Cecil Papers: April 1605, 16-30

Pages 141-167

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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April 1605, 16-30

The Earl of Hertford to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 16. I received yesternight your letter with the oath, for which I thank you, as also for your kind wishing me all happiness in this my service.—At Rochester, Tuesday, 16 April 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (110. 83.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Same.
1605, April 16. When I wrote last I said I was not then altogether free from some pain of the gout. I then thought it would have proved but a short and easy fit, but I was forced to keep my bed a week after, and in that time I never sat up one minute of an hour, yet was still in hope by this time to have endured to travel in a coach to London. But [I] have now made some trial and find myself altogether unable to take such a journey as yet, so am enforced to become suitor to his Majesty to dispense with my attendance at this next feast and to grant me a licence for absence, which I beseech you to procure for me. How unfortunately this infirmity has alighted upon me at this time you will easily judge when you understand the great occasions I have to be at London, besides my great desire to do my duty to his Majesty which, God willing, I will not fail to perform so soon as I dare adventure to travel so far without danger.—At Rughford, 16 April 1605.
PS.—My wife desires she may be remembered unto you in her best and friendliest manner. We both desire upon any occasion you will express your favour to our brother, Sir Charles Cavendish, which neither he nor we doubt of, but will ever acknowledge in all thankfulness.
Holograph. Endorsed: "For a dispensation for not coming to St. George's Feast." 1 p. (110. 84.)
The Bishop of Winchester to the Same.
1605, April 16. I purposed to have attended this feast in person and to have delivered to his Majesty the review that I began of Jacob's importuned reformation. But a burning ague seizing on me for six days, Easter day being the first, and so weakening me with a continual drought and cough that for ten days after the fever left me I took no sleep nor rest. I am forced to stay at home through extreme weakness, which suffers me not as yet to go about my chamber without the help of a staff. I therefore pray you to present this entrance into that cause to his Majesty, wherein the chiefest of the Reformer's plots are examined and answered; and the rest that follows, though it will require some more weeks yet, less pains than this that is already past, by reason the foundations are here laid down, which are the weightiest parts of this question. I entreat your favour herein, because it pleased his Majesty by your letters to recommend the cause unto me; and had not sickness hindered me I had gone farther with greater facility; wherein I will not slack, as soon as health and strength shall enable me. —From my house at Waltham, 16 April 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (110. 85.)
Lord Say and Sele to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 16. Pardon me in that towards my great expenses in preparing myself to attend this journey, in entertaining his Majesty's followers three days this last summer, and in supporting the title his Majesty has revived in me, I have taken boldness for some part of Sayes Court usually demised, as also for 34s. per annum in the Isle of Green [Grain] in Kent and some part of the demesnes of the Castle of Banbury; for which besides giving a reasonable fine I offer to free his Majesty from all future charges of repair—that I am suitor to be tenant to these things and yet it shall be in the choice of the farmers (if they will give me leave to set down the value of their estates and my reversion) to make election whether they will buy or sell. Otherwise I will give them liberty to estimate the value of theirs and mine, so that then the liberty may be in me to take or leave. So that I might not exhaust my poor patrimony there is no service that a loyal servant may perform but I will willingly expose myself to all hazards to execute it. And albeit I furnish myself with pictures of those kinds that may sort best with the place and humours of those unto whom I go, to ingratiate myself to be able to do his Majesty the better service, yet my chiefest care will be how to render often to you a true relation of the state of the Court and Army, government and governors both martial and political, not omitting how to be gracious if I can with the favourites of those that manage most the mightiest: only wishing since I go that I might have liberty to behold the forces in the field and partake of some of their martial disciplines, having heretofore seen the States, hoping if this peace proceed with Spain which (God his truth being not thereby impeached) from my heart I wish, that I shall yet "lite" under my royal Master to recover the L. Linier's lands in France, which to my noble ancestor were given, paying only every midsummer day an arming sword in Rouen.— Rochester, 16 April 1605.
PS.—To a well deserving countryman of mine about your lordship I am and have been beholden, and therefore it grieves that his elder brother cannot affect me more; unto whom I will yet omit no good office except such as savour of pusillanimity or puritanism, which next popery I most hate, and in all differences will be censured solely by you.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 86.)
The Earl of Hertford to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 17. Having heard of the birth of the King of Spain's son, he desires, considering the place to which his employment tends, to know if any instructions from the King concerning that point will be necessary for him to receive before his going. He will use his best endeavour to embark to-morrow. Prays that he may receive a few lines from Cranborne hereon, and especially of the health of the King, Queen and Prince, with the rest of the royal issue. Desires to know how far forth it may be needful for him to give notice of the late birth of his Majesty's daughter.—Canterbury, 17 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 60.)
Sir William Cecil to his father, Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 17. Acknowledges his two letters, the one by Dr. Neale, the other by Daniell, who delivered him 10 angels from Cranborne, for which he returns thanks. What Cranborne wills him in his letters, he will labour to perform. He now exercises himself in Seton's Logick, and some parts of Tully, with daily translations out of English into Latin.—St. John's College, Cambridge, 17 April 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (190. 61.)
Thomas Keilwey to Sir Edward Phillips.
1605, April 17. His sister relies wholly on Mr. John Bowncley's friendship, assuring herself by his means of Phillips's favour. Prays Phillips to befriend her in what she and Bowncley think to be for her good. Of his (Keilwey's) deep indebtedness.—From the most unfortunate house of Roykeborne, 17 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (206. 18.)
Sir Edward Phelipps to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 19. Failing of my purpose to have attended you in person [I] have presumed by this paper enclosed to acquaint you with the proceedings of the last northern circuit in the counties of York and Lancaster, beseeching you to excuse my neglect in not doing thereof before.—From Serjeants' Inn, 19 April 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (110. 92.)
The Enclosure: "A true declaration of the proceedings at the last Assizes in the counties of York and Lancaster."
In Yorkshire.
1. Mr. Pound by the order of the Star Chamber, being there to make acknowledgment of his fault, refused, otherwise than that if he had offended he was sorry for it.
2. One Thomas Robinson was convicted that he publicly and maliciously affirmed that it went not so well with the Protestants as they looked for; for although the judges at Durham had many recusants before them yet it would be no more so hereafter, for the King had sent a post to Durham not to proceed against recusants till they knew farther of his pleasure; and that he hoped once within a twelvemonth to see all the Protestants in England hanged or turn from their religion, and that all the ministers in England should be hanged and that he should have the hanging of 30 or 40 of them. For this offence he stood on the pillory and remains prisoner during his Majesty's pleasure. He was also convicted for wounding and beating a minister in the church, for which he had one of his ears cut off.
3. Thomas Welborn and William Browne were condemned of high treason for practising to seduce divers of his Majesty's subjects from the religion established to the Romish religion, to the intent to seduce them from their natural obedience to the King. The execution of them is stayed until his Majesty's pleasure known. These men appeared to be great practisers in withdrawing his Highness's subjects from their ecclesiastical obedience and to stir them to the Romish religion. Browne being before the Assizes, interrogated whether if the Pope should make war upon the King he would take part with the King or with the Pope, he then at the bar publicly said he would not answer it. Being also asked that if the Pope should excommunicate his Highness whether he and others of his religion were dissolved from their obedience to the King; he said he would answer nothing. Welborn being asked the same questions answered that he had nothing to say to that which is to come, and farther answer would not make.
