Cecil Papers: February 1608, 16-28

Pages 70-96

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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February 1608, 16-28

[The Earl of Salisbury] to the Archbishop of York
1607–8, Feb. 16. When I consider the great cause you have to be grieved, as well out of natural as Christian considerations, I should wrong myself if I should not express unto you how much I suffer with you, professing one and the same religion as you do, and having made both the world and yourself know that I esteem of you as of my very good friend; this being an addition of trouble to my mind that, when I write to you how well I wish you, I must at the same time let you know I cannot help you. For although you might very well have appealed unto me among other of your good friends if your son, full of good moral qualities, should not only have been suffered to run the fortune of many for recusancy but have been worse used than any, (your merit, his youth and your friends considered); yet I am persuaded, when you shall understand that he has so wholly given himself over to the Church of Rome as he will not take the oath of allegiance, whatsoever you may think of your misfortune, you will yet suspend any doubtful construction of your friends among the which I was one, when the young gentleman lately presented himself to the Council and received his Majesty's pleasure, which was that in regard of his gracious respect to you he should have liberty to travel where otherwise by the law he was to undergo the penalty of the premunire, after he should be indicted. So as. my Lord, although I will not dispute whether you have reason to be more grieved with his transportation than his restraint, yet will I conclude that were he my son I would rather leave it to God's providence what may work in him, where he may see all other parts of the world with some contentment saving his native country, than suffer him to be enclosed within stone walls, where he shall see no more of his native country than is contained within a prison.—From the Court at Whitehall, 16. Feb. 1607.
Draft. Endorsed: "Copie from my Lo[rd] to the Archbishop of York about the banisshment of his sonne." 2 pp. (120 76.)
Sir Henry Townshend to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8,] Feb. 16. I received your letters at this my sitting at Chester in the behalf of Mr Rondell Bruerton and your servant Mr Bruerton, who were plaintiffs, against one Mr Gravener before me in the Exchequer for title of commons. The matter I heard at large, and in the end I settled the possession with Mr Bruerton, and so dismissed the title to the common law. But yet upon my motion interim they have referred the cause to be mediated by two gentlemen, to order if they can. There were threescore causes in the book of hearing which I have heard and ordered, besides many rules, at this my sitting, and now are in the midst of our (sic) service for the county of Chester, where we find not very much doing but the country quiet. So ever presuming [holograph from here] your Lordship to be my chief patron, so long I serve his Majesty truly, [I] humbly take my leave.—From Chester, this 16th of February.
Signed. Seal Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (120 77.)
Henry Lok to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 16. This term being now ended, and my law suit stayed, I renew my former request to go into the Low Countries, as well to see and comfort my sons as to shun peril and conceal wants.—16 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (124 92.)
1607–8, Feb. 16/26. From Couloigne, 26 Feb. 1608. Our ordinary advices from Vienna report others from Possonia to the effect that the Archduke Matthias had had the proposition made in the Diet there, and has been present in person in the Assembly and Council to resolve upon and give order for what shall be necessary. His Highness gives each one prompt audience, but the Haydugges continue always obstinate, that is to say, if they are not given all the satisfaction heretofore promised them, they will pursue their object with their friends and allies the Turks, and will attack and devastate the territories of the Emperor. It is feared therefore that the last disasters will be worse than the first.
I hear from Praage of the arrival there of Prince Louys of Anhalt and the Duke of Teschin, who has presented his Imperial Majesty with two fine Turkish horses. The cause of their arrival is not yet known. The Duke of Braunswick is also expected there, and his lodging is being prepared.
I am informed also by private letters from the said Prague that the Pope's Nuncio was treating in great secrecy with the Emperor's councillors over certain matters, and that the Bishops of Wirtzbourch, Bambergh, Auguste and Ratisbon were in constant correspondence with him. What it is all about, time will inform us.
Nothing has yet been concluded at the Diet of Ratisbon. The Emperor persists in his demand for 4000 horse and 20,000 foot soldiers, but it is not known what will be granted his Majesty. It is thought that the conduct of the Diet will be regulated in accordance with the progress of the peace in Holland.
From Germany the deaths of the Dukes Ferdinand of Bavaria and of Wirtenberch from apoplexy are confirmed. The Duke of Wirtenberch has a son old enough to rule. From what I can learn, his studies have been sufficient. It is also said that Dominus Pistorius will die a similar death.
We are advised from Strasbourch that their new Bishop, the Archduke Leopold, has taken the oath to the said town, and the town, on the other hand, to his Highness, who behaved very amiably and offered himself altogether to their service.
It is much feared hereabouts that the ice which must come down from the Upper Rhine will still do much harm as has happened already at Duysseldorf, Nuys and elsewhere, on account of the mass and force of the ice which has lately come out of the Moselle and Nider Rhyn. Moreover, in two places below this town, the Rhine has overflowed its banks and inundated some fields and good lands and meadows, which occasions much complaint from the poor peasants. Their grievances are increased by the daily rise in price of the lenten meats and grains.
The merchants here, seeing the frosts continue and that perhaps the rivers will not be open before Lent, are now taking to loading wagons with their goods to be taken to Francfort fair.
From Rome, 9 Feb. 1608. The Council of this town had resolved to put a new tax of 4½ "juli" upon wines sold by innkeepers towards the repair of the damage caused by the inundation of the Tiber; but the Pope's demand from the Roman people of a contribution of 100,000 crowns for the same purpose has led to the appointment of eight gentlemen to take resolution thereupon.
It is said that the Catholic King, after having modified the costs and expenses of his Court, has also put down the provisions which he has been accustomed to pay in Flanders, amounting to more than 300,000 crowns. On the other hand, the King of France has increased his extraordinary provisions this year to over 200,000 francs, those of the Court alone exceeding 40,000 crowns per annum.
By an extraordinary letter from the King of Spain to the Grand Duke, we understand that the nomination to the church of Valencia has cost the brother of Don Philippe de Tassis 20,000 crowns, and that on the 24th January the oath will be administered to the young Prince.
At Leghorn some boats are being armed, but with what object it is unknown. In addition to this, the Grand Duke is making extraordinary provisions of victuals and instruments of war.
Mutineers from Flanders have arrived here, who complain greatly of the bad treatment they received in the Archduke's lands there.
In the Kingdom of Naples 9000 foot and 3000 horse are to be levied, the Viceroy having sent for Don Antonio Mendozze, a soldier of great experience, back again. On the other hand, a great number of soldiers are also being levied amongst the Milanese.
We hear from France that the ceremonies of the Knights of the Holy Ghost (St Esprit) have taken place in the presence of the King, and that it has been ordained that from henceforth none but native Frenchmen shall be received into the Order.
From Venice, 15th ditto. They write from Milan that Fuentes had sent two couriers into Spain upon business of his own, and that the Most Christian King was treating for the marriage of the Prince of Piedmont with the eldest daughter of Tuscany, and for the assignment to her in dower of Bressia.
From Constantinople we are advised that the rebels of Natolia had occupied, sacked and burnt the town of Bursia, two days' journey from Constantinople, and had killed several Turks and Jews there. The Grand Turk has in consequence ordered all male (?masques) persons who are able to bear arms, to put themselves in order to go against the said enemy, and has also had three Bassas beheaded. On account of this, and also because infection continues to spread there, there is a great falling off in trade.
We hear also from France that the King has proclaimed that his subjects shall no longer trade in Africa and Barbary, in consequence of the capture and plundering by the Turks of some ships on their way to Marseilles.
On the other hand, those of Tunis, Algiers and other places have taken prisoners and enslaved all the French whom business brought there, and were instigated to this the more because the said King had had taken to Marseilles all the goods found in the ship Saderina.
The Duke of Savoy has sent a gentleman into Spain to make the King acquainted with the cause of the imprisonment of the Sieurs d'Albigni and Roncatie.
From Genoa they write that they have had advice from Spain that the King was willing to modify the decree published heretofore, and to this end to tell those interested that he was willing to give them a note of all their credit. But the discovery at last that his Majesty's debts were far greater than they had supposed, has caused them to be molested afresh.
