Cecil Papers: June 1608, 16-30

Pages 192-203

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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June 1608, 16-30

Sir Edward Hoby to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, June 16. Among the great offices and multitude of business annexed to a Lord Treasurer, give me leave to recommend a charge to the Earl of Salisbury as a chief councillor to the Queen's Majesty, the custody and government of the chief jewel I have now lent unto her Majesty for this progress, so much the more hereafter to be valued by me as she shall deserve her Majesty's liking and be pliable to your directions. Having thought of many and distrusting most that occurred in my conceit, I resolved to put a raw courtier under the Earl of Salisbury's protection.—Upbury near Rochester, 16 June, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (125 170.)
Advices from Ireland
1608, June 17. The same week here arrived two ships laden with corn from Limbrick; in them some Irishmen which were of Scotland, who confirm the news of the north, and that Nieli Garvie is the chief man in the action. They took 5 forts in Logh Foyle, and keep them; and soon after they took them 4 French ships came to the haven, whom the Irishmen entertained wonderful well. They tell also that the out isles of Scotland are risen against their King, and that 1500 passed into Ireland to help the Irishmen. In the Dirry and other forts taken by the Irish they slew only those that resisted them, and discharged the rest, taking all their goods.
The Earl of Thomond was sent into England to inform the King of the state of the country. They expected his return with 7000 men. The Earl of Clanrikerd is landed in Ireland a month agone. He was gathering all the forces of Connaught against O'Conor Sligo, who is also in arms with the rest. Divers gentlemen are committed for fear of rising, and great confusion in the land, fearing O'Nel is coming, whom they expect, as they say, with 10,000 men given him by the Pope and the title of King of Ireland. All persecution is left off, and great plenty of corn and cattle in the land.
Of my Lord of Delvin and Captain Terrell they hear no certain news, but the English suspect greatly they are in Logh Foyle, and were the surprisers of the forts. The Lord Deputy upon the first news sent the Knight Marshal to the north with all the forces that he might make upon the sudden. He was met by the Irish, and having lost 500 or 600 men, as the English reported, he was driven to retire. [Marginal note I say the Knight Marshal lost his men and retired.]—17 June, 1608.
pp. (195 17.)
Gio. Battista Borghese to Girolamo Merli
1608, June 17/27. Acknowledging receipt of his letter of April 12 at Constantinople.—Rome, 27 June, 1608.
Signed. Italian. ½ p. (195 21.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608] June 17. Thanks him for his care that he should receive no prejudice by the late imposition on sweet wines, whereof he is farmer. Begs for a renewal of his lease, detailing reasons. If the King purposes to let this new imposition, he begs that he may farm it; or, if not intended to be let, that his officer may collect it for the King.—17 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 3 pp. (195 18.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Privy Council
1608, June 18. Since my last of the 9th present I have been with the two Dukes of Infantado and Iritis, as also with the Conde de Chinchon, being all that of the Council of State are for the present here remaining. I delivered unto them that as one whose eyes are ever attentive upon whatsoever may give the least occasion of doubt between our Kings and countries, I could not but make known unto them that a great advantage is given to the enemies of the peace between them by drawing, or at least permitting, his Majesty's fugitive and evil affected subjects of Ireland to make the Groyne their rendezvous, considering how near and fitly it lies for their transportation. I desired them to consider that the cinders of the former fire, which (to serve their own turns and to make a diversion of the late Queen's forces) they had kindled in Ireland, were not yet so clearly quenched but that the emulators of their greatness and enemies of their state might, by blowing the bellows of jealousy of their intentions, kindle them anew upon those occasions of so much harbouring a people so unprofitable to themselves and so traitorous to their own sovereign and his government. That although myself made no doubt of the integrity of the King here nor of his royal gratitude to my master (who in all his actions has made demonstration of so much clearness and entirety towards him), neither made any esteem of those wretched parties whose forces are no more to be feared than the lean oxen of Egypt represented in the dream of Pharoah, viz. to devour by their idle mouths what they find provided by the industry of other men's hands; yet was I not ignorant what encouragement such favour as permission to gather themselves and make a place of residence in such a port may give unto the rebellious intentions of their unquiet companions yet remaining in that country who, whatsoever colour of religion or conscience they seek to put upon their disobedience, do in their hearts know truly none other God nor good than the ease of an idle life and exemption from civil government, whereby they are restrained from those bestial dissolutions whereunto the very nature of that nation is inclined.
