Index of commissions

Pages 120-124

Office-Holders in Modern Britain: Volume 10, Officials of Royal Commissions of Inquiry 1870-1939. Originally published by University of London, London, 1995.

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Index of Commissions

All references are to serial numbers in the text and not to page numbers

Accidents in Mines (1879-81), 32
Accidents to Railway Servants (1899-1900), 102
Administration in the Army and Navy (1888-90), 69
Aged Poor (1893-95), 82
Agricultural Depression (1893-97), 86
Agricultural Industry in Great Britain (1919), 173
Agricultural Interests (1879-82), 35
Agriculture in India (1926-28), 190
Alien Immigration (1902-03), 110
Allegations against Sir John Jackson, Limited (1916-17), 168
Arms Trade (1935-36), 209
Army Officers (1873-74), 9
Army Promotion (1874-76), 12
Arrest and Subsequent Treatment of Mr F.S. Skeffington, Mr T. Dickson and Mr P.J. McIntyre (1916), 166
Arsenical Poisoning (1901-03), 106
Blind, Deaf and Dumb (1885-89), 56
Canals and Inland Navigation (1906-11), 126
Care and Control of the Feeble Minded (1904-08), 120
Cathedral Churches (1879-85), 34
Church in Scotland Act (1905-09), 123
Church in Wales (1906-10), 131
Churches in Scotland (1904-05), 121
City of London Charities (1878-80), 29
City of London Livery Companies (1880-84), 39
Civil Establishments (1886-87), 59
Civil Service (1912-15), 150
Civil Service (1929-31), 200
Coal Industry (1919), 172
Coal Industry (1925-26), 188
Coal Supply (1901-05), 109
Coast Erosion (1906-11), 132
Colonial Defences (1879-82), 36
Common Law (1934-36), 208
Congestion in Ireland (1906-08), 133
Control of trade from tuberculous animals (1896-98), 93
Copyright (1875-78), 17
Court of Session and Office of Sheriff Principal (Scotland) (1926-27), 189
Crofters and Cottars in Highlands and Islands of Scotland (1883-84), 52
Cross-River Traffic in London (1926), 191
Decimal Coinage (1918-20), 170
Defence of the Realm (1915-20), 162
Delay in the King's Bench Division (1912-13), 155
Depression of Trade and Industry (1885-86), 57
Distribution of the Industrial Population (1937-39), 214
Divorce and Matrimonial Causes (1909-12), 145
Dominica (1893-94), 87
Draft Charter for proposed Gresham University in London (1892-94), 79
Duties of Metropolitan Police (1906-08), 128
Ecclesiastical Benefices (1878-80), 28
Ecclesiastical Courts (1881-83), 44
Ecclesiastical Discipline (1904-06), 119
Educational Endowments (Scotland) Act (1882-89), 49
Electoral Systems (1908-10), 140
Elementary Education Acts (1886-88), 58
Endowed Institutions in Scotland (1878-81), 31
Endowed Schools and Hospitals (Scotland) (1872-75), 6
Explosions in Mines (1890-94), 76
Extradition (1877-78), 25
Factory and Workshop Acts (1875-76), 14
Financial Relations between Great Britain and Ireland (1894-96), 89
Fire Brigades (1921-23), 176
Food Prices (1924-25), 186
Fuel and Engines (1912-14), 152
Fugitive Slaves (1876), 18
Grocers' Licences (Scotland) (1877-78), 24
Highlands and Islands (1892-95), 81
Honours System (1922), 180
Housing of Industrial Population of Scotland (1912-17), 154
Housing of the Working Classes (1884-85), 54
Importation of Livestock (1921), 177
Income Tax (1919-20), 171
Indictable Offences (1878-79), 30
Inland Navigation (Ireland) (1880-82), 41
Indian Currency and Finance (1925-26), 187
Indian Decentralisation (1907-09), 137
Indian Education (1927-30), 195
Indian Finance and Currency (1913-14), 156
Irish Land Acts (1897-99), 97
Irish Land Laws (1886-87), 63
Irish Prisons (1882-83), 51
Irish Public Works (1886-88), 64
King's Inns, Dublin (1870-72), 1
Labour (1891-94), 77
Labour in India (1929-31), 198
Labour Laws (1874-75), 10
Land Drainage (1927), 192
Land Transfer Acts (1908-11), 39
Landing of Arms at Howth (1914), 160
Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act (1880-81), 38
Laws on Intoxicating Liquor (1896-99), 92
Legal Departments (1873-74), 8
Licensing (England and Wales) (1929-31), 199
Licensing Laws in Scotland (1929-31), 201
Lighthouse Administration (1906-08), 134
Lighthouses (1892-98), 80
Local Government (1923-29), 181
Local Government in Tyneside (1935-37), 210
Local Taxation (1896-1902), 94
London Government (1921-23), 179
London Squares (1927-28), 194