We have also letters from Turin, which report that the company of one hundred horse led by Mons. d'Albigni has been disbanded by order of the Duke there, and all his family put in prison. Le Roncatie has been publicly beheaded at Turin, and the Count Gyudo San George has been appointed the new Governor of Savoy.
On Saturday passed into the better life Sr Ant°. Querini. His good qualities cause general grief at his death.
French. 4 pp. (194 122.)
France and the United Provinces
1607–8, Feb. 17/27. Contemporary extracts from the ratification by the French King of his league with the United Provinces; and from the ratification by the United Provinces of the same league.—Paris, 27 Feb. 1608, and later dates.
French. 2¼ pp. (115 72.)
Sir Robert Yaxley to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Feb. 17.] Once more to trouble your Lordship with these few lines. I am out of employment or hope of any. I have lived as long as I can of my humble means, which now begin to fail. I would not tell you so were I not confident of your worthy respects towards all such as either have had, have or may have any worth in them. You may easily do me good, you can never do for a more thankful man, and one that may live to deserve it towards you or yours. "My thinks" I hear you ask why I only seek you thus? I must confess truly I can seek no man else; yet if this offend, it is my last. Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "17 Feb. 1607." ⅓ p. (120 81.)
Lord Cobham to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 17. I have formerly entreated Mr Lieutenant to move you to favour me touching the 100l Dr Foster had of me, to have gone with me to the Spawe, by whom I understood you held my request reasonable and promised me furtherance, for which I thank you. I will set down the reasons why I ask this money. The Doctor I was never acquainted with but a fortnight before my commitment. In that time he was but thrice with me. The 100l he received upon the Thursday; the Friday following I was committed. I was to provide horses for him and his servant, his charges both going and coming I was to bear, and he to return by "Bartelmutid" (Bartholomewtide); so that he was at no charge in the world. The time of year was then unfit to give physic, so he lost nothing; but my promise to him was that he should return by Bartholomewtide, because he might lose no patients nor his gain. When I asked him, before Mr Lieutenant, if that I had been in statu quo prius, whether he would have denied me the money, his answer was that I was then great, and he durst not have stood with me; so you see it is my fall, not the equity of the cause, that makes him deny me. My state I forget not. I know I cannot claim this, for I have lost all. The King is gracious, and I presume of your favour, and protest you shall do a deed of charity, for my sickness and pains increase upon me, and so my charge.—From the Tower, 17 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Signed: H. Brooke. 1 p. (193 72.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Roger Aston
[1607–8, Feb. 18.] Although I said to his Majesty at his departure that I would forbear to write except there were necessary occasion, which I did because I make it a conscience [?not] to cumber him there with letters, when he has been here overpressed with business, and left behind him such directions as do rather require execution than new consultation; yet I never meant to bind my hands from writing to some about him, if it were but to tell him how much I love him as well as how much I fear him. And therefore let this be the first preface of my letter, that you do kiss his hand from me as from him that desires no breath to respire after him, nor shall take pleasure to live longer than when I find myself thirst to please him. Next, let him see this enclosed which I received from Mons. Caron, and tell his Majesty that the Commissioners of both sides have been so peremptory upon the question mentioned in the letter, as for five or six days all has stood at a stay. All which notwithstanding, I assure myself the difficulties will be accommodated now the business is so far onward, whereof we shall shortly hear further when the Commissioners send us answer to the last dispatch, which the north-east wind kept long from arrival there. Plato's scholars repeated their master's precepts to the best of their memory, and what has been done of matter of depopulation, with the conclusion of the bargain for Farnham, going on with the loan, and divers other things, the Master of the Requests and Sir Thomas Lake (who will take their journey tomorrow) will relate, which will be more sensible than anything I can write. Of the matters concerning the mine, our care is now to be sure that all things may be ready for a perfect trial of the ore, which cannot now be long on the way, considering where the wind has been these two days. For which purpose we have assembled all the Commissioners, and taken so good order as it shall be no sooner arrived but we will fall to sever the ore from all other dross, and then shall we see what will be the goodness thereof in the refining; wherein although of ten tons we expect not five tons of ore, yet by that five tons sufficient judgment will be made of the nature of all the ore that can be hereafter gathered; for though I doubt not but the mine will yield us many a thousand ton of ore, yet the medium of this will little vary from the rest. Of which all that I will write for the present shall be this, that whosoever speaks most considerately or sparingly of it will confess ere many months that Scotland has yielded us the richest mine that ever was discovered in Europe. Would God I had not cause to say that it has also yielded the wisest King and the best master in Christendom, for then should I less groan than I do under the burthen of gratitude for those infinite favours which can never be deserved.
Draft. Endorsed: "1607, Feb. 18. Minute to Sir Roger Aston." 7½ pp. (120 82.)
Sir George Carew to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 18. These gentlemen, Mr Maynard and Mr Bowyer, at their coming into France, brought me a letter from you in their commendation, which has made me have the greater eye upon them. I must give them my testimony of their discreet and respectful carriage. I would have been glad to have given them any help in my power, both for their own merit and also to give you assurance that I will hold everything very dear that shall come recommended from you.—Paris, 18 Feb. 1607.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "Sir Geo. Carew by young Maynard." ⅓ p. (120 86).
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8. Feb. 18. The packets from the Commissioners in Holland addressed to the Archduke himself, so as the business is carried with much secrecy. Secret means by all the United Provinces, save only Holland and Zeeland, to insist upon the point of religion. Jealousies against the Duke of Savoy. 900,000 crowns at Barcelona to be shipped for Genoa, from thence to be transported into the Low Countries. Tyrone with his wife ready to go towards Rome; advertisement from thence touching his cause.
Abstract. (227 p. 343.)
The Adventure to Virginia
1607–8, Feb. 18. "This 200 marks was paid to Sir Walter Cope the 18th of Feb. 1607, without any acquittance from him, for he promised to procure an acquittance under the Treasurer's hand for the same, but yet he hath delivered none. Teste me, J.B."
Endorsed: "Feb. 18, 1607. 33l: 6s; 8d paid to Sir W. Cope for adventure to Virginia." ½ p. (213 55.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 19. I send you here the discourse I told you of, which truly I think worth your reading. When you have done with it, I beseech you return it unto me. You shall find in it, my Lord, your father's authority alleged how a prince may avoid an unfit contract. I will wait on you when you are at leisure, to satisfy myself in witnessing unto you how much I acknowledge myself bound for your late noble dealings with me.—At the Court, 19 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (120 87.)
Noel de Caron to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 19. The suppliant, whose petition is enclosed, has been long favourably known to him. And as he and his brother (who lives in Spain) have been accused by one William Cannon to have trafficked in Holland and Zeeland, though indeed they were natives of those Provinces, contrary to the truth, as Salisbury will find more fully by their said petition; and as by his accusations they have sustained damage in 3000l sterling at least, he recommends their said petition, that they may have justice against their accuser.—At South Lambeth, 19 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "Sir Noel Caron recommending the petition of John van Erpe." 1 p. (120 88.)
Raphe Dobbinson to the Privy Council
1607–8, Feb. 19. For allowance for the maintenance of John Thakwrey, committed to his custody.—19 Feb. 1607.
1 p. (P 850.)
Sir Roger Wilbraham to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 20. This rainy day I moved his Majesty upon the petition of Brian Gunter, to have his liberty upon surety till the cause in the Star Chamber be appointed to be heard; the rather because all examinations are taken and his learned counsel have many great causes for him the next term, and this also a matter of great length. His Majesty is very absolute to have it heard the next term, and where I told him the matter might be somewhat obscure, he said it was a plain cause by the daughter's confession after many examinations etc; and says the deferring thereof is only his dishonour and it shall be no longer deferred, and it was deferred the last term upon motion of the counsel to the end it might be heard this next term; and now he expects it to be heard, and the prisoner to remain as he does. I have no other matter to write but of the King's good health, his remove to Newmarket on Monday, for here the ground is so soft there can be no hunting. I never saw a less Court.—From Royston, 20 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ½ p. (120 89.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 20. It may please you to receive herewith a bundle of letters in parchment for the merchants trading the East Indies, which his Majesty signed since his being here. There is also the warrant for the farmers' "bandes" (bonds) altered as the Lord Treasurer would have it, which is that they should remain in the hands of such of his Majesty's officers of the Exchequer as Mr Chancellor should appoint. And I have sent also the letter touching the gaol in Westmorland, which is to be directed to the Countess of Cumberland and her daughter.—From the Court at Royston, 20 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (120 90(1).