Hereunto I was answered from them all with protestations they had not yet understood of any gathering of those Irish to the Groyne, and was especially required by the Constable to procure a list of the names or just account of the number of them, that such order might be taken as should give me a full satisfaction. They confessed they were not ignorant what an idle generation that country produces, and how much desire they have here to be delivered from their begging clamours; that they had not lately to their knowledge entertained any of new; the old (of whom they served themselves in the time of war with the Queen and had not fallen into any new overt offence against the King now reigning) they doubted not I would consider that they could not with honour leave destitute of the sustentation that had been formerly promised them. And with this for the time I held myself contented.
The Armada put in readiness for this next month (as by what from the several ports is advertised me I collect) will consist of some 23 or 24 galleons besides some other lesser vessels, and well furnished with soldiers, is to make its rendezvous at the Groyne. Whither their voyage is intended I cannot yet by any means understand. To have any purpose for Ireland, considering what they protest, I am neither so ill natured nor of so jealous a condition as once to conceive. To be at so great a charge upon any purpose for Virginia is as improbable, yet hold it the safest not to be secure in either.
The French Ambassador, as himself confessed unto me, upon some especial negotiation lately imposed by his master, having spent some time in asking and obtaining leave for his repair, is now gone to the King at Lerma. What the business is, as it was not fit for me to inquire of him, so can I not as yet reach unto it by any of the means I have used to others.
I suppose they have here had knowledge of what has passed between the King and the States, for the French Ambassador told me this other day that it was now become public. Howbeit to me they never use word of it, but show great satisfaction in all his Majesty's actions. His Majesty, I assure myself, wants not eyes and ears in France that will discover whatsoever may there be intended to his prejudice. That King having no mean so fit as the Great Mitre to settle his succession, nor so powerful to controvert it as the Kings on either hand of him, will no doubt not defer long to fasten himself with the one of them, considering upon how slender a thread depends his own possession. Of the matrimonial matter, so much talked of here, I am notwithstanding in no great doubt; for besides the many other difficulties, the unevenness of that bargain will ever be a rub sufficient to stay the running of that business, since by possibility a female from hence may carry these kingdoms to France, but in the like there the law Salic prohibits any descent of that crown to any of that sex that might draw it hither.
After writing thus much, having, for my more speedy attaining knowledge of the number of Irish in the Groyne, sent Cottington to the Conde de Pugno en Rostro, who is assigned by this state to be the angel of that nation, I am from him resolutely assured that the Constable and others of the Council have conferred and related what I said unto them, and it is determined that both those there and such as are yet remaining here shall make no longer abiding than till they may be drawn together and shipped for Flanders, and that there shall not any be left in either place but only some 3 or 4 of the priests and principalest to whom the King here has some especial obligation. Cottington replying that he knew I would be desirous to be satisfied what now they would do with so many Irish in those countries, the peace being so likely to ensue, he answered shortly that it little concerned me if the King were pleased there to give them means to sustain their lives, considering that most of them had heretofore adventured them in his service.
I am also certainly advertised that all embargos for goods of contrabanda are countermanded, and the officers and office of the 30 per 100 cancelled. These are good indices of an intention of quiet; and were there not fiery spirits that never cease to blow the coals of malice, in regard of our differences in religion, I verily believe such to be the peaceable inclination of the King himself and those that most prevail with him, as they would be content that we should sit there in peace under the harbour of our oaks, so as here with like security they might enjoy the shadow of their fig trees.
By drawing the Irish into the Low Countries your Lordship will easily conjecture what is intended, and I myself not evil pleased they shall be where their actions may with most facility be observed.— Madrid, 18 June, 1608.
