Index: B

Pages 616-625

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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Baas, manor of. See Base.

Babazza, Monsignor, 185.

-, Anthony, conspiracy of, 390.
-, -, report of proceedings in Parliament concerning, 312.
-, Gervase, 394.

Babram [? Cambridgeshire], letter dated at, 208.

Backer, Herman, master of the Red Harte, of Hamburg, 423.

-, Anthony, 522, 535, 536.
-, -, letter from, 482.
-, Mr., 205.
-, Sir Nicholas, Lord Keeper, 130.
-, -, letters from, 49, 50, 69, 91, 163, 605.
-, -, signs letter to Privy Council, concerning proceedings with the Hanse ambassadors, 50.
-, -, signs Hanse Articles, 49.
-, -, slanderous pamphlets against, 51.

Badajoz, great mortality at, 185.

Badbie, Thomas, esq., 210.

Baden, Philibert, Archduke of, 390.
-, -, Jacoba daughter of, 390.

Bades (? Baden), Marquis of, 604.

Badewe, Little, Essex, 167.

Badirel, letter from, 196.

-, Edward, 101.
-, William, letter from, 120.

Baett, Mrs., 405.

Bagnall (Bagenall):
-, Sir Henry, 480.
-, Nicholas, Marshal of the Army in Ireland, 103.
-, Sir Samuel, knighted at Cadiz, 599.

Bailie, Walter, physician to the Queen, lease to, 171.

Bakehouse, Andrew Smythe, Clerk of the, 138.

-, Christopher, of Lockeswood, Sussex, 122.
-, -, clerk of Queen's store for marine causes, 510.
-, Mrs., 161.
-, Walter, letter from, 611.

Bakon, Mr., letter to him and others, 588.

-, Monsieur de, in Cambray, 537.
-, -, married Mme. de Monceux's sister, 565.
-, Sieur de, 526.

-, Michael, Commendator of Melrose Abbey, 76, 77.
-, Michell, 415.
-, S., letter from, 443.

Balsall, Warwickshire, manor of, 424.

Ballwery. See Scott, Sir James.

Baltinglas, a possessor of Kildare's lands, 532.

Bamford, Mr., 492.

Ban, river, the, Ireland, 57.

Bangor, Nicholas Robinson, Bishop of, 393.

Bankes (Banckes):
-, Robert, 267.
-, Thomas, 288.

Baptisms, returns of, 218.

Barbary, ships of, taken by the men of Flushing, 115.
-, possessions of King of Spain in, 152.
-, plot of battle of Alcazar in, 159.

Barbie, Northants, church of, 611.

Barcelona, 185.

Bardney Tithe in Folkingham, Linc., 145.

-, Arthur, 190.
-, Serjeant, 155, 156.

Barjac, —, 528.

-, Christopher, proclamation printed by, 321.
-, Mr., 482.
-, William, confession of, 104.

Barlow (Barloo):
-, Roger, brother of Bishop of Bath, 32.
-, William, Bishop of St. Davids, 397.

Barnabie, Mr., 29.

Barnard, Mr., letter to, 266.

Barnbowgill (Barnbugall), Laird of, letter from, 316.
-, letter to, 344.

Barne, John, merchant of London, 90.

Barnelms, letter dated at, 324.

Barnes, rectory of, in Thurlaston Witton, Suffolk, 137.

Barnes, Richard, Bishop of Durham, 253.
-, -, John son of, 358.

Barnet's land, Herts, granted to Lord Burghley, 174.
-, lease of, 263.

Barnstable (Barstaple, Bastable), Devon, 136, 175.

Barnwell, near Cambridge, 131.

Barnwel, —, arrival of in Spain, after imprisonment in England, 487.

Baroni, Giglio, 187.

Barow, Dr., reader of the Lady Margaret divinity lecture at Cambridge, 204.

Barre, Nicolas de, native of Paris, 224.

Barret, Mr. D., 342.

Barro, Sieur de, 206.

Barron. See St. Michell.

-, Lord, letter from, 445.
-, Owen, 466.

Bartaen, —, a Jesuit, 341.

Bartelay, —, letter to, 558.

-, Anthony, lease to, 414.
-, John alias Hancock, 170.
-, William, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 394.

Bartlot, Thomas, a page of the Queen, 538.