4. There were about one thousand recusants there indicted and few or none of the better sort omitted. At this place his Majesty's gracious zeal and resolution in religion being made known, the applause and joy thereof appeared exceeding great in and to all sorts of people there present.
The proceedings at Lancaster.
1. Mr. Pound there being resolved both by the attorney of the Wards and Mr. Tilsley to whom he appealed in the Star Chamber for testimony, and by all other the justices of peace at the former and this Assizes present, of the untruth of his information to his Majesty, he thereupon confessed his fault and with humility submitted himself.
2. One Bursco a priest was condemned of high treason but the execution of him stayed until his Majesty's pleasure known. This priest seemed to be of mild disposition free from practice, and much condemning all persuaders or stirrers to faction or rebellion.
3. There were convented before us 29 persons apprehended with the said priest, being prepared for the hearing of a mass; of which number 26 at the bar conformed themselves and went to the church.
There were also 56 other recusants convented, of which 52 submitted and go to the church; of which number Thomas and Henry Clifton, being gentlemen of good descent and about 30 years of age, having been never before at church, now submitted and reformed themselves.
There were indicted at this time about 600 recusants and few of the better sort omitted.
At this place the relation of his Majesty's zealous resolution in religion was with great joy applauded, and the same with the assurance of his clemency to all reformed offenders has and is hoped to work an exceeding reformation in those parts.
2 pp. (110. 90.)
Walter Mathew, Mayor of Plymouth, to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 10. (fn. 1) I wrote you the 7th inst. of a bark I had sent to sea with the first packet to my Lord Admiral. Owing to a leak and the illness of her pilot she returned this night without finding his Honour. I hear from one Robert Corrall, master of a ship called the Patience of London that my Lord Admiral came out of Dover Road on Friday last with 3 of his Majesty's ships and 4 merchantmen, and that they passed Plymouth last night about 8 o'clock with the wind fair. Since that I received another packet from you, which I sent away in a bark hoping to overget them before they pass the Lysard, with directions to return if they did not overtake my Lord before reaching Silley. I return the first packet because your last letter purports that you sent the same to Dover which was delivered his Honour.—Plymouth, 10 April 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (85. 169.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Same.
1605, April 20. For his Majesty's special service I have with all possible expedition since Tuesday last made ready five several commissions for his signature, which no doubt (observing your instructions) will bring treasure to his coffers. Yesterday the matters appointed to be heard in the Star Chamber, the parties being accorded, proceeded not; and thereupon I on his Majesty's behalf informed against Thomas Stokes, a deputy purveyor for timber, who by colour of his office had oppressed many of his Majesty's subjects, felled their timber trees near about their mansion houses and carried them away in very unlawful manner. For which the Lords punished him severely by imprisonment, pillory, whipping and fine; by which sentence his Majesty's true and just prerogative was confirmed for confirmat usum qui tollit abusum, and confirmat proprietatem qui tollit iniquitatem. This day (being required by your letters) I have relieved the poor foreign curriers against a monopoly by Act of Parliament made and contrived in the Lower House the last Parliament, where by general words the freemen of London have sole power only, and no other, to curry leather within London, the suburbs and three miles compass; whereby twenty poor curriers, having been apprentices at that trade and ever used it to the relief of themselves, their wives and children, were like to be undone by the great penalty inflicted upon them by this uncharitable and crafty branch craftily inserted into a long Act of 5 rolls of parchment, and was not (being in general terms and of so base a subject) espied in the Higher House. But this day I have found a way to relieve them, and so it is ordered in the Exchequer, the said Act notwithstanding.
I never see his Majesty but I return with exceeding comfort and joy, and I never hear him without observation of some excellent thing proceeding from his high and profound wisdom. But such be his ordinary urgent affairs, which have been delayed in respect of these three services, as without great prejudice to them I cannot both effect them and attend on him to-morrow.— 20 April 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (110. 93.)
Lord Say and Sele to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 20. My Lord Ambassador hoisting sail upon the 19th being Friday about 9 o'clock in the forenoon, arrived safely at Dunkirk upon Saturday the 20 of April by 9 o'clock the next morning, and not before by these accidents happening. My Lord Ambassador embarking himself and the lords, knights and gentlemen of greatest quality with him in the Avantguard, out of his noble disposition left the Lion's Whelp to the disposing of my Lord Ambassador Leger, Sir Thomas Edmondes, for the better transporting of him, his lady and others whom he liked best to have attend him. It fell out before the Vantguard came over against Calais 2 men of war of the Hollanders overtook the Lion's Whelp (which was not past some league behind us) and suddenly we might hear a piece shoot off out of her and withal discover her boat coming towards us. Whereupon our Admiral, albeit before that time being about 5 of the clock upon the Friday afternoon [he] was almost becalmed before, yet made slower speed than before, and could not conjecture what the cause might be until their ship boat wherein [was] the captain himself of the Lion's Whelp (called as I remember Captain Salkel) came aboard us. Then I, walking with Sir William Monson at that instant, heard him tell Sir William that the 2 men of war of Holland as they passed by them called to them and seemed scornfully to ask them who they were, and after the trumpet of the Lion's Whelp had sounded they would not answer but offered the King's "spinisshe" [pinnace] to hale her toward them; which indignity the captain perceiving, as also their contempt, using no acknowledgment or respect to the Lion's Whelp, our captain of her "gave the Hollanders the blurr" as the seamen term it, the which the Hollanders returned again to the Lion's Whelp: which I think had not Sir Thomas Edmondes and his lady been there especially, the captain would as he had reason have showed them his broadside. But Sir Tho. Edmondes first advised him, the Admiral being so near, to give him knowledge thereof, which made the captain of the Lion's Whelp to shoot off a piece and take his boat and come aboard us. But no sooner had he made relation to Sir William Monson but he sent him the captain to both the Flemings, requiring them to come aboard him and render him an account of their doings or he would sink them. They returned answer that they would come aboard him as soon as they were ready; whereupon our Admiral sent the master of our ship the Vantguard, who presently returned and brought word they would presently come. But before upon the answer first brought by the captain of the Lion's Whelp (which seemed discontenting) they sounded a trumpet and Sir William stayed to requite them with the like until he might be satisfied better. But our master being with them and they seeing we began to make ready our lower tier, they sent word namely one Captain Lambert a Fleming that loved Sir W. Monson so well as that he would come to him, but he must in kindness first bestow 2 or 3 pieces of ordnance in joy of meeting him: which the said Lambert having a good man of war of 300 [tons] or better did shoot off, and his fellow of 160 or 200 burden shot off one or two pieces and in firing off the third the piece brake and they feared their ship had been afire, calling to us for boats, which with all speed we sent to them. But no great hurt being done, only a man of theirs or two having some little hurt, they came aboard us, both their captains (after they had "stroken" their topsails) excusing themselves and promising to punish their trumpeter and such as gave the offence, saying only they had no reason to strike their topsail until they came to the Admiral himself, he being so near them, they protested that they owed as much duty to the King as they had done to the Queen deceased and so would do still. And then Captain Lambert offering all respect to my Lord Ambassador and Sir William Monson his very familiar acquaintance, he and his fellow captain went down into the place where my Lord dined, and calling for English beer parted with all kindness, and anchored by us all night. The next morning my Lord going aboard a "pinis" [pinnace] about 5 of the clock, about 9 or before landed into the very town of Dunkirk this Saturday: where the Lord Barbarson with one Jago Diego de Ortise, a Spaniard, and many other captains of command were at the bank's side ready to attend my Lord, leaving no respect unperformed to any his followers for accommodating his lordship and us; giving at his entrance such a "tire" of ordnance as I have seldom heard the like; and at the coming in of the Lion's Whelp some men of war of Hollanders lying in Dunkirk Road did also shoot off 3 or 4 pieces. And after my Lord was at his lodging the mayor or chief magistrate made an ovation in French congratulating greatly the peace and offering his lordship all service.—Dunkirk, 20 April, 11 o'clock, 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (110. 94.)
