Cecil Papers: June 1604

Pages 155-161

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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June 1604

Dispute between Penzance and Marazion over markets.
1604, June 8. Decree of Court. Refers to the intransigence of the inhabitants of Penzance in ignoring former injunctions not to keep markets to the prejudice of Marazion. The Court, willing to favour Penzance in view of the losses it sustained by the late occupation and spoliation of the town by Spaniards, referred the matter to the Attorney and Solicitor General. The latter had listened to the arguments advanced by both parties, and had concluded that the former verdicts should not be rescinded. But with the consent of both towns they have recommended that any butcher of Penzance may sell flesh victuals to be spent within the said town and not otherwise, and that the inhabitants are not to keep a market on Saturdays. This is now made a decree of the Court.—Veneris octavo die Junii, 2 Jac.
6 pp. (Legal 39/8.)
Thomas clarke to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 9. The wardship of the heir of Clement Weare alias Browne, of Marlborough, co. Wilts., has been concealed for many years, and the King's title rejected. He asks for a grant of the wardship, undertaking to produce incontrovertible evidence that the property was held of the King.—9 June, 1604.
Note at bottom signed by Cecil: "Let him resort to any two of the Counsayle of the Court whereof Mr Surveyor or Mr Atturny to be one; and if he can shewe pregnant matter and procure an order, I will have consideration of him in the composition."
1 p. (P. 1619.)
John Lisley to Lord Cecil.
[1604, June 13]. He is of Moxhull, co. Warwick, and is brother and heir of Francis Lisley, whose wardship was granted by the Court of Wards to Anthony Dyott, with an exhibition of £4 annually during his minority, and so from heir to heir. But Francis Lisley died before the grant passed the Great Seal, and petitioner became ward and compounded with Dyott for his wardship. He paid a fine to the late Queen Elizabeth for this but has been allowed none of the exhibition formerly given to Dyott, although he has submitted a claim to it. It has been denied him on the grounds that his brother died before the grant of the wardship to Dyott had been procured under the Great Seal. He now requests that Cecil consider his case favourably and issue a warrant that he be granted the exhibition.—Undated.
On reverse: Another and more legal version of the petition.
Endorsed: "13 June, 1604. The humble petition of John Lisley, gent." ½ p. (P. 1608.)
Osbaldo Nonhaufer to Guillermo Sluderpach.
1604, June 14. He begs him to remember a girl whom he baptised. She has been seriously ill and can only walk with great difficulty. She is now five years of age, and he requests that she be given a dress.—Valladolid, June 14, 1604.
Spanish. 1 p. (105. 90.)
Anthony Forrest to Richard Perceval.
1604, June 15. He requests his favour in a personal matter, the marriage of a near relation of his to the son of Sir Edward Denny, who is ward of his mother, Lady Denny. "This yonge gentellman cominge to my house in my absence, my selfe beinge a widdower and haveinge my sister my poore houskeeper, he fell in love with my sister and is maryed unto hir, I protest before God, contrarye to my knowledge, I beinge, as I sayde, with Sir Oliver Cromwell by the space of 3 weekes. Hir portion is £300. What is [sic] livinge is I knowe nott, butt his mother, I heare, is discontented and meaneth to draw hym into the Court of Wards." If Perceval hears anything of the matter, Forrest entreats him to inform Lord Cecil that she is his sister. Forrest fears that Lady Denny "wilbe trobelsome to my Lord in this matter". From my house Morbom this 15 of Ju. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (P. 2172.)
Elizabeth Woodrove to Lord Cecil.
[Before June 19, 1604]. She has been a suitor to the King since he came to Hampton Court, for some relief to maintain herself and her children who are destitute, and has submitted a number of petitions to him and the Privy Council. She has received no answer, and her lack of means preclude her further attendance. She asks him to subscribe to the enclosed petition which she is sending to the King. If he does, she is assured that the King will grant her request. "If the Court should remove, I have no means to followe."—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604. Elizabeth Woodrove to my lord to subscribe a petition." ¼ p. (P. 2480)
Elizabeth Woodrove to Lord Cecil.
