Index: H I

Pages 492-497

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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Hackney (Hakney), letter dated at, 322.
-, care of King's game in, 339.

Hadham (Haddham), [Herts], letter dated at, 89, 334.

Hadnotte, —, 311.

Hadsor, Richard, 324.
-, letters from, 175, 267.

Hague, the (Dunhag, Haghe), 85, 199.
-, letters dated at, 39, 42, 46, 47, 54, 135, 200, 231, 361.

Hainault (Hennolt; Essex), 307.

Hainault [Belgium], 116.

Hainault (Hanolt), Prince of, 53.

Haiti (St. Domingo, Hispanyola), Island of, 246.

Hakney, see Hackney.

Hales, Charles, Commissioner for Border Causes, 342.

-, Arthur, 154.
-, -, letters from, 120, 147, 148, 170, 180, 384.
-, Richard, merchant, letter from, 246.
-, Thomas, 37.

Halstow (Halystowe; Kent), 411.

Halswell, Nicholas, letter from, 325.

Halyrudhous, (Holyrood House), see Edinburgh.

Halystowe, see Halstow.

Hamburg, 242.
-, as a Hanse town, 297.

Hamilton (Hameton, Hammilton):
-, Captain, slain at Ostend, 152.
-, James, 10.
-, Lord James, 2nd Marquis of Hamilton and the Duchy of Chateauherault, 447.
-, Mr., 256, 293.

Hamonde, Henry, 60.

Hampshire, King's manors in, woodward of, 182.
-, four recusants of, 457.

Hampton, see Southampton.

Hampton in Arden (co. Warw.), 162.

Hampton Court [Middx.], 222, 304, 336, 354.
-, letters dated at, 26, 318 (2), 324, 417.
-, Lodge, letters dated at, 336.
-, statement at, concerning foreign trade, 315.
-, -, to deputies of Hanse Towns, 316, 317.
-, warrant dated at, 329.
-, Ecclesiastical conference at, see Ecclesiastical Conference.

Hampton Wick (Wick), [Middx.], letter dated at, 304.

-, Captain, 419.
-, John, 458.

Hanger, George, letter from, 155.

Hanington, (Wilts.), manor of, 434.

Hankyn, John, mayor of Harwich, letter from, 126.

Hanley, Richard, a charge against, 330, 337.

Hanmer, Tho., 314.

Hanolt, see Hainault.

Hanse towns, names of, 297.
-, and effect of trade with England on English Companies, 315.
-, Commissioners (deputies) for treaty with, 156, 235, 431.
-, -, letter from, 225.
-, -, answers to claims of, 297–298, 316 (2), 317.

Hanslope (Hanslopp; Bucks.), the Queen's manors of, 318.

Harbert, see Herbert.

Harcott, John, 330.

Hardenberg, see Aardenburg.

-, Abraham, letter from, 253.
-, -, services of, to Elizabeth, 135.

Harding, Richard, patentee for saltpetre and gunpowder, 341–342.

-, John, of the court of Wards, 43.
-, -, letter from, 128.
-, Nicholas, 417.

Harefield (Harfeld, Harfield), [Middlesex], 35.
-, letters dated at, 223, 228.

Harington (Haryngton, Haringeton, Harrington):
-, John, burgess of Old Sarum, 458.
-, Sir John, 5, 337.
-, -, letters from, 99, 126, 131, 138, 167, 354.
-, -, estate bestowed upon, 167.
-, -, a charge against, by his brotherlaw, 99, 437.
-, -, his wife, Lady Harington, 438.
-, John, Lord Harington of Exton, letters from, 111, 312, 317.
-, Sir Thos., 310.

Harlay, Christophe de, Comte de Beaumont, French Ambassador in England, 351.
-, letters from, 127, 289, 301, 438.
-, seeks information regarding treaty, 289, 301–302.
-, petitions on behalf of losses by Frenchmen, 438.

Harman, Count, 104.

Harranedar, John de, letter from, 438.

Harrington, see Harington.

Harris, Arthur, letter from, 67.

Harrison (Haryson, Harryson):
-, Dr., 36.
-, Richard, 108.

Harristeign, Stephen de, letter from, 438.

Harry, Count, see Nassau, Henry.

Harry, Lord, see Howard.

Harryott, Thomas, 433.

Harryson, see Harrison.

Hart, Peter, 193.

Harte, Henry, 458.