PS. These enclosed letters coming to my hands after the concluding of mine, I thought it not amiss, in regard of some points therein contained, to send unto your Lordship with the copy of a letter from the Viceroy of Portugal, whereby you may understand what the King here commanded, how punctually the Viceroy observed the promise that at his being here he made me, and how well he has upon my request dispatched the business of the wife of Gomez de Avyla, whom by your letters of November 8 last you recommended unto me. You shall likewise, by an abstract of a letter sent to an Irishman in this Court, see what his Majesty's rebellious subjects in Ireland report of the late actions there and of future hopes at the return of their Tyrone, who they dream shall come again with power, as in old times the Britons did of their King Arthur. I neither understand nor conceive that from hence they are likely to have any further aid than bread only to keep them alive; and some of them live in great want of that, especially those of the best sort. O'Sullivan Beere yesternight was with me, and with tears in his eyes desired me to obtain for him the King's pardon upon any conditions. He is this day to go towards the Groyne whither he is sent with hope of receipt of some money arreared of his pension, and to return hither again, being one of those I suppose intended to be continued in this kingdom.
The Armada here will not, I am informed, be in readiness till August, and for anything I can conjecture is purposed for the wafting home of the fleet that brings the treasure from the Indies: Virginia notwithstanding, lying not far out of their way, may perhaps invite them thither, whereof I assure myself you have that care that appertains, as also will not be too secure in what may be purposed for Ireland, although in mine own particular opinion I clear them of all intention.
The French Ambassador, whom I thought to have been gone to Lerma to the King, fell suddenly sick and has been in some peril, by means whereof he stayed his own journey and sent his secretary. The report of our intentions here, of allying with his [the French] King, still continues, and in the house of the Ambassador himself is for the present very fresh amongst his servants.
Signed. Endorsed in a later hand: "To be compared with Winwood." 5¼ pp. (125 172.)
— to —
1608, June 19/29. Is going tomorrow to — when all has been sent to Hulst. The ending of the company cannot be helped; must turn to other commodities. The "Gran Mair" taken to Luxemburg a week ago. Will endeavour to end the matter before the Count of Emden if he will send a small sum to satisfy the advocates, etc. In haste from Brussels, 29 June, 1608.
German. 1 p. (126 4.)
Imposition on Lead etc.
1608, June 20. Warrant to the Earl of Salisbury abating the warrant of 2 June last which levies certain duties on lead, tin and pewter, to 5s per cwt on unwrought and 2s 6d on wrought tin and pewter.— Westminster, 20 June, 1608.
Signed by the King. 1 m. (219 6.)
John Gurgenny to Sir Charles Cornwallis
1608, June 22. Your letters unto the "Vizking" [Viceroy] here in behalf of my brother I have taken knowledge of, and being by some good means a suitor to his Excellency, did take occasion to entreat his answer to you. And because I understood he informed himself wholly of the state of my brother's cause by the relation of the Inquisition, which will be rather according to their own wills than the truth of their proceedings, I have moved him to receive information thereof by some persons that have sundry times conferred with my brother, with the Inquisitors and with me, by whose certain knowledge of the true state of the business he may be so well advertised that he may write directly how it now stands, which way will perhaps be surest for accomplishing the end.
He seemed to accept of this means in good part, and has promised to write by this courier to your Lordship and, I think, to his Majesty, which I hope will be to good purpose. He seems to have a very honourable disposition towards strangers, especially to the English, so with patience I continue here seeking every opportunity for procuring a good end; which I find so cold that if it were not that your favour has encouraged me to continue my hopes I should despair of help.
There is one special point to be required concerning the articles of peace, which I caused to be drawn into an order, pretending to be advised thereof, and have been with divers letrados to have their resolute opinions therein, but here is not one will presume to give his censure thereon without licence of the Inquisition first obtained; which perguntas, in such manner as I had drawn them, I here send you a copy. In my opinion the interpretation of these points were very necessary for all English that have any business in these parts; and so if you could obtain a determination in this matter there, I could be content to pay the charge of it in regard of the present benefit I may receive thereby. I caused a petition in the name of the consul to be framed, but for some respects was persuaded to forbear as yet to proceed here.
I understand by the English Father of St Roque that the Inquisitors have resolved that unless my brother will become Roman Catholic he shall never have his liberty, though the King of Spain, the King of France and the Emperor should write to them in his behalf; nay, he says they will contest with the Pope himself though he wrote to them to that purpose. What will be the end if this be true, God knows, and I must then surcease, but as I never heard any man speak it before nor since, I may rather persuade myself he spake this out of spleen and desire to have it so than for any certain knowledge he had of their secret determinations.—Lisbon, 22 June, 1608.
