Cecil Papers: May 1602

Pages 215-221

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.

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May 1602

Sir J. Herbert to Archibald Douglas.
[1602?] May 24. "I moved her Majesty for Mr. Anderson, and assured her that he was a preacher and a very sufficient man. Her Highness not greatly liking that he was only recommended by the bishop of London, hath put it over as requiring better testimony. I did not use your name nor recommendation therein. But if your lordship will permit me, I think the suit will be the sooner profited." Savoy, May 24.
1 p. (98. 120.)
[1602, May 31.] It is said that the Emperor has declared that the Duke of Modena must give him Sassuolo in pledge, but it is thought the business will end well for his Serenity. The cutting of the Po goes on prosperously, and will soon be finished.
Letters from Vienna send news from Transylvania that Bast was making a camp, to oppose Battori, to whom were daily flocking Turks and Tartars. Many Turks had arrived at Kanisa, and were scouring the country as far as Racchisburg.
M. Ximone Parafos, Chamberlain of his Holiness, has arrived at Turin, to give the blessing to the Princes [of Savoy] before their journey to Spain.
Fabritio Arrigoni, brother of the Cardinal, has gone from hence towards Flanders, to serve the Archduke Albert, and it is said that the Spanish King has given him a pension of a thousand crowns.
From letters from Milan of the 22nd we learn that the matters of the frontier between the Emperor and the King of Spain were believed to be arranged, and that the Imperial commissary would shortly arrive to demand aid from the Princes of Italy.
Warlike news from Transylvania.
It is said that the Duke of Mantua is not going to Flanders because of the marriage between his sister, Madame de Ferrara and the Duke of Savoy. The Prince of Mantua is to marry a daughter of the Duke of Savoy.
From Prague we hear that Signor Ferrante Gonzaga was leaving that Court to return into Italy, never having been despatched or heard since his first audience. Also that the differences between Rosworm and Gio. Ambrosio Doria are being appeased.
Orders have now been sent from the Imperial Council to the Duke of Modena to give up Sassuolo into the hands of his Majesty's commissioners, on pain of payment of 400,000 crowns. The Imperial Diet is to go forward at Ratisbon.
The Countess of Lemos has arrived at Genoa, with six Neapolitan galleys, on which are many other nobles, besides soldiers, going to Spain.
Certain Swiss Ambassadors have arrived here, in order, as is said, to renew the condotta which that nation has with this Signoria.
The last letters from Aleppo inform us that the janissaries of Damascus had made peace with those of Aleppo only to deceive them, and three days afterwards those of Damascus came into Aleppo, murdering all the janissaries they could find, and then most part of the women and children in their houses, though some escaped into the castle. The Damascus men did no harm to the Christians.
Letters from Constantinople confirm the death of the Scrivano, but say that all his men have been gathered together by his brother, who would do just the same harm to the Ottoman country, in Anatolia. The Persia ambassador had had several audiences, importunately demanding the restitution to his King of Servan and Tauris as agreed by the last peace, otherwise he should declare war. The fleet will go out not more than thirty galleys strong, but that is a good deal more than this time last year. The son of Cicala is to be lieutenant to his father.
Letters from Milan say the Duke of Mantua is not going to Flanders because he has not obtained what he wished for. The princes of Savoy will have gone to Spain by the end of next month.
From Paris they write that the King is at Bles [Blois] somewhat troubled by the gout. The Neapolitan galleys have arrived at Genoa, with the Countess of Lemos and the infantry, on their way to Spain.—Venice, 31 May, 1602.
Italian. 4 pp. (199. 79.)