London Stock Exchange (1877-78), 23
London Traffic (1903-05), 115
Loss of Life at Sea (1884-87), 55
Lotteries (1932-33), 204
Lunacy and Mental Disorder (1924-26), 185
Malta (1887-88), 66
Malta (1911-12), 148
Malta (1931-32), 203
Market Rights (1887-91), 65
Martial Law in South Africa (1902), 112
Mauritius (1872-74), 5
Mauritius (1886-87), 61
Mauritius (1909-10), 142
Measurement of Tonnage (1880-81), 67
Meat Export Trade of Australia (1914), 159
Medical Degrees (1881-82), 43
Megaera (1871-72), 3
Merthyr Tydfil (1935), 211
Metropolitan Board of Works (1888-89), 67
Metropolitan Sewage (1882-84), 48
Metropolitan Water Supplies (1897-1900), 92
Metropolitan Water Supply (1892-93), 78
Military and Civil Expenditure in India (1895-1900), 91
Military Preparation for South African War (1902-03), 113
Militia and Volunteer Forces (1903-04), 116
Mines (1906-11), 130
Mines and Quarries (1910-14), 146
Mining Royalties (1889-93), 72
Mining Subsidence (1923-27), 182
Motor Car Acts (1905-06), 124
Municipal Corporations (1876-80), 19
Museums and Galleries (1927-30), 193
National Health Insurance (1924-26), 184
Natural Resources (1912-17), 151
Newfoundland (1933), 205
Newfoundland Treaties (1898-99), 101
Noxious Vapours (1876-78), 21
Opium (1893-95), 85
Oxford and Cambridge (1872-73), 4
Oxford and Cambridge (1919-22), 174
Palestine (1936-37), 213
Paper Supply (1916-18), 163
Penal Servitude Acts (1878-79), 26
Physical Training in Scotland (1902-03), 111
Police Powers and Procedure (1928-29), 197
Pollution of the River Clyde (1874-76), 13
Poor Laws (1905-09), 125
Port of London (1900-02), 104
Proportional Representation (1918), 169
Public Records (1910-19), 147
Public Services (India) (1912-15), 153
Railway Accidents (1874-77), 11
Railways (1913-15), 157
Railways Conciliation (1911), 149
Rebellion in Ireland (1916), 165
Redemption of Tithe in England and Wales (1891-92), 75
Reformatories & Industrial Schools (1882-84), 47
Registration of Deeds, Ireland (1878-80), 27
Registration of Title in Scotland (1906-10), 127
Relative Values of Gold and Silver (1886-88), 60
Reparation Grants (1921-24), 178
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1938-39), 215
Safety in Coal Mines (1935-38), 212
Salmon Fisheries (1900-02), 103
Scottish Universities (1876-78), 20
Secondary Education in England (1894-96), 88
Selection of Justices of the Peace (1909-10), 144
Sewage Disposal (1898-1915), 98
Sewerage and Drainage in Dublin (1879-80), 37
Shipping Rings (1906-09), 136
Sierra Leone (1898-99), 99
Smallpox Hospitals (1881-82), 46
South African Hospitals (1900-05), 105
Spontaneous Combustion in Ships (1875-76), 15
Sugar Supply (1914-21), 61
Superannuation in the Civil Service (1902-03), 114
Superior Civil Service in India (1923-24), 183
Supersession of Colonels (1871), 2
Supply of Food and Raw Material in Wartime (1903-05), 117
Technical Instruction Abroad (1881-84), 45
Tithe Rentcharge in England and Wales (1934-36), 207
Trade Relations (1909-10), 143
Trade with South Africa (1905-06), 122
Trades Disputes (1903-06), 118
Transport (1928-30), 196
Transvaal (1881-82), 42
Trawling (1883-85), 53
Trinity College and Dublin University (1877-78), 22
Trinity College and University of Dublin (1906-07), 129
Tuberculosis (1890-95), 74
Tuberculosis (1901-11), 108
Tweed and Solway Fisheries (1895-96), 90
Unemployment Insurance (1930-32), 202
Unification of London (1893-94), 84
University Education in Ireland (1901-03), 107
University Education in London (1909-13), 141
University Education in Wales (1916-18), 164
University for London (1888-89), 164
University of Dublin & Trinity College, Dublin (1920), 175
University of Durham (1934-35), 206
University of London Act (1898-1900), 100
Unseaworthy Ships (1873-74), 7
Vaccination (1889-97), 71
Venereal Diseases (1913-16), 158
Vivisection (1875-76), 16
Vivisection (1906-12), 135
Warlike Stores (1886-88), 62
Wellington College (1879-80), 33
Welsh Land (1893-96), 83
Welsh Sunday Closing (1889-90), 70
West India (1896-98), 95
West Indian Finance (1882-83), 50
West Indies (1938-39), 216
Westminster Abbey (1890-91), 73
Wheat Supplies (1916-25), 167
Whiskey and other Potable Spirits (1908-09), 138
Workmen's Compensation (1938-44), 217