PS. Here enclosed goes the Viceroy's letter which this day I received of him. I hope it will come safely to your hands.
Holograph. 2 pp. (125 165.)
Deputy Lieutenants of Lancaster and Chester to the Earl of Derby. Lord Lieutenant
1608, June 22. They have viewed 650 of the 700 soldiers appointed to be at Chester on the 14th instant, 50 of Essex not having yet repaired thither; and enclose certificate of absents, defects, supplies, arms and apparel. Much complaint arises among the soldiers against their conductors with respect to their apparel, conduct and gift money, because in most of the rolls the amount of allowances due is not specified. They recommend that the lieutenants or commissioners of counties should be required to give these particulars in their rolls.— Chester, 22 June 1608. John Savage, W. Brereton, G. Bouthe.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (195 20.)
Sir Robert Yaxley to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[1608, June 24]. There is one Straunge, a priest, prisoner in the Tower, who I hear is sick. Himself or his friends desire he may be removed to any other prison with offer of good security for his true imprisonment. The King shall save 100l a year; myself shall gain 100l, and he never the further from hanging if need require. If it may be done without scandal, I would be glad to have it; not for love either of him or his sect, but merely for the money which (to confess truly) I have some need of.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "24 June, 1608." ½ p. (125 178.)
Katherine Walsh to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June 25. Give me leave by this gentleman, my brother Thorpe, his Majesty's servant, to acquaint you how I have renewed to his Majesty, in the behalf of myself and my children, the suit begun by Mr Walsh in his lifetime, and what answer his Majesty has made; whereby I hope you will continue your favour formerly intended to Mr Walsh. I crave your help for the better relief of me and my children, who by reason of their father's sickness, gotten by that service, have been deprived the more unseasonably of our chiefest stay and left indebted by the same, both by charge of physic in his long, lingering sickness, and several attendances here upon his Majesty's resolution, for that recompense so graciously intended by the King; and partly by hard measure in his accounts, as my brother can also inform you.—From my lodgings in Stronde, 25 June, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 1.)
Nevill Davis to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, June 28/July 8. In my last of the 17 June I certified of the departure of the Nova Spania fleet, since which there is order come from the King to Don Francisco Duarte for the furnishing of two great flyboats and two small ships to carry provisions and workmen to the Havana for the building of 8 galleons with all expedition. Some say there is order to make twelve. Also it is here reported the King has given in charge for the making of divers great ships in Byskey and Galizia, but from those parts you shall have better advertisement than from hence. Yesterday I received letters from my Lord's [Cornwallis's] secretary, wherein he writ of Sir Antonie Sherleyes sudden coming to the Court of Spain, and also Sir William Stanleye's: God grant it be for good. The duchy and we are more persecuted with the 30 than ever we were, by reason the King has given to the Council of War the forfeiture of all bonds, conditionally that they shall defray the charge for the removing of the Court with their provisions from Valledoleth to Madrid, whereof there is yet a great part to pay, so it seems they have given a straight order to the judge for the "coburlating" of all such bonds. It is generally disliked that such mean courses should be taken for the molesting of poor strangers that come hither to trade, and by whom the King receives so excessive profit. The Council of War being made judges of such causes as we have in their tribunal, there will be but small hope of equal dealing when they and the judge of the 30ty shall report. I fear of 100 they will scarce leave us 15.
In my last I certified you of an edict come from the King, that no strangers might keep lodging or entertain guests, though they were of their own country, but that we must be constrained to lodge in Spaniards' houses. The officers have since gone to English merchants such as keep houses of themselves for their trade, and not for lodgings, and finding in one of their houses at dinnertime two masters of ships, whereof one John Beadford was one of them and his purser who were invited by Thomas Bayetes and John Skybow, partners, and had taken the house together. For this cause, the justice has apprehended Thomas Baytes, proceeding against him as a breaker of the King's proclamation. It has already cost 100 realts, and what more it will stand them in we know not till the conclusion. One William Davis the younger was in Cadez troubled for the like, being imprisoned three days, and before he could be cleared it cost him 250 realts. Thus they seek daily new inventions to molest us, and none are so hardly dealt withal as our sovereign's subjects. Where the Spaniard in words promises all kind usage, we find by their actions to the contrary, yet can find no remedy.—From Sivel, 8 July 1608. stillo nova [sic].