[Before June 19, 1604]. She apologises for troubling him so often, but she is apprehensive that because of the King's departure her suit will fail, since she is unable to follow the Court. Cecil has promised to intervene on her behalf, but she is aware of two difficulties. "The one that his Majesty doth hold no land of our house, the other is he hath beene so bountifull to divers as I feare I come to late." She begs Cecil to assist her, and if she receives word that he is willing to do so, "it will do me more good then if I were dead to restore my life. Why I make choyce thus espetially to rely upon your Lordships favor is the great reliefe I have received from your house."—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Mrs Eliz. Woodrove to my Lord." 1 p. (P. 2479.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 121.]
Philip Stanhope to Lord Cecil.
[1604, June 19]. He is the son and heir of Sir John Stanhope, and one of the co-heirs of Jane Allington, deceased. In her lifetime, the latter conveyed her lands to certain feoffees until her will and that of Sir William Cordell were carried into effect; and then to Sir George Carey, Lord Deputy of Ireland, till he had levied 2000 marks. Thereafter the feoffees should stand seised of one half of her lands during the lifetime of Sir John Savage and Dame Mary, his wife, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Jane Allington, and afterwards to the use of Sir Thomas Savage, son and heir of Sir John Savage, with remainders to the other children. In the absence of such issue, the lands were to descend to petitioner. The feoffees should also stand seised of the other half of Jane Allington's lands to the use of petitioner until he was 21 years of age, and should account to him for all issues and profits, when he inherited the property. Jane Allington died last Christmas, petitioner being then under age, but had appointed Sir George Carey, now absent in Ireland, and Sir Thomas Savage her executors, both to occupy her lands until all debts were paid and her will performed. In Carey's absence, Sir Thomas Savage had entered upon the manor of Melford and other lands in Suffolk, to the value of £1000 a year, as executor, but was now claiming the inheritance of the whole property from his mother and petitioner. Petitioner's counsel had taken the matter up in the Court of Wards, whereupon Sir Thomas had suggested a friendly conference between the legal advisers of both parties. At this meeting it had been agreed that, failing some compromise, they should select some judges to determine the case, and that in the meantime nothing should be done to prejudice the interests of the two parties. But Sir Thomas Savage has violated this agreement; he has held a court, forced tenants to acknowledge him as the new landlord, and given lands to strangers, in order to disinherit petitioner and defraud his own parents of their estate for life. Sir Thomas is now trying to obtain legal possession of the manor, and is likely to succeed if not prevented. Petitioner asks that Cecil write to Lord Anderson and the other justices of the Common Pleas to stop Sir Thomas's proceedings until further order be taken by the Court of Wards.—Undated.
Endorsed: "19 June, 1604. The humble petition of Phillipp Stanhope, his Mats ward." ¾ p. (P. 1607.)
Elizabeth Woodrove to Lord Cecil.
[After June 19, 1604]. She expresses her gratitude to the Privy Council, but to Cecil in particular as being "the chiefe foundation of my well being".—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604. Lady Woodroove to my Lord." ½ p. (P. 2478.)
John Lister to [Lord Cecil].
1604, June 20. He is one of Cecil's servants, and asks for the wardship of the heir of—Palmer, London.—June 20, 1604.
⅓ p. (P. 1603.)
Philippa Browne to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 20. About three years ago her husband was granted a lease by Cecil of a tenement situated in Carlby, co. Lincs., for 21 years. Since then her husband has died, and she has been harassed by her son-in-law, Thomas Browne, who has got the lease into his possession and refuses to permit her to remain in the tenement longer than next Michaelmas. He threatens to demolish the house over the heads of petitioner and her four children. They have no other means to live but in that place "unlesse she be releaved by the towne which is scarse able to mayntayn that number of poore which is allredy in it". She begs that Cecil summon Browne before him or take some other measure to ensure that she gets justice in this matter. Petitioner adds a request that "this petition may be referred to Mr John Wingfeild, your Lordships officer, whoe I knowe will do me justice".—20 June, 1604.