Hartrop, —, 256.

Harvy (Hervy, Hervye, Hervey):
-, Sir George, Lieutenant of the Tower, (the Lieutenant), 123, 248, 252.
-, -, letters from, 122, 162, 166, 192, 197, 205, 207, 362, 440.
-, -, letters to, 26, 100, 278 (2).
-, -, an old woman, 457.

Harwich [Essex], letter dated at, 127.
-, fishermen of, letter from, 239.
-, "a foul accident" at, 418.
-, mayor of, see Handkyn.

Haryngton, see Harington.

Haryson, see Harrison.

-, Sir Francis, 42.
-, -, letters from, 132, 172, 365.
-, George, 8th Earl of Huntingdon, offices of, in Leicestershire, and death of, 387.

Hatfield (Herts.), the Queen's manors of, 318.
-, Wood, 307.

Hatton, Lady, 222.

Haucking, see Hawkin.

Haughton, Richard, 354, 355.

Havering-atte-Bower (Havering, Havering le Bower; Essex), stewardship of, 305.
-, patent for, 434.

Haveser, Captain, 182.

Hawkin (Hauckin), John, letter from, 239.

Hawkyns (Hawkings, Hauckings), Sir Richard, mayor of Plymouth, 153, 373.
-, letters from, 144, 166, 439.

Hawnes [Beds.], 380.

-, Alexander, 39.
-, Francis, 8th Earl of Erroll, 169.
-, -, letter from, 433.
-, Sir James, 186, 208, 210, 233.

Haye, Lord, 442.

Hayes, Thomas, 312.

Hayman, Nicholas, Alderman of Dartmouth, 128.

Haynault, see Hainault.

Heale, see Hele.

Heanege, Sir Thomas, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 458.

Heidon, see Heydon.

Heigham, Sir Jo., letter from, 115.

Hele (Heale, Heall), Sir John, serjeantat-law, recorder of Plymouth, 152.
-, letters from, 89, 333, 352.
-, and writs against Lord Cobham, 22–23, 225, 410.

Helmont, New, see Ostend.

Helmount bulwark, see Ostend.

Hendon [Mdx.], letter dated at, 305.

Henfield [?Kent], Hoo in, 411.

Henley in Arden (co. Warw.), 162.

Henllan (co. Denbigh), 286, 287.

Hennolt, see Hainault.

Henry, Count, see Nassau.

Henry II, King, 175.

Henry VIII, King, grant of lands in Ireland, by, 255.
-, and war munitions, 401.
-, as founder of bishopric of Oxford, 453.

Henry, Prince (the Prince), son of James I, auditor of, 183.
-, to meet the Constable, 222.
-, suggested marriage with Infanta's daughter, 237.
-, serjeant-at-law of, 339.
-, writing master of, 402.

Henry IV, King of France, 26, 271, 272.
-, and a title to the crown of England, 7–8, 9–11.
-, and Catholics' causes in England, 71, 110.
-, letters from James I sent to, 172.
-, as king of Navarre, 245.
-, and Spanish treaty, 302, 438.
-, warrant of, 435.
-, and the Pope, 435.
-, his "lat marit quein" [Marie de Medicis], 446.
-, his alliance with Medicis, 447.

Henslow, Thomas, the elder, a recusant, 457.

Hentz, Utrick, a German, 340.

Herbage, office of, 466.

Herbert (Harbert):
-, Sir Edward, 43 (2), 339.
-, Sir John, secretary of state (Mr. Secretary), 120.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, Sir Philip, (?the Welch Lord), 336, 339, 350, 371, 435.
-, -, letters from, 237, 439 (2).
-, -, letter to, 432.
-, -, lands of, 432.
-, -, -, schedule and valuation of, 439 (2).
-, -, his wife, Lady Susan, niece to Lord Cranborne, 332, 339.
-, -, eats the King's grapes, 395.
-, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, 190.
-, -, letters from, 259, 291.
-, -, letters to, 191 (an enclosure), 276.
-, -, and Seal of Duchy of Cornwall, 260(2).
-, -, and trial of Foulke Lloyd, 276, 286, 288.
-, -, James I's allusion to marriage of, 326.
-, -, his wife [Mary], daughter of Earl of Shrewsbury, 383.

Hereford, Bishop of, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, see also Bennet.

Herefordshire, 66.
-, alnage of cloth in, 334.
-, undersheriff of, see Stephens.