Viscount Butler to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 20. Seeing my Lord my father-in-law at this time has written unto you of such matters as he has now sent this bearer Henry Sherwood thither for, I will but refer you unto that which most of any concerns me; and do not doubt that in this as in all things else that may concern me I shall find you ready to procure the same to be effected to my best contentment: praying you that what else this bearer and my friends there shall propound for my good you will afford your furtherance therein.—From Carrick, 20 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ pp. (110. 95.)
The Earl of Ormonde to the Same.
1605, April 20. Since my last letter to you, languishing for the more part in my bed, I was advertised from thence that some go about to derive to themselves by suit to his Majesty some part of the due reward of his Highness's progenitors unto my ancestors for their faithful service, specially my prize wines of this realm, which continues by way of entail in them and me well near three hundred years. And albeit I find by resolution of many of great judgment in the laws there and here, that there is no impediment but that the same ought to descend without question unto my son-in-law Viscount Butler after my decease by force of the said entail, yet he being young and inexperienced in suits in law, and might, by occasion of them, be brought behindhand (as many of his sort have been) I am earnestly to pray you according to my trust in you to give attention to such suits if any shall be made, and to give impediment unto them by acquainting his Majesty with the state of my cause and with my ancestors' and my own deserts by our long continued service.—From the Carrick, 20 April 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (110. 96.)
Sir John Haryngton to the Same.
1605, April 20. You have been pleased in times past to read some discourses of mine, and to give them better allowance than men of meaner judgment. I entreat you to read this short relation (for it is too long for a letter) containing my zealous offer for his Majesty's service in Ireland. When you have read it I make but one request more, that what success it shall please God to send it my offer may have as it deserves a favourable interpretation.—From Kellston, 20 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (110. 97.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 20. They very happily arrived at Dunkirk on the 20th inst. He does not doubt Cranborne's best furtherance of what he has already been a suitor for to the King, which he reserves to proceed in till his return. The Duke of Aschot has lost his wife within these 14 days, therefore it is thought his "deuil" will be an occasion to hinder his appointed entertainment of his Excellency at Gaunt. Is sorry for Count Aremberg's sake, fearing a remarriage.—Dunkirk, 20 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 62.)
The Earl of Dunfermline to the Same.
1605, April 20. As to the estate of this country since I can remember this 29 years it was never so calm and quiet as it is at the present. No man living can say he has either seen or heard tell of so great reverence, fear and regard in this land to the authority, to the laws and to justice, as is at the present. You may hear say there, as it is written from thence, that there is here a great miscontentment amongst the nobility and great rumours amongst the ministry; but you may believe me, I can perceive no purpose in it but trifles of no consequence. Not the less, by God's grace, we shall be as careful to attend to all to maintain his Majesty's peace and obedience, as if the perils were greater. If I can perceive any just suspicion of any storm, I shall make you foreseeing with the foremost. It is likewise daily reported to us that the Puritans should be stirring there, and showing great malcontentment, and under pretext of them others also give forth their doleances and complaints of the present estate and government. But I hope these be but all toys and idle conceits, which you have been this long while acquainted with, and can easily prevent and quench. I think the din of these rumours be greater here than any effect is there. The Marquis of Huntly is returned from thence very well composed, has given his presence to the Council in all due humility, has promised all due obedience as ever he shall be charged or sent for, and so is retired home. I cannot declare to you what mickle good it has done to our whole estate:—the wise and grave form of proceeding his Majesty has kept with the said Marquis at his last being there. It will make the courses of all our great "ydalgos" the more temperate. I said no further to my Lord Marquis but this before the whole Council, that we had all great cause to thank God, for that he had brought the King to such estate as he might now freely deal with every subject according to his merit, give the law not only to every one of us in particular but even to us all, if they were never so many of us, nor so great, would seem to be mutin or rebellious; the which was able to make obedience, peace and justice to flourish and to bring wealth amongst us.
I recommend unto you Mr. Alexander Hay, who will I hope deliver this, and pray he may have your favourable countenance. There is none understands our whole estate better nor he, and is a very true and honest, diligent, discreet and well conditioned person.—Edinbrough, 20 April 1605.
Holograph, signed: Al. Dunfermeling. Endorsed: "L. Fivye." 4½ pp. (190. 63.)
The Earl of Hertford to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 20 [rectius 21]. He embarked at Dover on Friday the 19th, and by reason of a calm lay aboard the Vangard that night. On Saturday morning they landed at Dunkirk, where he was received by M. Barbanson, brother to the Count of Aremberg, and M. Ortis, Governor of Dunkirk. This day, Sunday, he is determined to rest, and on Monday to Newport, and so forward. The town yielded them good lodging, but scant of other provision, whereby he was constrained to send into the country near about. He desires hourly to hear of the health of the King, Queen and royal family.—Dunkirk, 20 [sic] April 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (190. 66.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1605, April 21. I understand by my servant Moris you have procured a privy seal from his Majesty for my diet and my extraordinary. I have no other requital but humble thanks, and that which in me wants God will requite. I send you a true note of my expenses which goeth out of my extraordinary; I presume you will think nothing of it but necessary, and such as otherwise I cannot keep those that attend me in my imprisonment and others that must follow my business. [To] my two letters to his Majesty I have received only this answer; to the first he said it was well, to the second he willed Mr. Gibbs to show it him another time. Since I hear Mr. Gibbs is gone sick from the Court, so you see what is become of my hope; as a smoke so I compare it, no sooner seen but so soon consumed. So are my ideas, conceived and in some hope, but in conclusion as smoke, and this stands the fortune of your poor friend. Often repetitions are ever held needless, yet in me excusable, and there is no rule so general but some exceptions are allowed. My legs are weak, continually cold, no means I can use can bring heat into them, a plain sign of the general decay of the natural heat in my body. This place will kill me, which I may resolve of, except you take compassion on me.—Tower, 21 April 1605.