Holograph. 1½ pp. (126 2.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, June 29. Conceived of Pedro de Toledo's negotiation in France that it is to match the 2 sons of Spain with the 2 daughters of France, that to the youngest son should be given the inheritance of the Low Countries after the decease of those Princes. The French fetch horses out of Luxembourg for some wrong formerly done them, finding no redress but by reprisal. Sir Edward Baynham an extra[ordinary] pensioner. His great allowance suspicious. Two gentlewomen newly arrived at the Nunnery; 1, a sister to Sir Everard Digby: 2, Mrs Snatchpoole of Kent, whose brother is a priest at Brussels.
Abstract. (227 p. 348.)
Concealed Debts
1608, June 29. Warrant to the High Treasurer of England on behalf of William Sha, one of his Majesty's carvers, and Thomas Murray, attending the Duke of York.
Signed: James R. Countersigned: T. Lake. Seal. 1 p. (126 3.)
Docquets of Letters and Warrants
[1608, June 29.] A letter to the Lord Treasurer signifying his Majesty's pleasure to bestow on Thomas Pott, his Majesty's servant, the benefit of the recusancy of Peter Maxwell of Meere, Staffordshire, George Smith of Ashby, Leicestershire, and Hue Brudnell of Rufford Abby, Notts; not yet convicted.
A like letter bestowing on Case Urley, George Seaman and Thomas Williams, his Majesty's servants, the benefit of the recusancy of Richard Monington of Sarnesfield, Herefordshire, Esq, the younger; John Bullock of Whittington, gent; Johan Lochard of the Lyne, in the parish of Pembridge, widow; Margery Vaughan, of Kynnersley, widow; Raphe Hopkins of Walford, Herefordshire, and Charles Vaughan of Linton, Radnorshire; not yet convicted.
A like letter for John Moryson, his Majesty's servant, to have the benefit of the recusancy of John Finch of Milton, Kent, gent, and Edward Wiborn of Battell, Sussex, gent; not yet convicted.
A like letter for the Lady Southwell to have the benefit of the recusancy of the Lady Russell, Everingham Cressy, Esq, Richard Stapleton. Esq. William Ire, gent, Edward Rockwood, Esq, Thomas Walton, Esq, Katherine Poole, widow, Robert Barnes of Cowdry, Esq, George Peckam, Esq of Stanley Grange, and George Smith, gent; not yet convicted.
A letter to his Majesty's Commissioners in Holland, to deal with the States for the restoring of Sir John Veer to his wonted place of command, from which he was fallen for the killing of a French gentleman.
A letter to the Bishop of St Davys to restore Oliver Lloyd, Doctor of the Laws, to his own Chancellorship of that diocese, or to bestow the Commissaryship of Brecknock upon him, according to a judgment and an advice of the Archbishop of Canterbury, given upon hearing of the difference betwixt them; procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to the Lord Treasurer signifying his Majesty's pleasure to bestow on William Sha, one of his Majesty's carvers, and Thomas Murray, attending the Duke of York, certain concealed debts forfeited by attainder before 18 Elizabeth, so as this exceed not the number of 14 persons, and the quantity of the debts be made known to the Lord Treasurer within 6 months; procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Master of the Ordnance for a supply of certain materials for the fort of Pendennys near the haven of Falmouth.
A dispensation for Adrien Bayly to absent himself from his vicarage of Stepleclaydon, in respect of his impotency, so as he lives within the limits of his said parish; subscribed by the Bishop of London, procured ut supra.
A grant to Robert Walker and Richard Brasse of the goods and chattels of William Claxton and Richard Booth of London, esquires, recusants, in consideration of 33/4 (being the value of the third part thereof) paid into the Exchequer; and a demise also of the two parts of their lands for 41 years, if they remain so long in his Majesty's hands by reason of their recusancy; for which there is yearly reserved to your Majesty during the life of Catherine Ratcliff the several rents of 3l 9s 8d, and after her decease the said sum of 3l 9s 8d to your Majesty. Procured ut supra.