Heriot, Mr., 260.

Herries (Herrys), Lord, see Maxwell.

Hertford (Hartforde), Earl of, see Seymour.

Hertford hundred (Herts.), 186.

Hertfordshire, water brought from to London, 55.
-, Lord Cecil's lands in, 58.
-, loans in, 434.
-, Justices of the Peace for, letter to, concerning privileges of townsmen, 322.
-, -, see also Frowyke and Wilbraham).

Hervey (Hervy), see Harvy.

Hervis, Mr., 193.

Hesketh, Sir Thomas and Lord Derby's lands, 283, 302–303, 466.
-, letters from, 200, 300.

Hethe, Thomas, 31.

Heyborn, Fr., letter from, 105.

Heydon (Heidon):
-, Sir Christopher, 335.
-, Michael, 334.

Heynes, Henry, letter from, 339.

Hide, see Hyde.

Higham (Kent), 411.

Higham Ferrers (Ferris), park of, [Northants], 208, 222.

Higham, Robert, 32.

High Commission, Court of, for Ecclesiastical Causes, 235, 404.
-, deputy registrar to, 52.
-, Commissioners of, names of, 290.
-, -, and a charge of recusancy, 322.

High Constable, see Velasco.

Hildersham, —, 368.

Hildesheim [Germany], as a Hanse town, 297.

-, -, cousin to Lord Grey of Wilton, 372.
-, Colonel, 284.
-, Doctor, 9.

Hilles, D., letter from, 164.

Hinchinbrook, (Finshingbrooke, Fynchynbroke), [Hunts.], 263, 364, 379.
-, letters dated at, 371, 374, 439.

Hinton, —, 257.

Hiriart, Augustin, letter from, 253.

Hispanyola, see Haiti, Island of.

Hitcham, Sir Robert, Attorney General to Queen, Privy Councillor, 162, 163.

Hix, Michael, afterwards Sir Michael, 138, 355.

Hixt, —, 300.

Hoby (Hobie), Sir Edward, 42, 198.
-, letters from, 97, 123, 233, 253, 268, 441.
-, lands leased to, 432, 439.

Hoddesdonbury Manor [in Broxbourne, Herts.], 58.

Hofstea, the, 62.

Hohenloo, Count, 199.

Holbeach (Holbeche), manor of [Lincs.], 343.

Holcroft, Sir Thomas, 43, 243.

Holland, state of, 41, 125, 134, 189, 260.
-, North, 42.
-, Council of States General in, 96, 102, 103, 267.
-, a bridge to be sent from, 109.
-, and the English Treaty with Spain, 226.
-, troops in, 232, 280.
-, English ships trading with, 265.
-, hope of treaty with Spain, 356.
-, and cost of United Provinces war, 361.

Holland, Count of, pedigree of, 242.

-, Mr., a J.P., 65.
-, Tho., Alderman of Dartmouth, 128.

Hollanders, see Dutch.

Holliday, William, letter from, 441.

Hollis, Sir John, 42.

Hollyer, —, nephew of Sir John Stanhope, 264.

Hollys, —, 447.

Holmead, Richard, 194.

Holstein, (Holst), Duke of, 370, 391, 445.

Holyrood House, Palace of, see Edinburgh.

Home (Hume, Humes, Hoome, Howme), Sir George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, afterwards 1st Lord Home of Berwick, created later Earl of Dunbar, 179, 355, 365, 371, 374, 449.
-, letters from, 45, 84, 254.
-, letters to, 132, 215, 226, 260, 328.
-, as Lord Treasurer of Scotland, 12.
-, -, and purchase of Norham Castle, 78, 451,
-, attending on James I, 50, 62, 137, 263, 367, 371, 398.
-, packets for, 165, 206, 208, 220.
-, as Earl of Dunbar, 169, 195, 394.
-, resigns as Lord Lieutenant of the Marches of Scotland, 176.
-, goes to London, 202.
-, lease of a park of, 209, 222.
-, farm of customs, 319.
-, and Union of England and Scotland, 369.
-, and captains' pensions, 370.
-, and suit of Lord Burghley, 407.

Honiton (Honyngton) [Devon], postal endorsement at, 166.

Hoo, Great (Kent), 411.
-, Hundred of, 411.
-, see also Henfield.

Hoome, see Home.

-, Edward, 458 (3)
-, John, 457, 458.