Holograph, signed: Henry Brooke. Seal. 1 p. (110. 98.)
The Enclosure:—The expenses I must necessarily disburse out of my allowance yearly.
To Morris for his wages 20l. 0s. 0d.
To Peny for his wages 20l. 0s. 0d.
To Lanman for his wages 13l. 6s. 8d.
To my cook 15l. 0s. 0d.
For his house rent 5l. 0s. 0d.
To Jackson who writes for me 13l. 6s. 8d.
Total 86l. 13s. 4d.
½ p. (110. 99.)
Sir Wilfrid Lawson to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 21. Besides our general letter to all the Privy Council give me leave to signify unto you that after we his Majesty's Commissioners all, saving Sir William Selby and Sir Gideon Murray (who excused their absence by want of health), had met at Carlisle the 8th inst., and after publication of his Majesty's commission and proclamation made to give notice of such things as were to be put in execution for the better government of these countries (lately called the Borders) in time to come, and many complaints heard, some whereof were ordered and the rest referred to be ordered either at Dumfries, Jedburgh or Berwick as the cause required: upon Monday last we rode to Dumfries, and there after publication of his Majesty's commission and proclamation as aforesaid upon the Tuesday one Alexander Armstrong was there tried and executed for the death of Sir John Carmichael, his Majesty's late Warden, being by us the day before sent thither out of Carlisle gaol where he was prisoner. We have appointed a gaol delivery to hold here at Carlisle May 2 next, and at Newcastle the 10th of the same, and that all his Majesty's Commissioners shall meet at Berwick May 29. I cannot but commend the honest care and forwardness we find in the Scottish Commissioners to the furtherance of the service and advancement of justice without partiality; which course if we all still hold there is no doubt but in short time the people here, formerly inured to all kind of vice, will be brought to know God and yield due obedience to the King and his laws; and the sooner if a convenient number of such as from their infancy have delighted in nothing but blood and theft were picked out (or sent away) as well of the one side as of the other.—Carlisle, 21 April 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (110. 100.)
Lord Balmerino, Secretary of Scotland, to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 21. I have been ever since my returning partly by his Majesty's service and since by my own private affairs in the country so distracted, and the time has been so scarce of matter worthy of advertisement, that I have been silent. By the bearer you will be informed of the estate of our affairs and specially of our proceedings anent the Isles, and what present help is requisite from thence. Matters are, praised be God, in good frame, but some little clergy perturbations are in some proportion common to both the States. I would be glad to be strengthened by your judgment in all our matters and that you should help us with your advice, and command either in his Majesty's service or for your own particular what lies in my power to do. As I acknowledge your favour in the procuring of Sir John Roper's reversion of his office, so I must still entreat the continuance thereof that by the same mean it may be effectual to me whensoever the place "sall vack" [shall fall vacant].—Holyrood House, 21 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 101.)
Sir Thomas Windebank to the Same.
1605, April 21. Returns the warrant, with the additional clause. Sends also the other warrant engrossed with his own hand, meaning to wait upon Cranborne some day this week, after wrestling to have some remedy for his disease, whereof as yet he finds none.—Hayne's Hill, 21 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 67.)
The Master of Gray to the Same.
1605, April 22. The Controller, my Lord of Skone, hath sent you the particular of my account subscribed by the Chancellor, Secretary and himself. As he has not yet received warrant, he will promise no payment at this Whitsunday, which is the term in Scotland when all must pay their debts or renew bonds. I have paid for his Majesty's debts annually now 22 years and yet neither in the first allowance of my accounts nor at this time was there one penny allowed save the principal. I am compelled to trouble you to push this triple to a point and send me the warrant for the Controller. I had directed Capt. Tyrie to show you, for the multiplication of words is no pleasant offering. If my Lord of Barwik shall say one word to the Controller, it cannot but help.—Dundee, 22 April 1605.
PS.—I crave pardon for an oversight in my last letter, for enclosing within the packet other men's letters, but it was gone before I did remember.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (85. 151.)
Lord Morley to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 22. I would long ere this, but for indisposition of body, have attended you to offer my thanks for your favour in the suit the King has granted me, I was indebted to the Queen some 400l. or thereabouts which I am not without great hindrance able to discharge, by reason that the grant from his Majesty will yield me no great benefit. Therefore I intend to be a suitor to his Highness to forgive that debt, if I may have your furtherance, when his Majesty shall acquaint you with my pretence.—Holborn, 22 April 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (110. 102.)
Mrs. Florence Stallinge to the Same.
1605, April 22. In January last you advised me to enter into due consideration concerning Sir Robert Steward's suit to my husband for a marriage between him and my daughter; and to take such course therein that Sir Robert might speedily know what to trust unto. Your letters together with some from Sir Robert came to my hands in the latter end of February, whereby I understood his purpose to be to come hither himself in person to receive answer in his suit; which accordingly he did about the middle of March. At which coming, respecting his birth and qualities, as also your letters, I endeavoured to give him the best content I could. Notwithstanding I always wished him to take all opportunities for his best fortune elsewhere and not to rely upon marriage with my daughter, considering how unfit it were for him to stay until she were of ripe years, being yet but a child, and that it was uncertain how she would be affected towards him hereafter. These and other considerations and conferences had, finding my daughter unfit for years and not inclined in affection towards him we departed finally and friendly as I took it. And I much marvel he would again importune you to write at this time, having from the beginning promised not to solicit my daughter until she were marriageable. His then resolution I thought to be a full satisfaction unto your first letters and therefore forbore to trouble you with any further answer in writing, wherein if I have forgotten myself or mistaken the scope of your letters I humbly crave pardon.
I have since received other letters from your lordship, requiring an answer to be made to his Majesty's letter in Sir Robert Steward's behalf about the same matter. His Majesty's letters were directed to my husband and not to myself, and came to his hands long before his death: after receipt of which he attended on his Majesty at Whitehall and there by word of mouth gave answer to him as he informed me. Other answer than that he then gave to those letters I trust his Majesty does not expect, neither can I well make, except you impart unto his Highness the inequality of years between Sir Robert and my daughter, who is but of eleven years and odd months of age; with her childish resolution at his being here, that she could not affect him nor any other: although divers other respects both for jointure, present maintenance and future inheritance for posterity, in your discretion (I doubt not) may well beseem a mother to require for her daughter in such a case. All which I confess his Majesty's gracious favour more than countervails and I wish no longer to live than whiles I give content to his Highness, and in all duty satisfy you. So relying upon your relation hereof unto his Highness as occasion shall require I take my leave.—From Kenn, 22 April 1605.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (110. 103.)
Lord Harington to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605], April 22. Finding that by your furtherance my servant, whom I employed the last half year in the receipt of the Lady Elizabeth's allowance, had thereby a speedy dispatch, whereas formerly to my charge my servant attended a quarter of a year before he could get payment, emboldens me, being now again to require her grace's half year's allowance, to entreat you—finding the accounts fit to be passed—to allow of them by subscribing thereunto.—From Eyton this 22 of April.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (110. 104.)