Edmond Gurney to the Earl of Salisbury, Chancellor of the Older University (Senioris Academiae)
[1607–8] Feb. [20.] Will never cease to implore Salisbury not to allow him to be thought so unhappy, that when his presence promised so near a hope of remedy, nothing else but his own folly had destroyed that hope. It is said none ought to go away from the presence of a prince sad; therefore, as he has endured to hear his plaint, let him not cease to assist it. If he does not wish him well, will assuredly work him ill, for to be condemned by his sentence would be more honourable than to be neglected. Fears most lest others should be afraid, from his own example, to hope for his help. Earnestly prays his assistance.—"Datum hoc mane Cinericio." (February 20.).
Holograph. Latin. Endorsed: "Feb. 1607." 2/3 p. (120 110.)
The Provost and Seniors of King's College, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 20. Whereas it hath pleased you expressly to signify a ready interest of gratifying some of our Society, by preferment unto some ecclesiastical living in your gift, when any opportunity might be found, we are bold to recommend the request of the bearer, Edward Kellet, M.A., one of the Fellows, being a minister and for his sufficiency in learning well approved among us, who has lately found out a certain benefice with cure, now void, and depending on your disposition; which though it be not of any great yearly value, yet seems to be of reasonable competency to his contentment.—King's College, Cambridge, Feb. 20, 1607.
Signed; Ro. Goade, Provost; Richard Sutton, Vice-Provost; Henry Banister; Umph. Tredwey; William Lisle, Robert Osbaston; Abraham Bedel; Robert Warde; Richard Lancaster; Thomas Goade; Samuel Collins.
1 p. (136 149.)
Advertisements from Germany
1607–8, Feb. 20/March 1. From Prague, 1 March, 1608. We have as yet no better advices from Ratisbon for the Emperor than the preceding ones. In all the sittings there the Ambassadors of the Protestants, persist in their demands for the restoration of Dunawert to its first state, and after seeing the letters written by the Hungarians to the Princes and Estates of the Empire, they are confirmed in their opinion that the Emperor ought to observe the treaties of agreement made with the said Hungarians and those of peace made with the Turks, and even to approve and ratify all that the Archduke Matthias has done at Presbourg. If the said Ambassadors persist in these resolutions, it is to be feared that the Diet will separate without producing any fruits. The Archduke has sent off to Rome to have his actions justified, and it is said that he will send also to Spain and to some other Princes upon the same subject. However, he has had the cavalry, which the Emperor kept upon the frontier, paid and disbanded. It is said that he will retain ten companies of it to be at the pay of the province of Austria. Thus he follows up his first object and safeguards his affairs in those quarters, without any preparations being seen here to retard his designs, as if his assertion was believed that these designs had no other end than the service of the Emperor.
French. ¾ p. (194 124.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 21. Having had this night a sharp fit of an ague, and been enforced to keep my bed longer than ever I did since coming into Spain, I find myself very unapt to write much.
I understand there is a navy here preparing with all speed, for which purpose both the shipping of their own nation and of some others are embargoed, the Biscayans forbidden this year to go to the Newfoundland or by any other means to employ their mariners. They publish an intention of an enterprise for Argier (Algiers), but I rather imagine it to be for Virginia, in regard that of late much inquiry has been made, as I am informed, whether the planting there grows from the King or from particular subjects, and whether his Majesty intends to guard the goers thither with any of his own ships.
Money is here grown in appearance as scarce as ever; his Majesty pays not his own subjects or others to whom he owes. For my poor countrymen, after so many intolerable delays and so fresh promises of immediate payment out of the chests here, I am answered by the Treasurer that there is not a blank in his custody; and once again they would assign us into Portugal to be paid upon spice, where well they know there is neither spice nor money, and so have I plainly replied to the Duke himself.
Their provinces and towns corporate here, understanding from their procurators in this Parliament how far they have yielded to contributions, have, as I hear, disavowed them in it and sent them their protests to the contrary. The King hereby is enforced to send his grandees to the provinces and cities to persuade them. It seems strange to me and others how such great sums of money as came this year from the Indies should so suddenly be vanished; but [I] do verily think they hoard up in some corner for some intended enterprise.
For the poor prisoners at Seville I can yet receive no answer, the Duke, I hear, having for these many days withdrawn himself from all negotiations.—Madrid, 21 Feb. 1607, stilo veteri.
Signed. Endorsed: "Rec[eived] 13 Mart." 1½ pp. (120 90(2).)
Julien Henry and Ernest Louis, Dukes of Saxony to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 22. The bearer is one of our people, a German gentleman, whom we have ordered to inform you of our present condition caused by having trusted to our French friends, of which we now repent, perhaps too late. But we have so much confidence in you that we hope you will assist us in some way to return to our father, who awaits us with much affection. The bearer will explain all the circumstances, and we trust that you will pardon us for not coming to you in person. Undated.
Signed. French. Endorsed: "22 Feb. 1607. The two Saxon Dukes."
1 p. (134 107.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 22. Your packet came about 6 this morning, so I had time to cause some of the letters for alehouses to be made ready before his Majesty's going. Herewith you shall receive 6 of them. The rest shall be done at Newmarket. I have sent also the two bills and the commission for exemption from juries, concerning which it is to good purpose that which you have written by way of caution; for it was the first news I had at my arrival here, that one came to me in the name of himself and one of his fellows, to show me a motion they intended to his Majesty, which was for the benefit of 30 of those exemptions. Upon reading of your letters by his Majesty I had a just occasion to tell him of it; but your letter has armed him.
His Majesty willed me also to signify that he is desirous to hear of the success of the matter of the fines in the King's Bench, or what the impediment is why it is not put to a point; for except there be any greater than he has yet heard, he thinks it should not stay.—Court at Royston, 22 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193 73.)
Sir Henry Fowkes to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8] Feb. 23. Your noble favour in my late suit to the Lords at the Council table, ministered such comfort as I cannot sufficiently express the obligation I owe to so great a merit; which I have rather chosen at this time to acknowledge by these few lines than by my personal attendance; having in my late access observed how much your Lordship is continually pressed with the important services of his Majesty and the State.—London, 23 Feb.
Holograph. Seal, Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (120 91.)
Tobie Matthew to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 24. The same duty that bound me to do you the greatest service I could, and the least that I ought, in tendering to you by the means of Mr Johnes, the first offer in the interest that I had in the gatehouse and stable row of Duresme House, makes me present thanks for your so gracious acceptance of so poor a testimony of the observant respect I must ever carry to you. But now I find myself awaked by your bounty in that you are pleased to come to so high a rate as 1200l. which I cannot but acknowledge to be a very full value of the particular in question, and confess to be a price rather to your disadvantage, when I consider your present possession of some part thereof, and the charge you have been at in the building. So that my conclusion must be, not only that I have made a very provident bargain, but that I have received a great deal of undeserved favour in the manner of it.—24 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (120 94.)
Sir Henry Hobart to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 24. I have sent you this commission because there may be means to convey it speedily. I received your letter touching the suit of silk, whereof I will give you answer when I next attend upon you. —24 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122 83.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 24. They thank him for his favours to their solicitors, Mr Lister and Mr Proby, in their suit yet depending for supportation of their ancient liberties; and beg him, as their chief officer, to further their requests concerning the confirmation of their privileges, without which they fear an importable poverty will fall on their Corporation.— Hull, 24 Feb. 1607.