-, Edward, ambassador at Constantinople, 380, 587.
-, John, 118.

Bartrey, Mr., 146.

Barwick, Yorks, manor of, 217.

Base (Baas, Bass), manor of, Herts, account of, 114.
-, court rolls of, 11.

Basil (Basle), Castelione, an Italian referendary in, 556.

Basil, Symon, plan of Ostend by, 438.
-, map of forts at Ostend by, 439.

-, Mr., 414.
-, Sir Thomas, 466, 507.

Bass, Herts. See Base.

-, -, debtor to Antonio Perez, 538, 600.
-, Signor, nephew of the Cardinal of Verona, 555.

Bassano, Jeronimo, a musician of the Queen, 519.

Basset, family of, 140.

Basset (Bassyt), Sir Arthur, 136.
-, death of, 266.

Bassingthorp, Linc., 154.

Bath, letters dated at, 159, 473, 481.

-, Thomas, 63.
-, William, 63.
-, -, Recorder of Drogheda, 103.

Batnour, John. See Shorley.

Batore, Stephen, King of Poland, negotiations with, 361–362.

Batteries, floating, 152.

Battersey, manor of, 456.

Battle, Sussex, 21.

Baudrengien, Isaac, a foreigner, witness to a contract, 90.

Bavaria, 95.
-, Albert, Duke of, safe conduct for, 2.
-, -. proposed marriage of. 95.
-, Georg Johan, Palatin du Rhyn, Duke of, letter from, 172.
-, troops from, sent against the Turks, 603.

-, John, letter from, 464.
-, Mr., 342.

Bayning, Paul, sheriff of London, letter from, 497.

Bayonne (Bayon), 167, 482.
-, will dated at, 414.
-, letters dated at, 487, 489, 498, 511, 531.

Beacon, Richard, 170.

Bealaddo, Queen's County, Ireland, grant in, 96.

-, Robert, allegations of, 216.
-, -, letter from, 353.
-, -, 234, 246, 293.

Bearing Sword. See Henry VIII.

Bearwood, Windsor, 213.

Beaton, James, Archbishop [bishop] of Glasgow, ambassador of Mary Stuart in France, 230, 233, 257, 296, 333, 341, 342, 405.

Beaucastle (Bewcastle), Cumberland, 402.
-, letter dated at, 403.
-, letter to the Council from tenants of, 544.

Beauchamp, Lord, petition of, 199.

Beaumaris, Wales, 175.

Beaumont near Sedan, 466.

Beaumont, M. de, 508, 522.

Beaumonte, Francis, petition of, 475.

Beauvoir la Nocle, M. de, 514.
-, letters from, 519, 522 (2).
-, letter to, 509.

Beavoire, William, 565.

Beauvois, 453

Bechar, Henry. 288.

Becon, Thomas, a divine, 394.

Bedell, notes of family of, 63.

Bedford, Earl and Countess of. See Russell.
-, city of, 54, 132.
-, county of, musters of horse in, 239.

-, Katherine, Duchess of Buckingham and, obits for, 11.
-, Luke, letter from, 464.

Beecher, William, letter from, 552.

Beer, small, for the use of Flushing, requested from the Queen, without paying any but the ordinary custom, 115.
-, export of, 454.
-, transport of, for English troops in France, 458.
-, letter concerning allowance of, 469.
-, request for licence to transport 6 tuns of, 478.

Beerhouse Wood, particular of, 187.

Beest, —, a decayed merchant of London, 131.

Beill, the Laird of Bas's house, 567.

Beiston, Hugh, 433.

Belford, postboy robbed near, 366.

Belforth, the post of, 318.

Belgium, Estates of the United Provinces of, 387, 388.

Bell, Dr. John, Vice-chancellor of Cambridge, 203.
-, letter from, 210.

Bellarbie, Robert, letter from, 611.

-, Sir John, of Auchnoull, Justice Clerk General of Scotland, 75.
-, Sir Lewis, Justice Clerk of Scotland, 268, 362, 363, 364, 367, 372, 374.

Bellievre, Monsieur de, 233, 263, 320.

Bellingham, Edward, commission to, 19.

Bell-metal, 97.

Belton, Robert, of Lancashire, 170.

Belvoir, letter dated at, 160.

Bennet v. Bromley, a lawsuit, 96.