William Saxey to the Same.
1605, April 22 In his eleven years' service as Chief Justice of Munster he has observed divers enormities tending to the ruin of that kingdom, and has laboured to discover fit remedies. That province, having one archbishopric, 7 bishoprics, and many great benefices with cure, 3 cities rich and well peopled, and a great number of wealthy and populous ports and haven towns, is now so destitute of godly ministers and preachers to reclaim the people from their inbred idolatry and superstition, and the treasonable errors of the Jesuits and Popish priests, that there is not one able preacher in all the province.
The Archbishops and Bishops, though unlearned, have pluralities of bishoprics and great number of benefices, and unconscionably receive the profits, as well of those benefices as of many spiritual dignities in cathedral churches, to the great decay of religion, and no less prejudice to his Majesty's usurped rights. For the discovery whereof he recommends that a commission be directed to meet persons, being no Irish nor recusant, to enquire (1) how many bishoprics there are in the province, who enjoys them or their lands, and by what title; (2) the particulars of the dignities spiritual belonging to any cathedral or collegiate church, the value of the lands belonging thereto, by whom the profits are received, and by what title; (3) particulars of the benefices with cure in every diocese, their value, value of their lands, and the title of their incumbents. Knowledge of the premises must be chiefly had by search of the Bishops' registers, which will be the sooner had if the Bishops be commanded by the Council to produce the registers and other evidences. This course will furnish that country with sufficient preachers and ministers, for whom there is sufficient maintenance out of the spiritual livings; and is like to draw great benefit from such as have unlawfully usurped the receipt of his Majesty's rights. The commissioners should have power to compound with usurpers. Offers to help in the above service.—Bidney, Hereford, 22 April 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr Justice Saxey." 3 pp. (190. 68.)
Walter Mathew, Mayor of Plymouth, to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 23. Yesterday sent away the letter for the Lord Admiral by a bark that left this harbour for Sevill, by the hands of Martin Philips of Plymouth. It was not sent sooner because the wind has been southerly ever since he received it, so that no shipping has gone out.—Plymouth, 23 April 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (86. 4.)
Ha. Vivian to Mr. Percival, "attendant on Lord Cranborne."
1605, April 23. I have used my best endeavours to find a tenure for his Majesty for the wardship of John Trelawney's heir. What the escheator has done therein I am not informed, but if there be not an office found before next term I am out of hope to do good therein.
I wrote this vacation to you and my Lord touching a presentation passed by his lordship unto one Chawly (?) of one of the portions of Tiverton, being fourth in number. This turn belonged unto my cousin Courtney and me and not to our cousin Trelawny, by reason of his minority, in whose right this man was presented. And by another letter to Mr. Bremerton I entreated him to procure his lordship's answer, whether he would command me not to attempt law against Chawly, or permit me to try our right, by this presentation much prejudiced. For as I then wrote, so I assure you I will rather lose the inheritance than give his lordship the least cause of offence; but thereof I have received no answer.
The townsmen of Marhasewe, presuming on his lordship, have taken from me and my partners a fair that time out of mind was kept on our green there, but now kept in the town. I told Mr. Rosmarie of it as done by his direction, as I am informed. He denies it, albeit some of the townsmen have informed me otherwise. I know it is not his lordship's pleasure to [do] injury the least, and therefore pray you speak with Mr. Rosmaric in it that the like may not be offered.—Trelawaren, 23 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal broken. 2/3 p. (110. 105.)
Sir John Ogle to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 23/May 3. I hope the assurance you have of the duty I owe and bear to you will intercede for me against any misconstruction of my long silence; which I have done not of neglect but out of regard to your greatness, holding it too great a presumption to write only matter of compliment. And though these times afford me not as yet the fittest subjects to discourse of, which is de rebus gestis, how our businesses are carried in matters of action, which is the part of men of my condition; yet shall it not, I presume, be displeasing to you that I represent (though in a dim confused glass) the course of our present affairs here. Our army is in good readiness and will be on foot within 8 days at furthest, if nothing cross the resolution taken yesterday by the General Estates. That which has held us up for some few days past has been principally the not aright understanding of each other [by] the Hollanders and Zelanders, together with the opinion of a fleet out of Spain that should transport some say six, others eight, thousand men for some part of these Netherlands. But the resolution is now taken to go forward with the design. What it is is known to very few here, and hidden from many of the Councillors themselves. By the number of waggons which are provided which amount, as I am informed, to 1700 in least, it should be a land journey, and by that we gather it is into Brabant. 2,000 of the Germans are already come and are at the Tolhouse by the land of Cleves, the other thousand are daily expected. The Estates make account to bring into the field 12,000 foot and 3,000 horse, besides the troops which they will leave in Flanders, and 5,000 which shall be destined for the defence of the Rhine, to hinder the passage of the enemy if he attempt it. The town of Rheneberke [Rhineberg] is well provided of victual, though the walls are none of the best fortified; yet 5,000 to lie without it on the other side the water will ever keep the river open to them and strengthen the town better than 5 bulwarks, so that if Spinola engage himself there we are in good hope he will have but an ill bargain. The English troops are now at length disposed under colonels, namely Sir Edward Cecyl, Captain Sutton and myself, so that there shall be now four regiments, over which Sir Horace Vere presses hard to have commission for command. Sir Ed. Cecyl has hitherto somewhat opposed; I for my part have from the beginning referred myself to the discretion of the Estates who I doubt not will do that is fittest for their service, and will consider withal the honour of the nation. In what nature our commissions shall be I know not yet, neither whether it be resolved that Sir Hor. Vere shall superintend, for the resolution was taken but yesternight.— Hague, May 3 stilo novo, 1605.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (110. 129.)
Sir Gamaliel Capell to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 24. Begs him to accept a "leage" of pheasants and 3 brace of partridges; hopes to enjoy his favour as long as he demeans himself uprightly in his calling and is sincerely devoted to him.—At Abbas Rooding in Essex, 24 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (110. 106.)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
[1605], April 24. I have received your letters of the 1st of April, whereby it is made clear to me how graciously the King accepts my letters to you, as also your accustomed favour in the delivery of them. It is an extraordinary comfort to me that his Majesty is so well affected towards me, and that you are my faithful friend. According to your advice I have written a letter to the King, of which I enclose a copy, desiring you to deliver it or make stay of it at your pleasure. What moves you to account them whom I term Mr. Darse's men to be priests, it being more than we could here find out? It should seem you have some other intelligence of them, which I should be glad to know, as also what his Majesty's pleasure is to have done with them. The justice done upon Pounde and others this last assizes has done great good in these parts, for now the Papists have left their brags, of which before they were very prodigal. The King's letter to the Archbishop and myself has likewise cleared many foolish doubts, which vain people had conceived, of greater favour intended to the priests than I know ever was meant; so that things now in some measure begin to return, and be reduced to that wise and judicial frame wherein, by the grave advice of your worthy father and yourself, our late Mistress left it. I pray you commend me to the noble Lord Chamberlain and my Lady.—Normanbie, 24 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (190. 59.)