Note at bottom: "A letter written to Sir Robert Wingfield and Mr John Wingfield."
1 p. (P. 1620.)
Robert Wilson to [? Lord Cecil].
[1604, June 22]. He is submitting the petition on behalf of himself and other Queen's tenants of the Honour of Clare in Huntingdonshire and Cambridgeshire. Richard Foulkes, the Bailiff, has a manor of his own in the town of Bottisham, and for this reason he so confuses the rents and services of the Queen's tenants with those of his own tenants that there have ensued many law suits and disputes. Foulkes also claims the royalties of the Queen's revenues as belonging to his manor, and appropriates rents due to the Queen. They ask that the office of bailiff be not granted to Foulkes, so that both the Queen's rents and the peace of mind of her tenants be secured.—Undated.
Note by Sir Roger Wilbraham: "Both these parties are to come before me at Graies Inn this afternoone or to morrowe, wher I with some other of the Queens Councell will understand more particularlie of this complaint, and so certifie to my lo. Cecill; and if it be his Lordships pleasure, it is not amisse to staie the grannt in the meantime."—Fridaie, the 22 of June, 1604.
1 p. (P. 1649.)
[Before June 24, 1604]. A plan of Ostend under siege by Spanish forces. The list of the names of fortified works includes the "poulder Raveling" and the "West Raveling" described as having been captured by the enemy, a success mentioned in a letter dated June 24, 1604 from Sir John Ogle to Lord Cecil.— Undated.
2 pp. (142. 186.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, p. 150.]
William Wortham to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 27. He is in Cecil's service, and requests the grant of the wardship of the heir of William Green, co. Yorks, deceased. —June 27, 1604.
Note by Cecil: "Let a commission be granted."
½ p. (P. 1561).
John Lister to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 27. He is employed in Cecil's service, and requests the grant of the wardship of the heir of William Pycke, of Binley, co. Warwick.—June 27, 1604.
½ p. (P. 1543.)
John Marshall to Lord Cecil.
1604, June 27. He is in the service of Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, and asks for the grant of the wardship of the heir of Ambrose Gilbert, deceased, of Dover Court co. Essex. June 27, 1604.
Note by Cecil: "Let a stey be made for him."
½ p. (P. 1540.)
Abraham Hardrett to the King.
[After June 28, 1604]. In lieu of the £1075 owed him by the late Queen Elizabeth, and for his other services, the King bestowed upon him the place of one of his jewellers with a fee of £50 annually. He has as yet received little material benefit from this award, unlike other King's jewellers, and asks that £20 in fee farm be granted him for the maintenance of his family.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 33.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, p. 253, and Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 125.]
Sybil West to [? Lord Cecil].
[1604, June]. Her late husband. Arthur West, deceased, held a customary messuage and one half land within the manor of Bisley for the term of his life. After his death she was admitted tenant during her widowhood and still holds the messuage. The custom of the manor directs that customary tenements be granted to the children of customary tenants for the usual fines, but Mr Neale, late steward of the manor, granted a reversion of her tenement, contrary to the custom of the manor, to Pigion or Brushe, two of his servants, thereby threatening her children with the loss of what is theirs by due custom, and of being left "to the almes of the parish" after her death. She asks that the messuage be granted to her and her children, and that the said Pigion and Brushe be ordered to surrender their interest in it.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1530.)
See P. 1527 infra p. 177.
[1604, June]. An inquiry has established that the King is entitled to the wardship of the youngest daughter and to the livery of the other two daughters. The estate of inheritance to all three is in reversion to Lady Wharton, but there is provision for each of the daughters to levy £500. Bridget, the eldest, was exercising her right in this respect at the death of Colby Tamworth. She lives at a distance from the property and is to receive the money annually from the tenants. Some of the latter, however, have chosen to repudiate her and to declare themselves tenants to Christopher Tamworth "an intruder against the King". The hope is expressed that the Court of Wards will support (? the commissioners) on behalf of the King and the three daughters against "the intruder" and all who claim anything under him.—Undated.
Endorsed: "June, 1604. Mr C. Tamworth." ½ p. (P. 2246.)