Bennett (or Bennet):
-, Dr., 313.
-, Elizabeth, 464.
-, Mr., 342.
-, Nehemiah, 464.
-, Richard, prays for stay of execution of judgment given by Queen's Bench, 96.
-, -, a priest, 422.

Bennington [Herts], Queen at, 201.

Bergerac, document dated at, 330.

Berghen (Berghes, Bergues), Op Zoom, 345, 346, 439–441, 480, 574.
-, Certificate for Sir William Drury, late Governor of, 382.
-, request to the Council, from Sir Thomas Morgan, Governor of, 423.
-, letters dated from, 429, 469.

Berie, Thomas, of Radwell, 127.

Berington, Bithorn, with Edweston, rectory of, Lincolnshire, 134.

Berkeley or Barkley:
-, Henry Lord, bill in behalf of, against Countess of Warwick, 478.
-, -, suit of, 521.
-, Sir Richard, 457.

Berkshire, 54.
-, collections for poor in, 170.
-, musters in, 154.
-, note of Button's property in, 510.

Berlin, 49.

Berne, 555, 567.
-, Monsieur de Forse, Governor of, 540.

Bernert, Arnold, 240.

Berwick-on-Tweed (Berwick, Barwick), 240, 287, 322, 354, 356, 366, 447, 495, 594.
-, letters dated at, 90, 319, 351, 467, 470.
-, Earls of Morton and Mar meet Lord Hunsdon at, 105.
-, ordnance from Home Castle taken there, 123.
-, Sir Wm. Cecil at, 142.
-, agreement of Border Commissioners at, 365.
-, offered to the King of Spain, 530.
-, Chamberlain of, grant of office of, 284.
-, Clerk of Works, and Controller of Customs at, offices of, granted to John Say, 5.
-, Governor of, Lord Hunsdon, 253.
-, master gunner at, John Flemmyng, 137.
-, Marshal of, Sir Wm. Drewrie, 103, 106.
-, -, Sir Robert Constable, 144.
-, -, Sir H. Widrington, 416.
-, Mayor of, John Denton, 350.
-, Provost Marshall of, Nicholas Arington, 145.
-, plans and maps and fortifications of, 152.
-, Tolleboothe of, presentment of inquest enpannelled in the court of Wardenry in, 253.

Besk Wood, Notts., 169.

-, John, 101.
-, -, a scrivener in Temple Bar, 582.

Betman, —, 99.

Bevercot, Mr., 173.

Bewbush park, Sussex, 344.

Bewcastle, Cumberland. See Beaucastle.

Bex, Monsieur de, or du, 194.
-, letter to, 195.

Bezurti, Alonzo, a Biscayan, 559.

Bicester, Oxon, 212.

Bickersteth, Anthony, certificate by, 251.

Biddeford, Devon, 136.

Bielefeld (Bilefeld), 49.

Bigg, —, 263.

Billingsley, Henry, alderman of London, 231, 233, 235, 425.
-, letter from, 431.

Billson or Bilson, Dr., 394, 575.

Bims, Holland, 181.

Binge, Dr., of Cambridge, 203.

Bingham, Sir Richard, 392.

Binyen, Edward, groom of the Queen's stable, 357.

Birchensha, Ralph, 594.

Birchet, Thomas. See Thatcher.

Birdnest, or Leicester New Park, 110.

Birmingham (Bremmycham), William, 127.
-, interrogatories for, 127.

Biron (Byron), Marshal de, 437, 452, 513, 580, 582.

Biscay, 486, 491, 504.

Bisham, 466.

Bishopton. See Pevensey.

Blackfriars. See London.

Blackhall, Kent, manor of, 203.

Blackheath Hundred, 123.

Blacklocke, Martin, 355.

Blacknes. See Pevensey.

Blackness (Blaknais), the, Scotland, 471.

Blackwall, Rauffe, letter from, 324.

Black Water, the, Ireland, 190, 343.

Blackwell, Thomas, 109.

Blacter, John, a Scotchman, 386.

Blaiketor, John, mariner, 425.

Blanckenborrowe, 499.

Blanck alias Whit, Michell, a native of Rouen (Roane), 223.

Blancke, Sir Thomas, 288.

-, Anne, letter from, 464.
-, Mr., 212.

Blantyre, Prior of, sends money to Scotch ambassador, 486.