Signed: Tho. Swan, Mayor; Robert Tutler; Jno Lyster: John Graves; W. Barnerde; Tho. Thankray; George Almond; Richard Burgis, and Christopher Chapman.
1 p. (193 74.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1607–8, Feb. 24. News of a fight betwixt the galleys of Spain and some merchant ships of Holland, which the King of Spain sent to excuse, lest it should interrupt the treaty. Tyrone gone towards Italy, conducted with a convoy of horse past the frontiers. He left his youngest child at Louvain. The Earl of Tyrconnel's brother has done the like with his son. An Italian preacher magnifying the Pope's power in deposing of princes and giving authority to God's word, not otherwise authentical but by his allowance.
Abstract. (227 p.343.)
Hugh Lee to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 25/March 6. My last to you bears date 24 February, under cover to R.L. George Bacon, the youth of Lynn's letters to his father, are directed to John Walepoole dwelling in London, but in what part I cannot learn. The youth is placed by Henry Fludd with the Condesa de Fearas, the Condy being at the Court, but daily expected here, for he goes for Vizorey (Viceroy) to the East Indies, the ships being ready to depart; and it is pretended that George Bacon shall attend him to the Indies for one of his pages. They have bought here two flyboats, to accompany the 6 carricks and six galleons. They stay only the coming down of the Vizorey. It is very likely the youth will write largely to his father upon his departure, but here is no means to come by his letters, their coverers are so many, and the place dangerous. In England, by your command, it may more easily be performed. John Howe is the most likely to convey them, being their chiefest familiar here.
Don Louis Faxardo, within these 3 days, has commanded workmen aboard of all the galleons in this river, to prepare them for service. These galleons are 12 or 13 that may prove serviceable. They may be in readiness by the end of May. A galleon with some small shipping is lately sent for Syvell, to go thence with provision for the Groyne, where are preparing also other shipping. In Biscay is also preparation.
The Terra Firme fleet are departed from St Lucas, where and at Cales (Cadiz) are 10 galleons, which are in readiness to go for wafters of the Plate fleet that is expected this year. It may be doubted that from the West Indies the Spaniard will seek to hinder what in him lies the purposed planting in "Virgneas" (Virginia) of his Majesty's subjects, in regard they offer so hard measure unto those prisoners in Sevill which were bound upon that voyage.
Here is an English youth, about 18 or 19, with a red head, but no beard as yet. He was born in Kent, and brought up at school in Worcestershire. He is called Barnerd. He dwells with an Inquisidore, and was conveyed hither by Jesuits. He keeps himself from the society of Englishmen, but waits his times when he may meet single with the youth in this place, when he uses his art in labouring to win them, and has prevailed with some. He is likely to prove a dangerous enemy to his Majesty's subjects if he may continue here; as Fludd and his associates have lately given out that they purpose to erect an English College here, to train English youths. If their purposes be not prevented, it will be very dangerous for his Majesty's subjects to frequent this place.
Mr Hugh Gurganey remains yet in the house of the Jesuits. A few days past it was given out that he should be returned to the Inquisition again, which he understanding, made show of a desire rather so to be returned than to remain where he is; which when they perceived, they altered their purpose, to keep him from his best liking, where he is like to stay their pleasures, with all the friendship his best friends can make. My Lord Ambassador, as his Lordship lately signified to me, has taken his cause upon him again, working by a way whereby he hopes to purchase his liberty. By the last ordinary to the Court, I sent his Lordship the whole estate of his cause conveyed to me by his brother, who has free access to him.—6 March, 1608, in Lizboa.
Holograph. 2 pp. (115 128.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 25. I have received this day two packets from your Lordship, one early in the morning about two or three of the clock concerning the matter of Florence, the other containing letters for alehouses this evening. Of those kind of letters, besides such as I have already sent from hence to you, which were sixteen, you shall now receive twenty two more, which were ready before yours came; and those being thirty, consider whether it be needful to make any more; for when those thirty be signed, which came last, you shall have above three score, and if you give commandment there shall be more prepared.
Of the matter of Florence, which his Majesty read not till this evening because he went early forth, I have nothing yet to write by commandment, for that his Majesty said he would read the grievances again. But this by observation, that he noted in the merchants' own reports "we hear" and "as is reported", so as things being not by them affirmed upon proof he knows not well how to charge the Duke, besides that they do not deny directly but blanch and smooth over with good colour the meddling with carriage of Turks and Turkish commodities, something which his Highness thinks the Duke will make the pretence of his justification. But of sending, it seemed his Majesty allowed, and of the gentleman your Lordship has chosen. But I have received no commandment to write anything in particular. At the reading of your letter his Majesty seemed to find strange he heard not of the finishing of the loan, whereunto I answered that I took it your Lordship saw no cause to trouble his Majesty with any more advertisement of it, other than I had brought by word of mouth to his Highness, which was what you were sure of among the strangers in money, what of the citizens in money, what in bonds, and what names the Aldermen had delivered to you for the filling up of the rest. So as I thought it was either done according to that project, or else in such way of doing as there was no cause to trouble his Majesty with it.
I thought it also convenient to advertise you that having spoken twice to his Highness upon occasions of putting off the matter of Gunter till Midsummer term, for so I was charged by you among other things, I found his Highness to mislike the deferring of it, and said it concerned his honour and he would have it done, speaking passionately thereof; and that every term there was one occasion or other picked to delay it, which he knew not what it meant. Though I had no commandment one way or other about it, I thought fit to let you know how it passed.—From the Court at Newmarket, 25 Feb. at night, 1607.
Holograph. Two seals, broken. Endorsed: "Newmarket, the 26 Febr. at 6 in the morning. Tho. Lake." 2 pp. (120 95.)
Stephen Le Sieur to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 25. Your letter of the 23rd I have received in this place, from whence I shall so depart that, God willing, I shall upon Monday next in the morning attend your further pleasure.—From Winchester, 25 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (120 96).
The Privy Council to Francis Gofton
1607–8, Feb. 25. The King by his privy seal, bearing date at Broughton the second of September, in the second year of his reign, gave order for making sundry parcels of gold and silver gilt plate in supply of divers parcels of the like plate taken out of the Jewel House and given by his Majesty to the Constable of Castile and other Ambassadors and Commissioners sent from the King of Spain and the Archduke of Austria, answerable in weight and fashion to the pieces given away; but yet with a reference to us of his Privy Council for his more particular direction therein to us delivered, as by the privy seal appears. These are to signify to you that his Majesty's pleasure to us was that in the making of all the several pieces of gilt plate, all art and industry should be used for the making of them most fair and of best show, not so much regarding the preciseness of the patterns delivered as therefore to omit anything which, either in the curiousness of the workmanship or in the quantity of the pieces (though different from the patterns), might give any graceful ornament unto them. This being his Majesty's particular pleasure to us delivered, you need not let the difference from the patterns be any impediment to hinder the allowance of the accompt.—Whitehall, 25 Feb. 1607.
Unsigned. 2/3 p. (120 97.)
Noel de Caron to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 25. My last letters from Monsieur Barnevelt and the Registrar (Greffier) d'Aerss[ens] assure me that the Estates will never drop their negotiations regarding both the West and East Indies, nor quit the places they hold there, because they have proved to the Commissioners of the King of Spain and the Archdukes that they are far stronger there than the King of Spain himself. To yield him this advantage would be to pay dear for the peace he offers them, which in fact gives them only what they have and hold in possession. So that I see and hold for certain that if the Spaniard does not grant it to them, or at least affords them some reasonable means of being able to keep what they have, and they will be able to trade in other places where the Spaniard holds nothing only at their own risk, there will follow a rupture of the treaty. It appears, moreover, that they have sent to this effect and in great haste to Spain. However, Spinola has sent to all the ambassadors residing here, in France and in Brussels, on the part of the King of Spain, to have their advice on this matter, for it seems that the Archdukes are wholly disposed to grant it, apparently because if Spain granted it to our people, the Archdukes will like to have it too for their Antwerp merchants. However this be, I am relieved to learn the firm resolution of our people on this point, and I pray God they continue of the same mind. What more I can learn, I will not fail to send you or bring it to your Lordship myself.
