ricardus Skrymsher [illegible] [bill?] [illegible]
  • Thomas Venables
  • P: Warburton
  • [E: Fyton?]