Blare, Patrick, M.A., 170.

Blauet [? Spain], 486.

Blaye, France, siege of, 482.

Bletchington. See Pevensey.

-, Elizabeth, letter from, 599.
-, George, letters from, 396, 473.

Bloberhouse, manor and hall, in Forest of Knaresborough, Yorks, 263.

Blois (Bloys), France, letter dated at, 205, 406.
-, Henri III at, 399.

-, Sir Christopher, 424.
-, Sir Michael, 497.

Blower, —, 161.

Bluet, useful to keep the Spaniards employed, 572.

Blundell, Anne, a widow, 95.

Bobington, Dorset, 326.

Bockhold, Harman, an alien, 221.

Bodley or Bodeley:
-, John, 288.
-, Mr., 465, 469, 507, 508, 529, 554.
-, -, abstracts of letters from, 434.

Bodwyen, Barnard, native of the Low Countries, 222.

Boffote, Richard, an alien, 220.

Bogg, Thomas, letters patent of James VI in favour of, 561.

Bohemia, 419.
-, matters of, known to — Hammon at Prague, 556.
-, troops from, sent against the Turks, 603.

Bointon, Sir Thomas, 211.

Bolducque, Holland, 178.

Bolenger, Gyls, native of Paris, 224.

-, George, letter from, 510.
-, Thomas, Earl of Wiltshire, 141.

Bolingtons, lease of tenement of, 7.

-, Sir John, letter from, 597.
-, Richard, survey of lands in Sempringham by, 138.

Bollsover, Derbyshire, parsonage of, 193.

Bolsword (Bolswerde), 49.

Bolton, —, 226.

Bomviel [? Netherlands], 126.

-, George, alderman of London, 164, 288.
-, John, mayor of Melcombe Regis, signature of, 451.

Bonfoy, Bastian, an alien, 220.

Bono, Alexandro, letter from, 425.

Bonvild, Henry, of Corfe, 326.

Bonyvall, Peter, a Frenchman, 224.

Boode, John, 226.

Books, bill for, 35.

Books and treatises at Hatfield House, 1–4, 6, 7, 14, 34, 35, 101, 102, 108, 141, 174, 241.