I send presents of Holland cheeses to you and the Lord Chamberlain (le Grand Chambellan).—Suydt Lambeth, 25 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. French 1 p. (193 75.)
The Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 26. Upon receipt of your letter of the 11th of this month touching Mr Gurnay, wishing his re-election upon his submission and promise of reformation, as you put me in trust with the carriage of the cause, so have I endeavoured as near as I could. The sum is this; I persuading with Mr Gurnay at several times privately to prepare and bring him to submission, could not prevail against his own conceited indiscretion, and, as it seemed, sinister counsel of some others; but he rather professed unto me, if my sentence should pass against him, to appeal unto the University. Thereupon I resolved to proceed unto sentence in a legal course, giving warning to both parties and assigning a set day. Before which time Mr Gurnay, withdrawing himself out of town, leaves a letter to the Master of that College of some promise of reformation, but no express submission; some of the Fellows, his friends, managing the cause in his absence better than himself would have done being present; mediating for him first to the Master and then to me, for domestical compounding the matter, and partly undertaking for his better conformity hereafter. I thought best to apprehend that opportunity for his good, though he showed himself little to deserve or desire it, for a mean of better peace among them, as seemed to me, as also for your satisfaction, and so referred them to try what they could do at home for his re-election. Which when I heard they had with good agreement effected, the Master showing himself, notwithstanding the wrongs done him by Mr Gurnay, upon some future hope and specially respecting his promise made unto you, to overcome evil with good, I sent for the Master and Society to take from them jointly the better information, who told me that they had with a general consent re-elected Mr Gurnay in locum et statum quo prius, that morning being St Matthew's Day—the lot that day fell well on Mr Gurnay's side, and that they hoped it would turn to his good and the peace of their College, which I was glad to hear. In conclusion, I moving them to rest in the interpretation, with the clause for four months premonition, according to your direction, they willingly promised their readiness therein.
Lastly, it pleasing you to mention some injurious imputations aspersed upon Dr Jegon, requiring me to have an eye thereupon, namely of inconvenience and burden to that College with having wife and family within the same, I can hear none evil that way, but rather the contrary testified under the hands of all the Fellows now at home, being eight, whereof some have leaned to Mr Gurnay's side, in haec verba; "that Dr Jegon his government among them is not to be misliked, nor his behaviour to be blamed in aught they know or believe, and that his wife liveth in a very private and convenient lodging on the backside of that College, without any trouble to the Company, burden to the College or offence to any."—King's College, Cambridge, 26 Feb. 1607.
Signed: Ro. Goade. Seal. 1½ pp. (136 150.)
Henry Carew to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 26. I have presumed to write unto you, and have entreated Sir Edward Gorges to solicit my distressed case unto you. The afflictions I have or shall endure do not grieve me so much as that I have so indiscreetly incurred your displeasure, whom of all of your rank and calling I have most reverenced. I do and must confess my fault in not setting my hand to that which by you and the rest of that honourable assembly I was required to do; which yet I protest was not out of any harmful meaning to his Majesty, whose sacred person I have ever most adored, but rather for that the Recorder had not indifferently set down my examination, but in my opinion did rather seek to entrap me than to be informed of the truth. And having denied to set my hand to that examination taken before him, did make me obstinately persevere to refuse to do it in your presence, which has heartily repented me, and [I] am ready to give all satisfaction for my fault, and will put in as good surety for my future carriage as shall be required. I beseech you take pity on my distressed case. I have grown feeble and much decayed in my bodily forces by reason of a long "indurance" and late sickness; my wife in the country grown dark of her sight, and not in case to travail to aid me; my daughter, which was the only governess of my poor house and family lately dead; my son not in case to manage my affairs, by means whereof I spend my poor livelihood here, and every one that is ill disposed makes havoc of my estate at home. If my house may be preserved by your favour towards us, it shall endeavour to requite the same by any service shall lie in us to perform.—The Fleet, 26 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (120 98.)
Sir Edward Coke to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 26. I proposed to have attended on you before this time, but I have had, since I saw you, three fits of a tertiary ague, and am yet God's prisoner. If able I will perform some part of my circuit; if not, my companion and fellow Justice is to take the pains alone.— Stoke, 26 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (193 76.)
Concealed Lands
1607–8, Feb. 26. Agreement with respect to certain articles between Mr Bolton and Mr Tipper, respecting concealed lands. Mr Wymark mentioned.—26 Feb. 1607.
½ p. (123 169.)
Griffith Pen
1607–8, Feb. 26. Passport for Griffith Pen to pass beyond seas. —Whitehall, 26 Feb. 1607.
Unsigned. ½ p. (206 49.)
Advertisements from Prague
[1607–8,] Feb. 27/March 8. The affairs of Ratisbon remain still in the same state; one may say they grow worse as regards the Emperor, to whom these delays can only be very prejudicial. Some say he will patiently await the end, whereto he has exhorted the Archduke Ferdinand by the Sieur de Trautmensdorff, whom he had sent for that purpose. Others add that he will resolve to surmount all difficulties, to go himself to the Diet if he can induce the other Electors to come there also in person. But I see many hindrances which you see even better than I, which make me believe nothing till the issue. However, the Count of Helfestein, one of the Commissaries of his Imperial Majesty in the said Diet, has asked and obtained leave for 15 days to go home, and it is said others will do the like, seeing they will have leisure enough, since the Ambassadors of the Protestants in the last sitting, which was the 27th ult, resolved not to meet again with the others till they had advertised their masters of what had passed, and received their answer and commandments thereupon.
The Archduke Matthias, after having allowed the cavalry [?to retire] towards the frontier, of which he has retained ten companies under the charge of the Baron de Puckain, wishes also to make sure (le veult asseurer) of the infantry, which may be about three thousand men, and besides the Sieur Ridolfi, who is gone to Rome, he has also dispatched the Sieur Hoffkirken towards the Princes of Germany, Baron Charles de Hairach towards the King of Spain, and Count Brune de Mansfeldt towards the Archduke [Albert]. It is reported the last will pass into France to justify also the actions of the said Archduke towards the King, but I have no other confirmation of it. Having written thus far, a friend writes to me that it is reported in the town since dinner that the Elector of Saxe has sent to the Emperor the letters that Archduke Matthias has written to him by the Sieur Hoffkirken, whom, moreover, the said Elector keeps in strict custody. I do not believe it however.—De Prague, le 8 de Mars.
French. Endorsed: "8 March, 1607. Advertisement." 1 p. (120 120) Brief abstract of the foregoing, headed "From Prague, 8 March, 1608." in French. ½ p. (194 125.)
The Earl of Hertford
[1607–8, before Feb. 28.] "Breviat of the Earl of Hertford's cause."
This concerns the claims of Lord Mounteagle to certain lands as a descendant of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk; and of Lord Beauchamp, who claims as son of the Earl of Hertford and Lady Katherine Grey.
Reasons stated why the Court of Wards should stay the granting of any warrant to Lord Mounteagle for finding any office of the lands mentioned in the petition, until the Commission for the trial of the marriage of the Earl of Hertford and Lady Katherine be determined.
Endorsed by Earl of Salisbury. 2 sheets. [See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 410] (146 112.)