Sydney Wylby to Sir Thomas Lake.
[1605, April 24]. I have importuned you these six weeks for your letter to warrant my journey to Rome, but I find it is not to be had but with more difficulty than I expected. The reason I cannot divine, unless it be fear to offend him that wrongfully hates me, for I understand that your accesses to his Majesty since I spake to you have been frequent. If I had apprehended that it would not have been facile and without distaste I would have attempted it by other means, though something more improper. Rather than you should prejudice yourself in the loss of the least hair of your head by pleasuring me, I would not only quit my intention though it would be to my grief, but as soon break a leg as speak of it. My journey admits now no longer protraction without notable inconvenience, in respect that my money is already made over, and my trunk at seaside above 15 days since, attending my coming to embark. If therefore you may pleasure your friend without displeasing yourself let me once again entreat you to effect it with some expedition, or at least to return me your final answer. Mr. Belling will attend you for it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "24 April 1605. Copy of my letter to Sir Thomas Lake. To procure me leave to go to Rome." 2/3 p. (110. 107.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 25. All my letters to you are either to entreat some favour of you, or to thank you for the last suit obtained; as this now, for so speedily procuring me his Majesty's dispensation for my absence from this feast, which I have kept as lamely here as both your father and mine have often done, through the very same infirmity, which yet makes me go limping. I thank you infinitely for your jealousy lest I had been visited with the stone, which proceeding out of your care of me I must needs take most kindly; but I never was troubled therewith since I saw you last otherwise than I have been for the most part these 5 or 6 years past, and at this time only with the gout, besides the sharpness whereof I have complained to you heretofore. It will not be long I hope before we shall see you at Court.—At Sheffield lodge this 25th of April 1605.
PS.—It is reported in the mouths of many in these parts that my Lord Burghley your brother has ended his days, which I assure myself is untrue, for I have not heard it any otherwise than by vulgar report.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (110. 108 (1).)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
[1605], April 25. I entreat your favour towards this gentleman my neighbour, that in such occasions as he shall have at the Court you will have respect of him for my sake. He deserves very worthily to be regarded, being a gentleman of good parts, honourably descended, and one who does the King as good service where he dwells as any man in the shire. I know not his particular desires, they being at his going up not fully resolved on; but reasonable they will be, for he is a gentleman regular in all his courses.—York, 25 April.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (110. 108 (2).)
Lord Cobham to [the Same], his brother-in-law.
1605, April 25. This morning Morris spake with my Lord Treasurer. He has deferred the allowing of the privy seal till his next speaking with you. My servant is able to inform you truly what was the allowance to the Earl of Arundel, who this morning spake with Mr. Neiton who ever paid the money to my Lord's servants. I am only bound to you and so refer it wholly unto you.—From the Tower, this 25 of April 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. ⅓ p. (110. 109.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 26. The bearer will tell Cranborne the cause of the shortness of these lines, which will be supplied by another messenger shortly to follow.—Sheffield, 26 April 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (99. 138.)
The Earl of Devonshire to the Same.
[1605], April 26. With this new establishment that is to go into Ireland I think there must be letters to the Deputy and Council, either from his Majesty or my Lords, to give notice of the receipt of their last dispatch, with good acceptance of their diligence therein and promise of answer shortly: and this not so much to give them, as the country there, satisfaction that we are busy about the consideration of them. In mentioning the diminution of the army it were good to seem that the King is induced thereunto out of the confidence of the good disposition of those people to his obedience and the inclination they show to live under justice; which moves his Majesty as much as may be to ease them of the burden of the soldier, to command the Deputy by all means that may be to ease them of any burden or oppression of the garrisons and to make them see that they are maintained for the defence only of the King's good subjects, and not to annoy them. And as the Deputy is to encourage the people in this their good way of civility and obedience, so his Majesty must promise him speedy supply of power to suppress any new irruption, and in the mean time give him authority, if there should be any extraordinary occasion, with the advice of the Council there to levy and put into entertainment as many as shall be thought fit, and for as long. And where[as] in the reducement of this establishment some necessary wants may be omitted, if there be any such which he shall think of extraordinary importance, his Majesty may give him power to continue or erect them, so they exceeded not some thousand pounds per annum; and I dare undertake we will find the means to abate twice as much. Pardon me if I write idly for I am as weak as I have been after a year's sickness; but I thank God I am past my pain, and now I would fain make much of myself till I recover strength.—26 April.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (110. 110.)
Sir Wilfrid Lawson to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 27. Hearing that the prisoners, condemned when the Earl of Cumberland was his Majesty's Lieutenant here, had broken the prison upon Wednesday last at night and gone, I made my repair to Carlisle, where I found that of 33, the whole number, 29 were escaped and gone. Enclosed you shall receive their names; 8 of the first named are Scots, the rest Englishmen. The Scots I hear are gone into Scotland. I have written to Sir John Chartrours, one of his Majesty's Commissioners there, dwelling next, as well for their apprehension as to prevent their reset. I hear also that 9 or 10 of the Englishmen should have been met yesterday betwixt Penrith and Appleby travelling southward. I wish they had been straitlier kept, for divers of them being evil men and condemned persons besides, I marvel to hear of the liberty (it is said) they have had at their hands [who] had them in charge.—From Carlisle, 27 April 1605.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (100. 111.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1605, April 27. It was but the advice of Mr. Gibbs, which I was bold to acquaint you with. It were to small purpose to write to the Lords if they would not move the King for me, so I hold it better to forbear, only I presume of your favour, which I cannot despair of; and so to God, the King, and time I leave my fortune. I thank you that you would have one of mine go down to Cobham to see that cabinet delivered, wherein there be some private letters. You I imagine forgot it, for when I spake with you at Winchester, and twice since I wrote to you that you would send for it: I make this suit that the keys of the studies of Cobham and Blackfriars you will take into your own hands, now there is no cause why anybody should have them, and this I shall take as a great favour. Times of jubilee had ever wont to be mixed with deeds of clemency, and God may put into the King's heart to think of me.—From the Tower, 27 April 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. 1 p. (190. 69.)
Simon Basyll to the Same.