Books and treatises mentioned:—
-, Acta Apostolorum et Apocalypsis, a double Latin version, 7.
-, Alchemy, books on, 14.
-, Aristotle's Topica, annotations on, 34.
-, Armory: the Accedence of Armorie, 34.
-, Bacon, Roger: the Glasse of Alchamyste, 14.
-, Bede: Historia Anglorum, etc., post Ven. Bedam edita a mag.
-, Rog. de Hoveden, 7.
-, Bible:
-, Biblia Sacra et Libri Apocr., 7.
-, an old English, 267.
-, a Bible of the greater sort and one of the least, 339.
-, Book of Martyrs, 339.
-, Cæsar, Commentaries of, 1.
-, Calard, son of Lazichi: Secrets of Alchamyste by, 14.
-, Caroli Paschali De Morte Christi dialogi decem, 102.
-, Chartier, Maitre Alain: Le Breviaire des Nobles, etc., 7.
-, Chronicles:
-, Gesta Anglorum ex hist: W. Malmesburgensis, etc., 3.
-, Historia Angliae ab condito mundo ad Henricum V, 6.
-, Chronicle, Richard I to Henry VI, 6.
-, Chronicle of foreign occurrences 1316 to 1377, 6.
-, Compilatio ex dictis Magistri Bernardi, 3.
-, Coventry, Walter of, History of, 3.
-, Crescentiis, Petrus de: Liber Ruralium Commodorum, 2.
-, De civitate dei, commentary on 8th book, 14.
-, Ecclesiastical history for 600 years after Christ, 267.
-, Evonimus, the Treasorie of, 267.
-, Exceptiones proverbiorum ex libris philosophorum et poetarum, 2.
-, Expulcio Adami et Eve a Paradiso, 6.
-, Fasts and Festivals of Roman Church, Homilies on, 6.
-, Fletcher, Giles, Eclogues of, 108.
-, Flores Calvinistici, a book against the Earl of Leicester, 424.
-, Forma Regum et Reginarum Angliae, 6.
-, French Romances. See Chartier.
-, Geber the Arabyn, books of Alchamyste of, 14.
-, Gower: Vox Clamantis, 7.
-, Gratian: Liber Decretorum cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brugensis, 3.
-, Greek Liturgy, a translation by "R. A." [? Roger Ascham], 35.
-, Guileville, Guillaume de: the Dreme of the Pilgrimage of the soule, translated into English, 4.
-, Heraldry. See Tractatus nobilis, etc., below.
-, Herodian, the historie of, 267.
-, Huntingdon, Henry of, History of, 3.
-, Lesser Rosarie of Alchamiste, 4.
-, Liber Quœstionarum Scholasticarum. 2.
-, Lucidarius, 3.
-, Malmesbury, William of, History of, 3.
-, Manuale Sacerdotum, 3.
-, Marcus Aurelius: the Horologe of Princes, 267.
-, Missal: Officium Beatœ Mariœ, 7.
-, Les moralitez des Philosophes, 1.
-, Navigation, a Dutch work on, 174.
-, Officia defunctorum, 1.
-, Peter of Blois: Vita B. Jobi abbreviata, 3.
-, Plutarch's Lives, 339.
-, Psalms:
-, Liber Psalmorum, 6.
-, selections from Book of Psalms etc., 92.
-, Pynke, Robert, O.P.: Quœstiones necessariae, 3.
-, Rhetoric, a brief discourse of, by W. Medlye, 1575, 1135.
-, Richard (Rychard) of England: A Correctorie of Alchamyste, 14.
-, Rolle, Richard, hermit of Hampole: Psalms and hymns of Moses, Isaiah, Habakuk, etc. translated by, 3.
-, St. Augustine: De cognitione vere vite, 3.
-, St. Bernard: Meditationes, 3.
-, St. Gregory, Flores Psalterii, 3.
-, Solomon: Les proverbes de Salomon le Roi de Hierusalem, 1.
-, Summula Historiae Angliae ab Egberto ad Edwardum I, 3.
-, Table and Commentary of Alchamyste of Hermes, by Mathewe Appary, 14.
-, "A Table collected of the yeares of our Lorde God, and of the yeares of the Kynges of Englande, from the fyrst yeare of William Conquerour, Londini, 1561, imprinted by John Waley," 141.
-, Testaments:
-, Scholastica Historia de Vetere et Novo Testamento a Mag.: Petro Manducatore, 1.
-, Tractatus de cruce J. Christi, de poenitentia, etc., 3.
-, Tractatus de raptu anime Tundali, 3.
-, Tractatus de Sacramentis, 241.
-, Tractatus de spiritu Guidonis Civis Civitatis Alesti, 3.
-, Tractatus qui vocatur Pars Oculi, 3.
-, Tractatus nobilis de Lege et expositione Armorum, 7.
-, Treatise on VII chap. of Wisdom, 3.
-, - on Sibylline prophecies, 3.
-, - on the sacred numbers, 3.
-, Trogus Pompeius, Abridgement of the Historie of, 267.
-, -, Gwytherdine's Historie of, 267.
-, Vincentius: Speculum Historiale, treatise on the vision of Tundal taken from, 3.
-, Vitellius' Mathematics, 267.

Boone, Mrs., 559.

Bordage, Monsieur de, 488.

Bordeaux, customs duties at, 432.
-, letters dated at, 482, 483.
-, wine of, 90.
-, intentions of the Spaniards in the river of, 486.
-, Jehan and Jacques Delabat, merchants of, 573.
-, letter to be addressed to Duke of Bouillon at, 590.

Border, the [see also Frontiers], 209, 252, 253, 297, 298, 322, 371.
-, points of inquiry for and presentments of jury, as to fortifying, and as to decayed houses etc. in, 251–253.
-, agreements of the Commissioners for, 365.

Bornham, —, sent to Flushing, 465.

Borough (Borro, Burrough):
-, Sir John, 466.
-, W., maps by, 137, 589.
-, Mr. W., letter from, 469.

Borromeo, Cardinal, 126.

Borsalia, Henry de, Count of Grantpré, letters patent of, exchanged for letters of privilege granted by Edward IV and Parliament, signed "Henry"; Count's seal and seal of town of Vere, 5.

Borthwick (Borthuek):
-, David, 76, 433.
-, -, Marion Guthrie, relict of, 433.