Dr James Mountagu to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 28. I have sometimes been troublesome unto you in a suit of the like nature I now entreat your favour in. It is the news at Newmarket that the Bishop of Bath and Wells is departed, and for fear of other undertakers I have been bold to crave his Majesty's favour towards me for that place, which it has pleased his Majesty most graciously to yield me his good will in. Yet I neither value his Majesty's favour and service so little, nor the place so much, as that I desire by it altogether to be made a stranger unto his Majesty. Therefore my most humble suit unto his Majesty has been, and now is unto you, that leaving both my deanery of Worcester and my 400l pension and my place at Cambridge, I might hold the title of his Majesty's servant in my place of the Dean of his Majesty's Chapel. I have found his Majesty not one whit disliking of my motion, but yet referring it to precedent and further approbation. For the one there is enough to be said, all my predecessors well nigh in that place having enjoyed both a bishopric and it together, and some of the like nature at this day, both in country and Court. For the other I am a very humble suitor that I may have your approbation to hold my place in Court; not that I mean to follow as now I do (for I will promise to be one half of the year at the bishopric), but that I may not too suddenly be drawn from the breasts of so dear and precious a master, whose grace is dearer unto me than either living or life. And therefore if ever you will do me a favour (as I acknowledge myself bound for many), I crave it in this, that I may hold my place in his Majesty's service. And although I am no man of great merit, yet I will endeavour by all good means to deserve it.—From the Court at Newmarket, 28 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (120 99.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 28. I have this afternoon received his Majesty's directions for answer to your letter sent with the grievances of the merchants against the Duke of Florence; which is to this effect, that he never judged otherwise of that Duke [marginal note; His Majesty's opinion of the Duke of Florence] but that he was a niggard merchantlike Prince, and that for gain or saving he would offer hard measure to any Prince or State, or to any man living; and out of this root his Highness takes to be all that he has done concerning his subjects. And though his Highness doubt not of this ground, and that from thence the Duke be apt to turn all accidents to his advantage, yet having exactly perused the complaints and informations, he is confirmed in that which I wrote to you before, that howsoever their case be in point of justice, yet [marginal note; the merchants' complaints not justified but by hearsay] in their own reports there is no proof, but for the most part "as we hear, as is said, as is reported" which cannot give to his Highness a just ground to judge of or [marginal note: no ground to challenge the Duke in strict point of justice, but of friendship] to charge the Duke in point of strictness of justice, howbeit that in point of friendship every unkindness which his subjects receive is a ground of complaint. But his Highness likens these complaints to many of those of the Spanish merchants, who cried because they were grieved but never looked soundly how to verify their grievances to the rule of justice. But howsoever they err in the form of presenting their complaints [marginal note; his Majesty's allowance of sending to the Duke to expostulate and pray redress, and for establishment of the future traffic] his Majesty thinks he has good ground to send to the Duke, and to expostulate and crave both redress for that is past and some establishment of the condition of his subjects' traffic hereafter, or else to discover the Duke's intent toward him and his people; and likes well of the choice you have made of Le Sieur [marginal note; mistaking of the numbers of the ships]. Concerning the number of the ships distressed or taken by the Duke, his Highness does not find by his exact perusing of the information that they are so many as by your letter at first he apprehended; so as if the blood may now, by sending to him be stanched, he hopes that which is drawn shall neither prove dangerous to his estate nor much enable the Duke's.
[Marginal note; concerning Gunter, depopulations, Fuller]. Upon your writing about the matter of Gunter his Highness has commanded this to be returned, that his meaning is not that the proceeding of that should hinder the matter of depopulations, which is his chiefest end of the next term, nor that of Fuller neither; but that if it be possible, those being allowed their due time, that this may have, if not a thorough proceeding, yet an entry upon the last Star Chamber day or some other day, and that no time be given to private men's causes before it; but that the days being disposed for those other matters, what may be spared be employed for a beginning to this (if further it cannot go), and so to be prosecuted afterward. For he thinks his honour too far engaged in it to have it longer neglected without some entry to be made into it. Last of all, his Majesty gave me charge to require of you an answer to one matter which, he said, he gave direction in before his coming and heard not of it since—which was concerning Tobie Mathew and Henry Constable. For the one I told his Highness I heard there was a time limited for his departure; of the other I could say nothing. His Highness replied it was to be considered whether they should be banished, and that in the meantime they were to be kept straightly to avoid access, for he knew how prisons were looked unto. His Highness would be informed of the particulars of the order taken or intended to be taken with them.—From the Court at Newmarket, 28 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 2½ pp. (120 100.)
Sir Henry Montagu to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 28. As yet we are not full summed in London. The Mayor and Aldermen do their utmost to advance in money what was required. They have raised very near 50,000l in money, besides the greater men's bonds, which will be current; all are not yet dealt with, therefore we were not ready to give you account at this day. You will pardon this boldness and excuse my attendance; the cold will scarce let me speak.—28 Feb. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (120 102.)
Viscount Fenton to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. 28. After the receipt of your letter by the Irish baron I delivered the same to his Majesty, and his Highness has spoken at great length with him in the presence of all here. His Highness has "carried" the course set down in your letter, and has said to him that he shall know by your Lordship what his Majesty intends for him, as the safest course for that which he seems most to regard; so that you may go on with him in that temper, and upon these grounds set down in your own letter.
In this discourse his Majesty asked him of a matter wherewith you did first acquaint his Majesty touching a chaplain of one of the Council of Ireland, and his name is Sir Garret Moore. His offence was for invocating the devil to understand what should become of Tyrone and his business. This matter his Majesty says you do know better nor he can inform you, yet he thinks it were expedient that such a matter should not pass without exemplary punishment, and therefore has desired that you write to the Deputy of Ireland to take an exact trial in that matter, and to proceed as the fact shall deserve. One thing more his Majesty has commanded me to acquaint you with, that in this conference betwixt his Majesty and the baron he asked the King what counsel he should give [Lord] Delvin at his coming to Ireland. His Majesty answered he could give no advice in that, but in his opinion Delvin's best [?course] should be to submit himself without any condition, because it could not well consist that his Majesty should be King and he, a rebel, to remain in that country, as it were in spite of his Majesty; and desires that you should bring the same home to him from yourself when he shall enter with you in this subject, as his Majesty thinks he will do.
This is all wherein I am directed at this time.—Newmarket, 28 Feb. at iiii [o'clock], 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (120 103.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8] Feb. 28. I thought good first to let you know his Majesty is in good health, and has a good stomach to his meat. The meat his Majesty best loves at this time of year is a young "ked"; he has had one already and can get no more. If you would send to Enfield Chace or Hatfield and get him one or two, they would be a very acceptable present. Yesternight I received a letter from my Lord of Dunbar with an account of your Lordships' proceedings since his Majesty's coming away, and with what care matters have been carried, and chiefly, by you; not only in the laying of courses to be followed to his Majesty's best benefit, but in holding the rest so hard to the matter till they were brought to perfection. My pen cannot set down what he has written of you. Tomorrow his Majesty will write to you, for I asked him if he would command me any service, for I would write to you. He bade me tell you tomorrow he would write himself. His Majesty is well pleased with your proceedings, as you will know by his own letter. He was this day highly offended with a petition that came recommended from the Queen by Mr Alexander in favour of John Elveston for the forfeiture of all non-residents and pluralities. So soon as he read it he pulled it in pieces, saying he was a traitor that devised it. Yesterday his Majesty was at the hawking and dined with Sir Nicholas Bacon.—From Newmarket, 28 Feb. at 3 oclock in the afternoon.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1½ pp. (120 106.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8] Feb. 29. I have been earnestly solicited to write to you on behalf of Richard Blag for a fellowship in Peterhouse College in Cambridge. The party has his Majesty's letter to you, and before I would grant to write I acquainted his Majesty what was desired of me. His Majesty commanded me to let you know his desire is not that you should do anything in this but that which was agreed upon between his Majesty and your Lordship; that was above all that the liberty of the house should be preserved, his Majesty's meaning was not to write to any other end. The father of the young man, the bearer hereof, that is the suitor for his son, has done his Majesty some service in taking up some "hakes" [hawks] that were lost, whereupon his Majesty granted his letters; and because I was master falconer they would have my furtherance. And so I leave it to your consideration.
The advertisement came hither yesternight of the death of the Bishop of Bath and Wells; the Dean of the Chapel has a grant of the place, but not except he may continue Dean of the Chapel still. There is suit making for the deanery of Worcester, both by Sir Thomas Lake for his brother and John Morre for his brother.—From Newmarket, the last of February.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "The last of February, 1607. Sir Roger Aston by Blage." 1 p. (120 105.)