1605, April 27. Asks in what manner the bearer, Mr. [John] Shaw, is to be employed at Theobalds. Mr. Flint understands that at the end of this term Cranborne will employ Shaw about a survey at Fourde in Sussex. Recommends that Shaw should be here resident until the works be fully finished, as well to keep account of the workmen as of the receipt of materials. If he be taken away, it will breed a confusion in the accounts. This day he (Basyll) has amended, or rather enlarged, the hall, chapel and kitchen, for the almshouse.—27 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 70.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605], April 27. Begs his favour to a poor distressed gentlewoman of his (Grevill's) blood. She was daughter to Sommerfield and, but for his error, in possibility of a fine estate. He is informed the Lords are all nobly disposed towards her. The world's opinion that Cranborne bears some respect to him procures him this trouble.—London, 27 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (190. 71.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1605, April 28. Yesternight I heard from Mr. Gibbs, who sends me word that the King has read my second letter. This answer to it he made, that he remembered me sufficiently upon my first letter, and was determined what course he would take with me, which very shortly I should hear of. His Majesty had many particular speeches with him of me, but especially about my health; who told him as he had heard, how lame I was. The King's manner of questioning with him seems that he rather conceives that it is given forth to move commiseration than that I am so. Oh that the King knew truly my heart! he then would know that I rely wholly upon his royal and Christian clemency, and not to abuse him nor the world with such base tricks. Mr. Gibbs advises me that I should write a letter to some 2 or 3 of my Lords; he thinks their favourable dealing with the King would hasten the King's determination for my liberty. If you held it fit, such a letter would I write. This whatsoever it be, yet so much show of favour I had not since my destruction, which only to God and you I attribute.— Tower, this 28 of April 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Seal. ¾ p. (110. 112.)
Dr. Roger Goade to the Same.
1605, April 28. Dr. Neale, being in our College this last Lent, about your lordship's affairs, when it happened myself to be from home, left word with one of our bursars touching Ruislip matters, that you having bought the lease of the common woods, which I was glad to hear, desired for the security of our rent, that where we have 50l. land per annum lying in Enfield, assured from Mr. Assebye the late farmer, in lieu thereof so much per annum for the same security of your land might be accepted. This being all one to the College, so that the land do not lie far off, I shall be willing to further the same, when you please, and upon assurance of the new to deliver back the old, touching the land in Enfield.
It pleased you by Dr. Neale to remember the College with a treble saltcellar of silver for the upper table in our Common Hall, and myself with a cup of silver gilt. They are accordingly received, for which I humbly thank you.—King's College, Cambridge, 28 April 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (136. 131.)
Chief Justice Popham to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 28. This enclosed was brought to me yesternight late after supper, by a servant of Sir Richard Lewknor's, which he found fixed to the wall of an entry here in Serjeants' Inn, which is a common passage. Yesterday afternoon there was brought from the Middle Temple another letter directed to his Majesty, and dropped down the night before in that Temple Hall, containing a libel of admonition unto his Majesty touching Spain, the religion, and other affairs at home, subscribed in the name of one Greene, which Mr. Attorney and myself labour to discover.
Give me leave to inform you truly of the cause concerning Mrs. Leversag, lately condemned of felony in Somerset, and of her condition of life, lest a misconceit might be settled in his Majesty and your lordships of the justices that in discharge of their duties did discover that matter. This gentlewoman of a long time lived a very wicked and dissolute life with that gentleman that after was by the Bishop of the diocese and censure of the Church compelled to marry her. But in the mean season this gentleman so wasted his estate as for many years he has lived in that country as an outlaw, not yielding himself as subject to any justice or process. The inhabitants about him complaining to the justices of the loss of their cattle and sheep, it was plainly discovered that this gentlewoman had procured her servant to steal cattle, which she spent in her house. For the which two are as I have heard condemned, and the third is fled. Since this matter was discovered those parts are in good quiet, and the country is in great fear if she be soon delivered those parts will grow worse than before: there be such bad people entertained in that house. I hear his Majesty has signed her pardon, but whether it shall be fit to pass presently under seal, or that she undergo some further time of correction before it pass, I leave to your consideration: the rather for that if she had not any pardon, the privilege of her belly being already allowed her, she cannot by the law be executed until the year be passed. I have in part acquainted my Lord Chancellor herewith, who wished me to make it known to you.—Serjeants' Inn, 28 April 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (190. 72.)
The Earl of Worcester to the Same.
[1605], April 29. The King upon reading Cranborne's letters was not fully satisfied with the interrogatories and has commanded Worcester to set down the points wherein he desires that Mr. Haddock should satisfy him in writing. Four interro gatories as to Haddock's preaching, his principal motive, the reason of his continuance in that humour, the three sermons he preached during his abode at Court, and whether if he had been dismissed without discovery he minded to have continued that course of preaching by night.—April 29th, 11 at night.
Holograph. 1 p. (110. 113.)
[Printed in extenso in Lodge, Illustrations, etc. III, pp. 284–285.]
Lord Scone to the King.
1605, April 29. I thought myself so far graced by your Majesty with benefits far exceeding the merits of my service that I durst not expect any further. Yet by advertisement from my Lords Cranborne and Berwick understanding it has pleased you to grant me 1,100l. when I least expected any such gift, I cannot resolve in what sufficient manner to express that faithful thankfulness which my mind acknowledges to be owing. Because your Majesty knows I am not "ane guid Secretare" able to declare my thoughts so thankful as they are, I will desist from this craft whereof I am unskilful and remit the further proof of my thankfulness to the effects of my truth and readiness in your service, when either my pains, hazard or blood may conserve the same.—Falkland, penult. Aprilis, 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "27 [sic] April 1605." ½ p. (110. 114.)
Examination of Joseph Tenny.
1605, April 30. Joseph Tenny of St. Kew confesses that about Christmas last was 2 years he went in a ship of Fowey called the Edward and John to Bilbao in Spain as a merchant, and being there he went to Portingalet, some 3 miles from Bilbao, and there lay in a Dutch house almost 2 months, where he became servant to Martin de Burtendona, being general of a fleet called the Biscay squadron, with whom he continued three quarters of one year; and then his master died at Lisbon, with whom he was at the time of his death. Immediately after his death he served one Villiago de Countadora, of the said squadron, with whom he remained one year and a quarter; and examinate desiring to come for England he gave him leave to return. When in Spain he observed that the Spaniards did not best brook our nation, because he often heard them call Englishmen Lutherans, with other words of reproach. Further he says that this last year the King of Spain builded to his knowledge 20 sail of great ships, the least above 500 tons and the Admiral about 1,000 tons; whereof was builded at St. Anderos 12, at Bilbao 6, and 2 at Alleredo, and they were all launched and rigging ere his coming thence. There ride at the passage 4 great galleons, 2 potacions, and 1 Dunkirker. There are also at St. Anderos 3 ships of 700 ton apiece. This fleet is said to be bound for Flanders, and there was to come thence about 20 days since the 2 potacions and the Dunkirker, to come upon our coast, under pretence to see if there be any Hollanders of war at sea, and upon their return the whole fleet should set to sea. In this fleet it was reported there should be taken 10,000 soldiers under the leading of Don Anthony de Keado, Don Diego de Brachero, and Suriago, which is said shall be general. And farther he confesses to have heard among the Spaniards in Court that they purposed to land these men either by Dover or Calais by reason their shipping are too great to go for Flanders, and so to pass these men by lesser shipping thither. There is serving in this fleet of English mariners, to his knowledge, above 300, to whom they give pay as they deserve; to a gunner 8 ducats the month, to the quarter gunner 6 ducats, and to every sailor 4 ducats the month. Farther this examinate says, that after the Constable's return out of England he was not gracious to the King, for after he saw the King he went to his house in "Subvoyer" and in 3 weeks after came not near him, nor much since his return. Says that within 2 days of the Constable's coming to Court his secretary was slain in Court; but how, it was not reported. Being asked who was reputed to be in greatest favour with the King, answers that since the Constable's being in England the Duke of Medina de Castile and the Duke of Savoy.