Borzo, Signor Scipione, 187.

Bosevile, Mr., 202.

Bosseret, Michell, an alien, 226.

Bossvile (Bossovile), Ralph, Clerk of the Court of Wards and Liveries, 59.

Bost, —, 496, 497.

Boston, Court at, 44.

Boston, co. Lincoln, 128.

Boswell, Captain Raphe, 588.

Bothwell, Earl of, 287.
-, See Gordon, Lady Jane; and also Hepburn, and Stuart, Francis.

Bouchain near Douai, 179.

Bougenault, Guillelme, suit against, 579.

Bouillon (Bullon):
-, Duchess of, death of, 507.
-, Henri de la Tour, Duc de, 206, 579, 605.
-, -, letters from, 518, 525, 527, 528 (2), 530 (2), 533, 534, 537, 539, 540, 541, 542, 570, 573, 580 (2), 581, 585 (2), 590 (2).
-, -, letter to, 531.
-, -, defeats Duke of Lorraine, 466.
-, -, inaction of, at Luxembourg, 530.
-, Mademoiselle de, 206.

Boulogne (Bullen), town of, mentioned, 20–23 passim, 118, 200, 207.
-, journey of King [Edward VI] to, mentioned, 25.
-, French request to fortify with Englishmen, 531.

Bourbon, Cardinal of. 233, 329, 342, 382, 390, 398, 400, 405.

-, Henry de, Prince of Condé, letter from, 133.
-, -, mentioned, 172.
-, -, causes of his taking arms, 357.
-, -, league against him and the King of Navarre, 398.
-, Henri II de, "the little prince" of Condé, 527.
-, Henri de, Prince of Dombes, defeated at Craon, 465.
-, Louis de, Prince of Condé, 89, 95.

Bourchier, Lady Anne, mentioned, 103.

Bourgcher, Captain Arthur, 459.

Bourghcher, Henry, letter from, 474.

Bourghes, Bishop, house of, 151.

Bournham, —, 252.

Bovaye [? Beauvais], Admiral of France, 405.

Bover, Frances, an alien, 225.

Bovett, John, 117.

Bovyat, John, letter from, 597.

Bowen, John, 212.

-, Mr., treasurer of Berwick, 594.
-, [Robert], 186, 370, 372, 374, 436, 482.
-, -, 322.

Bowman, —, a servant of Lord Scrope, 269.

Bowre, Thomas, wardship of daughter of, 96.

Bowsee. See Pevensey.

Bowstaves, imported during reign of Henry VI, 5.
-, Hanse merchants bound to import, 291.

Box, W., grocer to Sir William Cecil, 36.

Boxworth rectory, Cambridge, 135.

Boye, Michell de, native of Antwerp, 220.

-, Henry, statement by, 601.
-, Richard, grounds of complaint of Sir H. Wallop against, 591– 593.

-, John, of Gatcombe, 326.
-, Potter, an alien, 225.

Boyse (? Bush), the [Ireland], 57.

Brabant, 434.
-, natives of, 223.
-, Scotchman in, 284.
-, Duke of Anjou created Duke of, 389.

Bradbridge, William, Bishop of Exeter, 134.

Bradshaw, —, 209.

-, Duchess of, letter to, from the Queen, 182.
-, Lady Catherine of, 175, 176–177.
-, -, letter from, 177.
-, "His Majesty of," 183.

Bramber, Sussex, 23.

Brancaleone, Ludovico, letter from, 314.

Brandenburg, 49.
-, Elector of, 140.
-, -, the Archbishop of Magdeburg, etc. the eldest son of, 140.
-, Marquis of, 362.
-, -, letter from, 357.

-, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 197, 199.
-, Lady Catherine, his daughter, 199.
-, Lady Mary his daughter, 199.

Brasebridge, Thomas, 394.

Brasier, Hugh, called before the Lord Treasurer concerning his ship, 136.

Brassye, Thomas, 288.

Braunsberg (Braunsperg), 48.

-, family of, 70.
-, John, a post, 436.

Braybrook, family of, 70.

Brayfield [Bucks], 209.

Brayman, Richard, butcher, 326.

Brazil, 218.

Brecknock, Christ's College at, 216, 397.
-, Declaration of state of, 397.

Brecon, inhabitants of, consent to a proposed employment of monies collected, 409.