Hoo St. Mary (St. Mary's; Kent), 411.

Hornby (Hornbie), [Yorks.], 44.

Horne, Serjeant, 160.

Horton, letter dated at, 317.

-, Mr., of Bath, 179, 276.
-, Richard, 330.

Hoskyns, A., 34.

Houghton, Mr., 58, 154, 167, 265.

Hounslow, post of, 257.

How, Roger, of London, 117.

Howard, Charles of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral, 47, 223, 246, 253, 329.
-, -, letters from, 202, 257 (2), 335, 359, 451, 452 (5).
-, -, -, as member of Privy Council, 72.
-, -, letters to 49 (2), 53, 183, 310. 331, 346.
-, -, as Lord Lieutenant of Surrey, 68.
-, -, lends chairs to the Lord Chamberlain, 257.
-, -, land of, his wife's jointure in, 203.
-, -, grant of Lord Cobham's lands to, 411.
-, -, and lease of lands, 314.
-, -, his son, 338.
-, -, -, see also William, infra.
-, -, and cost of escort ships to Spain, 431.
-, -, and Ralegh's possessions, 452, 455, 456.
-, Lord Henry (Lord Harry, Harie, Hairie), Earl of Northampton, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 26, 30, 48, 50, 138, 159, 179, 294, 355, 409.
-, -, letter to, 248.
-, -, report signed by, 146.
-, -, and the Constable, 212, 222.
-, -, and resignation of the governor of the Briel, 215.
-, -, a packet from, 220.
-, -, and Lord Cobham's lands, 224.
-, -, and Lady Oxford's maintenance, 258.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, and farm of customs, 319.
-, -, James I's allusion to marriage of, 326.
-, -, and Bishop of Gloucester, 327.
-, -, referred to in cypher, 364, 398.
-, -, and non-conformable ministers, 366.
-, -, and Union of England and Scotland, 367.
-, -, attends the Duke of Holst, 391.
-, -, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.
-, -, and detention of Jesuits, 443.
-, Lord Thomas, 12.
-, Lord Thomas, Lord Howard de Walden, 1st Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain, 26, 147, 209, 211, 326, 327, 359, 371, 406.
-, -, letter from, 72.
-, -, letters to, 183, 203, 385.
-, -, his high flying tersall, 29.
-, -, and Lord Grey, 48, 248.
-, -, borrows chairs, 258.
-, -, and the king's woods, 316.
-, -, and a quarrel in the Queen's privy chamber, 391–392.
-, -, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.
-, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk [attainted and beheaded 1572], 410.
-, William, Lord Effingham, son of Earl of Nottingham, 203.

Howme, see Home.

Howson, Jo., letter from, 309.

Huberdyne, John, 311.

Hudl', W., 34.

-, Anthony, 441.
-, Sir John, 441.
-, William, 441.

Hudson (Hudsone):
-, James, 39.
-, -, letter from, 322.
-, -, letter to, 323 (an enclosure).
-, Mr., agent of the King, 353.

Hughes (Hues):
-, Mr., 37.
-, Mr., a friend of Lord Grey's, 249 (2), 250, 252.
-, Lewis, letter from, 254.

Hull [Yorks.], 239.

Hulst, 231.

Hume, Humes, see Home.

Hungary, the Emperor's wars in, 110.

-, Anthony, 261.
-, Lady, 261.
-, Thomas, 33.

Hunnyman, Thomas, 152.

Hunsdon, (Hunsden):
-, Lord, see Carey.
-, Elizabeth, Lady, letter from, 68.

Huntingdon, 379.
-, letters dated at, 367, 368.
-, James I to reach, 50, 220.

Huntingdon, Earl of, see Hastings.

Husband, Christopher, 60.

-, Henry, of London, 52.
-, William, D.D., 290, 291.

Hutton, Leon., Sub-dean of Christ Church, letter from, 309.
-, Matthew, Archbishop of York, 45, 101, 231, 335.
-, -, letters from, 220, 235, 327, 330.

Hyde (Hide):
-, Henry, 458.
-, Lawrence, 43.
-, Lucy, Lady Osborne, 146, 453.
-, Nicholas, of the Middle Temple, 458.
-, Mrs., of the Privy Chamber, 217.

Hyrne, Thomas, Mayor of Norwich, letter from, 183.


Ifflanlue (lands in Ireland), 182.