A discharge to Sir Thomas Bludder, John Eldred and others, the contractors for preemption of tin, of one year's rent, 2000l, in respect of so much money by them paid beforehand into the Exchequer. By order from the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The room of one of his Majesty's musicians for the violins granted to Alexander Chesam, with the ordinary fee of 20d by the day, and 16l 2s 8d for his livery during his life; subscribed by the Lord Chamberlain.
Warrant to the Exchequer for the paying to Abraham Abercomby, saddler to the Prince, of 224l 10s 0d at two several payments, on the last day of June, 1609 and last day of June, 1610; by order from the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
An annuity of 100l granted to John Chalk, gent, his Majesty's servant, upon surrender of a like pension heretofore granted to Sir Henry Lindsey, Kt; procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to the Lord Deputy to take a surrender of the letters patents of Sir Richard Grynvile, and to regrant the same to Barnard Grynvile, his son and heir, with such reservations of rents, services and duties as were contained in the former letters; and moreover to give him power to create manors, and to grant estates of them to such persons as he shall think fit, and to keep courts, markets and fairs as the Lord Deputy shall think convenient. Not subscribed by any. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A like letter to the Lord Deputy to take a surrender of the lands and estate in Iregan of Captain Tady Doyne, and to regrant the same to him in fee simple, and moreover to keep courts, markets and fairs as the Lord Deputy shall think convenient; and besides to signify his Majesty's pleasure for the ending of a controversy between the said Taddy and his brother depending in the Chancery there. Not subscribed by any. Procured ut supra.
The office of Steward of the manor and soke of Kirton in Lindsey in the county of Lincoln, parcel of the possessions of the Duchy of Cornwall, with the fee of 6l 13s 4d for Henry, Earl of Lincoln, during his life, upon surrender of a former grant to Sir Roger Dallison, Kt. Procured ut supra.
Warrant to Sir William Fleetwood, Receiver of the Court of Wards and Liveries, to make payment of certain pensions payable before in the Exchequer, to the value in all of 4,754l and of 1,245l more to be paid into the Exchequer. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General.— Undated.
In hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "29 June, 1608. Docquett Signett" 3½ pp. (195 22.)
The Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June 30. They send the enclosed petition repeating its substance. If a "pawne" be erected as proposed, it will in time draw mercers, goldsmiths and all other chief traders to settle themselves out of the city in those parts, for the supply of "tearmers", being in the highway by which they pass to Westminster, and of such as reside thereabouts, to the great decay of the trade within the city. They doubt not his wisdom will consider the consequences thereof.—London, 30 June, 1608.
Signed: Henry Rowe, Mayor; Leonard Hallydine; Thomas Bennett; Humffrey Welde; Thomas Hayes; Jhon Leman; George Bolles; Richard Farryngton; Geffrey Elwes; Nicholas Style; Thomas Cambell; William Craven; James Pemberton; William Romeny; Stephen Soame; Clement Scudamore; Thomas Myddelton; William Watthall.
1 p. (195 24.)
The Enclosure
The Tenants and Farmers of the Shops in the Royal Exchange to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London
The Earl of Salisbury has begun to set up at Durham House, in or near the Strand, a certain new building [Britain's Burse] which shall be employed for a house to buy and sell such wares as are usually bought and sold in the Royal Exchange. It will doubtless be planted with many strangers, and, being within the liberty of Westminster, will occasion many of the nobility and gentry to buy there, rather than go so far as the Exchange, so that the petitioners' trades will be overthrown, and the worthy monument of the Exchange discredited. They are in good hope that, if his Lordship be informed what great damage will be done by the said building if so employed, he will desist from the erection thereof, or else convert it to some other purpose; and they beg the Lord Mayor to so inform him.—Undated.