Breda (Bredha), 499.

Brederode, Demoiselle Josine van, letter of Queen Elizabeth in behalf of, 468.

Bremen (Breme), 48.
-, Archbishop of, 140.
-, John Adolfus, Archbishop of, 389.

Brest, 486, 506, 507, 508.

Bretayn, Henry, of Monckton, Wilts, indenture between, and Thos. Heale and Thos. Darbie. See Wood.

Brewere, Simon, native of Brabant, 223.

Brice, Edward, 280.

Bridges, in Middlesex, etc., estimate for making, 329.

Bridges, John, Dean of Sarum, 393.

Bridgewater, 450.

Brightemston. See Pevensey.

Brigstock, Northants, 492.
-, demesnes of, 512.

Brill, the, 121, 293, 438.

Briscoe, Jone, 209.

Brissack, Count, 342.

Bristo Fayre, 558.

Bristol, 90, 175, 212, 434, 519.
-, letters dated at, 331, 349.
-, Customer of, 330.
-, Controller of, 434.
-, order to Queen's officers in, 398.
-, Geronimo Wolf, schoolmaster of, 199.

Bristol Mint, the. See Sharington.

Bristow, William, 394.

British Isles, 137.

Brittany, Spaniards in, 437, 448, 481.
-, companies for, mustered, 469.
-, troops of, 488.
-, Spanish preparations against, 498.
-, deputies of, sent to the Queen, 506.
-, Sir H. Vere to go to, 507.
-, draft of Treaty for sending troops into, 514.
-, letter on victualling soldiers for, 552.
-, English horse sent to, 603.

Brocket, Sir John, 262, 394.

Brockholl, in diocese of Peterborough. 170.

Brodbury prebend in St. Paul's cathedral, London, 135.

Brodgate, Captain, 491.

-, Duke, letter from, 438.
-, John alias Cobham signs obligations concerning certain cargoes of wool, 58.

Brokes, James, of Lubeck, letter to, 415.

Brome, letter dated at, 166.

Bromett, James, fellow of Magdalen College, Cambridge, 149.

-, Henry, 457.
-, Thomas, 96.
-, Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor, 267, 270, 421.
-, -, letter from, 229.
-, -, letters to, 229 (3), 230, 231 (4), 232, 233, 264.

Broncard, Henry, order for grant to, 517.

-, Henry, 573.
-, Nicholas de, native of Germany, 222.

Brooke, family of, 70.

-, George, letter from, 609.
-, Sir George, 13.
-, -. See Cobham.
-, Hugh, 352.
-, Sir Richard, 10.
-, Robert, 288.
-, William, 352.
-, -, lands entailed on, 39.
-, Sir William, 464.

Brouaige [France], salt of, 89.

Brough [Lincolnshire], lands in, 95.

-, Mr., a lawyer, 457.
-, R., named in an endorsement, 571.

Brouncker, Sir William, a daughter of, mentioned, 473.

-, J., a notary public, 79.
-, -, a conjurer, 100.

Brown or Browne:
-, Anthony, Viscount Montague, principal Commissioner for Flanders, 67.
-, -, mandate to, 67.
-, Charles, a fugitive, 118.
-, Edward, letter from, 563.
-, James, 435, 598.
-, John, 76, 374.
-, -, letter from, 409.
-, Lady, 25.
-, Mrs., house of, at Houghton, 600.
-, Nicholas, expelled from Trinity College, Cambridge, 119.
-, -, notes of his sermon, 119.
-, Robert, a Scotsman, 351, 435.
-, Thomas, Lord Cobham's bailiff, 418.
-, Thomas, B.D., prebendary of Westminster, 145.
-, Valentine, warrant given to, 41.
-, Sir Valentine, 114, 293, 344.
-, -, letter to the Queen, for discharge of his accounts when at Berwick, 144.
-, -, quarrel of, with Th., Lord Clinton, 557.
-, -, death of, 512.
-, -, a servant of Lord Derby, 609.

Browning, John, Fellow of Trinity College, 113.
-, Articles administered to him, and his declaration concerning a sermon preached at Cambridge, 113.

Brownists, the, renounced by John Udall, 500.

Broxborne, Herts, a close called Willifitz in, 464.
-, letter dated at, 329.

Bruce, Mr., ambassador of James VI, 507.