Headed: "Ultimo Aprilis 1605." 1 p. (110. 115.)
Auditor Francis Gofton to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 30. I am bold to put you in mind that I have not yet received from you the book of the jewels. You gave me knowledge of your purpose to be a means of some suit for me for his Majesty either in Ireland or England. So many warrants have passed for Ireland that now a great value will yield a small profit. I desire that I might rather have here some such small value of parsonages and tithes, or chantry lands and quilletts omitted out of the entail, in fee farm, as you shall think meet for me.—This last of April 1605.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (110. 116.)
Sir Thomas Hamilton to the King.
1605, April 30. Thanks his Majesty for his gift of 1,100l. and offers services.—Edr [Edinburgh], last of April 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lord Advocate of Scotland." 1 p. (190. 73.)
[Viscount Cranborne] to the Gentlemen of Leicestershire.
1605, April. Such is my goodwill to you all in general, in respect of my knowledge of your zeal in religion, and loyalty to the King, besides the particular bands of blood and friendship between me and divers of you, as when I read your letters I found myself drawn into a strait, in what sort to proceed towards you; being loth to deny you whom I love, and yet unwilling to yield to you, because I wish you so much good. Of which having now no better means to give you proof than by my plainness, I have resolved at this time to return you the answer which followeth. For the request you make, that I shall interpose my mediation in favour of divers ministers that show themselves unconformable to the ordinances of the church, in respect of that comfort which you have received by their ministry, this is that I must say, that for the religion which they profess I reverence them and their calling; but for their unconformity I acknowledge myself no way warranted to deal with them, because the course they take is no way safe in such a monarchy as this, where his Majesty aimeth at no other end than where there is but one true faith and doctrine preached, there to establish one form that a perpetual peace may be settled in the church of God: where[as] contrariwise these men by this singularity of theirs, in things approved to be indifferent by so many reverend fathers of the church, by so great multitudes of their own brethren (yea, many that have been formerly touched with the like weaknesses) do daily minister cause of scandal in the Church of England, and give impediment to that great and godly work towards which all honest men are bound to yield their best means, according to their several callings, namely to suppress idolatry and Romish superstition in all his Majesty's dominions. Further I must not hide from you, that when I observe this form that you have used in writing jointly for these men, I see it evidently, that if I should make any use of it to his Majesty to further your desires I should much distaste the King, forget my own duty, and throw an imputation upon you. For how can you plead ignorance or any of you, that the learned judges and fathers of the law have delivered in open Courts direct censures against those that gather hands and hearts in favour of this disobedience, and how his Majesty and the Council have dealt with other petitioners upon the like occasions? In which consideration, and many more, let me entreat you now to give me leave to change the case and make myself the petitioner to you in this kind, that you (foreseeing the dishonour and danger like to ensue by these separations of ourselves one from another in matters of this nature, concurring otherwise in all main points of faith and doctrine) would so interpose your private authorities over these poor men (who are easily carried by your breath in things indifferent) as they may not be found ready to strain the gnat and swallow the camel, nor wilfully to stop their own mouths from instructing those of whom they profess to take so great care, but rather to conform themselves to the ordinances of the church, to which they owe obedience, seeing we so fully agree in one true substance of faith and religion, and ought all to strive in a brotherly course to maintain the bonds of unity and conformity, for the advancement of God's glory and furtherance of our own salvation. And thus being sorry to refuse a request subscribed by so many of my friends and kinsmen I commit you to God's protection.—From the Court at Greenwich this—of April 1605.
Draft, corrected by Cranborne. 12/3 pp. (110. 117.)
[The passage from "for the religion which they profess" to "his Majesty's dominions" is printed in Gardiner, History of England, Vol. I, p. 201.]
Another copy with variations, also corrected by Cranborne. 6½ pp. (193. 45.)
Apparently an earlier draft of the foregoing with a correction by Cranborne and PS.—Since the writing of my letter I have had some speech with the messenger, to see whether in his particular carriage I could observe any such spirit as tending to conformity might move me to have entreated his Diocesan for some time of further consideration, or relief in his private estate; of whom in a word this I must say, that in my life I never spake with any of whose absolute profane curiosity I took so great distaste.
Endorsed by Cranborne: "A draught of a letter to the gentlemen of Leicestershire, changed afterward in some points." Also, "Minute concerning deprived ministers." 3 pp. (114. 128.)
Lord Mounteagle to Viscount Cranborne.
[1605, April.] I am advertised that there are letters directed from some of the Council to the tenants who are farmers of those lands which are now in controversy betwixt my Lord of Hertford and myself, that they should repair to London to compound with his Majesty either for the inheritance of those lands or to renew their leases because their estates are defective as it is suggested, there being a flaw in the letters patents granted by Henry VIII to the Duke of Suffolk; and that there is a commission granted to some of the Lords to make sale thereof. I am persuaded that this proceeds from a mistaking and that it more properly concerns your lordship than any other, as Master of the Court of Wards, so I made bold to acquaint you with this information, leaving the consideration thereof to your grave wisdom.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605 April." 1 p. (110. 118.)
Jo. Franciscus a Rao, President of the Court of Justice of the Kingdom of Sicily, to his Excellency —.
[1605, ? April.] Has read the letters his Excellency received from the King of England dated at Greenwich, 31 March 1605, containing the complaints of English merchants that two English ships and one French ship laden with English goods had been taken by triremes, or rather by the ships of his Excellency, and seeking compensation, specially after the friendship concluded with his Catholic Majesty "our lord." The cause of the ship Trialis, James Lito master, had been already tried and punishment inflicted, the said James having been guilty of many piracies. He therefore thinks the sentence just.
As to the other English ship, called Corsaletta, by his Excellency's decree three parts of her merchandise had been delivered to her owners (dominis). The fourth part is said to belong to the master George Cook, who was proved to be a pirate and publicly proscribed by decree of the King of England: as to this fourth part has directed the proceedings to be revised and the rights of the parties to be maturely considered.
As to the French ship it is false to say any English goods were in it; for it was proved at Messana, where James Elouin, master, and other Frenchmen were brought before his Excellency, that a great quantity of wheat was put on board by certain merchants which they sold and then took to acts of piracy against Christians; murdering Hans Liviner, Andrew and Colas or Nicholas, Flemings who would not consent to such wickedness. For this crime Elouin, Guglielmus Leo, and Peter Marchondich were condemned to death, which punishment was commuted for the galleys by his Excellency's clemency. This has nothing to do with the English.
Signed. Latin. Endorsed: "from Sicilia." 2½ pp. (110. 119.)
Egleston, [co. Durham.]
[Before May, 1605.] Dealings of Ralph Bowes and Anthony Arrowsmith in relation to the manor.—Undated.
1 p. (Pet. 2278.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 219.]


  • 1. This letter has been misplaced.