Sir Jerome Bowes to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Feb.] It has pleased you to do me many great favours which I will never forget. You were the chief means that by my suit to his Majesty, I renewed the grant of my letters patents for the making of glasses. You were also the means that his Majesty was willing to pardon the arrearages of the rent run on in the time of my last letters patents. I should much forget if I should not acknowledge your goodness in winning his Majesty's good consideration of me when two of his huntsmen had obtained the grant of a little farm I had and should enjoy in the bishopric of Durham, wherein you must, I hope, be one of my judges. There is lately question grown twixt the farmer of my glasshouse and me, with whom (had he not exceedingly abused me as well by breaking covenant in the detaining of my rent for a long time, as by much evil carriage towards me otherwise) I never intended to have disagreed. But he has now carried his contention to such a height as that (under pretence of a certain article of agreement for the having of my new letters patents, after the rate of his former rent, which article by his own default has been made void), he withholds from me without any title my said glasshouse with the whole benefit of my privilege; and, as I am credibly informed, spares not to boast that you will give countenance to his proceedings. Wherein, though I assure myself he much wrongs you, yet I find it my duty to make my voluntary offer of submission of myself and whatsoever is mine to your disposing, might I but know that you did mislike of any measure that I offer him. In which regard enjoin my attendance upon you to be enjoined to do and perform your will, in which, had it not been that I held it an offence to cumber you, upon whom so many important affairs do rest, I should have sought no other judge than yourself. But howsoever the case stands, till you find me to deserve the contrary, allow me to beg of your Lordship to hold me in your wonted favour. Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Feb. 1607. Sir Hierome Bowes touching a contention between him and the farmer of his glasshouse." 2 pp. (120 107.)
Patrick Comyng to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Feb.] One surnamed Riche Sutton has lately bought Castle Camp whereof, as I hear, he is already so weary that he intends to give up his estate thereof to some nobleman to be the staff of his age, wherewith he is now almost "denombit". And I am persuaded if any motion were made in time in behalf of my Lord of Oxford, that Sutton should lay down his estate of the said lordship at your feet. If I can do you any service one John Cradock, a groom of her Majesty's great chamber, will find me at any time. I have received my reference from Sir Thomas Lake upon Monday last, wherein if I be not only beholden to you, though my suit cannot hinder his Majesty, yet I know I shall be delayed which will breed my overthrow. Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Feb. 1607." ⅓ p. (120 108.)
Josias Kyrton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Feb.] Having heretofore solicited you for the regaining of my liberty I am again, through your pleasure signified to my lord and master that I should attend you herein, encouraged with a little hope to be unladen of that long endured burthen, wherewith the restraint confining me within three miles of this city has depressed me. Restore me to my wonted liberty with the cancelling of those great bands, wherein I stand engaged with sureties for confinement and daily appearance in the Star Chamber, hitherto in all care performed, or if that be too much, that I may be released from being confined to three miles of London, my means of livelihood lying further hence, and myself not being otherwise able in these hard times to maintain a wife, children and family in so small a limit, and I will remain bound to render myself whensoever called. My resolved purpose has ever been in this to make my means to none other than your Lordship alone.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. broken. Endorsed: "Feb. 1607." 1¼ pp. (120 111.)
Noel De Caron to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, Feb.] After I had seen your Lordship today, I found a messenger in my house who brought me a letter from Monsieur Barnevelt of sufficiently recent date, for it was written from the Hague on 21 February, new style. He writes me always in Flemish, which is why I do not send you his letter, but the contents are as I shall represent in what follows here.
I have already advertised you that our enemies have granted us the sovereignty of the country with renunciation of arms and titles (tytels), but that the Commissioners had insisted that we ought to give up the negotiations for the East and West Indies; and thereby (to wit, after they would have granted us free traffic through all the realms and dominions of the King of Spain), they have wanted to make it a condition that all merchants, traffickers, sailors and all other inhabitants of the United Provinces should abandon entirely the navigation of the said Indies and all the routes thereto, and that the States shall promise not to permit any of their subjects to contravene there, and where any shall contravene, to punish them as breakers of the peace. Upon this we have had conference together on two occasions but, notwithstanding every good reason that we have alleged and that the matter is repugnant to all right and reason, they will not give up this proposition or even modify it. This we find a matter in no wise to be discussed. The business concerns the whole assurance of our state's affairs, considering we maintain a notable number, namely 44 great and powerful men-of-war, of 800, 1000, 1200 and 1300 tons with their crew of an infinite number of mariners to boot. Moreover, we are already as strong and well established in the East Indies as the King of Spain himself. Therefore I could not advise you certainly of the issue we can expect from this negotiation. If it breaks on this point, as is evident it will do if they insist upon it, we shall be badly off if his Majesty is persistent (as I understand by your letters) upon the difficulty of giving us his liberal assistance; but I hope for better things. In any case we shall have gained our justifica tion before the whole world, and, in my opinion, we shall pass at once to conclude further upon the business and Company of the West Indies, without, I hope, their doing us any other evil. Of what further happens, you shall be advised at the earliest.
Such are the principal contents of Barnevelt's letter. Time will tell us what can follow, but for myself I am more doubtful of this peace than I have been before.—Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "Feb. 1607." 1 p. (193 77.)
Lord Saye and Sele to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, Feb. Salisbury would not undertake his proposition with regard to victualling houses, it being a monopoly. He now proposes the stamping of the contents of every parcel of lead, which would be to the profit of the merchants of Hull and Bristowe. He details terms he would give, and offers to give 40 marks per annum to any of Salisbury's followers, especially to his (the writer's) nephew, Henry Kingesmill. He understands the town of Banbury already have or hope instantly to procure the wool market to their own benefit, although the poor castle decays, which might reap 40l per annum towards repair.—Feb. 1607.
PS. He has spent in his Majesty's service abroad and at home 2000l and never received 100l If his suit for lead prevail not, he offers the like terms for a fine of 2s per acre upon land "during the time neither beef, mutton, butter, cheese or corn accrues to the Commonwealth, but only oade." He is enforced to dispark his poor park to pay his debts.
Signed. 1 p. (193 78.)
Office of the Robes
1607–8, Feb. Draft warrant authorising Zacharie Bethell to view the remain of the robes, enter the same in a fair book, and keep account of all thing hereafter brought in and issued out; and to have a provident care of the same.—Whitehall, Feb. 1607.
1 p. (193 79.)
Corpus Christi or Bennett College. Cambridge
[1607–8, c. Feb.] Two papers.
(1) Edward Gent and Edmund Gurnaie, having continued Fellows of Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, one of them ten years and the other six years, and now by the Master of that College deprived of their Fellowships for that they were not made deacons within three years after their admission to their Fellowships.
The ground of their deprivation is enforced out of this clause in the College Statutes; de mensa, salario et sociorum cubiculis. Volumus etiam quod quilibet socius, in ordine presbiteratus constitutus octo marcas, et quilibet in diaconum ordinatus vel infra tres annos post admissionem ordinandus sex marcas tantummodo, de nobis et rebus nostris annuatim percipiat donec Dei beneficio etc.
That this Statute should carry this sense is enforced by the Master with two reasons; first, another Statute providing that if there be any difficulty which the Master and majority of the Fellows cannot deter mine, the ambiguity is to be determined by the Chancellor or by the Vice Chancellor and two Fellows, which interpretation the Master about two months since, having an intent, as appeareth, to expulse the said Fellows, did secretly procure from Dr Harsnet, Dr Goad and Dr Soame, being all divines and no lawyers, not acquainting them with his intent, nor the Society that he would or had procured it as he ought to have done by the Statute; the effect of which interpretation was that the Statute did contain a necessity—to be deacons within three years upon pain of expulsion; secondly, two witnesses are produced that had been Fellows in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign, which do depose that some in their remembrance were forced upon that Statute to leave their places, though in part elected again.