Brudenell, John, tenant of lands near Brigstock, 512.

Bruges (Bregis, Bredges), natives of, 221, 223, 226.
-, conference at, 67.
-, -, memorial of matters to be treated at, 67.
-, conferences at, concerning Hanseatic disputes, 45.
-, meeting of English and Spanish commissioners at, 66.
-, merchants of the staple anxious for their goods there, 204.
-, wools sold at, 56, 57.
-, wool and cloth staples at, 574.

Brunker, Mr., 421.

Brunswick, 48.

Brunswick, Duke Jules de, Bishop of Halberstadt etc., the eldest son of, 140.

Brussells, 141, 142, 181, 345, 455, 456, 483, 509.
-, document dated at, 348.
-, cathedral church of, mentioned, 509.

Bryan, Simon, petition of to Lord Burghley, 572.

Brygdyke causeway, co. Lincoln, 128.

Bucer, Martin, alluded to, 313.

Buck, John, Captain, letter from, 439.

Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville.

Buckinghamshire, 54.

Buckingham, Katherine, Duchess of Bedford and. See Bedford.

Buckles, Sir Ro., 466.

Bucksted, Lewes, iron mill of, 19.

Buffe, Renold, an alien, 220.

Bulkeley, Sir Richard, 457.

Bull, John, organist of the Queen's chapel, petition of, 422.

Bullingham, John, pluralist in Lincolnshire, 134.

Bullock, Mr., 213, 492.

Bullon [? Boulogne], 435.

Bunney, Edmond, a divine, 394.

Buntingford, muster taken at, 365.

Buoni, Baccio, host of Henry Wotton, in Florence, 555.

Burbage, notes on family of, 63.

Burbage, Robert. See Waltham Cross.

Burburough in Flanders, treaty of peace at, 362.

Burdet, Mr., of Sonning, 155.

Burdett, John, petition from, 475.

Burford, Oxfordshire, 466.

Burgh by Sands, Cumberland, letter from farmers of parsonage of, 209.

-, John, notes on Ireland by, 150– 151.
-, Thomas, knight, Steward of Duchy of Lancaster in Lincoln, 5. See also Lancaster.

Burghley [Northants], 158.
-, Burghley Hall, 161.

Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, William.

Burgundy, Charles the Bold, Duke of, 44.
-, Duchy of, 346, 524.
-, House of, 65.
-, Spanish possessions in, 152.
-, and Lorraine, neutrality of county of, attempted by Cardinal of Austria, 561.

Burk, Lord, 599.

-, Richard Oge, Earl of Clanricard, communications of, with the Earl of Desmond, 151.
-, Ulick, son of, 151.
-, -, letter signed by as Earl, 285.

Burley, Lady, 377.

Burley, James VI at, 362.

Burnes', the, of Scotland, 354.

-, Edward, accounts of, 432.
-, -, bearer of letters from Walsingham, 200.

Burre, —, wife of, 605.

Burrell, Thomas, 253.

Burton, Little, Yorks, manors of, 83.

Burton-super-Yoore, Great, Yorks, 83.

Burwage [France], 91.

Burwey, William, pricker of the Stilyard, 425.

Bury St. Edmunds, letter dated at, 113.
-, parishioners of, letters from, 159, 210.

Buskell, Mrs., sister of William Cholmeley, 601.

Butcher, Avery, grant to, 332.

Butler, family of, 70.

Butler (Butlar):
-, John, of Bicester, Oxon, letter from, 212.
-, Mr., son-in-law of Mr. Nowell, 158.
-, Mrs., 462.
-, Sir Ph., 464.

Buttes, Sir William, 207.

Button, William, note of manors etc. of, 510.

Buxtehude (Buxtebuden), 48.

Buzemvall, Monsieur, considerations by, 327.
-, mentioned, 385.

Bydland, in Kyrdford, Sussex, 122.

Byllingesley, Mr., 288.

Byllowe, walk of, Notts, 169.

Byng, Thomas, 119.

Byrche, Mr. Baron, 165.

-, John, citizen and draper of London, receipt by, 177.
-, Mr., 133.
-, Nicholas, letter from, 463.
-, -, claimant of goods seized by John Killegrew, 431.

Byrkeland, Notts, 169.

Byrkett, George, schoolmaster, letter from, 202.