Ilfracombe (Elfordcombe) [Devon], farm of custom at, 348.

Ilminster (Ilmister) [Somerset], letter dated at, 325.

Imperial, Nicolas, 461.

Import Licence, an, 441.

India (Indies, East Indies), 87, 260, 462.
-, carricks captured off, 107, 230.
-, "proveedor" of the armies for, at Cadiz, 401.
-, merchants trading to, letter from, 432.

Indies, West, see West.

Ingle by (Inglebie, Ingilby), Sir William, and Earl of Derby's lands, 200, 283–284, 301, 302–303, 368, 466.
-, letter from, 268.

Ingram, Arthur, letter from, 354.

Ipswich (Ypsych) [Suffolk], 83.

Ireby, Mr., 283.

Ireland, 86, 257, 343.
-, King's title in, 11.
-, Sir Anthony Standen in, 20.
-, Treasurers for Wars in, 76.
-, -, see also Cary.
-, the army in, apparell of, alleged frauds by merchants for, 76–77.
-, -, victualling of, 83, 275.
-, -, payment of by base money, 195.
-, Lord Deputy (Lieutenant) of, 83, 84, 91, 111, 182, 325, 464.
-, -, letter to, 305 (an enclosure).
-, -, and corruptions in, 75, 76, 77.
-, -, and Council of, 121, 295.
-, -, and Earl of Ormond's lands, 139, 147, 181.
-, -, and Sir John Talbot, 166, 296.
-, -, custodium from, 182.
-, -, and a list of officers and victuallers, 275.
-, -, unpopularity of, 409.
-, -, and President of Munster, 419, 420.
-, -, and provisions for Islands near Carrickfergus, 430.
-, -, and wardships, 442.
-, -, see also Fitzwilliam and Perrott.
-, toleration of religion alleged throughout, 121.
-, discharged officers of, requests from, 139, 166, 245, 274, 296, 347, 358, 384.
-, -, pensions of, 428, 464.
-, wars in, 166, 354.
-, ancient division of, discourse on, 175.
-, emigrants from, in Spain, 184.
-, the Secretary of, 194.
-, Exchequer of, pensions in, 236.
-, -, Chief Baron of, see Pelham.
-, claim to lands in, 255.
-, letter of exchange for lands in, 293.
-, Lady Denny's lands in, 325, 429.
-, merchants from, in Spain, 401.
-, endeavours to erect an Irish government in, 406.
-, fines in, imposed by President of Munster, 419.
-, undertakers' lands in, rating of, 429.
-, Chief Justice of, 430.
-, Chancellor of, 430.
-, revenue from, particulars of, 441.
-, court of Common Pleas in, 442.
-, Master of the Rolls in, 448.
-, Exchange in, Master of, 462.
-, Coinage of, see Coinage.
-, King's Bench in, Chief Justice of, see Ley.
-, Musters in, Controller of, see Burchenshawe.
-, Lord Treasurer of, see Butler, Earl of Ormonde.

Irishmen, detention of, at Dartmouth, 89.

Isabella, Infanta of Spain, wife of Archduke Albert (the Archdukes), 285.
-, at Ghent, 104.
-, daughter of, suggested marriage of, with Prince Henry, 237.
-, see also Austria, Archduke Albert of.

Isendike (Isendicke, Ysendike), [Flanders], fort of, 69, 72, 91, 134, 213 (2), 230, 280.
-, letters dated at, 78, 82, 86, 88.
-, the Spanish defeated at, 77, 78, 80– 81, 84, 87, 88.
-, Spanish attempt on, 204, 206, 207.
-, garrison for, 232.
-, Governor of, see Farden.

Island, the, see Cadsand.

Islands, the [i.e. the Hebrides], 430.

Issues and Imposts [Jurors], 55.

Italy, 48, 227.
-, Sir Anthony Standen in, 20, 460.
-, companies of, in the war in the Netherlands, 72, 78, 81, 88, 90, 92, 108, 113, 214.
-, -, desert the Archduke, 103, 199, 205.
-, merchants of, and the Archduke, 85.
-, rumours of war in, 110.
-, foreign immigrants into, 184.
-, Spanish duty on silks from, 184.
-, manufacture of jewels in, 253.
-, an English doctor in, 356–357.

Iviça, 461.

Izod, John, Gentleman Usher of the Queen's Privy Chamber, 457.