Petition signed by: Robert Stratford; Thomas Alport; Christoffor Potkyn; Francis Lodge; William Withnall; John Warners; Richard Spencer; Jasper Ouldham; Benjamin Hill; Edmund Reckever; Thomas Whittington; Christophar Porttor; William Tottell; Robart Whipp; John Potkyn; Francis Wells; Raphe Robinsone; Nicholas Humfreye; Alexander Lake; Lancelot Dalston; Barnaby Bennett; Godfrey Reeve; John Vaughan; Thomas Chesshirre; William Peacok; Michaell Sison; George Geslyng; Edmund Steedman; William Crackplace; Thomas Adams; William Fynnyng; Richard Kitteringe; Widdow Williams; Thomas Stevenson; William Mason; Thomas Carleton; John Burton; John Cannett; John Hill; Richard Smyth; Richard Croshawe; Thomas Buckner; Anthony Clowes; John Dumydge; Lancellot Johnson; Thomas Jackson; Robert Heayes; Robert Wadeson; Thomas Darbyshere; Edwarde Wadesonn; Rice Webb; William Swann; Paule Barrowe; John Cooke; William Chapman; John Ampleford; Rowland Sadler; Robert Standishe; William Tanner; John Ellis; Raphe Edmondes; William Brewer; Myles Corney; Edward Worsopp; Thomas Brente; William Jeffreyes; Henry Averell; Augustine Morgen; Widdow Clinte.
1 p. (195 25.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June. This instant affords little matter general worth the writing more than what is contained in my letter to the Council. In particular causes of my countrymen, since my last letter, there has been little proceeding. The business of Sycilla was surely either bred or brought forth under an unfortunate constellation. The parties, whom the owners have sent hither to solicit it, have ever showed either to have evil hap or evil heads. It is true that they follow the business, but with such a pace and in such a path, as I fear it will be long before they overtake it. The Duke of Feria having no shift left wherewith longer to delay it, the one lawyer whom only the solicitor had acquainted with the cause (this Court affording divers others, if it had pleased him to have entertained them) finds an occasion to take a voyage to Lerma, where the King is, and by that means all proceedings enforced to be stayed till his return. Of that of Sardinia I have good hope, if the merchants send a power and enlarge their proofs for the value of the goods, with more particularities, as in letters to themselves I have advertised. For Mr Vanlore I continually solicit an end in the matter of his ransoms, but cannot as yet attain it, the same depending in the Court of the Pope's Nuntio, where I have no favour but what I work from others. His brother-in-law, George Tibaut, is many days since departed from hence, neither did he much advance the business when here. Thomas Henderson is fed with daily hopes of the recovery of his money, but so great is for the present the scarcity as he must have patience. The millions granted to his Majesty by his parliament are now assented unto, but the difficulties will be great in gathering them. It was late my fortune in the house of the Conde de Chinchon to meet with the Friar that labours the peace. At my departure from the Conde, who lay upon his couch pained with the gout, he accompanied me out, only with desire to let me know how much he desired conference with me, were it not so perilous unto him by reason of the extreme jealousy of this state. I have since used one unto him to whom he allows access, and is not dainty of the discovery of his mind. He confesses that before his last return he was held and reported here either to be a Lutheran, a confident to the state, or a traitor to his own sovereign; that he has now drawn himself into a better reckoning yet not wholly clear of their suspicion, and expects shortly the King's determinations which are committed to the dispatch of Don Juan de Idyaques, yet begins to doubt that they must have an August sun to ripen them. He seems to carry a good affection to the King my master, and utters some suspicion that these Irish rebels have some underhand support, but will by no means imagine it to come from the King himself here, and less from the Archdukes, yet confesses that there are some of the principal ministers here exceedingly evil affected, wrought, as he insinuates (but will not plainly pronounce) by the fugitives of our country. This was the first; my hope is, those that follow will draw out more, which will be the less difficult for that the party tells me that the Friar gives not a full stop to his sentences without a comma to the cup. The heat here begins now to be very extreme, yet those of my household are now all in good health. You will, I doubt not, when his Majesty's service shall permit it, out of compassion of one so much your servant, draw me and them that have so long run the peril with me out of this dangerous and distemperate place.—Madrid, June, 1608, stylo vet.
Signed. 2 pp. (126 5.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, June. I should not have troubled your Lordship at this time in respect of the little occasion that is now offered of writing unto you, were it not to convey this enclosed letter from the party who is known to you, not knowing of what importance the same may be, etc. Tyrone's allowance at Rome made by Spain furnished with 400 crowns monthly from the Viceroy of Naples. Greater entertainment given Tyrone by the Duke of Lorraine than was expressed in his letter. The picture of Jarvis the Jesuit set forth with this inscription, Interfectus ab haereticis quod noluit juramentum Regis Angliae contra sedis Apostolicae authoritatem admittere.
Abstract. (227 p. 347.)