To this is answered in the behalf of the expulsed Fellows. Concerning the Statute, that by another Statute no Statute must be further extended than the grammatical sense will bear, and the Statute pretended hath no word in it that doth grammatically imply expulsion. Secondly, there is another Statute entitled de qualitatibus eligendorum in socios which only ought to limit us and no Statute else. Thirdly, about thirteen years since, there was a reference from the Chancellor of the University then unto divers principal learned lawyers for their opinions concerning the place of Dr Settle, who had been six or seven years Fellow and not in orders, and it was adjudged that he might continue his Fellowship and not be forced to take orders. Whereupon he proceeded D.C.L. since it was the practice of the House, as likewise Dr Elvyn, Doctor of Physic, continued his place ten years, and Robert Willam about six or seven years in the Master's time immediately before this man, and since Mr Henry Buttes for the space of seven or eight years, Mr Edward Gent nine or ten years, myself almost six years in the time of this man.
The authority to interpret the Statute is not devolved to the ViceChancellor and doctors, but in case the Master and the greater part of the Fellows do disagree; this matter was never propounded to the Fellows but only an interpretation privately procured by the Master alone, and never showed but for this expulsion.
That which the witnesses prove is only that such a thing was done de facto, which act doth also not appear to be the joint act of the Master and Fellows; such practice was before the foundation of "our" Fellowships: such Fellows as were so expulsed were elected again; the witnesses did depose in the hearing of one another; the time of those witnesses was presently upon the alteration of religion, when there was scarcity of professors and specially of divines; and, lastly, they have precedents to the contrary.—Undated.
2 pp. (136 109.)
(2) Some information of the state of Bennett College. Bennett College in Cambridge was first founded by Henry, Duke of Lancaster, afterwards Henry IV, by the name of the College of Corpus Christi and the blessed Virgin. Our Lady Mary. Afterwards it was augmented in Queen Elizabeth's reign by Matthew Parker. [Arch]bishop of Canterbury, and became to be called Bennett College ob vicinatatem parochiae Sancti Benedicti, in which parish it standeth. In the first year of Queen Elizabeth's reign, the Visitors sent to reform the University of Cam bridge changed the Statutes of the first foundation and gave new Statutes to that College, by which it hath ever since been governed, and the Master, Fellows and Scholars only sworn since then to those new Statutes. The intention and authority of that commission was to reform superstition, abuses and enormities, and not otherwise to change or pervert the old foundations. Matthew Parker, [Arch]bishop of Canterbury, was one of these Visitors; in those old Statutes it is strictly enjoined that every Fellow of that House shall enter into Holy Orders within one year after his admission. The intention of which Statute leadeth the whole business now in question between Dr Jegon and Mr Gurney, for that the Visitors changed the words of the old Statute: infra annum a tempore admissionis ad ordinem sacerdotalem canonice promovendus into these words: infra tres annos post ejus admissionem ordinandus.
The question betwixt Dr Jegon and Mr Gurney. Mr Gurney hath been twice censured by Dr Jegon, first for misdemeanour, to which censure the Vice-Chancellor certifieth he was called, as Visitor of the College, examined it upon oath, found it just and ratified it; the penalty of that censure was cessation of his allowance till reformation. Secondly, for not entering into Holy Orders according to the Statute, the penalty whereof is intended to be the loss of his Fellowship. Dr Jegon hereupon pronounceth him non socius, cut his name out of the buttery, and elected another man into his place. Mr Gurney appealed to the ViceChancellor before whom the issue was—what the word ordinandus in the new Statutes intendeth, whether a necessity of entering into Holy Orders within three years, or only an aptness, inclination or worthiness thereunto; "ordinandus, id est, ordinari dignus", saith Mr Gurney.
Dr Jegon proves the necessity:
(1) The grammatical sense as abeundum est mihi—I must go hence.
(2) Out of the intention of the first founder, as before in the old Statute.
(3) Out of another Statute of the Visitors, Statute 12; Eligendi in socios qui studio theologiae vacent et intendant et gradus in eadem conscendant, sub poena amissionis sodalitii, ipso facto.
(4) By the perpetual practice of the House, proved by oath of two ancient divines, Fellows of the College forty five years since, and so continued to this day, saving that some "connevencie" hath been used in this behalf for the space of some sixteen years last past.
(5) In the very time of this "connevencie", Mr Anthonie Hickman, Fellow of that College, being proceeded against by Dr Cockcotts (fn. 1) then Master, upon the same point, was constrained to obtain a dispensation from Queen Elizabeth; in which dispensation it is acknowledged that this necessity is intended by that Statute.
(6) That this interpretation was made good of late by the ViceChancellor and two senior doctors, which being so done bindeth as a Statute for that House.
(7) That Mr Gurney by his own depositions acknowledgeth that it might be the intention of the Visitors at that time, for want of Ministers in the Church.
(8) And, lastly, the intention of the Visitors is proved by act of the Bishop of Canterbury, himself one of the Visitors, one of the Fellowships of whose foundation Mr Gurney holdeth; who provideth that if those of his foundation shall be found at three years' end undisposed to the ministry, others shall be chosen into their places.
Mr Gurney's defence.
(1) That the grammatical sense is ordinandus that is ordinari dignus, as it is in the grammar amandus, amari dignus.
(2) That Dr Jegon never gave him any orderly monition of entering into Orders, but what he said to him touching it was quasi intrans cursu, quasi abind agens.
(3) That this practice has been ordinarily interrupted for these sixteen years.
(4) That there was an interpretation some sixteen or seventeen years ago in favour of this sense by Dr Bell, then Vice-Chancellor, and others; but this interpretation cannot be shewed and it is absolutely denied by Dr Jegon that there was ever any such.
(5) That Dr Jegon had not a competent number of Fellows when he pronounced him non socius, which should have been major pars sociorum and should have been 7 of 12, whereas he had but 7 in all of which three dissented from his sentence.
(6) That he was not called as party to the interpretation lately made by the Vice-Chancellor, whereas it was purposely had and produced against him.
Dr Jegon's yielding to a favourable course for Mr Gurney.
That Mr Gurney submitting himself, he will presently upon his return home, re-elect Mr Gurney in locum et statum quo prius and admit him again into his Fellowship by a deputy, so that he may return again to his place without prejudice or damage.
It may please your Lordship to require a proviso be added to the late interpretation of this Statute made by the Vice-Chancellor, for entering into Orders within three years, that the Master shall henceforth, in the presence of six of the Fellows at least, admonish every such party against whom he will proceed upon the Statute for his not entering into Orders 4 months before the expiration of the three years; which Statute, all being sworn to it, may be alike pressed upon all and not urged or relaxed as the Master shall be affected to favour or disfavour any.
Endorsed: "1607." 3 pp. (136 167.)
William Calley to the Privy Council
[1607–8, c. Feb.] Of a bark's lading of cloth lost in her return out of Holland towards England, whither she had been forcibly carried out of Graveling Road by the States' ships of war. Prays for the King's letter to the States for recompence, or for leave to transport for Antwerp along seas by the river of Schelde 25,000 cloths without paying charge, by which they will suffer no loss as the Archduke has restrained the bringing into his countries of any cloth that pays any charge to the States.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1807.)
Richard Hamerton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1607–8, c.Feb.] Tenant of the house where the King lodges at Newmarket. The King granted him a loan of 100l to be repaid by 5 marks a night as he shall stay there. Heavy charges and loss of custom caused by the King's coming. Cannot go forward unless he has the help of this 100l.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 575) [Cf Cal. S.P.Dom. 1603–1610, pp. 403, 404].
William Calley to the Earl of Salisbury
1607–8, c.Feb. As to a bark's lading of cloth cast away on her return out of Holland, whither she had been forcibly carried out of Graveling Road by the States' ships of war. Prays for the King's letters to the States to recompence him, or to give him passport to transport for Antwerp by the Schelde 25,000 cloths without paying them any charge, wherein they shall suffer no loss, nor their enemy receive any advantage, for the Archduke has restrained the bringing into his countries of any cloth that pays any charge to the States.— Undated.
1 p. (P. 1574) [Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 410.]


  • 1. (sic) but does not agree with the Fasti, which gives Capcotes or Copcote.